The Little Thief (1988) - full transcript

In a small town in post-World-War-II France, an unhappy sixteen-year-old (Janine Castang) tries to escape her dreary situation by any means at her disposal. Three successive friends (Michel Davenne, a married lover; Raoul, a fellow thief; Mauricette Dargelos, a photographer and fellow prisoner) help her learn from her mistakes.


A small town in central France: 1950

Stand up, girls!


Here are 30 padlocks. They're costing
your parents a small fortune.

Now you can lock your lockers.

I hope this will end the thefts
of money, watches,

and clothing from your lockers.

We have a black sheep this year

at our school.

There's a prime suspect...

a student in this classroom.

But without proof
I can only advise her to watch out.

If there are more thefts,

I'll have to call in the police.

Right, Mrs. Lagache?

The police aren't as nice as I am.

They have ways
to identify the culprit.

Now just reply "Here",
as your names are called out.

Chantal Abeille.

Odile Bigaix.

Suzanne Cassagne.

Got a problem?

Janine Castang.



Sorry, we didn't wait for you.

I'm not hungry.

You never are.
You already forgot the war?

Dump your bag and come help me.

Get moving, there's work to do!



Hi, who? Am I the dog?

Hi, Uncle.

Have you eaten?

I had a snack.

That's not the same.

But if you want to keep
that string bean look...

What's that?

The new bag o' bones look.

Your mom was like that,
always starving herself.

Maybe to look sexy?

She certainly succeeded!
You're the living proof of it!

Big deal!

What's keeping you?

I was coming!

I'll bet you were!

I really was!

Stop your bickering.
It's ruining my work.

Now it's all cockeyed.

A good likeness.

Of course! I'm not trying
to be Picasso, I do likeness.

All I'm asking is,
do you have any proof?

Yes, I do.
A customer saw your daughter...

She's not my daughter, she's my niece!

Your customer can come
and tell me to my face!

To your face...

Don't all talk at once!

Your niece slipped
a slip under her dress.

She's also suspected
of stealing a stole last week.

I can't follow you.
Slipped a slip, stole a stole?

Yes, a stole...
The slip's not worth much...

But she swiped an expensive fox stole!

Sure it was a real fox?

OK, so search her room!

Her school books... her bed...
You want to look behind it?

So, look behind it!

Holy shit!

Here's my skirt... You wanted to see
an expensive fox stole?

Here's one. These are also ours.
The tags are still on them.

You have a real yen
for silk lingerie!

That's enough.
Now let's phone the police.

You don't have a phone?

How could we?

OK, I'm not a bastard.

Thank you, sir...
Wouldn't kill you to say thanks!

What a world!
You've got to be ruthless!

At least I got my goods back.

And some that weren't his!

Stop beating her, Andre.
You'll kill her!

What's wrong with you, goddammit?

Every storekeeper
in town will be on our backs!

Look at that stuff,
there's tons of it!

Thousands of francs worth!
What will we do with it?

Pascouette, are you there?


- Good evening, honey.
- Good evening.

She's done it again. It's something else now.

Her latest thing, shoplifting.

Rouleau is worried sick.
What if word gets out?

He said I should come to you.
We've got to torch everything.

Your husband's a real pain in the ass.

Somebody should tell him.

Perhaps I should do it.

Look how big the chrysanthemums have gotten.
They're the size of cauliflowers.

What else would they do?
I spend my nights making sure of that.

I'll never be done by All Saints' Day
what with your bullshit.

Take me out of school.
Let me go to work!

Work where? Doing what?

At the dairy. With Uncle Rouleau...

The dairy! With that loser?

Then why'd you marry him?

I thought shopkeepers do well...
If I'd known?

Now the sulks...
ON top of all her other stunts!

She steals money from us too.
You know why?

For the movies,
to go see "Bathing Beauties".

Girls swimming
with feathers up their ass!

Real crap!

How would you know?

It's a musical about rich folks.
With lovely songs.

Shut up! It's a filthy movie.

You should see her with boys!

Listen, I've seen you with
the guys from the glass works!

You were all over them!

Just like her Mom!

Yeah, like Louise:
Nuts about men and movies! Any men!

Even Nazis! She got it good!

You wouldn't dare knock
my Mom if she were here!

You owe everything
to your Aunt and Uncle!

Some day she'll send for me.

That'll be the day!

She will... She wrote me...

She gave me her address in Italy
and told me to come!

Bullshit! Where's the letter?

Go get it. I want to see it!

Your Mom would've written by now.
It's been 5 years.

She did write to me...

Where's the letter?


Everything else may be plunging,

but hemlines must rise,
says Christian Dior,

in one of his boldest statements.

For many people, mostly women,

the big news this spring was the Dior

It blew skirts knee high...

...and down again!

But let's not jest about serious topics:

Had Cleopatra's dress been shorter

it would've changed
the course of history.

The wrapping paper's free.

"How would you feel if
the Russians occupied France?"

I'd feel fine.
They could clean up this mess!

We'd be no worse off.

I thought you were for De Gaulle?

De Gaulle or Stalin,
no in-betweens!

Weaklings love bullies!

Ideas like that will destroy our future.

Our future's behind us.
In the war years, we made History!

The post-war period is a let-down.

There's "Ma Coathanger".

Bet she earns a pretty penny!

I wonder what she charges.

You'll find the money.

You know how she bought her bar?

Doing this...

...using a coat hanger on women.

I hear you ask her for a box
of kitchen matches.

That's the password.
Then it's off to the back room.

I'd like a box of kitchen matches...

Want a belt in the mouth?

Get the hell out!

Father, the thief's a girl!

It's Janine, the dairy girl.
I locked her in the coal shed.

Come out, you!

This "thing" tried to steal
the Good Lord's money!

Yvonne? Get me the police.

It's about a theft.

Yes, I'll hang on...

Why did you do it? Can you tell me?

Don't know...

You're ashamed?


Of what?

What you did,
or what people will say?

What people will say...

Ask me anything.
I'll say yes. Then let me go...

Thank the Father.
He's not pressing charges.

He says we used a bear-trap
to catch a mouse... Scram, mouse.

I don't care how you do it,
but get her out of town.

'Night, Andre.

You goddam mule!

Are you crazy?

What the hell do you really want?

Nothing... I want to be on my own.


Refference. Required.

...We'd better reinforce those arches

or we won't get a building permit.

I made broth.

Enjoy your meal.

Our new maid.

Last night you smiled in your sleep.

A day without you is unbearable.

I know no one like you.

No one whose company I so enjoy.

No one who makes me feel so alive.

No one...


You fell asleep.

I'm sorry.

It doesn't matter at all.

Did I sleep long?

Quite a while.

I'm so ashamed.

I feel lousy...

You need some coffee. To wake you up.

There's a bar across the street.

One Coke, one cold milk.

You want some?

No thanks, not my style.

Go on.

OK, I'll give it a try...

You'll never get me
to drink that stuff.

You don't like to try new things.

Why do you say that?

Take the movie...

It was old-fashioned...

It took place long ago...

And you go alone to the movies...

So do you...

Sure, but I was hoping
to meet someone.

And it was a woman's movie,
not a man's.

I don't agree.

My wife and my daughter,
who's your age, wouldn't come.

Don't they like movies?

No, they don't like classical music.

Do you like it?

A lot.

Why is that?

I think music's a bit like painting or poetry.

Most things in life wind up fading away.
They get old...

They die.
Don't you think that's sad?

I believe music is an attempt at
keeping them alive in our memory.

At helping us remember those things
that never come back to us.

An attempt at remembering people's lives?


Not only their lives,
but also the things they loved.

Are you a musician?

No, I work at City Hall.
In the surveyor's office.

It's not very exciting.

But twice a week I conduct a choir...
That helps...

And you? Are you in school?

No, I work...

In what area?

I'm in an academy...

An academy?

A wonderful place... a beauty...

A beauty school?

That's it...

To be a beautician.

Sort of...

I'm really glad I met you.

Usually adults just
push me around,

or they feel me up.

Can I ask you something?

Go right ahead.

Tell me your first name
if I tell you mine?

Sure, mine's Michael...
Michael Davenne.

I am Janine Castang.

Ugly, isn't it?

Janine is lovely...
It's gentle... and positive.

Think so?


This is a bad neighbourhood at night.

I could drive you home...
Where do you live?

11 Park Ave.

I don't know which end you're on,

but that's quite an address!

Guess so.

Here we are.

If we have five dates,
you'll ask me on the fifth one...

so ask me now.

How old are you?

Old enough...

Don't act like a cop!

I'm 16 and I've never done it,
all right?

I won't be the first
in a girl's love life.

Not even mine?

There has to be a first...

Don't think I don't like you...
I really do...

So what's the problem?
I like you a lot too.

It's a matter of principle.

A principle means never?

That's right.

Principles are sacred.

Like with the Coke...


You said you'd never drink it.

Yes... In a way...

Love is so important...
I can't break the rule.

Then don't!

Forget I ever mentioned it.

We could meet again.

I'd like that.

Come to choir practice?

Yes, when?

Tomorrow at 7 p.m. At the movie house
behind City Hall. Got it?

Yes, that's easy to remember.

See you.

Janine, I'm really glad I met you.

Me too... I really am.

See you tomorrow.

Come in.

Should I put it here?

No, on the bed.

There... Thanks, Janine.

Is that your wife?

No, it's Lise.

Then she's your mistress?

You know who you remind me of?

Esmeralda, the gypsy in
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame".

Who's she?

You've never read it?
Beggars' Square, Quasimodo...

Quasimodo... I think I saw the movie.

You should read the book, too.

Victor Hugo's
my favourite writer. He's a genius!

You like to read?

Yes, I do...

You must've read "Les Miserables"?

Just the beginning...
I prefer beginnings.

Endings are often sad.

But I'll read Victor Hugo.

I hope you do.

I remind you of that gypsy?

Esmeralda? You're just like her.

Full of contradictions.
Hugo was good at that.

You're bold but shy,
frank, unpredictable...

You act cool,
but I suspect you're passionate.

What are you doing?

I'm a cool gypsy:
I'm reading your hand.

Your hands are so clean!
Even the nails!

Ever since I met a beautician... Here...

This is for you.

A scarf?

It's not a bicycle!

My heart's racing... Can you feel?

Yes, it's wild...

Small breasts, eh?

Yes... I mean, no...

Not really...

See, you do want
to sleep with me?

"I knew this would happen,
but I was determined..."

Determined to what?

To respect you.

To hell with respect!

Who asked you to respect me?
I don't get it.

I mean, wanting someone
can be the best part.

"Before" can be better than "after".

But "before" is now...
and it's lousy!

You're right,
I'm not making myself clear...

Let me think about it...

Stop thinking!

You're a bore!
I never want to see you again! OR this!

I don't want a thing!
Thanks a lot!

Janine? I'm going out!

Will you be back, ma'am?

12:30 at the latest. 'Bye.

Keep an eye on him.
Workmen are honest, but...

"I'm no longer a virgin"

"I'm no longer a virgin...
So why wait?"

I want to know all the details.

What did you tell her?

That my best friend was
in a car accident.

He's in a hospital,
in bad shape, and needs me.


I'm not proud of myself.

You're right. It's a lousy story.

Did your wife believe you?

I hope so.
A story that awful has to be true.

Look, here we are.

Miss, I'd like two rooms, please.

One for me, and one for my daughter.

With a single or a double bed?

An average one will do fine, miss.

Why call her Miss?
She's 100 years old!

One always says
"Miss" to personnel.

This way, please.

Room 18 for the young lady.

Room 19 for the gentleman.

That's perfect, thank you.

Here... Good night, Miss.

Do I come to yours, or do you...

No idea.

OK, I'll come.

Searching my pockets?

Now I'm entitled to know
all about you.

You look awful there.

We're the happiest people
on earth, right?

Wanna know who I did it with first?

Certainly not.

Why not?

Because it's your own secret.
It's precious.

Precious things you don't want to lose.

I wanted to lose something.

And you were in a big hurry!

I was sure it would be fun.

Didn't it disgust you?

Yes, it was disgusting as hell,
but fabulous.

You can show someone you love
them without saying a word.


Here, Tom, drink...

How do you know it's a male?

He grumbles when he's hungry.

It suits me, right?
You mind me wearing it?

Actually, yes...


She'll smell your cologne.

Right. Shall I take it off?


All those poems...

They're kinda boring.

You mad?

I'm thinking...

You are a very young girl...

You just figured that out?

Anyway, now you have
to call me a young woman.

I'm an adult.
No one can punish me or chew me out.

I'm fed up with being chewed
out all the time.

You know what?

We mustn't lie to each other.

Why'd you say that?

Because I tell huge lies.

Like what?

Like... I'm not a beautician.

Not at all. I'm a maid.

A house maid.

I don't live at 11 Park Ave.

Well, in the attic...

You live in a maid's room!

Will you come visit me anyway?

It's on the top floor,
up a million stairs.

You're not mad at me?

Of course not.

Why are you getting dressed then?

Because it's time to get dressed.

A maid can afford
hard-cover classics?

I swiped it.

That's why there's no dust jacket?


Can I have my shirt?

Now you're angry!

No, I'm not.

I brought that book so
I could read to you from it.

And now you won't?

The mood's gone.

I lied and stole for you...
to please you.

Why did we make love?
You don't treat me like an adult.

I promise I'll try.
But swear you'll quit stealing.

Even books.

How can I give you books
on my maid's pay.

That's true...

How far did you get in school?

Grade school.

You graduated?

I quit.


I don't remember.

Were you any good at composition?

Did you write well?

Sometimes... it depended
on the subjects. I swear it!

I understand. You're underpaid,
and you need more education.

I'll take care of you.
I'll put you on the right track.




It's a typewriter keyboard.
Isn't it great?

One should even write
love letters on it.

Please, Mr Davenne.

Sorry, Miss, is this seat taken?

I expected my girlfriend, but...

Then it's free?

Yes, it is.

If I try to smoke, don't let me, OK?

I won't wear this...

Nor this,
at least not for another 4 months.

I can have this too.

I must've been crazy buying this!

A mother can't wear satin, it's not done.

You'll be the talk of the town!

Do you have a boyfriend?

Well! Is he your age?

I don't like them my age... He's 43.

An older man!

What does he do?

He's a musician,
at the surveyor's office...

A musician! Very good!

But his wife doesn't... classical music,
so he goes to the movies alone.

A married man? Shame on you!

Excited to have a baby?

Very. I'm so happy!

But I'm terrified of giving birth.

I'm scared of the pain.

Is it so painful?

Yes. You and your boyfriend
should be careful.

It's easy to get pregnant.
As for your beau... that could be

the last you'll see of him.

Be careful. I'll give you some books.

I'm having a baby
because we planned it.

Do you know
the "Ogino" Method?



Read it.

"A woman is only fertile
a few days a month."

"My calculator shows
those days exactly."

"Find out about
this scientific blessing."

"You'll always be a happy couple."

What if I'm pregnant?

Are you late?

A bit.

How late?

What a face! I'm not late!
I'm as regular as a watch!

You've got the expression wrong.

One says
"as regular as clockwork!"

And don't joke about such things.

I wasn't joking, I was lying.
I said I was a great liar.

When Dad got Mom pregnant,
he dropped her like a hot potato.

So what?

That's the last she saw of him.

Why are you comparing me
to your dad?

He doesn't sound like much.
I wouldn't behave like him.

That's what I'm wondering.
How would you behave?

I don't know...

If I got you pregnant,
it would be serious.

Very serious, I'd have to...

Think about it, right?


The marriage of film star
Rita Hayworth

to Prince Aly Khan took
place on the Riviera...

The mayor...

united the happy couple.

So Prince Charmings
still marry shepherdesses!

I came for class.

What's up?

Some workmen are fixing the roof.

- So?
- Class is canceled.

I left my books up there,
I've gotta study.

I'm going up.

It's locked, you can't.

Don't worry, I'll manage.

What are you doing?

I'll put it back. It's like a dream.
You didn't see a thing, OK?

You're the caretaker,

but I run this school.

You should tell me when
the roof's being fixed.

How could you!

What are you doing here, Janine?
And you?

I came to get my books
to work at home.

The door wasn't locked...

Not locked?

That's how I got in.
I was about to tell the caretaker...

Then I heard some noise...

The skylight was open,
and this man was working on the roof.

She doesn't dare say
I came down to flirt with her.

I came through there...

We didn't do anything...

We might have, but we didn't.

How complicated!
You both don't belong in here!

Go do your homework!
And you, get back to work!

I didn't say thank you.

So say it.

Thanks, Janine. I'm Raoul.

Why didn't you turn me in?

I don't snitch.

Are you a roofer or a thief?

Both, but I'm gonna quit roofing.
Where are you headed?


I'm headed there too.

You're a pretty cool guy.

You know why?
The bombings at the end of the war.

I got my school report:
I was at the bottom of the class

I was scared I'd get drafted,
so I didn't go home.

I was lucky, a bomb hit our house.

Ever since then I've played it cool.

Were your parents killed?

They were never found.
I'm in a Catholic Home.

Room and board, but the priest hates me.
I'm leaving there too.

Hey, look!

I'd love a cool drink in that bar.

Listen, I got no money
for drinks or sunglasses.

Never mind. It's on me.

Am I rushing you?

No, that's fine.

Schmidt's gonna win.
Vasseur rides a mean bike...

But against Schmidt...

the others can stay home...
Where'd she go?

I had a run in my stocking.

I thought you'd run out on me.

You like trial races?

I've never seen one.

I'll take you...
Sometimes I compete.

But with my lousy bike...

I don't stand a chance.

See them there?

You see Cohen's team?

They're the best...
They want me on their team.

But they don't supply the bike...
That's why I need dough.

To get a good second-hand
British bike I can fix.

I'll soup it up and
win a lot of races.

Then I can live like a king.

I guess I got you in trouble at school.

Are you mad at me?

What's that?

Proof that I'm not mad.

OK, I accept... Real nice of you.

But you must let me repay you.

You can't repay me.


I didn't pay for them.

My bike's back there.

Let's go for a ride.

I can't, I have to make dinner
for my bosses.

You're a maid?

That's a real dumb job.

I know. I'm going to that school
to become a secretary.

That's even worse.

I'll tell you: As a maid
you wait on 2 or 3 people.

As a secretary,
you'll wait on hundreds, thousands...

It depends on the size of the business.
Get it?

You're better off as a maid.

There are side-benefits.

Take my sister, Simone.
Before the war...

she worked as a maid
for some very rich people.

They had a Van Gogh
in their dining-room.

Know what that is?

One day, she looks behind
the painting and finds a safe.

Guess what!

The Van Gogh was a fake,
but the safe was real!



Quick, Janine, help her!

Doctor, where've you been?
Severine's having a miscarriage!

No, it's not deliberate.

At the movies.

She's in agony. Hurry.

I'm losing my baby.

It doesn't matter...
I'll give you back your clothes.

Never mind...

If it's real love,
you can't do it the first time.

I must really love you, then.
That's the truth.

To do it right, I gotta be in bed.
I need sheets.

One on top, one on the bottom.

Look, record-players.

They work better on power.

I forgot, you have
no electricity. What a dump!

It would be a quack-quack
place to stash loot.

Quack-quack... don't you get it?

What do ducks do? Quack.

So quack-quack means ducky.

You can even say it's quack-quack ducky.
That's the most.

Damn! My wife!

They'll recognize your car.


Is she the one driving?

No, the other one.

She looks nice.

You were really scared!

Be careful!

Your bosses are putting on the Ritz!
Vintage wines!

Putting on the Ritz?

Taking you for a sleigh ride.
A maid's room is no wine cellar!

A sleigh ride... I'll tell 'em.

Don't let the push you around.

You have rights!


What do I mean to you?
Five hours a week?


Doesn't exactly fill up your life.

He's a boy... He's like me...

I mean his life's shitty, like mine...

He wants me to quit school,
says being a maid is dumb,

but being everybody's maid
in a factory is even dumber...

...and that's what a secretary is.
It's dumb!

You mean he's wonderful
and you love him.

I dunno. Look, that's him.


I'm so happy.

Well, me too.

I went by your employers' first.

Say, that's a nice neighbourhood.

And your employer, she's awfully nice.

Yes, she can afford it.

Said I'd find you here, at your school.
So you're done with all that nonsense.

You want to be a typist, is that it?

You've turned into
a pretty little chick, haven't you?

Except your nose.

It still looks like a button.

Tea, is that right?

Any pastry?

Just a small piece.

I'd like that one.

Leave it, I'll pour.

I like coming here.
It's frugal, but good.

Has Mom written?

You picked the biggest...


What are you thinking?


When Mom picked me up at school,
before the war...

She took me to the pink
pastry shop... remember?

You were five and looked
like a tadpole.

She loved to see me choose cakes.

I had to take my time at it.

Then I chose the biggest,
even if I preferred others.

Damn, I almost forgot...


I did this one from memory.

Not bad.

No more gadget?

Like Hell!

Since Pascouette left your aunt,
the house is no fun.

He's not with Lea now?

No. Remember the chrysanthemums?

Pascouette was to split the money
with your aunt. Big joke!

He ran off with the cash box.

Your aunt's so emotional,
it took its toll.

Now she's on the bottle.

Which doesn't help her temper.

And that's not all.

What else?

She got sloshed and missed a curve,

that blind one at Ripeau's.

She hit the mailman,
the one who's always clowning.

Broke his collarbone.
He wants her arrested...

because she bit his finger.

Was Aunt Lea hurt?

No, she's like you, tough.

But the van was totaled.

And the markets?

She's out of business.
It cost too much to fix the van.

I may land a job at the food plant.

It's not definite, though.

I'm earning money.
In 2-3 months I can lend you some.

That's not why I came to see you.

I didn't mean that.

Cut it out! What's all this come to?

Is that what was stolen?

The junk man said
a girl sold it to him...


You're angry?


Yes you are.
You won't look at me.

I don't need to.

I'll always remember
your face right now.

I didn't do right by you.

You did.

Not as I should have.

Doing a little bit for someone
is like doing nothing.

You didn't make progress!

You're wrong. I did make progress!

Obviously not.

Help me some more.

I've lost faith.

In myself.

What'll you do?

Break up.

Does that mean it's all over?

Yes, that's right.

Should I get out?

I don't care.

It's her!

That was the girl.

"Mr. Andre Rouleau,

"27 Redoubt Street,

"Saint Flovier..."

At least you're alive!

That bike's a rotten of shit.

Sell it.

Who to? We'll be ripped off again!

We never make good deals.

Never a profit. We're losers!

OK, so we screwed up...

We need to make a real killing.


- Is that all you could find?
- I swear this is a good bike.

Look, there's even a working headlight.

You'll have your own light.
Nothing wrong with that.

I don't want a mess in my room.

I won't have anyone do that.

What about the horn?
The horn's still working.

You can have your own horn.
That's really cool.

Shut up! Stop bugging me!

You ripped someone off?

No, sir. I inherited it.

I don't deal in inheritances.

You come recommended by Legal?


Then no. Definitely no.

You hear me? Definitely no!

What a stupid ass, this fucker!

You fucker!

Forget it!

Thanks for coming...
Hi, Marie-Noelle.

Hi, Julien.

Hello, Severine.

Is something burning?

You like it?

I didn't expect that colour.

Now I cut myself!

I'll get you!

I'm growing a mustache.

Mustaches are yucky.

In two weeks no one in town
will recognize me.


So we'll get a real bike
and start living.

Ever seen "Tarzan in
the Cheese Mines"?

I found some oyster beds!

Seems there's nobody up there.

Then they're useless.

They don't work.

They're beautiful,
they shine and that's all.

They're like you, baby.

ON earth you bust your ass working,

But beautiful doesn't work.

What luxury...

Then I want some.
Will you get it for me?

Come look!

Watch out, it's a grenade!

The Yanks left it.

Is it live?

We'll soon see.


Filth! I saw you the other day!

Tramps! Filthy swine!

Grab her! Hold her!

Let me go!


Flowers among flowers:

This summer these beauties flocked
to a Paris park...

for the election
of Miss Eiffel Tower...

...of 1950.

Good luck and may the loveliest win.

Mother Eliane, move to the left...
No, to my left.

That's good...
in the middle. Close up a little.

You're tall, move to the back!

Not there. Behind Kebadian!

OK, nobody move, that's fine.

Hold it now, watch the birdie!

Touch it and I'll belt you.

Stand apart.
Developed girls keep shirts on.

Dargelos, your shirt!

My tits need air!

You're asking for trouble!
Cover yourself!

Silence! Shut up!

Go ahead, scream. This won't kill you.

What doesn't kill us,
makes us stronger.

Trade ya?

All of it!

"She saw nobility and greatness
in this prince..."

"...and learned from his mistakes,

"...and learned wisdom
from his mistakes, becoming...

"...wise and prudent."

"Go on, dear Telemachus, she said,"

"how did you escape from Egypt?"

"Where did you find the wizard Mentor,
whose worth...

" recognized..."


"Telemachus resumed his story..."

Looking for your dessert, Castang?

Well, here it is!

If you want something, ask.


See what that bitch did?

Kill her!

A week in the hole!
You'll love it!

Come out!

They want a photo.
I asked for you as my assistant.

You have some nerve.

If they need you, they'll give in.

And so, you got me.

I like it too much...
Having a ball...

It drives me nuts.

Sometimes I come so hard
with Ray I want to puke.

The most I ever loved was
when I was nine.

With a kraut at Nazi HQ.

He had nice hair...
and a gentle voice.

I think he was hot for my Mom.

He said I was "exceptional".

No guy after that believed in me.

Had lots of guys?

Quite a few.

Can I come into your bed?


Here I come.


You killed your stepfather?

I only slugged him.
He kept pawing me.

For a year, behind Mom's back.
I was too scared to talk.

One day he put his
hand down my pants.

So I whacked him with a hammer.

I hear your boyfriend
gave you the camera.

Yeah, Ray gave it to me.

For screwing him?

He never had to pay me for that.

He taught me photography.
I was his parents' maid.

He swiped the camera for me.

To show his love...

That's right.

What's Ray like?

Gorgeous! Sister Marie-Louise
swiped my photo of him.

Here she comes!

Well girls, is our set ready?

It's neat!

Too much contrast.

What's that?

Sharp blacks and whites.

See... the nun's coif looks
like cream cheese.

So, do something.

Yeah. Look...

If I block the light,

It softens the white.

But I bombard the black with light.

"Bombard"...that's why
it's called a shot?

Yeah, sure.

That'll look better.

You're a good teacher.

Careful, it'll be too dark.

What did the little swallow do?

She stole three bags of grain...

Onward, onward...

Everyone keep up...


"...shifty eyed"...

"...lacking self-esteem..."

"...menstruated at 15..."

"A repeat offender..."

"Yet I was never bossy with her..."

"I don't think I was."


"I tried to reach a real
understanding between us."

"We'd even joke together,
like friends."

"I'm astonished and hurt."

"Mostly hurt."

"Aggravating circumstances"

A present for you.

It's Raymond! You're terrific!

I read your file. He won't drop
the charges. Your trial's next month.

I'll escape before then.

Got a plan?

You bet! Fuck 'em all!

I told you, Dargelos, no talking!

Take me with you? Don't let me down!



Can I be excused?

What did the little swallow do?

She stole three bags of grain...


Onward, onward.

Everyone keep up.

Laggards will be left behind.

When we catch the little swallow

We'll give her three good whacks...


At this rate we'll
be in Paris tomorrow.

I gotta keep going.
I robbed Dad's shop.


Soon I'll go back and steal the rest.

He stole enough during the war!

This time it's big...
Trunk's full of stuff:

Lots of cameras, lenses...

I didn't count it.

I'm going for a walk.

Why stop?

I wanna buy a newspaper.

Don't get your hopes up.
We're small fry.

I think I'm pregnant.

By whom?

Raoul. That time we were on the beach.

The timing fits. I'm up shit's creek.

That's a lousy break.
What're you gonna do?

Look for Raoul.

And if you don't find him?

You know what I mean.

It's peanuts. Forget it. OK, adios.

So you won't forget.

Don't lose it.

Go on. So long.

See you!

Guess what. Your Mom wrote to us!


You can't believe it, right?

I was bowled over, too.

She broke up with Marcello...

And found another guy whose
name ends in "o".

Gino, Giacomo, who knows?

Anyway, they live on
an island off Palermo.

Can I see her letter?

I dunno where it is.

I had no idea you were...

I didn't expect you.
But your Mom...

...didn't mention you.

That's not true.
She asked all about you.

About school...

if you'd grown, if you're nice...

Why lie to the kid?

Because I'm mean. I enjoy it.

Can I sleep here tonight?

There's no room.

I'll make room.
I can sleep on the floor.

No. She vanishes for months,
but when she gets in trouble...

One night isn't much.

The cops came yesterday.

Looking for you.

So you broke out?

Anything to eat?

That's over, too. No more chow.

Not for you

or for that impotent old fart.

You can heat up some leftovers.
Then beat it.

Take it from me...

You had a good look at us?
Stay, and you'll end up like us.

Like what?

Born losers.

It's gotta wait 'til tomorrow.


I want your stomach empty
in case there's trouble.

And I need a deposit of 2,000 francs.

I don't have 2,000 francs.

How much do you have?

What's that?

It's mine.

Let's have a look.

It's worth more than 2,000.

That's what you say.

I don't want this, anyway.

All right. See you tomorrow.

Not that way. That's the cigar store.

This way out.

Cheered by a crowd of wives,
mothers and children,

volunteers leave France for Indochina

after long weeks of training.

Mom, Dad, your child has only one eye

Mom, Dad, your child has only one tooth

What a curse is to have
a one-eyed child

What a curse is to have
a one-toothed child

In our troop, no one lags behind

Even the ninnies manage to keep up

The best way to walk,
is our way to walk

One foot before the other,
over and over again.

Here we go.

Some months later,
Janine took her first pregnancy exam...

Using a mirror she was able
to see the shape of the baby in her womb...

As it was already a kicker, the doctor told her:
"It's going to be a little fuss maker."