This Earth Is Mine (1959) - full transcript

In 1931, Elizabeth Rambeau comes from England to live in California with her aunt and uncle of a winemaking dynasty, who are still wealthy despite 12 years of Prohibition. Object: marriage to the heir of another vineyard, to further consolidate holdings in the Valley. But John Rambeau, Elizabeth's illegitimate cousin, has other ideas about who she should marry, and sharply opposes patriarch Philippe's refusal to sell wine grapes to bootleggers. John's activities bring violence to the valley, and soap opera to the Rambeau family...




and why my love when we cross my arms


I own the glow

that summer own the grave that's on the


beside your lips design this earth is


I saw your eyes and a precise


the valley blue the mountain sing



I'll take your luggage remember Junction

is next time


your Elizabeth yes I'm Francis Ferren

your uncle husband of your Aunt Martha

Rambo I was sent to welcome you and I

most certainly do will you give me your

baggage checks David only one yes this

is David the son of cue David will you

give this to Henry and with this luggage

in a pickup the cars over here


those are the Rambo vineyards on our

left and on our right the fair on

vineyards as far as the eye can see

in all directions

do you like our Valley it's very large

not much like England all of this land

of the United States is very large



I'm not making a very good start am i at

what well you aren't massive grandfather

all the others I don't know taking into

your home I have no real claim on you

I should at least try and make you like

me we are your family


this is your Aunt Martha I'm so glad to

see you

we've been looking forward to having you

here your grandfather's waiting


I said to chew this morning I hoped

you'd be a rainbow and looks as well as

your name and you are grandfather Rambo

a real rabbit you the granddaughter is


you came to California as long ago as I

myself is my closest friend now tell me

how is my renegade son lawn is well you

call your father lon he is he likes it

we both do it's extraordinary

then I tu would be Philippe father it's

a bargain I insist on a center to me and

now she's mine to make happy come tell

me everything must have some rest before


oh I'm sorry forgive me we'll talk later


LAN sent you a present he wanted me to

carry it to you by hand it's in my case

a present for me to go with Elizabeth

and get it it's good to have the breath

of youth in this old house again hey


yes far now we can plan some excitement

get some fun out of life






look at this Elizabeth and you too Andre

this is a great every time there's a new

guest grandfather tells the same old

chestnut it is a fruit that is picked

from a vine look at it it's a simple

thing but look at it closely the grape

is the living proof of the existence of

God because it is a fruit which God

created complete and which knows what it

was created for and knows what to do

it will turn itself into wine it will

not necessarily turn itself into a good

wine it will not turn itself into a

Rambo wine but it will turn itself into

wine from the infancy of the world wine

has been the symbol of man's communion

with God a wine is used in church when

we Kris not sure it is you is it mass

when we make our vows of marriage the

first miracle of our blessed Savior was

performed at a wedding when he turned

the water into wine to bless the union

of a happy couple and with this wine in

this glass sent to me by my son lon I am

most happy tonight to welcome a new

member into our family my dear

granddaughter Elizabeth

speech spray speech it's very nice of

you of all of you to try to make me feel

that I belong and to give me this

welcoming let me know that there's some

place that I am that I am a member of

the family I know that the grandfather

and admire have written several times to

my father asking me to visit the first

time was when my mother died but he

wanted me with him we liked being

together and doing things together and -

that is it seems that this time was the

time that he should send that I should

come here I I don't know all of you yet

I hardly know your names yet but I'll

promise to correct that

oh yeah there's a newcomers riffraff

come on that's what that's a good idea

natio Martin why not oh I'm ready I can

dress the fences room let's go up I'll

meet you back here I don't have a

swimming costume I put one in your room

thank you have a good swim idea which

one are you

another Rambo John a cousin well almost

a cousin pretty confused aren't you yes

I am who is that one that the woman

talking without Nasser

why that's the mother of Andre your

intended your aunt twice removed your

that scrambled you don't know which end

is up where's Andre I think you still in

the house changed yes it's nice out here

quite a sight listen listen to the vines

you can almost hear them grow what oh

you're being funny

look at that mineralized earth the best

grapes oil in the world and so what I

don't understand got a thing called

prohibition here haven't you heard

something about it an amendment to the

Constitution of the United States if you

can imagine an eighteenth Amendment to

legislate what a free people shall put

in their stomach to us it means we can't

sell wine seems silly this silly we've

had it for 12 long years how do you like

the Klan how can I know yet

your precious mineralized earth getting

in my shoes taking off why don't you

when one my hoes take them off too

I'll bet you've never had your naked

feet in the ground before your life

feels very peculiar but it feels good

didn't you know you were being brought

over for a wedding no I did not

that's the way it's done in our clan you

see old Phillipe Rambo

had a lot of this earth but not enough

and he had two daughters there were two

men named Ferrand with a lot of his

earth and so he married Isabel off to

Ronald and that was absorbed and he

married Martha off to Francis and that

was absorbed another Stag's Leap and if

Andre marries out of the family it goes

out of the family

and here we go again look good

Andres okay doesn't give a hoot about

grapes he wanted to become a priest they

soon knock that out of him that's where

I live up there that light is in my

mother's room she's an invalid oh now I

place you I'm I'm sorry about your

mother and about your father - why my

father well unless I'm confused

Aunt Martha said that your father died

so the storybook has it my father is no

more dead than we are you're talking

about the husband and my mother he's


well now I am confused well Phillipe

also had two sons one son name was LOD

flew the coop and there a young lady

from France and you're the result of

that the other son's name was Victor and

he married Charlotte Marty my sister

Monica as a result of that my father met

you at the train oh sweet uncle Francis

before he married Aunt Martha

so what does that make me

family doesn't know I know but I've

known about it ever since I was a little

kid that's what you meant when you said

you were almost a cousin now how do you

like the clan

so you're not in love with Andre I'm not

in love with anyone

that's a good

and kissed been very well kissed liked

it too



you forgot your shoes



well what is the judgment on this young


Francis it has a nose father but it

seems to me to be a little flat on the

palate mother it lacks the

characteristics of the original variety

and shows a premature growth on the

country my idea

Ronald I'll leave it to the experts you

good morning father

oh sorry I'm late you almost missed the

tasting of the Chevrolet

he lost tasted it twice before this

animal is John I want your opinion very

well grandfather 1930 made from the

Chardonnay vineyard number three a rich

soil needs to be balanced for the

blending of Pinot Blanc in what

proportion 20% Russian to a change like

that boneheaded and as usual John you'll

go to extremes but I'll consider your

suggestion grandfather four times a year

we go through this same stupidity

tasting samples of the wines were not

allowed to make four times a year for 12

long years I'm show a little respect for

you for what prohibition you know how

that word upset your grandfather

it is a la John and as long as it's law

it will be obeyed by me and by mine John

when I started in the mountain vineyard

where I make the wines for the old town

I and father please don't put us through

this grape is a holy fruit thing again I

started in the mountain vineyard and I

have been an empire a dynasty I am proud

of what I have been a wine dynasty that

can't operate which can't do anything

pretty is present the next wine you yes


you aren't you sure Anthony I'm looking

at the grandfather to said the winery is

this the one certainly is if you'll go

out through that door they'll find him

for you

John what's your opinion of this

Cabernet my opinion is at this rate

we'll go broke I don't mean any

disrespect I don't but you make us live

in a dream world we we grow grapes let's

sell grapes organize the growers to

control the shipping and the price

there's a fortune Martha would like to

say she agrees but she doesn't dare ours

is a business for gentlemen yes John

there is a fortune to be made in selling

grapes to bootleggers and gangsters

makes our belly why we didn't make the

law and the whole nation breaks it it's

a law itself that's responsible for the

gangsters other growers sell grapes not

my people in this valley not Mamoulian

ap'to chi and yucca wits and all the

other small growers you've been

supporting for years who've been feeding

off the grand old man of wine why John

the grand oh I would rate myself not so

high but I am a winemaker that's who I

have been and will be again and so each

year I shall tend my vines and cultivate

and graft and replant I foretaste my

wines to study how to make them better I

shall sell only the grapes that are

suitable for use on the table or for

raisins the wine grapes these I shall

plow under to nourish and replenish the

soil I shall do this until these dark

days are passed and I am permitted to

resume in a way that is legal in the

nicest possible way

did you have a good ride thank you have

a glass of wine No thank you I'm I'm

sure I'm in the way John show my

granddaughter through the winery if you

please she has come to join a family of

winemakers you want to begin to learn

something about it anything you say sir

Elizabeth dear don't forget our luncheon

today I want that rifle

John hmm I think you were right about

the Shapley and vineyard number three

thank you sir

red would bet I am in wonderland well

listen atlas what did you mean last

night at the table when you said when

you almost said that it was the right

time for your father to send you here it

was a slip of the tongue

Oh slip of the tongue gallons of good

wine spoiling because I've been kept in

grammar school too long you see wine is

a living thing

that's the first thing you have to

understand and his grandfather says

grapes are complete with everything to

make wine that must be tutored to become

good wines and to know how to educate

them is the art of a good winemaker now

first we squeeze the juice of the grapes

into tanks over there fermentation

starts that's kindergarten then at just

the right time the master takes the

juice out of the tanks and puts the

young wines in to these facts and that's

grammar school I see that slip yours

you're sure it was just a slip of the

tongue yes I'm very sure are you taking

a bunch of children starting out in the

first grade together some of them are

slow to learn to be kept in grammar

school a long time

take those wines are the redwood bets

too soon it's not good

some of the children are bright quick to

learn leave those wines we're a school

too long they stop learning

I'm support that's what's happening here

I can get my hands on all of this

you've make it into Bradley before it's

too late boy what a hangover now this

will call high school these are casks

they're made of Oakland you see Redwood

is all right up to a point but when it

comes time for aging and mellowing don't

really learn ok the thing get it cousin

oh by the way I don't tell that to


I just soon you didn't either you know

let's not have another slip of the


now some of these casks come from Spain

some have come from France look at this


it's almost a hundred years old are you

gonna marry Andre doesn't that

classifier is not your business

Andres a friend of mine I wouldn't like

to see him get hurt what's in you

Elizabeth secret I wish I knew

grandfather told you only to show me the

winner in so he did you and I have a

long way to go

well limestone cave nature's

refrigerator temperature doesn't vary in

here one degree winter or summer

now this call it the University these

wines have learned all they'll ever know

and have been graduated in two bottles

are you impressed yes I am seriously

John do me one darn good how did you get

away with no shoes

I cracked into the house of a queen put

on another pair Parthenos terrible

scandal girl goes into vineyard with man

girl comes out no shoes one minute

you'll night

I'll be very nice

I'll even return your shoes someday man

you can see the pic marked the cave was

dug by Chinese Oh to was one of them

look at the moss can feel it

go on my way again I've got a lot more

to show you great one for showing you're

a great one for running well the last

stop on the special tour the packing


biltman after the start of prohibition

now these are eating grapes table grapes

that's what they've got us down to

she's pretty I'm very interested in you

shall I give her a whirl Elizabeth dear

you must hurry we'll be late

thank you John you're a wonderful

tourist Thank You Elizabeth

and you're a beautiful picture Brian

who are you oh I'm sorry mr. Rambo

what's your name

Dietrich I know some Dietrich's daughter

yes oh please don't tell my paw mr.

Rambo you kill me no intention of

telling your father but is it your

policy to fire grapes that everybody

that passes through oh no I won't do it


see that you don't




stayed sleep darling Andres vineyards

combined with ours they make the largest

vineyards in the world

wasn't it a shock to you at least a

surprise when you so suddenly received

that cable from long saying that

Elizabeth was on her way no I wasn't

surprised not the least after orlando's

andre and he is thinking about

Elizabeth's future you love possessions

don't you like this

beautiful what do you see when you look

at it see I see a whole world how many

centuries ago when the earth was flat

simple and man was happier and ease in

his mind I see a monk in a quiet cell

patiently doing this as a service to the

guard he was so shows and they heaven

directly overhead John Rambo told me

that you wanted to become a priest

yes I gave it a lot of thought it seems

to me that the first question in life is

to make up your mind what you want and

the second question is to decide how

much you are willing to pay for it the

markets in which you'll pay for what you

get now John Rambo will get what he

wants if he has to kill for your

grandfather got his but did you know

that your grandfather worked for my

grandfather when he first came Evan no

the point is if you're a peasant you're

a peasant I didn't mean that badly he's

made his fortune since of course in his

vineyard with his eyes always looking at

the ground I suppose I've always liked

to keep my eyes looking in the other

direction up at the sky

I wanted a kind of inner life that was

calm and content maybe I've I've always

had too much for the material things I

was born very rich Elizabeth

Andre tell me something all right

last night when grandfather well

practically married is off in front of

everybody you didn't seem surprised

I wasn't Elizabeth there's much to be

said for an arranged marriage you know

right where you stand and there's not a

lot of emotional push and pull it's nice

I suppose serene like Oh quiet warm

afternoon in the fall I have a

small-bore Nevada we'll be here good

hello what time do I pick you up about

now I guess wait for Maya buzz hi Luigi

how about a movie tonight

no she's busy she's doing a chore for me

some other time

I told you to stay away from that dirty

eye tagging what other kind of fella is

gonna look at me dressed the way I am

I'm gonna buy me a new dress and a pair

of shoes groceries is more important red

shoes get the groceries gentlemen you

can't sell wine now and no one can say

when or if you ever will again you're

going broke but you all grow grapes and

there is prosperity for every one of you

in this association of growers I will

represent you in this association for a

fair percentage of the price I get for

your grapes here you've been getting

five or six dollars a tonne at the

winery and Chicago I'll get $50 a ton fo

B mr. John who is this F will be

explained in River yes the freight or

the hauling course from shipping point

to destination thank you any other

questions mr. Youkilis we small growers

have always sold our grapes to mr.

Phillip Rambo does he join this

association I think he will later when

he sees the price we get for the grapes

and the money it brings into the valley

mr. John please who will buy these

grapes at $50 a ton mr. patootie I have

contact with a syndicate in Chicago who

you this syndicate bootleggers fellows

after a dealer sells you a truck mr.

patootie it's not his business what you

do with it or what you haul in it or how

you treat it after you sell your grapes

it is not your business what the buyer

does with him let's think of it that way

I think about it

now gentlemen as I've explained before

it's important that every grower in the

valley signs this association contract

otherwise we will not be able to control

the market and get the big price mr.

John now I will go and ask mr. Philip

Rambo if he says for me to sign an

association contract I side me too

I will also the way to graffiti yes sir

my grandfather's been buying your grapes

each year ever since prohibition closed

the winery and plowing them into the

ground for fertilizer it's only

reasonable that he cannot keep this up

forever even at $5 a ton we will ask him

anyway what do you know about them

furnace especially them Italians my

grandfather is getting old he's set in

his ways we cannot expect him to see

things in the modern way that we do

while I'm in Chicago some gentlemen from

the syndicate may visit you and explain

to you how important it is that everyone

signed the contract are we in agreement




who i yeah we came to your party with

the contract I won't sign contract

folding monopoly I said enemy he wings I

sign I win

I once sign I won't find








look it's John this prodigal son I'm

Sammy brings along is it fatted calf

what should I say the bacon what I'm

killing you made in Chicago


you say we get $50 a ton for grapes and

we can mr. John said just start

all right hello Suzanne you're back I


want you to meet someone

come on I want you to meet Nate

Forrester Nate this is my brother Joe

how you did I mean looking forward to

this excuse me dear I've just asked Mary

to dance

see you a minute


is it serious


where I come home on it ladies ask me to

marry him

what shall I tell them John

Jewish boy do you love him yes

it's your life says live it



if it isn't indecent for a sister to say

to her brother I love you John

I love a lot of things people don't know

I do




you wanna dance if you want to talk some

of the things they say aren't so

pleasant I've got something to say to



grandfather says that you sell grapes to

gangsters I didn't come out here to talk

about grandfather or the price of grapes

I love you Elizabeth I love you please

Joe know it's crazy but nothing like

this ever happened to me before I

couldn't stay away no take no

you don't mean no we're alike we belong

I wanna be honest you were nice enough

to tell me something about you sir

you mean that word that describes the

nature of my birth I owe it to you to

tell you something about me all I want

to hear is that you love me as much as I

love you

first you must know that once I was very

much in love with a man in England you

was not is I loved him with with all my

heart I know there's a man here me he

was rough like you violent physical I

was here until even my father called me

a fool and sent me away are you trying

to make me believe that you're going to

marry Andre

yes I will and resign from life ad Ryder

married old maid come off of it

Andres Gordy's safe kind and Owens tags

leave you'll swindle him and cheat me

and prostitute yourself


my pal come on over the table have a

drink with your friend come on why not

you're our hero now thank you you know

buzz I think you know everybody at the

table I don't know if you know Clarissa

Larissa Smith this is John Rambo my

friend the boy who is making us rich

some of us vote against it


grape brandy myself

I gotta you boy I got a Ford champagne

well Cheers feel like dancing

go ahead I don't buy say Clarissa Luigi

wants to dance more than glad to


you could've knocked me over with a



leaving your own party and all just to

come over


it's a nice fitting dress you've got on


red shoes

you notice everything don't you

generally keep my eyes open

how about you and me

you want a dance I'll be glad to dad

I've got a car outside oh I couldn't we

did kill me weed you have the right to

get it nobody's got rights over me he

brought me here

I wanna mr. Rambo don't think I don't

wanna I don't want to call you up for a

date some night and see I want to take

you with me right now


I wanna mr. Randall take a fight with it

I'll wait outside just long enough to



I'm sorry mr. Rambo so long

can we suggest to here a minute I told

him I had to go to the thing


getting late you're also upset about

something anything I've done no

Elizabeth I have never put much value on

what people call romantic love but I'm

coming to the opinion I could fall

rather helplessly

may I see you tomorrow


there's a bit still up and Martha

waiting for you dear why didn't Andre

come in I didn't ask him or do you think

that's wise comedian I want to talk

you may go to mr. Philip Bastille

outside wait for him somewhere else if

you please

was it a nice party yes did you have a

nice time yes have you an Andre set the

date for your wedding

no one Martha I think you should my

darling the sooner the better

well Andre and I are good friends until

maybe romance love that's surprisingly

mature of you my dear When I was your

age I thought I was in love once but I

married your uncle Frances and look how

well that turned out because it added

the fair and vineyards to the Empire oh

let's look at it wisely of course it's

important that Andres vineyards be kept

with our own your grandfather's spent

his entire life building up what we have

and after he's gone I shall be very

proud to carry it on you've been sent

into my care I want you to be happy with

a true deep happiness but you must trust

me you must confide in me confide what

Aunt Martha everything just as you would

to a mother why did Lance suddenly

decide to send you here to live when

always before he's refused to even let

you come here to visit where are he he

said he thought it was for my best

interest I think that's not the complete

story you know a woman sees things in

another woman that a man very often

misses sees them immediately right from

the start how shall I say well let me

put it this way a woman can tell when a

girl ceases to be a girl and becomes a

young lady the evidence is just as clear

when a young lady grows into a woman men

are much slower at seeing these things I

want you to set the date with Andre

before he gets the idea that he may be

getting I have to be melodramatic my

dear getting damaged goods

Aunt Martha if you're worried that I may

be pregnant you can dismiss the thought

darling girl until you mentioned it the

idea never entered my mind

you're tired go to bed good night


did your on Martha I've set you I

thought John yes

never Oscars returned pay no attention

to John he likes pretty girls or pretty

girls it means nothing

I saw you from the house I came out to

be with you I often walk among the vines

at night to find peace and comfort with

Mother Earth there's no peace nor

comfort since violence has been brought

into my Valley neighbor has turned upon

neighbor and there's corruption look at

the end in tragedy when man ceases to

work and learns to scheme when he loses

respect for the soil then he is unworthy

of the riches from the Sun when I was a

boy I was little more than a beggar

no family drifting from city to city had

gone into a Quaker Cathedral to escape

the rain I can still feel the cold

I saw a gleaming older inside I can

relive the furious desire to get rich

high the son of the man who made the

wine for the Holy Sacrifice of the mass

of our village church had fallen so low

as to covet the vessels on the order

I sank on my knees in penitence

as the procession came down the ayah the

holy water fell on my unkempt vowed

cleanse me with hyssop and I shall be

clean they chanted all through the mass

I remained kneeling the sacred words

coming down on me

the incense drifting over me

I rose at last and went out to fill my

results like my father I would make bar

and for the order but it would be an

America where all men would be rich and

either richest of all

John yes mother are you alright

that's a fine question for you to ask me

why aren't you asleep paying bad tonight

it wasn't pain that kept me awake a

mother's feeling did you go to the party


it saw the young of the clan rather glad

about Monica

yes Nate's a dear boy John did you see

your grandfather I know what the old

gentleman will tell me I know what I'll

tell him - I'll say old Philippe you're

a fine hypocrite

you got your pile you'll never stop

driving till you got it but you object

to me getting mine maybe I won't see him

at all leaving tomorrow where are you

going Chicago maybe New York I don't

know look you don't want a lopsided son

do you I don't understand well I got me

a little well for this pocket now I

gotta get me some for this and then I

can stand up straight darling I wish I

could help you you but your head all

around like a young bull you're at war

with yourself the best qualities in you

the wonderful things I sometimes think

you won't let grow I'll be alright

I pray God you will be John you're a

lonely person and it's going to be a

lonely long road before you find

yourself it's hard for a mother to help

a son I wish

your father were alive


you don't deserve what they don't you

does everybody awake in this house

why did you run out did you have fun

yeah sure says barrels


take care of I went to the house leaving

for Chicago I came to see your

grandfather before you leave John he's

worried about you how do I come back

I'll be able to worry about him peace I

saw him I know


you'll be right here when I get back

you'll understand and just as you are

all in one piece you understand


this is it's not rich pre-plan ah keep

gonna shut everybody's getting rich but

me even them dirty I tied in stem 34

refresh I've got a right to land yeah

I'm great - on a voice ramble ramble

what about this ish what about my poor

mother - Clara take a pawn motherless

girl again please wait outside

wait minutes drew please

you may do as he threatens you even go

to the newspapers no not because father

if I were handling you not matter

oh no John things are coming to a pretty

passive outside of the family Monica

marrying Nate for this does not concern

native friends all of this the Rambo's

and the fir'aun's father please try to

arrange things with this man we've

always managed to arrange things scandal

in this family think of Elizabeth and

Andre this one's out there pride to top

twin father he's a blackmailer and a

blackmailer will always take money but

don't give him any land and I'll talk to

the girl all right

tell him to come in here try not to lose

your temper please stay calm

mr. dietrick I've spoken to mr. Rambo on

your behalf yeah you'd like to talk with

you alone now my dear I know just how

you feel I'll bet you don't let's sit

over here and talk maybe something nice

can be arranged for you sit down it's so

attractive by so very clearly there must

be lots of young men who will chase

after you not anymore they won't they'll

run the other way

tell me is there one young man in

particular who is interested in you

there was Luigi Gore fonti do we take

the favi a fine young man

very handsome we're busted at Luigi's

Italian and Paulo's I tions but my dear

you must know that there are ways to get

around such prejudices

Thank You mr. Ravel I'll be here mr.

dietrick I've just had a very nice long

talk with your daughter excuse me oh

it's all right here they were just


miss Dietrich mr. Dietrich Miss

Elizabeth Rambo pleased to meet you how

do you do I've seen miss Dietrich have

you heard from him hmm John Rambo who

else well yes I have

well I haven't and I'm in trouble what

kind of trouble what kind of trouble is

there John what will he do next

first he runs off to consort with

gangsters and then he drags our family

name through the dirt with that common

scheming trollop


I want you to paint the columns blue yes

sir the spindles - yeah and the

banisters yes somebody wants in a

telephone yeah

hey can I show you don't matter - no way


hello Luigi where you been my questions

you're gonna be asking me where have you

been you know where I've been right at

home working like a slave you know why I

don't see you it's pop well you know pas

pie is it reasonable passes this is

decent passes this is a decent American

home and he don't like foreigners and

especially I Italians yeah you and your

old man this Italian is doing all right

I love Italian you know that you love

Italian so much how about a date

Saturday night Saturday night well if I

can sneak away

listen Luigi

I got something to tell you I hope

you'll like it

we've got to get married get married we





and I truly believe that Nate will be a

credit to the family

Monica's so grateful to Philippe for

taking him into the business Monica's a

dear girl you know it's it's hard for me

not to be able to tell her that it was

you who arranged it anything for you if

I could bear the pain for you I would oh

don't you suppose I know that you bear

pain do you have a son whom you can

never call my son

have you heard from John only one card

in all the time he's been away

I hope he's all right

John's perfectly capable of taking care

of himself the wind stirs

it's Restless listen y-you go it's

spring the winos that justice between

nose and put on pads and a bird nose and

built its nest I hope it's true first

Elizabeth said spring doesn't enjoy

being left dangling and be patient be

patient what you're planning to do is

it's unthinkable

well I don't know that I'd make such a

good husband huh cement unsuited a

marriage I think I'd like to return to

Europe live in Italy Rome perhaps maybe

Florence is more satisfying than

patients tell Elizabeth I was here


Frances we must do something about

Elizabeth she's a little fool

Oh Andre is thinking of selling Stag's

Leap cutting it up into little parcels

and selling it all riffraff that come

flooding in here because the price of

grapes is high well let's not go to

pieces about it and how I shot it a

little better I think angel de les she's

worried about John do you think she

might be she's ill Martha I wish you

tried to think more kindly why because

she bore a son should have been mine

Luigi maybe Manuela after Papa why

what's the matter with Luigi Junior I

don't like junior maybe Giuseppe hey I

had a rich uncle in Roma I thought some

about Ricardo after grandpa after he

recovered a stew coming I think maybe

it's better Manuela how mama

and maybe Alfredo for Papa's brother in

Milano I got it I got it in Luigi hey

chase it

he's got the class Cesare Federico grief

empty hmm I just love it the way you to

have my baby named when you don't even

know if it's going to be a boy or girl

it's gonna be a boy there's no girls in

our family black hair big black eyes a

beautiful Bambino name of Munna well II

got objection

yes I got objections in the first place

my baby's not going to be christened

don't know me just name no conclusive

thing and in the second place if it's a

boy I'm going to call him John John hey

lead us is John javonni John why John

after my father

your father's name's Nelson his middle

names John it's Luigi to save for the

pop-up and the Papa says Manuel II whose

baby is it anyway

you make my boy a shame it's my baby and

I'll do what I want with it

Emmanuel can't control his wife he's not

a man that's all I hear I love the way

you Italians talk about me as if I

wasn't here no same Tacoma responding

Luigi I gotta go in

baby mama the baby zombie no joy I'm

gonna run for the doctor




where Martha dear what are you doing

here what now is that a welcome how dare

you come back well I said to my mother

when I was here last year I said look

I've got a load of it here but I'm empty

here and I won't come back till I'm in

balance which means I'm ready to talk to

grandfather father isn't here John John

my boy well this is a surprise

hello uncle Francis where is he you may

come in I'll try not to dirty carpets

father's on his way to the house in the

mountain vineyard without you

he took a visitor isn't she here how is

Elizabeth I haven't heard from her from

once is she all right yeah she's all


John since you are prospering there is

something you might do for us by Stag's

Leap huh yes as a matter of fact and

make a down payment on our forgiveness

your grandfather's and mine and the

whole family's no thank you Aunt Martha

dear I'm not in the market for just

Stag's Leap because a grandfather and I

will be able to buy out the whole Valley

sit down John father isn't well he's

been failing and I think if you have

anything to say to him it might better

be relayed through me you put it

beautifully as always Oh

I mean I'm a better friend of yours and

you think oh I've already done something

more for you than you know

well I'd be interested to hear if I

decide to tell you I'll do so I'm sure

you'll pick just the right moment John I

wish you wouldn't take that tone you're

at mom well then let's you and I talk

uncle Francis shall we

tell us both

the demand for grapes is high the price

is going up up up more every day I said

I had money well I haven't because it's

committed for freight cars to deliver

grapes I'll buy a big grape in this

valley and not our grape can move

without me but I have to have the Rambo

fair on grapes Bronco broke do you think

father would let you have his grapes to

make bootleg wine in that noble gesture

his beats a heart that dearly loves a

dollar and you're smart enough to know

that this is the chance of a lifetime if

I help yes

I'm going to help you John you will be

sorry but don't think I'm doing it out

of any love for you I don't even like

you but I respect your talent for

business and if we can keep father out

of this and persuade him to stay where

he is what do I have to talk to him I

owe it to him I owe it to myself I have

to look that grand old man straight in

the eye

mountain won't come to me so I'll go to

the mountain be seeing it


exactly here the very first a coke round

I ever owned in America which became 10

acres been hundreds until my vineyards

reach to the sky

and it was on this very Hill that I

first met your grandmother Marita Raisa

she was above me in station but as poor

as I she was helping with the harvest

she believed in what I believed and

consented to become my wife we had an

idea that noble wines could be blended

by the wedding of the right vines just

as good Bloods are blended to make a

good family it was her idea to bring the

cuttings from the valley to add the

softness of the valley to the strong

mountain universe you know the grafting

of ions is like a marriage to us a holy

marriage for we decided that the wines

for the church would be made here we

worked here side by side day after day

as many hives as there was light on our


our hands in the air there never was

another woman like your grandmother god

rest her soul she waits for me



you can understand now why to me this is

sacred ground

it's John young scallywag you've


I saw Martha and Frances they approved

approve of what new ideas big business

and grapes will take more gold out of

this earth than you ever dreamed get

your hands out of that soil get off this

piece of earth how dare you offend your

grandfather like that what kind of man

are you John well I'm doing it for you I

thought you'd understand for us you're

talking to the wrong girl what do you

mean what about buzz eyes Dietrich

what about it he's married to Lolita

Grisanti so far okay bless him I hope

she's very happy well if I were a man

I'd be ashamed I'd be terribly ashamed

if the mother of my child had to marry

someone else to give it a name

what kind of cock-and-bull story is this

why Aunt Martha and grandfather had to

pay your way out where did this come

from there's not a word of truth in it

I'll make her tell you do that and while

you're there take a good look at your

son I'd never come back here I hope

something dreadful






I told you to bring the tea here

well that's the vineyard a grandmother's



your grandmother's vignette


the sacred


I'm John Rambo I want to see buzz right

now mr. Rambo yes and tell her to hurry

yes sir John ready yes to see mrs.

Whitaker fine if you please you got a


mr. John Rambo John Rambo mm-hmm he said

to hurry up you keep your baby what

now I know the baby I love the weight

you've got to help me clear up this line

come with me right now Elizabeth you






you straighten him out all I've got








bullet lodged in his spine I didn't feel

justified in an immediate operation

there was considerable evidence of shock

at first but now probably he's ruling

pretty well from that I think we'd like

it if you wouldn't try to spare us but

just tell us how bad it is well the long

nerve trunk to his left leg is evidently

injured on the left side he's paralyzed

from the waist down there is some

swelling and that may account for the

paralysis in that case it could be

temporary but it could be permanent

well yes yes it could be I should like

consultation on the case I suggest you

call in a neurosurgeon the nearest one

is in San Francisco you called the best

man you know



can you hear me

I feel so guilty

you got your wish

I'd have the grace to forgive you no

matter what I had the strength to love

you no matter what your voice shakes up



you love me I said in a low tone yes she

murmured is in a dream I plunged the

blade with all my strength into her

breast beneath her bosom on the left she

rose with a spring then fell back with

one sigh and breathe no more I left the

house walked the street until dawn and

then surrendered myself to the Lord come

in here you our Father a glass of hot

milk milk take it away

we're today's newspapers Jew has to give

me the papers

the Honorable doctor has come sir who

ordered him I did father I might know

where my glasses I hid them doctor's

orders oh you did did you will unhide

what are you trying to make out of me

I've got nothing but a cold an old rich

ESCO is it safe to come in or try it why

don't you good morning Albert how are

you feeling today he's terrible doctor

like a bear with a sore head Martha at

this season of the year there must be

something you're needed for in the

valley you and Francis came here for a

week your week is up very well father

will leave today if you wish all of this


people start hiding my glasses I need

someone to use for pair of eye goodbye

goodbye it's good news really darling


Aravind votes to repeal today aragon

became the 20th state to vote for the

repeal of the 18th amendment good good

the tide is rolling the people are

speaking you know prohibition will be

dead before the year is out keep quiet I

can't hear a thing get me out of this

bed that's an order I'm gonna make wine

this year good wine better than ever


did I ever tell you about the grape yes

you did a turnip it's a holy fruit the

grape is the only fruit that God gave

the sense to know what it was made for

go on reading Elizabeth

the three to two vote in the Aragon

election was hailed with wild enthusiasm

throughout the state

how is he it's alright I think Francis

there's one thing I know for sure

we must not offer him sympathy

where's Nate I'd work in his office at

the winery do you like it there

yes very much while I make it's crowded


yeah how's my girl

there's no need to ask how he wants Anne

Francis tells me the doctors are

delighted with your progress oh sure my

progress is something for the books of

everything by the way but Francis there

are a couple of loose ends I'd like you

to help me tie up if you will I'd like

it if you'd stop the attempt to have

Luigi refined he tracked down he

committed a crime a serious crime was a

misunderstanding I'm called the Chief of

Police and told him on one of the case

drops my people are talking they're

trying to make it into a scam Adam

Francis if that's the way john wants it

it's right there's another loose end

attire on the day I was on the day had

met with my accident there was a fire in

the mountain vineyard how serious was

the damage why are you asking because

I'm sure I'm to blame for it I was mad

and I thoughtlessly threw a cigarette

into drivelines grandfather's entitled

to know and I'd appreciate it very much

if you would be the man to tell him that

was sound kinder coming from you I'm

proud of you John thank you thank you


don't look so startled

not about it since I was a boy

you've borne that burden all these years

can you ever forgive us

being in love


looks like the harvest to begin early

this year


























to the dearly departed jean-philippe



to luncheon will be served immediately

after the reading of the will all this

ready missing what is that it is the 19

we will not waste that precious wine

today the Honourable one command that it

be solved on this occasion he did when

before he's dead missing shoe hereafter

you will take your commands from me and

only me and everything Burke is here

ready to begin have the other servants

go on about their business and then you

come in for the reading of the wheel I'm

sure father would have wished Thank You

mrs. Farren it's everyone present I

believe so

it was his father's request that I call

all of you here attention to be present

for the reading of his last will and

testament at Martha John is not here

he's walking over from the house

everyone was notified to be here

promptly at 11 o'clock you may begin

Thank You mrs. Farren we've had this

document in our possession since it was

executed near the end of last year and

with your permission without any further

preamble I read it I Sean Philippe Rambo

a resident of the county of Napa state

of California

being of sound and disposing mind and

memory and not acting under duress fraud

or undue

being of sound and disposing mind and

memory and not acting under duress fraud

or undue influence do hereby make

publish and declare and testament hereby

expressly revoking all wills and

codicils thereto heretofore made by me

if the provisions of this document will

seem severe it is because I have taken

stock of myself and now judge myself not

presuming to judge any other person my

dream of the dedication of my wine to

the church has fought throughout my life

with my own dedication to the amassing

of wealth and property I find that my

stronger guilt has defeated my intent I

have built what men would call an empire

and preserved it through difficult years

into whose hands can I entrust it and

not do more evil and I have already done

I find that I must demolish what I have

erected that my sins will not be

perpetuated to my sons-in-law Frances

Ferran and Ronald Ferran I did back the

vineyards which they brought into the

dynasty through the arranged marriages

with my daughters Martha and Isabel to

all my children and grandchildren I

bequeath the wineries of the valley and

of the mountain in equal shares with a

provision however that Nate Forester who

blames new blood into this family be

given the full and complete management

no to my granddaughter Elizabeth who

brought her sweetness into my life I

give the vineyards of the valley

doctrine to my daughter Martha who has

ruled this house I give this house for

her to rule believing the modest size of

my bequest to be a blessing in disguise

nice nice

this is not my father's will it was

executed by your father and properly

witness not

Marja to chew amble my devoted companion

and friend I give one half of my assets

in cash deposited in the following banks

I gave my life to Him waited on him hand

and foot and now he's set me aside give

him the best of everything to all the

others even Elizabeth Elizabeth II

refused she refused it will be all right


I wanted the wineries and the

managership father knew I did will be

happier now Martha we can find a way

together now

yes dear Frances yes there remains one

major bequest of that which I hold most

dear to my grandson John Rambo I

bequeath that which he destroyed the

mountain vineyard where I began







get the fire destroy all the roots John

some of them some of them were not

damaged their strong roots a lot of

future in them

I brought you some cuttings from the

valley I have cuttings claddings to

blend the softness of the valley with

the strength of the mountain vine

to make good wine John you web the right

violence as good Bloods are planted to

make a good family





side by side if you go down our knees

our hands in the air




