When the Whales Came (1989) - full transcript

A pair of children befriend an accentric old man, who lives isolated on the far shore of their island home. But it turns out that the old man knows a terrible secret about the island and the narwhales who sometimes come. Meanwhile WWI is making life hard in the village.

English subtitles by van26

Mother said that,
if they killed the whales

the island would be cursed

but no one'd believe her

then came the hunger,

and the disease.

One by one the families
had to leave.

Mother swore that she would never go, but

then the well ran dry
and we had to leave.

It was the curse that drove us off Samson

and that - was 70 years ago,

and it's with us still.

Never get it back now.

Wind's taken it to Rushin Bay.

We can't go there,
too close

to Birdman's cottage

Oh he won't see us.

Even if he does he can't hurt us.

Who told you that?

Big Tim.
- He's just trying to frighten you.

Come on..

Come on! We've gotta hurry

it's your little brother.

Sanctify this water, to the
mystical washing away of sins,

and grant that this child,
now to be baptised therein,

Daniel! Come here.

May receive the fullness of your grace

And ever remain within the number
of thy elect children

of thy elect children.

What have you named this child?


I baptise thee in the name of
the Father, and of the Son

and of the Holy Ghost.


Enough of that! Daniel!

Let's have some proper music,
something to dance to.

Hey you two - cut that out.

Traey, Mary, come here.

I want to say something.

Now as you know, there's
not many of us here on Bryher right.

So the arrival of young Albert here

is not only welcome to his
proud mother and father,

He's a gift to all of us
and we thank God for him.

So if it's all right with you Vicar,

I'd like to lead us
in the old Scillonian prayer,

which I think's fit.
- Go on Will.

Oh Lord, we would not that
there should be wrecks,

But if there must be wrecks,

Wilt thou send them to Bryher,

for the benefit of our poor inhabitants
and of course young Albert here.

Amen (chorus)

Daniel don't go.

Over here.


It's the one we lost.

What does it mean?

Must've been the Birdman.

You don't know!

Them letters on the beach,
his initials. Must be

You find out his name,
then we'll know for sure.

Why me?

You can ask your father can't you?


Was sand down the aisle,
you could hear people walking on't

Damn boy put her up to it.

Now don't go blaming Daniel.

He gets enough of a battering
from his father.

Drew's a madman when he's drunk

Never used to be like that.

Well he's like it now.

Anyway, Daniel asked for it, see?

Oh leave Daniel be.
He's a clever boy

You seen those boats he makes?

Grace does all the painting.

C'mon eat up before it goes cold.

It's grey mannock, you like that.

Saw the Birdman today.
- Oh yeah.

He got a real name? I mean,

everyone just calls hI'm the Birdman.

Cmon Gracie eat up.

Woodcock. Well

That's what his mother was called anyway,
Molly Woodcock.

See for y'self, down
in the graveyard.

She's the last to leave Samson,
her and the boy

Mystery how they survived down there,
the pair of them.

Dunno - either she's crazy
or a witch or something.. same with him.

Nasty stories about those two.

Yes and stories are all they are.

What about Charlie Webber hey?

Who's Charlie Webber?

Never mind who. What have you and Daniel
been up to?

You havent been over to the
Birdman's cottage have you?

Course she hasn't.

Eat your fish like your mother says.

That fish lived just for us remember,

So give 'I'm a reason for dying, hm?

And maybe I'll take you out w'me
in the boat tomorrow.

It's school tomorrow, it's Monday.

Oh be time enough for
school on Tuesday!

No Jack. She really has to go to school.

Oh God Almighty

You all right now?
- Yes.

Oooh yeah, give us a hand
with this one, Gracie

There, there .. ??? the parts, they are

Make good bait, those.

Put 'em at the bottom of the boat.

Cloud's coming up over Samson.
Wind's getting up a bit fresh,too

Best get back soon.

You ever been there Father?

To where?
- Samson.

No, course not.

No one has.

Anyone sets foot on that place,
they're cursed for ever.

But why?
- Who knows?

I don't understand the whys
and wherefores, Gracie.

It's cursed, all I know.

Wouldnt go over there for all the
tea in China. Keep clear of the place,

Leave the Birdman alone, hm.
Leave him to his birds.

Promise me now.
- I promise.

(singing) my dad was a fisherman bold...

Looks as if it could
Lift off and fly.

that's his duck,

Watching us. I know he is

Don't mind if he is.

You can't write that. You know what
I mean? He'll put curses on us

No, if he wanted to put a spell on us,
he could have done it already.

He gave us a present,
he doesnt want to hurt us.

One day, I'm going to
make something like this.

What if someone finds it?
What are we going to do then?

They mustn't. You heard him Gracie.

You've got a room of your own

I thought I told you to sweep out this shed.

Daniel, why d'ya never do nothing I tell ya?

You don't work, you don't eat.

Now get sweeping!

What are you doing here!
Clear off out of it.

Daniel put more into it
than that, lad.

I thought you were tired.

Never too tired for that

Never the boastful man eh?

You're a wonderful woman.
- Oh Jack.

My beautiful Jack.

I wish...

Don't Clem.

Just be grateful for
what we've got

I just want one more,

I mean I look at Mary's five,

I don't begrudge her, I just

seeing her new one and,

I just think that's not fair - you know.

I know I shouldn't, but

I just want one more -

Hey, come on.
- I don't know.

Babe and Dan, you don't like school, do you?

In you get, go on.

They're always late.
- Yeah well, I can't say I blame them

Now sit down.

Whenever we're late, it's
always them two.

And old Welly belly blows his
top at all of us.

Mr. Wellbeller to you lad.
Lets have some respect now.

Twenty two only, Miss Garton

Twenty two out of forty one,
I don't know why we bother.

Better than yesterday, Mr Willbeller

Yeah but how can we teach 'em?

They don't come to school.
- Most of them do.

Most of the time.

Yeah .. what about those who
do not come, most o' the time?

Like this one.

Miss - Gracie - Jenkins
I believe?

yesterday you had either a cough,
or a cold.

So which is it today?

Cough sir.
- Does look a bit pale.

That is fear Miss Garton, not fever.

Prob'ly been out fishing again.

And now Miss Gracie, tell me what
you'll be writing during the break?

One hundred times, and neat, mind.

Yes sir.

Where were you yesterday boy?

Had to work sir. Father kept
me at home in a boat shed.

Honest sir.
- Honest?

Don't know the meaning
of the word.

I've spoken to your father
on a number of occasions

He has assured me quite categorically
he never keeps you away fom school

to work in the boatshed.

Y'know what the punishment
is for lying.

Yes sir.

But if you punish them
when they do come to school-

They have to learn.
It's our job to teach 'em.

Thank you sir.

His dog's called Prince.
- How do you know?

'Cos he told me, wrote it
in the sand

There he is. What did I tell you

And there'll be a message too.
You'll see.

You'll see.

What's it mean? What's it for?

Left him a message,

Told him I wanted to learn to
carve, just like him.

Can't be no harm in him, can there?

We've nothing like this at home.

And the house fell upon the lords,
and upon the people,

that were therein

So the dead which he slew
at his death

Were more than they
which he slew in his life.

Good. Sit down boy.

Samson, children.

There is much to be learned
from Samson.

The Philistines are upon us.

Philistines are upon us.

Poor beguiled Samson, but
we must not

be caught asleep.

We have our own Philistines
children, and they will

be upon us if we should slumber!

I mean...

the Germans, the Hun!

As we all call him

He is our Philistine!

And mark my words, before
this year is out

we shall be at war with him,
or maybe sooner.

It will come to war,

I know it will.


It's good.

It's the best one I've ever made.

How're we going to give it
to the Birdman?

I'm not going out to his cottage.
- Won't have to.

Same way as he gave us the cormorant


Just look 'round this table.

I've got 7 mouths to feed.

That Jenkins, he's only got three.

I've got seven!

How'd you think it's done
ay? Magic?

I can't have you dodging off,
you little devil.

Don't call him that.

I'll call him what I please.

Spends all his time with
that Jenkins girl

And when he isn't off with her,
he's ??farbin his typos ??

He's only young.

Young! When Tim was his age he
was working all day in the shed.

Yeah I was.

Can I go, Mother?

You can help Tim on the boat.

Make sure you giv'im plenty
to do Tim. - I will.

don't go getting yourself
all wet, now

don't go getting yourself
all wet, now?

that's why he's like he is.

you coddle him. Always have!

How's he ever going to grow
up big and strong

if you baby him all his life?

Big and strong aren't everything.

Puts food in y'mouth, doesn't it?

Don't shout.

Who's shouting!

You're upsetting Albert.
He's not well.

He'll be all right,

Just needs some fresh air,
that's all.

I'm going out.

Coming, Tim?

Wonder what he goes off
to Samson for?

P'raps he goes fishing
over there.

Nah, he's always out in rough weather

Ghosts over there,

only have to look at it to tell.

Don't believe in ghosts.

I do.

Brought Daniel with me.

So I see. Hello Daniel.

There's some hot soup on the stove
if you want it.

No thanks.

Where's Father?

He's gone to a meeting,
they've all gone.

What for?

Here - dry your hair Gracie,
you're soaking wet.

What's happened?

The war's happened.

- Bob said there wouldn't be a war, he said so.

Think he was wrong, Gracie.

That's how to do it. Remember?

Take care Mr Woodcock. Take care

It's the Birdman's
- Could be anyone's.

He's been wrecked, I know he has.

I'm going up there. It's all
right Gracie, honest it is.


Thank you Daniel.

I was afraid you'd never come.

Here - look out here.

Look out there. Can you see 'im?

The whole bay is full of timber

I lost an oar out there.

Bit of a job getting
my boat back through 'em,

Not easy with one oar.

We found it Mr Woodcock,
it's down on the beach.

We thought you were done for,
me and Gracie.

Why we came up here. We weren't
prying honest

Just wanted to see if you
and Prince got back safely.

door was open.

Saw you yesterday going
off to Samson. We were

Down on the beach.

And we saw you, off
on your boat.

So when we found the oar.
we thought -

Tell him about something else,
tell him about the war.

War's begun, Mr Woodcock,
just like Wellybelly said.

I'm deaf, Daniel,

Im as deaf as they are.

I can't even hear the sea.

You got something you want to tell me,
youll have to write it down.

Here - you spell better. tell
him about the war.

It's wrong. It's wicked.

All killin' is wicked!

Never mind.

You best be going now,
and quickly

Won't do that timber no good
to be left in the sea.

Tell 'em to get to Stony Par
as quick as they can.

you get on back now.


Come back here, I got something

Don't think there's much more
I c'n do with this 'un.

Would you like to take it with you?

Beautiful. Beau - t - iful.

Thank you.
- Thank you Mr Woodcock.

Have you - started
on that puffin yet?

Good. That's good.

You come back and see me now.
Don't forget.

DANIEL! Get over here.

Have you seen anything yet?
- Nothing.

Keep your eyes peeled.
- Yes

Hey. Better take this, keep warm.

That's the Preventative coming.

Go and tell everyone in the ??, go on

And tell the vicar to
meet me on the beach.

Hey Steve. Come 'ere

You warm?
- Yes.

Well give us me coat back,
I'm froze to death.

Wouldn't mind if I take a look
around, will you?

It's your job, Mr. Bullhead, I know that

Lot of timber's been washed up
at St Martin's, any found here?

Not so far as I know.

I'll look at the beaches on the west
side first.


What's strange?

Stony Par. Clean as a whistle down there.

You'd thought a storm like that would
have thrown up a lot of debris.

Very strange. - yeah.

Perhaps they've already been

out to pick up the driftwood.


(faintly) He's coming. He's coming!

He's coming in here! Come quickly

Hello sir!
- Preventative.

Mind if I take a look around Mr Jenkins?
- No, course not, come on in

We're after timber.

Good sound timber, worth a lot of money.

I dare say.

You seen any of it?
Would've come in on yesterday's tide.

West Coast.
- West coast you say?

No we hardly ever go over that
side of the island. Dangerous there

Y'know, sea gets up and you're down on
the rocks, you're a goner..

No, youve had a good look over there?
- Couldn't see anything.

No, I'm afraid I can't ..

Mr Jenkins I'd like to remind you
that any such timber

is the property of the Crown.

You do understand that

Yes I'm a law abiding man, Mr. Bullhead
same as we all are on Bryher,

Yes. Perhaps your little
Gracie's seen something

Now then, Gracie

you see any timber?

No sir.

You have, havent you!

If she says she hasn't, then she hasn't
Mr Bullhed.

I see. Well if you've got nothing to
hide, won't mind if I

search the house will you?
- No, 'course not. Help yourself.

Start from the roof and
work downwards.

It's all right Gracie - be
gone soon. Come on.

Well I did say there'd
be dead birds up here didnt I?

Look Clem what I found, Clem.

Lasted so long, we almost
forgot we'd got it.

Look'a that.

You havent see this before
Gracie, have you?

my grandfather made this,
over.. well I don't know

Fifty years or so ago, now.
- I'd forgotten all about that.

Often wondered where it got to.

Enough of it up there now, ay.

I'll be off then.
- Right.

Thanks for this!
- Glad to be of service.


Me and Daniel made it - honest!

You don't expect me to believe
that do you?

Ask him if you like.
- Now, Gracie

I know Daniel's clever
with his hands, but-

anyway what was it doing in the roof?

It was a Christmas present.
It was a secret!

I'm never ever ever going to
give you anything ever again.

I'll go, shall I?

She's not going to believe this.

Lemme? Lemme.. Lemme

He made this one, too.

You made this all by hourself?

Mmm, on my own.

How did you learn?

I taught myself.

It's really beautiful, Danny.

It's perfect, ever see anything like that?

That cormorant, it's really beautiful.

- Gracie.

Come on down, Daniel's here.

I'm sorry Gracie.

Forgiven, am I? Mmm?

Damn right girl.

Safe until next time.

You look like a pair of moths caught
in a spider's web, hey.

You've never mended nets
before have you?

Course I have.
- Well it don't much look like it. C'mon.

Well it's a right pig's ear
you made of this one, isn't it?

Father said I've got to stay
in till i finish it

Ah, well, drive a cart through
this one, couldn't you.

Now you take my old man,
God rest his soul.

He brought me up
in the proper manner

Just as well he did,
I can tell you.

Did you teach you that as well?

Soon as I could walk!

Like talking to yourself..

You're faster than anyone.

You want to watch out for
this one Captain, I tell you

Here, Captain!

Don't forget your parrot.

It's a puffin.

Where are those two off too?

I don't know.

Up to no good, I shouldn't wonder.
- You shouldn't be at all suprised.

Make a fine pair though don't they?

Your Gracie's got an eye on him,
you know.

Bit young for that ain't they?

Oh Jack, never too young for that,
You're only too old!

I don't know -

Wonder what sort of life it's going to
be for them when we're gone, Will

oh much the same as before.

not so sure.

Theres no life for them,
stuck out here.

Oh I see. So you're
thinking of leaving are you Jack?

I've thought about it. I mean it!
- Oh yeah

And I've thought about going
to the Moon

but I ain't going there.

Now look Jack, we was born
here and so was they

They'd be fish out of
water on the mainland.

Jack, he was just paying the rent

Well look at it like this.

See feeds us right?
- Mmm.

Now if she takes one of us
from time to time,

We're just paying the rent.

Well there's times when I think
we should have a change of landlord.

You come back then.

We were, just, going down the rocks.

Want to come with us?

You should have seen it.
Must have been a thousand planks,

And we just made 'em disappear.

He can't understand you,
can see that.

Talk with your lips, Daniel
and slowly.

Use your hands, and
not too many words.

I've got to see the words.

I think I'd like to be a seal.

She says, she - would like - to be - a seal

A seal. Look

Ah. I'd like to be a bird.

Id like to be up there.

You can talk to them
you know.

They talk with their eyes.
Look at him

He likes it if you whistle - look, watch.

See, he does like it.

That rock, back on there
will you Daniel.

Do you - ever - get stung?

Sometimes. But only if
they get frightened.

Just look at that Daniel. That's perfect.

The bees don't know what they do,
they just do it.

now them over there,
they're frightened of me.

(crashing near beach)

What is it Jack?

What's that?
- Sorry just a bit of thunder.

Its all right Gracie, go
back to bed.

Can I get into your
bed, please?

That wasn't thunder, was it Jack?

They're boys, theyre only boys Triv.

Where's the navy? Where's
the bloody navy?

This helmet, children, comes
from the battlefields of France.

That's enough of that.

Now pay attention

They have more soldiers
and more guns.

And everywhere our brave
little army is holding.

Over here near Ypres
we have driven them back

We must be vigilant.

For there are spies everywhere,

And they must be rooted
out, I tell you

We will now sing the national anthem
as we have done every morning

and as we shall do
until the war is won.

And sing it loud children,

So they can hear it
over there, in France.

Mr Garton!

(piano) God save our gracious King..

You know what this is?

Where'd you find it? Hey?

It's off one of our ships.

Hundred men or more lost. Good men.

You're playing with it, like
a toy. Go home.

You know the best hope
we can give is by carrying on.

250,000 men killed or wounded.
that's what Will says - we're winning...

Jack you can't blame yourself,
you can't take the whole world

on your shoulders.
- But it's not good enough Clem is it?

Not for me.

I'll never be able to do it.

I can't do it like that.
I can't do it like this.

Its some feathers that'll do it.

You've got to study
them damn you.

You can do it.

Jack where have you been?

I can't stand by
and watch, any more.

Don't you worry about me

I'll be back before you know it.

(pub) Oh for he's a jolly good fellow...

We all know Jack's
a good fellow, right?

You'd better bloody come back
safe and sound

Theres quicksand here,
there's quicksand!

Make yourself presentable!


Last delivery my love,
brought him home like I said.

(piano) God be with you
till we meet again

Next term begins January 10th.,
and you better be here,

and all on time. Now,
get out of my sight!

I miss them in the holidays and
I think you do too.

I have my chapel
and my preaching.

I'm never alone..

Merry Christmas Mr Woodcock.
- Merry Christmas.

Ah.. that's beautiful.

That was a long time ago.
Before -

A ghost is a soul, so
darkened with sin and shame

Yes there are ghosts on Samson,

I didnt mean to-

You get on home now,
and thank you for the puffin.

Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas.

The ship I'm on Gracie is
a hundred times bigger than hours

Im a married woman, like
You're a married man.

got enough to eat?

A few potatoes, but

The hens have stopped laying.

No eggs.


She can't catch anything.
She - catch - no - fish.

Oh I forgot to put the
hens in and there's rats about.

I'll do it. - You will?

I reckon we ought to eat
them, they never lay any eggs.

Too skinny for that. Not enough
to feed a flea.


Thank you for the honey.

Thank the bees.

Thank you for the milk.

Thank Bertha and Bessie

thank you for the potatoes.

You'll have to thank God for those.

if I could just get out and
do a bit of fishing.

But I told you, me and Daniel

No Gracie, I told you
its too dangerous

you're not going out there.

You steering ??
- Yeah. I'm trying to, anyway.

Tide's too strong.
It's going to take us out to sea.

Unless we head for Samson.
- You can't, you mustn't.

We have to. We'll get
taken out there..

(Gracie singing)

I'm thirsty.
- Should be a well somewhere.

Dry. Let's try further up.

Thought it was carved at first.

It's off a unicorn, a real unicorn!

no such thing.
- How do you know?

Tide'll turn soon. No hurry to
get back, Father's going

to strap me anyway.

We mustn't tell him we went
to Samson. Only make things worse

We went out fishing, got lost.

He won't mind - couldn't hardly
help it could we?

Im going to teach him a damn good lesson.
- You go easy on him, Tre

Family business, Will.

Steal my boat would you?
- I wasnt, I was only borrowing it!

Every boat on this island's
been out looking for you.

Oh Gracie promise me,
you'll never ever ever do that again.

I promise.

I know why you went on that boat Gracie.

And I know that your father
would've been proud of you.

And I am too.

War can't last for ever, can it?

No. Here take your milk and go
up to bed. You're cold.

don't you never go near that island.
Never - do you hear.

(Clem sobbing)

Gracie- Gracie come here.

He's not coming back Gracie.
He's not coming back.

There is no greater sacrifice

Than a man laying down his life
for his friends.

As our Lord himself has showed us

We honor their memory,

We shall not forget.

Remember now,

As we say the blessing.

The blessing of God almighty, the Father

the Son and the Holy Ghost

Be with us all, evermore.

Amen. (Amen)

Gracie, can I come in just
for a minute

How art thee?
- Well.

I've just come to pay my respects, Clem

To say how sorry we all are,

Maisie, the children and me.

I'll come back. Just to say were praying for you.

You know there's been people in and
out of here all day,

And not one of them
have mentioned Jack.

They're frightened to say his name.

Anything I can do to help dear.
You've only got to ask.

I know.

It was him!

I don't understand.

Mr Woodcock!

No you mustn't.

It was him all the time.

So how did he know?

By the time we've finished with
his kyte ??,

he won't want to live
there any more!

But- how'd he know this boy anyway?

We know. We seen the fires he lights, don't we?

Burn him out!
- Yeah

Drive 'im off the island for good.

You don't do nothing I
tell you, do you?

I told you to maintain nets,

I told you to clean
out the lobster pots!

You didn't do it, any of it.

Spend your time larking around
with those fool friends of yours

But I'll show you.

Shed for you!

Gracie. Gracie wake up.

C'mon, it's the Birdman, he needs us.

Look there he is.

What is it?

It's like - the ones - on Samson
isn't it?

There'll be others out there,
and they'll all come in.

We've got to get him back into
the water

Else they'll all beach themselves,
just like they did before.

But theyre bur-ning it down - burning

Why... it doesnt matter..
this is all that matters now.

Weve got to get it back in the sea
Tim, before it dies

You gotta help us,
the Birdman sys.

Will you help us?

I help you?
That whale belongs to all of us!

If you want it for yourself, you've
got to drag it above high water mark

You wanted help - I'll get you help!
I'll get you all the help you need.

He wants to - kill it,
Mr Woodcock,

Not this time.

that's just how it happened on Samson.

What did happen? Why don't
YOU tell me?

You know, when I was little,
I lived on Samson

It was a hard place to live

And then, one day, a whale
came just like this one.

My mother and me tried to roll it
back into the sea,

but we couldn't move it. And all the time
more and more whales were coming in.

and then the islanders came,
and I thought they were

going to help us, but

They only wanted to
kill the whales.

And so the slaughter began.

See there, didnt I tell you?

that's a nalwa
Wonderful ivory they say.

Look we don't care what
that creature is,

It's all money to us. If it washes
up on our shores, it's ours.

Its always been that way! - Right.

Daniel, Mr Woodcock, out of the way now.
C'mon, full shares all round.

That's the way it is on this island,
always has been

No! No you mustn't.

Daniel! God does indeed move in
mysterious ways Daniel.

He sends the riches of the sea
for all of us to share in.

You told us it caught fire

But you never told us how.

Well, cos he's a spy!

Don't talk soft lad.
He's no spy!

Its no use Father,
he's deaf.


Theyre going - to kill - him.

Then they'll have to kill me first!

That creature must be saved, we
must get him back in the water.

And then we must drive 'em all
back out to sea where they belong.

What are we waiting for? Come on!

You - must - tell - them.

It happened before, on Samson.

The whales came.

The islanders couldn't believe their luck.

They slaughtered them all.

Took the horns for sale
on the mainland.

Found one later washed up

Their ship went down with all hands.

My father among 'em.

My mother'd told them that Samson
was cursed.

But, no one believed 'er.

Then came the hunger and the disease.

One by one the families had to leave

We were the last to go,
my mother and me.

She always swore she'd never leave
my father's ghost behind on the island

But then- the well, the well ran dry.

We had to go. It's been
dry since we left.

That was the curse of Samson,
dried the well.

And silenced my ears...

I've done all I can to fight it.

All my life I've
warned everyone off

I go over there every day
whenever there's a storm,

Light the beacon, keep
the ships off the rocks.

I done all I could, but it was not enough

Now do you see WHY these
creatures must be saved?

It's true.

I can see it - why can't you?

Well I don't know what's happening
any more than you do,

But what I do know is, we've got to
get that creature back in the sea.


It's not over yet.

Look at 'em. They're coming in.

We're going to have to turn
them before high tide.

- I don't know.

Fire. That will do it Will.

By God, you're right.

Get anything that'll burn, anything!

That'll move them. Come on!

You've done enough Mr Willcock.
Tell him, Daniel

Tell him he's done enough.

We're stayin'. Just in case.

All right. Come on, Vicar

He's out there. He's gone..

Free at last.

What's that bell ringing?
- don't know, let's go and see

What is it?
- ?? to try us as well, did you?

Bit late for breakfast, aren't I?

All right. C'mon girl

Welcome back Jack.
Welcome back.

C'mon. All right you look fine Jack.

Thanks Trev.


What are you after?
go on then. - Thank you.
