Times & Measures (2020) - full transcript

Struggling to make ends meet, single Mother, Corina buys a second hand phone, but there's a SIM card wedged inside. As she tries to remove it, the phone begins to ring. It's an offer she can't refuse.

Oh, morning!

Sorry, Mum can I nick these?

Where you going with those?

You want a brew?


There you go.

Why you in such a rush?

Mock exams mum!

Mum, I've been studying these for ages
how can you forget this?

Anyway, I'm meeting Emma before school
to run through some questions.

Just don't like it, they have you doing
so much all the time.

All these tests, revision, homework.

When do you actually get time to
learn something outside of a book?

Like life?

I'm off.

Oh. Your tea?

Have two. You deserve it.

Have a nice day.

Dear Corina Hades.

We regret to inform you
that you haven't been successful

in your application for Administration
Manager. We thank you for your time.

The person you are
trying to call is...

The person you are
trying to call is not available.

Please leave a message,
or try calling again later.


Whatever this is.

You better snap out of it
and come back and help your family.

If not for me.

Then for your daughter.

You know, how could you do this
to her!?

Oh, hi Mel.

How was your, um...

Yeah fine thanks.

Yeah your exam.

You OK?

Yeah, yeah I'm fine.

Just got a lot on my mind, that's all.


I need to get a new phone.

Ha, what, to
call all your friends?

Sorry, that was below the belt.

Why do you need a new phone?

Well I tried to call your dad
didn't I?

Well, I told you that was going to
end in tears.

Yeah, well.

I really need to get a new phone now
but I really shouldn't be spending
out on one.

Well you don't really use it anyway
to be honest, mum.

Well I need to be able to take calls
and the speaker, look, it's broke!

Not in a nasty way but who you
expecting calls from, honestly?

I'm just waiting for a few
employment agencies to call and, like...


I thought you were all sorted?

Well I didn't want to worry you did I.

No I need to know mum,
I need to help.

I'll get a part-time job
stacking shelves or something.

No. No way.

You're seventeen you should be out
having fun, you know.

Not worrying about keeping the
roof over our heads.


I already tried to get a job
stacking shelves and I got rejected.

And it appears that I can't even get a job

flipping burgers or
scubbing toilets either.

What? How?

You were some like big time
businesswomen right?

You'll be snapped up like that, surely?

I'm in something that I like to
call a 'grey area' of employment

I'm too overqualified for the lower
end jobs and too long out of employment

for the higher-end ones.

So they're punishing you for choosing
to be a mum.

That's sexist they can't do that!

You can burn all the bras you want Mel
but sometimes life,

it just doesn't work out the way you want.

That why you called Dad?

For help?

What a prick.


Well he is!

He might be a prick but he's still
your Dad.


I'm the only one in this house that's
allowed to speak badly of him, OK?

You know you're lucky to have a mum
like me. You know that, right?



Living room!

I got one!

Oh let me see.

What the hell is that!?

Don't Mel I mean, it's all I could afford!

I doubt I was even born
when this came out!

Alright! When I get a job
I'll get a better one.

But right now, I mean, all I need to do
is make and receive calls

so it'll do won't it?

To be honest mum, I don't even think
it's going to be able to do that.

You going to help me sort it?

OK, well, where's your old phone?
I just need to put that SIM card in.

Here you go.

Did you get this on a new contract?

No I got it from the second-hand
phone shop on the corner.

Why you say that?

There's already a SIM card in here.

You got any tweezers?

Yeah upstairs.

Well I need to get this out
to put your SIM in!

Don't you break it, alright!

I think it's going to take a bit more
than some tweezers to break this brick.

Alright, here you go.

It won't come out.

Alright, I'm meeting Emma at two
so I really need to get ready.

You have a try.


OK, just leave it on charge and I'll
sort it when I get back.

OK well I'm off Mum
see you later!

OK be careful.

Oh yeah, hi there, yea, erm,
I need to speak to someone about

a declined council support request please?

So there's no one available
who can speak to me?

Well can I request a revaluation please?

Well how long is that going to take?

And what do you expect me to do
in the meantime?

Sorry, who am I speaking to?


OK, erm, well for your information Sue...

Yea. Well my Daughter and I...
We're in absolute dire straights

to put it bluntly.

Erm, we're literally days away from losing
our home and being out on the streets so.

No, she's seventeen?

Well I don't have anyone else
who I can ask for help.

My husband walked out on us six months ago
if you must know.

The mortgage is in his name.

Anyway, aren't you the ones who are
supposed to be helping us?

Like, isn't this why we pay tax?

For you to help us?


Yeah OK Sue, yeah.

OK I'll write a letter. Yeah.


Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Thanks.

That you?


Good. I'll text you the
coordinates for the parcel pickup.

Hi Mum.

Oh hi. Good night?

Yeah. I'm going for a shower.

OK but just don't use
all the hot water yeah?

I won't.

Mum, what are these?

Just something the doctor prescribed me
a while back.

What, so you're taking

No! No I'm not!

What are they then?

The Doctor prescribed me a while back
but I've never taken them.

Look at the packet
if you don't believe me.

No it's fine I believe you.

I just don't know why you didn't tell me?

Well there's nothing to tell, Mel, really.

Just one mention of the word 'sad'
these days and the doctors are

literally throwing antidepressants at you
like they're sweets!

It's nothing for you to worry about.

Go and put them back
where you found them.

They might catch us a few bob
if we need it.

Here you go.

Oh thanks Mum.

You not eating?

Oh not today, I'm not hungry.

Actually, you can finish mine if you want
I just realised the time.


Have a nice day.

That's far enough.

Here it is.

Now you know the drill.

Once it's done,
I'll text you collection coordinates.


Where are you?

Mum, you upstairs?



I'm starving what's for dinner?

Beans on toast?


What you been doing?

I'm cleaning out the cupboards.

Oh. OK.

Mum, you alright?


Yeah I'm fine. Yeah.
Just not hungry.

You weren't hungry this morning either.

You sure you're not coming down
with something?

Hm. Yeah maybe I am?

Think I'm going to call it a night
and try and sleep it off.

You OK to finish that
and clear the plates up?

Yeah of course.

I'm not going to kiss you
because of my germs, OK?

I love you.

I love you too.

Right, night darling.


Mel! What you doing up?

Well I heard noises. What are you
doing up sneaking around?

You've been really funny today Mum,
are you sure everything's alright?

You're not taking those pills are you?

No! No, I'm just
a bit low at the moment.

You know, as much as
I hate your dad, I do miss him too.

Oh Mum.

You have a nightmare?
Want to sleep in my bed tonight?

I think I'll be alright.

Want to have a hot chocolate
and talk about it?

I'm fine.

Well I'm here if you need me.

Now get some sleep OK
and don't worry about that...

'person of interest'.

Go'on. Bed.

Oh alright Mel?

I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't
be putting that kind of thing on you.

No it's fine Mum.
You feeling any better today?

Nah, still don't feel great so I
wouldn't come too close if I were you.

Alright well hand my tea over
and I'll be on my way.

Here you go.

Actually, I'm running late
can I take some toast to go?

Yeah, sure.


What's wrong with crusts?

No worries, I'm fine.

They're supposed to be good for you!

Have a nice day.

Mum I'm out tonight.
What time's dinner?

I'll make it now if you fancy?

Yeah what we got?

Beans on toast?

Hm, again?

Spaghetti hoops?

Here you go.

No beans then?

Thought I'd mix it up a bit.

Sandwiches Mum?

You can't beat a good sandwich!



I'm not five, Mum.

You love it!

That's your bloody Father, that.
He told me you eat it out the jar.

So are going to address the
Voldemort in the room?

Look, I'll always love your Father.
He gave me you!

Oh that's such a cliche cop out that all
broken up parents say!

Be honest. You hate him!

Admit it, you've got a little
Desmond Voodoo doll upstairs

with pins stuck in him.

Well, I mean, not quite.
But it's quite a good idea!

Mum. It's fine, you can be honest
with me I understand.

If my husband walked out on me
after twenty years leaving nothing

but a sorry note, I'd be livid!

You know.

You need to get a boyfriend, Mel
before you can have a husband?



I'm off.

Staying at Emma's tonight
so I'll be back sometime tomorrow.

No kiss?


You nearly gave me a heart attack!


I thought you was staying around Emma's?

Yeah, nah, I didn't fancy it.

A hammer mum?

I took some extra precautions
when your Dad left didn't I.

I didn't even know we owned a hammer.

You been drinking?

One more year, why can't you just wait
one more bloody year.

Oh come on Mum it's fine!

What are you doing anyway down here
making such a racket?

Trying to make noodles but I can't
get the poxy hob to turn on!

Well that's because
you're bloody drunk Mel.

Why don't you go and get yourself
off to bed. Go on!

I'll bring you up some water.

Thanks Mum.


OK well that all sounds
fine Corina.

So the candidate we're
looking for would really need to have

An extensive knowledge of all
the latest administrational software.

Mainly the entire
'Office' Suite.

Is this something you are
confident with?

Oh yes I'm totally competent with
all the latest Office Software.

OK great so if I were
to ask you to run an 'index match'

What would that be
in reference to?

Well an 'Index Match' is the advanced
alternative to the V and HLOOKUP formulas

so you'd be requesting a more advanced
financial analysis or a model.

OK great. Very impressive.

Ha, thank you.

Well, everything seems fine
with your credentials.

Oh there's just one
last question I need to ask.

Oh please fire away.

We noticed that there is a sixteen
year gap in your employment history

can you explain this please?

Oh yes, so, erm. I had my beautiful
daughter seventeen years ago

and after much deliberation, erm, I
decided to give up full-time employment

and be a stay at home mum.

And what now brings you back
to employment, may I ask?

Oh my Daughter she's now coming of age,
she doesn't need me anymore, so

you know, I feel like
now is the right time...

I'm sorry Corina I'm just
going to stop you there, thank you so much

For your time.

Oh thank you.

I think I've heard
everything I need to know now.

So we'll be in contact
with you in due course.

OK then, thank you.

OK thanks, bye.

Thank you. Thank you.

Alright stranger.

Well I'm guessing you don't want
anything to eat?



Interesting combo
you've got going there, Mum.

Skype interview.

Any good?

Some people just want to
watch the world burn.

Take that as a 'no' then.

And I'll take it you had a good night
of underage drinking again?

Oh Mum, please.

I'm closer to eighteen than
seventeen now anyway.

What does the law think is going to
change in me within the next six months?

One day I'll go to bed seventeen and
I'll wake up eighteen.

Nothing in me will have changed to
control drink any better so

I might as well start now.

Absolute shambles.

Apple. Tree!

Well I wouldn't get too comfy on that
sofa if I was you.

Found a buyer. Coming to
pick it up later.

What? Where are we going to sit?

The human race survived thousands
of years without sofas, Mel.

I'm sure we'll cope.

Listen when I get a new job
I'll buy us a new suite I promise.

We interrupt this
scheduled broadcast with breaking news.

Minister of State,
Aden Archer has been found shot dead

At his home in Greenwich.

There are no leads
at this time, but a full investigation

Is underway.

Mr Archer was last seen
by his wife just earlier

That very morning.

Police inform us that
Mrs Archer returned home from work

To find their home
had been broken into

And then tragically
found the Minister of State shot dead.






You alright?

Yeah I'm fine.

What's wrong, did you know him?

No, I didn't know him.


It's all just a bit, shocking, isn't it?

Oh. Right. Yeah it is.

What's that?


Mum, what's wrong?


We're broke, Mel.

We're broke, we don't have anything.

What? Why?

We're literally days away from losing
this house and there's nothing I can do

to stop it. I can't do it!

I've tried!

It's not your fault.

It is my fault, I've been applying
for job after job after job.

And no one will take me on!

Don't you dare blame yourself!

We'll get through this I promise.

I just need a moment.


I love you.

I love you.

They think I did it.

Are you...

I'm OK now. I just needed to
clear my head and make a plan.

Look, you can't stay here
when we've got no electricity.

Do you think Emma's Mum will let
you crash at her's for a few days?

Yeah, I'm sure that'll be fine.

Don't you worry about a thing OK?

In a few days we'll be back
to normal.

Go and pack a bag, yeah?

Oh fuck off!


No it's me.


Whenever you're ready.
Come meet me downstairs.

How romantic.

Well I noticed your gas and electric
aren't working my dear

so I took some initiative.

Sit. Please.

Fuck you.

You think you can just walk out
on your wife and kid?

And then waltz back in here
like nothing happened?

Cori, please. Just...

Not until you explain to me
what the hell this is.

Do you have any idea
what we've been through?

I believe this is yours?

Please. Just sit.

Thank you.

Now, apologies for
showing up like this

I'm afraid I haven't got
much time to explain.

Was this all you?

In a word, yes.

If you'll allow me to be frank
for a moment, Cori.

My life with you, and with Melanie
is something of a lie.

No shit.

You really have changed
haven't you?

That's pot calling kettle
dont you think?

Ha, yes quite.


I am truly sorry for
walking out like I did but

I needed to lay low.

It was something of a
selfless act for all of us

'desperate times' and all that.

Don't you talk to me about
desperate times.


I've been having a few problems
at the office

and I'm now in need of
a new associate.

A new associate.
So this was all you.

Like some sick little game.

Well, hardly a game.

More of a test.

Who the hell do you think you are?

Hannibal bleedin' Lecter?

You flatter me.


I really don't have much time.
The point is this.

In my line of work
there's not many people you can trust.

I've known you longer than anyone

and I believe you are one of the last
few people I can rely on in this world.

And, with your...


And my recent requirement.

I thought this could work out
rather well for the both of us.

So everything...

From the phone...


I'll admit that was
my one hiccup.

He was merely meant to
leave the case.

He somehow caught wind of his
replacement and...


He didn't take it very well.

What is this?

Am I still asleep, dreaming?

Am I!?

Corina, that honestly
wasn't meant to happen

but my God, look at you!

Look at how you dealt with
the situation!

I killed a man.

I killed a man!

In self-defence.

I shouldn't have even
been in that situation.

Explain to me. Explain how
my apparently

beloved husband of twenty years

sets me up to be
potentially murdered.

He tried to murder me.

And you want me to sit here and say
'thank you for the opportunity'?

Well I did clean up
that little mess of yours

so some small gratification
would suffice.

OK, Corina, look I really am
running out of time now. Brass tacks.

I know you're in desparate need of help

and this is how I can put everything
right again. For both of you.

I mean, for God's sake
we're sat here in the dark right now


That's no life.

Am I right in assuming
you get how this all works now?

I give you coordinates
for a pickup.

You then provide my contact
with that pickup

and pay them on delivery.

A twenty percent cut off the top
for you, of course.


You could have come to me at any time.
But you waited and you waited

until I was in dire straights didn't you?

Why would I do this for you?

How the hell
am I supposed to trust you?

Because you've run out of options.

How long before time runs out
and you lose everything?

Let me help put things right.


A lot of money Cori.

You're not even involved,
merely a messenger.

And we all know how that ends don't we?

Right, I really must be going now.
You've got my number.

Sit down.

Sit down!

I deserve an explanation.
That's the least you can give me.

I loved you.

Our marriage. Was it even real?

It served a purpose.

I gave up everything for you.
For your career.



Oh why the career change?

The opportunity arose and I accepted.

So that answers that then.

How long?

Two years, give or take.

So how the hell do you go from being
a Psychology Professor

to whatever this is?

Was it you
that killed that poor Aden fella?

Ah, that was always arranged to happen.
Your scenario was never to kill

it was to asses.

I like to think of it as something of
my Pavlovian masterpiece.

So I'm just some
drooling dog to you?

Ah so you were listening?

Get out.

This and plenty more can be yours
if you make the right decision.

Mum, are you awake?

Mel! What you doing back?

It didn't feel right
leaving you here on your own.

So I thought we could be cold
and hungry together.

How are you dealing with this
so much better than me?

You're lucky to have a daughter like me
you know that?

I am.

You're my rock
you know that, don't you?

Did you manage to sort out
what you were planning?

Are we going to lose the house?




We're going to be fine.