The Fateful Day (1995) - full transcript

As Abdollah prepares to get married to his long-time love, he hears calls for help during his wedding and leaves the ceremony for an adventure to find the truth. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Tell me son:

Were you unable to find a Christian maiden worthy of your love?

Perhaps it's because of many victories Muslims have brought

that you became one of them?

First I should admit that there'd be Christian maidens

that their beauty and grace have dazzled my eyes

But it was only Rahele who captured my heart

secondly I'm not after a marriage of convenience

neither am I an opportunist

In fact, the love of Rahele has taken away my choice

Tell me Raheleh . Abdullah is an orphan from a Nazarene father

Can he ask for your hand?

Abdullah is not wealthy at all.

He has a mill . He's made with hardship now he sees his patience in the millstones

Raheleh, you've never been lost in the waves of the desert so you'd know

Your rejection would be worse than death in quicksand.

Raheleh says you can come and see my father if you wish

And you must know I had been lost in the waves of the desert before.

When they wrote you to bring a load of flour to Zeid's house ...

No one knew what bread would be made out of it.

All prophecies are in favor of this marriage.

The answer we got from Quran was very favorable.

Even if we look at our old calendar... today is a good day.

Two celebrations at the same time . Abdullah the nazarene takes Raheleh's hand

and also ... walks from shade into the light .

has he said the words? (Shahadatain)

Three times ! in three different ways . First, as he was whispering to God .

Second, as he wanted confidants in a room to hear him.

And third, as he wanted people gathered in a square to hear him.

He's asking for Hussein Ibn Ali , the best of all people .

Yet no one knows . He's from kufah and has come here in haste,

traveling for three days.

He says the Kufan have beheaded Muslim Ibn Aqil.

They've placed his head on a spike outside dar al-HOkumah .

In this month of Haram?

Let's go, Abdullah.

They're waiting for us.

Was Muslim a pagan, plunderer , or denier?

No he was devout. One of the best, also our Imam, Hussein Ibn Ali's messenger

Such a great man?

Yes, I wonder too.

Kufans have asked Hussein Ibn Ali. To go and make kufah the home for believers.

Muslim, his cousin , was his vanguard and messenger.

What do you know about Hussein Ibn Ali?

Raheleh is his follower.

That's how I learned about him first.

I 've seen him once.

He was asking Nazarene (Chistian) prisoners of war not to cause

a disturbance for Christ's sake then he released them .

I still remember what he said . He said: We are here to take chains off,

not to chain people.

As a commander of conquerors of Iran was laughing in Jamal.

Hussein Ibn Ali shouted at him : "we have come to fight against oppression

not to be oppressors."

They talk about him so much.

Why aren't they like him?

A bloody flag. I wish the news wouldn't be true.

They passed the square.

Where's my sword? Where is it? Give me my sword.

You want it for that Nazarene?

You're against that , son?

We've been Muslims for three generations.

but not him.

His islam smells fresh to me.

but in your case , it's pagan's pride.

We've been muslims for 60 years.

You're too proud of your faith.

You're a muslim because of your father.

but he's found this treasure with his own efforts.

Well said.

He didn't deny christ.

Deny him?

Christ's deniers were the ones who got him killed.

Christ was chosen by God.

Those who believe in him can now hear God's voice,

in the Arab seyyed's words.

They're coming! let Arab noblemen scold me .

We can't hold a motherless girl's wedding in sorrow.

The guest is here.

Shouldn't we welcome him?

Zeid offers this sword to his son-in-law as a gift.

Abdullah presents this camel to his second father .

Accept these from your bride, Raheleh. They're worth 10 moroccan dinars.

And I have brought her a pair of earrings.

If anyone takes them to her with my love I will be grateful for ever.

Accept this fatherly affection and brotherly hands.

I'm his son and your servant .

He asked me for Raheleh's hand 37 times. My answer was the same every time, no.

But the last time he didn't leave after I said no.

Seems he couldn't rise.

Actually I saw a shining teardrop in the corner of Raheleh's eye.

So I realized there was no reason to argue.

the matter had long been out of our control.

I thought God had them love each other . Who was I to say no to his fate?

Abdullah, Ayyoob's son has sent these earrings.

He hopes you accept them.

May God bless him.

Raheleh accepts them.

I hope it's not true . Who can believe it?

Maybe it's natural death.

not murder.

It was murder.

not natural death.

Have some juice. Refresh yourselves. Olives and figs. These are fruits God has

sworn by.

When did the murder take place?

Its occurrence is doubted . The only proof is a bloody flag.

Maybe the messenger has not told the truth.

We have seen many talebearers these days.


The news is nonsense.

How can they first stand behind him for saying their prayers

and then carry his head round the town?

My sighted eyes and keen ears are my witnesses.

They kept sending messengers saying: "Come! O deliverer!"

In their messages they said Kufah is a victim of oppression.

He should go and execute the prophet's tradition.

If so , how could hosts hand in their guest to the enemy?

The news doesn't make sense.

Who is to help me?

Was this trip necessary?

They will crucify Christ in Nineveh tomorrow.

What did you say?

What would keep Kufans from treating Hussein Ibn Ali

the same way they treated Muslim?


Hussein Ibn Ali and his party have long been on the way to Kufah.

which desert? which house? which way has the guide taken them?

Christ will be crucified in the valley of fright.

What is this sarcastic remark?

No one gave you any remark.

Didn't one of you mention the crucifix?

Death is low-priced in Kufah.

Yes, they sell death very cheap in Kufah.

How should we give him the news?

He shall hear it when he approaches Kufah.

I hope he will return.

He doesn't have enough men for vengeance of Muslim's blood.

No, this trip wasn't necessary.

Kufah needn't a ruler. Who could be better than Hussein Ibn Ali?

Isn't he the most deserving?

I can smell sarcasm.

Sarcasm? may God forgive sinners.

deniers say Hussein Ibn Ali has made this trip for position.

not for justice.

Curse on them! may they grow fewer!

He had this position with God .

"Where is someone who help me?"

We're telling you what we heard.

Isn't Hussein Ibn Ali the most deserving for governorship? I say he is.

Why shouldn't he go to achieve this right?

How can the ignorant teach others?

And you Merhab, from Bani Ta'eb clan?

How can you pretend to be aware of things you don't know?

Hussein Ibn Ali must have gone for something important .

Isn't gov erning Kufah important?

Justice is even more important.

Forbidding the Umayyad from wrong.

Yes, some people think the trip was for this reason, some for the other.

only God knows.

not us.

We shall never know the answer to this question.

If they've murdered this vanguard, what can keep them from killing him?

It takes three days to get to Kufah. if you don't stop and have supplies.

what are you imaging?

Hussein Ibn Ali's death?

No Muslim would ever do such horrible thing.

Who is to help me?

Who was that?

Repeat what you just said.

Did one of you ask for help?

Someone said :" who is to help me?" was it one of you?

as you see it wasn't .

Maybe you heard someone outside.

Maybe you're mistaken because of this noise.

Who is to help me?

Is there something we don't hear?

He didn't give allegiance. Yet now he has a claim.

By God one of you asked for help.

We are incapable of understanding the purpose.

Who knows why except he himself?

Is it possible that we never find out?

The registrar is coming.

Where to Abdullah?

I'd never seen such gallop.

He hasn't removed the lock on his shop for two days.

There goes the Nazarene you've chosen.

He won't live . He shall pay for his boldness with his blood.

Which way leads to Kufah?

O star of Geminil reveal yourself.

Tell me where you are ,Capricorn.

If not , i shall lose my way.

yes, animal.

We've reached water.


Well, which way?

Stay where you are! take his sword.

Doesn't day or night matter to you bandits?

A camel thief is calling me a bandit! aren't you?

I'm traveling to Kufah.

I'm looking for water.

If you're telling the truth i am.

What's your proof?

What's your proof for calling me a camel thief?

Isn't this the month of Muharram that fighting and war is forbidden?

We inhabit the desert . We don't know about days or years.

what day or night is it?

today was the ninth. when the sun rises, it is the tenth day of Muharram

The night i could look in my bride's face.

The month there should be no bloodshed.


the animal is thirsty ! dry it!

Camel milk .

That's our staple.

Tell us, why have you left your bride?

I hope my legs break if i ever leave her.

Raheleh is a beautiful scent. if she passes through the desert

She'll leave the fragrance off Iranian flowers behind.

So you have lost your mind.

There's an answer i must seek.

I must know.

What could be so important?

What's this overnight rush for?

I'm looking for Hussein Ibn Ali

He has the answer to your question?

He knows.

So you're looking for the truth in the dark.

If I don't leave now, i may never see him.

I saw him 10 days ago.

We were herding camels somewhere near Rabat.

If you ride during the night, and take shelter in the shade of

palm trees during the day, you'll get there in seven nights.

he had camped with his party.

their destination was Kufah.

I offered him a bowl of camel milk.


he prayed for me and my camels.

Didn't he promise you a position after he finds his in Kufah?

He said his prayers with us .

I told him oppression was still dominant.

He smiled bitterly.

He bade me a strange farewell.

As if there would be no return.

the horse is ready.

show me the way to Kufah.

how can i show you a way that would vanish?

you see that star? move facing that star.


if you see Hussein Ibn Ali, tell him the camels have more milk now.

although he disturbed my sleep, we talked a bit and had a good time.

what do you know about the fragrance of Iranian flowers?

get up! damned! get up! you disloyal!

wake up ! death is here for you.

who are you?

Don't you know us?

you think you can disgrace the chastest Arab girl and run away? you can't escape from revenge.

Arab men won't let you.

this is your gratitude for Zeid's kindness to you?

he'd accepted you rootless Nazarene as a dear one!

we're returning.

you shall serve a good lesson for those who ridicule believer's dignity.

how could you imagine escaping revenge after defaming Raheleh.

what are you talking about?

defame? you've defamed Raheleh by leaving the marriage ceremony

don't you understand? the whole clan is wondering what's wrong with

Raheleh that made you escape.

the whole clan. among all Arabs.

you Nazarene defamed Muslims.

you deserve a sword blade.

get up and come with us.

i can't return.

i haven't come on my own will.

we have sworn to return with you or your head.

come with us, or fight.

i'd never hurt Raheleh's brothers.

of course! draw your sword and fight.

we've sworn you'll return or die in a fight for honor . fight!

attack! i'm forcing you to fight.

isn't it the month of Muharram when the bloodshed is forbidden?

for defamed people, bloodshed is more necessary than anything.

i'd never fight my dearest ones.

you're a coward.

add that quality to unmanliness.

i'm an orphan who's worked all life long . don't scare a miller of your courage.

this is not the first time i'm surrounded.

no, i've never been away from my sword.

don't provoke me to draw my sword against yours.

you are dearer to me than anyone in the world.

i swear by my life that if i draw my sword, none of you shall survive.

i'd rather stab my own heart than yours.

if i shall hurt you the least, i shall be ashamed.

let it not happen or i will have deprived myself of seeing Raheleh.

death would be easier than not seeing her.

so give us an answer that would ease our minds and make up.

for our disgrace among the Arabs . the Arabs tease us laughingly .

wasn't it you who proposed to Raheleh 37 times? you heard no each time and left.

yet you returned again.

by God it was me.

i would've returned if i'd heard no 1000 times.

if you had made walls around , i would've burrowed underneath it.

i'd come through windows if there had been no doors.

life has no value . take it.

as God is my witness , i love Raheleh more than my whole life.

Raheleh! tell me Abdullah.

what wrong have i done?

why did i deserve this harshness?

maybe it should be so when my mother is gone.

what fault did you find in me?

why did you leave me?

i swear by night and day that i have seen nothing but kindness from you.

i'd been deprived of it all my life.

let your pain be mine and may your life be long.

i'm not here on my own will.

i'm leaving because i've been called for.

talk to me Abdullah . where have you been called to?

i hear a voice from Kufah?

no one else can hear it.

Raheleh , it's all about my faith in Hussein Ibn Ali.

just as you told me.

In that gathering I heard them speak about another Hussain.

they said he was after this material world.

i didn't want to be late for seeing him.

i didn't want to regret being ignorant of the truth all my life.

did you hear that?

he's doubtful! let him speak.

in that gathering i heard a voice calling for help.

i looked carefully , i found myself the only one who heard.

the voice said:" who is to help me?"

what's this nonsense he's saying?

calm down.

it was the same voice that called me in my dream.

Asvad the blacksmith and also two others whom i didn't recognize.

by the time i got over my doubt.

Asvad was way ahead of me and had found Hussein Ibn Ali .

what you say is absolutely nonsense! it's no remedy for Raheleh's infamy!

that's enough Taher! my good or bad name doesn't matter now.

let him go where he must.

you have no water or even money to buy bread.

go Abdullah.

but not empty-handed.


take this lasso and shield.

it's bread with some coins.

if you've been called for , you must leave at once.

why are you keeping him?

learn the truth and return as a believer or denier.

Raheleh . sister, how can you return to our clan?

with pride!

now you must know where you are. by God these are fallen idols.

idols of paganism no one cares about.

a passer-by might throw a stone at them sometimes.

my fathers were temple custodians.

i'm making up for their sins.

during their days of glory, they were offered gold and silver.

but now it's turf and stone.

i worship a living God who is in the sky.

i wish i knew what Hussein Ibn Ali has told about them.

how can i throw stones at dead idols while living ones are still present on earth?

what are you waiting for, my horse? did't you hear him ?

if you're looking for the way to Kufah , take the byroad.

silence! what test is this? why have you brought these

miserable ones my way? if i help them , i can't reach you.

if i ignore them, i am wicked! go on , my horse!

pick up the loot . i'll be right back.

whatever you find is yours.

where to?

don't leave me alone with them.

Stop! tell us if you know where in the desert we are.

where are we? where can we find Hussein Ibn Ali and his men?

you're a friend? of course.

we've been called for war against Hussein Ibn Ali. War?

they've been arranging the army for 4 days.

other armies are on their way.

a big storm is certainly awaiting us . we were lost in the wind.

we're late.

tell us quickly if you know . we might not get any share of the loot.

i don't know the right way.

he's lying.

which army are you from?

friend or foe? you're deceiving us?

i'm a wonderer in this desert.

i have no time to stay.


there's something suspicious about him.

which clan are you from?

Bani Kalb. you're a Nazarene.

i believe in Mohammad and christ's God.

what are you looking for?

i heared christ would be crucified in Nineveh today.

what are you saying?

that's impossible! that was said long ago.


seven centuries ago.

christ wasn't killed by christians.

how can Muslims kill their own Imam?

shoot him! No, I want him alive!

dig a hole and burry him up to his head.

he'll burn alive.

what's the matter with you?

stop this tumult.

Bani Kha'ef think he is right.

why should they back a Nazarene?

what kind of Muslims are we? a Nazarene warns us not to fight Ali's son.

beware of our blades when they are naked.

Bani Kha'ef has been defeated by Bani Jobayreh many times.

beware. may Bani Kha'ef never have fear.

we were the ones who made your days dark when we moved.

we passed you like thundering.

storms and nothing remained except cries of children and widowed women.

Who has some thing in reply to Bani Kha'ef?

What can we say about our dignity?we are dignity itself

What stage of honor have we not reached yet?

Have you ever heard of Bani Jobayreh's defeat?

By God they were not defeated until they trampled the truth

It is an honor for Bani Kha'ef to be afraid of only one,...

...and that is God.

They're bringing the Nazarane!

They're bringing the damned man.

His attack on your words was sharper than a sword.

Sharper than a sword would be the truth.

Answer him and prove he's not right.

This is my answer.

A sword against a sword.

Who do I owe my life to?

Which one of us has given life to the other?

Which one of us would God favor more?

Don't stay here. Go

By God you're taking taking me the way you wish.

What does this mean?

A test?

For me?

Curse on anyone who would step closer to you.

We aren't there any drier deserts?

A more futile wasteland?

Raheleh,I don't even have a dagger to protect my self.

Couldn't I have peace by your side like your guests?

You think that mirage could deceive me?By God I will no longer pay attention.

I walked toward you so much.

You should take a step as well, if you really have called for me.

Rahele, The name of the one you're asking for.

Asvad, The blacksmith that makes blades.

Look carefully.

This is love.

It means burning.

These are Imam Hussein's words, spoken by Asvad.

And love is the means to move, not the destination.

Depends what love does to you.

I told him not to go toward Kufah.

Kufans are disloyal.

I told him to avoid Kufah.

They split your father's head... ...and poisoned your brother who was your other half

Where are those who called you to be their leader?

Has Hussein Ibn Ali arrived in Kufah?

Where are you coming from that you know nothing?

He never reached Kufah.

They had blocked his way.

How many days I have to reach him?

He's very close to you now. He's arrived on a land called Karbala.

Many armies have been arriving for three days.

Seems there would be no end to it.

Look at us and remember those who returned halfway.

Death was for sure.

For sure.

War was useless.He didn't give allegiance.

Surrounded in a land called Karbala. He's very close to you.

Very close.

Very close.

Water was blocked.

For God's sake tell me whats happened.


Mourn in regret!

He might hear your cries.

He was shouting only yesterday.I can still hear it.

Did he ask for help?

Who is to help me?

We accepted.

We did accept.

He said:"you have wives and children you may have not bade farewell.

Or maybe parents.

You may have belongings you have not left in anyone's care.

Or maybe some debts you have not repaid.

Don't let me keep you from returning.

This is my duty.

Not yours.

Unless those free of this world.

Those who wish may leave.

I release you from your allegiance."

He closed his eyes, pulled up his cloak, and covered his face.

Shame is killing me.

I'd rather die.

We were so disloyal.

Just few remained.

There were only 62 excluding his family.

Why did I return?


They asked him if he was a pagan?

Pagans asked.

They told him the war was not fair.

It would be in vain.

They told him to swear allegiance and leave.

Save your life and go on living.

He didn't give allegiance.

We can't return.

So it's called Karbala.

Which way leads to Karbala?

Could you give me some water?

How much should I pay?

I'm thirsty.

Don't you have hearts?

We haven't blocked the well, young man.

You must take the water yourself, like others.

Raheleh, give him some water.

Which way leads to Karbala?

Why are you mourning?

You'd been a Nazaraneh before.

Rest assured.

But don't stay long.

There's not much left before noon.

Which dear one's death are you crying for?

We're not crying for any death.

But you're mourning.

It's an old prophecy.

They say two suns would run in the sky on such a day.

We're trying to prevent any disaster.

Two suns at the same time?

After so many centuries?

It's a tale.

You'll understand at noon.

I won't see it.

I have to go.

Why are you looking for Hussein Ibn Ali?

You know.

What question is that?

Who's told you I have a question to ask Hussein Ibn Ali?

Price the horse before you leave.

This is the best horse I've ever seen.

Yes, He'd asked us for the best.


Seven days ago, Hussein Ibn Ali was standing where you are standing now.

This is the stone on which he stepped.

This is where Zeinab said her prayers.

This is the pole they tied Zuljenah to.

This is the bucket in which Abbas washed both hands.

Didn't he say anything about this trip?

I heard him shout out.

Did he say something?

All commanders' heads were on the ground under his feet.

Self-centred men are ruling.

They interpret God's book to their own benefit.

They treat the poor with oppression.

They behead those who have faith in God.

They block people's way to water.

This is not what we used to say!

They arrange armies of greed.

They build walls of pride and selfishness.

There's no end to their collecting wealth.

So he was here.

When it was time for farewell,...

He told us a young man would look for him seven days later.

He told us to extinguish your thirst and give you a horse.

He said these things?

He shall be our guest.

I shall welcome him from a high position.

So he knows.

It's almost noon.

I see no other sun.

How much should I pay for the horse?

It's been paid for.

I see you have swords.

Sell me one. We have them out of tradition.

We die with it.

It's a disgrace to sell.

If you were to have a sword,Hussein Ibn Ali would've told us.

O the one who have called me!

Now show me the way.

Go back!

Is Hussein Ibn Ali there?

Say something.

Am I going to the right way?

Is this the gathering?

The commander of thirsty is there.

If you see anyone from Bani Mos'ab clan, tell them I escaped...

...not to block their way to water.

Kufans shoot those who turned.

How could you go to Karbala and not fight?

Not anyone should escape alive!

They said he was after governs-hip.

How could one fight for power with less than 100 troops?

He had a large flag in his hand and shouted: "Don't give in to oppression."

This is the shield that was torn on his body. How I choose comfort when others in pain?

Are you from the army of the thirsty , or a runaway?

He's not in any army.

Leave him alone.

You're late.

You shall have no share of this loot.

If I were to be late, why was I called to Karbala?

Go back young man.

And take our news.

He's reached the highest position... ...any human ever could

All of my proof for being a Muslim... Hussein Ibn Ali.

Where did you go?

What did you see?

Tell us Abdullah.

How did you find the truth?

I found the truth chained.

I found the truth torn apart on the ground.

I saw the truth on the tips of spears.

I found the truth...