The Gang of Four (1989) - full transcript

A drama following 4 women at stage school. Considered by some to be the summation of director Jacques Rivette's work as a whole.

Gang of Four

Paris, present day:

the end of November
or the beginning of December,

the beginning
of the afternoon

So, listen to me!

Oh, just
leave me alone!

Come on,
be reasonable.

No, I don't have to,
if I don't want to.

And so...?

And so I don't even
want to have a reason for it.

And after you ask 50 times,
like I know you will,

I still won't know!
What are you doing here?

You've been eating so little
that you're going to be sick

if you don't eat a little
something for breakfast.

I don't care about my health,
it's fine with me if I'm sick!

And you can
take this all away

because today, I'm not going
to have breakfast,

or lunch, or dinner!

And the same for tomorrow.

I want to be angry,
and refute all you say

until I see Arlequin

because they
took him away from me.

There they are,
my proclamations.

So, unless you want
to drive me completely crazy,

stop telling me
to be more reasonable!

You're getting pretty close
to driving me nuts!

Raphaelle, I already told you,
no more scripts.

I don't intend to try.

I can see you'll
keep your word.

And so, if I

Another "and so"!

Oh, I beg your pardon,

this one was a slip,
but it's the last one.

But, please, consider

I thought you
stood corrected!

I don't want
your considerations!

But he's your prince,
he loves you.

I can't keep him
from loving me,

but do I have to love him?

No, because I can't.

A child could see it,
but apparently you don't.

You are the bride he
has chosen among his subjects.

Who told him to choose me?

Did he ask my opinion?

If he had asked me,
I would have answered,

"No, my lord, a woman
must love her husband,

and I don't love you."

Is that a good enough
reason for you?

But no,
he thinks he loved me,

he carries me off,
and never asks my opinion.

He carried you off to give
you his hand in marriage.

But I don't want
to give him my hand!

Do you force people
to take presents

in spite of their feelings?

But consider how he has
treated you the last two days,

aren't you waited on
as if you were his wife?

Look at the tokens of respect
offered to you,

the many women
at your service...

Anything you want.
Oh right, anything you want.

Okay, cut.

Raphaelle, you'll do it
when you learn the text.

I'm sorry, I just forgot.

That's right,
you're not here.

I don't know where you are,
but you're not here.

You're not
in this theatre.

Maybe you're out
on a motorcycle.

You, Anna,

there are some obvious problems
with your performance.

First, why do you always speak
with such force like that?

Once you start like that,
you never lighten up.

We don't hear anything,
despite your volume.

We don't understand anything,
we're not listening.

Everyone knows it,
everyone sees it,

everyone can say it,
we don't understand, it's true.

There's another thing.

Can anybody tell me
what it is?


It seems like
a whim.


Well, Cécile?

I agree with Louise.

She doesn't seem very angry,

we're not convinced
she's thinking about Arlequin.

What do you think, Anna?

I don't know.

I know it doesn't work,

When you're in love,
people can see it.

People should see it,

If you don't feel the situation
others see nothing.

Have you ever been angry,

Yes, of course.

Anger is not
a fixed emotion.

Anger rises,
the heart starts beating,

but with you,
the anger was superficial.

Your anger was static.

I thought
I was doing it.

Here you don't think.

You feel,
you experience emotion.

The theater
is made for emotions.

Can I ask you a question?

We've been working on it
for 3 weeks,

and I don't understand.

When I played the part of Silvia
I did exactly what you said,

the anger, the fury

I objected to it because
it wasn't Silvia's anger.

You played on
your own anger.

The words you're saying
are not your words,

they're Marivaux's words.

No matter what we do,
it's never enough.

No, it's never enough.

Well, sometimes.

Lucia, you take Raphaelle's
place, play Trivelin.

Are you sure
you like the room?

Sure you won't regret it?

Yeah, I'm sure.

I don't want to carry my things
up and down anymore.

Sure you've
got everything?

No, I'm leaving a box
with some of my things.

I'll pick it up some other time.

You'll see, my room's nice
except for the ghost.

Oh, stop it!

Everybody knows
you're full of it.

I'm not joking,
ask Joyce.

She was the first one
who heard the ghost.


But I bet you're taking it
with you in your bag.

No, I'm only taking
the good memories.

Look out!


Oh, I'm sorry,
I'm clumsy.

I told you
I can do it myself.

Well, she was just
trying to help you.

What happened?

Nothing, no big deal.

I knocked over
the flask.

What is that?

Just a bad memory.

You have a nice carpet.

Is it from Portugal?

Yes, when I left
two years ago,

it was the only thing
I took with me.

I'm leaving!



Why are you
in such a hurry?

waiting for me.

the same "somebody".

Why don't you
introduce him to us?

Are you afraid
we'll hit on him?

Yeah, that's it,
I'm scared.

What about
your telephone calls?

You can tell me in class.


It would be easier if you
gave us the number or address.

Oh, I will, but right now
it's too complicated.

I'll give it to you
as soon as possible.

Oh, the keys, I forgot,
I won't need them anymore.

Oh, no, keep them,
Lucia has hers.

That's nice of you.

Besides, you never know.


She seems to be in love.

is a pain in the ass.

Do you think we'll have
much fun with Lucia?

You'll get tired
if you don't stop.

You know what
happened last night?


It moved.

Oh, that's great!

Here's something, it's from
South Yemen, it's for you.

It's from my father,
there's a check inside.

No reason to complain.

How do you say good morning
in Portuguese?

You say "Bondia".


I'd be glad to get a check from
Limerick every once in a while.

That would save me
from killing myself.

Yes, but that way
you would've never met Cécile.

And you wouldn't have
got her job at the bar.

And she wouldn't
have found her love.

Well, small streams--

make big rivers!

Where's this Limerick?

In lreland.

My parents returned there
three years ago.

I'll never return
to where I came from.


I disgraced my family.

Did you?

You don't look it.

I didn't want to marry my fiancé
and where I come from,

that's worse than a crime.

You mean
you didn't choose him?

It had been arranged.

We grew up together.

Then there was Paris,
The scene, the life.

The Seine, the river?

The stage, the theater.

I wanted to be
in a tragedy.

I'm rather interested
in comedy.

I love Feydeau.


Never heard of it.

I'm asking her if
she wants some jelly.

Sure, why not?

Anyway, your parents
send you money

in spite of your crime?

They think I study science.

So, you lie to them
all the time?

Well, yes.
That's disgusting.

Nothing is worse
than lying.

And you want to be
an actress?

Well, acting is not lying,
it's searching for the truth.

Well, that's debatable.

You can always
ask Constance.

Sure, ask her and be careful
with the jam, Pauline.

Oh, I don't care
about your jam.

Anyway, no lying here.

I've already suffered
enough with lies.

Well, there's no reason
for lying here.

Or for telling the truth.

Well, I think we've finished
with this scene for tonight.

There's nothing more
to say.

You see, Louise, you're
satisfied with what you did.

Often the actors
judge themselves the wrong way.

Sometimes they think
they acted well

but the show was bad.

I'll tell you a story because
we're finished for tonight.

Two years ago I coacted
with one of the biggest stars.

She always judged
the acting by the applause.

So, she watched and said,

"A six minute applause,
my dear, we're wonderful!

"Eleven curtain calls,
we're great!

Six curtain calls,
the acting wasn't so great."

Once we went to Holland

and we gave the best performance
we'd ever given.

It was just great.

The author and the director
cried from joy.

And me,
I was really happy then.

Yes, I'm even satisfied
from time to time.

But the Dutch hardly
understood French

and the applauding
was just polite, but not more.

So, she said to me,

"Constance, tonight
we didn't do well,

but fortunately
it was for the Dutch."

So, that's the story.

see you tomorrow.

Has anybody
seen my notebook?

Thank you.

Don't go to bed too late.

Raphaelle, you heard me?

No cigarettes if possible,
no alcohol if possible.

Be on time,
learn your parts.

There's a girl
waiting outside.

Tell her to come in
in just a second.

- What time is it?
- Twenty to six.

Joyce, are you
going straight home?



So, you're going out?

Have a good time.

You bet!


Can you take this for me,


What are you doing now?

How about a drink?

Sure, but not too much,
I have an appointment later.


- Hello.
- Hi.

What have you prepared?

Yes, "Esther's Prayer".

Good, so...

- Shall I begin?
- Yes.

Oh, my sovereign King!

Here I stand trembling
and alone before you.

When I was a child, my father
told me a thousand times

that you had sworn
a sacred bond with us.

When in search of a people
pleasant to you eyes

your love chose
our ancestors.

You promised them
with your sacred lips

eternal posterity.

This people despised your law.

The beloved nation
rejected her faith.

She repudiated her spouse
and her father

and paid tribute
to other gods.

Now she is serving
a foreign king.

But being a slave
is not all she is.

They want to cut her throat.

Our great conquerors
attribute their victory

to the power of their gods.

And wish that the same mortal
blow would destroy your name,

your nation and your altar.

In this way, disloyalty
after so many miracles

It's good.

It's very good.

Have you already acted?

No, not in public.

- I studied with Mr.--
- Oh, I know.

You can join
my class this year.

Do you know the terms?

That's what
I wanted to ask you about.

I have a parttime job,
but it's just to make a living.

And your course
is very expensive.

I mean, perhaps
I could pay you later,

at the end of the year.

Do you really want
to be in my class?

I've dreamed about it
for two years now.

Well, now you can
stop dreaming.

I can't make exceptions,
do you understand?

What I want from everyone here
is a real commitment.

I told Cécile, the girl
you just passed,

the same thing two years ago.

She was also very good
and she had no money.

When you find a solution
come back and see me.

I hope to see you soon.

What time do you have?

I can only stay
for 10 more minutes.

So, do you like the room?

Yes, it's nice
and quiet up there.

At least that way
she leaves us alone.

You shouldn't talk like that
about your new friend.

So, how's the new girl?

You think
she'll take her?

She's having
her audition now.

I never understood
how Constance chose us.

Do you remember
your second time?

- The third time.
- Yeah, the third time.

You said it was
your worst audition,

and it's then that
she accepted you.

She took pity on you.

Well, I think
it's a good reason.

What is yours?

I judge by feeling.

No, but it's true,

the more you do in this course,
the less you know.

Why don't you
say something?

That way it won't
cost you so much.

It's costs a lot already.

It's always
the same with you.

Nobody forces you
to take this course.

If you take it, it's because
it has something to offer.

You're always
here to justify it.

She's right.

I know the first time
she kicked me out,

it was for my own good.

There's one thing
I don't understand.

Why are there only girls
in our class?

At the beginning
there were also boys.

When was that?

Well, 6 or 7 years ago.

It's good to work
on men's parts.

Sure, your problem
is female characters.

You want to talk
about your problems?

I have none.

Neither with
boys nor with girls.

And that guy you threw out?

What guy?

I don't know.

The jerk I took
the room from.

I never kicked him out,
he left himself.

Why had Constance
stopped with the boys?

Maybe they were too bad.

No, it was just
one of her ideas.

She gives herself rules and
at the start they're arbitrary.

I don't think
she's arbitrary.

She knows what she wants.

And if not, she's crazy,

It's not crazy
to give yourself rules,

but she is strange.

Doesn't she scare you

Do you know
she lives there?

In the theater,
what do you mean?

Yes, on the second floor,
she bought the building.

Is that so strange?

And have you
ever been there?

No, I have no reason
to go there.

Nobody's ever been there,
and she never goes out.

All right, Jeanne,
stop talking nonsense.

She has to go out
when she has a performance.

She does more
than give courses.

Yeah, sometimes she acts,
you know.

Is it you that told me she quit
acting 6 or 7 years ago?

Yes, before
starting the courses.

10 or 12 years ago
she worked all the time.

And after that,
I think she left France.

I don't know.

Anyway, who cares.

You look for secrets because
she is mysterious.

Either you're mysterious
or you're not.

But you can't explain it.

I really have to go.

you said you'd lend me

Oh, sure.

But it's too much.

I've no change,
you can pay me back later.

Next week will be okay?
No problem.

I'll see you, girls.

She seems well,
doesn't she?

You can't refuse it, 3 weeks
in Africa, don't refuse!

Yeah, it's great,
travel, adventure.

Listen, I told you, I want
to attend my acting class.

Photography is how I make money,
it is not my real profession.

What matters to me
is theatre.


You'll work nonstop, Anna,
and you'll regret it.

You can't imagine
how lucky you are!

There will be a book
about you,

"Anna Van Damme and the Desert".

That's all?

Listen, I'm nothing.

Just an eye.

An eye, my foot.

Think about it.

Not everybody can see
The Tenere Desert.

I don't like the desert.

I prefer crowds.

What a coincidence,
me too.

Do I know you?

Everybody knows me.

Nobody knows me.

Could you free
one of my hands?

Thank you.

There's a telephone call
for Anna Van Damme, please.


Still nothing, I'm afraid.

Don't say that,
it is worthwhile.

I'm sure I'll find her.

And how's daddy doing?

I'll come by the end
of the year.

I'll see you, goodbye.

You're leaving already?

We just arrived.

I'm tired,
you can stay.

Easy, honey.

Excuse me.

Excuse me,
it's my sister.

What's going on here?

Leave him,
let's get out of here!

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

I'll drive you home.

Okay, my car's
just over here.

I live far from here,
in Monfermeil, in the suburbs.

That's one more reason.

After Raincy,
I'll tell you the way.

Are you better now?

I'm fine,
thank you.

Does this kind of thing
happen to you often?

No, it's the first time.

Why, do I look like
I make up stories?

You do photography
or theatre?


I do photography to pay
for my school.

Constance Dumas' course,
the best!

Constance Dumas?

So you must know
Cécile Morin.

Cécile, yes,
she's a friend of mine.

If she's your friend,

tell her to be more careful
picking friends.

If she continues like that
she may get into trouble.

Why are you
telling me that?

What did she do?

How do you know her?

We have common friends.

What did she do?

What, you're friends don't
tell you what they're up to?

Actually, she's careful,
maybe it's better that way.

What did she do?


No, nothing.

The ashtray's right there.

Who are you?

I told you,
my name's Henri Demorsais.

You're a cop?

No, I'm a printer.

I mean,
I was a printer.

A printer?

You don't look it.

Listen, Anna, you shouldn't
judge by appearances.

Can I call you Anna?

There are different kinds
of printers.

My line of business
was identity cards.

I was partners
with Cécile's boyfriend.

Real identity cards?


Really fake.

We were making
some good money.

But it was too risky.

The partners got greedy.

And now,
what are you doing?

Now I'm a painter.

I paint stolen cars,
and I drive them.

Stop here, please.

No, I'm joking.

You want to see my papers?

I print art catalogs.

Don't make such a face,

I'm not going to leave you here
in the middle of the suburbs,

not after what
just happened to you.

Why did you turn left?

It's not the right way?

No, it's absolutely right,

but I didn't tell you.

I have an instinct.


So, this is
the right way, right?

You've been
playing with me.

Do I look like a joker?

I don't know.

It's here.

Oh, it's a lovely place.

Can we meet again?

Can I leave you
my phone number?

You know where to find me,
in Constance Dumas' class.


No, she doesn't
know anything.

I'm sure it's in the house.

No, no warrant,
officially I'm on leave.

I'll go into this hole
whenever I feel like it.

You scared me!

Me too!

- Do you want anything?
- No.

I had a nightmare.

I dreamed Constance
kicked me out.

I had to recite
"Esther's Prayer"

and I messed up, I kept
reciting "Athalie's Dream".

It was horrible.

Did you have a good time?

I met a guy
who knew Cécile.

I have to go to bed.

Just listen!

He said she's in a fix.

She doesn't seem
to be in trouble.

That's right.

Her money comes
from a trade.

False identity cards.

It looks like
a risky business.

What does
this guy look like?

He's not bad, blue eyes,
big nose,

some face, you know.


10 days ago I met a guy who
spoke to me about Cécile.

What did he say?

I didn't quite get it.

Some story
about hiding guns,

I thought he was
trying to pick me up.

He gave me his number.

3 o'clock, my god!

Did you keep the number?

Yeah, I guess.

We'll talk tomorrow.

The world's
full of loonies.

What's going on?

Anna just got home.

I can't sleep.

Neither can I.

Maybe it's the full moon.

I keep thinking too much.

I don't even know
what about.

Well, let's get to bed.

Bye, sleep tight.

Give me a drag.

I'd rather
be at home today.

I had a dreadful night.

- You're not the only one.
- I can believe it.

I mean, you look pale.

Anything wrong?

No, everything's fine.

We've got to go.


If anything's wrong...

I mean, if I can help you,
let me know.

I know.

Tell me,

you and all the women
who keep talking to me,

why must you bother me?

Are you being paid to irritate
me with your nonsense?

Do you enjoy going off
about what I should do?

I do what I can for you
that's the sum of my wisdom.

Your wisdom has accomplished
precious little.

At least tell me
where I am wrong.

Yes, I'll tell you, yes.

I didn't mean
to provoke you, ma'am.

So, you're a burglar.

I am your servant.

My servant!

Well, then instead of singing
the praises of this place,

tell me why these
five men are spying on me.

My love is
taken away from me,

I'm given these
women to replace him,

and now I'm expected
to be happy.

If the Prince is so in love,
it's not my fault.

I didn't ask him to be.

There are plenty of others who'd
be delighted to be with him.

I just want him
to leave me alone

and let me have
my dear Arlequin,

who is no richer, no vainer
and no better lodged than I am

who loves me,
and I love him,

and for whom I'll die of grief
if I don't see him again.

Alas, the poor boy,
what has become of him?

He must be sunk in despair,
because he's so kind.

Maybe he's
being mistreated.

Oh, I'm beside myself!

Do you want to please me?

Let me get straight
to the point.

Leave me alone!

Calm yourself, please.

Leave without a word!



This is not a tragedy.

I know.

Everybody has problems,
some more serious than others,

but you mustn't
carry them on the stage.

There are directors
who would be pleased

to see you act like this,

showing there's
cruelty in this play.

It's true.

When Flamina says,

"Let's break
Silvia's love for Arlequin,"

it's a terrible plot.

But Silvia doesn't know it.

Besides, she's not crushed,
she's angry.

I know what
this scene is about.


"Don't cry, Jeannette."


I don't want a Prince,
tra la la la la la la la la la

I don't want a Prince
and I want a Baron even less

and a Baron even less

I want my friend Pierre
tra la la la la la la la la la

I want my friend Pierre
he, who is now in prison

he, who is now in prison

You will not be
with Pierre...


Pauline, go get her.

Leave her, I'll go.

I'm sorry.

Tell me,

you and all the women
who keep talking to me,

why must you bother me?

Are you being paid to irritate
me with your nonsense?

will you stop it?

I'm upset.

And I need some peace.

Where's the lemon?

Everybody's upset.

What do you have
to be upset about?

It's not about me.

It's about Cécile.

I'd like to reverse the charges
on a call to Los Angeles.

Thomas Santelli,
Beverly Wilshire,


She's completely

You say topsyturvy...

she's upset.

Who are you talking about?


I'm afraid it's because
of her lover.

Who knows?

I was like that
a while back.

The next day I landed
in a hospital.

Is that what
that flask was?

Yes, I swallowed a little,
but I spit up.

Nice story.

Well, Anna, it happens.

It can
happen to you, too.

And to me.

I can understand
these things very well.

Dying for a man's love?

Well, I'm sorry,
but I don't get it.

For a man, or a woman,
it's the same.

So, what is love for you?

Listen, Claude,

love isn't always a burden,
a desperate tragedy.

I've been with Thomas
for three years now

and it's been three years
of happiness.

Oh, cut it out,
Thomas calls you at 3 a.m.

from Los Angeles,
12,000 kilometers away.

You see him, what,
once every 6 months?

Is that what you call love?

Fine, if you're
happy like that,

but for me that's
always been a horror,

and it's the same with her.

Maybe you want it
to be like that?

Oh, excuse me!

Excuse me, you've
got nothing to do with it.

Tomorrow I'm seeing somebody
I haven't seen for a long time,

and for one minute of joy
I pay three months of hell.

Don't go then.

That's easy to say.

Of course
you should go.

One minute of joy,
even one minute is worth it.

Now cut the crap,

I have to read
and I need some peace.

Besides, I know
your nonsense by heart.

Try to understand that love
is a lot more strong

when it's realistic.

Maybe if you didn't complicate
it so much, it would work.

Well, Claude,
it's true.

You're always upset
about it.

Her name's Sarah,
isn't it?

The girl that lives
with your father?

Not anymore.

I know where to find her,
but I know it's a bad idea.

What I want is
not love everyday,

I need just a little bit
from time to time.

From time to time.

Do you want
some herbal tea?

Oh, excuse me.

Miss, listen to me...

Don't bother me!

Excuse me, it's...

Act I, Scene I.

Is that it?

So, you are
Cécile Maurin.

You know me,
Thomas Derville.

There's something
our friend must understand--

Wait, I don't understand,
I'm not Cécile.

You're not Cécile Mourin?

No, I'm Claude Fayard.

You've got the script,
you live in Montfermeil.

Yes, but Cécile moved out.

My train's coming,
but what's going on?

What is it that her
friend must understand?

Well, I have no time,
I'll explain it some other time.

There are no
"some other times," never!

There's always
some other time, Claude.

Well, we'll see!

Do you understand?

I think so.

It's already
much better now.

Start again, please, Joyce,
control your look.

It's important
in this scene.

Why don't we try?

Give me an example,

for instance,
a candid look.

How is this?

It needs
a little more work.

You're just a woman,
you don't inspire me like a man.

Forget the test,
I can't do it for you.

All this is for Arlequin?

That's right.

That poor boy, I'll deceive him
if I don't love him.

I'm a woman of honor,
but I'll fool him.

If he loves you,
you'll marry him and get rich.

Does that make you feel better
about being deceitful?

We're but the daughters
of the lower-class,

now you'll become a lady.

So much for
my conscience.

As a lady, I won't
have to love my husband.

I messed up.

That's for me to say,
not you, Joyce.

You always do that when
she tells you to look at her,

the audience has to see it.

Your look had to be seen,
even at the back of the theatre.

It's a big theater.

Did you girls in the back
see anything?

I did.

There was a bug
in the air.

Look out, it's landing!

Claude, articulate!

Your look must come
from your heart.

Start again, please.

Give me a candid look.

How is this?

Very bad.

Start again.

Give me a candid look.

How is this?

How is this?

How about this?

You don't know
what you're doing.

Lisette is a specialist.

She knows
how to impress a man.

Maybe you're
not interested in men?

I know how to impress
some men, too.

Not all of them,
but some I do.

Another thing, Pauline.

These are two sisters
plotting a coup.

They are in it together.

Yeah, we didn't
think about that.

You should have.

I can't find
the secret for you.

Well, let's have a break.

You think
she knows the secret?


And you?

Why are you asking me?

I don't know.

you used to be happy,

you smiled a lot,
you talked to me.

Now you look sad
all the time.

I'm not sad,
you're embarrassing me.

I'm sure
it's your boyfriend.

I'll tell you,
it's him.

He's got nothing
to do with it.

Stop imagining things.

You're unkind, Cécile,
I'm your friend.

Well, okay,
but I'm also your friend.

You just worry too much.

Are you coming?

A Manhattan with lemon?

You must be joking.

No, I'd like
a Kiss in the Dark, please.

Do you know
the Kiss in the Dark, Joyce?

It depends.

One measure of Gin,
one of Sherry,

and two fingers of Vermouth.


I thought you lost my number.

I keep them all.


Glad, very glad.

So, you didn't
believe my story?

Cécile with the Basques.

What, are you kidding?

No, you're wrong,
and I'm serious.

It's true,
she's a little strange lately.

You see?



So, she works for
some underground group?

And you're one of them, too.

I, myself, am a group.

I'm a parasite
on the others.

Are you with,
or against Cécile?

I'm neither with
nor against her.

I stand on the side.

I've no doubts
that the sabotage at the top

is a front for
the one on the bottom,

and the sabotage in France
fronts an international one.

She's supposed
to have hidden guns?

They're hidden.


I thought
it was in your house.

Our house?

You can't
hide a mouse in it.

It's a suburban house?


How many floors?


Then you can put
an arsenal in it.

In our four
little bedrooms?

Where was Cécile's room?

Next to mine, I would know
if she hid a slingshot in there.

Yeah, possibly.

Do you live on
the ground floor?

No, on the second.

She had to pass through
my room to go into hers.

Who lives there now?


Now it's Anna's.

There she is, over there.

This guy is nuts!

Yes, we thought
we would get him,

but he escaped.

Can you help me here?

I used to know
a guy like that.

He thought we were
made for each other,

which gave him the right
to ask everybody what I did,

where I was, who I saw.

How did it end?

They locked him up,

and I had the best vacation
of my life.

You know what I think?


He's a sick guy.

He's in love with Cécile, and
is following her everywhere.

He's not a madman.

He's the Social Service,
offering anything,

friendship, trafficking,

he's, how
do you say it... ballistic,

slick, cultured.

I can see
he impressed you!

Why do you say that?

I like guys who are honest,
ones with only one name.

Henri for me, Lucien for you,
Desirée for whom?

If he was a perfume?

A potpourri.


If he was
a famous personality?

Casanova, Pasqua,



What happened,
Sarah stood you up?

I wish she had!

Did you get into a fight?

There were 15 people
and she didn't talk to me once.

She loves the other woman.

I'm sick of admiring her,
it's the only thing I'm good at.

Forget it, Claude.

Things you expect
too much from never happen.

You'll find love the day
you stop thinking about it.

Maybe it'll be a man
this time.

So he'll get me pregnant
and then run away.

Okay, once more.

Oh, how his words
have darkened my mood.

For my hymen Achilles
changed his mind.

I'm dishonored,
I have to go return.

Are you looking for
someone other than Calchas?

Madame, I do not
understand your words.

Corinne, what is this movement
back and forth at the end?

You told me to use agitation to
contrast lphigenia's immobility.

There's no agitation
in your movement.

That was an arbitrary movement
and it doesn't make sense.

Do it again.

Madame, I do not
understand your words.

No, say it in a way
that makes sense.

Madame, I do not
understand your words.

Go on.

You will,
if you just listen.

Cruel fate has rid me
of a husband;

Madame, will you leave me
in my misery?

Without me, you could not
stay in Mycene.

Shall the Queen and I
depart without you?

I wanted to see Calchas
before I leave.

Why do you hesitate
to send him word?

In a moment from Argos
you shall leave.

A moment sometimes
clarifies all doubts.

Yet, Madame, I see,
I'm pressing you too hard.

I see what I always
refused to think.


You cannot wait
to see me gone.

You suspect me
of such vileness?

To love so furious a victor,

who, bloodstained,
comes before me,

torch in hand
and lusting for more killing,

having reduced Lesbos
to cinders...

Yes, you love him

what did I tell you last time?

To physically feel it.

Is that why you act
so furiously?

No, for me, Eriphilia
is defending herself.

That's what
you do all the time,

defend yourself.

Yelling, but one
can't hear a thing.

Like at the flea market.

If I'm that bad, there's
no point in wasting your time.

You're wasting your time,
not me.

Stay here, listen.

Corrine, listen to me.

You only think
about yourself,

you don't trust the poetry,

you don't work
on your diction.

Make up your mind, is it
the emotion or the diction?

What do you want?

I want everything.

Look at Lucia here,
it's her first year.

She's audible,
the feelings are clear,

she's not
being melodramatic.

You try to score with your
tyranny, and you think it works.

No, I know it's bad.

It's getting worse
every day.

Last year, I felt your
indications were clear.

For the past six months,
I have not understood.

I'm not making any progress
and I don't know where I am.

You're only worried about
protecting your selfesteem.

Leave all your petty fears
in the dressing room.

That's all I want.

Thank you...

the dressing room...

Do you think
I was too hard on her?


If she didn't get it now,
she'll never get it.

Jeanne is with her
at the cafe next door.

She had emotion,
that's all that counts.

You have to deal
with destruction, all the time.

You must have destruction
and doubts in order to rebuild,

create, invent.

Destruction and doubt,
that's what I have to teach you.

How is she?

She wants to be alone.

I don't think
she's coming back.

Why did you
ask me to come?

I want to show you Paris.

But I know aris.

You think you know,
just like all the others.

But I'm not
like all the others.

What do you see?

Nothing much.

Roofs, not even
the Eiffel Tower.


And what?

What's under the roofs?

I don't know.


Yes, people.

Lives crossing
till the end of time.

And beneath that?

The subway,
sewers, catacombs.

Why are you asking?

Are you part
of a network?

You might call it that.

a gang, a group?

Not at all,
just the opposite.

What then?

Brothers in Arms,
the Fifteen?

Fifteen or twenty,
not much more.

What do you do?

Is Cécile part of it?

Not her,
but a person she knows.

People you ought
to stay away from.

You mean her boyfriend?

I don't know his name,
I've never even seen him.

Maybe it's
better that way.

Why, is he dangerous?

Mostly to himself
and his friends.

And for Cécile?


Do you know Frenhofer?

One of your gang?

Not at all,
he's a painter.

A great painter,
from around 300 years ago.

The unknown master
of "Poussin".

His most famous work
is "La Belle Noiseuse".

La Belle what?


It means a woman
who likes to quarrel.

It was painted more than
a century ago, around 1830.

We mainly know it through
old descriptions and a print,

maybe not very accurate.

The painting reappeared
in Johannesburg, Tokyo,

and London
a few years ago.

It was last seen in Sidney.

Funny, how a painting can travel
these days, isn't it?

It makes me dream.

What does it
have to do with me?

With you, nothing,

but with Cécile,
or rather her boyfriend.

I don't understand.

Do you rob paintings,
like Arsène Lupin?


We are trying to find works
of art that have been stolen.

I've been tracking
"La Belle Noiseuse" for months,

I work with Antoine,
Cécile's boyfriend.

I didn't know these
kind of things really exist!

It's crazy!

Crazy and dangerous.

Did you know
that art trafficking

is almost as lucrative
as drugtrafficking?

I won't tell you the estimated
price of a Frenhofer.

Well, Cécile's friend
seems to know where it is.

That's great!

but there's a problem.

He's trying to negotiate
with collectors and the robbers,

which is
a very dangerous game.

I want to make sure
he understands that.

I could talk to him,
or actually Cécile.

No, don't,
it's my problem.

This is a secret, Claude,
can you keep a secret?

I think so.

What's wrong?

I don't know.

I have to go,
I feel strange.

Will I see you again?

Maybe, but I don't know
how I can help.

You never know.

No, don't.

I have to go now.

Hey, you scared me!

You can't play with ghosts,
you know!

There are no ghosts,
only hungry rats.


it's an ancient dance,
it's a Polish folk dance

When was
this house built?

I don't know.

Maybe during the reign
of Louis Phillipe.

I'm not good
at French history.

Is that 19th century?

I don't know,
I only know I want to sleep.

You can sleep
in my room.

I'll stay here,
don't worry.

I'm not worried.

Why do you think
I'm scared?

I'm not scared at all,
I'm just upset, really upset.

One, two, three, four...

The night, the moon,
take your shoes off.

The night and the moon,
stop dancing.

The night, the moon,
take your shoes off.

The night and the moon,
stop dancing.

The night, the moon,
take your shoes off.

The night and the moon,
stop dancing.

The night, the moon,
take your shoes off.

The night and the moon,
stop dancing.

The night, the moon,
take your shoes off.

The night and the moon,
stop dancing.

The night, the moon,
take your shoes off.

The night and the moon,
stop dancing.

The night, the moon,
take your shoes off.

The night and the moon,
stop dancing.

The night, the moon,
take your shoes off.

The night and the moon,

I made you swear
not to see me again.

My Lord, your duty
surprises my presence

and what once filled my heart
with joy...

"My Lord, your presence
surprises my duty."

And it's your absence that
surprises me.

Once your dream or nightmare
has ended,

you will act this scene again
in the next few days.

Sophie, Marina,
your turn.

We changed something,
you will see.

What, that lovely maiden name
is a title, dear sister,

the sweet charm of which you
wish to abandon.

And to getting married,
dare you look forward?

This vulgar plan
can make proud?

Yes, my sister.

Ah, this "yes"
have I to suffer?

And no aching heart
shall I feel?

Well, what is it in marriage,
my sister, that...

Oh, for heaven's sake,


Oh, forbear,
I pray you!

Can't you see that the mere
sound of this word

is an offense
to the spirit?

That evil image
it conjures up,

and on wicked roads
it leads the mind?

Does it not
make you shudder?

And can you,
my sister,

convince your heart to suffer
all the word entails?

I prepared the scene
with Claude Fayard, but...

what's wrong?

Claude called in sick.

And Cécile...

Yes, I know.

Who worked on Flaminia?

I did.

Okay, so give Lucia
the lines.

My dear,
while I look for Arlequin,

who may have stayed a bit
too long at dinner,

why don't you try this dress?

He can't wait to see you.

Here. It will fit me,
but I'd rather not take it.

The Prince wants me
in exchange.

You're mistaken.

Even if he left you,
everything would be yours.

you don't know him.

If you say so...

I hope he doesn't ask me

"Why did you
take my gifts? "

He'll ask you,
"Why didn't you take more? "

Very well.

I'll take everything.

That way,
he won't blame me.

Go right ahead!
I'll answer for it.

What are you looking at?

Stay like that.

You look like
"la Belle Noiseuse".

Because I'm
under the blanket?

Because it's the most beautiful
foot in the history of painting.

Well, I'm thirsty.

What would you like to drink?

carrot juice.

It's in the fridge
in the kitchen.

Damn it.

It took you
quite a while.

I couldn't find what I was
looking for.

Your beautiful


Your beautiful

I found her, my beautiful

And who is it?

It's you, my beautiful

Any idea what time it is?

Looking at the sun,
about five.

Then you have to leave,
the girls will be back soon.

You don't want me
to meet your friends?

It's not that, but still,
you should leave.

But Madam, listen to me.

You're bothering me.

I'll call you.

Here's the cake.

For someone who's sick,
you look pretty good!

Bug off.

Move over.

You don't know anything.

Well done,
isn't it?

Who needs a spoon?

And where are
the candles?

No candles.

Oh no?

I'll get it.

it's for you.


Do you know the story
of the big mouth frog?

what's your name, yaaaa?

What are you
eating, yaaa?

Did Raphaelle tell it
to you?

She told it
to everybody.

And the one about logic,
you know it?


A guy meets a friend he hasn't
seen for a long time.

He asks,
"What are you in now? "

- I'm in logic.
- What's that, logic?

I'll explain it to you.

Do you have an aquarium
at home?


So, it's only logical you also
have water in the aquarium.


If you have an aquarium filled
with water,

you must have fish.

Of course.

If you have fish,
logically you must feed them...

I miss you, too.

Yeah, of course.

If you feed them, logically, you
must like animals.

Yeah, I like animals...

Oh, that's great.
At the end of the month?

You're coming
at the end of the month?

Well, yes, I am
tender and communicative.

Okay, if you are tender and

I can then deduce logically,
you must love a woman,

and you must like spending
a quiet evening with her

at your place.

Yes, I like that.

So, you see,
starting with an aquarium,

logic allows me to deduce

that you like being
with a woman.

Te voglio, belle.

- That's brilliant!
- It is.

- Good bye.
- Good bye.

The next day,
he meets another friend.

He says: I met Jean yesterday,
and he's in logic.

- What's that?
- Let me explain.

I'll give you an example.
Do you have an aquarium?


Oh, no... I didn't know
you were one of them.

You didn't get it?


Never mind.

Have a drink.

What about your dancer?

He'll be here by the end
of the month for a week.

That's great, Anna!

If you go again to
the Prince of Wales Hotel,

bring us some towels,
the big ones.

Didn't I have
a piece of cake?

Yes, and it's
not bad at all.

Great Tintin cake.


Did you invite anybody?


I'll go.

Me too.

Cécile, I thought
you had left Paris.

You're freezing.

I walked.

Have some St-Amour.

And a piece of cake.

Here, sit down.



Take off your coat.

Not now, I'm cold.

How was your vacation?

It's so good to see you- -
oh, sorry.

I'm disturbing you, huh?

No, not at all.

I'm not very well.

I need to talk.

I don't have many friends.

What are you
talking about?

This is my third birthday
in this house.

Of course,
you must party with us.

I didn't know
you were in Paris.

Tell her the story
about the logic.

Why don't you tell her the one
about the frog?

Cécile, do you know the story
about the big mouth frog?


It's about a frog taking a walk
in the forest.

I'm sorry.

I can't stay,
I can't talk to you.

It's not you,
it's nobody's fault.

It's me.


Cécile! Wait!

Mr. Lucas, can you confirm
the accusations

appearing in today's paper?

That's what I said, yes.

Judge Bertrand
is suing you for libel.

What do you say?

We'll see.

Do you think that
a gangster's word

is as trustworthy
as a cop's?

I think the truth always
comes out in the end.

- Was it something we said?
- Shut up!

It's him.


Antoine Lucas,
Cécile's boyfriend.

I saw him with her
at the café.

Antoine Lucas was involved in
the Bertrand affair,

three years ago,

when Judge Bertrand was
suspected of abusing his rights

to the advantage of
a prostitution ring in Lyon.

Today, Lucas was brought
before the court in Versailles,

accused of a hold-up and
complicity in a murder.

A trial seems
to be imminent... Josiane?

Anyway, it has no connection
with the Bertrand affair

and would probably
go unnoticed by the media

if not for the accused,

and the charge
rigorously rejected

by the defense who claims
they are being set up.

So, this case
is headed for trial.

In other news today...

- You hear what I hear?
- Yeah, poor Cécile.

I'm not talking
about Cécile.

- I'm talking about Henri.
- Henri?

Henri, Thomas, Lucien, Raymond.
I don't care what his name is.

The guy who's been telling us
stories about Cécile for weeks.

Well, you know what?

He knows
about her boyfriend.

- So, he's a cop?
- Or a gangster.

They're the same
to me.

Which guy?

A strange guy,

trying to flirt while talking
about Cécile.

Wait, what does he look like?

Not bad, blue eyes.

A face, y'know?

Just asking.

Is there any wine left?

This is the last time
we're seeing each other.

Are you crazy?

You lied to me
about everything.

Your name
isn't even Thomas.

Stop it.

First of all,
my name is Thomas.

- Second, yes, I lied.
- You admit it.

I lied to your friends.

I needed
to see them.

They know.

Try to understand.
Don't be so selfish.


This is another trap.
I saw Cécile's guy on TV.


Did he tell
all about his life on TV?

He said that in the end,
the truth always comes out.

I hope for him
he's wrong.

Can I say my third?

Hurry, I don't want the girls
to see us.


I love you.

Stop saying that, I would so
much like to believe you.

I'll say it again and again.

But I'm scared.

I don't care about your first
and your second.

Everything is true.

That's when,
three days later...

I'm Judge Vaudeville.

The accused, please stand.

No, I will not stand in front of
a revengeful justice.

Your name?

You know my name.

Your first name?

You know it.

Counselor, is this what
you call a defense?

I ask for a calm debate.

Why don't you first ask your
defendant to calm down?

There's trouble for the one
who provokes the scandal.

There's even more trouble

for a low-life stepping out
of his boundaries.

Gentlemen of the jury,
they want to punish this man

not for what he has done
and for which there is no proof,

but for the Lyon affair
which you all remember,

and in which he was used
as a pawn.

Don't let them
intimidate you.

I'm the general prosecutor,
Pincemoi Jereve.

This can't be true, it's an
unacceptable insult to justice.

Let the witnesses enter.

I'm the widow Ponsardin.

I live on the 36th floor.

I'm shortsighted, farsighted
and astigmatic,

but I saw everything
on this dark moonless night.

I definitely recognize
the accused.

He shot at the policemen.

You are Jean Cliquot's sister,

who is accused of having driven
through a roadblock.

That has nothing
to do with it.

Admit that
you were offered a deal.

I'm detective Ragot.

This is an intolerable insult
to the honor of the police!

He shot at us,
I'm sure of it,

even if the cartridges have
never been found.

The accused must have picked
them up before running away.

With his previous offenses,

you won't make me believe
he's a saint.

Will I be judged
by my previous offenses?

It's like holding your head

In some lives, prior offenses
follow each other

without there ever
being any future.

You are not allowed
to say that.

This is a fair trial
with a local jury,

beneath the objective eye
of the police,

who all want you in jail.

Plus, your hands aren't
really clean, my boy!

This is an attempt to disturb
the trial.

The accused has
always been impertinent.

His outrageous revelations
in the media

made certain eminent
personalities in justice,

police and state
very nervous.

The scandal has nothing to do
with this case,

but it still justifies
a severe sentence.

I demand that you punish
this rebel, this delinquent,

this hoodlum,
with ten years in prison.

There was never any proof of
Antoine Lucas' involvement

in the shooting of Lagny.

You will have
to decide for the defendant,

if there's
a reasonable doubt.

I ask you to find Antoine Lucas
not guilty.

There are things hidden
behind things

behind fear,
it's true or not

there are things hidden
behind things

behind doubt,
whether free or guilty

behind the doubt,
free or convicted

ah, ah yes, indeed

free or inmate
for a long time

ah, ah yes, indeed

free or inmate
for a long time

there are things hidden
behind things

endlessly, it's tiring

there are reasons
for things seeming wrong

never miss anything

when things seem wrong
you look for a cause

and the cause
is the innocent

ah ah, yes, indeed

the innocent
make the best victims

ah ah, yes, indeed

the innocent
make the best victims

Well, I see, all countries
seem to be alike.

- Even in your country?
- Oh, everywhere.

Ah, the news.

Antoine Lucas was sentenced
today to ten years in prison.

"This is not justice,
it's murder!" Lucas shouted,

when the sentence
was announced.

Nobody knew who was meant.

In any case, the police
are rejoicing...

Here comes Mr. Lucas,
surrounded by guards.

Mr. Lucas,
a few words?

"Go home, sleep well!"

You heard him...

- Poor Cécile.
- Shut up, you said that before.

- We have to do something.
- What can we do?

Nothing, there's nothing
we can do.

But the next day,
during afternoon classes...

Aren't you coming
to the café?

No, I have to think. Ciao.

She thinks too much.

Oh, a cat!

In fact, "Miss Tequila", you're
working tonight until when?

- a.m.
- We'll never rehearse.

Yes, we can,
at 6 a.m. at my place!

can we come and see you?

There's nothing to see, nothing
to drink, everything's fake.

- I have to talk to you.
- Cécile?

The keys which were
in the chimney,

what did you do with them?

What keys? What chimney?
What are you talking about?

The key I left in my room,
I mean, in your room.

This is serious,
you must give them back to me.

There are no keys
in the chimney.

Yes, there are,
I need them.

I'm telling you.

I don't understand.

What keys?

- Did somebody come?
- Nobody came.

Listen Cécile,
are you sure?

I'm sure.

Somebody came for them.
I can't believe it, Anna.

What did she want?

Will she come back
to class?

Did she say anything
about her boyfriend?

No, I didn't understand a thing.

She said something about keys
in my room,

and that someone
came for them.

Who would that be?

It's silly.



claire, what are you
doing here?

I work at the pharmacy
next door.

Still studying

And you?

I'm still taking theatre classes
with constance Dumas.

Have you heard anything
about your sister?

Nothing yet,
but I'm still searching.

I'm in a hurry,
gotta go.

See you.

Why did she
call you Laura?


because my name
is Laura.


Anna is
my sister's name.

She disappeared 3 years
and 28 days ago,

and I'm still
looking for her.

Maybe one day, I'll meet someone
who knows her.

Put it down, put it down,
you'll break something.

Give me those keys,
you thief, you liar!

Disgusting cheat!

I'm telling you, I don't know
what you are talking about.

I was right
to be suspicious.

In fact, that's the only thing
you came for,

and I thought
you wanted me,

but no,
I'm such an idiot.

Give me that.

Listen... think!

If I had come to steal
whatever you're talking about,

and if I had stolen it,
what would I be doing here now?

Stop confusing me.

It's over.

I'm not
doing this anymore,

I won't let you
destroy me.



It's Thomas.

He's got the keys.

This is ridiculous.

She's been annoying me for hours
with these keys.

Do you know anything
about keys?

The keys to shut your mouth!

We gotta frisk him.

He took the keys
from the chimney in your room.

No, it's not him.

I've been listening to your
shouting for a while now.

You were here?

I came home first.

Your friend
didn't take the keys.

- I did.
- Why didn't you say so earlier?

I usually don't intervene
when a couple fights.

What did you do
with those keys?

Yes, what did
you do with them?

Those keys keep the ghosts
from sleeping.

I threw them
in the Seine.

Are you crazy?
What did you do that for?

And what are you doing
with this strange guy?

He's not strange.

He's just a man I love.

Listen everyone,
I'll explain.

- Don't bother.
- Please don't.

- Wait, there's one thing- -
- Thanks.

See you soon.


I made you swear
not to see me again.

My lord, your presence
surprises my duty;

And what once filled my heart
with joy,

is now a cause for suffering.

Do you dare ignore it?

And seeing you is causing me
such pain;

Is your pain
less than mine?

Are we both suffering less
for sighing together?

Go, content yourself
with seeing me tremble.

And with your dubious triumph,
have mercy.

Don't harass me
into shameful sighing.

Surena, I know just what it
costs my heart to see you,

but he who seeks to die
must seek the means.

Madam, the hour is nigh,
and tomorrow,

your faith commands you
to forget me.

I have but today,
this moment of my life.

Forgive Love
for sacrificing it to you,

and let me breathe this sigh...

and let me breathe this sigh
at your feet.

For my final joy
is giving my soul to you.

Eurydice and my soul,
my lord,

you deem it strong enough,
as not to fear for it.

Might not the sighs
so fatal to your life

gain equal powers over me?

Live, my lord, live,
and let my desire

be equal to your passion's fire.

Trespassing now
seems all too sweet,

and I haven't done
my share of suffering yet.

Let a dark sorrow
consume me slowly,

let me fully taste
its bitterness.

Death shall not set me free,
I want to love always,

suffer always, die always.

But can you forgive
a weakness I admit

amidst this stinging
fatal tenderness?

Could you, my lord, convince
yourself to let

a fleeting happiness
alleviate the deepest pain?

Surena, to what joy
can the miserable aspire,

who, after so many favors, is
devoured by his own passion?

What can I do
in my present state?

This is the tenth time you
arrive in the middle of a scene.

Next time you can't get up,
stay in bed.

Are you jealous?

- It's not my fault.
- It's never your fault.

What was it this time?
A motorcycle- accident?

No, but the police
stopped everybody.

They announced it
on the radio.

The guy who was sentenced the
other day, Antoine Lucas.


He escaped last night
during his transfer.

Did you say Antoine Lucas?

Antoine Lucas escaped.

Please stop moving around
and talking.

What's all this excitement,

Enough for today.

Same time tomorrow.
class dismissed.

Cécile, wait, I have
to talk to you.

You need something?

- See you at the café.
- Okay, I'll be right there.

You wanted to talk to me?

First, I wanted to tell you,
that what you did was good.

It was both well-balanced
and sensitive.

Very good.

What else?


- Herb tea, please.
- Yes, please.

Do we have aspirin?

On the fridge.

Joyce, can you give it to me,

Don't you feel well?

Not too well.

Is it about Thomas?

Don't worry,
you'll see him again.

Yes, we'll see him again.

I'm worried about Cécile.

She's disappeared.

She must feel very bad.

Why, because Antoine
is a fugitive now?

She should be glad.

What if they shoot him?

Just another
police screw-up.


You're having coffee.

I'd love a cup.

What a day!

- Real coffee, or instant?
- Real, please.

Everybody is upset today.

An escape at the courthouse;
we'll see heads rolling.

- See, he's a real cop.
- Yeah, that's me.

Thomas Santini,
criminal investigations.

You want to check?

It's almost the same name as
your boyfriend's.

I didn't do that
on purpose, Anna.

There are many
coincidences in life.

Without coincidence, everything
would be terribly routine.

I like coincidences...
and planning them.

So, what did you
come here for?

Get out of here, okay?

The minute I have the keys,
that's all I want.

We told you,
they're in the Seine.

in the Seine.

Might as well make me
believe in ghosts.

What do these keys
mean to you?

The same as for Antoine Lucas:
an opportunity.

Have you heard
about the Bertrand case

and the acquittals?

Yes, bribery
by the Mafia in Lyon.

But they say
it's not true.

Because three years ago,

when Antoine Lucas told
everything, he had no proof.

Some rumors from prison
he was unwise enough

to tell in front of a reporter
one night he was drunk.

Well, a little thief against
all these important persons,

there's not much you can do,
as I'm sure you would agree,



One of these personalities
made a big mistake,

an epistolary mistake.


A letter.

This letter fell into the hands
of an old gangster.

Let's call him Faria.

Lucas was lucky.

He spent some time in prison
with this Faria

and became his friend.

When was that?

Just before the scandal
three years ago.


Did you keep these keys?


Before dying of cancer
six months ago,

Faria gave his treasure
to Lucas:

some papers in a safe...

and the keys are
for the safe.

Now you know it all.

Why didn't Antoine use them
six months ago?

Because these papers
are like dynamite.

He was afraid, but now he's got
nothing to lose.

What do you want
the papers for?


I like coincidences, but I also
like orderliness.

Scandals are always a mess.

I don't care about Antoine Lucas
or his escape.

Let him go to Switzerland
or Tierra del Fuego.

I only want these papers,
and I'll find them.

You should tell
your friend, Cécile.

We don't know
where she is.

She'll get in touch.

So tell her the deal.

Antoine is free
if I get the papers.

The ball is
in your court now.

Think about it.

See you tomorrow.

This is outrageous!

We have to make him leave,
no matter what.

How are we
gonna do that?

By calling the police?

He's setting up a trap
for Cécile and Antoine.

He said he didn't care
about them.

You still
believe his lies?

How naive
can you be?

Leave her alone.

She's right,
for once he said the truth.

He could help Antoine and maybe
that's his only chance.

You must be joking.

You actually believe him?


You know what?

I don't give a damn.

I'm not talking anymore
to insane people.

I feel so lost.

Don't worry,
you're not the only one.

I'll sleep
in the living room.

Shall I come with you?


I despise health
and I'm glad to be ill.

Send everything back,
because I will not eat today,

or tomorrow either.

All I want to do is
to be furious and hate you all.


Yes, of course,
you can count on me,

I already told you.


And then, after several days...

You're wasting your time.

It's my way
to gain time.

What did you gain in the five
days you've been here?

We haven't seen Cécile,
or heard from her.

She's not coming to class.

You should look
for Antoine.

You won't find him
in this house.

Just doing my job, Joyce.

I'm not trying to show you
how to play comedy.

If you really want to help me,
you know what you need to do.

Excuse me.

Tell Lucia
to give me the keys.

Don't you understand?
Don't you get it?

She threw them away!

You think everybody has your
pitiful vision of the world?

You think everybody is
such a lowlife?

Only interested in fighting over
stuff, just to sell it?

Go on, keep going,
you're looking through me.

I'm totally exposed.


That's just what I needed.
Someone who reads my soul.

You can come anytime, Joyce,
I'll tell you my evil plans

and you can give me lectures.

I know you'd love that.

I can see it,
deep in your eyes...

PIease excuse me...

Moralists always
turn me on.

What's wrong?

And you?

It's because of the scallions.

I'm gonna kill this guy.
I'm gonna kill him.

I'm warning you,
I'm leaving.

It's either him or us.

What did he do?

He's scum.

A traitor,
that's what he is!

Consider yourself

I knew that already.

How can you
let him touch you?

What happened?

What did he try to do?

Nothing, he kissed me,
that's all.

So say something!

- I don't care.
- You're not allowed to say that.

It's selfish.

And if she turns up like last
time, he'll lock her up.

I don't know, I don't
know anymore.

Me neither.

I love him, I love him...

Well, Arlequin, my love?

Well, Silvia, my soul?

How unhappy we are!

Let us love
each other always.

Yes, but...

what will happen
to our love?

I'm so worried.

I don't know, be patient, but
I'm no braver than you are.

My poor lovely treasure,

for three days, I have not seen
your beautiful eyes.

Look at me
to compensate me.

I've many things
to tell you.

I'm afraid of losing you.

I'm afraid of somebody
hurting you through jealousy.

I'm afraid of getting used to
your being away from me.


Have you also come
to teach me how to behave?

Oh, Charlotte Corday now?
I'm impressed.

Stop that nonsense.

Knives belong
in the kitchen, right?

Come in, come in,
join the crowd.


My room is
on the top floor.

Come see me
some evening, late,

so we can talk.

I don't want
to talk anymore, understand?

I see, you want to touch,
like St. Thomas.

That's right,
he's my patron.

Excuse me,
the kitchen.

If I'd known that you were
coming after him in good faith,

I would have waited.

But you're unlucky
and I'm not too happy myself.

you be the judge.

How can a man stop
loving Silvia?

Is there a heart more
sympathetic, more generous?

Anybody else's tenderness would
touch me less than her goodness.

You shall also judge.

How is one to behave with a man
who always thanks you,

no matter what
you say to him?

I can't blame him, Silvia,
you're charming,

and in his place,
I would do the same.

Don't tell him I'm pretty,
he knows it.

Love me calmly, and help me
get even with this woman.

Dear Silvia,
I will at once.

My mind is made up.

No matter
how you treat me,

I will love you
all my life.

Oh, I'm sure.

I know you...

Excuse me.

I can't
hear you...

Hello? One moment please.


What's going on?

You don't even
feel your lines anymore.

Do you realize
what's going on?

Constance says nothing,
this guy following us,

at a time when
we should really be rehearsing.

I can't do
this anymore.

Let's try not
to think about it.

That's so easy to say.

It's all her fault.

Look at Lucia,
she's totally high!

I'd like to be in her shoes now,
I feel rather down.

Yes, okay... certainly.

Please start again,
a little earlier in the script.

Places, please.

And Anna,
with more conviction.

Claude? Ready?

You shall also judge.

How is one to behave with a man
who always thanks you,

no matter what
you say to him?

I can't blame him, Silvia,
you're charming,

and in his place,
I would do the same.

Don't tell him I'm pretty,

he knows it...

Go on, don't let them
distract you.


Don't tell him I'm pretty,
he knows it.

Love me calmly, and help me get
even with this woman.

Dear Silvia,
I will at once.

My mind is made up.

No matter how
you treat me,

I will love you
all my life.

Oh, I'm sure.

Mrs. constance Dumas,
will you please come with us?


I will be gone
for a few days.

If I...

If anything happens,
I'm counting on you.

Anyway, I won't
always be there.


Yes, please.

You're nicer than your friends.

There's no point
in not being nice.

Your place
is very austere.

I like austerity.

You had constance arrested,
didn't you?

Why should I?

Because she was
hiding Antoine Lucas.

Fortunately, he had
already left.

I've told you
a hundred times.

I'm not interested
in this little crook.

I'm leading this investigation
on my own.

And I'm with you now,

because I know you'll give me
what I'm looking for.

How can you be so sure?

You're smart.

trafficking in stolen documents,

you could go
to jail for that.

What will you do with the
papers, once you have them?

I'll destroy them.

Or return them to the owner,
which is the same thing.

Bring things back to order.


That's the only word
you seem to know.

A bit sad, isn't it?

No, the opposite is sad.

Saint George
and the Dragon.

Nice little Raphael.

For a cop,
you're pretty cultured.

From the Sorbonne
to the police station,

a path straight down.

You're a philosopher-cop,


Man is a wolf
to his neighbor, etc., etc.


And what's the woman?

A man with...

or rather without...

Well, you know what I mean.

Not really.

Do you sometimes drink
with women?

As you can see.

I can't see anything.

You don't drink?

Not alcohol.

You know what I think?

You have these keys on you.

You want to check?

that's part of my job.

Sorry, I scared you,
I'm not a brute.

You're so warm,
have a drink.

No, thanks, it's for you.

Don't make such a fuss,
I didn't touch it.

No, I said.




Stop him!
He has the key!


Good night.

Be brave!

You are now
in fear.

I think he vowed
never to have a good time.

I admit that I'm afraid.

What a man!

I must uplift
his spirit.

Don't be afraid.

I'll never love the Prince,
I vow...

Stop, Silvia.

Don't finish your vow,
I pray you.

Will you not
let me swear it?

That's nice.

I'm glad.

Shall I let you vow against me?

Against you?

Are you the Prince?

Yes, Silvia,
I have hidden my rank 'til now.

So your tenderness
be due to mine,

let I should lose the pleasure
it would bring me,

now that you know me,

you are free to accept my heart
and hand,

or to refuse either.

Speak, Silvia.

Ah, my dear Prince.

I was going to make
so beautiful a vow!

If you were seeking the pleasure
of being loved by me,

you have found it,
you know I speak the truth.

I will have it so.

Our union is assured.

I heard every word, Silvia.

Well, Arlequin, I have nothing
to say to you.

Console yourself as you can.

The Prince will speak to you.

My heart is full.

It doesn't make sense,
we can't go on.

No, Pauline, don't start
all over again.

Pauline, we had agreed to
go all the way.

We're almost there.

Yes, we're almost there.

But we don't know
what we're doing.

What will we look like,
without constance?

We'll look ridiculous.

That's why we have
to be even better.

Or else, we'll have lost

True, we would
lose everything.

Remember what she said.

She wants us to go
all the way.

That's what she said.

But I wanted her
to see us.

That's not what's most

What is, then?

- Not to disappoint her.
- Not to disappoint ourselves!


I think that
our acting got worse.

Look, we're working on it.

So, let's get to work.

Okay, let's go, up!

Quiet, please.

Okay, let's do it again.


did you tell Joyce
I would go see her?

I did.

It made her happy.

Well, Arlequin.

I have nothing to say to you.

Console yourself as you can.

What is there to say to me?
That I shall leave you.

What is there for me to answer?
That I know.

Say that you have said so,
say that I have answered.

Then leave me alone,
and that's the end of it.

- to the prisoners,

to one among them,
to those who wait for them.