The Sins of Rachel Cade (1961) - full transcript

In 1939, earnest missionary nurse Rachel Cade travels to the Belgian Congo but she no sooner arrives than Dr. Bikel, who runs the local hospital where she is to work, dies of heart failure. She also soon learns that the hospital has been a failure and has yet to treat a single patient. Slowly, Rachel gains the trust of the villagers, not only providing medical care, but preaching the gospel. The local government official, middle-aged Colonel Henri Derode, doesn't quite hit it off with Rachel at first, but soon begins to develop deep affections for her. The sexually repressed Rachel however has fallen madly in love with the dashing Captain Paul Winton, a American serving in the R.A.F., who is shot down and is also a medical doctor. Her moralizing comes back to haunt her when she learns after his departure that she is pregnant.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

[ Whistle blows ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

You are Rachel Cade?

I'm kulu.
I will take your baggage.

This way, madami.

Man: I tried to explain to him,
but he will not listen.

If it will
make him happy,

I will gladly
give him more money.

But, colonel,
I do not want more money.

All I want
is my goat back.

[ British accent ]
You give him back his goat.

Court dismissed.

[ Crowd murmurs ]

Man: Everybody to the outside!

Everybody to the outside!

Run along, matamuna.

[ Train whistle blows ]

On time.

She'll be here.

Sure she will.

I understand she's American
and very pretty.

That's a relative quality
of missionaries.

She's a medical missionary --
a nurse.

Madame derode used to say

she had never
known a nurse who didn't.

Marie --

Of course --

you have an annoying habit
of crediting my late wife

with any
salacious observation

you are ashamed to claim
as your own.

Oh, really, colonel.

I've heard on the highest
and most lascivious authority

in stanleyville

that miss Cade
is insatiably virtuous.

I'm sure you'll try
to take care of that.


I said, "don't forget
to wear your hat."

[ Horn honks ]

Welcome to rugeri,
miss Cade.

I'm Henri derode,
the district commissioner.

Kulu, your men hungry?

No, colonel.

Hey, soldier.

I'm Dr. Musinga.

Doctor? You're
one of the boys

who wash the floors
of the hospital.

I have an order here
for 10 liters of petrol.

You'll get five.

All requisitions
have been cut in half

since the war in Europe.

You're not new to Africa,
miss Cade?

No. Just to the jungle.

Why did they
send you here?

To help Dr. Bikel
in dibela.

I've always wanted
to bring our word

to a more primitive area.

This is a reward for --

no, thank you --

a reward for being patient
at headquarters for so long.

Curious -- I'm being punished
and you're rewarded,

and we're both
in the same place.

Why punished?

Relieved of military duty --

colonel derode
is an infantry officer.

Thank you...
Thank you very much.


And given what amounts
to a...Civilian assignment.

What's wrong
with being here?

Well, this
is a backward district.

And, uh, dibela's
a backward village

in a backward district.

Dr. Bikel's not exactly
the missionary type.

Find the climate
bad for your health,

and we'll
have you transferred.

You've just given me
two more reasons for staying.

Miss Cade, these people
are perfectly happy

with their illiteracy
and their sickness

and their...
Cruel and simple gods.

I don't think that's so.

They just don't know
any better way of living.

[ Chuckles ]

You know, I've seen you people
come and go.

I've seen you
treat the syphilis

the white man brought here
two generations ago.

I've also seen you
write home to your mission

that seven men
came to pray on Sunday,

and forgot to write

that they were back
at ritual torture on Monday.

What sect
do you belong to?


What are you?


Nobody is nothing.
Are you an atheist?

I don't dignify the concept
by being opposed to it.

I believe that if god
wasn't mentioned to a child,

the child wouldn't
think of it by himself.

That would be
a terrible loss for the child.

Do you...

Really believe this entire world
just happened?

If it didn't,
whoever runs it is incompetent.

I...don't think there's
any humor in blasphemy.


I didn't mean
to offend you.

You seem to be so, uh,

so busy
with abstract theology,

and so ignorant
of the practical aspects

of our mission here.

I understand.

You've come to Africa
to fight what you call "sin"

with the words of Jesus.

And you think that's wrong?

I think it's presumptuous,
even impossible.

We've managed to push
the devil back...

Step by step
since we've been here.

Miss Cade...

Has it ever occurred to you

that you're asking
a great deal of these people?

And of yourself?

I've never...

Found it difficult.

No, because you've
pushed the devil off the road.

That's dangerous.

You might not realize
how dangerous

until you find yourself
out there with him.

You must envy my faith
a great deal

to attack it so easily.

No, I envy your innocence.

You think
you've civilized them.

I know the only reason
we're alive is because

there's an armed battalion
in stanleyville.

One simple, wooden cross
keeps US alive.

When it doesn't,

all the guns in the world
won't help.

Thank you
for your good intentions.

By your leaving,

I'd be seeming
to be lacking in them.

Then stop playing the rebel,

It's daring at 20 --

at 40
it just looks foolish.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't
have said that.

On the contrary.

My regards to Dr. Bikel.

[ Door closes ]

[ Engine turns over ]

Please, stop here.

[ Man speaking
native language ]

Why are they walking away?


We come to the mission
very soon, madami.

Miss Cade?

Hello, doctor.

Did you bring
the drugs I ordered?

Yes. They're right here.

Oh. That's your hut.

Kulu will show you. was the trip?

The trip was pleasant.

I'll expect you for dinner

as soon as you
get yourself settled.


What are your names?


I am mzimba.

What do you do
at the mission?

I cook.

I do a little cleaning,

Thank you, kulu.

Yes, madami.

Miss Cade!

Please, I'm changing.

I can't find
the Nitroglycerin!

Well, I've brought
what they gave me.

Well, they forgot it!

I'm -- I'm sorry.
I-I didn't mean to --

where do you come from,
miss Cade?


I haven't done
a very good job here.

It's difficult alone.
I can help now.

I haven't done
any missionary,

or much practicing
for that matter.

We'll talk about it.

I took up
mountain climbing...

And that's
what's killed me.

I have a bad heart,
miss Cade.

You needed the nitro
for your --

well, we'll order some
right away.

I'm sure if they had known
they would have sent some.

If they had known,
they would have sent me back.

And -- and you
didn't want to go?


I don't know why, but no.

What you need now
is complete rest.

You're just
going to have --

Dr. Bikel?



[ Shouting
in native language ]

Madami, is he dead?

Yes, kulu, he's dead.

Carry him to the hospital.

Carry him, please.

Where did the others go?

I asked a question.

They went away.

I know that.

Musinga will tell the people
at the village.

And mzimba?

He is afraid, madami.

Of death?

No, not of death.

Well, of what, then?

Where are the patients?

There are none, madami.

Have there...
Ever been any?

No, madami.

[ Drums beating in distance ]

Does madami read the drums?

They're telling
of Dr. Bikel's death.

They're happy about it.

I do not know.

Can you men make a coffin?

Yes, madami.

Is he to be buried here?

In the morning.

[ Drumbeat continues ]

[ Squeaking ]

[ Knock on door ]


Madami --

yes, kulu?

We are ready, madami.

Thank you, kulu.

You may lower the coffin.

When this is finished,

drive to rugeri and give this
to colonel derode.

Lower it.

Lower the coffin.

Go now, kulu.

You! Get out of the car!

Get out!

In the name of muwango!

I serve madami.

You serve me!

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Transmission grinds ]

[ Horn honks ]


I was just sending kulu
to tell you.

I heard it on the drums.


what are you doing here?

Go on. Clear out.

This isn't necessary.

You don't
turn the other cheek,

not with somebody
like him.


we talk later.

You'll need
a new number-one man.

Will kulu do
until you leave?

What do you mean, leave?

you can't stay here alone.

I won't be alone.

Kulu and kosongo
and mzimba will be with me.

I can order you
out of here.

I'm sure you know

how unfair that would be
to them.

Miss Cade,
you are so full of...

Good works.

I'd like to go on
with the service, now.


I see you've
been given a present.

If I were you,
I'd take it off.


This is a deliberate
provocation to these people.

I mean it to be,

and I'm moving
into Dr. Bikel's bungalow --

I wish you'd
try and understand

that to them
you're an infidel.

This warning
is a reasonably civilized way

of dealing with infidels.

Are you sure
you don't believe in this

just a little, yourself?


"The lord is thy keeper.

"The lord is thy shade
upon thy right hand.

"The sun shall not smite thee
by day...

Nor the moon by night."

"The lord shall preserve thee
from all evil.

"He shall preserve thy soul.

"The lord shall preserve thy
going out and thy coming in

"from this time forth...

And even forever more."

How did it happen?

Heart attack.

I knew he was ill,
but I had no idea.

If you'll
gather up his things,

I'll send for them
and see to the details.

All right.
Thank you, colonel.



What are you going to do
if you get any patients?

What I've
been trained to do.

The mission won't send
another doctor.

Since the war,
there aren't any.

I know.

You don't really
believe in this?

That's how
practical magic works.

You think
it will work on me?

It works on the guilty...

And most of US are guilty.

That's what destroys US.

The death fetish
only suggests it.

an excellent psychiatrist.

Who's kalanumu?

The high priest of dibela.

I thought muwango was --

muwango is the medicine man.
He does the legwork.

The drums said Dr. Bikel died
because he was punished.

Tell me what he did.

Well, he tried
to climb the mountains,

and that's sacred ground.

So kalanumu
put a thahoo on him.

That's the biggest curse
of all.

And it seems to have worked.

Dr. Bikel
died of a heart attack

from overexertion.

It'll be stimulating
having you around here,

but don't you think
you ought to reconsider?


Aren't you being
a little compulsive?

I'm sure I am.

That's how
god's work gets done.

I prefer a more comfortable
relationship with god.

Being a protestant
missionary nurse

that kind of comfort.

You know...

You're an extraordinarily
beautiful woman.

I think that's something
you don't like to face.

[ Engine turns over ]

Thank you again.




The mountain, madami!

This is a rare thing
to happen, madami.

Does your god
live up there?


It is done, madami.

Thank you, kosongo.

That's fine.

You've all worked very hard.

There's just
one thing missing --

the patients.

I know, madami.

Don't they look better,

Much better.

Shall I paint another one?

No, not now.
Don't bother.

Would you
like to hear stories

like those told in
the palaver houses?

I would, madami.

Then I'll read to you

from the book
in which I believe.

My book
is called the Bible,

and in it
are many stories of god.

At this --

Is something wrong?

We do not tell stories
of our god, madami.

Our god lives in the ice caves
of the mountain.

He sends sickness and hunger
when we have angered him,

so we don't bring ourselves
to his attention.

Your god...
You have a picture of him?

Well...god is not a man.

Is god a woman, then?

No, h-he is --

well, god has no form.

Your god
must look like something.

Uh, here.
I-I do have a picture.

The way a man
named Michelangelo saw him

many seasons ago.

Mzimba: God is white?

Uh, well...


People see god as they wish.

H-He is neither
white nor black.

God is spirit.

Go on, madami.

Well, I'll tell you

the most important story
of all.

One day, many seasons ago,
god became very discouraged

with the way people
had forgotten him.

He was
displeased with the men

that were stealing
and killing and...

Lying with the wives
of other men.

God is against lying
with the wives of other men?

Other than the lying
of a circumcisioned brother

with a wife?

I'm not...
Sure I understand.

It's the duty
of a man's brother,

he who is circumcised at the
same time at the same ceremony,

to lie with the brother's wife
when the brother's away.

But that's wrong, kosongo.

Terribly wrong.

[ Airplanes overhead ]

All white people
have this god?

Many of them.

But not the enemy
in the great war to the north,

against whom
the airplanes fly.

The enemy, too.

I do not understand.

What is it
you don't understand?

The people of dibela

could not make war
against the people of rugeri,

because we have
the same god.

How can your people

make war on people
who have the same god?

They do, kulu.

And that's one of the reasons
god said to himself,

"I shall send a son to them,
in visible form,

to teach them
that it is wrong."

So god's son
was born on earth,

and his name
was Jesus the Christ.

And he taught
the word of his father

across the land.

Then you come here with this
spirit of Jesus the Christ?

I do.

Is this spirit stronger
than the god of the mountain?

I believe
that there is no god

but god the father, kulu.

That is only as you think,

The people of dibela believe
in the god of the mountain,

even though
he is a bad god.

Do, um...

Do many of the people
believe that he is a bad god?

Most of US.
The young ones.

That is why I ask
if god the father is stronger.

He is much stronger.

He will protect you
and all who worship him,

because he is
the good father of US all.

Is your god strong enough
to cure the son of wanga?

Cade: What's wrong
with the son of wanga?

The god of the mountain
is killing him.

Wanga went with Dr. Bikel

when he tried
to climb the mountain.

When kalanumu
put upon Dr. Bikel the thahoo,

he also put it upon wanga.

The cold breath of god
froze the life from wanga

and now the thahoo is in
the belly of wanga's son.

He, too, dies of it.

Where is this boy?

In the village.

Take me to him, kulu.

[ Dogs barking ]

[ Child crying ]


If you must do this,

do not try it
without seeking the permission

of chief buderga.

Chief buderga?

I am Rachel Cade.

Sit down, please,
Rachel Cade.


These are my wives.

What is it you wish,
Rachel Cade?

I wish to see
the son of wanga.

For what purpose?

He is ill,

and I may be able
to help him.

No one can help him.

I'd like to try.

It is forbidden.

Do you forbid it?

It is not given to me
to forbid or otherwise.

I rule and judge,

but only muwango
rules of medicine.

Do you want the boy to die?

I pray
that kalanumu's thahoo

kills him quickly
and mercifully,

as it did
Dr. Bikel and wanga.

I don't think you believe that
any more than I do.

Thank you for your visit.

Rachel Cade...

Mia, my wife number three
and the wife of my heart,

has never been with child.

Can your medicine
bring a child to her?

I see...

It depends
on who the patient is.

No. If that can be done,

a doctor would
have to treat your, uh...


She is my wife.

Kalanumu performed the ceremony
in this very shamba.

I don't doubt it.

I hear in your voice
that something is wrong.

It isn't right to have
more than one wife.

My father and
my father's father were taught

that a rich man
must have many wives.

Our father --

the father of all of US --
teaches that it's wrong!

Then it is
a matter of opinion.

I do not wish
to change your opinion.

I had no luck, kulu.

I could hear, madami.

The chief
is not a bad man.

Buderga is what we call
in my country a politician.

He's a good man,

so long as it's not too risky
to be a good man.

So that the chief
could make his wife of child,

could Dr. Bikel
have used his medicine?


I wish
a new doctor would come.

That's not possible.

[ Child crying ]

There's nothing you can do.

Don't be afraid.



There's a part
inside your son's body

that must be cut out.

It's called the appendix.

I've helped many times
when doctors have done this,

but I have never done
the operation myself.

If I do this,
your son may die,

but if I don't,
he will surely die.

Madami, you cannot!

I must.

If you do nothing
and the boy dies,

the young people
of the village

will know you tried to fight
kalanumu and failed.

But if you cut into the boy
and he dies,

they will blame you
and be against you forever.

I'll have to
take that chance.

Do you trust me
to do this cutting?


Do it, madami.

If the thahoo
can be cut out, do it!

Madami --

it's best that I do it,

[ Shouting
in native language ]

[ Shouting
in native language ]

No, kulu! No!

Muwango, you will not
kill this child.

Let US alone.

Man: Muwango!

Rachel Cade, I am kalanumu,
priest of dibela.

I ask you this --

will you break our law
and defy our god?

If your law kills children,

Religion must have
order and law, Rachel Cade.

Where there is disorder
and challenge to the law,

it perishes!

I ask you for the last time
to think on it again.

Your religion must change
for the better

as the world changes
for the better.

Those who practice my religion
have many faults,

but the murder of children
for the glory of god

is not among them.

You will not stop?


Then, Rachel Cade,

I pronounce upon you
this thahoo --

the god of the mountains
shall shake your faith

in your own god!

You will violate his laws,

and for this
you will be tormented

all the days of your life!

You, kulu, you are a poor,
bewitched fool.

But for the sake
of your ancestors,

who lie buried
in our village,

I will pray for you.

He found a hen, colonel,
one I had marked!

He's a man who thinks
he owns everything!

Thank you.
Court dismissed.

Philippe, I'll hear this
in the morning.

Where's my coat?

In the dining room.

What is it?
What's the matter?

Rachel Cade's doing surgery
on a boy in dibela.

The political repercussions
of this might be unpleasant.

Guta: Yes, sir.

Find the sergeant. Tell him
I want a truck and two men.

If anything happens
to that boy...


I know I'm too old
to be rescued from anything,

but would you mind telling me
when you'll be back?

When she's safe.

[ Wind howls ]

Raise his feet, kulu.

[ Bed squeaks ]

Put that up there.


We must wait.

All we can do now is pray.

[ Howling continues ]




I'm thirsty.

he's going to be all right.


Kulu, he's going to live.

I know, madami.

I saw them,
and they told me.

I talked to god the father
and Jesus the Christ.

I did, madami.

They were sitting
under a limba tree

and I said to them,

"please help madami
to save wanga's son

"because her spirit
is great and tender...

And she will be
crushed like grass if he dies."

Jesus the Christ
turned to me and smiled...

And I knew
it would be all right.

Please, madami.

Is he dead?

He's going to live.

Have you any idea what forces
you've been playing with?

I think so...

But it doesn't make
any difference now.

It does to me. I happen to be
the administrator here.

You can go out there
and tell cadu

she's going to have
her son back.

[ Crowd murmurs ]


Where's cadu?

Kosongo: Here, colonel.


Rachel Cade has cut
the thahoo from your son.

He's going to be well
and healthy again.

[ Crowd murmurs ]

You can take her in.


From now on, you
and these elderly gentlemen

will be very small
and very quiet.



This is a great victory
for Rachel Cade

and her invisible god.

Chief, don't hurt yourself
by climbing on the bandwagon.



I heard you out there.

Do you have to support
their superstitions?

Couldn't you just tell them
I cut out his appendix?

You'd better get ready
for the party.

What party?

This is a big moment

for the young,
left-wing element of dibela.

Isn't that right, kulu?

There will be
a big party, madami.

[ Upbeat African music plays ]

[ Laughter in distance ]

[ Speaking
native language ]

[ Speaking
native language ]

[ Chuckles ]

This is giza
who has cooked for US.

Hello, giza.


Try to think of it
as a duty.

Go on.

[ Chuckles ]

I am Mia,

third wife
of chief buderga.

The chief wishes to know

if you will eat from
his personal cooking pot.

It is a great honor.

Tell the chief,
"yes, thank you."

The people would like
to do honor to you.

They have
prepared a dance.

[ Music stops ]

[ Speaking
native language ]

[ Cheers ]

[ Slow African music plays ]

This is the dance of the love
of a man for a woman.

I can see that.

[ Tempo increases ]


I was hoping
you would come.


We talk well, you and I,
in spite of our differences.

Our differences
seem to be getting worse.




Better than tobacco?

Much better.

One sees things so plainly.

Will you remove the thahoo
you've put on Rachel Cade?

Does she suffer?

She begins to.

I cannot.

You laid it on.

The god of the mountain
laid it on, through me.

You don't believe that.

Why not? That is what
you believe in your world.

I don't believe in anything.

You believe in thahoo.

It is because you have
no faith of your own

that you believe in thahoo.

Well, don't lecture me.

Why are you so concerned
with Rachel Cade?

Because she's a good woman.

Do you want to sleep
with her

and fear
that she will not let you?


[ Exhales ]


Of course.

Once when I was young,

I forced an unwilling
young girl --

next you'll be asking me
to eat a dead chief.

Just because you got me
smoking this damn pipe,

I'm not all heathen yet.

I said nothing.

You and I are good friends.

We understand things

that men of all colors
don't like to recognize.

Don't fight me in this.

I will do what I must do.

I will go back there now

to play the part
of the high priest,

and you the part
of the bwana administrator.

And there's no reasoning
between US?

Only in the shamba.

Thank you.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Silence ]

Hear me, people of dibela.

Tonight, many of you
have strayed from your god.

You have made him angry,
and he will not forget.

He will search you out
and punish you

unless you bow before him.

To save yourselves,
you must leave here now,

and go back to --

you make bad medicine,
yet you threaten

with the anger of the god
of the mountain

all those who dare
not to oppose

the good medicine of madami.

Wanga and Dr. Bikel challenged
the god of the mountain.

Tell the people
where they are now.

Wanga and Dr. Bikel
are dead.

They are dead because
their time had come to die.

I will waste no more words.

Muwango, by my sign,
heals the sick in dibela!

All those who take part
in the white madami's medicine

will share her thahoo!

Muwango, why do you
always carry your tunic

over your right arm?

It is as I wear it.

You can't let US see
what's underneath?

It is forbidden to interfere
in these matters.

It says so in your law.

Muwango wears it so
because underneath

he hides a deep ulcer.

If muwango's medicine
is so strong,

why can't he cure
his own ulcer?

[ Crowd murmurs ]

This is not honorable.

I warned you.

It will not get you
Rachel Cade.

But it will get her patients
for her hospital.

The son of wanga
was plucked from the dead

by madami's medicine.

Tonight he sleeps
the peaceful sleep of a child.

You've heard the colonel.

You've heard the madami,
and you heard me.

Who will be the first to dare
to bring his sickness

to our hospital?

Can madami waken my son from
the sleep that never ends?

She will try.

Can madami cure the fever
that goes and returns again?

She can.

[ Man speaking
native language ]

Muwango, decree the punishment
for those people.

These people
have done nothing wrong.

You have no right --

hear me!

If any harm
comes to the people

who seek
the madami's medicine,

the soldiers
will spill the blood

of those who have done it.

This gathering's at an end.

[ Murmuring ]

I thought you were asleep.

Thank you.

I was just playing
in local politics.

Yeah, I know.

Good night.


What do you want?

I do not feel well.

There's nothing wrong
with him.

He's here for bad reasons,
to watch thahoo.

I know why he's here.

Let him stay.

Yes, madami.

next patient, please.

Just go over here
and sit on the table.

[ Man grunts ]

Can you
cut the bad part out?

No, I cannot.

I can only give you
something for the pain.

You cut the bad part out
from the boy.

That's different.

This is in the bone,

and my medicine
is not great enough

for cutting into the bone.

[ Door closes ]

Does the book tell how
to cure the boy that sleeps?

I'm not sure what's
wrong with him, kulu.

It takes a doctor
to find out.

God the father
will send US a doctor.

I'd like to talk to you
about something.

Yes, madami.

Have you known giza long?

Oh, very long.

She would make you
a good wife.

Have I done something wrong?

Kulu, the Bible forbids
a man to be with a woman

outside the marriage vows.

To do otherwise is a very
great sin against god --

the sin of adultery.

But I have not taken
the marriage vows.

What you have done
is still sin --

the sin of lust.

This is only natural.

To beasts...

Not to man.

To be without this sin,

this may be possible
for a white, madami,

but it is not a rule
for all.

It's our mission here
to make it the rule for all.

Good night, madami.

[ Door opens, closes ]

But, madami,
I do not understand.

Mia, not being able to have
children is something --

there's just nothing
I can do.



Do not be sad, madami.

The doctor who's to come
will do great medicine.

There are no doctors
to send here.

I've talked to god --

I don't want to hear!

I'm sorry.

I know, madami.

I know.

To keep it
from getting any worse,

I'll just give you
these pills.



He's dead.

[ Airplane engine roaring ]

[ Sputtering ]

Kulu, get my case!

See if there are any others.

Don't bother.

They didn't stand a chance.

They were all in the cockpit
when it blew.

It's broken.

Go get some thick branches
to make a splint.

Don't tell me they
give those first-aid courses

in the jungle.

I'm a nurse.


I'm a missionary
to these people.

What's your name?

Rachel Cade.



So am I -- Paul wilton.

What's that for?

I'm not going into shock.

How do you know?

I'm a doctor.

Hello, madami.


Hello, madami.

How was lunch?

You know hospital food --
snake meat.

I thought
you would join me.

How do you feel?


You've got a few rĂ¢les.

I listened to your chest
while you were asleep.

A rib, maybe?

I don't know, let's see.



I've never been married.

It's nothing.

Maybe a little, low-grade
infection in the pleura.


If I were you, I'd prescribe
a little internal alcohol,

if you have any around.

Yes, we have some.


You know, you run
a good show here, doctor,

but are the local residents
Christian scientists?

Oh, I mean,
not many patients.

All we need is a doctor,


Well, how about yourself?


Oh, I never touch
the stuff, either --

except in
extraordinary times.

And these are
extraordinary times.


Sit down and tell me --

what are you doing
in darkest Africa?

What are you doing
in medicine?

That's easy.
There's money in it.

In the r.A.F.?

Good training.

It'll pay off later.

Don't get your back up.

Sit down and be pleasant.

I have, uh, work to do.

Oh, come on, come on,
sit down.

I do think it's wonderful
of you to have volunteered.

Before the war
comes to Boston?

Is that where
you're from, Boston?

In Boston we say
[Boston accent] "Boston."

Okay -- "Boston."

This could make me

one of the top orthopedic
surgeons in the states,

and that's why I volunteered.

I'm sure your motives
are better than that.

I'm probably
basically what you are.

And what's that?

Oh, nothing bad --
an adventurer.

What's the matter?

I'm here to save these people
from disease and sin,

and no other reason.

That's what missionaries do,
but it can't be that grim.

It isn't.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

[ Door opens ]

Excuse me.

Come back.

Madami, it is to your wish
that we marry?

Yes, kulu.

Then we wish to.

I'm glad.

My congratulations
to both of you.

Will you want the ceremony
in the village?

We wish to marry
as you marry, madami.

I wish there were
a minister here

to marry you in the church,

but we'll get
colonel derode to do it.

Thank you, madami.

[ Door closes ]

You might not be doing well
in the disease department,

but you sure got sin
on the run.

Now, how about that drink?


We're friends, aren't we?


Then I'll have one for you.

" bear with each other's
infirmities and weaknesses,

"to pray for each other

"in the things
which pertain to god,

and to live together
as the heirs of grace of life."

Kulu, "will you have
this woman to be your wife

"in all love and honor,
to live with and Cherish

"according to
the ordinances of god

in the holy bond
of marriage?"

Now you say, "I will."

I will.

Giza, "will you have this man
to be your husband,

"to live with him
and Cherish him

"according to
the ordinances of god

in the holy bond
of marriage?"

Now you say, "I will."

I will.

"Then by the authority
vested in me,

"I declare kulu and giza
are now husband and wife.

"According to the law
of the district of dibela,

"whom therefore god
hath joined together,

let no man put asunder."

That's all!

[ Laughter ]


Be happy.

Thank you for reading
the service.

I'd like to see
your patient.

Kulu, congratulations.

[ Replies
in native language ]

Have you been well?

All right...

Except for the fact of
Germany overrunning Belgium.

I know what
it must mean to you.

Well, at least the British
will hold the Congo for US.

This is Henri derode.
Paul wilton.

How do you do?
Sit down.

I won't be long.

I've had a wire of inquiry
from your headquarters

asking how long
you'll be recovering.

I don't know.

I hope you laid it on thick
in your first wire --

"knocked out of the sky
in darkest Africa,

crawled for days
in tiger-infested jungle."

I said
you'd broken your leg,

and there are
no tigers here.

No tigers, huh?

Just beautiful,
white madamis.

He has to tell them
something, Paul.

He already has.

All right, tell them
six weeks, maybe more.

There are some operations
badly needed here.

When Paul's well enough,
he's going to do them for US.


Rachel, doctor.


Why don't you say
what's on your mind?


Because looking it
is just as bad.

There's no need --

I think there is.

I think there's some operations
needed in your outfit.

Probably, I've been doing
them for more than a year,

and my outfit's
still the going business.

And mine's been conquered.

You brought it up.

I know you're sensitive
about the surrender, Henri --

I don't like hearing it
from Americans.

he's with the British.

He's a volunteer.

He's in love with you.


You're being childish,
both of you.

Why not?

You don't approve of me
behaving like an adult.

You have no right
to do this.


I started a fire

and Dr. Wilton's going to
warm his backside with it.

How long
have you had this?

She doesn't know.

To some of them, time
isn't like it is with US.

All right, have her
come back in a week.


Throw one away each sunrise.

When they're all gone,
you come back.

[ Kulu mutters ]

[ Door closes ]

What's wrong?

These people
let each other die,

and time is meaningless
to them.

Some of them
can't even count.

Then why bother with them,
is that it?


These people
are human beings.

If her life is a burden,
her child's can be better.

But why do you have to
make it better for them

out here
in the middle of nowhere?

Why do I?

You don't have to.

so I flunk the test.

I don't know what you mean.

[ Chuckles ] You've been
watching my reactions

to see if you
approve of me --

if I'm Christian enough
for you, right?

That's ridiculous.

I'm just thankful
you're a doctor

and that you're here.

I wish to see the doctor.

Now what?

Chief buderga.

Dr. Wilton,
this is chief buderga

and his third wife, Mia.

What can I do
for you?

I wish you
to use your medicine

so that this wife
can have my son.

The madami said a doctor
would be able to do so.

Do you have other children?


Well, that lets you
off the hook.

Please, sit down.

Don't be frightened, Mia.

Would you mind waiting in
one of those chairs, please?

[ Woman speaking
native language ]

Drada has no more
of the fever pills.

Is it quinine?

Quinine is correct.

How do you feel, drada?

A little better.


Give her the same amount.

And don't forget to add it
on her record, kosongo.

Yes, madami.

Paul: That's all.
You can step down now.


It's only minor.

It can be taken care of.

Give her the pills.

I'll let you know when
the doctor will be ready.

Thank you.

I don't get it.

Now what's the matter?

She was surgically mutilated.

The medicine men do that
when they're young.

That isn't what stops Mia
from having children.

The women can't enjoy
married life very much.

I suppose not.

You suppose not?

I suppose not.

The men feel it makes
the women seek contentment

in the deeper satisfactions
of marriage --

in bearing children
and working

and maintaining
a stable family.

Where or when did you
first feel these pains, madam?

Please sit down.
Don't be nervous.

What's Swahili for
"say 'ahh'"?

Paul: Sponge.





What's the matter, then?

I don't know.

All is well with the world.

The surgery
has been successful.

Kita's walking again.

Mia's pregnant.

Maybe it's because
you're leaving soon.

It's going to be
an awful letdown when you go.

For them or for you?

For all of US.

You're still
having the shakes.





What do you want
to make of your life?

Oh, what every man wants --

skill in his work,
public approval, money.

I want to do
just two operations a day

on wealthy patients.

And the poor ones?

It's so easy
to get a rise out of you.

No, I'll do my day a week
at the clinic,

but then I want to drive
home in a large car,

and have a large Martini.

And that's
all you want, hmm?

Rachel, very few people
have to hand out pills

and save souls to feel right
inside themselves.

Isn't that hitting
below the belt?

But it's true.

Did you hear what I said?

Yes, I heard you.

I don't think you did.

I said, "I love you."


Please --

shut up.


I love you.
Can't you understand?



You are something.

Look, Rachel, I'm sorry.

I know things
aren't easy for you.

Please, let's forget it.

That's the trouble.

I can't forget it.

So I think it better
if I leave here now.

Don't worry.

I'll do the operations
we have scheduled.

But then it's finished.

All right.

Good night.

[ Door closes ]

Okay, is that my last?

Yes, sir.


That's it, then.


Well, that's better.

What's the matter?


Oh, come on, now.

You don't really believe
you're in a state of sin,

do you?

I believe in the Bible.

Well, so do I, but...

This is 1940.

There's no date
on morality.

We're not exactly
in a state of grace.

Why not?

Don't be so contemptuous
of it, Rachel.

It keeps the race going.

Are we
keeping the race going?

Well, I hope not.

I didn't mean to --

I wish you could leave
with me when I go.

I can't leave
all these people.

There are people
in London, too --

wounded people
who need nurses.

They're not going to let me
stay here forever.

It's just no good.

I can't leave here,
not now.

Don't you see --
for love, for what I want --

how wrong it would be?

I'm so tired of what's right
and what's wrong.

These things
take care of themselves.

Not for me, they don't.

Oh, yes, they will.

They will.

[ Sighs ]

It was the woman who ruined
paradise, wasn't it?

This just came on the wire,

Thank you.

I'll, uh, drop you a line
from stanleyville.

I'll write as soon as you
let me know where.

Write to the address
I gave you in London.

I'll let you know when
I'm someplace permanent.


[ Murmuring ]

This shield is for the doctor
to bear always on his arm,

to protect his heart

when he faces
the northern enemies.


This was the spear
of my grandfather.

With it he destroyed
many enemies.

With it the doctor will see
victory and return to US.

Thank you, kulu.

Well, I'm very grateful
to all of you.

I'll miss you...

And take care of madami.

Another cup of coffee?

No. No, thank you.

I'm sure the colonel
will be here any minute.

Oh, I forgot --
the mail for the mission.

And there's another card
from the doctor.

Excuse me.

Paul: Dear Rachel,

moved out of the last base
I wrote you about,

but still in england.

Same g.P.O.

Hope all goes well.

Love, Paul.


Hello, Henri.

How have you been?

I'd like to talk to you.

All right.

What is it?

I am resigning.

I'd -- I'd like you
to telegraph this

to mission headquarters
in stanleyville, please.

Would you mind telling me
why you're doing this?

I'm pregnant.

That dirty --

it takes two to be dirty
in this connection, Henri.

Did you know before he left?


Did you write him?


Why not?!

I can't.

You're a damn fool.

If he thought now
was the time to marry,

we would have right here.

Oh, now is the time,
all right.

And do you love him?

Well, of course,
I love him.

How else do you think --

[ mutters ] All right.

Perhaps your sin
isn't so great.

Maybe you stayed with him
to keep him here.

To help the sick people
of dibela?

Something like that.


It was because I loved him,
nothing else.

Are you sure he loves you?

Yes, I'm sure.

Even though he didn't
ask you to marry him?

He was going back
to the war.

I never understood
that point of view --

"I can't marry you
because I might be killed."

I can't see the difference
between being a widow

and just being left.

At least a widow
gets a pension.

Please send the wire.

When will you tell him?

When he comes back.

Rachel, this is nonsense.

You don't have to do this
at all.

You apply
for a leave of absence.

I know of an order of sisters,
they understand these things,

you can have your child there,
and they'll bring it up.

You're not serious.

I'll keep this baby
with me always.

What did you think?

I think you could deliver it

Well, thank you...

If that's a compliment.

It's a compliment.


I'll let you know
where I want to go.

You mean
where you want to run to.

You don't seem
to understand.

I can't face these people.

They'll forgive you.

But I can't forgive myself.

I've betrayed
every missionary

who's ever suffered
and died in Africa.

I've dishonored my church

just as surely
as you'd dishonor the army

if you ran from the enemy.

In your own words,
god judges and forgives,

not the sinner.

That's not enough for me.
I want --

you want to be punished,
I know.

I found out something
about you, Rachel.

You didn't conquer kalanumu's
vengeful god of the mountain.

You couldn't --
he was inside you.

He still is.


Somewhere in Matthew.

Jesus said unto the priests,
"verily I say unto you

"that the publicans
and the harlots

"go into the kingdom of god
before you.

"For John the baptist
came unto you

"in the way of righteousness,
and you believed him not,

but the publicans
and harlots believed him."

Primarily it's a matter
of love and faith --

not whether
you're a sinner.

Sin can sometimes
corrupt love and faith.

Henri, a missionary just
can't have an illegitimate child

and go on as though
nothing had happened.

Mary magdalene
was a common streetwalker

and she went on
to become a Saint.

You listen to me, Rachel.

If you leave here, there's
no one to take your place.

There are patients
in that hospital now

that'll be dead
within a week without you.

What about kulu
and kosongo and mzimba?

How do long do you think
their faith will last?

Look what
you've accomplished.

You have no right to leave.

No matter how much guilt
you feel

or how much you suffer,

you have to stay.

You have to.

[ Sobbing ] I don't want
to leave here, Henri.

I don't want to go.

Come on.

Come on.

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Vehicle departs ]

What are you reading it for?

You were listening.

It's a good thing
I make it my business

to hear what goes on
in this office.

What are you
going to do now?

Have a drink.

What are you going to do
about her?


Do you really believe that
the news of a white baby

crawling about dibela

isn't going to get back
to stanleyville?

Of course it will.

If you still love her,

and you want her
to stay here --

well, you do, don't you?


Then you'd better
do something about it.

Mail, madami.

Thank you.

You can open
the door now, kulu.

Yes, madami.

Paul: Dear Rachel,

great news -- I am being
medically discharged.

The leg didn't heal
the way it should've,

through no fault of yours,
of course.

Nothing to worry about,

I have a very good offer
for a practice in Boston.

With luck and the right timing
out of here,

I can bring it off.

Meanwhile, let me know
what you're doing in dibela.

Love, Paul.

It's a letter
from the doctor, madami?


Does he say
when he will return?

He doesn't say.

[ Clatter ]

[ Murmuring ]

[ Kosongo speaking
native language ]


I'll be all right
in a few minutes.

I'm going to send
the out patients home.

No, have them wait.

I do not wish
to disobey you,

but I am going to tell them
to come back tomorrow.

What do the people
really think of me now?

They are sad for you.

They don't feel contempt
for me because I've sinned

as I said they must not sin?

They are sad
because you are sad.

They do not judge your sin.

And you?

I do not judge
because you have taught

that Jesus the Christ said
that we must not judge.

The madami carries her baby
heavily today.

Please come back tomorrow.

What did you say?


He said madami
will not arise tomorrow

to give US her medicine.

You have sudden courage
this morning, musinga.

From where does it come?

What is it you know?


Speak of what you know
while you can.

Kalanumu is sick.

The days of his life
are fewer.

He makes the thahoo
move faster.

Watch the madami.

Give her the medicine
as she needs it.

[ Muttering ]

My son...


Here is last
great secret for you.

Tell it.

I die...

But your madami's thahoo
does not die with me.

You lie.

Not in death.

I speak quickly now.

Kulu, there is no thahoo

other than the one we make
to punish ourselves,

and that
is the strongest of all.

I do not torment your madami.

She torments herself

because she has violated
her own laws,

and only she
can bring peace to herself.

[ Gasping ]
If she learns this,

she can be well.

Why do you tell me this?

I have seen...
The healing she has done.

I-I die now...

between my god...And hers.

[ Murmuring ]

[ Baby crying ]

A son has been born
to madami.

[ Crowd murmurs ]



Yes, sir?

Tell stanleyville their convoy
is passing through on time.

Yes, sir.

Aren't you going to finish
your dinner, colonel?

[ Grunts ]

[ Telegraph clicking ]

Lots of excitement.


Sorry I haven't been over
to dibela more often.

You can see why.

Have some dinner with me.

No, no, thank you.

You go ahead and finish.

I hear you're drafting
single men.

Yes, if the Italians are
to be stopped in the north,

it has to be
with African troops.

What did you name the baby?

Paul Jr.

"Paulie," we call him.

I've come for the mail.

Yes, I've got some for you.

I didn't have anybody
to send, so --

here you are.

There's nothing from him.

I guess I'd better be --

you haven't heard from him

since before
the baby was born.

You keep count
as closely as I do.

I have as much interest.

I want you to see things
the way they are.

I don't want to listen.

If he loves you, he'd
have written or been here.

There's his practice,
money, his own future.

If they come before his love,
you don't want him.

He knows you can't keep love
without those things.

You're the one who doesn't
see things the way they are.

I don't believe
he'll come back.

He loves me and I love him.
Can't you see that?

Can't you see
that it's not necessary

for a man to love a woman
to go to bed with her?

That's you --

no, that's not me.

I happen to be the damn fool
that loves you --

without it.

Rachel, listen.

I love you, and I'm here.

I think in a little while,
you'll learn to love me.

You have a child
that needs a father.

You need a husband.

I thought I'd been in love
many times before,

but never like this.

Marry me...

Because I love you.

I love you.

[ Door closes ]


I want to send a cable.

All right?

Yes, sir.

To captain Paul wilton --

get his g.P.O.
And squadron number

from r.A.F. Headquarters,

Yes, sir.

Paul wilton Jr.,
born to Rachel,

5th of march, 1941.

Signed, derode.

I want to send another one.

To general commanding army
headquarters, stanleyville,

from Henri derode, colonel,
royal infantry.

Subject -- active duty.

Respectfully request immediate
transfer with African troops,

Ethiopian-Kenya front.

Sign it
and get it off urgent.

All right, sergeant,
load them up.

Yes, sir.

[ Shouting
in native language ]

[ Shouting continues ]

Ready, sir.

Follow out!


[ Bell ringing ]


Hello, yourself.

Uh, I've never seen you
as a civilian before.

[ Chuckling ]
Well, it's me.

Oh, the car's over here.

Welcome, doctor.


Your bag, please.

I have someone
who wants to see you.

A surprise?

Well, a surprise is
sort of an understatement.

Hello, sweetheart.

[ Train whistle blows ]

Hello, Paulie.

You knew about him?


Take him back
to the car.

Yes, madami.

Why did I have to hear
about him from derode?

Did you hear me?

Yes, I heard you.

Henri told you.


Why not from you?

I wanted you to come back
because you want to,

not because you have to.

I wanted to.

Not because Henri
brought you back?

Of course not.

Are you sure, Paul?

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

By the way,
where is the good colonel?

Active duty, fighting.

Well, then I won't
have to cope with him, too.

Now, wait just a minute.

Henri derode is a fine --

I know, I know.
I'm sorry.

Now let US stop
all this arguing.

I'm here, and we're
going to be married.

All right.

And live in Boston.

I know.

Oh, I've told everyone

I'm marrying a widow
with a child.


How else do we explain

the sudden appearance
of Paulie out of the jungle?

Do we have to start out
like this, with a lie?

Yes, we do.

To begin with, I've never
told anyone about you.

Isn't that odd, not
to have told your best --

I don't think so.

Look, is this another test
I have to pass?


No, i-I'm sorry.

This is no way
for US to begin.

Come on.


Cannot the doctor
stay and work here?


Even for your sake?

You have asked him?

This is not his world,

I remember when you
first brought this to dibela.

[ Voice breaking ]
Don't, kulu, don't.

Let me.

Would you like
some coffee?

No, thanks.

Paul, I know you're anxious

to get back
as soon as you can.

That's right.

Can't we stay
just a little while,

until they get someone
to replace me?

You knew I was coming.

Why haven't you arranged it?

It's so difficult to get
people with the war on.

The war is going to last
for years, but I'm not,

nor are you.

It'll be just as hard
to leave two weeks from now

as it will be tomorrow.

But they're not prepared
to run the hospital yet.

Rachel, you are going to
make a clean break.

You can't love me.

You can pull out
all the stops,

the answer is still no.

You came to marry me because
of Paulie, didn't you?

Only Paulie.

I can take the truth.

All right,
you think that's wrong?

You hold it against me?

Look, no matter how much
I loved you,

I'd still go back
to practice my profession

and bring up my child
in my own world -- and his.

Then you don't know love.

And you do, huh?


Do you think we have the right
to marry without love?


You're the last person
in the world

I ever expected
to hear that from.

I'm sorry things turned out
the way they did,

but we both have a duty
to Paulie.

I've come
thousands of miles

to give him a name
and a father.

You don't have the right
to keep him illegitimate,

not according to your code.

Now, tomorrow's Sunday.

There's a train
out of rugeri at noon.

You and I and Paulie are
going to be on that train.

[ Door closes ]

You'll read the service,

Goodbye, Rachel Cade.


Forgive me...

I can't.

[ Murmuring ]

"The lord
is in his holy temple.

"Let all the earth
wait before him.

"May the words of our mouths

"and the meditations
of our hearts

"always be acceptable...

"In thy sight.

"We are his people,
and the sheep in his pasture.

Seek the lord
while he may be found."

[ Voice breaking ] Kulu.

I read from the psalms
of David the king.

"Have mercy upon me, o god.

"Blot out my transgressions.

"Wash me thoroughly
from my iniquity,

"and forgive my sin.

"For I acknowledge
my transgressions,

"and my sin is ever before me.

"Then will I teach
transgressors thy ways,

"and sinners
shall be converted unto thee.

"O lord, open thou my lips,

and my mouth
shall shew forth thy praise."

God bless the fighting men
of dibela.

God bless colonel Henri derode,

and bring him safely home.


-- Captions by vitac --
Burbank, Pittsburgh, tampa,
and Washington, D.C.

Captions paid for by
Warner Bros. Inc.