The Devil's Party (1938) - full transcript

Four boys and a girl form a gang in the Hell's Kitchen section of New York City, and in the course of committing a crime they start a fire, leading to one of them being caught and sent to the reformatory. Years later, the five of them make a practice of meeting once a year. Marty, the one who had been caught, now runs a night club and gambling house, while Helen is a singer who performs there. Jerry is now a priest, while the two O'Mara brothers have become policemen. On the night of their reunion, the O'Mara brothers are called to investigate the death of one of Marty's customers. Marty knows that two of his enforcers are responsible, so he sends them back to cover up the evidence. But one of the O'Mara brothers confronts them, with violent results that will set the former friends against one another.


looks kind of suspicious to me

somebody's muscling in on our territory

beautiful kids have no game come on we

can take him

okay come on


there's no Big C you sure got your nerve

McCoy so it's you again how many times

do we have to tell you you can't come

down here well I'm here and I'm in the

game too it says so right there

come on am-scray

Mick I'm staying right here that's what

you think

come on babe all right all right I'm

going and remember this place is for men


let's bring the meeting to order

James she must think this is the Ladies

Aid Society ah quit your beefing she's

gone and she let's get down to business

yeah we got work to do all right now

here's the setup I've got one of the

fruit warehouses over on tenth Avenue

walk cased up the sense to take you see

the fresh fruit is fine for growing kids

he's shit fine for me I'll buy two men

are you with me

okay we're on our way

nice bunch of morons Nava Connors you

got up there yeah what's that got to do

with you

oh nothing

what are you doing Marty so it's you


beat it Nix is all about your scheming

if you don't that you join the gang

aisle will no I'm in the game okay you

asked for it you're in wait here

what did you do Marty I let that stuff

and tossed it in there well and they all

went in here to see what the trouble is

that'll leave us a clear field for the

fruit wagon let your lavender set fire

to the place you're crazy as a cement

floor come on

he's riding a bike

what happened some kid set fire to the

warehouse let's go out and find touches

there's some um now and there's two more

I quit sports too late hey come back


stop I say

come back here you're coming right

all right hold it up kid put that right

away come down out of there come on up

get me

wait a minute I'll come down

I want to do that part just to see the

engines roll a fire boghei who are those

other kids what kid now don't give me

that I saw them running away yeah

kreygasm own little Wyatt guy trying to

cover up your pals come on along with me

nutella's alone come now Marty the

officers saw three other boys well I did

besides even if there were do you think

I'd squeal son you're pretty young to be

following the code of the underworld why

don't you be sensible tell me who your

friends were I'm a lone wolf you know I

may not look it now but I was a boy once

very much like you and I got into my

share of scrapes too but this is worse

than a scrape you started a fire damaged

other people's property you might have

caused injury or death to any number of

people I didn't mean to do that what did

you need to do raid the food trucks with

your pals how many times do I have to

tell you I didn't have any pal now I

want to be as lenient with you as I can

Marty but you must realize that if you

take this attitude there's nothing for

me to do but to send you to the

reformatory I guess I can take it and I

guess there's nothing else to do officer

come on son

Gerry Donna will sit over the on my

right and Joe Mar will sit on his right

yes mr. Malone and Miss McCoy

well she'll sit on my left of course and

my Kamara well he can sit next to a -

yes I want everything the best because

these are my real pals we grew up

together get together like this every

year we call this our annual round up

this is the first time we've been

together since I took over the club so

that's why I want everything perfect

I'll do my mess to make it sell sir I

beg your pardon mr. Malone miss McCoy is

ready to go on downstairs take care of

everything doesn't I'm expecting some

paper to be sure until the doorman to

show them up through the private effort

yes ladies and gentlemen the cigarette

Club has the honor of presenting miss

Helen McCoy

becoming my way things I never expected

things are coming my way

I'm no longer neglected when you came

into my life

here's when Biden hi now I'm riding I

feel like solving hooray and things are

coming my way holding ball coming my way

I never expected things are coming my

way and I'm no longer neglected who came



well what is it well I finally managed

to get that party on the lion good I'll

talk to do you know who's calling

not yet summer mr. Brue said alone

speaking yes Malone what is it

you know what it is I have a chick

before me for thirteen hundred and

seventy five dollars you stopped payment

on it so what for he'll write me another

check that won't doubt sorry I can't do

anything for you I had too much of that

bad liquor of yours and didn't know what

I was doing although I know you didn't

rig that we love yours oh I don't have

to rig my wheel percentage takes care of

me you know better than that

you won't get another dime so you might

as well go ahead and Sue you know you

can sue for a gambling debt

besides that doesn't happen to be the

way I operate you must know I have other

ways of collecting you take this


I'm just not paying up well just think

it over

diamond there yes then diamond to me yes

something on your mind money I got a

jumper your prank is there anything I

can do yeah keep quiet

James Brewster doesn't believe in plane

for keeps

okay we'll try and reason with a little

fresh sold him down a bit if you have to

push him around do it gently just you

know what teach him how to write a good

check we'll treat him like a brother

where's he living cycle house Tara's a

he's saying him there we are

Oh what are we gonna do we just give my

word Silverlight a fine thing you walked

out on my number

I need Jude he could turn me away what

are you here from the gang now what

coming I think so look there's some of

that we've gotta settle right now and I

think it's time to talk about you and me

Helen for the 47th time I told you how I


are you sure sure about what the number

you know it seems to me it's a 48 there

were two times last week well for the

49th will you stop you're kidding I'm

not I'm not sure honestly I'm not you

wouldn't want me to say no and I'm still

on the fence

would you still my chimera huh Marty

stick to your problem if it isn't gonna

be me well it's got to be my chimera now

Marty because I'll never give up till

I'm counted off pardon me

the master of ceremonies is paging you

again miss McCoy I'm coming you better

double-check with the O'Mara's I'll see

you later


I want to get out of these working

clothes the blue serge yeah the West

30th precinct police station the

Emergency Squad sergeant and his

emergency squads Bayhead you've got it

O'Mara which one hey Mike are you what's

the idea jumping the gun you're still on


quiet hello hello Marty you old

so-and-so sure will be on time if we

don't get a call before the next squad

report he could figures cried so long

thank you sad get outta here brother one

more with it on the last pass now five

minutes to go

allow your tutor when we get a call I'll

stop the end of pessimist

what's that look that up I'll play these

I would still hmm why don't you guys

shut up two blue ones Oh a four up eight

what does it mean when they're all one

color oh why don't you cut it out

wait a minute hey wait a minute I had a

fly up front you have a Royal Flush

uh where are we going to the circle hog

yeah the electric sign on the rope broke

luffy killed a man

all right break it up break it up agency

that sign up there I will fall any


all right boys get out up there Roger Oh

gangway men back

what happened the guy forgot that duck

that sign hit him right on the noggin II

never know what hit him

what's his name Jim Brewster Thanks all

right boys clear this stuff out of here


take that table inside the camera you

don't drop anything over all my fur

gotta be strolling around on the terrace

Oh says he was strong that guy was

sitting there having a drink was blowing

it happened yeah well the wind blown the

rain all over when you get through being

a detective mr. O'Mara would you

terribly mind taking a line up to the

roof and tying off the rest of that side

of the chimney anything for you teacher

tom Larry take him by the hand and help

him out all right boys let's get this

sign in here

say Larry whip another on over that

center there and will pile up here

hey what's this

suspensions been cut hey Tom

what hey why bother if you don't know

I'm not gonna tell you all right finish

up I'll see you later

okay boys that'll hold it till the

repairmen arrive let's go hey Sarge

what is it now Sherlock Holmes it's not

a rooster he was murdered

why don't you stop playing detective

you're keeping me up but Sarge idea why

don't you lead to detect them to the

precinct dicks

there's satisfied

cigarettes Levin don't spare the horses

wait a minute we got a little snooping

to do first you can do your snooping but

I'm going to Marty's party so am i

afterward don't you realize this is a

chance for us to get in the detective

bureau what's the matter what the

emergency squad

haven't you got any ambition sure we're

not to play cops and robbers hey driver

not be at the cigarette Club your

mystery of keep for an hour or so will

you go back with me after the party it's

a deal

come on come on okay

yo how about it's always nothing alone

he's expecting you this way gentlemen

but go can you imagine that convoy

turned out to be super gorgeous figure

now am i right or am i right

you're all right come on like you're in

a hurry hey do you mind waiting for the

Christmas tree

oh my fine feathered friend please sir

may I have your coat I'm sure I'll get

the same way back yes sir

are your gang or higher money or my cat

Marty are you joke being better see you

hey sigh no formalities tonight this is

just a meeting of the gang me tomorrow I

enjoy a guy I am I I decide I'm good


well if it isn't the McCoy the real

McCoy hello my boy and oh well how you

Marty well how long it'll take lead us

to it

I would evade you'd be late we got a

call at 11:59 and we had a roll rock

look oh maybe not so rotten

you see I I wait a minute wait a minute

can the business this is a party where's


he'll be here he promised that's I

believe you y'all here hey

uh-huh hello Jerry

hello Marty mines good to see you Oh

everybody hi it sit right down here

thanks Justin

fine thing we've been waiting for hours

well now maybe I believe that if I

hadn't seen you two just barely beating

me to the elevator Loui cocktail now

we're getting somewhere

champagne for the unregenerate and

Shelly for bother Donovan yeah well the

annual roundup is now in session

okay Oh

and thus endeth another chapter shall we

adjourn not at least until we've had a

little nice well I don't want to break

up your party but I've got to be getting

home we've got to be getting along -

money a little business to attend to

oh no you're not not until you have a

spot of good old Irish well just one

attaboy when I join Joe God Jerry Mike

we have many happy returns of the day

surely well and remember my turn next

year oh and this is mine this year okay

oh okay

100 with you Jerry help itself to

everything I'll be right back

oh thanks hey what are you gonna have

darling on Vicky I think I'll have a

champagne cocktail I want to what is it

Marty look Terry it's about that West

Side boys Club of yours

oh not mine it belongs to the boys I'm

sure I know you see I've had a pretty

good year and I thought maybe you're I

mean the boys club could use a gymnasium

hmm $5,000 business must be good I'm

afraid I can't accept it money oh don't

say that

it's honest money if I don't get it

somebody else will it isn't bad it's

just well it's like this morning the

Manor gives those kids at gym it's gonna

be pretty much for here oh I see you

want to be no party in making one out of

a jailbird oh you're on about that part

of it money

Sencha would come poorly from me the

well might have been in your shoes you

saved us all now wait a minute I deserve

what I got but the rest of you didn't I

didn't mean that way I mean you taught

us a lesson that what started out to be

just kids missed you might have led to

something else oh then why don't you

accept my money is because I'm a gamblin

all right my name doesn't have to appear

can't you give it as if from a friend I

know you don't approve of my record but

don't turn down something that'll keep

the kids off the streets can't you take

it for them

you always were a good salesman Molly

but I'm afraid I can't do it hmm

just think of it punching bags boxing

gloves hot and cold showers and lockers

wipe the kids of Hell's Kitchen had

those things very pure them had ever see

the inside of a reformatory I guess you

are speaking from the heart money no I'm

not speaking from the head I have enough

competition in my business off it right

then just a narrow down you'll feel the

competitors I'll take you up now you're


you are generous Marty let's just say

it's a kind of an insurance in case what

you know I'm wrong about what goes on up

there all right

maybe someday we might be able to call

it the Martin Malone gym I hope so

maybe well thanks for everything Jerri

and I'll be seeing you now don't let's

wait a whole year this time stop in like

the others do sure I will

good night Marty good night Jerry oh

come on Mike bottoms up we gotta get


what do you mean going without asking me

for dance either of you

all right I'm first oh but Mike you said

Panther slooping wait 10 more minutes

Joey still added up when you're gonna

join the detective bureau Joe maybe

sooner than you think I'll bet he's got

a clue or something I think you're


let me tell you why is the guy's

something a man was murdered a night up

in a small apartment on Columbus Circle

murdered that's Joe's theory the

detectives reported it an accident

the guys that murdered this fella

Brewster wanted it to look like an

accident wait a minute did you say his

name was boosted yeah James Brewster

what's the matter Marty you know him

well he was a very good customer of mine

what makes you think he was murdered a

big electric sign fell on him only I

didn't just fall it was pushed after one

of the supporting stanchions have been

cut clean with a chisel and why would

anybody wanna bump of a nice guy like

Brewster that's what we want to know

that's why we're going up there tonight

to check up if we can break this case

they can't keep us out of the bureau

well he sure got that old ambition so

you're going to stand me up for a murder

mystery not until I have that task

just a few more minutes one day okay

just one dance now you're talking

you're not going downstairs I'll be on

you in a minute come on Helen hi listen

get darman over here right away and let

me know when he arrives yes it and call

downstairs until the August Oh keep

playing until I tell him to stop now

hurry yes

you know if I could afford it I'd do

this every night if I had the same

partner Mike you haven't changed a bit

in 20 years no I'm on the level

which explains I suppose why I see you

so often what's every six weeks well you

work nights I work nights what are you

trying to get it I'm just a cop and I'm

still the McCoy Dame had always gotten

the gangs hair well if you feel that way

about it we might as well get right down

to it no Helen I was gonna ask you I'm


this is the longest dance I ever set off

in my life

yeah it's get on my nerves to forgive me

it's a guy joke yeah that emblems in

your office no sir

oh here's a excuse me minute joke in a

hurry back will you we're leaving right

after dance I won't be long

where have you been

celebrating I don't get in the leather

Marty Ramona's a little out of my line

my friend I did I fed it was an accident

sure boss we covered up I told you if

you had to push him around to do it

gently and then you're gonna kill him

well maybe we were little rough but I

didn't know he had a bad ticket I'm

sorry it turned out this way you're

sorry that's right cause now you'll

never collect that money I'll skip that

what happened well when he didn't get up

I was a little worried I figured he

might have talked about stopping that

check and the Bulls might get curious

you see was bruised up a little I told

you not to bend that sap over his head

quiet Gorn I figured we had to make it

look like an accident

the wind was blowing a bit that sign was

creaking after all it could blow down

he'll make it look good we put Brewster

onto the sign slip the drink in his hand

and push the sign over on it personally

I thought it was a pretty good game yeah

me too yeah it was marvelous

you would think out a way to involve the

Emergency Squad wouldn't yourself huh so

to my very best pals are on it and

they're suspicious of the whole setup

and they're hitting pretty close to it

they won't find out anything

I didn't leave my calling card no but

you did leave us tension clean-cut

so then any dummy mind it wasn't

accident what did you say that's what

the mayor is saying I thought I told you

to spread those strands Allegro I

thought it'd be easier just to whack it

off with a chisel

remind me let it'll ring your neck I'll

save that arch is Alea way out of this

Jam all right your mouths are your pals

I'll get to them put the fix in the

Amaris can't be fixed so what

alright then Sam and I'll get right back

over there and really cover up this time

and you sure hit this time right

in the meantime you get busy installers

O'Mara's that's great you come up the

works and now you've got the go to ask

me to fix things you better money we're

all in this jam together by the way

where's that Bruce's check all that I

burned it

have you hadn't told him stupid oh thank

you hi morning not leaving without a

dense eye you go that's not a dance in

there that's a marathon sure well now

look Marty it's been swell I don't want

to be a crap but well this is important

to me you understand don't you

sure I do I'll get you a cab not hard

too late

oh sorry get a cab mr. Mehra and skip

the dry rock top - hurry - hold on a

body bank don't we always good night

don't go

get me a cab come on hurry up

say where did you learn to drive a hack

Correspondence School wise guy huh

maybe so but a copper anyway yeah

stepper get gone or I'll Drive this hack

myself yes sir

come on I told you to step on it this is

fast these old hacks won't go

Silas Malone I cannot walk the rest of

the way


that's got it

I guess we're all right now that I'll

hold him that's what you think

all right bubala

all right boys it's all over now go

ahead move along hey what's the matter

what terrible thing just happened here

one of our boys has been killed

don't want the rules they're so worth it

well it was a lad named Joe America the

Emergency Squad all right one I asked

you to move along move along you please

move along get along with you I know

it's funny about Marty he's been going

about a half an hour oh he's probably

having a drink with Joe let's go round

him up

oh honey where you been

I just been up the street where's Joe

Joe yeah wasn't he with you oh yes yes

he left a while ago he told me to tell

you he'd call you later

oh excuse me I'm gonna get home some dry

clothes oh look Marty we're gonna leave

anyway I'll see you tomorrow

so long Mike thanks a lot good night

Marty good night I'll get the rest

there's a coffee mr. O'Mara

oopy yeah you can take it back here Oh

probably Joe checking in with a large

beef hello will you switch that call

mister peres to this phone please thank

you thank you

hello Mike yeah listen kid I got bad

news for you it's about Joe he fell off

the cycle house roof to heap you sure

yes I'll be right over

Mike what is it Joe he's dead what

happened they say fell off the circle

house rule I let him go alone his hunch

was right Brewster was murdered and so

was Joe

Oh Maura you're a little unreasonable

I don't like argument but is it true

that you dropped the entire

investigation we have checked and

double-checked every angle of your

brother's death there is no evidence

whatsoever that he met with foul play

I told your Stooges my Jo found there

will you show more respect for your

department I'm sorry sir

I guess this thing he's got me down I

know I can understand that but you can't

just drop the whole thing O'Mara we

listen to your story we search for that

cut stanchion there was not naturally

the killers removed it when they found

Jo checking up on them personally I

think your whole theory is fantastic I

don't care what you think I know I can

appreciate your feelings but there's

nothing further we can do about it then

transfer me to the bureau and I'll do it

well that other case is closed

Thanks what happened stone long case is

closed like maybe your is that my saying

this but don't you think you ought to

consider the case closed - you know what

I'll consider it closed when they pay it

off for Jo Mike you're wrong

this thing's becoming an obsession with

you call it anything you like but I'm

gonna see this thing through I know I'm

right about that now you're being a

stubborn chip-on-the-shoulder

Irishman what you need is a little fresh


and I'm right about that where the Red

Queen on a clock gene can't you be doing

something notes you have to be kibbutz

on all the time I don't know what I'd do

without you

I got it on you to practice cigarettes

alone fancy meeting you hello money and

I've been looking for you so I'm hurt

yes I figured your head that's why he

was so Honda fine it's on your mind you

oughta know Bluff money I told you to

stall that guy give us time to work I

did try to stall him when I got there

was lying on the street dead it was him

or me

Marty atop it wasn't you you know Joe

mayor with a friend of mine what could I

do he had his heater on us he had us

right for murder it was him or us and

you two are shut up you hired us to do

your dirty work what for just a plate

huh I didn't hire to kill anybody

laughs Marty when you're in a racket you

can't holla copper and if the spot comes

up you gotta go the whole row I guess I

asked for this when I hooked up with you

Joe O'Meara we were kids together and

why buy me you're sayin

alright you rats you win but stay out of

my way

because I might change my mind

why you gone I'm gonna get out of here

before he does change his mind don't be

a fool I got plans for us

strictly a gag to keep the cops busy

while the gang operates okay take it up

with a detective bureau it's not our

headache those dimwits they think I'm


maybe they got something there why you

take it easy Mike I'm sorry Mike I

didn't mean anything sergeant in his

emergency squad speaking explosion all

right where is it rear is cigarette club

100 swing lane cigarette club yeah and

no discussion save it all right men

let's roll

have you found out anything yet what's

that what's left of a time bomb no

anybody has got it in for your money no

I don't I told you that before no

enemies not that I know of where is it

miss McCoy Jesse Dave Mike and Brown

come with me to resk around the back

body where's Helen she's upstairs is she

all right

why sure she was on the floor singing at

the time what happened the boys say it's

a time bomb

what's all this I was having a room

redecorated hello wife hello Mike

don't touch her now don't touch a thing

no why are you just looping around look

at what like a can of sardines we know

all that

yeah then you should know that the guys

that suit this place that time bomb to

cover it up hey maybe you're right at

that must hurt you to admit it you think

it's an inside job that's it

you mean somebody from my club who's

robbery yeah

got any idea who it might have been you

had some painters working in that

dressing room where do they come from

well they dropped in last week to ask if

I had a job for him over there names

I don't know you didn't know him no say

they could have set up the time bomb I

play pins work today

yeah they could have well I'm glad none

of my employees are in boat boneheads

bother suppose we all need in your

office in ten minutes Malone maybe you

can help us out that's alright with me

I'll go see how the boys are coming

along I hope I'm wrong about a lot of

things that are going through my mind

about what man who plans explosions to

attract attention in one spot where Lee

operates in another does that mean

anything to you I get it but Mike don't

jump at conclusions there's a chance you

might be wrong think it over

I will muddy thanks mr. Malone may I see

you for a moment

privately Murph what time did this

happen well the call came in about 11:40

what's all the mystery I didn't have a

chance to see you before sit what I've a

theory about that explosion now you're

not gonna tell me that you the audited

two are you why of course not sir

but I do think diamond had something to

do with it what yes I was in your office

early this afternoon

now I've seen your checkbook go and get

to it get to it well I saw diamond and

that other fellow was Ann yes yes when

they were talking to those two painters

who were working miss McCoy's dressing

room and my dear girl never mind

are you trying to make a sucker out of

me I'll tell you what I'm talking about

you're brewing one of my walls while you

were knocking off the jewelry store next

door sorry about the damage but we'll

make it good

oh thanks perhaps you can square me with

my chimera - he's pretty suspicious

that's too bad maybe it hasn't occurred

to you but you're liable to get into mr.

O'Mara's hair and I'd advise you to take

a little trip I think we can handle


well I still advise you to take a little

trip unless you want to handle me do

what do you say he just gave us 24 hours

to get out of town I was afraid of that

I'm wait why not leave them oh man why

don't we call him a guy went on speaking


I think I'll marry should do the honors

O'Mara yeah I think that checkup

Rooster's might interesting yeah but you

burn it and I that's what Marty thought

but O'Mara won't think so

come in you wanted to see me Mike

I did they don't be more Mike what is it

I'm in a hurry I said what is it all

right I'll tell you about Molly Malone

Oh pal what would you say if I told you

for a starter that he was a thief and

say you're either mistaken and crazy

I'll show you how crazy I am

think back a bunch of kids raiding a

warehouse what Marty Malone did to

distract attention well he's been

pulling the same gang ever since been

doing it right along tonight he had the

nerve to pull up his own joint he blew

out a wall to cover a robbery next door

I don't believe it maybe you'll believe

this that's so surprising with this it's

only a motive for a murder

rooster well Stan money stop this check

Marni killed him or had him killed and

use the same gang to cover it up just as

joe suspected all right

listen to this you know what happens to

Welch's but do you know where Malone was

when your brother was not gone a friend

and you believe this of course I believe

it you believe a friend guilty of murder

on an anonymous note look Jerry who knew

Joe suspected Brewster was murdered

Marty who knew Joe was going back there

to check up Marty who was out in the

rain with no explanation at the exact

moment my brother was killed my you're

wrong Mike I know you're wrong you think

that huh you're on his side okay


so you put that gun in your pocket keep

it away

oh no I'm saving that for another friend

give it her me I won't let you go until

you do you would let me go get out of my

way Jerry Donovan nobody's gonna stop me

that's where you're mistaken you asked

for it

believe me Father

where's mr. Malone he's gone up to his

apartment Thanks

oh by the way mr. O'Mara should happen

to come along don't let him in under any

circumstances alright father

let me in the private entrance I can sir

oh yes you can you let us in before I

walk over there open that door

uh I haven't got my feet I said open it

quick all right take it easy

there you are sir get in it

get in there so under the circumstances

I think you better keep out of his way

run away from him boy you mean it like

that but he's like a man give him a few

days to cool off in the meantime maybe I

can reason with Jerry there's something

I must tell you about Mike and Joe now

indirect you might get from behind the

cloth Malone now listen Mike Jerry keep

out of this now wait a minute Marty

you're not gonna use that gun oh yes I


put it down Mike oh no do you know whose

gun this is it's Joe's I said put it


get out of the way Jerry are you gonna

put it down I'm asking you the same

question drop dead oh we all go alright

go ahead I'm not moving I wouldn't want

to live and see you a murderer

all right Jerry turn around mr. slowly

my camara hey what's going on here he

forced his way in here with that Rob he

was gonna kill mr. Malone wait a minute

why Mike's no friend of mine

don't give me any famous Malone let's go

now wait am i safe let's go all right


I wish we could make might see what a

great wrong he's doing your Marty a

great wrong Jerry a while ago I said I

had something to tell you were you hear

it now all right go ahead Mike has done

me no wrong it's the other way around

he's right if it hadn't been for me Joe

would have been alive today what do you

mean I didn't actually kill him

my hard hoodlums did I wasn't in on it I

tried to stop them but why did they kill

him because he knew too much Joe caught

them doing my dirty work what kind of

dirty work money well I sent him to

collect a gambling debt and they

accidentally killed a guy I didn't mean

for them to kill him the more than I

meant to set fire to that warehouse do

you know when we were kids it all goes

back to that Jerry I know what am I

going to do maybe I can help

hello Jerry hello Mike


is that for me here I am and I'm glad to

see you even if I did hope you'd come

without being asked hello my what is

this a framer you have to be framed to

see your friend I wasn't sure I had any

well here's to now the reason I sent for

I'll tell you right it's about my alone

that's it Mike what's got into you last

night I tried to kill him alone this

morning he refuses to prosecute me he's

playing the martyr making himself a hero

and me a heel I love Mike can we reason

this thing out sensibly he did that last

night Jerry it saved his life and yours

yes that's what a friends for I'm glad

you were there and I'm glad to hear you

say that

something else I like to hear you say my

that I won't go off my nut again I won't

try to kill him again

now you'll begin to talk sense yes

because I won't help him play martyr and

go to the chair myself that's what I

want to see Malone that's justice that's

what I want that's what I'm gonna get


kill him not I that'll sort of even

things up for Joe

now you're going out of your head again

I'm sorry that's the way I feel about it

well you feel about it no that's always

thinks of himself he doesn't want to he

doesn't need us there's nothing more we

can do I don't judge him too harshly

what he'd ask the judge Marty how did

the right know but well things will work

out I'm afraid they won't well at least

we'll keep on trying

hello Helen

showing off pretty Elliot and I don't

you I had to see you Marty

it's about all this I wanted you to know

whose side I was on

I know Helen I understand you think I'm

taking his part it's your side I'm on


it's all off between Mike and me because

of this

yes isn't a terrible party he's like a

crazy man but who couldn't blame him I

cannon do I don't ever want to see him

again listen Helen you've got to hear

his side

we've heard it Jerry and I we tried to

reason with him but it's no use

but if Jerry tell you both the truth the

truth about what about Joe's dead about

me he didn't say a thing about you Marty

well you're on the wrong side Helen the

wrong guy

if Jerry won't tell you I will tell me

what look don't blame Mike for all this

surely you're not going to defend him

after all he's done well what's Mike

gonna try to avenge his brother's death

his murder is that so terrible murder

you mean you think I don't think I know

but how

Oh Marty surely it isn't true not one

might thinks no I didn't go up and

pushed you off the roof but I might as

well have Helen I've got to tell you the

whole truth the polar gardens looks like

a cinch but if you please explain it to

me just once more I'll understand the

armored car calls for the dough with

10:30 oh it's you

what'd you find out there's only one guy

an engineer on duty in the ammonia room

at 10:30

it looks like a swell said it to me yeah

there's some news the last edition of

may interest you

seems O'Meara stern that check

approaches over to the DEA no I know I'm

gonna leave town will you quit squawking

well I got a squawk coming suppose

Mullen starts singing to the DEA to save

his own neck

they won't sing yeah

gonna stop Leon now you're talkin this

is the time to knock that guy off don't

be in such a hurry we still got a Mehra

to worry about all right so we take care

of him - I was coming to that

maybe we can pay off the whole mob at

once huh wait a minute

will somebody please tell me what this

is all about

hey that's all of a coin oh you know but

Dad if you're in an introduce of mood

yeah call a cigarette club get her on

the phone the number circled sick

nevermind I know the number hello

if this Miss Helen McCoy the friend of

Michael marrows yeah

well this is the power of mics yes he's

over at my place in pretty bad shape

sick can delirious he's calling for you

oh where is he Hotel emerald Rome 1700

and one hotel emerald room one 701 yes

of course I'll come right away

Hotel emerald room 1 701 father miss

McCarthy's call you on the telephone

oh thanks Maria hello Helen hello Jerry

Mike's ill he's at the hotel emeral room

701 I'm going there right away and I

wish you'd meet you there

well of course I will Helen oh thanks

Jerry I'll see you there all right Edwin

she gets a you entertain in a week

telephone and get a horrible marrow Oh

Meera you'll come bars in here with a

hundred copper now he'll only be coming

all alone going awfully fast for me

good evening miss diamond mr. Malone in

I'll see never mind we want a surprise

but mr. Malone doesn't wish to be the


well everything's gonna be all right

don't worry who is it

hello Marty are you tonight

well fellas stop

will you have a drink no thanks well

this is an unexpected pleasure

it's nice you to drop in on me like this

and quite a coincidence - laughs Marty

let's bury the hatchet

we got a soft touch lined up we want to

cut you in always thinking of my welfare


what is this soft touch well it goes

supplier they're holding a big charity

ice carnival at the polar gardens

tonight it oughta gross about 60 G's and

that's not hey yeah what's that to do

with me I'm coming to that

at 10:30 they transfer the box office

take to an armored car only tonight they

won't come

Your Story fascinates me yeah well

here's the gay they freeze their own ice

of course that means a pretty big

ammonia plant in the basement let me see

that yes miss that's the guy the armored

car crew can't take the fumes but with

these masks we can and the 60 grand I

what am I supposed to do I think it'll

take five men to handle this job right

I've always liked you Marty so I'm

throwing this chance your way my path

then you're in you must think I'm an

awful SAP first ukraine' Mike to bump me

off then you think out a crude idea like

this to take care of me hole you're

slipping you mean you don't want any

part of it and get a slug in my back no

this evening you aren't coming you know

don't make me laugh well maybe this will

make your left

I'm gonna call miss McCoy she dropped in

for a chat what wait a minute wait a


hello yes this is bad

hello ed put miss McCoy I'm glad Marty

say hello Helen here you can speak to

mr. Malone Bobby they're holding me over

here in it Helen

you know better than that yep Helen

already money we got nothing against a

girl well let me go around midnight

unless we have trouble with you all

right you win let's go

it won't be needing this money I'll take

care of it

hello hello is this my chimera yeah oh

the guy had said um that bouncing cheque

say you're just the guy I want to talk

to where are you phoning from whoa let

me do the talking

your pal Malone is gonna stick up the

polar gardens tonight today yes at 10:30


come on your room the ammonia room hello

hello Mario do more than just ask


Yvonne father made Michel Merrill will

so think of a good answer for him just a

minute I'm looking for miss McCoy she

isn't here haha I beg your pardon I must

have made a mistake

operator get me the house detective

quickly please hello there's a little

trouble on the 17th floor could you come

up right away please bring someone with

you thank you I'm getting out of here

what's matter ever the face of the door

what's wrong with that

you don't think was up here by accident

do you come on wait on my hollom


alright come on yeah tell him are you

all right

they set a trap of my cat Marty the

polar gardens in the ammonia room I'm

trying to get the police what we want is

the Emergency Squad hello hello

hey I see you comin

all right let's get your dirty work over

it's pretty tough to take diamond but

maybe I'll call the shots next time

maybe I'll set sure that door leads to

the lobby when I give you the office

opening when the fumes get good and

thick you yell and start the panic and

we'll watch the Bucks up alright I got


Sam spot yourself in there when I give

you this

Buster white oh why didn't I learn a

trade put on your gas masks

hey boy

he comes to Mara keep your eye on Malone

the way that fall

you're staying here

all right Mike

got you right this time this is where I

pay you off

are you feeling Marty

in Cote Abdali

I've omnibus pakodas to us in nomine

Patris italy spiritus sancti