The Way I Spent the End of the World (2006) - full transcript

Bucharest 1989 - the last year of Ceausescu's dictatorship. Eva lives with her parents and her 7 year old brother, Lalalilu. One day at school, Eva and her boyfriend accidentally break a bust of Ceausescu. They are forced to confess their crime before a disciplinary committee and Eva is expelled from school and transferred to a reformatory establishment. There she meets Andrei, and decides to escape Romania with him. Lalalilu becomes convinced that Ceausescu is the main reason for Eva's decision to leave. So with his friends from school he devises a plan to kill the dictator.

Me! Choose me...

I'm the best.

- Pick me.
- I'm the best.

The Way I Spent the End
of the World

But, comrades,
he still has his baby teeth?

This is no good!

- You're not sleepy?
- No.

Come here with me.

My tooth hurts.

It'll fall out soon.

Come on, sleep now.

It's no reason to miss school.

We'll divide it into three.

I'm going to bed.

- No, stay, stay!
- I'm worn out.

Does everyone have baby teeth?

Yes, sweetheart.

Everyone in Romania?

- Yes.
- Ceausescu too?

That's enough, eat now.

Mom's tired, leave her be.

Come on, eat.

Don't talk about God
or Ceausescu again. Promise?

I'll never open my mouth again.

Even to eat?


Even for some cherry jam?

Look at this lovely jam.

Want some?

The Russians are out of fuel.

Open your mouth!

Here come the Americans.
If I catch you, I'll kill you!

It's out.

And your homework?

Let me see.

Where is it?

Whose tooth is this?

Give me your hand.

You're a criminal!

It's a magic tooth.
Make a wish.

Off to school now.

Alex isn't coming!
His dad arrested him!

Watch out,
he can arrest you too!

So? Do I write?

Go ahead, write!

Hand it over!

His dad's released him!

I'm sorry.

Here comes the cop's son!

Cop's son! Cop's son!

- What do you have now?
- History.

- Forget it. Come with me.
- I'm going.

Let's go somewhere.


Good morning.
Please excuse me.

May we live
as the masters of our land

And the builders of our world

The headmaster
wants to see Eva Matei.

Go along, Eva.

- Are you on duty, Alex?
- Yes.

You need to get a haircut.

- Don't you?
- Yes.


- Here. Thanks.
- You're welcome.

Are you crazy?

Where are you going?

To the head master's.

Come on, we have ten minutes.



Don't do this to me!

What am I doing?

I'm sad.

Come to my place tonight.

Stop, someone will see you!

So, will you come?

What for?

For no reason.

You think I don't love you?

I do love you very much.

So, let's do it.

Do you want to?

- Yes, I want to.
- For real?

For real.

What have you done?


- Want to go to jail?
- Come on.


Matei! Vichan!

Is everything in order?

Yes, comrade teacher.

- Did anyone say anything?
- No. And you?

To get a haircut.

Are you going to?

What's this?

Where did you find it?

With Tarzan...

We have all the gear.

To do what?

We're making a submarine
to cross the Danube.

Come on, La“...

We're running away!

What is this rubbish?

What's wrong?

Come on.

Come on, tell me.

More tickets!

- Where are you going?
- Paris.

10 lei.
Where are you going?

- Madrid.
- 5 lei.

It's further than Paris.
Here's 15 lei.

Not with the submarine.

Where are you going?

- London.
- 5 lei. And you?

- Rome.
- 1 leu.

How about you?

- New York.
- 5 lei.

- Hanover.
- 5 lei.

- You?
- I don't know.

- Come on, say where!
- I don't know.

Lali! Your sister
doesn't know where to go.

It's free for my sister.

Where are you going?

- Lisbon.
- 10 lei.

Dear comrade children,

I wish to say a few words to you.

Give me some bread!

Your dad's doing Ceausescu again.
Give him nothing.

There isn't any!

Good bye.

I'm hungry!

Go and beg somewhere else
if you want to eat!

You're the one I'm going to eat!

Dry bread?
I don't eat dry bread!

Stop that! I'm the president!
Stop it!

Stop beating me,
young man!

To your kennel!
To your kennel!

Let me out!

What will you give us?

I'm your president.

- Come on!
- What will you give us?

I can give you everything!

I'll give you...

another television program...
about me!

No, no! Cartoons!
Cartoons! Cartoons!



Turn the light on.

You hear me?

The power's off!

The bastards!

- Open up now.
- What'll you give us?

Enough fooling around.
That'll do! It's time for bed now!

- Open up.
- We've lost the key!

Come on, open up!

You'll be there all night!

Eva, I'm talking to you!

I don't have the key!

You, too now?
I expect better from you.

Open up! You hear?

Don't lean on the wall.

Dad said everything will be fine.
Don't worry.

You've cut your hair!

Eva, you haven't said anything
for five minutes now.

Go on, Eva, speak. We're waiting.

Have a good day.

Dear and esteemed comrades,

we suggest the exclusion
of comrade Eva Matei

from this high school's
Communist Youth Union.

Comrade Matei may speak now.

Let's move on to the class vote.
Who's for?

I'm for, too.

I'm not going in.

What do you mean?

Come on, I'll do the talking.

They'll send you
to the technical college!

You'll do like we said!

Listen to me carefully now.

- We don't give in!
- Precisely.

- Hello, Maria.
- Hello.

You don't say hello anymore?

You should watch your daughter,
she's getting unruly.

Keep her away from my son.

Come into my office.

İf you cry, I'll leave.

I have nothing to say.

The problem isn't so much
what you've done,

but your attitude.

Alex is acting differently.

The business with the bust
is irrelevant.


You should tell us
what happened.

Write! Please.

Perhaps the meeting
didn't define the facts.

- Not at all!
- Eva, please!

I'm sorry.

But you promised!

I'm the one who made you,
but I'm going to kill you!

You said Eva was safe!

You don't understand a thing!

Stop it! That's enough!

Where are you going naked?
Go back in!

Where are you going?

Go back in.

You promised.

Let's talk.
Get inside now, you jerk!

You're shaming me
in front of the neighbors! Idiot!

- You “ed to me'.
- La“, come here.

Don't you see what's going on?

You want to teach me
how the world turns?

He's beating Alex!
Beating him hard!

Stop hitting me!

Damn COP!

You want to catch a chill?

He's beating him hard?

Come over here.

Lift your arms.

Go on, take your tablet.

Take your tablet.

Don't move.

What's his temperature?


Calm down. Take your tablet.

My eyes hurt.

Still sick, my boy?

I'm so stupid.

I'm always getting sick.

His temperature?


Don't give him more.
Dress him.

We'll go and see the doctor.

Come on.

I'll stay with you.

I don't like this!
It's horrible and it stinks!

It smells of chlorine.

Mom will bring your pajamas.

- You're not leaving?
- No.

- You swear?
- I swear.

Lie down now.

What's that over there?


Over there.

A painting.

What is it?

A boat.

I can't see, everything's misty.

Don't talk rubbish.

It's the fever causing that.

- Can you see now?
- Yes.

A boat... Great!

Go in, you're not dressed!

How do you know all that?

Is he there?


The police brought them here.

His father tried
to overthrow Ceausescu.

And I know his name's Andrei.

I want straight lines!

- Good morning.
- Good morning!

I don't need to remind you

that this new term

is the last one
in the school year.

In this school,
no one repeats the year!

İf you don't succeed in class,

you'll leave to work!

Or go to prison if you prefer!

You must learn to appreciate
the state's efforts.

I haven't finished.

Some new pupils have joined us.

Let's welcome them properly.

I hope they will be able
to mend their ways here.

And become model citizens
of our country!

Like you, in fact.

Welcome to prison!

I'll say it again. Efficiency!

Efficiency in the workshop,
efficiency in class,

efficiency at work,
that's the goal.

Let's get that straight.

Get that in your heads.


Let us in.
We've come to help you!

Come on.

What are you doing?

Ask him.

Did your parents hand out
manifestos against Ceausescu?

- Clear off!
- Please! Let me help you!

I have a car, I can drive!

Get lost.


Come here.
Just you.

Wait a second.

Here, this is for Eva.


What's this music?

You like it, huh?

Where's it from?

Where do you think?

The new neighbor?

It's great.

- Come on, let's go to Titi's.
- Yes!

- Where are you going?
- To Titi's.

- My turn now!
- Do the motorbike!

Do the train!

Leave him be, the poor guy.


Leave me, Tarzan!

Let's see.

What will my grandson do
when he grows up?

Let's see.

Pick something up.

My grandson will be a doctor.

Choose something else now.

A barber!

The most important is good health.

Let's drink, brothers.

It's been a good harvest.

What are they doing here?

I can explain.

- Hello.
- Hello.



- Come in.
- Thank you.

did you invite them here?

Leave it.

Forgive my father, he's too busy.

- Nucu can see to him.
- Who's the master here?

Just anyone can enter my house?

I'm in charge here!

- Sit down.
- I'll get you something to drink.

Go and talk to her.

Go on.

- What are you doing, Dad?
- Get out!

Who's in charge here?

We're here to enjoy ourselves.

I'm the one who decides
who we invite!

Bring plum brandy
and some food.

Just ignore him.

Go to hell!

This is my home, you crows!

I bring who I want here!

To your health.


Titi! What's going on?

You want me to freeze to death,
this winter?

Mind your own business.

Why are you sniggering?

What of it?

I want to stay.

He'll calm down.

Come on, cheers.

Neighbor, here's to your son.

Bless him. A long life.

- Have you seen Tm'?
- He's back there.

- Hi!
- I've come from work.

- You shouldn't have.
- For the baby.

Stay with us.
No need to go over there.

Another glass!

He's cheating again.

He's been like that
ever since I've known him.

Florica, come and help.

Out of the way!

Die, scum!
Suffer and die!


Aren't you dancing?

Who with?

I want you to dance with Alex.

He brought medicine
for your brother.

Make an effort.

You can see he helps us
despite everything.

His father is sorry, too.

He's mad about you.
He's letting himself go.

Please, for me,
dance with him.

You hear me?

Just once?

We mustn't get
on the wrong side of them.

Come on. Let's take shelter.

It's just a shower.

We're neighbors after all.

We have to help each other.

Who knows what might happen.


Where do you live?

You won't talk to me?

She has golden hands!

Don't you want
to polish my nut?

Give her your washer!

Enough! Want a hand?

They want efficiency.

All you have to do
is kiss me after.

Bones is the best at kissing.

What do you say, baby?

I don't want to.

What, Tudorica?

Be my girlfriend?

Bones, let's go!

You've no idea
what I can do with my tongue.

You'll never manage like that.

You haven't had enough?

Stop that right now!

He's mad as hell, comrade!

I said that's enough!

Let me grab him!

Make room for me!

The headmaster!

I've told you
to stay out of it.

Go on! Get to your classes!

Get to your classes!

Give me that.




There's still some.

Know where? Here.

Look out, here's the teacher!

I know three colors
in this world

That evoke a brave people

Valliant and glorious
since the dawn of time

That have fought and triumphed...

That's good. It's enough for me.

- Who wrote that music?

- Nobody knows?
- George Enescu.

You're warm!
Ciprian Porumbescu!

Andrea, write on the board.

It's another two weeks
to the festivities.

Our country is our country

Sweet, blue land

With wings sculpted by love

By the light of our eyes

Our country is our country

Sweet, blue land

With wings sculpted by love

- By the light of our--
- All right, stop.

Think about what you're singing.

"Our country is our country."

I don't know.

What? You don't know?

It's your country, you love it.

- Like your mother!
- Shut up!

More warmth. You understand?
Think of the words.

And don't rush it.

- All right?
- Of course.

Go on, start again.

No, stop.

Give me my guitar.

Never mind how many

brilliant pluckers we have here.

My hour is a music hour.

You understand?

- May I, comrade?
- What?


I'd have liked you to but...

All right! Two, three and...

You need a girl with you
to wake you up!

The new one can sing.

Matei, Eva!
Come here, please.

- Can you sing?
- A little.

- Can you play?
- So-so.

Pass me a guitar.

Try it.

A sweep walks in the evening
along the street

He walks carefree,
in the evening--

That's pretty, but it won't do.
Do you know anything else?

Yes, but in the same style.

- Which school do you come from?
- Balcescu.

You were expelled?

No, I left.

Just sing.

Okay, two, three, and...

Our country is our country

Sweet, blue land

With wings sculpted by love

By the light of our eyes

Our country is our country

Sweet, blue land

With wings sculpted by love

By the light of our eyes

Just as water
cannot calm desire

Just as we cannot
make time stand still

Just as we cannot
pierce others' thoughts

We are Romanian


Are Romanian

Romanian like our fir trees

Romanian like our corn

Romanian like fire

We are Romanian

Our country is our country

Sweet, blue land

With wings sculpted by love

By the light of our eyes.

Very good, well done!

Now, here are our prizewinners.

Your attention, please.

Constantin, Cristina, year 5B,
2nd prize.

Stefan, Ionut, year 5A,
3rd prize.

Tomutsa, Olivia, year 6B,
1st prize!

And Matei, Eva, year 6B,
honorable mention!

Well done, you've worked hard
and made progress.

I now wish you
a very pleasant holiday

and success for next year.

You look a fool.

I'm coming with you.

What do you think?

I'll have to see.

It's all settled!

We arrive in Italy.

We go via Yugoslavia.

Why so early, guys?

Sit down!

Anything in there?

Of course, loads of dollars.

And, in the drawer, dynamite
to blow things sky high.

A wonderful explosion.

Take him to HQ.

I respect this country's laws,

I respect the popular militia.

Spare us the act!

I respect everything
in this country.

Long live the Socialist Republic
of Romania!


You don't know where your son is?
We know.

Let go of me!

What happened?

- They caught Nucu.
- Where?

At the Danube.
He was starting to cross.

- And?
- May God have mercy on him.

Stop it!

Are you ever going
to talk to her?

Eva, come here!

Sit down.

All right, tell me...

What's going on with that boy
across the way, Andrei?

- We're classmates.
- Is that all?


- What about Alex?
- I made no promises.

- What?
- Cut it out!

Let me talk to her.

Tell me...

Do you like this Andrei?

No. Why?

Can't you see
his family has problems?

You've had enough already!

What about Alex?

You're fond of him.

Go back to him.
He helps us.

- You really want me to?
- Yes.

All right.


I've brought some cakes.

Very good.

- Well, see you.
- We need to talk.

Look at me now
as I truly am.

To succeed, we'll have to work

without emotion or feelings.

My mind is worth more
than this physical appearance.

Just eat the cakes.

I have to go.

İf you go,
our whole plan crumbles.

You want to put me
through a test?

Our project is ambitious.

I want to make sure
that we'll be up to it.

I have to undress?

I don't mind.

We'll have to pass through
some very tough ordeals.

Let's start
with the training followed

by young Tibetans
who want to become monks.

What's going on?

Get off my back!

- I'll smash your head in!
- Drop that!

Want me to see to him?

What's so funny?

Don't laugh or I'll waste you!

You bet!

You know a girl called Eva?

Well, do you know her?

I don't know anybody.

It's ready.

I can't breathe.

Wait, I'll show you!

I can't go on!

They're naked in a bathtub.

Let's try with this.

We have to avoid hypothermia.

Let's try it together!

Come on!

That's enough! Get lost!

You saw that?

Why are you upset now?

It works!

This Andrei' guy is brilliant!

It's not great, huh?

Come on, let's steal demijohns
to cross the Danube!

Do you know where Alex is?

Why are you asking?

His father's here. He's worried.

I haven't seen him lately.

What's going on?

What? You don't know?
Do you think I'm stupid?

Pay attention to what you're doing.
You know...

- What is it?
- Go to sleep!

They're children.

I know what I'm saying.
Just keep an eye on her!

You can't go out
without my permission.

Why not?

I made you...

...I'll kill you.

Get out. Go on!

They've found Alex.

He was sleeping in the forest.

- Want some soup?
- Just serve him!

I'm not hungry.

I'll leave it here.

What are you doing?

Is it too hot in the kitchen?

I'm leaving now!

The militia's at my house.

You're leaving like this?

Tomorrow will be too late.

Don't come with me.

I'll say goodbye.

Have you seen the time?
Go to sleep.

- Is this the one?
- Yes.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

When does it leave?

I don't know.

What do we do?

We wait.

What are you doing?

The power's off again.

What is it?

I want to die.

All girls go away one day.

Mom went away with Dad, too.

She'll come back.

How do you know that?

Do you know where Eva is
and you won't tell us?

What happened to this iron?

Come here!

We're almost there.

Want to say something?


What are you doing?

Come, my pretty!

What have you done, little Lali?

Boulba Superman will save you!

Boulba Superman!

What's wrong, my child?

I'm dead.

And you're dead too, Boulba.

I'm dead?

Who hurt you?


Just wait and see what I'll do
to Ceausescu

so he won't hurt anyone again.

You'll see
what Boulba will do to him.

He won't bother anyone again.

You promise?

You'll burn yourself!

Put this on.

Come on!


Go and see Mom.

Is that all?

Go and say good morning.
Come on!

Good morning.

You promised.

Sure, good morning.

See, I managed it.

I haven't forgiven you yet.

I'm ironing your shirts
for nothing.

School's about to start
and you cross the Danube!

You think I'm fleeing school.


The cop wants to help us.

He already did.
That'll do, thanks.

He's desperate.

Alex has been expelled
from high school.

- He's at your school.
- Good thing you're not there now.

You want a slap?

You and him,
you're ruining your lives.

You're always stuck
with that idiot.

Your arm.

Your hair's too long.

Good morning!

- Good morning.
- Good morning, children.

Stand up.

Children, this is an honor.

The comrade
is going to select a choir

that will sing for comrade
Nicolae Ceausescu.

Sit down.

They'll pick us, you'll see.

- Shall we go?
- Shut up!

Let's go!

All volunteers may step forward.

Let's go, I have a plan.

What plan?


Bad ea!

Who can sing the first verse
of our national anthem?

I know three colors in this world

That evoke a brave people...

It's no good.

What's your new plan?

Get off my back!

I'm not telling you!

Come on, tell us.
What's your plan?

All right, who's the choir for?

We're going to kill Ceausescu.

I'll hit him on the left!

And I'll stab my knife in his heart!

Everyone will be happy.

The policemen will be happy too!

- Come on, let's go.
- Let's go.

- Don't you like it here?
- I do.

I'd like to help you.

No need, Florica.

You prefer sales?

You bet!

Sales... and here too?

İf it's well paid.

How will you get home?

We're going to sing for Ceausescu!

We're going home!

- Can I go out for minutes?
- Yes.

Thank you.

- I'd like a whistle.
- What?

- A policeman's whistle!
- Here.

What do you say?

- Thank you.
- Goodbye.

Goodbye. That's good!


There's a note in your book?

What's this?

Where's it from?

I'm a valorous Romanian

There's nothing I'm afraid of


Show them again!

I'm a valorous Romanian

There's nothing I'm afraid of

Crafty devil!

Romania is my country

I'm happy to be living here

I'm the child of my fatherland

I'm hardworking and bold

Romania is my country...


You don't fight here! Get out!

- Out with you!
- Oh, no! Please, sir!

Stan and Amariei'!
Get out! Right now!

Get out!

I'm sorry, but fatty
gets on my nerves.

I wanted to hit her!

You're an asshole!

Who are you talking to?
Shut it!

He's right. It's all your fault!

Slowly. Slowly.

He can't.

Give him this too.

But it's his fifth plate.

İf he eats slowly,
his mind will heal too.


- Leave me be, Florica!
- Hello!

You haven't finished yet?

Don't bother me.

What are you doing here?

- We finished early.
- Why?

will you help us write a poem?

A what?

We have to write a poem!


- I'm leaving.
- Off you go.

- What kind of poem?
- A patriotic one!

Where did you get this idea?

Find a rhyme for
"Oh, my Party."

- "I cherish thee."
- That's good!

Keep going.

"Oh, my Party,
in truth, I cherish thee."

- Grandad, you're the best!
- Give me my glasses.

Get out your exercise books!

"Trumpets sound,
the pioneers celebrate

"and send all their thanks
to our dear Con... Conducator!"

"Our dear Conducator!"

Keep out of the water!

Come on.

Wait, I'll close it.

You'll get everything dirty!

Come here.

You want to sweat?

You have a fever.

Take this off. Calm down.


Open your mouth wide.

Good boy.

Alex brought this yesterday.
It's new.

His father can get us an appointment
at the military hospital.

Come here.

Lift your arms up.

- What's that?
- A piece of paper.

It's from abroad.
It's from Andrei'!

Can I come with you
to the post office tomorrow?

Yes. It's a parcel.

How's Andrei?

- And your temperature?
- It's gone.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

Sit down.

- I've found a title!
- What is it?

"From the children
for our dear president".

When did you find it?

"With all my child's heart,
I love you, my dear Party.

Ta ta ta. Trumpets sound,
the pioneers celebrate

and send all their thanks
to our dear Conducator!

Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu,
thank you

for this wonderful
childhood of mine.

Comrade Elena Ceausescu,
thank you

for this wonderful childhood
of mine."

Bravo! Very pretty!
Did you write it?

You'll recite it
at the festivities, okay?

That's good.

Stop laughing, you!

Sign here, please.

For you, pretty girls

More chocolate?


I'm just the man
with the cigarette

I don't have a mother,
I don't have a father

I'm just an unhappy guy

Let me.

To you, the pretty girls

Who have loved me

I don't have a mother,
I don't have a father

I'm just an unhappy guy

I don't have a brother,
I don't have a sister

Was I born from a flower?

I don't have a brother,
I don't have a sister

Was I born from a flower?

It's not bursting!

Where are you going?

Where are you going?
Where are you going?

Why are you here?

I've come to see you.

Come and see something.

See you on Sunday!

What are you showing me?

Where is it?

You'll see.

- Which floor?
- The top one.

Is there a light?

It's not working. Come on!

- Is it your family's?
- It's mine.

You bought it?


You'll live here alone?

They're demolishing our place.

I heard different.

It's true, my dad said.

Do you like it?

You want to go?

No, let's stay a while.

I like it. It's high up.

Coming to my place?

Yes, okay.

Shall I put a tape on?


When are you moving?

Next week perhaps.

Come to my room instead.

Isn't anybody home?

Yes, Tm'?

- ls your father here?
- Why?

I want to talk to him.

- He's at work.
- What work?

Go home.

What's he doing
this late at night?

It's late. I'm going home.

- Good evening.
- Come here.


Sit down.

Where were you?

What's wrong?

I'm getting married.

What did you say?

None of your business.

Everything's my business.

Go to bed. Go on.

I've been lifting weights.
Look at my muscles!

Forget your muscles.
Go to bed.

Where were you?

- You're not getting married!
- I am!

- You're not!
- I am!

- You're not!
- Why not?

I won't let you!

What are you doing?

You want to be late?

Hold out your arm.

Stop looking at yourself.


What is it?

A nail from a dead horse's shoe.
It's good luck.

Take this cross.
My father gave it to me.

Thanks, I have my tooth too.

Good luck!

Want us to come with you
to the tram?


We're not out of the woods yet.

What a disaster!

Shut up.
Out of the way.

Get to work!
Let's see to these whistles.

I give my thanks
to the instigators

and organizers
of this major popular event

here in Bucharest.

Looking on it

as a...

- What's wrong?
- He's done it!

He's the best!

Come inside now.

What's wrong?

Grandad, wait.

Stop this!


Hello! Hello!

Calm down!

Calm down, you youngsters!

Mr. Vichan?


Do you know where Alex is?

In his mother's cunt!

You know what's going on?

We're free at last!

May the devil take him!

It's happened at last!

Down with Ceausescu!

What's wrong, Mr. Vichan?

Leave me alone!

Where are you off to?

You can see he's fleeing!

I'm not fleeing, I'm moving.
Leave me alone!

- He's moving?
- To go where?

The new district.

Go home.

Here! The keys.

Down with Ceausescu!

Get out.

It's done! It's over!

It's mine, I do what I want!
I'm burning it!


You're right, Florica!

Ceausescu's on the run

That's good!
Open fire!

You shoot, too!

We've won!

Wait. It's very hot.

Tell her to send us stuff!

I'm sorry
I didn't write yesterday

as soon as I got your letter.

Everyone is well here.

All the neighbors wish you
happiness and good health.

That's the most important thing.

Boulba has a new friend.
Know who it is?

The cop.

He plays with us now.

Boulba has taught him
to do the tractor,

motorbike and boat.

With the school, we went
to the heroes' cemetery.

We took flowers.

There were more for Alex
than anyone else!

We don't call our teacher
comrade now.

She cried.

Lilica and Ciubotaru cried too.

I like Lilica a lot.

I'd like her to be
my girlfriend.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I haven't had a cold
for 18 weeks

and four days.

Mom has counted the days carefully.

Each passing week
makes her happier.

That's what I wish you too,

good health and happiness.

All our friends
ask me for news of you.

They're very fond of you,
you know.

I said that you would send money.

And chewing gum.

Lots of love,
your brother Lalalilou.

Or La“, as you ca“ me.

The Way I Spent the End
of the World