Thieves (1996) - full transcript

In the middle of the night, someone brings Ivan's body home to his wife and his sad-faced, jug-eared son. Through flashbacks, the film discloses the relationships among Ivan and his brother Alex, a cop with a cleanliness fetish; siblings Juliette and Jimmy, Ivan's partners in a seedy nightclub; the love triangle of Alex, Juliette, and Marie, a professor of philosophy; and of Alex and his nephew, Ivan's dour, stoic son. Ivan's death changes every relationship. Images of paragliders, sun bathers, and opera suggest an expansive, colorful world outside the constricted lives of these characters.



At first, I didn't know
what the noises were.

Then I heard a scream.

That's when I opened my eyes.

I was sure it was my mother's voice.

You two better leave.

The kid's up.

Go back to bed.

Put him down, Mireille.

Come here, Justin.


Your father has had an accident.

My father wasn't moving.
His face was hidden.

It was like he was dead.

My grandfather squeezed my hand so tight,
it hurt.

My mother made me wear...

a suit and tie.

It itched everywhere.
Especially my legs.

My neck too, because my shirt was too tight.

It smelt like cologne.

Mom said Rose had used too much and it stank.

Justin, stop that.
You're being noisy.

No, I'm not.

It's annoying.
Like someone banging on the ceiling.

You were noisy too.

It woke me up.
I didn't say anything.

I know.

We had to move the furniture...

and put it up against the wall.

Rose's husband came to help us.

I'm sick of staying here.

Rose made you hot chocolate.

I want to see my father.


Wait here for a moment.

Her eyes were red.
Fortunately she wasn't crying.

My uncle Alex.

I'd seen him once,
when my grandmother was sick.

He almost got in a fight with my father.

Why did you come?
What the hell?

Watch your mouth.

I came because my brother died.

Lots of things separated us,
but he was my brother.

Anyway, I don't care.
I just want to be alone with him.

If you don't mind, of course.

Let's go.

He had on a suit and tie, like me.

He had a bandage on his eye.

There was no more blood in his hair.

You're not coming in?

No, I don't know them.

Now that everyone was in the kitchen

I searched my father's room.

Once when he was in Lyon, I found a gun.

A Walter P5 with a cartridge and bullets.

Now was the best time to take it.




Yes, I'll have...

a beer.

- Where do you live now?
- Same place. Vaise.

Near where I work.

- Are you getting remarried?
- No, why?

Do you like the mountains?


- Yes.
- Not much of a talker.

- Shall I make the coffee as usual?
- Yes.

Victor likes it strong.

I don't feel well.
Can I lie down?

Drink something.

- No, I'm not thirsty.
- Come on in.

Why did you come, really?

To make Mireille happy?

That idiot had to call you right away.

I'm surprised you let her.

She didn't even ask my opinion.

She always stood up for you with Ivan and me.

She likes having people make up.

The truth is, you never liked your brother.

- The same old crap.
- It's not crap.

I can read you like a book, Alex.

Rose made white-bread sandwiches
with cheese and cold cuts.

I was the only one to eat them.

White bread's my favorite.

I pretended I wasn't listening...

but I heard every word.

I wish it was you instead of Ivan.

You'd already left us.

It wouldn't have changed much.

Excuse us, we're looking for Victor Noel's place.

This is it.
What do you want?

They put my father in the coffin.

Then my grandfather went up for a nap.

My mother and Alex went for a walk.

The girl who came with Alex woke up.

She was walking around the house.

Alex one year before his brother's death.

When I first saw Juliette,
I didn't know she was a girl.

She was dressed like a boy.



Don't try to get up.

Calm down, Miss!

Use the cuffs.

Calm down.

Talk to me about perfume.

I love buying perfume.
Today I forgot to pay.

I'd have remembered if they'd let me.

Tell me what you do with it all.

Only if you undo this thing.

I promise I'll keep calm.

I think they dislocated my shoulder.

And I'll be black and blue all over.

I have no control.
Sometimes I feel like killing myself.

Can I bum a cigarette?

You've had someone waiting for an hour.

He was late.
Let him wait.

Is that bitch pressing charges?

You can't throw me in jail for this!

Why not?

Let's start.

"My name is Juliette Fontana."

"I was born on April 7th, 1972 in Vaise."

"I reside in..."

"the Jean Fournier housing project."

"Number 15."

You must know Jimmy.

He's my brother. Why?

I know him too.

But he prefers cars to perfume.

He also forgets to return them.

It runs in the family.
Smoking mustn't help.

- You busted my brother?
- Yes.

Don't cry.
Six months is nothing.

So who's the perfume for?

I sell it to the whore on the docks.

300 a bottle instead of 600.

Life's tough.
School's expensive.

I don't have a scholarship.

1500 francs of perfume.
I can refer this to the court.

Then you're a motherfucker.

Let's swap favors.

You know people.

- Who deals in the projects?
- I don't know.

- Yes, you do..
- No, I don't.

But if I did, I wouldn't talk.
It's their business.

Call the D.A. You're at home here.
You call the shots.

What are you writing?

That you're willing to give the perfume back.

If you agree, sign here.

Now take your stuff and get lost.

- She can go?
- Yeah, let her.

She left without a word.
For two months, I never thought of her.

So, what do you think?

I'm not into clubs.
You're fed up with dealing cars?

No, I'm branching out.

For laundering money,
what's better than a night club?

You see evil everywhere.

This place is 40 % mine.
It's legit. Check if you want.

I'll redo everything: the dance floor,
the sound system, the lights.

I'll dump the drag queens.
I'll get rock groups.

Real ones.
You'll see.

Soon everyone will know the Mic Mac.

How about a brotherly drink?

Sure. Just a drop.
To make you happy.

We haven't done this in a while.

- To the future.
- Yeah, right. The future.

I don't understand why you asked me here.

And I don't understand why you're
suspicious of everything.

I called because I wanted to see you.
It's simple.

Maybe too simple for a cop.

Won't you sit down?

Mireille often asks how you're doing.

She's not sick of the mountains?

She likes to complain.

How about you?

I'm okay. I'm living alone.
Fabienne got remarried.

But we always got along.

When you get along, you don't divorce.

- She wanted a kid.
- It's only normal.

These days having kids is crazy.

- It's too risky.
- I don't understand you.

Kids are what life's about.

You're getting worse and worse.

You are you so serious?

Try laughing a little. Loosen up.

Dress better. You understand?

You never knew how to enjoy life.


- You're not young anymore.
- You're right.

You're always right.

You've never had anything to complain about.

You're a star now.

- What are you talking about?
- Mic Mac, Mic Mac!

Cut the crap. Are you jealous?

- Of your boasting?
- You want us to fight?

It's been 3 or 4 years...

No, it's been 3 years and 9 months.

You can't imagine how exciting this is!

- Hey there.
- Too cool!

Meet my brother Alex.
Alex, Juliette...

- Can I play some music?
- Consoul is over there.

Not to loud, okay.

You have to give today's kids a chance.

The kid over there is my partner.

Running a club is his dream.
His sister's too.

I know them.

- I'll leave you to your friends.
- Come on, Alex. Why in such a rush?

Jimmy's an okay guy.
He never killed anyone.

He screwed up a litte, but he's clean now.

- You have to help ex-cons.
- You're into social work now?

No, I'm into family and friends.

What can I say?
Business is booming.

You keep great company.
I'm happy for you. Congratulations.

You're not happy.
You never are. You can't be.

You're a freak.

Can I be honest?
You need to get laid.

You need to get laid.

Let me fix you up with a girl here.

What the hell, Ivan?

I don't need you to meet girls!

Don't take it badly.

I always make the first move.
I invite you here.

I leave the door wide open...

- And you slam it in my face.
- Okay, I'll stop by one night.


We can kiss goodbye.
Brother to brother.

lvan knew there was nothing...

I hated more.
Kissing him made me nauseous.

Alex, take this.

- You missed the baptism.
- Sorry I couldn't come.


- Didn't know you were Ivan's brother.
- What's it to you?

Why were you so nice to me?

You could have called the D.A.
Why didn't you?

You don't have to answer.
I'm just curious.

Maybe you were up to something.

- Listen...what's your name?
- You forgot?

I see girls like you everyday.

Shoplifters come a dime a dozen.
What's a name to me?

That's your life?

An endless stream of identical losers?
Sounds deadly.

Leave my life alone.
I already had to endure my brother today.

I have nothing to tell you.

No, one thing.

You're just a two-bit delinquent.

I figure the prisoners are crowded enough
with top-notch ones.

That's why I let you walk.
Good enough?

Kiss me. Don't worry, no one can see.

Sorry, you're not my type.
Be a good girls and get out.

Tell my brother that I prefer pretty women.

Women of the world.

You really think your brother sent me?

You're sick. I'm no whore.

So why are you here?

Too see if a guy like you,
deadened by the rut he's in...

can show signs of life.

I don't want to sleep with you.
I hope that's clear.

Funny, because you're hard.

That means nothing.

You feel me up. I react.
It's normal.

I began seeing Juliette once in a while.

Not loving her did me a world of good.

I wasn't out to please her
because I didn't feel attached.

We were united by a feeling of mutual comtempt...

the natural outcome of which was
immense pleasure.

Have you slept with lvan?

Yes, two years ago.

By the way...

does Jimmy ever moonlight at Ivan's dealership?

Cut it out, Alex. That's their business.

Tell me something.

If you had evidence against Ivan...

proof about what he does,
would you turn him in?

Could you rat on your own brother?

Yes. It would be the best day of my life.

What do you have against him?

He keeps pissing me off.

Like the other day,
when he had to show me his new toy.

The "Mic Mac,"

He had you and Jimmy come just to bug me.

- We came on our own. You're paranoid.
- No I see things clearly.

Ivan always has to impress me with his money.

He's only happy...

when I see how well he's doing.
He lives his life to get at me.

Does he know we're fucking?

No, why? He never talks about you.

No, he mentioned you once.

It's wasn't mean.
He said you were a crackpot.

That's typical.

Me, a crackpot...

I'm perfectly methodical and logical.
He's the crackpot.

I hope you agree.

Can we change the subject?

In a month we've never made love naked.

You're not into that?

I don't enjoy sharing my bed
or feeling a naked body.

A naked body holds no interest for me.

It's not my thing.

Look at my tattoo.
You've never seen it.

Whose Marie?

The only person I admire.

I'd like to be like her.

In what way?

In every way.

She's my role model.
Isn't it good to have one?

When you're young.

Stop acting as if you're old.

You can be such a pain!

I really can't stand youth.

Maybe I don't know what it is.

It's probably meant to be shared.
You can't be young alone.

That's why I was never young.

When I was your age, I didn't see anyone.

Or rather... no one saw me.

I didn't exist.

One night I went to the Mic Mac.
Fortunately, Ivan wasn't there.

That's when I first saw Marie.

I knew it was her at once.

Juliette didn't know I was there.
At the coat check...

they kissed and left before
the drag show started.

Come have a drink with us.

Nabil, move your ass!

Make room for the owner's brother.

- Nice way to treat Arabs.
- I treat you fine.

You think you're Swedish now?

Hey, Sabrina.

- Sit back down!
- Take this.

I'll go prepare.

Why don't I get a bottle on the house?

You're differnt. You have money.
You can afford one.

I heard you got robbed.

- Took the cops 20 minutes to show up.
- What's that about.

The guys had ten mintues to rob me blind.


Who was dancing with your sister?

Her professor. I never talked to her.

- Open your bottle.
- The one from Marseille was a widow.

Pick a card.

No, that is not a woman.

I watched my brother's friends.

They were like my colleagues.
No difference...

just as stupid.

- You're not showering?
- What we do isn't dirty.

How many showers do you take a day?


Plus one before and after sex.

All that water's bad for your skin.

Here's a present.

I guess old habits are hard to break.

Relax we're done.

It's fun changing hotels.

Like taking trips.
Do you get a deal or is it free?

Mutual favors.

I won't smell like a floozy?

We have to hurry.

- When do we meet again?
- My next day off is Friday.

- Is that okay?
- Yeah.

It'd be fun to try it in a four star hotel once.

I may have an angle.

But I'd want something in return.

- It's only normal.
- What would it be?

You suck.
Nothing's ever free with you.

Tell me...

Is Marie your friend or your lover?

Butt out. Don't you ever mention her.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm with you.
I must be a masochist.

Want to stop seeing me?

You haven't answered.

You remind me of Ivan.

When I was with him, he acted like you.

Maybe deep down, you're alike.

- Don't ever mention Ivan.
- Same goes for Marie.

We'll bury the hatchet and keep our secrets.

I asked around.
Her name was Marie Leblanc.

She taught graduate students in Lyon.

She wrote a book.
It cost 127 francs.

I didn't buy it.
It was called "Traces." It flopped.

The truth behind this,
which we're all so quick to disavow:

man is not a gentle creature who retaliates
only when attacked.

Part of his instinctive makeup...

is a large dose of aggressiveness.

His neighbor is not only a potential helper
or sexual object...

but an object of temptation.

Man is tempted to satisfy his need for aggression...

at his neighbor's expense: to exploit him at work...

to take advantage of him sexually,
to plunder and humiliate him...

to torture him and kill him.

It's then that a dignified voice admonishes me:

"It is precisely becuase your neighbor"

"is not worthy of love"...

"and is, in fact, your enemy"...

"that you must love him as yourself."

For months we respected the contract.

Juliette and I met regularly in hotels.

I knew she was seeing Marie on the side.

Instead of bothering me,
it made her more desirable.

Then I learned my brother had died.

- Your radio is lousy.
- Turn it off then.

I don't understand why you came.

You prefer classifying to understanding.

But people aren't files.

You're pretty hostile.

You know, Alex, if I hadn't met Ivan...

I'd be in prison or dead.
Jimmy too.

- Stop it.
- I won't.

You ask questions but you never listen.

Go on, talk. I'm all ears.


Thanks to Ivan, I could clean up my life.

You can't imagine.

Jimmy and I were in serious shit.

So Ivan was a do-gooder.

- He was!
- I'm trilled to hear it.

He was generous.
But that's beyond you.

You're a tightwad.
Nothing but a pen pusher.

Today's my day.

I'm sorry.

I'm confused as hell.

I feel nauseous.

You want me to pull over?

No, I'll be okay.

Why did you buy today's paper?

I always buy the paper.
To keep up on local news.

For four years I hadn't set foot...

in my father's chalet.

A child was watching us from the window.

It was Ivan's son.

I'd totally forgotten about him.

You're not coming in?

No, I don't know them.

I managed to see Mireille alone.
As expected she broke down.

He said not to call you.
That you're a cop.

You'd start investigating.

But I told him you'd never do that.

I preferred to come across as dumb.

It's been ten years.
I have to put up with so much.

I really envy you.

I wish I'd gone to school.
I married too young.

What can I do now with a kid?

All I can do is shut my mouth.

Even when they bring my husband home dead.

I have to pretend it's normal.

Butt out, this isn't for women.
Mind your own business.

Dress the corpse and shut up.

What time did they bring him home?

I don't know.

Around three. Why?


It happened in a railway yard last night.

Around 1a.m. The times correspond.

Who brought Ivan back?

I know one of them.

Could you identify the others?


But I won't.

Let's go. It's getting dark.

Will you stay for dinner? I'd like that.

Why don't you turn them in?

Becuase it's impossible.

I'd be ashamed to.

So what do I choose, shame or sorrow?

- I'd say shame, hands down.
- Well, I've chosen sorrow.

You can't understand.
You don't have kids.

The funeral's in two day. Will you come?

No, I don't think so.

You're having him cremated?

Yeah, no autopsy, no exhumation.
Play it safe.

And the death certificate?

- Heart attack?
- Ruptured aneurysm. It holds water.

But there's a leak. See the papers?

Screw the papers.

A watchman was killed.

What do you intend to do?

That's all I care to know.

I'll do my duty.

What duty? The duty of a cop?

Or that of a son and brother?

It's a great day for you.

In fact, I'm happy to see you cornered.

Did you think I'd beg you to keep quiet?
Not at all.

I prefer to leave you free.
Totally free.

Is that all?


Should I leave you with Ivan?

- That won't be necessary.
- Whatever.

It's going to snow.

You have to drive. I won't keep you.

Juliette asked to go to Marie's.
I felt totally alone.

Not alone in the usual way.
Alone like someone who is lost.

When can I see you?

It's over between us.

You scare me. You'd do anything.

What do you mean by that?

You'd tell your superiors.
Get a nice medal.

Don't you realize they killed someone?

Don't you realize this is about
your brother and mine?

But that's beyond you.
You don't love anyone.

You just want to fuck people over.

Now you can do that to your heart's content.

Aren't you cold?

Let's go have a coffee.

- You can spare a minute.
- What for?

I have to tell you something.

Go on, I'm listening.

It's easier over a cup of coffee.

You have nothing to say.
You want to jerk me around.

That's not true.

Don't dump me now.
Believe it or not, I need you.

That's all I wanted to say.

There's something you don't know yet.

Last night...

I was with them.

Marie the same night.

Am I bothering you?

You never do. Are you crazy?

Do you want to eat?

I'm not hungry.

I'm not in great shape.

I can tell.

If you want to talk, I'll listen.
Or we can drop it, if you prefer.

Or we can do both.
Choosing is such a bore.

I can't talk now.

Come on.

Our project is coming along.

It's taking form.

- You want to see?
- No, I'm not in the mood.

It's up to you.

- Let's drink to happiness.
- Happiness...yeah right.

It's a legitimate goal.

It's good, isn't it?

I know nothing about wine.

Not just wine.

I know nothing about nothing.

You go on about happiness.
For me it's bullshit. A big lie.

Everybody lies.

Even you.

Behind all your smiles,
you wonder why I'm here.

And what I want from you.
Well I don't know.

The truth is, I never did.

You're here. That's all that matters.

You're too nice!
Can't you see I'm here to hurt you?

- Now you're hurting yourself.
- Stop it!

I shouldn't have come. That's all.

Just tell me what happened.

Spit it out!

Fucking idiot! Spit it out.

Spit it out!

Open your mouth!


You're crazy.

I brought Juliette to a psychiatrist friend.

She'd closed up on herself
I tried to make her talk.

She wouldn't utter a word.
She'd become docile and mute.

Come sit down.


I'm having a hard time with Heraclitus.

The idea of fire as the origin of everything isn't easy.

I know it isn't easy, but keep on trying.
It's worth it.

The issue is how to reanimate
ancient knowledge.

How to bring it out of the past.

How to pass it

from generation to generation without its becoming...

a cadaver in the hands of those who carry it.

How can we keep it vigorous.

As vigorous as Peguy's wild rabbit.

We'll continue this next time.

Excuse me...

I thought Juliette Fontana might be here.

How is she doing?

- Who are you?
- Alexandre Noël.

Oh, you're Alex.

Let's go.
We can't stay here.

- She mentioned you.
- I afraid she'll screw up bad.

She needs rest.

She's in a clinic. It's not serious.

- Will you give me the address?
- I can't.

The doctors want no visitors.

- Let them tell me.
- You don't believe me?

I think you want to keep her to yourself.

You're mistaken.
It's as if you don't know her.

Juliette is fleeting.

She'd never let herself be retained.

Not by a teacher, not by a cop.

I want to know where she is, I'm entitled to.

Imagine if you were me.

It's hard enough imagining being oneself.

Listen, I'm no philosopher.

Spare me your condescending ways
of beating around the bush.

I'm not impressed.

Making people talk is your job.

That's where we lock horns.
We have different habits.

What's yours?
Screwing your students, regardless of their sex?

You're becoming aggresive.
Have I hurt you?

Yes. Don't judge my job.
You don't know it.

I like mine as much as you like yours.

You're right. I'm sorry.
A stupid prejudice on my part.

I guess you're busy to go have a coffee.

Coffee, no. But why not a whiskey?

When times are tough, it helps me get by.

- Want some?
- No, it's too early for me.

No time like the present.

Everyone knows it helps break the ice.

So I'll come out and say it.

Can the two of us speak frankly?

Like two rivals in love with the same person...

joining forces because she's in danger.

We can always try.

Does Juliette mean a lot to you?

At first...I considered it a game.

I thought I had it under control,
but it got the better of me.

I will have some.

It's funny.
For me it started as a game too.

We'd see each other after class.

We'd talk and laugh.

Suddenly, I'd fallen in love.

It seemed ridiculous at my age.

God, did I hate you.

I mean, a cop of all things!

But I figured you had a dangerous job...

and with a little bit of luck,
you might get killed.

- It's rare.
- But it happens.

Rest assured, it happens very rarely.

Statistically, I mean.
Sorry to let you down.

I wished nothing of the sort for you.

- Then it wasn't love.
- I wished things too.

- Like what?
- To sleep with you.

You and Juliette.
Us three, happy together.

I see...A real orgy!

Like in ancient times.

Before Christ was a time of orgies.
Then came love.

Love's less fun.


In orgies you give your all.
No more, no less.

In love, it's never enough.

It's always too much or not enough.

I'm not big on love.

I prefer being on the balls.
Uh, ball.

Sorry. It's the whiskey in morning.

Don't worry. I'm not fresh out of a convent.

I'm not a nun.
I like having fun, believe me.

You only like women?

I don't know about women,
but Juliette, for sure.

It was the first time for me.
For her too.

I was married.
I even have children and grandchildren.

- And you?
- I don't have children.

It was my choice. I have no kids.

Sorry, I don't like talking about myself.

I better get to work.

It's the Tilleul Clinic. In Croix Rousse.


I'll walk you out.

Take my number if you need me.
To talk, I mean.

Do you have a pen?


It's 72...

40... 45 45.

I don't mean to worry you,
but you asked me to be frank.

Juliette's mixed up in something shady.

Did she tell you?


You have my word.

Strangely enough, I believe you.

- You won't tell me more?
- I can't.

Goodbye then.

I told him her whereabouts.
He'd have found out anyway...

I shouldn't have mentioned the clinic.
I didn't trust him.

But he was a spider and I was in his web.

I thought of Juliette's mutilated mouth,
of the things she wouldn't let us take.

- Does this hurt?
- Of course it does.

You have absolutely nothing.
Not even a sprain.

Can I see Juliette or can't I?

She's left.

What do you mean?

You let her leave in such a state?

She signed her discharge.

She was free to check in and out.
What could I do?

If you couldn't see she was in danger, change jobs!

I saw a girl very good at influencing others.

You're living proof.
I'm surprised at you.

You're wrong about me too.
What a diagnostician!

I worry more about you than her.

That's your specialty.
Making others think they need you.


you're in an unbearable situation.

A cop came by this morning.
I think she left because she's wanted.

Slumming it can be fun,
but things have turned sour.

It's time to drop it.

''Slumming it''.
How can you talk like that?

You were always a moralizer,
but never so arrogant!

You're pathetic.
You've really grow old.

Does sleeping with her make you feel younger?

She's a loser. A rotten, no-good stupid bitch.

You're getting just like her.

Bravo. You're finally saying what you feel.

That's unusual for you.

I makes me happy to see you angry.

It makes me sad.

I'm still under your influence.

When we were together,
we should have fought.

It would have done us a world of good.

I never dared.
You neither.

We sensible, too...

Too well-bred.

It is a pity.

When violence has no outlet in a couple,
it's the end.

I can hit you if you want.

Have you ever wanted to?

Honestly, no.

I have.

Go on.

Don't hold back.


- What is it?
- I'm looking for Juliette.

- I know she lives her.
- She's not in.


Jimmy! You have company, come here.

What do you want?

- I called before.
- And I hung up on you.

Wasn't that clear?

I'm her brother. I have nothing to say.

How did you come here?

By taxi. Why?

It's dangerous at night here.

Come here!


Can you take her home?

Why don't you do it?

Me and her on my motorcycle?

- Do it.
- Pain in the ass.

I'll get my jacket.

Where are we going?
This way is longer.

What do you mean?

I'm having fun. Fun with you.
Fun showing you around, fun...


stop here. I'll get home.

- Stop!
- Sorry, I can't.

Relax. Five minutes more, five minutes less...

I mean, that's life.

Get it?
Can I ask you a question?

You really teach philosophy?


Cool, I wish...

you could give me a lesson now.

A philosophy lesson?

It's because...Juliette worships you.

I can't just improvise.

I'm listening, just start teaching.

First, find a subject you care about.

All I'm interested in is money.

No philosophy regards money highly.

Except of course in everyday life.

Money is negative in politics too.
It's capital.

You know, you're a good teacher.

We can take it further.


It's even part of our sexuality.

Money takes the form of waste.
Psychoanalysts say it's shit.

It's not shit, they're crazy.

I don't understand how money figures for you.

There seems to be...

a magic to it, linked to the undgerground,
to dealing.

You're better versed than I.
I don't have much experience.

I stole something once.

In a bookstore.

I stole a book. It left a bad memory.
I was caught.

Why would they let you go?
It's their job.

Anything but intoxicating, believe me.

- Anything but intoxicating?
- Oh yes.

Anything but intoxicating...

Do you want to hear some músic?

six months before Ivan's death

Can I see what you wrote about me?

They're just my impressions.

But I see too much of myself in them.

I wanted to do a portrait of you.

But I don't know enough about your life...

so unfortunately, they're just impressions.

I'd have liked to speak for you...

without betraying you.
Like a faithful witness.

I'll tell you whatever you want into a tape recorder.

We both sign it, it'll be a best-seller
and we'll be rich.

Split the money 50-50.

It's not that easy. Writing, I mean.

It's like painting. You just need a model.

You do paint with other people's words.

We can always try.
What's to lose?

We'll have a goal.
Besides having sex, we don't do much.

Why do you say that?
You're bored?

Not at all.
I'm learning tons of stuff.

But I'd like us to make something together.

A book would be great.
You said so.

- It's life that's great.
- That's cold.

I don't think so.

You're inside life.
You can't realize.

And you're not inside life?

Less than you.
It's a question of age.

You have lots of lives before you.
It's normal.

I'm not complaining.
I'm not unhappy. I'm even happy.

I've never been so happy.

Happier than with a man?


It's strange but I think...

what I'd always looked for in a man,
I've found in you.

You've had a lot of guys?

I had my share. But I couldn't know.

I had no idea you existed.

I didn't know...
You weren't in my scheme of things.

- You see?
- No, not at all.

Too bad. You want to go out?

In this heat?

You have a better idea?

Which one do you prefer?

Hermès or Lanvin?

Come on, decide.

I know you hate ties.

Stay out of the sun. You're all red.

I've been waiting for you.
For an hour.

Can I know why I've been summoned?

You're such a ham, "summoned"

I just wanted to see you.

I see you every night at the Mic Mac.

What's the problem?

The Mic Mac is always crowded.
We used to have private talks.

Now we're on our own...

and I thought maybe you'd want to confide in me.

- Something personal?
- What are you getting at?

Pass me the jam.


Look at the thermometer.
75 degrees already.

You'll fry.

Let him pay taxes if he wants to.

Write him a check.

I spend and if you pay taxes ...

You'll see with the accounting, call me.

Have you seen what time is it?

Lousy coffee, it's cold.
Is there anymore?

Yes, hurry up.

We're always late.

Do you know what Ivan wants with me?

Juliette, come down for a moment.

Come on, let's go.

Yes, I am.

No, that guy is crazy.

Fifteen percent.
Do you think we're stupid?


Ivan finds it real funny.
We have one guy taking 12%.

He's surefire. No risk.

Only if he lowers his commission.

Tell him we'll discuss it later.

Tell him the higher the score,
the lower his take.

He may play dumb.

Now not, we'll speak later tonight.

Here I

I have nothing to say.

You do the talking.

You're a pain, lvan.

Régis, let's go.

Move your ass.

I'm not your slave!

I'll come if I want to. Where?

First, you'll calm down.

Then I'll show you something.

You better not make a stink.

It's really easy.

First there's Nabil, he finds the cars.

Then it's Jimmy,
he specializes in alarms.

He's the best.
He can break any lock.

We brought this car in last night.

What time was that, Jimmy?

I want her out.

She doesn't belong here.
I'm taking you home.

No, she stays with us.

I don't know what you told her
so I'll tell her myself.

- What the fuck is this?
- I want to keep tabs on her.

She's sleeping with a cop.

It's no accident.
What's it been? Three months?

And it happens to be the cop that busted you.

My little brother. Now you see?

We have to do something.

Maybe it's no news to you.
With you two anything goes.

I sleep with whomever I want.

With a cop? What nerve!
If I were Jimmy...

Hold on there. You're not me.
No one's me!

I don't know what you're up to.
You're the boss, you decide.

Instead of pussyfooting about, call the shots.

What can I say?

It's up to you to deal with your sister.

She's not my employee.
Not my problem.

You're right. No one's you.

But if she keeps seeing Alex,
she'll end up in a garbage dump.

You as well.

If she breaks it off, we'll forget it.

It's your call.

- Is the BMW ready?
- Except for the plates.

Change them fast.

Come on.

Get off.

- Why here?
- I have stuff to do.

- What?
- Stow it.

Jimmy, it's all my fault.


I know I should have told you.

I bought chicken and melon.


Forget it, I'm not hungry.

Did you buy beer?

I'll put it in the fridge.

I know you haven't eaten.
Can I fix you something?

I said I'm fine.

We need to talk.
So you can tell me...

- Tell you what?
- What you're going to do.

It's taken care of.
Drop it, ok.

Let me watch my game.

- I knew Ivan trusted us.
- Cut the crap.

He likes everyone.
He only looks out for himself.

He has no one here to take my place.

He threatened you.

He gave us some hell!

It's normal.
He was right to do it in front of everyone.

He can't fire me.
He can't close up shop to reorganize.

He has a schedule.
Delievery dates. He's stuck.

I'll dump Alex.

Spare me your sleaze.

I'll spare you my sleaze all right!

You couldn't understand.
You never even fuck.

I have better things to do than fucking around.

Seeing you...

seeing what you've become
makes me want to puke.

I really disgust you?

Yeah, you really do.

Now let me watch the end of the game.


Calm down.

Come on.

You want to see a movie?

No, no.

No, that's okay, I like it here.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm here to see Mr. Noël.

- Your name?
- Juliette Fontana.


So how are you doing?

I thought it over.
I was wrong about Alex.

It's not the right time.

I know my brother,

if you ditch him now he'll take it badly.
Stewing over it.

He'll think you're one of us.

He'll try to prove that you were wrong.
That's dangerous.

Alex always had a paranoid streak.

- You want a drink?
- No thanks.

Cute dress.

Don't stand there, sit down.

Alex is no Casanova.

You must be one of his few conquests.

That might make him even meaner.

Who knows?
Your fling might help us compromise him.

Let's play it safe.
Keep up the routine. Keep seeing him.



- Why are you in here?
- I didn't want to wake you.

- What time is it?
- 6:30.

I have to go home and change.
I'm due in court.

Hotels are too impractical.
You're not fed up?

Fed up with what?

Meeting like theives.

At my brother's, it wouldn't be easier.

Why not at my place?

No, no.
I couldn't.

Not at a cop's place. Sorry.

Don't stay there.

I hate winter.
Waking up in the dark kills me.

- You want some coffee?
- No, you finish it.

- When's your next training program.
- Next week, why?

Why? No reason, just asking.

Don't feel obliged.

No there just annoying.

Listening to the commissioner's peep talks...

about extinguishing the fires of delinquincy.

I was a cop.
I was thrilled to hear I'd become a fireman!

It's nice seeing you like that.

Why are you looking at me like that?

You never laughed before.

Three above and five below.
We want five below.

- The coast will be clear?
- Perfect, just some workers.

- I never saw a nightwatchmen.
- Alarms?

Just serial numbers etched on the windows.

You break in, wire them and we drive off.

Driving is not my job.

It will be this time.

Does your father know?
We've never stolen five before.

Leave him out of this, Fred.

This heist is mine.
We do it my way.

Do whatever you want I work the garage.

That's what you're father decided.
Discuss it with him.

Why is Juliette...


Why should she be in on it.

- I don't work with girls.
- Time to break new ground.

I bet she wants to join the team.

Juliette, how about replacing Fred?

You have a license. You can drive.


But, I don't have a license.

No problem.
You'll have one by tonight.

I'm leaving.
I'm digusted.

Here's the train track and the entrance gate.

Just a pad-lock.

A bolt-cutter will do.

My sister is out

All she has to do is drive the car.

I put her through school to keep her out of this shit.

Good for you. What are you saying?

You know how much we get for a 320 S?

I can have a guy from Marseille here by tonight.

You and your sister is none of my business...

but it kills me that you never ask her opinion.

She's a big girl, let her decide.

She's smart.

You treat her like a baby.
Right, Juliette?

I'm easy, I do what Jimmy says.

You're screwing up Ivan, but you do the deciding.

But if she's in, I'm out.

- So it's you choice, her or me.
- Watch your tone.

Are you threatening me?
You want me to clear out?

I can't let you. You know too much. Her too.

You heard what Fred said.

I hate saying I'm the boss.
That's vulgar...

be sensible.

Or you'll lose. And so will she.

Go check out the gate.

Are you okay?

Can't the Germans pay for gas.

There's enough to get to Fred's garage.

We said Régis goes first.

I say it's Juliette.

Or do the other cars yourself.

Forget it.
We'll settle this later.

Yeah, right.


Is the coast clear, Nabil?

There's a car parked near the fence.

- Did you see anyone?
- No. Do I open the gate?

Don't move. Sit still.

I see some guys.


- Where are they?
- You can't see them.

On the other side of the tracks.
Two of them.

You, the guy in the car!

Come out, hands up!

Just keep cool.
We're railway security.

Don't fuck with us, understand?


listen to me.

Get back in the fucking car
and once you're inside...

I'll cover you.

I can't.

- Yes you can, trust me.
- I can't!

- The guy ran off.
- Help me put Ivan in.

- Not in the trunk.
- But he's dead!

- He may be alive!
- Then do it yourself.

- Okay, don't be an ass.
- Shit!

Hurry, Juliette, hurry.

I don't want to!


two days later in the mountains

It was colder than outside.

It was much longer than a mass.

My grandfather wanted Dad's body to be burnt.

Fortunately, no one was crying.

I have to pee. I can't hold it in.

You want to take a walk?

No, that's okay.

I'd like us to get to know each other.

I haven't seen you...

in ten years.

Don't bother. I hate cops.

Do you know that many?

No, but I don't understand...

why you became one.

Dad didn't either.
That's what spoiled everything.

You could have choosen some other job.

I needed to break away.

You just wanted to piss everyone off.

How much do you make a month?


That's shit.

Can you come?
If I go alone, I'll get bawled out.

You're not bored living here?

No, I'm use to it.

Do you have any friends at school?

No, they're too young.
I prefer grown-ups.

There's something I don't get.

Where is your ex-wife?

Working. She's a cop too.
We don't live together anymore.

But how are you?

Do you go out with lots of girls
or are you a one-girl guy?

Why do you ask?

To compare you to Dad.
He had lots of women.

It led to fights at home.

It's late, we have to head back.

Did you hear me?

Your kid's sick.
He needs help.

- How much?
- 60 francs.

Why did you do that?

For fun.

What will you do now?

What do you mean?

I'm going to try to sleep.

Sorry, but...

I'm sick of you kissing me goodnight.

I'm not a baby anymore.

The next day I went back to school.

My grandfather drove me...

in his BMW.

He didn't want me taking the bus.
He said he'd pick me up too.

I was happy.
It was the first time he'd done it.

I want to know what happened with Dad.

I need to know how it happened.

It wasn't an accident.

I don't believe that.

A job that backfired.


See you tonight.

ten days after Ivan's cremation

Marie came to see me at the station.

I just nabbed a dealer.
She had to wait over an hour.

- It smells funny.
- It's bleach.

I have my office disinfected once a month.
Sit down.

Would you like some tea, coffee...

juice or instant soup?

I'm fine thanks.

- It's my 1st time at headquarters.
- No it's not.

This is a police station.

It's Fort Apache here, from six to nine.

At night, the Indians reign.

I wanted to talk, but this isn't the best place.

- Can we go to a cafe?
- No, no.

I can't go into the cafes around here.

I'll be labeled a drunk.
Respect is hard-earned here.

Loitering in cafes doesn't help.

You have to find the right distance.

Everyone has his proper place.

At least that's my method.

It's hard to believe you.

If you're so rational,
why were you with Juliette.

- Why did you send me this?
- To keep you informed.

Of the incident in question.

It happened on Feburary 4th at 1 o'clock.

Juliette took part in it.

What else?

I'm not on that case.

- You must have an idea?
- Sure, I do.

I'll keep it to myself.

You don't trust me?

Why would I?

Do you know Jimmy?

She mentioned her brother, that's all.

No, that's not all.

You went to see him one night.
On Feburary the 6th.

How do you know?

It's my sector.
I have informers.

What did he tell you?

Nothing, he kicked me out.

I thought he sent you here.

To get some inside information.

You're not playing fair.

Bouncing back from thugs to cops.
And you talk about trust?

I think you've got some nerve.

All I really care about is Juliette.

I need your help.
If you prefer to kick me out, do so.

Did Juliette call you?

No, no news.

Tell me if she does.

If you do, I'll keep you posted to.
We'll be equals.

That's trust.
Is it yes or no?

So if I hear nothing, you'll tell me nothing.

It's normal. Fair is fair.

I'm lucid. I don't know books,
but I know people.

People aren't transparent.
We have feelings. I'm here for her.

Because I love Juliette.

Love sure is beautiful.

That's disgusting of you.

Jimmy was right to kick you out.

At least Juliette and I are on the same ground.

You're in another stratosphere.
Go back to teaching.


Please show her out.

You're becoming a pain, Sabrina.

Hanging around backstage?

Ivan didn't dump the queens?

What for? Did you see the crowds they attract?

- Where's Juliette?
- She doesn't come every night.

Two weeks ago she left the clinic...

and now she's vanished.
You're not worried?

She lives her life.
She's a big girl.

I interrogated the shrink.
A guy picked her up.

He looked like you.
I doubt you remember, but it was you.

Okay it was me. So what?

What are you after?

You blew your chance.

You could have fingered us before the cremation.
The body was proof.

Now I don't get it.

- What are you up to?
- Nothing.

I wanted to see how you were all doing.
Juliette and her pals.

We're all fine.
Things got hairy, but it's over.

I was sure you wouldn't bust us.

I figured if the police found out
about you and Juliette,

it would be bad.
A cop banging an accomplice to murder can...

kiss his career goodbye.
Either he's a loser...

or a cop on the take.

Great, Jimmy, great.

You've won, maybe we'll meet again.

Don't say that, Alex.

If I go down, so do you.
For keeping your mouth shut.

You betrayed the police.
That's bad.

Why don't you tell me what they know?

- Help me out.
- For how much?

We'll work out a deal.

I like you, Jimmy.
With you, things are crystal clear.

But you got it all wrong.

We're both in deep shit,
but the stakes are different.

Just think, I might get fired...

but you'll do twenty years.

Unemployment and prison are two different things.

I'll stop by some other night.

So where is Juliette?

I hope she's well-hidden, because she's wanted.

She matches our composite.

Goodbye, Jimmy.

Marie called.
She learned her lesson.

She wanted to talk.
I invited her to dinner.

I got a call from Juliette.

She knows she's wanted.

She's scared to end up like her father.

Prison scares her.
She say's she'll crack.

She cried and hung up.

- Now you know everything.
- Thanks.

We're about to run out of wine.

I have whisky.
Where's my bag?

- In the closet. You want it?
- No, I've drunk enough.

And the investigation.

It's part of our contract.

On the night of Feburary 4th
only one person was seen: Juliette.

She wasn't identified.
They've sent out a composite photo.

Will they arrest her?

Not necessarily.
Trust Jimmy.

He's smart. He's done his job well.
He's no amateur.

What can he possibly do?

Hole her up somewhere.
It's his job.

Lots of people manage to hide forever.

I'm amazed. We're talking about Juliette.

She's in pain. She's your friend.

She's in danger. You don't seem to care.
You seem to enjoy it.

Keep calm. Don't start up again.

Be realistic.
What can I do?

So what will happen?

If she gets caught, what will she do?
Defend herself.

She'll find an alibi.

She'll say on Feburary 4th,
she was in your bed.

And what will you say?

I wouldn't hesitate.

I'd do anything to save her.

Prejury is risky business.

I'm sure it is.

But I love, Juliette.

I'm sorry. I know it bothers you.

I hope...

you won't kick me out like you did the last time.

On the contrary...

I'm happy to have you here.

I never have guests.
Too bad you haven't eaten.

I have to go home now.

- Not yet, I've bought a pie.
- I have to go.

- I'll drive you back.
- No, I'll take a cab.

I'd prefer it.
Where's my bag?

There. I put it in there.

Where's your bathroom?

On your left.

She locked herself in the bathroom.
I had to break the door down

She was unconscious.
She fainted.

She said she was on medication
and shouldn't have drunk so much.

Don't sit there.

Come on, I'll drive you.

Mireille asked me to talk to him.
I didn't know what to say.

He seemed well behaved, sad and polite.

What are you thinking?

Look, Alex, don't bother.

You might as well know: you have no right over me.

I don't know what my mother said...

but I don't think you can take care of me.

Pops wouldn't want me in cahoots with a cop!

I can't take your Dad's place.

Your Dad is your Dad. I'm me.

How much do I owe you?

Why were you two always at war?

- Says who?
- Pops.

He said you dreamed of busting Dad.

Is that true?

I don't know where our hate came from.

It came from somewhere.
You don't trust kids?

What can I say.
Get in.

Can't we go over there?

It started early between him and me.

We were younger than you.

We fought all night till we bled.
We shared a room.

I bet my father won.

It's normal. He was older and stronger.
He knew it too.

Do you hate me?

I have to.

Oh, it's you.

Am I bothering you?

I called, but I kept getting the machine.

And you don't go to your classes anymore.

Have you heard from her?


Has she called you?

No, absolutely nothing.

- Can I come in anyway?
- Of course.

Don't mind the mess.

...My mother remarried.
She won't see Jimmy and me.

Fortunately, there's this.

Her voice.
It keeps me strong.

You never go out?

No, I'm working.

I recorded conversations...

with Juliette.
She told me her life's story. Parts of it.

Copying them down is hard work.

I holed myself up, but I'm almost done.

I need to tell you something.

I promised myself I wouldn't.

I'm not doing this for Juliette, but for you.

For me?

I don't understand. What is it?

Juliette is not in danger.

The police never thought it was a girl.

That's normal.
It's not the kind of job for girls.

It was night time. She didn't talk.

They've been looking for a man.

A man with Juliette's face.

They'll be looking for a while.

You can tell Jimmy.

You can party at the Mic Mac, tonight.

Stop staring at me.
It's not a trap, it's the truth.

I wanted to make you happy.
That's why I told.

Or else, I wouldn't have told a soul.


For the next two months,
I had no news from Marie.

I was sleeping well and working normally.
I wasn't in pain.

I was simply coasting along.

I didn't believe in the world.

I never had.

I've always known it was a bad dream.

A bad dream and nothing else.

You seem in good shape.

How's Juliette doing?

I haven't seen her. We speak though.

Do you know she's in Marseille?

I'm not surprised,
he brother has friends there.

She decided to stay there.

She's better off without Jimmy.

Without you, without me...

She must have meet a guy her age.

Maybe. Nothing better could happen to her.

She even found a job in a bookstore.

You're not going on vacation?

No. Why?

I've finished my book.

I won't publish it unless Juliette agrees.

Am I in it?

A whole chapter.
I changed your name.

How detailed do you get about me?

It's about your trysts and sex.

She says it was a form of suicide.

Sex as suicide? Nonsense.
Philosophy didn't help her much.

She was never really into it.

She's into nothing. She's sick.

Yes, if you consider sick a volcano.

You want to read it?

It's huge.
No, I don't think I'm interested.

I was wrong. I thought you were a control freak.

Write whatever you want.
It's not my business.

Is that why you asked me here?

Yes, also to give you Juliette's address
and phone number.

Juliette...enough with her.
Can't we talk about something else?

Let's have dinner tonight.

Tonight I'm going to the opera.

Would you like to come?

I've never seen an opera in my life.

It's my favorite passage.

Alone in the dark, he asks if love exists.

Then he hears an answer coming
from far away.

It's yes. It shouldn't be, but it is.

I don't believe in love.

But if you do, why are you here?

Why aren't you in Marseille?
Get moving. Go find her.

It'd be bad for her. She's young.

She needs her freedom.

Freedom. That's a cowardly response.
You just won't fight.

And this complicity you want us to share.

Two rivals at the Opera.
How pathetic...

- Why did you come?
- I haven't figured out yet.

Do you intend to wait for her much longer?

I'm not waiting for her, Alex.
She fills my life.

When I go to bed, when I wake up, she's there.

- You must think I'm crazy.
- A little.

It doesn't matter.

You are what amazes me most in this...

is you.

You've gone through this so self-assured.

I find it suspect.

I have a goal.

- What's your goal?
- To nab Jimmy.

Why do you hate him so?

I don't like unpunished crimes.
It's a matter of principle.

You had your chance.

I couldn't.

There was my family and Juliette.

But Jimmy will start over.
Next time he's mine.

I have plenty of time.

I should be going.

Two days later, I learned of Marie's suicide.

She'd jumped from her window
at ten in the morning.

The day before,
she sent me her manuscript and the tapes.

She'd left me a note.

Alex, in life we never renounce, we replace.

I don't want to replace, Juliette.

This is all for you.
Do with it as you please.

Where are the latest books?

Follow me.

Here they are.

- Thanks.
- Goodbye.

She had changed so much,
I stood paralyzed.

I couldn't have mentioned
Marie's death or her manuscript.

Yet that's why I'd come.

Then I suddenly understood.

The papers and the tapes
weren't meant for Juliette.

Marie would have sent them directly.

They were meant for me and me alone.

The next day I started work again.

As usual, I was greeted by shouts of hatred.


- Don't say that..
- If I don't, no one will.

No one!
They fill their pockets and shut their mouths.

Ivan turned them into bureaucrats.

Five cars a week won't get us far.

I prefer to set my sights high.

What are you getting at?
A revolution?

Who's talking revolution?
It's time to sort things out.

You're the boss.
You can count on me for now.

But I can always go to Marseille.

What will you do there?

With no orders or contacts.

You'll be screwed.

Yeah, I'll be screwed.
For the Middle East.

But there's Eastern Europe now.

Poland, Russia. They want to buy.

Jeeps go for a fortune there.

They're loaded.
Where's the war, there's money.

It's time to branch out, Victor.

Luxury cars are dead.
The future is in trucks.

That business you control it, others...

will be subcontractors.

Teams in large cities with a supervisor ...

What are you doing here?

I can't sleep.

You've delved into my things.

No, I have not delved.

I took your notebooks and last years schoolbooks.

To show them to Jimmy.

Why did you do that?

To show him my bad grades?

No, not at all.

Let me explain.

Jimmy couldn't go to school.

He has a hard time reading and writing.

So I decided to help him.
You understand?

Will you two get married?

We never discussed it.

You're not too hot with this blanket?

Listen mom. Sorry but...

your new perfume is too strong.

Okay, I understand.

I'll go now.

That night, Pops said Jimmy could stay
at the house.

It was too late to drive back to Lyon.

I knew Jimmy would go into Mom's room
and that she'd let him .

But I didn't hear anything.
I'd fallen asleep.

Pick a card.

Remember it?

Put it back in.

Think about it hard, okay?

- Is this it?
- No.

- Not the king of spades?
- No.

Are you sure?

I'll put the king of spades on top.

It's on top now, right?

Blow on the deck.

That's it!

The ten of diamonds?

I hate this one.
Can I make it disappear?


It's gone.

Did it fly away?

Where to?

What's that?
What did you put in there?

What's that?

- You stole it?
- Yeah, right.

Jimmy was a grown up,
but he wasn't old.

He wasn't lecturing me.

He didn't talk a lot,
but I never got bored with him.