The Labirynth (1971) - full transcript

A cartoon version of the Greek myth of Labyrinth.

Produced by "Soyuzmultfilm" Studio

Labyrinth: The Deeds of Theseus

Written by: A. Simukov
Director: A. Snezhko-Blotskaya

Art Director: A. Trusov
Composer: V. Geviksman

Operator: B. Kotov
Sound Director: B. Filchikov

V. Shevkov, Yu. Butyrin, B. Butakov, L. Kayukov, N. Fyodorov,
O. Sofronov, E. Komova, O. Orlova

Voice Actors:
A. Konsovskiy, A. Grave, V. Koltsov, Ya. Belenkiy, A. Papanov, N. Kustinskaya, S. Zaykova, L. Frichinskiy

- There!

I have raised you, Theseus.

And taught you everything that I knew, my

Now, it's up to you.

Great deeds await you!

Remember, the power in your hands should only serve for the good.

- I promise!

- Now, go to Athens.

King Aegeus reigns there.

He's your father.

He will recognize you by your sandals and
your sword.

- A ship from the Crete island has arrived
for the tithe, your majesty.

- Oh, the shameful, shameful! The dreadful tithe!

- There's another trouble, your majesty.

A wild boar has appeared on the fields of
your country.

He devours humans!

But that's not all...

People are talking about a bandit, his name is Procrustes. He...

- Silence, silence!

The gods are sending me a trial!

- You must be tired, traveler.

Why don't you eat something and rest?

I will gladly give you my bed, the bed of

- I am on a long journey, so your offer
is welcome. Thank you.

- Very well, my friend.

Now, lie down. You need some rest.

- Ah, I knew it.

- You don't fit in the limit.

- Limit?

- All the disorder in the world is because
there is no common limit for everyone.

My bed, that's the true limit for everything!

I will have to trim you a little.

- And how?

- Very simple.

By cutting your legs off.

- But what if they were shorter than your

- Then I would stretch them.

What are you doing?

- My friend...

You don't fit by a whole head!

Now, get to your limit!

What's happening here?

- Don't ask, foreigner.

It's the tithe that our king Aegeus pays to
the king of Crete, Minos.

Every nine years, seven of the best youths
and seven of the most beatiful women

go to the Crete island to be devoured by the

- Oh, my son, my only son.

Damn you, Aegeus! You're killing our children!

Let the gods punish you!

- Let me talk to the king!

- Who are you, stranger?

Wait, what's that?

The sword... and sandals?

You've come, my son!

I was waiting for you, Theseus, my heir.

Declare everyone about this.

- Wait, father.

First, I must rescue these poor people.

- And what are you going to do?

- Kill the minotaur.

- One on one?

You don't know what kind of beast it is!

Minotaur is the evil that can't be defeated!

- Don't worry, father.

The power in my hands will serve for the good.

You will see, we will return under a white

But if we are destined to die, then the sail
will remain black.

Leave the mother her son!

I should take his place.

It's too early to despair!

Believing in victory is already half-way to it.

So I was told by the wise centaur Chiron.

- Land ho, the Crete island!

- Father, he's asking for sacrifices again.

- Such is the will of the gods, Ariadne, my

Thank Dionysus, they have arrived!

- Is there really no one who could slay the

- Why slay him, oh, unintelegent one?

The minotaur is the pillar of our defence

Our enemies fear us and that's very good.

I wish I could see someone, who would dare
to listen to you.

He would never escape!

Thank Dionysus.

No one has yet found a way out of the labyrinth, NO one!

No one has yet found a way out of the labyrinth, NO one!

- Oh, brave youth!

Kill the minotaur! This thread will help you find the way back.

Oh, gods, send him luck!

- Hold together, everyone.

- He defeated the minotaur!

- Follow me, my friends!

I have the guiding thread of Ariadne.

On our way!

- Wake up, your majesty

A great misfortune is upon us.

Minotaur is slain.

And your daugther has escaped with the winner.

- Catch her! Return her!

- The bottom of our ships are cut through.

They're currently being fixed.

- Oh, gods! Help me!

Return me my daughter and I will pay you a great sacrifice!

I swear by Dionysus.

- Your entreaty was heard, king.

I'm Dionysus, whom you have praised so often.

I will help you.

I swear by Zeus!

- Hey, my friends! Replace the sail!

We should return to Athens under a white sail, like winners!

- Theseus! Theseus!

- Ariadne!

- Do you see the ship?

- No, I don't see anything, your majesty.

Oh, there it is! There's the ship!

What color is the sail? White or black?

What color is the sail?

- It's... black.

- The minotaur has torn him to pieces!

The mother's curse has been fulfilled.

- Cheer up, Theseus.

Your father, Aegeus, will never be forgotten.

People will call this sea Aegean.

New, even greater deeds await you!

The End