The Punishment (1973) - full transcript

Britt, deluxe call-girl, is punished by the brothel owner because she was not accomodating enough to a customer. From now on, she must obey to all customers sadistic wishes, or else. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Run! Fast!

The Punishment

The editor of the newspaper ... he's very left-wing.

Tell me about yourself. What do you believe?

She's beautiful

What are her political leanings? For Israel?

Anyway - treat them like rabbits.

Rabbits? They can go to hell!

You're all strange creatures.

Want to play?

Once upon a time ... once upon a time

I refuse to consider women as a sexual object anymore

She shouldn't be a decoration ... It's a form of fascism.

Perhaps it's the most acute form of fascism.

What's important? ... doing what you want to do.

Fascists! You're all fascists!

God will punish you!

You see, little bird. Everyone is friendly here

Francoise - darling.

Is Manuel here?

Manny! And here's beautiful Raymond! ...

My darlings! My little blue marbles!

They're all crazy.

Those wacky Americans! I sold a painting for $75,000.

And it only took an hour to paint.

An exchange student, I guess.

Very good - it's too bad you're not interested in social concept

I could learn.

I liked the book so much ... I tried to stay faithful to it

Of course, I also added some of my life to the script.

Go get the car. Francoise! I'm bored here.

I'd like to take Britt with us.

Of course.

Come on, girls ... dress up time

We're getting bored in here.

I'm taking two dresses ... throw my old clothes out.

I ran the bath water.

We're going to dine at Manuel's house

You'll see ... It'll be fun

Raymond is coming to pick us up.

Come on. We must make ourselves very pretty.

Mr. Manuel called. He's running late.

In that case ... we'll wait.

Beautiful, no?

Manuel has always loved beautiful things.

I'm hungry.

Two martinis, Rafael.

Don't think about it.

I loved her though.

Mother - are you feeling better?

Tell me.

- She's beautiful.
- Really?

Trust me.

She's just another one of those -

No. Anyway, everything is going well.

You owe me after the way I've sacrificed for you.

Make sure you don't forget about it.

Remove your clothes.

You're not completely undressed.

You're very desirable. Too bad I don't like women.

I don't like anybody.

Except Raymond. And my mother ... my mother.

I'm going to freshen up.

What a dish!

You'd look better naked.

Everyone can make a mistake, young lady.

Hunting season has opened.

Manuel has cut off the money

I have nothing left. Nothing.

I know what Manuel wants you to do with me

I never believed the story about the art models.

You're upset with me.

Why? Didn't you introduce me to beautiful things? ...

I used to live in a tiny village

All the houses looked the same. It was a factory town

Everything belonged to the corporation

The men. The women. Even the children

So I left. Anything is better than misery.

I hate sentimentality.

You should train her. She cried. I don't like that.

You must learn how to deserve the money.

But why? I did everything he wanted.

It's nothing, my angel.

I don't want to do this anymore.
- I know

I'd rather be dead.
- Manuel will understand. I'll let him know.

Come on. Smile.

It's good for you.

I'm afraid she might jump through the window

She doesn't want to continue. Where's Manuel?

Don't worry. Take her to Lyon.

Are we going to eat here?

We'll see.

Your bedroom.

Take your clothes off and go to bed.
- No

You'll never leave this room

Give me your clothes. You don't need them anymore.

The lights go out at 9 every night.

I'm scared.

Of what? Of me?

I'm scared! Don't leave me alone! Please!

You could've at least kept the lights on

It's her first night.


Be quiet! Quiet! Don't scream! Quiet!

I forbid you to hide.

These are beautiful. Right? Beautiful.

I'll make you talk

You don't want to show yourself? I'll make you change your mind!

These will make you talk.


I know a lot more tricks

It's my job to know more tricks than little whores like you.

Detective -
She doesn't want to talk.

If I can't have any fun ... I'll close this joint!

You're scared?

See? You're afraid of me.

Calm down. Calm down.

I came to make love to you.

But don't worry. I changed my mind when I saw you

You must hurt all over

I'll make love to you only when you want to

I want to make love now.

With me? Or with anybody?

With you.

Put your nightgown on.

Spread your legs.

If you want to look -

Get back to the bedroom.

Raymond - get me some pullovers.

Shall I put your things in a bag?

No. It's not necessary.

The money is on the counter.

Hello. It's Raymond.

Is Manuel there?
- Manuel's dead.

I understand.
- Everything's changed

But, still - Hello? Hello?

You know your way - so, goodnight.
- Goodnight - Ma'am

What are you thinking about?

I'm thinking about the time we started seeing each other -

You mean TIMES? Not time.

Yes, the times.
- That's closer to the truth

Yes. The truth.
-It's God's will

Do you believe in God?

No. I'm Portuguese. We don't believe. We're just afraid.

Me? I've always been scared of God.

I knew that.

How many customers do you have in a day?

Maybe seven. Sometimes more.

And do you enjoy it everytime?
- Yes


Hell! That's what is waiting for you!

I was put on this planet to punish bad females

Your skin is soft. Her skin is soft.

Harlot! You're the reason why men fight with each other

Because of lustful women ... like you!

Don't tease me. I can resist your scent!

I've always resisted. Always

The devil is alive inside you

I know how to punish bad girls

I am an avenging angel sent by God!

This is another battle with Satan ... and me

I am here for the Biblical Punishment


A whiskey, please.

Anything else?
- Yes, tap water - Alright.

I want you.
- Me too

Those are strong cigarettes

I got them from Anthony ...

He visits me when he's on leave.


My son is a nice little soldier

He's always happy

He gave me this for you. I think he fancies you.

That tasted good.

It's the only thing I know how to cook.


I wanted to say -

Come on.

Anthony. Please.
I don't want to hurt you.

Be careful with that.

I'm scared.

I've wanted to be with you for such a long time.

Help me escape.

I can't

I'm not like the others.
I've never had a whore before.

Hey - well, look at that!

It's beautiful. Can we go over there.

Yeah, that's Lover's Corner.

I'll pay whatever you want ...
if you let me go.


On all fours.

Come on.


Go wash your hands ...
and your lips.

I want to kiss you.

You really want to leave?
- Yes


Kneel down. And pull up your shirt.

Don't move.

I can't stand it anymore.

- No

These belonged to Gloria.

Do you think I'm going to let you go?
- Yes

I won't give you the satisfaction
of catching me.

The car?

Which one?

There are many.

The red fiat.

Ah yes, they left early this morning.


Are you sure?

Of course. I gave them directions.

You don't want me to come back.

I wanted to be a sculptor ...
an architect ...

I love music ...
and I love you.

You better get away ...
someone's looking for you.

It's not important.

Are you crazy?

Don't yell. I don't want her to know.

Some might think it's stupid ...

... to pay so much money for a hotel

But I like places that smell really bad

It makes me feel like a struggling poet.

I'm sick of comfortable beds

Come and lay down.

Tell me what the others make you do -

You are Sonny ...
the television comedian?

I knew you'd recognize me.
You win the prize!

Television! What shit! ...
But ...

I never have problems with girls

I promise them a spot on my show -

Your shirt.

I like to come here

No one recognizes me ...
I wear an old hat, an old coat

Sometimes sunglasses ...
I love this

I respect my wife ...
the mother of my children

But I have certain needs.

Come on ...
Come quickly. Come here!

Hit me! Hit me!
I'm a naughty boy

I've done bad things.
I need to be punished ...

My mother used to have a whip like this

And I would purposely do naughty things

There used to be a girl who excited me so much

She was a real panther.
Denise ... I think.

Are you still in Lyon?

You don't seem interested in
the nightclub I bought for you

It seems Britt interests you a lot more

I could send you back to you rotten village.

Try it. I've learned a lot about you.

Return to Paris immediately.
And bring Britt with you.

You won't have any more customers today.

Shut up!

I hear it.

Shut up! We're taking you back to Paris!

You played this trick on me once before

I want to stay here!

Mr. Manuel will be displeased

She wasn't supposed to come back so soon.

I'm bringing her back early.

Are you alright?

I feel - I can't -
I'm not completely undressed.

Britt's punishment is finished.

Are you making decisions now?

Do you want to marry her, too?

She's like this because of us.

Do you know the risk?

- So?

I'm asking a question.

Britt - I want to speak to Raymond.
I don't want you to look at him

If you do ... I'll send you back to Lyon.

I'm glad you're feeling better.

Are you okay?
- Yes

I recognize your voice.
- I need to see you.

- I'll wait for you downstairs.


You shouldn't do this.

What am I doing?

You shouldn't keep seeing Raymond.

I do what I want. Understand?

You must find someone else
to save your skin.

Britt -

Leave me alone. Your friendship,
your kindness ... it's phony.

It was either you or me.

You? You'll always get your way

Tomorrow someone else will take my place

You can always stay like this.

You've taught me a lot of things

I got everything I deserved

But I always trusted you

I thought you loved me for
something more than security

Now, I must go.


I'm leaving.

Where are you going?

Off. Anywhere.
I want to start over again.

Let's go.

I have something to do first.

It's not important anymore.

Of course it is.

Ah! You clumsy bitch!

I'm happy to see you.

-Raymond came back. I'm worried


I'm sure he plans to kill me ...
and the bitch is with him.

You know what you must do.
- No

Call Paul immediately.
He'll take care of it.

Thank you, mother. Thank you.


Slime! It's not the money you wanted

You merely wanted to break me ...
here and here

But you'll never treat others
the way you treated me!

You're still alive?

Run, little girl!

The punishment ...
I really wanted it at first.

Yeah ... everyone wants to be punished.

Are you alright?
- Yes