The Greater Good (2011) - full transcript

The film looks behind the fear, hype and politics that polarize people into emotionally charged pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine camps with no room for middle ground. Verite stories of individuals and their families, whose lives have been forever changed by vaccine choices, interwoven with interviews from leading experts in the field, will re-frame the vaccine debate and offer, for the first time, the opportunity to have a rational, scientific and factual discussion on how to create a more effective vaccine program in America today.

I love cheerleading.

I started training
when I was about 12

and then I made
varsity my freshman

year in high school.

But, I don't think I'll
be cheering next year.

My school has two and a
half miles of hallway.

So, that's why I'm
on a wheelchair

because sometimes
I have those bad

days where I'm
tired all the time

and I can't walk that far.

- Oh, thank you.

Oh, cool is this one
to put on my wall?

I'm not angry about it

because what if I
can't make it better?

Am I going to be
depressed and sad

for the rest of
my life about it?

No, you're gonna have to move on

and make do with
the best you've got.

- Exchange student.

Tell me what you

Oh, merry-go-round.

It's hard because

Jordan doesn't look disabled.

And we have this
problem of going out

in the world with this child who

appears to be a
normal boy and then

doing something
really naughty and

people yelling at him thinking

that he's doing it on purpose.

When they're little cute guys,

you don't worry about
them in the same way.

It's when they get to
be big, potentially

menacing looking sized people.

So, we worry about the future.

- Two to three, three,
three, three four.

you getting this Brad?

- Oh, good.
- At least the recovered a fumble.

They were about
to score and then

- that fumble so that was good, yeah.
- - Oh, really?

been so supportive but

I think a lot of people
don't know what to say.

Then you have
those moments where

it's just like,
this can't be real.

This didn't happen to me.

My baby didn't die.

respect the atom bomb

but how many of us respect this.

This dish full of
disease producing

organisms, if allowed
to grow unchecked

may be capable of
more wide spread

loss of life than
a dozen atom bombs.

But scientist have
found a strong defense.

Vaccines, which stimulate
the formation of antibodies.

Once formed, they may
remain in the blood

and confer immunity
against another

attack of the same disease.

I think we take
vaccines for granted

because we no longer
appreciate the

seriousness of the
disease that vaccines

prevent because
vaccines, in some way,

have been a victim
of their own success.

I was a physician
here in 1991 when

there was a massive
measles outbreak.

We had seven children
that came into

this hospital that
died of measles.

Died of a disease
that was easily

and safely prevented
by a vaccine and

it's extremely hard
to watch that happen.

It breaks your heart.

When diseases were common,
vaccines were an easy sell.

Now what you see is
people who are saying,

I don't see these
diseases at all anymore.

And maybe these
vaccines aren't as safe

as they're purported to be.

But, history teaches us
how effective vaccines are.

Of course, it's
reasonable that parents

would argue that
vaccines be held to

the absolute highest
standard of safety.

These vaccines should
cause virtually

no sever side effects.

And that's really,
pretty much, true.

It's extremely rare that they
would cause any problems.

I was
taught in medical school

that vaccines are safe
and they're effective.

I had no reason to
believe otherwise.

It wasn't until
the New York state

passing of the hepatitis
B mandate in 1991.

It struck me as kind
of odd that they

were mandating a
vaccine for new born

babies, when babies
were not at risk

for developing
hepatitis B infection.

It made me question
whether or not

we're doing a
service to children

by giving them all these
vaccines and injections.

There's more than
just an assumption

that vaccines are safe.

It is pretty much
regarded as law.

But, I don't think it's
that black and white.

There are many grays and
you have more and more

people who are questioning
it and with good reason.

Because the science
is not there to

really state that
vaccines are truly safe.

I'm so tired.

Right after you guys left
I started having seizures.

So, I'm really sore today.

They're very sore,
today, my muscles are.

I have received
threes Gardasil of shots.

After the shots,
everything went crazy

and I started getting sick.

I've had two strokes,
I have partial

paralysis all on the
right side of my face.

I have partial vision
and I'm having seizures.

Well, she
started having problems

real late this week
and then Wednesday

she had a really
bad seizure and then

again on Thursday so...

She's having an okay day today,

she's just taking it easy.

Okay, well thank you
very much Mr. Chris,

I'll tell her you called.

Bye, bye.

My thought of
damage from a vaccine was

a sore muscle, a rash maybe.

I would have never dreamt that

this was a side
effect of a vaccine.

She doesn't talk about
it with her friends,

she don't talk to anyone.

And if I talk to her
about it she gets mad.

I mean, it...


I don't know, maybe
she thinks that

if we don't talk about
it, it's going to go away.

- No, cause you just cry.

It was MTV?



I don't
know who it was.

she saves this and

she says, " Mom,
you've got to see this,

you've got to see this."

And I said, okay what?

And I'm expecting to
see some fashion show

or whatever, go ahead, show 'em.

- Each year in the
US, thousands of women

learn that they have
cervical cancer.

I could be one less.

- Because now there's Gardasil.

The only vaccine that
may help protect you.

I would sit
there and watch music

videos or something
and every commercial

they would come on
and I'm like, Mom,

I don't want to
like, get cancer.

And I'm like, Mom, I think
I need to go get this.

- And, but...
- That crazy.

- I wasn't going
to have sex anytime

soon and I was
like, I'm going to

wait til I'm married
so it's kind of

like, I'm not going
to get it anyways.

So I don't know what
got through my head.

- It got to her.

It got to my 15 year old child.

They talked about it amongst
themselves at school.

Have you got that yet?

You need to get that.

Did you tell your mom about it?

I think
we're the only country,

other than perhaps New Zealand,

that allows advertising on
TV for pharmaceutical drugs.

Our children, our
population, we're bombarded

with adds for Viagra,
drugs to do this,

drugs to do that.

Do you have restless
leg syndrome?

You may have PAD
and not know it.

There's a drug
that's right for you,

ask you doctor.

Ask your doctor...

This is unbelievable
what we're doing.

We're doing the same
thing with vaccines.

- Gardacil.

- Gardacil.

- Gardacil.

- With Gardacil,
you can be one less.

I have
had so many girls

come up to me and say, " I
am so happy, I'm one less."

And I said, "what do you
mean you're one less?"

Says, "well I got Gardasil so
I'm one less cancer death."

And I said, " You
know if you got your

pap smears you would never
have been a cancer death."

The concept that our
daughters are cancer deaths

waiting to happen is
just not accurate.

Our death rate in the
United States from

cervical cancer
is 3 per 100,000.

They have a much
high chance of being

a motor vehicle accident death.

Than they do of being a
cervical cancer death.

Merck was so egregious
in their advertising

and so aggressive, even
the very specifically

true, nothing about their
advertising was false,

it was false in it's
overall impressions.

This is
South Lawrence, CBS 4 news.

- Dr.
Diane Harper is one of

the worlds top experts on
the human papillomavirus.

In fact, she's one of
the leading scientist

the pharmaceutical
industries turn to.

Speaking out for the
first time on television

she expresses
concerns over what she

considers a rush to vaccinate.

- We don't know yet
what's going to happen

when millions of doses of
the vaccine have been given.

Hey, it's
Barbara Loe Fisher with

the National Vaccination Center.

I was wondering
if you could tell

me a little bit more about
what happens with Brianna.

I understand she
received four vaccines.

She called me in tears,

" Mommy, I had a horrible
headache all day long."

The National
Vaccine Information Center

was founded in 1982 by
parents of vaccinated

children to prevent
vaccine injuries and deaths

for public education and defend

the informed consent ethic.

We started out in
the early 1980's

working with congress
on the National

Childhood Vaccine
Injury Act, which

President Reagan signed
into law in 1986.

Then, what we did was
we participated on

the government advisory
committees that

were set up under that law.

We had been critics, yes.

But we've also had
one foot inside

the system to convince
those that are

in power that things
needed change.

And we feel this is
woefully inadequate.

This issue has
become so polarized.

You're either pro vaccine
or you're anti vaccine.

When you take a center position,

like the National Vaccine
Information Center,

you are automatically
put into a category

as being anti-vaccine.

But the truth is,
we're just trying to

make vaccine policies
and vaccines safer.

come doctors, they

look at me like I
have three heads when

you go to these appointments.

Yes. - I'm like,
is this the first time

in your career you've
heard about this?

- Well, that's what
we've been trying to

do for 26 years is
at least confirm for

parents they're not crazy.

- They are not imagining anything.
- - No.

- They're not alone.

I didn't set out
to be an activist.

I wanted to be a writer.

But my life took a very
different turn when

my son was injured by a vaccine.

I witnessed his reaction after

we'd come back from
the doctors office.

It was very quiet
in the house, so

I went upstairs
and I found Chris

sitting in a rocking
chair, looking

straight ahead as if he
couldn't see me in the doorway.

And I called out
his name again and I

watched his eyes
roll back in his head

till I could see the
whites of his eyes

and his head fall
to the shoulder.

After that, he became
a different child

physically, mentally
and emotionally.

He had been this
bright, precocious baby,

speaking in full sentences
by the age of two.

After that shot we
got the diagnosis

that he was mentally
brain damaged and

the recommendation
was to put him in

a self contained classroom
for the learning disabled.

I became committed to reforming

the mass vaccination system.

And I've worked for 30 years

to make vaccine policies safer.

In the 1980's children
were being asked

to get 23 doses
of seven vaccines.

In the last three decades
that number has grown

to 69 doses of 16 vaccines.

That's triple the
number of doses of

vaccines we gave our
children in the early 1980's.

Is this
thing broken again?

Yeah, we're
gonna get it fixed.

Why don't you
pack extra for school snacks.

- Okay.

You got something
in your stomach yet?

- a little.
- Yeah.

Good Job.


Jordan is
my older brother.

He has autism.

He acts like he's
mean but he's not

he just doesn't
understand very well.

I wish he could tell
me what he thinks.

I want to know like,
how he feels when

something makes
him angry or sad.

Like when something hurts him.

But I know when he's happy.

He has this wonderful
smile on his face.

He giggles a lot,
he's really silly.

I just wish we could
communicate more often.

But I got used to it, so.

- Rates of autism are jumping an

alarming 10 to 17
percent every year.

- Every 20 minutes
in this country

another child is
diagnosed with autism.

The question is, is
there an epidemic of autism?

I think the answer to that
question is probably, no.

In the mid 1990's
we really broadened

the definition of
autism to include

autism spectrum
disorder, aspergers

as well as other things.

And I think that
brought a lot more

children under the umbrella
who weren't there before.

- All you have
to do is ask the

guidance counselors,
teachers, the principles

and all of them across
the board will tell

you that we are seeing a rise in

the number of children
with disabilities.

That is clear.

The CDC states that 1 in
110 children have autism.

But, autism is just one
piece of a bigger problem.

The bigger issue
is that one in six

kids in this country
have some form

of neuro-developmental

- 50 years ago children
didn't even get

type 2 diabetes, now it's
an emerging epidemic.

As are a long list
of ailments which

used to be rare and have
now been, mainstreamed.

Things like asthma and
autism and acid reflux

and arthritis,
allergies, adult acne,

attention deficit disorder.

And that's just the A's.

Vaccine safety
is not just about autism.

Autism is only one kind of brain

and immune dysfunction that is

associated with vaccination.

Millions and
millions of children

now in America are
chronically ill and disabled.

And during this same
time period that

the number and doses of vaccines

have more than tripled that
we're giving our children.

We have seen this explosion of

chronic disease and disability.

And to take off
the table the use

of a pharmaceutical
product, like a vaccine,

as a potential co-factor
in this explosion

of chronic disease
and disability

among our children
is irresponsible.

ten years ago a mother

came up to me and
said, "Hey Doc,

Did you know there's
mercury in vaccines?"

And I hadn't a clue.

And so my question was, well if

mercury is in the vaccines
what else is in the vaccines?

So I opened up the
package inserts

and I see mercury
and aluminum and

formaldehyde and antibiotics and

then preservatives,
like polysorbate 80.

So I asked the pediatric
resident, I said

tell me, how does the body
process those materials?

She could not answer me.

And no one in science can
because no one has looked.

- You would think that the FDA

would take each of
those ingredients

and study them, and
in human infants,

to make sure that each of those

ingredients are safe.

Well, they haven't done that.

They've never taken
vaccine quantities

of each of those ingredients and

done any sort of
safety testing to

confirm that each one of those

ingredients are safe.

So, if
you're not doing that

kind of detailed
analysis, and it's

not that expensive
to do, you simply

can't make any statement
about the safety

of these compounds in
the nervous system.

But it's one of the
fundamental pillars

of medicine, that
vaccines have saved

millions of people
around the world

and therefor can't
be questioned.

And I think in my
view, everything

in science can be questioned.

I'm a neuroscientist
by training and

my studies are in the origin
of neurological disease.

I develop animal models of

Parkinson's and Lou
Gehrig's disease.

Recently we've been
looking at aluminum,

which is common
to many vaccines.

It's used as an adjuvant,
that means helper.

Without the aluminum the vaccine

basically does not provide
any long term protection.

And so my research has looked at

injectable aluminum and how it

might impact the
nervouse system.

The difference between
injectable aluminum

versus dietary aluminum
is that aluminum

that you eat is
excreted fairly rapidly.

Injectable aluminum
however, is meant to

stick around and
that's precisely

why it's there in
the first place.

That's what an adjuvant does.

So we simply did
the really simple

experiment of taking
the same stuff

out of the vaccines,
the aluminum hydroxide,

and injecting it into
mice into the muscles

to see what would
happen if we tried

to mimic the vaccine schedule.

We were quite
surprised to see how

rapidly the behavioral
symptoms emerged.

They showed not only
behavioral deficits

motor function but
they ultimately

showed cognitive
deficits as well.

Once we sacrificed the
animals and started

looking inside their
brains and spinal cords

we found massive damage
to motor neurons.

And so we may be
creating the conditions

for Parkinson's disease,

Lou Gehrig's disease,
Alzheimer's disease.

Maybe not immediately but maybe

20, 30, 40 years down the road.

We had some concerns
when we released

the study, that it might
trigger a bit of a backlash.

It actually triggered
a lot of silence.

Pharma and the
regulatory agencies,

largely ignored it.

Which is a very safe
position to take because

if they wanted to
counter what I said

with my studies,
they should have just

reached into their
file folder and come

up with their own
study and said,

Dr. Shaw is simple
wrong because we

did this study and
look what we found.

And after what, four years,
they haven't done that.

As a student
at South High School,

Gabi is definitely
someone who stood out.

Bouncy, bubbly,
joyful all the time.

Academically she was
an "A" student, she

was very conscientious
in everything she did.

It's just a heart wrenching,
to see the change.

I wish I could find
a cure for her.

We're back.

- Oh, you're in your cheerleading outfit, yay.
- - I'm going to die.

- You over exerted yourself?

- Yes.

When I first
saw he she was having

problems with
seizures and tractable
headaches, chest pains.

And I found out that she
begin having problems

following her
Gardacil vaccinations.

I got to check your
memory out here.

See, three things to
remember, see if you

remember orange, otter
and 473 tomato street.

You try it.

Orange, otter,
473 Otter street.

- Tomato.
- Tomato street.

I don't understand why

I don't remember anything.

I used to be 4.0
but I don't know

why I'm getting F's now.

So obviously there
is some reason

and it's not because I'm stupid

because I'm not stupid at all.

So, I just don't understand.

your eyes tight,

don't let me open them.

My neurologist,
he's ruled out

everything and he's sure
that it's the Gardacil shot.

In my
opinion, there's little

room for doubt
concerning that this

condition is caused
by the Gardacil.

Every time she got
another injection

she got worse and worse.

I think Gardacil should
be taken off the market.

It hasn't been well
tested before it was

placed in the general public.

The FDA has
a particular process

that's called fast
tracking when there

is a promising drug
that comes forward.

Gardacil, they had
scheduled a four year trial

but after 15 months
they went to the FDA

and said, " There is
nothing like this vaccine

on the market, would you please

consider this for fast track?"

The FDA said, "yes."

So within six months
they approved it

and as soon as they
had it approved

Merck said, " We will no
longer continue our trial.

We're going to stop
our trial because

our drug is now approved."

So therefor we don't know
the long term side effects.

We do know there
have been reports

of pancreatitis, reports
of autoimmune disease,

reports of transverse
myelitis and

reports of juvenile ALS which is

uniformly fatal in adolescents.

- We are very
committed to the safety

of our products and
we do everything

we can to monitor that
and maximize that.

We're reassured by the data we

generated in the
course of our studies,

documenting the safety and
tolerability of the vaccine.

- Gabi is an example
of why no vaccine,

particularly a
vaccine for children

should ever be fast
tracked by the FDA.

Less than one percent
of all cancer deaths

are for cervical cancer.

And yet we now
have a vaccine that

was only studied in 1,200
girls under the age of 16

before it was recommended
for universal use

by the CDC in all 11 and 12

year old girls in this country?

That's not science,
that's politics.

Governor Rick Perry

has ordered that school
girls in his state

must get the Gardacil shot.

It's also worth
pointing out that

the AP says that
Governer Perry has

ties to Merck,
including the fact that

one of the companies
lobbyist in the

state of Texas is his
former chief of staff.

- Public health was
never defined in the

federal constitution
as a federal matter,

therefor, public health
laws are state laws,

vaccine laws are state laws.

The way it works is,
the federal government

recommends vaccines,
the CDC, and

the state governments
mandate them.

Different states have
different exemptions.

All state have
medical exemptions,

every state but two has
religious exemption.

And there are 18
states that have

an exemption for philosophical
conscientious belief.

where is this rally?

In Trenton, in
front of city hall I think.

New Jersey just passed,
a little over a year ago,

a law stating that
there were four more

vaccines that are
now going to be

- mandated for children to get into school.
- - Wow.

That's why we're having
the rally, to raise

the awareness that New
Jersey's going overboard.

It leads the country
in numbers of mandates

of vaccines for children
to get into school.

I think parents are pissed and I

- don't blame them for being pissed.
- - Yeah, yeah.

- Yeah.

- We are standing
publicly for the legal

right to follow
our conscience when

making educated vaccine
decisions for our families.

The only thing that

we oppose is forced vaccination.

Violation of the informed
consent principle.

Informed consent means
that you have full

information about
the benefits of risk

of any medical intervention
that can harm you.

And that you have
the ability to make

a voluntary decision
about whether or not

you're going to
accept that risk.

If the state can
force you to put

your life on the
line or your child's

life on the line for
any medical intervention

then the state has
too much power.

- The fact is,
sadly, that some people

don't do what's best for them or

their children
unless it's mandated.

So for example, car seats
save lives for children

but it's not until
we really start to

push that and make that
a matter of law that

people really started to
use car seats for children.

The problem is, is
that we're a country

that's founded on the notion of

individual rights and freedoms.

The term mandate,
that you're forced

to do anything,
just feels wrong.

I just wish we had
a different word

to use than mandate.

Something like, good
health requirement

or something 'cause
the term mandate

just sits badly with us.

- More than 2,000
Prince George's county

students have not gotten
their state mandated shots.

Tonight, an ultimatum to
some of those parents,

come to court, get
the shots or else.

than 1,600 students

and their parents
have been ordered

to appear in circuit
court for the

children to be immunized.

- We can do this the easy way or

we can do this the hard way but

it's going to have to get done.

I went
over there and saw

the parents lining up.

They had police
with dogs and guns

patrolling the court house.

I thought to myself, there
is something wrong with this.

We shouldn't be
summoning parents

under threat of
imprisonment or fines

because they didn't
get their children

a hepatitis B vaccination or
a chicken pox vaccination.

Hepatitis B is not polio and
chicken pox is not small pox.

But, parents have
been so conditioned

to believe that every
time a new vaccine

comes out that it's
going to be mandated.

That they haven't
stood up and fought

for the right to
make these choices.

- I deeply believe
that vaccines

are the best choice for
almost all children.

We don't have polio
outbreaks in this

country every summer anymore.

And we don't have those
because of immunization.

It's a great accomplishment
but it's a fragile one.

- We need to
remember that there

are a number of people who can't

be protected by vaccination.

There are children
who are too young

to be vaccinated but
still susceptible.

There are children
whose immune systems

are compromised so they
can't get vaccinated.

That's the reason we want to get

very high coverage
and it's a concept

called herd or
community immunity.

- So the concept of
herd immunity, it's

believed that when
outbreaks occur, if

enough people are
vaccinated the herd is

sufficiently protected
because the herd

has been vaccinated.

So it's
really an ethical decision

whether you agree
to be vaccinated.

And in the US we have,
essentially, believed

that for the
community as a whole,

for the social fabric,
it is better to

insist on vaccination
than to allow free reign.

- As with any medication,
vaccine or whatever

there're always some risks.

And so what we're
really looking at

is are the benefits
provided by that

new vaccine
outweighing the risks.

So they
are saying that

some people, ethically,
can be sacrificed

for the greater good.

But what they never
bothered to find out,

even if you accept that
as a moral rationale,

is how many are
being sacrificed.

500, 5,000, 500,000?

How many are being sacrificed?

Daddy's gonna get you.

Come on, let's go,
let's go get dressed.

Give me that binky.

- Mr. Forest are you awake?

I am
Stephanie Christner.

I am, by training,
a psychiatrist.

I have an eight year old son and

a three year old son and I
have a daughter who died.

When it comes to
death with vaccines

I think there are two
issues that are going on.

One, is you have an
immediate reaction

to a component in the vaccine,

like an anaphylactic shock.

Like if you eat peanuts
and you're allergic

to peanuts, you will die.

Your throat will
close off and there's

things in vaccines
that people are

allergic to that
they're not screened for

and that can happen immediately.

But then there's also
a delayed reaction

and that's something
that takes place

slowly over time due to
chronic inflammation.

And that's how my daughter died.

You sure?

Okay, I'm gonna eat it.

It's been a tough year.

My daughters name was
Victoria Grace Boyd Christner.

She was born August 22nd 2008.

She was beautiful
and perfect and it

kind of completed our circle.

Now I'm, we had
all these boys and

Stephanie now had
her little girl and

it was awesome.

Hi little Vic.

It's your first Christmas.

She was so happy
and awake and alert.

Then she was
vaccinated with all of

the routine
vaccinations at the age

of two months and was
never the same after that.

Within that weak,
she became sick,

more withdrawn, more irritable.

She did not want to eat.

And then, sometime
in there she had an

episode where she
stopped breathing

or had a seizure, I'm
not sure what it was.

And 911 actually
comes out to our

house and she's fine by then.

I just guess I was
over reacting and

they looked at her
and everything seemed

perfectly normal, they
didn't run any test on her.

It just seemed absolutely
not needed at the time.

And that was probably
December 15th and

then of course we go
into December 23rd

and give a whole 'nother
round of vaccinations.

valentines weekend,

Stephanie was gonna go
with her girlfriends

out of town so she lined up for

our caretaker to watch the kids.

I remember I was
eating breakfast

about 10 o'clock
I got a call and

the phone call
was the husband of

our caretaker and he
said somethings happened,

Victoria stopped breathing,
she's turned blue.

When I pulled up to
the house there was

emergency vehicles
everywhere and

I knew then that something
terrible happened

and when I went in
the house and saw her

on the floor lying
on her back and

her arms stretched out
and she wasn't moving.

Then I had to call Stephanie and

her friend answered
the phone and I said,

can you put Stephanie on
the phone, Victoria's died.

And she said, what?

I said, Victoria's died.

- She, just was gone.


I have a child and then
I followed the rules

and I damage this
child to the point

that they die.

That's hard for
me to understand.

A lot of
doctors try to convince

their patients that vaccines are

100 percent safe
and the parents have

nothing at all to worry about.

You don't even need to
question the system.

And I think doctors
that tell their

patients that kind
of information

aren't telling the truth.

Just like anything
in medicine, there's

always the risk of
a possible reaction.

I've been looking into vaccines

for about the last 15 years.

Ever since I had to
start researching

the decision for my own kids.

But back then I
couldn't find any

really good
information and I felt

pretty ill equipped
as a pediatrician

to answer patients questions.

I was advised by a
lot of colleagues

not to write the book
because they knew

the mainstream
medical organizations

would view the book
as anti-vaccine.

on call this morning

with some harsh
criticism of a popular

best selling book, it's
called The Vaccine Book:

Making The Right
Decision for Your Child.

An analysis in the
Journal of Pediatrics

says the book is
flawed, misguided and

puts kids at significant
risk of preventable diseases.

It's a very
pro-vaccine book

but I dare to suggest
that there might

be a safer way to vaccinate.

Anytime I have a
patient who is delaying

vaccines, I certainly
like to make sure

that they're aware of
what the disease risk is.

From the
mainstream medical

viewpoint there's no issue.

Patients should just comply with

the vaccine schedule,
don't ask questions

and get the schedule as is.

But I feel that
patients now a days

really want to be
educated themselves.

- I would prefer
not to vaccinate

but I am going to do a
select few of vaccinations.

There are a lot
of patients out there

that I feel were not
vaccinating their children

because they weren't
offered an alternative.

Right, wanna lay her down?

I see a lot
of parents leave their

pediatricians office
un-vaccinated because

they're not willing to
get so many shots at once.

And so I came out
with a schedule that

allows parents to
get their children

fully vaccinated but we
spread it out a little bit.

We slow it down a little bit.

- There certainly
are many parents

now that are choosing
to delay or withhold

or separate vaccines.

Pediatricians are faced
with this all the time.

As a physician
it's hard to watch.

It's just very hard
to watch people

make a choice that's
so ill conceived,

so poorly founded.

There has
to be some trust involved.

Trust in the physician
who is proposing

the vaccination, trust
in the system that's

developed the vaccine.

- But try and sell that message

in the 21st century.

Trust me I'm an expert.

It doesn't work, I
mean we talk about

wanting to empower
parents so that they

can make choices
for their children

that are the best
choices and that

all appears to be a
very logical reasoned,

empathetic thing to do.

But the question is,
are parents really

in the best position
to look at those

data dispassionately and
make the right decision?

I don't think often they
have that expertise.

But that's just a
very unpopular thing

that I thought I'd say.

- Americans are well
aware that a number

of prescription
drugs that had been

licensed as safe had been found

to be unsafe after they're
used by millions of people.

And yet, when it
comes to vaccines

which are mandated
by law, there's

somehow this separation made.

The vaccines couldn't
possibly be the same.

- The majority of
vaccine research is

paid for by the vaccine
manufactures themselves.

So the people who are
approving the vaccines

are taking the word of the
pharmaceutical companies.

pharmaceutical companies

have been allowed
to be too present

at the table at the
FDA and the CDC.

And I think a firewall
needs to be built

between those in
government, who are

regulating, making
policy for and

developing vaccines,
and those pharmaceutical

companies that are making profit

off the sale of vaccines.

- It's no wonder parents
are asking questions.

It's because doctors
that are making these

policies are financially
benefiting from these policies.

The ACIP is the
organization that approves

vaccine policy for
the United States.

You have some
doctors on that board

that have a direct financial
interest in these vaccines.

That's a huge
conflict of interest.

- I think the conflict of
interest issue hurts us.

I mean, we see anything that has

a financial side to it as evil.

But these groups
are made of people

that are parents
that are giving these

same vaccines to their children.

That are closest to
the data and know these

and are still giving
vaccinations to their children.

I'm not naive, I
think pharmaceutical

companies have done
things that are

ethical or even

arguably illegal.

I don't see any of that
on the vaccine side.

- Hey, bud.

Thanks a lot.

Yeah, you too.

As a baby, Jordan
was just a typical baby.

He met his milestones
and was ahead

of the curve on a few of them.

very social, had
great eye contact.

You know, everybody
just said what

a great little guy he was.

We just noticed
over a period of a

few months that he
no longer spoke.

He started walking on
his toes all the time

and flapping his
hands when he would

get excited or over stimulated.

That's one of the
first pictures...


- Where you can see somethings wrong.
- - Somethings going on.

- His eyes aren't as lively.
- - And that one.

- And I can't
explain it but it's

just like the spark was gone.

- Yeah.

He looked
sad all the time.

I ended up taking him
to my pediatrician,

she just said,
"Oh, he's autistic.

That's how it goes sometimes,
they're born that way."

But we thought there
was something medically

going on with him.

So we took him to
this doctor and

he said the first
thing I want to do

is check him for heavy metals.

I looked at those
results and the mercury

was off the end of the page.

I sort of freaked out, I thought

he's mercury poisoned, where
did that mercury come from?

We tested
the paint, we tested

the air, I had
the saw dust in my

basement shop tested to see
is there mercury in that.

When we talked to
Dr. Green about it,

told him what we were doing.

He said, you don't have to look

for where the
mercury's coming from

we know where it's coming from,

it's in the vaccines that
Jordan's been getting.

- Come on in guys.

Since I began
practicing in 1975

I saw one child with
autism in the 80's,

one child with autism
in the early 90's

and then in the late 90's I was

literally flooded with patients.

I have evaluated and treated now

approximately 2100
patients with autism.

- Been a while.
- - Been a while, how you doing?

- Oh, we're doing,
we're doing good.

He's just got more of a mind of

his own now, he's just
not a little boy anymore.

- How does he get his needs met?

How is he at getting
more complicated things?

he's getting clever.

When he wants to eat a hot meal

he'll bring me a
spatula and a hot pan.

received a mercury far

exceeding EPA safety guidelines.

We know that mercury
causes neurotoxicity.

There's no controversy
about that.

Does it cause autism?

It contributes to the
damages that lead to autism.

Jordan was not born with autism,

he was a normal child.

He was injured by vaccinations

and the injuries
led to his autism.

- Certainly this is
a controversial point

in the medical field because the

conventional medical
community has basically

stated that there
is no link between

mercury and autism.

The science has
been very clear on this.

We have six studies
that show mercury

containing vaccines
don't cause autism.

And although there
can be slight flaws

I think in any of those studies,

once you have negative
study after negative

study after negative
study I think you can

say with comfort that
the truth has emerged.

- Almost all vaccine
studies are epidemiological

studies, which means
that large groups

of people are compared
to each other.

There has been very
little bench science

that is looking
at what happens at

the molecular and cellular
level in the body.

We really need to do
both kind of studies

in order to understand
what really happens.

The research
is incomplete and

the certainty
that's fiested on us

by vaccine authorities
is not scientific.

1999 the amount of

mercury has been
reduced in vaccinations.

But thimerosal is still
present in some vaccines

and it's pretty clear
from the scientific

evidence that any
form of mercury

in the body is toxic
and it can cause damage.

- Okay.

- You ready to split?

- Yeah, it was a long
day here, I know.

We're still hoping that he can

learn to articulate a few words

because I think he's becoming

aware that he can't talk.

I think that's finally
frustrated him.

Everybody around
him, sometimes he'll

get up in my mouth
and just watch me

talk and just like,
how do you do that?

The bottom
line is there are

great differences
between children.

We make assumptions
that every child

has a similar
level of tolerance,

which is clearly not the case.

There's a study looking
at children's hair

for mercury showing
autistic children

excreting much less mercury
compared to other children.

Clearly, there's some
inability to get rid

of the toxins so they're
more susceptible.

- Where the research
is going on this

is to try to identify
which children have

some sort of genetic
risk or some sort

of predisposition to having
a sever vaccine reaction.

The vaccine
program, it's one size fits all.

Every child is the
same, every child needs

to be vaccinated
regardless of their

family history or their
medical background.

What we don't know
is what is sitting

in their genetics
that's potentially

going to express itself
or not express itself

for a child to develop
certain chronic illnesses.


Daniel hold on a second

let Forest say his bible verse.

Do you have your
bible verse, Forest?

God's way is perfect.

God's way is perfect.

Oh, there's
something about

his words not being
flawed in there

in the the second line.

My oldest
child has learning

disabilities, asthma,
numerous food allergies.

My youngest son has a
significant speech delay.

When you look back
through their medical

records they're all
absolutely perfectly healthy

until the day they are
vaccinated and then

it is like clockwork.

Every four weeks, every
six weeks we are at the

doctor, runny nose,
ear infection,

asthma, respiratory problems.

- This way.

When I
vaccinated any of my

children, my doctor
did not give me the

vaccine information
safety sheets that

by law you are required to give.

Every pediatrician
should ask about

adverse reactions
in other children,

in other family members
and family history.

And none of that was done.

I talked to
the doctor last night,

they can't sedate you.

You're gonna be awake
during the spinal tap.

They have to do it, seriously.

- April Fools.

No, I'm
serious as a heart attack.

And I wasn't gonna
say nothing because

I didn't want you to
freak out about it but.

They're gonna stick
a 9 inch needle in my back.

Quite stressin' out.

I just saw Baby
Momma and they're like, ahh!

It's a movie.

And Licensed
to Wed and...

I'm telling you,

those are movies they make the

needles huge for that purpose.

It's not that big.

It's big but it's not that big.

They diagnosed
me with vasculitis.

Vasculitis is a disease
that causes problems

with the blood flow.

It could cause me
to have strokes

and seizures because
your oxygen levels

aren't able to
get from you brain

to the rest of your body.

Dr. Lindholm, he
likes to tell me,

" I'm not going to let you die."

He tells me that
all the time and

so I'm like, okay Dr. Lindholm.

I've been home bound for
two and a half months.

But it's like, I go
to school at home

and sometimes I get lonely.

Cause my friends
will be out doing

everything or hanging out
with their friends but

I think that a positive
attitude has a lot

to do with it.

So I'm trying to stay positive.

Since the
vaccine has been licensed

there have been more
than 18,000 serious

adverse event reports
made to Veris.

What's the governments
response been to all of this?

Their response has
been to issue a report

that says all of these
reactions and adverse

events and deaths
are a coincidence.

- So when a child goes
for the next vaccine

there's no reason for
the parent to think

that the prior
reaction was in any way

related to the vaccinations.

So they're going to
get the vaccines again.

People can
report a potential

problem that they
might have noticed

to the CDC but
these reports do not

in and of themselves
speak to any association

between a given
adverse experience and

a given vaccine
because lots of things

could be causing the
problems that are

reported to their
system and have nothing

to do with the vaccine.

- That you got a vaccine
and then you develop

symptom doesn't
necessarily mean that

the vaccine caused the symptoms.

There is no evidence
that HPV vaccine

causes any of the
serious side effects

that it has been
alleged to cause.

It's a beautiful vaccine.

It's safe, effective.

It doesn't matter
what people say.

It really doesn't matter
what people opinions are.

All you have to do
is look at the data

and the data, I
think, will tell you

how one should
approach a problem.

2009 homecoming candidates

are about ready to
make an entrance.

Your sophomore
candidates, Gabi Swank.

Gabi is having an issue with the

Gardacil vaccine
and I want you guys

to stand up and
give Gabi Swank a

212 Titan cheer to get better.

come out let's see it.


It's very pretty.

That, no.

I'm sorry, that's
where I draw the line.

You are not wearing it.

It makes you look short.

That's not your dress.

- Aw, I like it.

- Why don't we put lots of soft

loose curls so it's
not tight kinky curls.

- I love this.

So, so, so much.

You okay?

No, my
back hurts so bad.

Don't touch me.

- Yeah, she's in the
middle of a seizure.

- No, I'm not.

- Yes she is, she's
clenching her jaw.

- Now I feel kind of nauseated.

Can we tell them get out of

the bathroom for a second.

and Monica I need you

to get out of the bathroom.


Come on.

It's alright, it's alright.

I got you.


My hair is
all messed up now.

worry about your hair,

I'll fix your hair.

Kiera, it's Shannon.

Gabi's not going to get to come.

We're getting ready to
go to the emergency room.

I have the
worst luck in the world.

Honey, it's okay.

Everything happens for a reason.

I know that doesn't
make you feel

- better right now.
- No, it doesn't.

but does having

bad luck doesn't make you
feel better either does it?

Yes it does.

Okay, so
you have bad luck.

How's that?

We're gonna hit every
stupid red light now.

See I told
you I had bad luck.

Honey, you
don't have bad luck.

No she puked tonight
she just didn't

want to puke in the parking lot.


We were a little
shocked to find out

that she had kidney stones.

The Topamax she was
taking to control

her seizures has led her
to now have kidney stones.

And they will have to go
in and surgically remove.

When they finally
got her to her room

she said she was
really sad that,

" I went from
being a princess to

look where I'm at now."

It's amazing how things
can change so quickly.

- Is that right?

Okay, what do you want next.

What you going to do,
what do you think?

Want to just do
that right there?

I would say
that Jordan acts like

your average maybe
three or four year old.

It's kind of like having
a toddler for 11 years.

People will email
me and they'll say,

" It's such a blessing
to have a child

with autism, we're
so lucky we learn

so much from our son.

He's an angel, he isn't
corrupted by the world."

I just want to
kill those people.

Because having a kid
with autism is really

hard and it's not what they kid

would have wanted for himself.

It obviously makes you
stronger and tougher

but it's not a blessing.

It's pretty hard.

I'm so
grateful that we're here

together and we
need to unite across

all the different...

Almost eight
years ago, I think.

We were at an
autism rally and we

started talking to
other people and

everybody had the
same story about the

mercury toxicity
and this one parent,

George Meade, decided
to go ahead with this

class action and we decided
to join him in that.

Jordan and William
Meade were two

of the test cases
that were chosen

to represent the lawsuit.

The first thing
that we learned is

you can't sue the drug company

that made the vaccine.

Our lawyer explained
to us how there was

this court set up specifically

to address all the
vaccine injuries.

There were a lot
of civil lawsuits

against vaccine manufacturers.

And there was some
extraordinary awards

because they were very
devastating injuries.

So the vaccine and
the manufacturer said

if this isn't profitable for us

we're not going to
make vaccines anymore.

So congress stepped
in and said, okay

we're going to stop
lawsuits against

manufacturers and you're
not allowed to sue them

unless you first go
through this new program

that we're setting up called,

The Vaccine Compensation Program

or The Vaccine Court.

The way
the money comes in

to the fund is,
every time a vaccine

is given in this country
there's a tax on it.

So when you take your child in,

you pay the .75 tax,
that goes into the fund.

To date,
there's been about

two billion dollars
that has been paid out.

And there's about three
billion dollars left.

We face a future
where presumably you

could have 30, 40,
50 different vaccines

recommended for universal
use and mandated.

And absolutely no

You have a prescription
for disaster.

When you don't have
anybody accountable

in a court of law
for what happens

when vaccines go wrong.

It just amazes
me, what the government

does to protect the
integrity of vaccines.

It could be anything
but the vaccine.

They feel as thought
their job is to

keep immunization rates up.

And if you legitimize
vaccine claims

then you're saying, yeah
there are vaccine injuries.

And they can never say that.

this a conspiracy?

- No.

Does it raise concerns?

Is it difficult?

Yes, but a conspiracy?


- Yeah, I think
it's a conspiracy.

I definitely think
it's a conspiracy.

But, this is not a
conspiracy to do a crime.

This is a conspiracy
to do good and the

goal is to keep
immunization rates up

so that these dreaded
diseases don't come back.

That is certainly well meaning.

It's well meaning.

Profitable for the
but well meaning.

Certainly well meaning...

The government,
you know the people

in the government, they're
trying to protect society.

Which is their job.

But, you sometimes
wonder if these

motivations don't interfere
with safety issues.

says, be well.

Be well, be well, be
well, be well, Bee.

Urge your family
friends and neighbors to

take the new oral polio vaccine.

The new oral polio
vaccine tastes good,

works fast and prevents polio.

taught in medical school

that vaccines
reduce the incidence

rate of small pox or polio.

One of the things
that's missing in

medical education
is that they're not

the only thing that play a role

as to whether or not
diseases come and go.

what I'd like to

talk about is the
rationale of vaccines.

There was an article
in Pediatrics journal,

which is the bible
journal of the

American Academy Pediatrics.

And this article looked at child

mortality rates by age of death

in the United States
between 1900 and 1998.

And, you see all the
death rates of these

diseases actually came
down before the DPT

was licensed in 1949.

And the measles vaccine
was introduced in 1963.

So what is it that
actually helped?

State and local
heath departments

implemented public
health measures

and public education
about hygienic practices.

" Thus, vaccination
does not account

for the impressive
declines in mortality

seen in the first
half of the century."

It doesn't say that
vaccines don't work,

it just says that
there's more information

to actually understand
that vaccines may

not be responsible
for the things that

we're taught that they
are responsible for.

So, just another...

I've had
numerous conversations

with physicians regarding
the subject of vaccines

and it's pretty
clear that, we in the

medical profession,
are devoted to

helping to save lives.

Unfortunately a
pediatrician will often

not recognize a
reaction to a vaccine

because they're not taught that.

It's not within the training.

I never
learned in medical

school how vaccines
were studied.

What type of clinical
trials they went through.

How they evaluated
adverse reactions,

how they even evaluated

So, after Victoria
died I started reading

everything that
is put out there.

Anything that would
lead me to a topic,

then I would Google that topic

and if there were
textbooks in relation

to that topic I
would order them.

And then based on
reading that book

I would order another book.

What I have learned
has shocked me.

There has been
information out there

since the small pox
vaccine was created

linking vaccinations
to encephalitis.

Which is inflammation
of the brain,

which can cause
death or permanent
neurological disability.

I've learned recently
the placebo in

a vaccine trial can
actually be the aluminum

or the mercury or
another vaccine.

I would assume the
placebo was normal saline

which would be like water,
something not harmful.

In accredited peer
reviewed medical literature

they have linked vaccinations to

chronic autoimmune problems.

The science is out
there, people are

just choosing not to look at it.

There is some
published research

showing dangers of vaccinations.

Why isn't it getting
into mainstream media?

Because of fear.

- The Centers for
Disease Control says

a measles outbreak
has sickened more than

100 people in 15 states.

Health officials
say that most of the

victims were not
vaccinated and they...

It's very
interesting when you look

at how the government
wants to publicize

every case of
measles that happens

so that people kind of
have the misconception

that measles is on the rise.

The reality is, measles
is gone up a little bit,

we're having about 140
to 150 cases each year

nowadays, whereas we used
to only have about 100.

I don't think it's
worth the publicity that

the government is
giving us over it.

A total of 131...

Measles can be
a very serious disease.

Children will often,
with measles, get fevers

of 103 to 105 degrees.

Ear infections,
pneumonia, encephalitis

or brain inflammation
and even death.

I sort of get
discouraged at times,

I hope we don't have
to have a massive

outbreak of measles to

reinvigorate our
immunization efforts.

This is midodrine.

My heart medication, I'm sure.

Oxycodone, the devils pill.

Makes you feel terrible.

Methotrexate, famotidine,
phenytoin sodium,

prednisone, Keppra,
oxcarbazepine for Trileptal,

hydroxychloroquine, quine,
queen, quine, queen.

- She's taking almost
40 pills a day, now.

- I thought it was 33.
- No.

- We increased, remember?

- No.

- Increased the Keppra and
we increased the trileptal.

We are probably
spending almost 2,000

a month and that's
with our insurance.

And it doesn't seem like
it's getting any better.

starting to complain of

chest pains and blood
pressure problems.

And the seizures are
uncontrollable now.

We just focus on today
and pray for tomorrow.

I actually haven't been
here since we left.

Being here just
reminds me of how

much we've had to give up.

This was our house regardless of

whether or not it was
great or wonderful.

This was home.

We were forced to choose between

the house and the
repairs and Gabbi's

medical bills and her medicines.


We probably are sitting
at, close to 100,000

in unpaid medical bills.

Financially, we've
just become ruined.

Derrick and I are
getting a divorce

and like most families
in our marriages

we had problems prior
to Gabi getting sick.

But the last two
years of our lives

has put so much
more added stress on

our marriage that he
can't do it anymore.

He said he was sorry
but he just can't do it.

Since the
licensure of Gardacil

it has become one
of the most widely

used vaccines in
the United States.

And the Food and Drug
Administration and

the Centers for
Disease Control and

Prevention are
recommending the use

of that vaccine for
all females between

the ages of 11 and 26.

With the opportunity to reach 9

year old females if
that is held to be

recommended by that
individuals physician.

- What if these shots
that are supposed

to protect kids against disease,

actually hurt your child?

Joining me, Barbara Loe Fisher.

I do
not do as much media

as I did in the
1980's and 1990's.

I think there's been
concerted effort

in the last decade to demonize
advocates like myself.

- Anti vaccination.


- In the 21st century
it has been much

harder to get the other side of

the vaccine story
out by a media that's

increasingly only
covering one side of it.

on Frontline,

Frontline reports on
the science and politics

of a bitter vaccine war.

I spent half
a day with a reporter

who I thought was well
meaning from Frontline.

Gave a long interview.

Three of my prestigious
colleagues, academics,

scientist also gave
interviews discussing

our concerns about vaccinations.

Not a word of any
of our interviews

appeared in the PBS
Frontline story.

Instead of a
scientific discussion

presenting the facts,
hysterical moms are

presented against white
coat, ivy league academics.

I'm sick and tired of this.

I see children injured everyday.

Everyday disasters in families

from vaccination injuries.

I can't even watch

them anymore really
as anything other

than kind of a PR machine.

I wish that they
would stop saying

that we're anti vaccine.

I think that, that's just a way

of labeling us
that makes it easy

for people to dismiss us.

The shows are all about,
do you vaccinate or not.

There's no middle ground,
there's no thoughtful

let's rethink how we do this.

It's like, black and white.

Either we have to
do it the way we've

been doing it or you
don't do it at all.

landmark court ruling

doesn't mince words.

Vaccines do not cause autism.

The theory of vaccine
related causation,

the court ruled, is
scientifically unsupportable.

This is a case in
which the evidence is...

A case
unlike any other.

It was very, very public
and the news media

was very much involved
and because of

all the publicity
the fear on behalf

of the government was great.

That vaccines were going
to be considered unsafe.

- The governments
lawyers were treating

our whole side as
if we ignore science

and we were not rational people.

But, the only people
I know of who have

received awards
left the word autism

out of the equation.

Anything but the "A" word.

Somehow this autism
vaccine thing

became so political
and so explosive.

I just want everybody
to lay down their

arms and lets figure out what is

making them so sick.

Autism has
been interesting in

that it's been a tale
of shifting hypothesis.

When the late 1990's
was born the notion that

MMR vaccine caused autism.

Then a few years later
that hypothesis kind

of morphed to it's
thimerosal, this

ethanol mercury containing
preservative vaccines.

Now we're kind of
at hypothesis three,

the notion that
children are just

receiving too many
vaccines too soon.

All those contentions,
I think, have been

clearly disproved by
scientific studies.

Yet still the media
carries the story

because they're interesting,
not because they're right.

In the last
decade the conversation

has shifted from one
looking at the broad

issues concerned
with vaccine safety

and vaccine policies
to focusing on autism.

And I believe it
was an error that

has had serious consequences.

The truth is it's
become very easy

to dismiss the entire
vaccine safety issue.

By focusing on
autism in vaccines.

The debate
is not over and the

need remains to evaluate
all the components

of vaccines and their
safety or lack of safety.

There are children
today have elevated

levels of many neurotoxins
in their blood.

Plastic derivatives,
pesticides, ACBs.

Our tanks are nearly full.

Our capacity to
detoxify all these

substances is very limited.

- For sure there
certainly thousands

of molecules, mostly
man-made, that have

been introduced into the
environment over the years.

And many of these have the
potential to be neurotoxic.

So, the idea that we
live in a toxic soup

and that vaccines add
to that toxic soup,

I think is a very valid concept.

But the research
hasn't been done.

Jack, I'm going
to take your shoes off.

Is that okay?

When I trained in the
1980's one of the things

that my mentors
taught me was always

listen to the mother, the
mother knows the child.

And I see a lot of
children whose parents come

to me knowing that the child
was damage by vaccines.

Now, that's anecdotal.

There's no study there.

And so we need to do
proper scientific study.

Comparing the health
outcomes of children

who are vaccinated
to health outcomes

of children who
are not vaccinated.

- And until we have
that placebo controlled

unvaccinated group
compared to a large

vaccinated group,
there's always going

to be doubt in parents minds.

It seems
like we ought to

be able to do that.

The fact of the
matter is it would

be pretty hard to find those

50,000 unvaccinated
children to do the study.

- Where should we be putting
our healthcare dollars?

We have a number of
infectious diseases

that are still a
plague, if you will,

on our society.

Perhaps we should
put those dollars

in developing the next
generation vaccines.

Barbara Loe Fisher and

I want to welcome
your to the fourth

International Public
Conference on Vaccination.

The theme of this conference is,

Show Us the Science
and Give Us the Choice.


This is Shan...

- She told me yesterday to start

taking her off her meds.

She said I'm dying
and I know that

and these aren't helping
and we can't afford it.

So, Mom just take me off
the medicine, let me die.

That's not cool.

I would like to
introduce you to a

very special mom.

Shannon has come
here from Kansas.

We had wanted Gabriel to come,

Gabriel is too sick to come.

But Gabriel wanted to
create a statement, a video.

- About two years ago
Gardasil, the vaccine,

completely changed my life.

I can't drive and I've
been looking forward

to it since I was 12.

And I can't go to the
bowling alley like

all my friends do because of the

strobe lights 'cause
of the seizures.

I would do anything to get
my life back to normal.

I don't like being, "that
girl" that everybodys'

like, oh she can't go do this or

she can't go do this
because she's sick.

It's just changed my
life in so many ways.

And I don't want any other girl

have to go through this.

That is our story.

I'm not a doctor, I'm not
a scientist, I'm a mother.

I was not given the
information that

I needed to make an
informed choice for her.

The message I leave
with anything today

is make sure that
you are educated

or you educate those around you.

Thank you very much.

I would
rather my daughter

got cervical cancer
cause what she's

going through now,
it's not worth it.

I truly
like your sign that

says, Show Us the Science
and Give Us the Choice.

Because what I'm
going to do in the

next few minutes is
show you the science.

I am going to try...

I believe that we certainly need

to change the way our system is.

Our system is not
working well, now.

I think it's entirely
plausible that

we can have the
information, we can

design the databases,
we can design

the long term follow up.

But it becomes a
matter of political

priority and a matter
of financial priority.

- Where are you?


Here, son.

Yeah, let me get the water.

We chose this site and

it's a beautiful setting.

Victoria is laid to rest
right above Momma Joe.

- Up there, up there.

- Yeah, that's
Victorias place, yeah.

feel at this point

betrayed by our medical system.

They do not even acknowledge
that there is a problem.

And if they do not
acknowledge something

they cannot change it.

We'll put some
water in it, that's right.

And Forest will
put the flowers in.

There's no doubt
in our mind that

had we not vaccinated
our daughter,

she would be here today.

And I believe that from
the bottom of my heart.

We're not zealots,
we're not some people

that are looking
for a conspiracy

or fight around every corner.

But you can no longer
ignore these statistics.

It's beyond me to think why all

these vaccines are necessary.

I understand where
they started from

and I think a lot
of good has been

done, initially,
but I think it's

really time for us to
re-look at the policy

and what we're putting
in these children.

Overall, the
one feeling I have is

a low level constant anxiety.

You have to constantly monitor

what other people think
about what's going on.

Sometimes I almost
want to have him

wear a t-shirt saying, I
have autism, I can't talk.

Or something like that.

Turn the
on like this.

have been several

instances here in Portland with

autistic teenagers and adults
getting tasered by police.

The police will
yell at you to stop

or turn around because
you're acting weird

so that they think
you're on drugs.

We're not spring
chickens, he's obviously

going to out live us.

We're hoping that
by the time he's

an adult, there's some kind of

group home that evolves.

Because those kids are
coming down the pike.

About ten years
from now, it's going

to be a lot of autistic
people out there.

Walking the streets.

I just
want to let you know

that what we're gonna
do is send one message

up there and that
is, we want the

safety mechanisms
separated out from the

same people who are
doing policy making.

So, you don't want the fox
guarding the chicken coop.

Congress should be
providing strong

oversight on vaccine
development, policy

making and regulation
in this country.

And they're not.

Until we have money
that is committed

to independent research
by investigators

who do not have
ideological or financial

conflicts of interest with
either government or industry.

We're not going to get the
kind of science we need.

It is absolutely
essential that we

find out before we
add one more vaccine

to the mandatory
vaccination schedule.

Whether or not these
vaccines are safe.