The Lost Empire (1984) - full transcript

After officer Rob Wolfe is killed trying to stop a gang of ninjas from robbing a jewelery store, his sister, officer Angel Wolfe, vows to avenge his death. Her investigation leads her to the mysterious Dr. Sin Do, who is supposedly in league with an undead wizard named Lee Chuck. The doctor is holding a martial arts tournament on a secret island fortress, so Angel, after rounding up some of her martial-artist friends, enters the tournament in the hopes of finding Sin Do and Lee Chuck and bringing them to justice. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
That beautiful necklace.

Wonderful, I'll take it.


A forgotten civilization existed long ago.

A race ruled by magical creatures, the Lemurians.

They hid the secret of their knowledge in two jewels, the Eyes of Avatar.

During a war, the breed was defeated and the jewels separated.

He who brings the stones together would rule with absolute power.

An evil genius wants to get that power.

He does not shy away from anything or anyone for that.

Fortunately, you are there so quickly. There are three terrorists.

Heavily armed and with some terrified children.

They threaten to throw out a corpse every hour.

We are waiting for the FBI to arrive. - We don't have that long.

They'll shoot in ten minutes. - I'm in charge. We are waiting.

If something doesn't happen quickly, those kids will die.

What do you think, Lieutenant Wolfe? A cozy tea party?

Someone is coming. If only he has the money.

And the heli? I do not hear anything. - Huey, Leon, pay close attention.

The Batman goes on.

Where's he at? Cover the hallway.

Bad stuff.

Throw down your weapon or a body will go out.

Good, there were six. Now it's my turn.

Come to class, son of a bitch. You cannot count.

You of course again.

Do you know what it says on hitting an FBI agent?

Do you want another blow?

Nice though.

Is that your gun, or happy to see me? - That's my gun, I guess.

Good morning.

That was a raid on me. - Aren't you used to that yet?

I mean at that school.

On behalf of the police force, I thank you.

I take it on behalf of the government.

Met Wolfe.

How bad?

I'm coming. - What is it?

Rob is injured. - Come on.

I'm a cop, this is my brother. - You get one minute.

It is a miracle that he is still alive.

Rob, it's me. - Angel, my hand ...

The devil exists.

The eye knows where. Find it.

Find him and get it.

Rob, I don't understand.

Sister, we're going to perform CPR. You better go.

Goodbye, Robbie.

He was only a rookie. - It happened in a robbery.

A jeweler in Chinatown. Six killed, including the robbers.

How the hell did you get here? This is starting to look like something.

What are you talking about? - international terrorism,

and a legend of 200 years old. - What does my brother have to do with it?

Lee Chuck sold his soul to the devil for immortality.

Once every 24 hours he had to give a soul to his master.

I really don't get it. - A new Lee, or he's still alive.

He shows up with every disaster in the last century.

Titanic, Hiroshima, you name it. - That's a lot of souls.

He can kill thousands, but he must continue.

What if he ... - Doesn't keep his appointment?

The devil will get his soul. But Lee Chuck has to dock.

What is that Lee Chuck up to? - We'll see about that.

The scene of the crime.

I'll see you inside.


Our heroic agent. Thanks to you I can do this.

The chief is waiting for you, Prager. - This is not over, Wonder Woman.

I'm sorry, Miss Wolfe. - It's not your fault.

How did he get a medal? - He'll have lost it in a minute.

It seems his days are numbered. - What a pity.

What is he doing here? - I really don't know.

Watch out in there. It's a mess there.

Good evening.

The FBI has asked Hong Kong for help on this matter.

Surely to supervise?

May I now introduce you to Inspector Charles Chang?

Are you serious?

A scrupulous father makes inappropriate jokes.

Charlie is looking for those madmen.

Servants of the Devil, sent by Lee Chuck.

Lee Chuck again? What does he want so badly?

The Eye of Avatar. Chuck has one.

He must have the other. A very long time ago,

there were two beautiful jewels belonging together.

Cut by the Dragon God to store his power.

Then the eyes were separated in a great war.

Every stone in itself can do a lot of harm.

But it is said that he who brings them back together,

if the Dragon God will rule. - You don't believe that, do you?

Not everything. But something is brewing.

Charlie thinks it has to do with that cult on Golgatha.

All about Dr. Heard Sin Do? - That religious movement.

He has bought an island where he rules as a king.

And that Sin Do has something to do with Lee Chuck?

And those jewels, the Eyes of Avatar,

if Chuck has one, who has the other?

If only I knew that.

He's dead, huh?

The devil exists.

The eye knows where.

Find it.

Find and get it.

Take it easy. - What else do you know about Sin Do?

You insist. - Tell.

We think he's training an army of murderers,

that does exactly what he says. They come from everywhere.

Nice though. - Listen.

He lures them to his island with big prize contests.

Otherwise you won't get in there.

But they don't know it's one way.

I'm going. There is a temple in Chinatown.

It is not that simple. - I'll find a way.

You have to come in threes for spies.

Does he want a threesome? - He likes that.

Officer foils murder of Indian.

Whitestar, you said if I needed you ...

I need you right now.

Whitestar. - Who did you think?

That's about it. I don't have much yet.

You have suffered great grief. Your brother?

The winds will take care of it. - Do you help me?

Thanks. Now a third partner. - Anyone in mind?

Come on then.

Do you think what I think? - Doubtless.

Hello, chickens. - That cowboy wants to dip.

I am popular with the girls. - Go home and be popular.

Shall we go together?

I already ate. - I said I was popular.

I'm eager to show you why.

Hoop up, slime ball. - Willie, they don't like me.

Two still. Ditch and Pocket.

Very nice, guys. But a little premature.

To get in. - How does it drive without a windshield?

How so? - Pay attention.

Or a flat tire.

Please the keys. - Come and get it.

No way. - Smart boy.

That pleased me.

The disciplinary house for women.

It just depends on what you like. - It will take you 20 years in prison.

Looks like someone's on the warpath.

There, the one with the big ...

You know the rules. No shooting, no knives,

the winner already gets the dope. - It's not about the price.

Then the fight can begin.

Beauty, come here. Give me a hug.

Immediately you swim in your own blood.

They call me Whiplash. - You will see your own blood.

You have a lot of talk.

Do you always let them fight? - Yeah, that's quite nice.

A girl of murder, that girl of yours. - It's not over yet.

Apart. - Get out.

Now you're gonna die, McClure.

And now your teeth.

Pretty fun, right? - I am convinced. They also?

Have a look.

You are a good warrior.

Tell that to my bruises. - Would you like to go outside?

In a year I will be released on bail. - We mean now.

What now, Wolfe? You brought me here.

Bullshit. You did that yourself. You stole that tap.

And you dropped those bars on the desk with that tap.

I just arrested you.

One mistake, I was high and made a mistake.

What is the intention about that release?

Sometimes you can be released earlier if you have a job,

and a guarantee from someone with a sense of responsibility.

And who does that? Are you a guarantor for me?

And you get me out of here? - Good again.

And you keep me out of trouble?

Two out of three isn't bad.

Join the women of tomorrow.

Strong spirits and strong bodies compete on the island of Golgatha.

Fully booked.

Sorry, you don't like that color.

Dr. Sin Do blesses you. - I don't feel that way.

I am Koro.

You now renounce alcohol, drugs and other stimulants.

So also vibrators?

Ready to fly? - I'd rather take the train.

Can we talk? - Let me guess.

I have to let go of my feelings. This could kill me.

You forget you're crazy. - Just leave me.

I know.

We go.

Now listen up.

You don't know what you're getting into.

You will get weapons. Abuse is punished.

Did you pay the newspaper boy? What kind of fair is this?

Calm down. - Did you feed the goldfish?

I'll be fine now.

Do not worry. I'll write.

Dr. Sin Do blesses all who go to Golgatha.


An Indian proverb says: Don't trust a bald bird.

I would never trust him.

Get in in good faith and arrive in peace.

Hello handsome.

This is not my day.

Welcome to Fantasy Island. - An airplane, boss.

We follow, chief.

I don't know this from a Frankenstein movie?

It reminds me of home.

Where would that be bald? - He blows his eyebrows.

Welcome to the realm of Golgatha.

Put your belongings in the basket. Your clothes too.

Competition clothing is awarded in this way.

Silence. This is not a picnic.

Run through.


Line up. And no banter.

Who's going first? - I will go.

It's my turn. - Silence.

This way.

What a uniform. - Playboy must be jealous.

How big it is here. - Better than a tipi.

It seems like Star Trek. - It's time.

One by one.

There is a spy. - I'm not a spy.

I come for the games. - Guards.

Do you think I'm cruel? - She knew the rules.

You've been there.

This is your stay. You will like it.

If I can do something for you ... Thank you, Mr. Koro.

I would like to invite you, but it was a hard day.

Of course. But expect even more shocking things before you leave.

There are new tests every day.

Goodbye then.


No movement.

Angel, I know now. I'm coming.

I hate robot spiders.

Who is this way? - What is that?

Mackerel. Against evil spirits. - I understand why.

Good morning, honey. Everything to your liking?

Good shot. - I pointed at a security guard.

They keep us from straying too far.

Tonight is the full moon. Great for a night patrol.


Beautiful set of beauties, no? - Indeed.

Problems in sector C.

Koro, handle this. Put the new man on it.

Yes sir.

Calm down, kid. This prey is mine.

You're new here? - Whitestar. Who are you?

Cindy Blake, from Los Angeles. - You've been missing for seven months.

It was in the paper. - They'll never let me go.

I know too much about Sin Do. He appears to be immortal.

It seems impossible, but the impossible is normal here.

What happened? - I thought I would win.

But I lost. And a rich Arab bought the losers.

But they knew I wanted to get out as soon as possible.

They can read thoughts. - How did you get here?

I escaped from the loft. - What are they doing there?

They enslave you. They brainwash the girls.

Now I am worth nothing. - You have to get out of here. Can you walk?

Barely. My ankle is broken. - I'm going to find wood for a splint.

Stay here. - I'm going nowhere.

Whitestar, is that you?

Back to your room, Cindy.

I keep thinking about her. She seemed obsessed.

I should never have left her alone.

Maybe she's still alive. We now know much more.

That is for later. The party is about to begin.

Blessed be Sin Do.

Praise his immortality received from Master Lee Chuck.

We have been blessed again. - We thank him for our strength.

We thank him for our power. - We thank him for this fashion.

Today some of you will present yourself to Sin Do.

Praise the name of Lee Chuck.

So many beautiful women. Which do I take with dinner?

The one with the black hair. She has a remarkable amount of spunk.

We'll take her tonight.

Today's matches begin.

Sin Do has declared it will be a duel to death.

A special participant deserves a special opponent.

Where's Conan at?


Disgusting. - He's on to it.

Impossible. Beat my best man.

Who is that woman? We have to watch her.

Everything good? - I'm fine.

Leave something for us. - You become a real diva.

A message from Sin Do. - Fan mail from a flatterer.

Is the doctor finally talking? - It must be an account.

Dear Whitestar. Your company is requested by Dr. Sin Do.

Dress for dinner. Whitestar is going to take the honor.

Just give me that fight. - It's going to be a blind date.

A few more words of advice.

Speak only when asked.

Respond as expected.

This is a great opportunity. Don't misjudge.


I was shocked. - I'm Dr. Sin Do.

I am hungry.

I assume that your stay on my island is pleasant?

Impressive. Very impressive.

Those words also apply to you.

I watch every newcomer carefully. I'm looking for a spark.

In you I see this elusive spark. - Thank you.

Are you not drinking? - I'm on a special diet.

I don't blame you. Not a good year.

Is it you? - Come with me.


Those caves are miles long. - Something for a horror movie.

But these creeps are real. - Angel, how can a person ...

These are not people.


Do something while she's still a woman. - You already screwed up on her.

I want a little fun.

It is dripping with blood here before we leave.

What about King Kong? - It's for Whitestar. We're going back.

I have known many beautiful women in my long life.

But you are one of the most beautiful. - Thank you, what an honor.

Do not get me wrong. You have worked hard on your skills.

That does not apply to the wine. - The games are over for you.

You have won the right to be here forever

stay by my side. - Too bad for the losers.

I will give you great wealth. Mighty secrets.


Behold the face of the Gorgon.

Where's Whitestar? - This is going to be a rare privilege.

Dr. Sin Do will speak to you. - The late movie.

The evening started quietly yesterday. Like a calm sea.

Then a shark attacked my watch.

Until recently I asked questions about this intruder.

Without getting a satisfying answer.

Does not matter. He unconsciously brought the greatest treasure with him.

The Eyes of Avatar.

Bring the intruder here.

That's Rick.

I am the Master. But I serve greater power.

We are all in his service.

I built a machine with great power for him.

Tomorrow, when the Eyes of Avatar are in place,

we will own the strongest weapon ever built.

The death of this intruder will mark the beginning of the end.

Whoever does not bow to the Dark will be destroyed.

Miss Wolfe, would you be so kind?

Bring him to the brink of death. And save the final blow for me.

You forgot your bag. - Everything you said was true.

Nice coffee. - The match starts.

Slap me. Go ahead.

On my nose yet?

What is this? Fight or you both go for it.

We pretend. - I already have a nosebleed.

Blood. My favorite wine.

Here we go again.

This is fake. Koro, kill them.

Got you.

Good shot. - We'll clean up.

Grab them, girls.

Do you want courtship if we save this? - I'll consider it.

Now we grab that bastard. - He is gone.

He is not immortal. - He went to the secret weapon.

I will return.

Take this.

Not neat, bastard.

Is the boss there? - He shouldn't be disturbed.

Good night, boys.

Dr. Sin Do, I assume? Or is it Mr. Lee Chuck?

Very smart. Enjoy this moment because it is your last.

It is almost midnight. If you believe in your legend,

The same goes for you. - I have five minutes left.

Enough to make your biggest work of art out of your death.

Now I get pissed.

Do you want to kill me? Nobody can.

My God ... - No, my God.


Good gracious.

You become annoying. - You mean it.

Games are over.

You could also have been immortal. The hand of the devil in my realm.

You threw the powers of the universe in my face.

You talk differently when you see my ultimate weapon.

I will conquer the earth. In my last minute, I claim my life.

I use your soul to make me a living dead.

Never mind, I believe it. - The Eyes are in place.

The power of the laser cannon is unparalleled.

Pay attention.

Now it's your turn.

You can't get away with this. - Prepare for the end.

Stand still. It is over. - We'll see about that.

Where was I? - Nowhere at all.

One point for us.

How glad I am to see you. - Just in time.

Come here.

I make you immortal. - He doesn't know how to stop.

It may not end yet.

I go upstairs and put an end to this.

I'll be right there.

Are you hanging out?

Have you forgotten something?

Yes darling. This.

Nice try, klutz. - You caught me before.

Never again.

Everything good? What is happening? - You never believe that.

We lubricate it.

Walk backwards.

He wanted hell on Earth. - He's getting it now.

This is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

Damn it, that nose all the time.

Can you control this thing? - I'm a flying champion.

How long have you been flying? - How long can you hold on?

I will return.

You mean it.

Translation: Wess Lee