The Last American Hero (1973) - full transcript

A young hellraiser quits his moonshine business to try to become the best NASCAR racer the south has ever seen.

Charlie 1 to Delta
6. Come in, Delta 6.

Anything to report on
suspect car? Over.

Delta 6 to Charlie 1. Mr Collins,
suspect has prior arrest record.

Wasn't hauling nothing. Over.

We intercepted that suspect on
Highway 16 near Gelbar. Over.

Charlie 1 to Delta 6.
He could be a decoy.

Inform state police and return
to stakeout. Over and out.

Whoa. Whoo.

Yee-haw. Junior.



Where ya been?

Now, watch out you don't
foam at the mouth.

Watch out I don't give
you a smack in the face.

Where ya been?

Did you get the Holley hooked up?

You been at my car
magazines again?

How else would I know what
you're talking about?

I ain't decided I'm gonna run
supercharged or not yet.

Yes, you have. Now get.

You're supposed to be down
that hill helping your daddy.

I had things to do.


What things?

Working mash don't wait.
It's ready when it's ready.

We've been slaving
like mules. You've

been out running around somewhere.


All right. Let's get this
stuff up to the barn.

That's what I say, Daddy.

Sure you do, "Wayney." Ooh.

Don't you mess around.

For one thing, she needed new
spring hangers and a tune.

Tune? You left this morning, that
motor was purring like a tomcat.

You got five seconds
to spare, you want

to tell me all you
know about engines?

- Junior.
- Charlie 1 to Apple 4.

They never know nothing about it.
Bring him in. Charlie 1 clear.

- You know who that is, don't ya?
- Who?

That Charlie stands for "C." "C"
stands for "Catshit" Collins.

Now, you treat Collins
with respect. You hear me?

For what? Throwing you in prison
every time we turn around?

Levon 3 proceeding north from
Hayes to Traphill. Over.

Why, the dog. Gee.

Is that Levon?

I can't tell, Mr Collins,
but he sure is moving.


It's Levon. Move it.

Are you all right, Mr Collins?

Mr Collins.

Let me at that radio.

- Satisfied, Mr Collins?
- You think I enjoy this?

No, I don't, but there's other
ways of making a living.

When will you be satisfied?

When your whole
family's locked up?

Well, this here's my
still. You got it.

You got me. That's
all there is to it.

I'm sick and tired of busting you.

Well, I don't blame you, Clem.

Okay, Elroy. Let's go.

Hey, Bubba.

- What's happening?
- What the hell did you do?

What the hell did you
do to Collins, man?

- Huh?
- What?

He come and blew the still
all over the woods.

He's got Daddy and put
him in jail. It's

your hot dogging
that's put him there.

Shit. Damn it.

I couldn't find the lawyer.
You better go get him.

I don't know where he is.

Where is he now?
Where's Daddy now?

He's in jail. That's where he is.

- Where's Mama?
- She's at home.

Well, what are we gonna do?

Don't hit the car, man.

Well, you go get the lawyer.
And you go get the lawyer.

Give this to Mama.

Thanks for coming so early.

It's the least I can do
for a steady customer.

- Brought you some smokes.
- Oh. Yeah.

You look like hell.

I ain't had much sleep.

I guess you ain't either, huh?

- How's your ma?
- She's all right.

I gave her the money
from the delivery.

She'll need it.

Hey. If there's anybody gonna
get stuck with this...

it's me that drove the whiskey and

me that broke through
that blockade.

And me that got caught.

Where do we go from here?

All depends.

How many times do
you have to prove

you're a mule-headed
man of principle?

I don't need no lecture.

I don't know. I might get
you off with six months...

- if you promise to renounce...
- Oh.

Your Honour, I beg you to forgive
this poor miserable sinner...

for making the finest
whiskey money can buy.

Elroy, Elroy. Now, I
drink your whiskey.

Boys in the courthouse drink it.

Wouldn't be surprised
if His Honour had

a jar or two tucked
away somewhere.

- But that has no bearing.
- The hell it don't.

City hall's so full of crooks,

they're falling out
of the windows.

Country club boys with their
pay-offs and kickbacks.

Where do you go to
find a little justice?

Depends on what you can afford.

I can't even afford you.

Well, your credit's good.

It'll be the same as
before. A thousand

plus whatever they fine you...

plus, well you know.


What extras?

Some prison jobs aren't
so bad as others.

It's the same with
prison cells, food.

Privileges. It's...

It's kind of like justice,
son. You get what you pay for.

What is your name, son?

Roy Jackson.

Roy Jackson, huh? Where
you from, Roy boy?

Little place. What's
the prize money?

One thing at a time, Roy
boy. One thing at a time.

- You ever been in a derby?
- No.

Have you ever seen one?

Yeah. What's the prize money?

From 50 up to $500.
However, Roy...

You can count me in.

Roy, you don't tell
me. I tell you.

Now then.

A derby here...

is not a Blue Ridge
Mountain jamboree.

Crash Carter.

Wild Willy Wilder.

They didn't get famous
corn husking or...


What say we cut the crap, Hackel?

In or out?

Got a car?

And Bronco Billy Wilks.

And the new driver.
In car number 26...

from the tall timber country...

Roy "Wildcat" Jackson.

Here, kitty, kitty.
Here, pretty kitty.

Here, pretty pussy, pussy, pussy.

Drivers, start your engines.

Nine, eight, seven...

six, five, four...

three, two...

Here they come.

To the Detroit Symphony...

playing "Sleepy Time Down South."

Don't worry, folks. They all
got no-fault insurance.

Hey. What's that? Look.

He's beautiful. Kid is beautiful.

Oh. Two against one.
That's not fair, boys.

Ain't that a thing of
beauty? Poetry in motion.

Crash Carter's on the warpath.
Bronco's out in front.

And how about that Wildcat
Jackson? Number 26. Double 13.

That's bad luck for everybody.


Oh, he's too much.

Watch out for Wildcat.

Watch it.

We're down to three survivors. Oh.

Looks like the
wildcat got skinned.

Next week, demolition derby.

It ain't too bad.

Third place. That's $200.

You know, by all rights, I should

fine you $25 for
illegal equipment.

Forget it. But no more
railroad iron. You understand?

- See you back in three weeks.
- Next week.

Ah, no. No, Roy boy. Next
week's a stock car race.

- Count me in.
- Look now.

Smashing up cars is one thing,
but racing's something else.

- Takes skill and experience.
- I got experience.

Don't hand me that.

Where's an old wild-ass
mountain boy like you gonna.

There's a preliminary 10 lap
sprint. Take it or leave it.

What's the prize money?


- Can you spare that?
- Hey.

Look. Well, what are
you so sore about?

Me? Nothing.

They're still pretty bunched
up. The boys in the rear...

are gonna have to make
their move pretty

quick now, or they're
gonna be out of it.

And that's just
what they're doing.

Shelbo in front. Downey, second.

There goes car number 70
closing on the leaders.

Car number 70, it's young...

Holy Moly.

Oh, Lord. What a spin.

Look out there.

Around the corner. Wow.
Shelbo's out of it.

Number 70's busted out
and pulling away.

He's out in front.

And the winner of our
10 lap sprint...

- Junior Jackson.
- Yeah.

Well, you took your sweet
time getting here.


- There's been enough angry talk.
- What's the story?

Well, your daddy stuck
to his principles.

One year.

- How about it, George?
- Okay.

Sorry I'm late.

No matter.

Just see to it you boys
take care of your ma.

Don't you worry about that now.

She's been worried over you living
here in town the last few months.

From now on, try to see
a little more of her.

Yes, sir.

My Lord.

What happened?

Oh, nothing. I've been racing.


Well, do you win?

Yes, ma'am. I do.

Now give me your pen.

I've been winning real good
these last couple months.

This here's a down payment.
There's gonna be more.

For what?

You said a thousand
plus extras. Well,

you make dang sure he
gets those extras.

Why didn't you tell
me you was racing?

Because it's dangerous?

Now, if it was dangerous,
would I be doing it?

We got us a real hot
dog here today.

Tony Hurt in 27.
Junior in number 70.

- Come on, boy.
- Oh.

Junior in 70. Hold it.


Whoo. Yeah, he's okay.

What kind of racing's that,
you dirty corn-running shit?

That Junior's raising
hell here today.

It's Junior out in front...

ploughing through the pack.

Pulling away.

They're just smashing
each other all about.


And here he comes.

Let's hear it for the
eight-time winner...

of our main event, Junior Jackson.

You lowlife corn-running son of a

bitch. They oughta
bar you from racing.


Aw, you better stop this now.

I'm gonna write you a check.
I'm gonna get you a check.

Don't give me.

- I'll get you a check.
- Don't be that... Don't be...

I gave you your start, didn't
I? I gave you your start.

- Damn, boy. I don't believe you.
- Well, you better believe it.

- I don't...
- Write that check. Don't talk.

You're just... you're
a troublemaker.

I gave you your
start. You wouldn't

have a penny if it wasn't...

I won that race fair
and square. You

cheat me out of one goddamn penny.

Oh, shut up.

Filthy mouth hillbilly.

Want me to ram this
right down your throat?

Here. Here.

Get the hell out of here.

It's gonna cost a hell of a lot
more than this to get me back.

Get you back?

That's right. I'm tired
of lining your pockets.

- I don't believe this.
- Well, you better believe it.

Look. Stars cost money,
Hackel. Big money.

You better get that
through your head.

You're gonna be a star?

You watch me at Hickory.

Skin and bones.

- Living on chilli size and Pepsi.
- I gained four pounds.

- I don't wonder.
- Thank you.

All that beer you drink.

Did you get that money I sent ya?

I did. Thank you.

Would've been more except I had to

shell out for some
repairs on my car.

- Banged it up a bit.
- I noticed.

Ma wanted to see what
a race was like.

I carried her over there.

How come you didn't come by
after and give me a smack?

Didn't them other drivers
take care of that?

I don't know a single car
you didn't slam into.

All they gotta do is
stay out of my way.

Hey, Bubba.

You gotta admit, at them speeds...

and cars crashing and bumping one

another, you're gonna
get ploughed under.

But you're good with cars.

I don't know anyone any better.


That's fine. There's
good money in it.

I went to see Jim Altoon.

How is he?

Short a man.

Says he could start you at 2.10
an hour while he's training you.

Oh, shit.

He's gonna train me on how
to become a garage mechanic?

Well, while he's paying you 2.10

an hour he's gonna
train you, yeah.

Hey. The race you saw was
won by a car that was

bought, torn apart,
rebuilt and driven by me.

- Not by no garage mechanic.
- I know that, Son. I know...

Mama. What about Teeny?
What about Lamar?

How many times you seen my
name in the newspaper, huh?

Oh, shit.

How many times have you read
my name in the newspapers?

About 20 times maybe. But, Son.

Well, the only time
that's gonna happen to a

garage mechanic is when
they announce his funeral.

Boy, you win a few races
on some outlaw tracks.

Don't go running off
with your mouth.

I'm not running off my mouth. I
just want to know what's it mean.

Where do you get off telling me
what I'm gonna do with my life?

- No.
- Wayne.

Tell me what it means, smart-ass.

Stop it.

If I want to drive fast around
a track, that's what I do.

- Don't you tell me nothing, man.
- Stop it.

I don't intend to see your name...

on any funeral list,
and that's that.

I don't intend to have my
name on no funeral list.

You throw some pie at me, man?

I didn't throw nothing.

Is that what it is? The money?

Well, yeah. We could use some.

If that's all it is, I
gotta agree with your ma.

No. That ain't... That ain't
all it is. Not nearly.

She's always after me to get
out of the whiskey business.

You was too young to remember...

but after my first
time in the pen...

to please her, I hired
on at the sawmill.

Punch in at 8:00, out at 12:00.

Permission to go to the can.

Pretty much like here.

Well, it didn't seem to
worry most of the boys.

They put in their time,
looking ahead to payday.

But not me.

That pay cheque wasn't
money. It was a...


bill of sale.

Three months of that,
back to whiskey.

It's been hard on your ma.

But damn foolishness
to one person...

is breath of life to another.


- How about it?
- Captain says okay.


Hey, Bubba. Come here.

Hey, Junior. This is some
cherry mother. Come over here.

Yeah, Junior. Take a look at the
aerodynamics on this here car.

Man, all you gotta do is
reach down and just tap it.

NASCAR registered.

Raced only four times.
No collisions. No fires.

Took third up at Wilkesboro.

Been thinking about
running it for president.

Oh, have ya?

Who last drove her?

Sam Ard. Quit and went
to work for Goodyear.

You get all the benefits though.

There ain't none no better.

Hey, Junior. Would you
look at this header?

How much?

Why don't you give her a try?

Don't think I won't. How much?

Your car and three grand.

- Whoo.
- 3,000 bucks?

Ain't got but one seat.

Oh, come on, Speedy.
You know a car

without a back-seat
ain't no fun at all.

That there engine probably
seen 50 races already.

Won't even see one for us.

$3,000, man. There ain't that
much money in the whole world.

That's right.

Unless you know where to find it.

What is this Jackson Fuel Company?

What? You never seen that
thing up round Wilkesboro?

- What are you smoking?
- I thought you quit.

No, I didn't quit smoking.
Just quit buying.

Hey, Teeny. What about that hose?

Yeah, Wayne, man. I'm coming.

- Gotta get air in my shocks.
- Let's get on up to Lake Lure.

There's a dance up there tonight.

Yeah. That's a camp dance.

Well, that don't
make any difference.

Hey, Lamar.

What are you doing
with them little

bitty 12-year-old
Yankee girls anyway?

Seems like they's
all from Michigan.

And you know what
they do up there.

No. But I hope you're
fixing to tell me about it.

Junior, why don't you
drive this thing? We

can all cram in there
around that tank.

Whoo. Get all wet back there.

Some drunk. And get
thrown in the pokey.

No, sir. Old lead
foot ain't sending

me where he sent his Daddy.

- Gotta get on the road.
- I'll take care of that, Junior.


Hey. I want to go to Lake Lure,
goddamn it, get some stuff.

Why, them girls can
hardly stay away from me.

They're like flies
to dog shit, huh?

How'd you like a knuckle burger?

Now, don't let your
mouth go writing

checks your ass can't cash.

You don't show me
nothing, Jackson.

Old Calvin.

Old Calvin.

- Connard.
- Hold it there, Connard.

You make a move on
me, I'll rip his lip

off, give it to you
for a key ring.

Now get down there, boy.

Get your hand Neath that tyre.

Put it Neath the tyre, boy.

Yeah. See that?

Now, who's your friend?

You are.

You hear him, Wayney?

Shit, no.

You are, goddamn it.

All right. Now get up.

If you had gas for
brains you couldn't

back a pissant out
of a pea shell, boy.

Well, smarts ain't my
long suit neither.

I want to go to Lake Lure.

We still friends?

I guess.


Best know who your friends
are, else you get in trouble.

- Take it easy, hog jaw.
- Yeah. I'll take it easy.

Just don't get busted
your first time out.

I won't.

Frank, ain't you got
that tank about full?

Full up.

Junior, don't you think that
twice a night, every night...

is kind of pressing your
luck a little hard?

Well, why don't you
sponsor me then?

For $500 I'll put
your, name in big

gold letters on the
side of my truck.

- Casper's Quality Moonshine.
- No deal.

Boy, I'm here to tell you you've
got a good-running truck here.

Couldn't help noticing you're
running pretty fair yourself.

Does the captain know about that?

No. I thought I oughta
help it along...

put a full-race Erson cam in it...

play with it a little
on the weekends.

I'll bet you do.

You know, your tank's still got
about an inch of corn left in it.

Nope. Clean as a whistle,
and you know it.

Looks pretty suspicious, huh?

Might be, except you set
your evidence on fire.

Just give me the licence.

The tank is Junior's idea.

It's me that thought up the
part about the release valve.

Fine. Fine.

You twist a dog's
tail, you get bit.

Twist a cop's tail, you get eaten
alive. When you gonna learn, boy?

Ain't no profit in
playing it safe.

No profit, no new race car.

People buy from us expect quality.

Quality don't come out of no tank.

There's only two grades
of everything...

The best and all the rest.

Do you hear me?

Yes, sir. I hear you.

Yes, sir. I hear you.

Kyle Kingman. Kyle Kingman. Top
money winner for the year.

How do you see your chances, Kyle?

You don't think I got the gall to

answer a question
like that, do ya?

In front of famous drivers like
Tex Zimmerman, Rick Penny...

Davie Baer.

Why don't we wait till this race
is over and the best man's won...

and I'm standing there
kissing the trophy girl?

Then you ask me that.

Hey. Who left the gate open?

You Junior Jackson?

- Yes, sir.
- I'm Morley.

Cleave Morley.

You get a letter from me
declining your entry?

Whatever Hackel said to you
to make you turn me down...

I'm telling you that he's
a liar and a bandit.

Where'd you get that pass?

Young lady in your
office gave it to me.

Oh. A young lady in my
office gave it to ya, huh?

- That's right.
- Now look, son.

We don't want no
trouble. Just give

me the pass and be on your way.

Mind reading this here rule?

I'm busy right now.

All right. I'll read it to ya.

"Unless a man is suspended from
competition." Which I ain't...

"he gets a chance to qualify
like everybody else does."

- Is that right?
- You said it right, man.

What's the matter, Morley?
Cat got your tongue?

Give him a run.

Didn't do too bad.
No. Not bad at all.

Appears you got a pretty fair
machine there. Who supplied it?

Sent away to Sears and Roebuck.

- Am I in?
- Now look.

We've got 52 entries. Unless
22 of 'em qualify faster.

That was my first time
around the track.

Couple more runs, I'll set that
bullring of yours on fire, Morley.

I got a telephone call.

Well, there you are.

I've been looking all over for
ya. Come here, honey child.

Oh. Oh. Oh.

There's your schedule of events.

That was for the pit pass and
the rule book you gave me.

That's what done it, you
know. This, rule book here.

Know what I want
from you right now?

I hate to think.

- Your name.
- Oh, it's Marge.

Marge, you're really nice.

I'm not nice. I'm perfect.

Now here's a map.

And here's a release of liability.
And you have to sign it.

- Right there.
- Okay.

- You a local girl, Marge?
- No. I'm a Georgia peach pit.

Now here's the official motel.

And they're having
a buffet tonight

by the Chamber of Commerce.

- A what?
- A help yourself supper.

Oh. Huh.

What do they nail you?

Oh, there's no charge, and you can
bring a friend if you'd like.

I'll make sure your
name's on the list.

You'll "makes" sure
my name's on the...

You're so nice. I
can't believe it.

I told you I was perfect.

Well, how about talking about
that over supper tonight?

Well, I...

You said I could bring
a guest, didn't you?

I mean, I'll dress up.
I'm good company.

You're cute...

but I'm afraid I already
have a date for tonight.

Oh. Well. Okay.

I don't discourage easy though.

I mean that too.

Yes, ma'am. I thank you, ma'am.


I'm one of the racers. I'd
like one room, please.

Mr Junior Jackson?

That's right.

Gonna be five dollars a day.

- Five dollars?
- That's a special price.

Just keep it to yourself. Right?
Register right there, sir.

Thank you.

How'd you know my name?

Phone call from a friend.

Your friend. Marge Dennison.

Shit, man.


These, flowers here.

If I go into that flower
shop and, buy some flowers.

- Yes, sir.
- Well.

Will they deliver 'em for me?

Of course.

Well, I knew that.

Hi. I got stood up.

- Your offer still hold?
- Yeah.

Well, invite me in.

Oh. Okay. Come on in.

That's for the beautiful flowers.

And that's for squandering your
money. What'd you do it for?

Oh, this, that and the other.

Like, getting me this...

five dollar motel room
worth at least 20.

Say, you know, you're right.

You ain't nice. You're perfect.

Hey. Is this your mum and dad?

Yeah. Huh.

Do you have this trouble often?

I mean, girls forcing
their way into your room?

Oh, sometimes it gets
so bad that I gotta

bar the door. There
ain't room for me.

You look gorgeous.

Well, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Wait till I put my shoes on.

Hey, Burt. How you doing?

- Hey.
- Sure good to see ya.

Meet Miss Hickory, the
prettiest girl we have here.

A very important man.
Say hello to him.

Nice to meet you.

We gotta get you a drink,
Burt. Come on inside.


- Do you know Junior?
- Yeah.

- Oh. Well.
- Look who's here.

You don't waste much
time, do ya, boy?

Come on. The nice
legs are killing me.

What about a dance?

Okay. Will you mind my
purse for me, Junior?

- You don't mind, do ya?
- No. Go ahead.

Thank you.

Ooh. She's got it all. Whoo.

Glass of orange juice, please.

Mr Colt, it takes
more than a hundred.

RPM just to drive that needle.

Now, we're nearer 73, 74.

So, fine. You're in the
throttle two lengths faster.

Well, if she blows,
don't blame me.

Do you want out?

- I didn't say that.
- Then quit bitching.

And don't get pissy drunk either.
I want you at the track by 8:00.

Don't want much, does he?

Hey, Shortie. Give me another
bourbon and branch, will ya?

Six test runs in one afternoon.

Chewing on my ass every
minute of the way.

Thanks, pal.

That's a real nut-crusher.

Hey, man. Let me lay
something on you.

Wait till you drive for somebody
who ain't won a race in 10 months.

I don't see a gun at your head.

Oh, yeah? What's that
supposed to mean?

You don't like taking
orders, drive for yourself.

Boy, I never saw it to fail.

Nobody knows more than a rookie.

Hi. That didn't take long, did it?

Thanks for the loan of your girl.

That's all right.

- See you later, sugar.
- Okay.

You wanna go dancing some more?

I'm a good dancer.

Well, I am a little weary.

Why don't we get something
to eat? Come on.

All right.

I'm sorry I had to drag you
away from the party so early.

Hey. That's all right.

I got a ton of work to do.

Listen. I'd much rather
be alone with you...

than be with those
phoney hired jockeys.

Them what?

Half of 'em don't even
buy their own uniform.

Everything they got's
handed down to

'em by some gut-sprung

Including their high-powered,
high-price machines?

There's one thing
that money can't buy.

- And that's a better driver.
- Oh, me, oh, my.

Now don't "me, oh, my" me. I
know what I'm talking about.

Well, I don't know
what kind of sheltered

life you led up there
in the pinewood trees.

How do you know about that?

Well, I know what it's like
to want to be somebody.

And I think if you daydream

yourself into
thinking you could...

whip the world
single-handed, you're

gonna end up with
your ass in a sling.

I just really like
you, and I don't

want to see you get wiped out.

It's up there on the right.

Okay. Now you stay put, because
I'm gonna jump and run.

Hope you had a good time.

Hey. It couldn't have been better.

You're a darling.


Maybe I'll call you later. Okay?

I sure hope you got your stereo

fixed, Wayne, so
you can play this.

This is, Elroy talking
to you from Hickory...

where the cars are fast
and the women are faster.

Excuse me, Mama. Hey...

see if you can send
this along to Dad,

and maybe they'll let him play it.

You know, get that lawyer fella
to jerk on some strings.

Well, I...

I sure been having
a fun time here...

driving and all.

Tiny and Lamar have been helping
me out from time to time.

Merle finally learned which end
the carburettor goes onto.

I don't know. These,
people out here.

They ain't exactly what
you'd call, normal.

These drivers. They
strut around like

they's damn movie
stars or something...

laughing all the time
and talking too loud.

Oh, Mama.

I got a real nice motel room. It's
got a colour TV and a shower and.

And a shower.

I mean, the, you know, the
colour TV ain't in the shower.

I guess the real rich folks get
them kind of rooms, huh, Mama?



I just want to say that I'm sorry.

And that I love you.

And don't you worry,
because I got this plan.

So I'm gonna see you real soon.


Okay. Well, goodbye, Mama.

Goodbye, Daddy.

See you after a while, Wayney.

You little suck-ass.


Hello. Hey. This is Junior.


Hey, look. I'm sorry if
I woke you up, but...

- you know, I just had to call...
- She's busy.

Hey, Junior.

- Hey, Junior.
- Hey, Junior.

- Hey, Junior.
- Hey, Junior.


Hey, look. It's your
name right on the back.

They come out pretty good,
huh? Specially made.

Hey, man. It's got all our
names on 'em and everything.


Hey. You down there. Shut up.

You want something?

Oh, it's you. Look. Why
don't you take you and

your boyfriends and go
play somewhere else.

How'd you like your teeth parted?

You best watch out, boy...

or little Margie'll be
sending some flowers to you.

- Hey.
- Get him.

Wait a minute, Junior.
Wait, Junior. Wait.

Come on, man. Come on.
Get him into the room.

- You're dead, man. You're dead.
- Wait a minute.

Let's get in that room.
Get him in there.

Come on.

Leave it out. Ya hear? Let it lay.

Get off me, Pork. Pork.

Take it easy, man.

Hey, good buddy. That motormouth
been giving you that much trouble?

- No.
- Why waste your time on him?

Save it for the race.


In pole position...

car 77, Kyle Kingman, point
leader for the year.

Davie Baer in car 63.

Tex Zimmerman.

Former champion Rick Penny in
car 25-Burton Colt Special.

And in his first race
here at Hickory...

young Junior Jackson in the
white car, number double zero.

All ready to run.

Gentlemen, start your engines.

Give it everything she's
got. Pour it on. Pour it on.

You're one away now.
I don't want second.

Come on. Don't you
dare fall behind

on me. Don't you dare fall behind.

Looks like we've got a brand
new hot charger here.

It's double zero, Junior Jackson.

Rick Penny, who started
in fourth position,

has dropped well back
into the pack...

currently running
in sixth position.

Penny is being challenged by
double zero, Junior Jackson.

Where'd he come from? From
far back, that's where.

That boy looks real good.

And there he goes. He passed
Penny, the former champion.

Come on, baby. Move.

Kyle has lapped most
of the field, and

is now closing in on Rick Penny...

driving the Burton Colt Special
laying back in fifth position.

There goes Kyle. Rick Penny has
just been lapped by the leader.

What the hell's the matter?
What in the hell's the matter?

Damn springs is arched up too
high. It's hard to handle.

- Will it run? Will it steer?
- It ain't easy.

Look, you want prize money
or social security?

Get going.

That pussy.

Junior's now running third.

Rick Penny's back on the track.

There's the caution
flag. Going to yellow.

They'll all be coming
in for gas and rubber.

Come on.

You guys should be out here when
I get around this third turn.

You hear me?

You want me to check the windows?

No, they're all
right. I checked 'em.

Check your gauges.

I checked my gauges.
Get the wheels off.

Here comes Rick Penny, a very

dejected fellow.
It wasn't his day.

Running second behind
Kingman is popular.

Davie Baer, followed
by Tex Zimmerman.

But the big surprise
up to now is the

car running in fourth position...

an unsponsored independent
driven by Junior Jackson.

Go, baby. Go.

It's still Kyle Kingman showing
the way, trailed by Davie Baer.

Junior's hanging in there,
starting to gain on Davie...

and squeezing past.

It's gotta break sooner or later.

It's double zero and double seven
doubling up on that track.

Those guys are fused
together like Siamese twins.

It's Junior Jackson's day.

Coming around the turn.
The track's all his.

Looks like this race may be
finished on the yellow flag.

Junior's all right. He
tumbles out of the car.

Whoa. Looks like Junior is mad.

Now, it's Kyle Kingman.

It's number 77 out in front
all by his lonesome...

headed for another big win.

The point leader does it again.

King of the road, Kyle Kingman.

- Let's put her on the trailer.
- Might salvage one brake drum.


Junior, you got the talent,
but I got the bankroll.

Now, how many loads
of white lightning

you figure it's gonna take...

to get you back running?

Not as much as it's gonna take
you. I just gotta replace my car.

You gotta find a new shoe without
chicken shit in his veins.

Ooh, you're a hard case, kid.

Colt, I'm gonna whip your ass...

along with everybody else.

My car don't hold out, I'll
have a foot race with you.

Well, how about arm wrestling?

Whatever it by-God takes.

Dream on, boy.

Come on. Let's get
her on the trailer.

- Hey, big winner.
- Booze is on the house.

Hey, listen, don't do
anything I wouldn't do.

What do you mean by
taking my secretary?

Thank you, doll.

Isn't he cute? When I told him
I was taking next week off...

whoo, you should've
heard him holler.

I told him I'd call
the agency and get

a replacement. You
know what he said?

"Why not get Kyle
Kingman a replacement?"

Well, I'll be dipped.

Well, look who's here.

You could've let me
know, dear wife.

Then how could I surprise you?

You've already done that.

Who's your friend? I'd
like to meet her.

Hi, there. We've met
before, haven't we?

Miss Dennison, she works here.

Oh. Didn't I see you
at Rockingham...

and Asheville and Farmington?

Well, when I'm not busy here,
I sort of follow the circuit.

That must be fun.

What do I have to do to
get another rum Collins?

I'll get it.

Oh, no, sirree. Now, what good's a

husband that can't
service his own wife?

It was nice meeting
you, Mrs Kingman.

Listen, if it's any
comfort, you're

not the first, nor the second.

Take a tip from me, sugar.

If you can't sell it, sit on it.

I own him, and he loves it.

Hey, Junior.


- Take me home, would you?
- What happened to your friend?

Well, my ex-friend, my former
friend is up there celebrating.

My friend Junior I'm
asking to take me home.

Hey, Tiny, can I borrow
your station waggon?

- Sure.
- Yeah, come on.

I got so excited. I
couldn't believe it...

all those people
asking who you were.

"Who was that Junior Jackson?"

You almost made me eat
my words, Junior.

Then I looked down,
and I saw your car.

Made me feel like crying.

I wanted to run down there and
throw my arms around you.

Come on.

- What sign are you?
- Oh, Ford, I guess.

I have pretty good
luck with them so far.

Maybe a Chevy, though, if I
can get the bucks for one.

Isn't there anything you
care about more than cars?

- Besides this?
- Including this.

I really eat up on racing, huh?

You're so beautiful and so
good. Did you know that?

Hey, I mean that.

Oh, I didn't always
look like this.


I used to weigh 180 pounds...

and my mother used to tell me I

looked like the Lone
Ranger's horse.

- Oh, that's nice of her.
- She was right.

You should've seen me when I first

went to business
school in Atlanta.

Oh, you went to Atlanta?
What's that like?


I remember one time...

me and my friend Ruby.

We were about 16, I
guess, and we were

invited to this fraternity party.

Now, nobody on the face
of God's green earth...

thinks he's smarter than those
fraternity boys, right?

Mine was kinda neat, though.

I mean, he was tall,
and he had black hair.

I couldn't believe
him inviting me.

Ruby and I got so drunk
waiting for those

two turkeys to drop
the bullshit...

and start, you know, smooching.

- You thought about that?
- Oh, yeah.

I thought only guys
thought about that.

So go ahead.

So, we're at the party, and, Ruby
asked me if I see anything funny.

Oh, I take a look around, and I
see something funny, all right.

Homeliest bunch of girls I have
ever seen assembled in one place.

- It was a pig party.
- What's that?

A P-I-G pig party?

You know, fraternity boys invite
the ugliest girls they can...

and then they just
give out prizes.

My date got second prize.

Oh, I cried for a couple weeks...

and I used to get comical calls
in the middle of the night.

Atlanta's full of jokers.

I left about a month later.

You're the most beautiful
girl that I've ever seen.

That's a fact, I swear to it.


Anytime, kid.

If it was pitch-dark,
I'd know where

I was by the smell of the trees.

Where's Junior?

Come on in. You can rest
while I fix you some lunch.

I don't need no rest. I
just need to look around.

What happened?

Blew the engine over
at Hickory. Spun out.

I keep telling him to get rid
of it. But he won't listen.

No man in this family ever does.

- Was he hurt?
- Not a scratch.

- Then where is he?
- Wayne?

Come on, Daddy.

Watch your step.

All right. Every cop in
the whole wide world.

Come out with your hands high.

Oh. Say what?

What the devil's going on here?

We call this here the
Jackson Family Submarine.

It might cut back on
the output some...

but the quality'll
still be the same.

One bead of blue flame, one
swallow, forget your name.

- I'll be damned.
- Whoo.

You guys.

Here. Use this, Daddy.

- You give up on racing?
- No, sir.

Cars cost money, though.

What's your old one worth?

About two cents on the dollar.

What if you wreck your next one?

Well, I go to work right here.

Down at the lumber mill,
they tell the story...

about the near-sighted fella...

who liked playing
around with a buzz saw.

Lost one finger.

Two. Three.

He kept right on playing
till all five was gone.

He looked at his
hand and he said...

"I'm beginning to think
this here's a losing game."

That fella sounds
like a fool to me.

Ah. Huh.

Now, it just might be you
didn't get my point.

If you lose a race, you
get other chances.

If you lose running
liquor, you get a prison

cell, because, boy,
they got your number.

So what? A little jail
never hurt nobody.

If you got five
seconds to spare...

you tell me all you
know about jail.

Why, you don't know nothing.

Not the first goddamn thing.

And you're never gonna.

Now, this is the
only life I know of.

And I'm not gonna
stop now, but my boys

are gonna have
something different.

I don't know nothing else.

And you never will unless
you stop right here.

How the hell am I supposed to get
my money for the goddamn race car?

Boy, you don't talk to
your daddy like that.

What's your name?

- I said, what's your name?
- Elroy Jackson, Jr.

You'll find a way.

This is Junior Jackson here.

Mr Burton Colt. Ma'am,
will you sit down, please?

I'm here to show you how
to quit losing races.

Ain't it time you
went with a winner?

How about it, Colt?

Send him in.

How you've changed.

Last time I saw you,
you were gonna whip

my ass with "whatever
it by-God takes."

Now you want a job?

Two questions.

How long has it been since you won
that thing? And do you want more?

- Your manners haven't changed.
- I don't want no job neither.

I work for nothing, take
50% of the prize money.

To begin with, I hire
drivers on my terms.

And end up nowhere.

Where do you get off
being so goddamn snotty?

I know my potential. So do you.

One race, 20%. You'll say
40, I'll say 30. Yes or no?

You're gonna have to give me
an advance to pay for my boys.

What boys?

My crew.

My terms are as follows: You
will drive one race for me...

when, where and how I tell
you for 30% prize money...

wearing my uniform, using my
car, my equipment and my crew.

Yes or no?

Ladies and gentlemen, we
direct your attention...

to the start/finish line
where brother Bill Frazer...

chaplain of stock car
racing, will offer

a few words of spiritual counsel.

I'd like to read from
the scriptures...

found in the Book of James...

in the New Testament
in the fourth chapter.

You loved, and you
have not. You kill in

your desire to have
and cannot obtain.

A racer, when he starts a race,
he starts with one intention...

Reaching the chequered flag.

Some of you here today,
grown men and women,

don't know what you
wanna do in life.

You know why?

Because there's this thing inside
your life that wars with yourself.

It fights constantly,
tearing at you...

lusting with your members.

The members of your body,
unrest, unhappiness.

And it's empty when you're born.

May God bless you and
keep you in good health.

Now, listen to me.
Stay with the leader.

Stay with him. And don't push her

till we see how she
runs. Understand?

And don't you make your
move till I tell you.

You hear me?

Gentlemen, start your engines.

In this great field
of drivers, we've

got number 21 Davie Baer up front.

24, Speed Smith.

Tex Zimmerman. Kyle Kingman
in 43, a hard charger.

And in car 12, driving for
Burton Colt is Junior Jackson.

The cars are at turn
four. Everybody

waiting for that
green flag to drop.

Coming out of turn four. And
there's the green flag.

And they're all flat out
as we go into number one.

Davie Baer grabs the lead.

A tremendous blast of speed is
the only sound in the speedway.

Moving down the back chute
and moving up fast...

they're now humming as they
pour into turn number three.

Moving up is car number
43. It's Kyle Kingman

as they head to the
north of the speedway.

And in the lead right now, Davie.

Baer, as they come
off number four.

Kingman's moving up on
the number three spot.

And Junior Jackson pulls his
way in right behind him.

It's too early now,
Junior. It's too

early. Now, stay back, you hear?

Coming off number two.
It's still Davie Baer

in the lead as they
move off number two.

A lot of action here as they sweep
the motors in the speedway.

Boy, you gotta learn
about strategy.

You gotta learn strategy.

I said, sense. You don't got any.

Junior Jackson is concentrating
on winning this thing.

There he goes, moving around. He's
playing on the concrete wall.

Right up against that concrete.

Ladies and gentlemen,
it's amazing, but...

They are running it out right
down to the wire, going all out.

Now, listen, you come
in the next time.

You remember what I said? You
got cotton in your ears, boy?

All right, bring that
thing in. You hear me?

- Bring it in.
- Get out of my ear.

Get that board.

There's a mad scramble of action
in the Junior Jackson pits.

The lines of communication must
have broken down somewhere.

They're using the old-fashioned
pit board to bring him in.

You son of a bitch.

Oh. There's trouble
on the far turn.

Tommy Irwin smacks the
wall, and he hits it hard.

This is gonna bring
out the caution flag.

And it looks like
the car is pretty

well damaged, the
front end banged up.

There'll be swarming
drivers on the pit road.

Come on in, Kyle. Pit stop.

Kyle Kingman just dropped
on the pit road...

for some new shoes and
a full tank of fuel.

Now Junior Jackson gears it back
and moves onto the pit road.

He must be running
low on fuel too.

And he's playing
it like a veteran.

You ain't listened
to one thing I said.

- The car's okay.
- That's not the point.

Oh, look at those pit crews in
action swarming over the cars.

There goes the new tyres.
The green flag's up.

Kingman's got what he came
for, and he roars out...

Get the lead out.

Get the lead out.

- When I give you orders...
- Mail me a letter.

There's only 14 laps remaining
in this gruelling race.

And as tough as it's been, the

drivers, champions
that they are...

are still picking the
pace up steadily.

As we get down to
the crucial stage,

Junior laps number
8, Ed Reinhardt.

Now moving third.

Davie Baer still holds
the lead. Kyle.

Kingman's on his back
bumper nose-to-tail.

He's moving up now.
Kingman's on the outside.

He does it. Kingman is in front.

Now it's a battle for second
between Junior and Baer.

Junior stalks him. Stays
on him. And he bangs him.

Pushing, shoving. He falls behind.

Junior passes him, and
he's running second.

Only eight more laps to go, and
Kyle Kingman's in the lead.

But Junior Jackson is hot
on him in second place.

There's only one place to
be, and that's in the lead.

Junior's playing
it cool right now.

He's right in the
challenging spot.

He's trying to figure
how is he gonna

get around the old
baron in number 43.

Junior puts it right up against
Kingman. Kingman gets worried.

He looks over his shoulder. He's
trying to hold the outside.

But he can't do it. He
looks the other way.

And it's a neck-and-neck
battle side by side.

And moving off the
turn, the signal's

just gone up. There's
two laps to go.

Only two laps remaining here.
What a battle this has been.

And it's still a battle. Junior
Jackson's right beside Kingman.

He's challenging, but he hasn't
got it in his hip pocket yet.

And that's where he
wants him. It's neck

and neck, side by
side as we go down.

And Kingman's gonna...
Kingman's hit.

He's moved all the
way from the back

of the pack all the
way to the front.

And here he goes for the chequered

flag. He's taking it all the way.

- Whoo.
- Come on, man.

- Hey, what are you...
- Come on, man.

Please. Come on.

Hey, Junior.

Junior, congratulations on winning
the Old Dominion 500 here today.

How does it feel to be here
in the winner's circle?

It feels fantastic.

You drove a wonderful race. And,
Burt, congratulations to you.

We had our problems
today. We overcame 'em.

It's good to be back in
the winner's circle.

Nice to have you
here, and I hope to

see you back here
for the next race.


Yee-haw. Yee-haw.

- Whoa.
- Whoo.

Hey, no more Hickory track
for us, huh, buddy?


Oh, it was fabulous.

Oh, what a wingding.

- See ya later.
- See ya.

And look at Kyle Kingman.
You've worn him to a frazzle.

You still with him?

Are you crazy?

Haven't you done enough
damage for one day?

Buster, you done real good.

But you watch out for next time.

That's a warning. Come on,
lovebug. Let's hit the road.

Now, hold your horses.

Well, it's three
hours to Rockingham.

Well, hold your horses.

Well, hurry up. I ain't
getting any younger.

Listen, you keep in touch now.

And take care of
yourself, ya hear?

Because you're my darling.

Your share of the
purse is three grand.

Yeah, I know.

Minus half for insubordination.

You can't do that, Colt.

You know, in today's
grown-up world...

you gotta obey rules
and regulations.

Now, as far as the terms
of your employment...

I reckon this gives me a
pretty fat hand, Colt...

against you or anybody
else I wanna race for.

You don't have a hand.

You have a bad history, boy. If

you're my driver, I
sign the checks.

I run the show. You drive.

That's how the big boys play this
game. Now, are you in or out?

Well, I got another game for you.
It goes something like this.

My crew, 60% of the prize money.

Now, you'll say 40, I'll say 50.

Now, yes or no?

There's a press conference
in the VIP Booth...

in five minutes.


We won.

Well, I'm sure glad you
could make it, Mr Winner.

Where you going from here, Junior?