The Deadliest Sin (1955) - full transcript

A falling-out between thieves over the proceeds of a stickup results in several killings and a priest being marked for murder because of a confession he heard from one of the gang members.

Help me Father for I have sinned

I have killed a man Father

Subtitles by Nostromo


Don't just stand there come
down and open the door


Daddy,it's Mike


Hey,take it easy

-You're not so light as you used to be
-What about you,look at those muscles

Those aren't muscles,that's padding

You know you haven't changed Mike

You have

You've grown up since

I've put the cases in the hall,Sir

-Thank you,Sir

Come on in

We didn't expect you so soon Mike

Didn't you get my cable?

Yes,just about an hour ago
saying you've just arrived in England

I haven't even had time
to get your room ready

Well,it hasn't changed much

It even smells the same

-Where's pop?
-In his room

How is he,Louise?

He's pretty tough you know

Does he still feels the same
thing about my having left?

Why? Don't be silly it was years ago

Come on

Hello Pop

Hello son

Well,Pop,you're looking great

You look fine Mike,fine

Talks like a real American doesn't he Dad?


Well supper would be ready in a minute
do you want to wash or anything?

Oh yes

I'll help you with these cases

Oh I'll help with that one

-Can you handle this?
-Yes,thank you

Oh,that'll be Alan

Better take that one

Darling this is barley you
know our daddy only drinks wine

I got it in my pocket


That prodigal son returns

How are you Mike? It's's
good to see you again

-Hello Alan

All right,all right everything
is under control

Darling take them in the kitchen
before you drop them all

-See you in a minute

You know I remember when
you couldn't stand Alan

Because he used to chase
around the block and pull your hair

It's only because he used to
do everything you told him

-Are you kids going to get married?

See,you didn't give me a chance

I thought you'd like to
have your old room back

Well,I'll go set the table

-Anything you want just shout

Just brought you a fresh towel
supper will be ready in a minute


Anyway you just keep drilling
down until you tap oil

And when you do tap oil

You see it's under such pressure down there

From the gases and everything

It comes right out of the ground
the way goes the derrick

But you got oil

-How about some more cake ?
-No thanks not for me it

It sounds much more exciting than
building houses in Tunbridge

-No thanks

-Is that what you're doing Alan?

Alan's an architect,Pop?

Junior draughtsman,Louise,that's
a very different thing

Well,what else did you do Mike?

Well,just about everything I guess

I worked for an auto mobile
factory in Detroit

I drove a truck for a beer company

I even played soda jerk for a while

You didn't seem to stay
very long in one place,son

Well,you know me,Pop,always on the move

Hm,the thing is with all these
great things you did out there

Did you make any money?

I did all right

Well,I'll clear everything

-Oh let me help you

I'll give you a hand dad

No thanks,son,I've been handling
this thing for some time now

What's this about you're
building houses Alan?

I'm just drawing up some of the plans

There's a whole new hiving
just along the bypass

Yes,the whole town's changing
Mike,you wouldn't know it now

I'll take you around in a
car sometime if you like

All right

How long are you here for?

-Well that all depends

Can't see you settling
down in Tunbridge(Alan)

Yes,he's here just a moment
-(Neither can I)Mike

-For you Mike
-For me?

But nobody knows I'm here?

Well,evidently somebody does


-Mike Nelson?
-Who is this?

Who do you think it is?

Who was it Mike?

I don't know they hung up

Well they'll call back

-How do you like your coffee?

Thank you dear

-You take sugar Alan don't you?

Thank you

Foreign capital over there

I'll be with you in a minute


-Good Morning,Sir
-Good Morning

I'd like to cash some American money

-Certainly how much?

You don't mind filling that in,please Sir?


There's nothing to worry about

They are just checking up on counterfeits

Then we know they're not counterfeit

Don't we Mike?

Well,Sir,it's exactly 17 pounds 10

How do you like it?

-Pound notes?

Oh yes

I figured you'd show up
here sooner or later

What do you want?

Now there's a silly question

17£ and seven


Look I've come a long way,Mike

I'm not going back empty-handed

I want my cut plus my
expenses for this little trip

We can't talk here

OK,then let's go somewhere
where we can talk

-I'll meet you tonight
-Your house?

No,no no that's no good

-I'll meet you at Mill Street
-Mill street where's that?

It's right near my house

Thank you

Is he a ..?

A friend of yours?

Yes,he's a guy I met on the boat

You get fixed up


Well I'm going to get back to the office
so I have to start looking for another job

-Can I drop you anywhere?

Read all about great theft

Great theft

Read all about it

Hello Mike I've come to
take Louise to school

School? You must be kidding

Nice school,didn't she tell you?

-She's taking shorthand and typing lessons
-Yes three times a week

Well shorthand and typing?

That's right

Mike, why don't you come with us

I drop Louise off and we
have a drink or something

No well,I've got some
letters to write and

OK you'll write your letters
and I'll come back and pick you up ,OK?


You got everything?

-About half an hour

Going out Mike?

Yeah dad I thought I'd take a walk around

I see Mike

Oh,I think I'll turn in

-Good Night ,son
-Good Night Pop


I'd thought I'd like to say how
nice it is to see you back again

I hope you won't go running
off again quite so soon

Good night son

You picked a great spot didn't you?

I got to be careful you
know I'm known in this town

Yeah,not only in this town,eh?

Come on let's have it


I should have known

It's the way you operate isn't it Mike?

Carry your brains around in your hand

Back over there out of
the light,come on,come on!


The gun


Leave him alone

Leave him alone

Mike what happened?

Who is he?

Is he dead?

I didn't mean to kill him

Mike,answer me, what's this all about?

-Where are you're going?
-I'm going to get the police

Stop that take it easy

-Nobody gets the police
-But Mike

I said take it easy

-We all have to get out of here
-I just killed a man

I can't leave him lying
there I can't run away Mike

What the matter with you?
You've gone nuts ,come on

Come on

There is no one coming around here anyway

I was coming to pick you up

I always take a shortcut through here

You took a shortcut into a lot of trouble

That,that's the man we met with
at the bank this morning,wasn't it?

Give me the gun


Mike,I don't know what you're mixed up in

and I don't care

All I know is I just shot a man

The police are bound to find him


No one's going to the police

You understand that? No one

You won't getaway with it Mike

I won't get away with it you're
the one that shot him remember?


Self defence

Well that's rather
depends how I tell it doesn't it?



Drink it

All right

Now listen,you dropped Louise off
at night school and you came

straight back here you got
here about 10 after 8,right?

Then we went out had a drink
some place and got back here about 9

Have you got that?

Mike,I don't understand why all these lies


Because there's a man
lying dead in the street out there

And you shot him that's why

I did something wrong I'm prepared

to pay for it

But you're naked

Besides if you go to the police
they drag me into this thing

I don't want that

Only,I'm not just thinking of myself

I'm thinking of Pop and sis

You know they think I'm a great guy
I don't want to change that

What time were you supposed
to pick up Louise?

9 30

You'd better get going

And Alan

Get hold of yourself ah?

Darling how would you like
to spend all Sunday up on the river?

One of the girls invites us her parents
have a big launch cause they're madly rich

-It sounds fun doesn't it?
-Yes,yes it does

I must say you don't look very enthusiastic

You know I think it's a great idea

I thought we'd ask Mike
to come along,shall we?


Yes,let's ask him

Pop gone to bed?

-Yes how did the lessons go?

-Like some coffee?

-Did you boys have your drink?
-Sure did

Where did you go?

A little pub down the road The ??

-Yes that's right

What's that?

I don't know it must be a fire somewhere

It sounded more like an ambulance
to me or maybe a police car

Nothing as exciting as a fire
ever happens here around here

Alan where are you going?

Bye Louise


-What's the matter with Alan this evening?
- I don't know

The constable here
found him lying just by there,Sir

-9 33 exactly

-Shot in the spine

-Just like that
-I've just time to say thank you

-Been here about an hour
-Did you find any weapon?-No,Sir

I'll give the old fellow a look over at the
mortuary nothing else I can do here

-Good night
-Good night hang on

Give me the label on his clothes

Not an entire mark,Sir

It started about 20 feet
up the road stopped just here

-Yes sir

-I want some pictures of these tire marks
-Very good,Sir

So that's what all the
fuss was about last night

An unknown man was found shot
in Mill street late last night

-Good morning Mike

-Morning sis ,yes that's cute

-Morning dad
-Hello son

What's all this about a murder?

Here you can have the front page

-Have it without the sugar

Mill street? That's way
around here isn't it?

Yes,we used to play around there
when we were kids remember Mike?

Yes how we did

I see the council finally agreed to
settle that land over at Warfield

That should please young Alan

Oh yes why is that?

Alan's on the church committee he
helped draw up the plans for the new church

Since when does Alan get religion?

Alan's always been a Catholic

You should know that

Oh yes

So he has

Bless me Father for I have sinned

I have killed a man,Father

Just try to tell me what happened?

I didn't mean to do it

The gun was in my hand

I couldn't kill anybody Father,I couldn't

Help me please help me

Have you told the police about this thing?


I wanted to go to police
but Mike wouldn't let me

He said they'd hang me


Forgive me

-What was that Father ?
-In here quick

-Bless me Father

In nominee Patris et Filii
et Spiritus Sancti Amen

Come to his assistance so he sees his God

Grant him Lord an
perpetual light shine upon him

May he rest in peace,Amen

-Are you coming back?
-No,I think I walk

You take Mrs Pool home

I'll see you later

-May I speak to you for a moment?
-Yes,yes of course

Will you get into Inspector Kessler's car

Believe me I am as anxious as you are

that the person who did this terrible thing

should be brought to justice

and I would help you in any way I can

but you must remember
that the church has its laws too

Father Neil a man has been murdered

I hardly need to be
reminded of that Inspector

I know I sound very uncooperative but

well this whole thing puts me
in a very difficult position

Hasn't it occurred to you Father
that your life might be in danger?

Hadn't really given it very much thought

The murderer thinks you know
something he may get the idea

that it would be
better if you were dead too


When a man confesses to a priest

he speaks not into the air of
the priest but into the air of God

What the priest hears in these
circumstances is an inviolable secret

Not even to save his own life

may he divulge what he
has heard to anyone

Of course the Catholic would
know that but does the murderer?

Good day Father thank you

Don't think that this is a conflict
between the church and the state,Inspector

We both have a duty to observe

I respect and understand your position
and I hope you understand mine

Of course

If there was anyway in which
I could help you I would,willingly

But,I could no more betray the
sanctity of the confessional

then a doctor can betray the
confidence of his consulting room

-I understand, Good day Father
-Good day

Now this is the bullet taken
from the man found in Mill street

And this one was was taken
from the body of Alan Pool

The rifling markings are
identical in both cases

Both fired from the same gun you say

Yes,the point fit to automatic

So whoever did the Mill
street killing also killed Pool

It looks that way

There must be some connection

We don't get one
killing a year in this town

And then two in two days

Did you find anything
on the Mill Street body?

Not a thing only his clothes

Even the makers names
has been cut out of those

That suit was not made in this country

That's that's not English either

There's a label here

Yes but it didn't tell you anything

Lurie's company shirt makers

We've checked every shirt
maker of that name in the country

No luck

-Where's the body now?
-In the mortuary


Take the photographer down
to the mortuary and grab a picture

see what the archives can dig up

We'd better send a copy to
the immigration officers as well


I've been to every garage in town,nothing

These tires shouldn't
be difficult to identify

No,when we find them

-Didn't Alan Pool have a car ?

-Did you check it
-Oh no,Sir I didn't think

You certainly didn't

I'll bee in my office if you want me

Right,come on

Mrs Pool,how was your son off financially
was he in any difficulties over money ?

I'm sure he wasn't

He would have told me if he had been

Did he go out very much drinking,
gambling or anything?

Good heavens no,he wasn't
that sort of boy at all

Did your son take out his car
Monday evening Mrs Pool?

Monday evening? I don't know

Yes,yes I suppose,I think he did

Where did he go to?

He usually goes out and take Louise
to her evening classes on the Monday

That's Miss Nelson you know

Yes I know

Did he actually pick her up,you know?

I don't know you better ask her

-She lives just
-Yes I know the address

Well ,thank you very much Mrs Pool

I'm sorry we had to ask
you so many questions

No,no it's all right we let
ourselves out,Good Bye

But I don't quite see

why you're so interested in what
Alan was doing on Monday night

Surely that has nothing to do
with it he was killed the next day

Miss Nelson as you know a man was shot and
killed not far from here on Monday evening

You think that might have
something to do with it

No,but we can't afford
to overlook the possibility

After all in a small town like
this two murders in two days

You see it might help if you could tell us

What happened to Alan on Monday evening

-Mike, this is inspector
-Kessler from Scotland Yard

-My brother Mike

-Sgt.. Williams
-How do you do,Sir

Scotland Yard

Well I guess we'll be getting
some results pretty quick then

We'll do our best

You must have some idea who killed Alan

Or don't you have any suspects

Everyone liked him there's
a steady young man

went to church never didn't
drink didn't gamble

So far didn't have an
enemy in the world

What about his priest,Father
Neil have you talked to him?

Yes we have but

I take it he didn't talk to you about it?

He wasn't very helpful

Do you think you he know something?

Yes I do

That's fantastic you mean
to say there's a man

who might be able to tell you who killed
Alan you can't do anything about it

Oh can't you subpoena him or something

It is what is known as a privileged witness

Now Miss Nelson you were telling us
what Alan was doing on Monday evening

He called me about 8 o'clock to
take me to my evening classes

and then he and Mike
went and had a drink

-What time did he get here?
-He got back at 10 past 8

-Did he leave straight away?

-in his car?

Where did he go yo you remember?

No I don't,some little pub somewhere

The Wheatsheaf wasn't it?

Yeah that's right The Wheatsheaf

I understand

Well,we had a couple of
drinks and we came back here

And then Alan went to pick up Louise

What time would that be?

About 9:30

So he was with you from 810 to 930?

That's right

Well that's about all I want to know really

I'm afraid we may have to be
back I'm sorry to bother you like that

Not at all

-Anything we can do to help

Shall we promise you quick
result above we expect but

May take a little time

Goodbye.Thank you

-You are an American Mr. Nelson?
-No,I've lived there a few years though

That would account for the accent

Yes,sort of brushes off
on you after a while

Yes I've been to New York ,
it's quite a town

Yes I was there a few months
just before I came back here

Oh were you?

Well,good bye

Oh Inspector

You'll do what you can won't you?

Alan was a nice kid I liked him

Sister was pretty fond of him too

We both like to see you get
the guy who did it

Yes of course

-Good Bye
-Good Bye

-Take it easy, sis
-Oh Mike I'm so glad you're here

If anything like this had happened
while you were away

Sure I know

How could Pool been at Mill
Street on Monday evening?

If he was with Mike Nelson all the time

-Driver is there a library in this town?
-Yes,Sir,we are very proud of it

-Let's have a look at it shall we
-Thank you,Sir

We got five telephone books for New York

-Which is it that you want?
-Classified directory?

-Here it is

-Here you are
-Thank you

Shirts,shirt maker

Lurie and &

Shirt makers

Oh God whom it belongs always to show mercy

unto spirit we humbly beseech thee for

the soul of thy servant Alan Pool who

has called out of this world

-Hello Jack
-It's just arrived from Washington

Pretty quick these FBI boys

You were quite right the
dead man was an American

-Nick Corey
-Yeah,criminal records as long as your arm

You know another man got away with 250000 $

I can read Sgt..

They haven't got the other man yet


Do you think that Nelson's carrying
around two hundred and fifty thousands $

in cash?

That's right

-How did it get through the customs?
-Has been done before

-Where have you been?
-Having a drink with the landlord

-of a pleasant pub called Wheatsheaf

Alan Pool hasn't been in
the place since victory night

The last time he saw Mike
Nelson was five years ago

That's something that's still not enough

You know sometimes a clever
move is worth a thousands facts

Question is which way do we move

Thank you,Sir

-Good Morning

-Good Morning,Sir
-Good Morning

-How's it going?
-Now we are beginning somewhere

-Yes I've been brushing up my criminal law

Pound notes,Sir

Given that criminal law isn't
always the strong point in the policeman

-Thank you ,Sir
-Thank you

There's apparently a fact of witness

even a priest is libel to attachment
to contempt in the High Court

Which means that in the event of a trial

we could subpoena father Neil as
a material witness for the Crown

Of course there isn't likely to be
a trial until you make an arrest

No,but we're expecting to
make an arrest pretty soon now


I'm afraid I can't tell you that

No,of course not

I'll promise you will be the first to know

Now Good Bye

Seems you're the key to the
whole situation Father Neil

As far as I can figure out

the police don't have enough evidence to
convict anyone without your testimony

That's why I came here

to ask you if you can please
tell them what you know

I've already made my position
quite clear to the police

A priest does not discuss what
he has heard heard in confession

I'm not asking for myself
it's for my sister

I can't tell you what she's
been going through

not knowing who killed Alan
why he was killed

What he was mixed up in

There's a lot of nasty rumours
going around,Father

gossip can be harmful and malicious

sometimes more harmful than the truth

Mr Nelson,the law both of the church and
the state is quite specific on this point

-But they could subpoena you
-They can of course subpoena me

but they cannot force me to give evidence

You mean you'd refuse?

I have no choice

Now you excuse me I have
some things to attend to

Good night Mr.Nelson

Hello there can I give you a lift?

Oh it's you

I thought it was the
other kind of prowler car


-Were you just passing?
-Not exactly

I'd rather want to have a talk with you

Oh well let's go back to the house then

No I really meant to
have a talk with you alone


You had dinner?


Is it possible to persuade
you to come and have dinner with me?

-That would be very charming of you

Roadhouse somewhere here down near
the bypass do you know what's that like?

Pretty expensive is this dinner going to
be on you or the government?

-All work with me
-Then you better let me suggest someone

-Turn left just here

This whole thing must be
pretty upsetting for you

Yes it has been really

Not because I was in love
with Alan or anything like that

Oh,I thought you nearly married

It's funny we never even
talked about getting married

I don't know quite what I would
have done if he ever asked me

You see,dad and he'd
be pretty lost by himself

Well,maybe things would be
different now your brother is there

Well much as I'd like Mike to stay

I've got a feeling he's just getting
ready to move somewhere else

He's got the wanderlust pretty badly,Mike

-Coffee for Madam

But what did Mike do in America?

As far as I can gather everything
except run for president

-And you Sir?
-Yes,black please

What do you suppose
made him come back home?

I don't know

The same sort of impulse that
made him leave in the first place

Mike's a very restless kind of person

Like someone who's looking for
something and never quite finds it

What would your father say when Mike left?

Dad didn't say anything
it's a sure sign he's angry

when he doesn't say anything

You see mother had just
died and I think he felt

that Mike was walking out on us

It was quite ridiculous really because I

could manage quite well

And Mike sent his money from America

Was Mike in any trouble over there?

Trouble? What do you mean?

-With the police for instance

What makes you think that

Has he ever mentioned anyone called Corey?


We have reason to believe that he
was involved in a robbery in America

With a man called Corey

We also believe that he brought
the proceeds of that robbery

back here to England
several thousand dollars

I don't believe it

Miss Nelson,you remember
that your brother said that he

was drinking in the Wheatsheaf
on Monday night with Alan


We've checked neither he nor
Alan were in the pub that night

Just what are you getting at Inspector

Simply this

During the time that your brother said
that he was drinking in the pub with Alan

A man was killed in Mill Street

-a man with the name of Corey

Good night Inspector

Thank you for dinner

Next time you want to find out
something about Mike ask him yourself

instead of pumping me

Good Night,Madame

Your bill


-You missed supper
-I know

-Pop gone to bed?

Good night Mike

Good night

Looking for something ?

Yes,my shoes I wanted to take
them to be repaired in the morning

They don't seem to be here

It doesn't really matter

What were you really looking for,Louise?


Why did you tell the police you and Alan
we're at The Wheatsheaf on Monday evening?

What do you mean ?

You weren't there at all were you?

Who have you been talking to?

I met inspector Kessler

And what else did inspector
Kessler have to tell you

Nothing else

Yes you,you were right Louise

I did lie to the police

I didn't want to have to tell you

but Alan didn't get back

here just after eight just like I said

He came back about 9:00

He was in pretty bad shape

Clothes were all messed up

He was crying

He kept saying something
about having just killed a man

I didn't believe him I thought he was drunk

Then he showed me the gun
and I know he wasn't kidding

So I helped him clean up

and then we got rid of the gun

Then I thought if the police
should get on with it

He'd have to have an alibi

So I thought up that story about the pub

You saw how he was when
he brought you back here

Remember how he went home
with hardly even saying good night

And the first thing he did the next day

was going to the priest

If Alan killed that man,who killed Alan?

Hey Mr

Do we have to have the
same record over and over

Yes we do

Hey boy

-How much?
-8 20,Sir


You know there's something about a man

who drinks soothing down

-What will it be,miss?
-Bourbon is fine

Men will always have it their own way

-Do we?
-Don't you?

Just because you take a girl out to dinner

and buy her a drink you think you own her

-There you are,Miss
-Thank you

You don't have to drink it

I need it

All your troubles are little ones

What are your troubles?

Doesn't your wife understand you?

Or does she understand you only too well

Look I bought you a drink,drink it

Who knocked the chip off your shoulder

Don't give me that Bogart routine

I know your type

All tough on the outside
but all soft on the inside

You know what happens to guys like you?

They wind up all alone and nobody cares


Well you didn't want to catch fire did you

Oh you

Oh you


Look I'm sorry about the dress

I mean I'd be glad to pay that

Have it fixed or

Just tell me one thing

What did you do it for?

I don't know

I don't know

Come in take your coat off

-Would you like a drink?
-No thanks

Do you think it'll be all right?

It'll clean

Not to worry

You know I don't expect you to believe me

I'm not in the habit of picking
up stray men in bars

Grab me here then

Fix yourself a drink I won't be a minute

A fashion designer or something?

Oh,I'm supposed to be I sold
two sketches in the last month

Who's the handsome hero?

Why didn't you pull yourself a drink

You see my landlady's been
cleaning out the liquor again

Nice looking guy

That's my husband

-Your husband
-He's dead Korea

Ah that's too bad

Just a minute I think there's
some wine in the kitchen

What do you like? Beer or wine?

Well you haven't any choice
but don't bother about that

Hey you know something I
don't even know your name

That's not much help is it?

Tells us that Nelson had a
criminal record

We could arrest every man
if had just a criminal record

The jails will bulge

No,as if I see it

The American Nelson gets
involved with a man called Corey

Together they do a robbery

Nelson skips off with the money

Corey follows him by plane

Meet Nelson the hunch is to cut the money

So Nelson kills him

Somehow or other Alan Poole gets involved

We don't know just how but we
know he was there at the time

Next day this full confession
with Father Neil

Nelson suspects this might happen

So he follows him and kills him too

Hmm,sounds sense to me

It sounds sense to me but

I doubt it would for the public prosecutor

Oh,let's face it we just haven't got a case

A good counsel could tear
it to shreds in five minutes

It all comes back to this priest

You really think he knows anything?

Of course he knows something I
could feel it when I talked to him

I could see it in his face

It'd be taking a big
chance to arrest Nelson

And hope that this priest
gave evidence in court

No court could make him you know

I know

All right maybe he can't tell us something

But he can still help us

I shall be over at the church
if anything turns up


This is a Spanish Sauternes it's not

quite the same as French Sauternes but

-It's very pleasant
-Thank you

What do you think of it?

Very good

Well Father what do you say?

Well,Inspector I said I'd
help you if I possibly could

Obviously I couldn't go ahead with the idea

Without first thing how you felt about it

You realized that even if I
knew who killed Alan Poole

I could in no way reveal him to you

Rather hoping that he's
going to reveal himself

All we ask you to do is to go about
your business in the normal way

And leave the rest to us

I am going to be something
of a sitting target,aren't I?

We can't even promise you adequate

police protection

If the murder spots a uniform
within a mile of this church

He won't come here

We may not even get him before he gets you

You know on second thoughts
then I'm not so sure that

this it is a bit too sweet for my taste

I prefer a dryer wine really

You'll do it will you?


Well,cheers Inspector

Your health,Sir

Yes,well isn't it an earlier plane?

Tomorrow afternoon

What time does that get
into Cape Town?

Friday morning

All right Nelson M Nelson

I'll send you a money order

It'll be there this afternoon

All right


Well,you know me,Sis

I don't know

I thought I did

Well I gotta get down to the post office

Why are you taking off like this Mike?

Why Cape-town?

That's the other side of the world

Well that's what I like about it

You know new faces new places

but who knows I might buy
a little farm settle down

So long Sis

Well you haven't changed much
still the same nosy little sister

You killed Alan didn't you?

Whatever gave you a crazy idea like that

It all fits

It's the only
explanation that makes sense

Is it?

You killed that man on
Mill Street too, didn't you

Corey wasn't that his name Corey

I don't know what you're talking about

You knew him in America didn't you?

You were in a robbery together

I told you Alan killed him

Nice quiet holy little Alan

Alan couldn't do a thing like that

Couldn't he? Huh that's funny

He shot him all right

Because I was right there when he did it

Well he couldn't keep his mouth shut

He had to go blabbing to the priest

All right so I shot your boyfriend

What does it matter he
would have hanged anyway

What are you going to do go to the police?

Do you want to see your brother hanged?

What do you think about pop?

Can you imagine that'll
happen to him if he finds out?

It'll probably kill him

When are you leaving Mike?

Tomorrow afternoon

What's the idea?

I'm leaving this house -

until you're out of it

You're staying here I
said you're staying here

I don't want anything to
happen to my favourite sister

You needn't worry,Mike

I'm not proud of the fact
that my brother is a murderer


I wonder what he wants

You stay here

Did you get your man inspector?

Not yet,Sir

Do you think you will?

Yes I think we will

Good afternoon Mr Nelson
good news I think

Is your sister about? I'd
think she'd like to hear it

Well no, she's not she just
ran down to the library

-Sit down,Inspector


-No thanks

What's all this good news?

Well I think we finally got somewhere

with Father Neil

I had a long talk with him last night

He agreed to go and see his bishop

To ask if in the circumstances he could

obtain special permission to reveal

Alan Pool's confession

Oh I don't know much about
the Catholic religion,Inspector

But I would have thought he'd have
to go to Rome for that sort of permission

Apparently not

as a matter of fact he telephoned me
from London only a few minutes ago

He's likely be back here in Tunbridge

Tomorrow morning first thing he'll be at
the police station to make a full statement

Well,it is good news

Good afternoon

Louise what are you doing here?

I thought you were at the library?

Goodbye pop I'll ask Mrs.
West to keep an eye on you

Where are you off to?

I'm going to spend the
night with Aunt Miriam

That's rather a sudden decision
to make it,isn't it Louise ?

But I don't think you've seen
Aunt Miriam since Christmas

I know

Does she know you're coming?


Don't you think you better
let her know first?

Goodbye Pop

Louise how you going to get there?

There's only one train a day to
Peter hill and that left two hours ago

I'll get there somehow

I'll be glad to drive you
there I have a car outside

It's a very long distance,Inspector

It's all right

Nothing much to do
till tomorrow morning

Thank you

Good Bye Mr Nelson

Good Bye,Inspector

You know why she went off like that son?

You know what women are like pop

They never know which
way they're gonna jump

Hey Pop

Do you believe all that stuff about
the priest gonna make a statement

We should know in the morning whether
it's true or not shouldn't we son?


I'm gonna make myself a cup of tea

Hmm OK

Hello yes

Is Father Neal there please

No father Neal is in London on business

We don't expect him back until tonight

What time tonight?

Well if he catches a 6:30 train

He ought to be back by 8 o'clock

Yes,I see,good night

Very grateful to you Inspector

Grateful to me for what?

For not asking what all this is about

A policeman should know
not to ask questions

Peter Hill 15 miles

You're sure I'm not taking
you out of your way?

No, so long as I'm back in Tunbridge by 8

Won't you try something to eat
if I asked you?

Excellent but

I really have to get back

You make it sound very important

It is

What was it you came to
see Mike about yourself?

You still suspect him don't you?

I'm afraid he's got further than that

You mean you're going to arrest him?

You are going to arrest
him aren't you,tonight

That's why you have to get back isn't it?

You better take me home

It wouldn't be safe for you to
go home until this is all over

But Mike needs me no matter what he's done

He's still my brother

Please take me back

I'm afraid I can't do that

-Listen to me
-I don't

Listen,just in your house
just now I told Mike that

Father Neil was coming to the police
station in the morning to make a statement

What did you say?

I said I told Mike that Father Neil
was going to make a statement

Is it true?

Mike thinks so

But if Mike thinks her
father Neil to talk then

He may try to kill him?

Maybe we rather hoping
that's what he'll try to do

And I think he was counting on
having us both out of the way

I wouldn't even be surprised if

He checks out to see if we
really do go to your Aunt's place

In other words you've set a trap for him


You were hoping I'd help you

Do you think I would?

Do you think I want to see my brother hang?

Sorry I had to tell you all this

As now this means that I won't
be able to let you out of my sight

At this stage I can't afford
to take any chances

Where are we going?

Tunbridge police station

Now this is 7252 extension for
the other part of Peter hill

What is your Aunt's phone again?

-Peter Hill 34
-Peter Hill 34

-Sandwiches,Miss Nelson?
-No thank you

I've use some if I were you
it may be a long wait


Yeah,that's right all calls


-Yes sir

I want a woman officer standing by in here

But there aren't any on duty tonight,Sir

Find one and put her on duty

But she

-Do it,Sergeant


Peter Hill 3 4

Peter Hill 3 4

One moment please


It's ringing now


That's it

You'd better answer it

I know it is your brother

Just the same he's killed two men



Sis,I just called up the same

Now we'll probably won't be seeing
each other for a long time

And I know how you're feel

And I just couldn't go away
without saying goodbye to you

Is that all?

Yeah,that's all


Is Kessler still there?

Yes he's here


Oh nothing well so long Sis

What did he say?

He wanted to know if you were there

Where are you going?


You'll stay right here

Let me get by,pop

You're not leaving this house

Get out of my way

I'm telling you Papa let me get by

Come back




-All right?

-Anything ?
-No not yet

See there

That's him

T Tommy calling from J4

T Tommy calling J4




-He's in the church
-Right let's go over there

I'm coming with you

You'd better stay here

Look after her,will you?

Yes Sir

Is there anything you want?

Superintendent Beckman's office

He's not here I'm afraid,Sir just a minute

Go to the doors at the back
wherever they are

But he is in there somewhere

Bye Nick

-Where's Father Neil?
-In his study

Will be there before?,Sir

-This one..
-How do we get

There are some stairs
leading to the organ loft

-Who's got key for that door?
-I have

Right let's get up there now

Mike Mike




Open this door

Stop it

Stop it

Subtitles by Nostromo