The Disney Family Singalong Volume 2 (2020) - full transcript

Ryan Seacrest hosts the second Disney Family Singalong featuring celebrities and their families as they take on their favorite Disney tunes from their homes. Special guests include John Legend, Christina Aguilera, Shakira, and Katy Perry. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Where is that thing,
Disney's Family Singalong?

[computer ringing]

Oh. Ah.

Hey, there, Seth.

Hey, Kermit. What you doing, man?

Oh, well, you know, I was
about to watch the, uh,

the Disney Singalong show and sing along.

-[Seth] Cool.
-What are you doing?

Nothing, to be honest.

Yeah, and I'm kind of getting
a little... lonely.

-Oh, yeah, yeah. I know.

I think we're all feeling
that way these days.

Yeah. I mean, I just
can't stop thinking about

how much, like, fun it would be
if we could all, you know,

just, like, be together again, hang out.

Hmm. Well, don't worry, Seth.

Sometimes, wishes do come true.

It's time to play the music


It's time to light the lights


It's time to sing along with
Disney Singalong tonight

It's time to put on makeup

It's time to dress up right

It's time to raise the curtain
On the Singalong tonight

Why did we have to call here?

Now we're all on video

How do we skip this intro

And get on with the show?

Sing along! Sing along!

But now let's get this started

Why can't we get this started?

It's time to get this started

On a most sensational, inspirational

Celebrational, sing-elational

Disney's Family Singalong song show

How was that, Seth?



And here we go.

Happy Mother's Day, and welcome
to the Disney Family Singalong.

Ryan Seacrest here.

We're so happy to be back
in your living rooms

for our second installment.

After so many Disney magic
moments were created

with the last Singalong,
we just knew we had to do it again.

And this time, we do it
paying special tribute

to all the moms out there.

So grab the family
and get ready to enjoy the fun

as tonight we celebrate
some more beloved Disney classics.

Again we've assembled
an A-list lineup of artists

and gave them the same task
as last time--

to create something incredibly meaningful
around their favorite Disney songs

for all of us to sing along to.

And as you're about to see,
they've delivered

some pretty extraordinary
homemade entertainment.

And because it's been a while
and your pipes are probably a tad rusty,

we're going to kick things off
with a little vocal warm-up--

this time with the star
who played Sebastian

in The Little Mermaid on Broadway.

It's Tituss Burgess. Tituss!

Oh-- Oh, thanks, Ryan! [clears throat]

And it is my honor to get everyone ready
for the vocal gymnastics

that you will no doubt be doing tonight.

First, let's start
with a slow tongue twister.

Repeat after me.

Mickey minces meat while Minnie
makes magic magnificently.

Ah! Not bad! Not bad!

Those of you that did it.

Just one last vocal exercise.

Give me your best bibbidi!

Give me your best bobbidi!

Repeat after me.

Salagadoola mechicka boola,

Put them together, and what do you got?

Oh! Oh, dear.

That was wonderfully,
fantastically almost right.

Remember to sing your hearts out.

And if you're nervous
about upsetting the neighbors,

just do what I do.

Turn the music up so you can't hear them.

Back to you, Ryan!


[laughs] Thanks, Tituss.

That is the way you do it.

I think we're ready
to get the singalong started,

and to kick things off, we have
one of my favorite Disney songs,

one with a message of positivity
that we could all use about now.

It's "Hakuna Matata,"
which means "No Worries,"

brought to life
by The Lion King's Seth Rogen,

Billy Eichner, and Donald Glover,

plus young Simba from the Broadway cast,
Walter Russell III.

So pick your part wisely, kids.

Are you a warthog, a lion, or a meerkat?

It's a tough decision, but have some fun,

and try and sing louder than Dad.


Brilliant. That was so much fun.

Thank you, guys.

Now, I know there's a lot of
princess fans out there,

but the Disney villains
are just as much fun.

Like many of you, Rebel Wilson
loves Ursula from The Little Mermaid,

and tonight she's prepared
a special singalong of the iconic

"Poor Unfortunate Souls"
from her native Australia.

So, with this tune, you have
my permission to get real over-the-top--

like snarl, growl, get super evil.

But only for the next
two and a half minutes

because I don't want Mom mad at me.

["Poor Unfortunate Souls" playing]

Chilling, but I liked it.

Hey, what happens when
John Legend and Jennifer Hudson

join forces to sing
"Beauty and the Beast"?

We'll find out in a bit.

Plus, Halsey, Christina Aguilera,

Idina Menzel, and Ben Platt,

they're all still to come.

But right now, it's the stars
from Disney on Broadway

coming together to perform
a special Mother's Day tribute

with the love song between
mother and son from Tarzan.

It's the Oscar-winning
"You'll Be In My Heart."

["You'll Be In My Heart" playing]

Forever more, yeah

What do they know?

Yes, you'll be in my heart

Now and forever more

You'll be here in my heart

I'll be with you

I'll be there

I'll be there

Thank you to the stars
from Disney on Broadway.

Absolutely incredible.

Now, of course, music might be
food for our souls,

but many Americans have been hit

with unprecedented challenges
during these hard times,

so tonight, we'd love to share with you
the amazing work Feeding America is doing.

-Hi, America.
-Hi, America.

-Hey, America.
-During this crisis...

-Over 37 million people...
-Don't have access...

To nutritious food.

That's one in 12 seniors.

And one in seven children.

-But the good news is...
-We all can help...

With Feeding America.

Their network of 200 food banks
are up and running...

Distributing food to people
and communities they serve...

Across the country.

To locate a food bank in your community.


Let's feed the love.

Hello, all of you lovely
families around the world.

'Tis moi, Miss Piggy,

the star of Disney's Family Singalong.

Live with it, Seacrest.

I want to take a moment
to thank all of the heroes

who have worked so hard
to keep us healthy and safe.

You deserve a great big
socially distant kiss from moi.

Here it goes.



And remember, if I can go this many days

without a stylist
and still look this fabulous,

then together, we can do anything.

Ah, the always-humble Miss Piggy.

Seven talented performers
from Dancing With the Stars

are on tap for our next singalong,

and they'll be led in song
by triple-threat

actress-singer-dancer Keke Palmer.

This one is guaranteed
to get you off your sofa.

So, from 1997's Hercules,

it's time we go from "Zero to Hero."

["Zero to Hero" playing]

Zero, zero

He is a hero



No one braver

Our favorite flavor

Hey, hey

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Zero, zero

He's a hero

Okay, Mom, how'd I do?

That was great, but let's run through it

one more time before you do it for real.


Next on deck, we have one
of the most popular, strong-willed

Disney princesses
ever to grace the screen.

It is Elsa herself from Frozen,

Tony Award winner Idina Menzel.

Idina, it's so great to see you.
How are you?

I'm great. Hi, Ryan.

Thanks for having me on.
Happy Mother's Day, everyone.

Yes, and thank you for being
on the singalong.

You have something very passionate
that you are about to do.

You're very excited about this.
Tell us what you're gonna do on the show.

Okay, I am going to do a duet
of "A Whole New World."

It's a song I've been singing
my whole life.

I actually used to sing at
weddings and bar mitzvahs

when I was younger.

And I used to sing this song all the time.

Tonight, I am going to sing it
with somebody very special.

It's Tony Award winner Ben Platt
from Dear Evan Hansen

-and The Politician.
-[Ryan Seacrest] Wow.

He's also a really good friend of mine
and a lovely, lovely human being.

Well, we're so grateful
to have you with us.

Thank you so much. Very exciting.

So, families at home,
sing it loud, sing it proud

as we travel to "A Whole New World."

-[Aladdin] Do you trust me?

["A Whole New World" playing]

With you, with you, with you,
with you

With you

[Jasmine] It's all so magical.

[Aladdin] Yeah.


All right, from one childhood
favorite to another,

our next singalong is
from a movie about a headstrong mermaid

who dreams of exploring
the world above water.

Now, for this one, you'll be
singing along with

multiplatinum artist Halsey,

who just happens to be
a massive Little Mermaid fan.

["Part of Your World" playing]

Now, that is dedication, Halsey.

Thank you so much.

All right, so, now, it's time we hear
from a very good friend of mine,

someone who has truly committed
to this singalong challenge

in a way only she can.

Here to perform
the Oscar-nominated "Baby Mine"

from the classic 1941 film Dumbo,

it's Katy Perry, accompanied by someone

who requires equal billing--

her poodle, Nugget.

["Baby Mine" playing]

Mom! Dad! How you doing?!

Fine, fine. We're watching Derek Hough.

Is there anything he can't do?

Yeah, no-- no, Derek--
Derek is great.

So, listen, I'm doing this
Disney Singalong thing,

and I wanted to dedicate it
to you, Mom, for Mother's Day.

You just did a Disney Singalong thing.

Yeah, I know, Mom.
There's-- there's another one.

That Derek Hough,
he can do all the singalongs.

Hey, I wonder who he's
dedicating his performance to.

I-I really have no idea.
Probably his mom?

She's such a lucky lady.

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna--

I'm gonna go sing now, guys.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

-Love you.

Love you.


["When I Am Older" playing]




-What was that?



[all screaming]

[crickets chirp, owl hoots]


Oh, I think he did his mom proud there.

Now, our next talented Tony-winning artist

is the princess in
The Princess and the Frog.

Tonight, she's recreated a song
she made famous in her movie,

but I'll let some of her
biggest fans explain.

It's her godchildren.

My titi Anika Noni Rose is Princess Tiana.

And she's going to sing "Almost There"...

From Princess and the Frog.

Chloe and Halle are gonna join in.

You should, too.

We love you, Titi.


Well, I want for you, sweetheart,

to meet your Prince Charming and dance off

into your happily ever after.

Those three sound so good together.

What a treat.

Now, you can't do a Disney Singalong
without this next ballad,

a duet which ranks
among Disney's very best.

And for it, we've enlisted
two Oscar-winning powerhouses,

John Legend and Jennifer Hudson.

It does not get better than this.

So, here they are,
a musical dream team

made complete by you at home,
of course,

with "Beauty and the Beast."

["Beauty & the Beast" playing]


Oh, oh, oh, oh

Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

Mmm-mmm mmm-mmm

Now, that is how it's done.


So, what happens when you
combine an optimistic rabbit,

a conniving fox, a buffalo,
a sheep, and a sloth?

You end up with the 2016
Oscar-nominated Zootopia.

Shakira sang its theme song,
and she's here tonight

to recreate the magic,
so you at home

try everything you can
to keep up with the lyrics

and have some fun.

Hey, cast a few of your
favorite stuffed animals

as your background chorus

and sing like you've never sung before.


-Oh, it's you.

You're gonna get me in trouble, Dante.

Someone could hear me.

I wish someone wanted to hear me.

Other than you.

Ew! [laughs]

Que nuestra canción no deje de latir

Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir

Que nuestra canción no deje de latir

Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir




Que nuestra canción no deje de latir

Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir

Que nuestra canción no deje de latir

Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir

Welcome back.

Derek and Julianne Hough,
plus Derek's girlfriend

and fellow Dancing With the Stars alum
Hayley Erbert

blew all our minds last time

with their wildly inventive rendition
of "Be Our Guest."

And I'm very happy to report they're back.

Will they outdo themselves?

I'll let you be the judge
and background vocalists.

Here they are with not one,
but two crowd-pleasing classics

from Mary Poppins.

[music playing]

Step, step, step, step, step

Step, step, step, step, step, step

Step, step, step, step, step, step



Oui, oui.

Hey, Jules!

What do you say we
finish this all together?

Heck, yeah, D-Man.


[music playing]

[birds chirping]

Well, to close out this evening,

we have the perfect final singalong
for Mother's Day.

It represents the unique,
unconditional love

we share with all our own moms,

particularly at this time
when we need them most.

Performed by Sabrina Carpenter
and virtuoso pianist Lang Lang,

it's "Your Mother and Mine"
from Peter Pan.

We dedicate this to every mom
across the nation,

especially those serving
on the front lines.

We thank you and we honor you
for all that you do.

Happy Mother's Day,
and good night.

[intro plays]

Well, a mother, a real mother,

is the most wonderful person in the world.

She's the angel voice...

that bids you good night,

kisses your cheek,

whispers, "Sleep tight."

Your mother and mine

Your mother and mine

The helping hand
that guides you along

Whether you're right,
Whether you're wrong

Your mother and mine

Your mother

And mine

What makes mothers all that they are?

Might as well ask

"What makes a star?"

[playing music]

[playing music]

[music continues]

[music playing]

Ask your heart to tell you her worth

Your heart will say,
"Heaven on Earth"

Another word for "divine"

Your mother

And mine

Hey, yeah