The Brink (2019) - full transcript

A fly-on-the-wall chronicle of embattled former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon's global mission to spread extreme nationalism. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Man: Housing, jobs,
unemployment, record level low.

Uh, all sorts of good shit

and, you know,
and there's an article...

But if you give me any...
if you give me any juice at all,

let me give you some ideas,
and I'll start doing spots.

We have to do this.

I need you to either email me
or text me facts,

just factoids right now,
and I'll draft it up some spots,

in fact, if you get 'em to me

I'll have spots cut for you
and you can look at.

Man: (indistinct chatter)

You talk about culture being
up river from politics.

This is the way you make
a statement.

I'll see you at five o'clock
and I'll feed you dinner. Bye.

Man: All right, bye.

Bannon: I had a great film.

The Phil Robertson movie.

Maybe my craziest film.

- What was the title of it?
- Fleuette: Torchbearer.

Torch... The Torchbearer?
Or Torchbearer?

The Torchbearer.

- Fleuette: No Torchbearer.
- Torchbearer.

- Fleuette: Torchbearers.
- Torch... Torchbearers.

We went from Athens.

Did we go to Jerusalem?

- Athens, Rome.
- Fleuette: No, Athens.

- Warsaw.
- Uh, not Warsaw.

- (stammers)
- Fleuette:
We went to Auschwitz.

Auschwitz. Birkenau.

- Fleuette: France.
- My shit in Auschwitz rocked.

We leave for Birkenau,

right, and this gets
to the punchline of the story.

I look around,

and I turn to the curator
and I go, "Man."

I said this is the most
haunting place

I think I've ever been.

I just... It's something
about this.

This is actually the feeling

I thought I was gonna feel
in Auschwitz.

(chuckles) And he goes,
"Oh, everybody says that."

And I go,
"What are you talking about?"

He goes, "Oh, no, no, no."

He says,
"Maybe I didn't explain it."

He said Auschwitz
was a Polish cavalry college.

The Germans just
requisitioned it immediately,

and that was like
the beta site test.

This was made from scratch.

German industrial design.

He says
the whole thing's perfect.

And I'm walking around going,
"Oh, my God."

It's precision engineering
to the nth degree.

By Mercedes and Krupp
and Hugo Boss and the whole...

It is a institutionalized
industrial compound

for mass murder.

Here it finally hits you that...

Think about it,
good people back in Germany

were sitting
at their desks drawing

and having arguments
and meetings like you have

at any company in the world.

No, I think this... I mean,
this thing was so planned

and so engineered
down to perfection,

you could see
the conference meetings,

you could see all the cups
of coffee

and all the meetings
and all the argument.

There were people
that actually sat

and thought through
this whole thing

and totally detached themselves

from, you know,
the moral horror of it.

That's when you realize,
"Oh, my God,

humans can actually do this."

Humans that are not devils,

But humans that are just humans.


- Bannon: What... Is this...
is this from the dietitian?
- Sean: That's protocol.

- Bannon: This is protocol?
- Sean: Protocol.

Bannon: Okay, fine.
So, I'm gonna tell her
you're either with the program

- or not with the program?
- Sean: Right.

Have you tasted this?
I mean hers were so good.

- Sean: Hers were better?
- Oh, man, hers were amazing.

Sean: Is it kinda veggieish?

It's not veggieish
it's just got a funky taste

but I'll try...
I'll keep doing it.

- Mm.
- Sean: I gotta perfect it.

That's okay,
it's your first time.

- Don't worry, you suck.
- Sean: (chuckles)

Bannon: My goal
is to lose 35 pounds.

I was in terrible shape
when I took over the campaign.

I don't know if you saw picturs
but I mean, it was...

I was scary.

I'd see these pictures
and I'd go, "Who is that guy?"

- (microwave beeps)
- Of course, then... (chuckles)

then you get
the comments section...

this gross looking
Jabba the Hutt drunk.

You know, I'd go,
"Oh, my God." So funny.

(keypad clicking)

(camera shutter clicking)

(camera shutter clicking)

Bannon: Are we gonna take
this country back?

Crowd: Yes. (applauding)

Bannon: Are we gonna return it
to its former greatness?

Crowd: Yes!

It was divine providence

that guided us to victory
in 2016.

Crowd: No ban, no registry,
fuck white supremacy.

No ban, no registry,
fuck white...

Bannon: Islam is not a religion
of peace.

- Islam is a religion
of submission.
- (screaming)

Female Reporter:
A horrific scene
in the wake of Charlottesville.

The calls for him to go
have grown a lot louder.

Crowd: Blood and soil!
Blood and soil!

Blood and soil! Blood and soil!

Female Reporter 2:
A man who proudly promoted

- right wing nationalism...
- Male Reporter: leaving his post.

- Female Reporter 1: out.
- Male Reporter 2: Is out.

- (keypad clicking)
- (phone notification chimes)

Bannon: The White House.

There's literally no glamour
to the job.

There's no glamour to the job
at all.

I... I hated every second
I was there.

You know, you go to a church
or a temple or a mosque
or something like that.

You can get the vibe
of all the prayers

and the... and, you know,
the mantras and just the energy,

the positive energy

that... that these places,
you know, have.


And then you go
into like a Jersey strip club

at like one o'clock
on a Saturday afternoon

and you get the vibe of like,
there's a lot of bad stuff

that's happening, right,
just the vibe...

the vibes of sacred
and the profane, right.

The White House, there's got...
I'm telling you,

the West Wing
has got a bad karma to it.

It just had a bad feel.

They would say, "Because you
were doing evil stuff."

I actually thought
I was doing the Lord's work.

Driver: Where are they keeping
the protestors, do we know?

Passenger: Out front,
main entrance.
About 30 of them right now.

Man: Make a hole.

Hey, uniforms in front.
Break off to the press box.

Just walk that off,
the rest of us will keep going.

Male Reporter 1:
Bannon plans to go
on the warpath

against opponents
of President Trump

unchained from the constraints
of the White House

and now is free to go out
and do whatever he wants.

Host: So it's my distinct honor
and pleasure

to introduce Steve Bannon
to all of you. Thank you.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

Bannon: Is that a group
of deplorables way in the back?

(crowd cheers and applauds)

Do not believe
the opposition party.

Do not believe the fake news
and fake media.

This agenda
is what America needs now,

it's what America needs
to rebuild its future.

Now, what do I mean
by this agenda?

We talk about
economic nationalism.

And what they're trying to do
is smear the Trump...

the Trump deplorables

and that was
Hillary's Clinton's speech.

She was smearing them
as nativist and racist.


Nothing could be further
from the truth.

Economic nationalism
is what binds us together.

It doesn't matter
what your race is

or what your religion is
or what your gender is

or what your sexual
preference is.

You know what he cares about?

You're a citizen
of the United States of America.

- That's what he cares about.
- (crowd cheering
and applauding)

We're gonna have you come back.
Okay, next.

Great smile, you guys.

- Perfect.
- Photographer: Thank you.

Female attendant:
Thank you very much.

- Okay, give him a smile.
- I share everything you do.

- Don't touch me.
- We need to move.

Don't... He's talking to me.

(all laugh)

Bannon: You know,
I'm on a mission to convert

as many of these people
as possible

to the populist cause.
'Cause they understand.

The elites in our country

and actually throughout
the world,

but particularly
in the United States...

are comfortable with managing
our decline. They just are.

I saw the glob... impact
of globalization

'cause coming out of Harvard,

and particularly doing mergers
and acquisitions,

the whole restructuring
of industrial America

was the... was about shipping...
shipping jobs out.

I mean, you could actually see
that there was a process,

there's a globalization process.

They had no thing
of a social cost,

nothing of civic society,

it was all tied to the benefits
to the equity.

- Bannon: The C4's not ready?
- Woman: We could, you know,
call you right back.

Bye, bye, bye, bye,
text me, I'll call you.

Surabian: What is the status
of your C4 right now?

I just need to know that
we're not breaking any laws.

I... Yeah, that's number one,
the Levy stuff.

Number two is,
at the very least,

you just need to have...
you have to have a home page.

- I've got that. I've got that.
- With a... Okay, so they can...

- they can enter
in their email address.
- I've got their email address.

- Coming soon.
- Everything.

- I've got a logo done,
everything's done.
- And you would be announcing...

Is Citizens for America
a good title?

- Citizens for America?
- Citizens for America.

- Why not.
- It sound like Citizens United.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, but hold on.

Firstly, this movement
is all about citizens, right?

You can do, you know,
it's organizing for America.

Then you can do truckers
for America

and women for America,
and all this stuff.

You can play off all
the little groups and things.

Surabian: Yeah! Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah.

Epstein: I would love to have
your endorsement.

Bannon: Yeah, so...
so what happens is that,

I actually don't endorse.
I know it seems like I do.

- You probably
hear it every day.
- Yeah, no, no, no, no.

Because I get the co... I...
it's these coalition guys

we pull together
so you get 25 endorsements.

Surabian: I'm assuming you guys
have talked to the White House,

- probably.
- Yes.

You know, maybe we'll talk, uh,

later about doing a fundraiser
or something like that.

Thank you, how can I be
of help to you?

Going forward,
what can I do for you?

Just do exactly what you did
on the campaign.

I mean, you're a fighter.
You totally get Trump.

- You never wavered.
- Epstein: Yes.

If we could replicate you
we'd be in great shape.

And then she had a baby
three weeks ago as well,

so, um...

- Isn't that cool?
- Such an animal.

So Trump... what a Trump move.

Epstein: You know, I was hoping
that President Trump

would sign my belly.

That was the one thing
that never happened.

I wanted him to sign my belly
and say the next generation

- of Trump Republicans.
- Bannon: I love it.

We're giving birth.

- He probably would've loved it.
- Bannon: I love it.

- He would have.
- Bannon: He would've loved it,
what are you talking about.

We have two Americas, I feel.

Uh, you have folks who feel like
they have a fair shot,

um, and they can participate
in... in... in the economy

and in the political process,

and you have folks who don't.

And then you have folks
who have the advantages,

increasingly more educated,
increasingly more coastal.

And you have pop values
and you have core values.

I believe that the democrat
marketing machine

has got a lot of us fooled.

And I believe that feeds
into the pop values

of gender is fluid,
and there is no right and wrong.

You put these pieces together,

could be amazing.

And like we'll introduce you
to all the...

- James: Yeah.
- ...Evangelical groups

and everybody else, you know,
or I suppose coalition.

And you were never like
a never Trump guy

- or anything like that? Okay.
- Bannon: Perfect.

- You guys are gonna coordinate.
- Surabian: Yeah.

- Real honor.
- James: Thank you, sir.

This guy is very impressive.

Male Reporter:
A controversial judge
running for senate.

- I believe
in the second amendment.
- (crowd hooting)

Male Reporter:
Alabama's Roy Moore

is accused
of sexually assaulting

a 14-year-old girl years ago.

Female Reporter 1:
At least nine women
accuse Moore of wrongdoing.

Welcome to the Citadel folks.

Female Reporter 2:
And of course, Steve Bannon

- is sticking with Roy Moore.
- Bannon: I think Roy Moore
is the guy

that's gonna represent, uh,
Donald Trump

- and fight the establishment.
- (music playing)

- Bannon: Hey, how you doing?
- Woman: Jean Comp.

- Bannon: Hey, how you doing?
- Jean: Good to have you

- with us.
- Bannon: Thank you.

Hey, man, how you doing?
Hey, brother, how you doing?

- Jean: Big fans of yours.
- Bannon: Right in the middle,
rose between two thorns.

No right here,
get in the middle.

- Female Guest: Oh, okay.
- Rose between two thorns.

- Oh, wow.
- Female Photographer:
One, two, three.

- Emma wants a selfie.
- Emma: Do you want to take it?

No, I don't know how to do it.

- Shit. How do we do it?
Do we take it like that?
- Sure.

You get in the middle.
Right here.

- Female Guest 2: Just me?
- Bannon: Yeah, we gotta
get the rose in the middle.

- Male Guest 1: Oh, there we go.
There you go. Perfect.
- Bannon: Come on.

Bannon: I was there
on Billy Bush,

Billy Bush weekend.

When that video came out,

Is it just a coincidence
that the Bezos, Amazon,

Washington Post,
did the Billy Bush hit?

And they did the hit
on Judge Moore.

Yeah, just a complete random
thing in the universe, right?
And the mainstream media...

Woman 3:

- Bannon: And... And the
mainstream media...
- (crowd booing)

Hang on, hang on, hang on.

I'd like to thank one of my
ex wives for showing up and...

(crowd laughs)

I swear I thought that lawyer
sent that alimony check,

I'll get back to ya.

You're a good girl.

You got the right
for free speech outside.

(crowd laughs)

- (indistinct chatter)
- Can I get a quote from him?

- What's the strategy
for Moore to come back?
- Caddell: Are you...

- who are you with?
- He's with Bloomberg now.

- I did the Bannon book.
- He wrote Devil's Bargain.

Caddell: Oh! Oh, right.

- Oh, I know who you are.
- He made two million dollars

off the book
you could've written.

- Yeah.
- Caddell: Yeah,
and I could've done better,

I mean.

What's the Caddell strategy
for Moore fighting back?


And let the governor appoint.
Do not let them steal your seat.

Green: Yeah,
that's a very Bannon line

- right there.
- Caddell: What?

Green: Do not let them
steal your seat.

Uh, so, I got a couple quotes
from Bannon

just before he went out, he's,
uh, in there giving a speech.

Can I... can I read them,
you know, like a... like

- a regular TV reporter would?
- Cameraman: Okay.

Okay, I'm new to this...
this TV correspondent stuff so.

Bannon wound up speaking
to Moore this afternoon.

He said they are both, uh,
standing four square together.

He's encouraging Moore
to stay in the race.

Moore wants to stay in the race.

Uh, and so it looks like
they're gonna fight on.

Kassam: And... and you have
those moments of like levity

and everything.
That'll be great.

(indistinct chatter)

Kassam: I turned my light on
to blind her as well

so I got her right in the face.

- Bannon: Let me see her.
- Kassam: Yeah.

It's a bit ostentatious.

I just want... I just want
to see the reaction

when the Muslim guy
walks in with the gun.

(indistinct chatter)

Kassam: I don't even think
of that anymore.

Kassam: You want anything
from the kitchen?

What do... they got
Red Bulls down there?

- What do they got?
- Kassam: No,
they do not have Red Bull.

Bannon: They got anything
with caffeine in it?

- Kassam: Tea.
- Can I get a Coke?

- Kassam: Yeah.
- I actually had a kombucha

and I left it
at the frickin' house.

Does that have caffeine in it?

I don't know what it's got in it
but it jacks me up.

Fleuette: Oh, nice.

Of course, once the film
comes out and people know

I drink kombucha
the stock will drop 50 percent.

Kassam: (laughing)

All right, pound it

'cause I don't wanna get
in trouble.

Sean: You got like...
What... what time is it?

Bannon: He's not doing
a press conference, is he?

Kassam: Veterans Day event.

Did he already talk? Moore?

- Oh, at the Veterans Day?
- Yeah, was that a Moore event?

- Or that was just a chyron?
- Veterans Day.

- Okay, fine.
- Kassam: I sound like

I'm talking
to an 80 year old man.

Radio Host:
Sirius XM Patriot 125.

(music playing)

Bannon: Talk radio
is still very powerful.

The left has never figured out
how to do talk radio.

But talk radio is such
a powerful weapon

for the right.

Let's go to Carol in Maryland,
Carol in Maryland

you're on
Breitbart News Saturday.

- How can we help you, Ma'am?
- Carol, you are live.

Carol: It is such an honor
to talk to you

and listen, I need to tell you,

I have been a listener
since day one.

And my husband made fun of me
and he called me a wackadoo,

and within two weeks
he was a devoted listener.

The day that you joined
the Trump campaign

my husband said,

Steven K,
he grabbed the musket

and ran towards the fire.

I think that that's what
we all need to do every day.

Kassam: You've only got
eight minutes going back.

Why, has he got breaking news
or what's... what's happening?

Yeah, dude, so Moore just
addressed the allegations

- live on stage
at the Veterans Day event.
- They do a great job?

I don't know, but he talked
about it at length.

In the middle of a battle

it comes down to one
or two decisions.

Now one decision
is gonna lead to victory

and the other decision
is gonna lead to defeat.

That was Billy Bush weekend.

Male Protester 1: Steve Bannon
is a piece of shit

and we don't welcome him
here in New York

His hate and his candidate,
Roy Moore, can go fuck himself.

Female Reporter 1:
Tonight, we call...

Bannon: This is about
destroying Roy Moore

and you know why they wanna
destroy Roy Moore?

They want to destroy
anybody that will step up

and speak in your behalf.
Whether it's Donald Trump,

whether it's Judge Roy Moore,

whether it's Breitbart News,
they're at full out war.

Breitbart news
is still spreading lies,

conspiracy theories,
racism, division, and hatred.

We are not backing down
one inch.

We wanted Bannon out that door.

- (crowd cheering)
- Bannon,

- bye, bye, bye.
- Bannon: This is called

take out the sword
and throw away the scabbard.

Female Protester:
Bye, bye, Bannon.

Crowd: Bye, bye, Bannon.

Bannon: They want to destroy
Judge Roy Moore

and you know why?

They want to take
your voice away.

Maitlis: Why did you back
Roy Moore?

Bannon: We had an
establishment candidate

versus an evangelical Christian.

The Christian right
is a foundational layer

of this populist movement.

There's nothing better
than spending a rainy night

in Alabama with a bunch
of deplorables.

Male Reporter: Ivanka Trump,
said, she believed the accuser

and that there's a special plae
in hell for people

who prey on children.

There's a special place
in hell...

(crowd cheering and applauding)

...for Republicans
who should know better.

(crowd cheers and applauds)

Male Reporter 1:
For the first time
in a quarter of a century,

Alabama is sending
a Democrat to Washington.

Male Reporter 2: A big victory
for Democrat Doug Jones,

and a humiliating defeat
for Moore,

for the President,
and for Bannon.

Female Reporter 1:
It is finally here,
Michael Wolff's

much anticipated new book,
Fire and Fury.

Male Reporter 3:
The controversial book
appears to have opened

a rift between the President

and his former chief strategis,
Steve Bannon.

Female Reporter 2:
Steve Bannon...

Male Reporter 4:
Calling that meeting
at Trump Tower with Don Jr.,

Jared Kushner,
and that Russian lawyer,


Female Reporter 2: Unpatriotic,
and he says team Trump

should have called
the FBI immediately.

Male Reporter 4: Steve Bannon
now finds himself

in the crosshairs
of the Russia investigation,

the first time special counsel
Robert Mueller's team

has used
a grand jury subpoena

to compel information
from a member

of President Trump's
inner circle.

(notification chimes)

Male Reporter 5:
The President says,

"After Bannon
lost his White House job

he lost his mind."

Male Reporter 6: "Sloppy Steve"
is Trump's new nickname

for Steve Bannon,

and I have to admit
it's a good one.

(crowd applauding)

Bannon: This is in 1862.

Lincoln asked,
"What do these men want?"

Browning answered,
"I hardly know, Mr. President,

but they are exceedingly violent
towards your administration."

And Lincoln said,
"They wish to get rid of me.

And I am sometimes
half disposed to gratify them.

We are now on the brink
of destruction.

It appears to me
the Almighty is against us.

And I can hardly see
a ray of hope."

That's Abraham Lincoln.

They're trying to get rid of me.

Bannon: You'll send me this one
individually or something?

- Send all them?
- Fleuette: I can... I can print

- every single one of these.
- Bannon: Okay, fine.

You know what, that might be me
at Goldman Sachs my first year.

- Or no.
You know what that is?
- Fleuette: That's what your dad

- thought it was.
- Bannon: No, you know,

what it was,
that's my second year

- at Harvard Business School.
- Fleuette: Really?

Bannon: God, did I clean up.

That guy's a movie star.
That's money right there.

There's been some bad years.

(laughs) There's been
a whole lot of tough...

It's been a lot of tough road.

God, I hate looking
at old pictures.

- That's me as a naval officer.
- Fleuette: Okay.

I'm at the Pentagon actually,
I think.

Fleuette: Dude, you look just
like freakin' David Bowie.

I guess that's a compliment.

Fleuette: Come on, man.

- Bannon: That's my sophomore.
- Fleuette: Virginia Tech,

- right?
- Bannon: That's my sophomore
year of college

and I ran for class president.

- Fleuette: Yeah.
- Bannon: And I actually won.

- Fleuette: Yep, yep.
- Bannon: And they took it away
from me

because they found a rule

that I was actually
on probation.

And I think I punched out
an RA during a keg party.

Bannon: (laughs)

- That's the campaign.
- Fleuette: There's... Yeah.

Bannon: The only real choice.
and I think I got...

- That's pretty badass.
- Yeah.

Look at that,
I had multiple shirts then.

- (Fleuette laughs)
- Anybody that said
I didn't have multiple shirts,

look, I got like five shirts on.

Let's go back to the top,
I just wanna see 'em again.

I haven't seen these in years.

Man: We have a problem
with Brexit,

that so many conservatives,
despite being elected

on a ticket
of delivering Brexit,

now seek to delay it,

now seek to water it down
and you in America

have exactly the same problem
with members of Congress

- doing their damnedest
to stop the President
- (applause)

from getting his agenda through.

(cheering and applauding)

It's an enemy within.
It's an enemy within.

Basically... basically
where we are,

is, we will be staying part
of everything until 2022.

We'll still be paying
ten billion pounds a year.

The only difference is,
it won't be called EU membership

and we won't have a say
and we won't have a vote.

In fact, it'll be a worse
form of membership

than we've currently got now.

So, it's really bad.
It's really really bad.

If you're interested,
what I'd like to do

is set up something,
and I'll fund it somehow...

that I think... and I think
you're the perfect guy.

We help knit together this
populist nationalist movement
throughout the world.

'Cause guys in Egypt
are coming to me,

the Modi's guys in India,
Duterte, you know,

and... and we get Orban

and we are somehow
some sort of convening authority

for conferences
and stuff like that.

So, we can get ideas out there.
I mean, do you think that's a...

- Do you think that's
a worthwhile thing?
- It's... Yeah, it's... I know,

- I think it is.
- Nobody's got...

- nobody's doing it right now.
- Um, it's not being done.

The reason we're gonna beat
Corbyn and Sanders

is they're not prepared
to take on the powers that be.

We're fire breathers,

I mean, we're taking
on the establishment everyday.

You've taken on the Tory Party.

I'm taking
on the Republican Party.

- Yeah.
- They don't have that.

And that's why we can steal
a march in them.

And the... and the reason
they don't wanna do it,

it's immigration.

As long as they don't take
on the immigra...

they just refuse
to take on the immigration.

- We're prepared to take it on.
- Yes.

It's a global revolt.
It's a zeitgeist.

We're on the right side
of history.

But it's gonna need
the motive power.

And the thing that's missing is,
that's what I'm really trying

to put together now,
is the ideas.

The ideas have to come
in more sharp focus.

The economic ideas,
the political ideas.

Farage: You've also moved,
Steve, into a different place.


The minute you stood up
on that stage in Alabama,

- you became a different figure.
- Bannon: Yeah.

You're in a different place now.

You're not just fixing stuff
and operating behind the scenes

- and making it happen...
- Yeah.'re now the face of it.

I'm gonna come back to you with
the structure of this thing.

I tell people Brexit and 2016
are inextricably linked.

Victory begets victory.

Female Reporter 1: If 2017
looked like the year

when moderate politicians
took back Europe, look again.

Male Reporter 1:
Far right populists
seem to be on the rise

across Europe.

Front National leader
and presidential Candidate,

Marine Le Pen,
claims Trump's victory

is energizing
her own populist message.

Translator: Whether you're a man
or a woman, Christian, Jewish
or Muslim,

heterosexual or homosexual,

you are first
and foremost French.

Male Reporter 2: They've adopted
the rhetoric of the old left.

They're going after
white working class voters.

Not just making
these cultural arguments

about immigrants
flooding our societies

but they're actually saying

we will protect
your welfare state

for you and no one else.

Male Reporter 3:
Le Pen has changed
the party's name

to The National Rally
to broaden its appeal.

Male Reporter 1:
But Marine Le Pen
campaigned for her father

when he was saying
the gas chambers

are a detail of history.

(crowd cheers and applauds)

Male Reporter 4:
The right wing Alternative

for Germany party or AfD
entered parliament

for the first time
with 13 percent of the vote.

Crowd: Wir sind das Volk!
Wir sind das Volk.

Female Reporter 1:
"Wir sind das volk."

In German, it means,
"We are the people."

It was also heard in Clausnitz

as a mob of Germans
surrounded a bus of refugees

entering their town.

And later that year
in Bautzen as 80 Germans

chased some
20 teenage refugees

- through the streets.
- Crowd: (indistinct shouting)

- Female Reporter 2:
In Hungary...
- Man 1: Viktor Orban

sees himself as the defender
of Christian Europe.

Male Reporter 1: Building fences
and detention camps

along its borders.

Male Reporter 2: In the world
according to Viktor Orban,

Hungary is a fortress
under siege.

George Soros is seen
as the person organizing

this Muslim invasion.

Female Reporter 1:
Extremists cast him
as a central figure

in a secret cabal
of Jews and globalists

working to take over
the world.

Female Reporter 2: The political
earthquakes in Europe

continue to rumble.

(talking in foreign language)

Man: There's a dangerous
trend throughout Europe

and we need to pay attention
to it.

Female Reporter 1:
This time in Italy...

Male Reporter 1: Unprecedented
populist coalition...

Translator: Earned better than
50 percent of the vote

while the establishment
political parties lost big.

Bannon: Ideas
in the political marketplace

travel like ideas
in the financial marketplace.

If something happens
in the city of London,

next day it's in Wall Street,

the next day it's in Singapore
and Tokyo and Hong Kong.

Same thing with political ideas.

Woman 1: This is where they
moved to the local news...

- Great to meet you in person.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. Definitely.


Floor Manager:
In five seconds, four, three...

Reid: You call it populism,

and people see it
as incredibly divisive...

And actually, at times, racist.
The Muslim ban, for instance.

It was a necessary jolt
to the system.

He was trying to get people
to pay attention.

This kind of populist
nationalist movement

you see throughout Europe,
it is not racist.

If you look in Hungary,
if you look in Poland,

- if you look in Italy.
- Reid: The protest
in Charlottesville,

by racists,

why did Donald Trump say
there were many fine people

- on both sides?
- Bannon: Because...
Hang on for a second.

- Reid: There aren't many
fine people...
- What he said is that

the peaceful protest about
taking down the monuments

had fine people on both sides.

Reid: If you're a fine person
you wouldn't march
alongside a neo-Nazi.

Photographer: Thumbs up.
Thank you very much.

- Thank you. Thank you.
- Photographer: Enjoy your stay.

Kassam: Isn't that Britain
in a nutshell?

Spend the first six minutes
on pro-Islam advocacy.

You know, you've got
the White House chief strategist

here on the Brexit boom day.

She starts by talking
about Muslims.

- Tank you so much.
- Producer: Thank you so much.

It was really a pleasure
to meet you.

- She's tough.
- Producer: You think?

I handle strong women

- so well anyway, boom!
- Oh, you did, you did.

Yeah, you... you did.

- Tell her I really
appreciate that.
- Very good job.

- No, she's great. Yeah, yeah,
I thought it was great.
- Oh, okay.

Kassam: Letting Steve Bannon
talk some sense

into shooting down Susanna.

God, she was tough.

I came off okay,
I didn't come off as an asshole?

Kassam: No, it was great.

Look at this, look at...
look at... look around you.

This is the Edgware Road now,
it's literally all Arab stores,

- every single one.
- Oh, wow.

Beirut, yeah look at this.

- Wow.
- The whole thing.

- What road is this right here?
- Edgware Road.

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.

When did this...
when did this flip?

(sighs) Ten years ago, really.

- Wow.
- This Al Rayan Bank

- right here on the corner.
- Yeah, yeah.

Sharia financed banking.

- Oh, God.
- Yeah.

Lewis: What I would really like
to know is what your plan is

for the next
sort of six months.

Bannon: Um, setting up
a political apparatus.

What I'm really focused on
is the European parliamentary

- elections in '19.
- Right.

We're gonna run the fucking
tables on these guys.

Lewis: It strikes me
the European project

you want to pull off
is infinitely more complex

than... than what you did
in the US.

'Cause you've got all of these
separate political environments,

separate democracies,
separate languages.

- Bannon: It's not, it's not.
- No?

Bannon: You get a command
by negation first.

What they teach you in military
and what they teach you

at Goldman Sachs.

Get a solid enough minority
that's immovable.

I'm not gonna get guys
and convince them

the state's bad.

Let's win and take over
the state,

then you... then you gotta
convince them,

you gotta deconstruct that
and get rid of it.

That's what you...
that gets you real...

- that gets you real power.
- Hmm.

- I got to bounce.
- Okay.

So look, what's the best...

- Sign this.
- Tell me about the...

you sure you want me
to sign it?

- Yeah.
- (Lewis chuckles)

I don't... I'm not the author.

- I know that.
- (Lewis chuckles) Um...

It's a... it's a...
this will go down
as one of the important days.

You reach the audience
I gotta get to.

'Cause I'm gonna convert
20 percent of your guys.


Persia or Iran.

And Turkey.

This is the new axis
like the 1930s.


Why is nobody talking
about this?

Why is only Steve Bannon
talking about this?

(protesters chanting)

Male Reporter 1:
President Donald Trump
and First Lady Melania

stepping off Air Force One
at London's Stansted Airport.

It was the start of a much
anticipated visit to the UK.

Male Reporter: President,
perhaps you could elaborate

on that remark
that immigration has damaged

the cultural fabric of Europe.

I think it's been very bad
for Europe.

And I know it's politically
not necessarily correct

to say that, but I'll say it
and I'll say it loud.

And I think they'd better
watch themselves

because you are
changing culture,

you are changing
a lot of things.

You're changing security.

You're... look
at what's happening,

I mean, you take a look.

Bannon: Hey, guys.
How you doing?

- Riviere: Hey.
- Bannon: Hey, how you doing?

- Good to see you again.
- Can we open these at all?

- Kassam: No.
- Why?

- Kassam: It's on the street.
- Oh, God.

Between 18 and 25.
It's gotta be all Macron's guys.

- It can't be you.
- No, it's us.

The young one do vote for us.

Bannon: Let me ask you, um,
when they say change France,

what changes are...
were they looking for?

Riviere: Gasoline prices
are increasing drastically

for the people that are living
outside of cities.

Why are they increasing?

Riviere: Because of taxes.
He's putting additional taxes.

- On... on gasoline?
- Riviere: On gasoline.

Argument he uses is the fact
that, you know,

gasoline is bad
for the environment.

Bannon: Where has he stood
on the migrant crisis?

'Cause he didn't offer up,
you guys closed your borders.

You didn't take
any of the migrant...

Riviere: No we didn't close
our borders.

They... they went to Spain
and we had some come from Spain.

The key point is immigration.

Bannon: You get... you want
to go through the financials?

Do you have those documents?

- Riviere: We have it all here.
- Bannon: Yeah.

That two million,
or two million Euro

is what you pay in expenses

for... for the month of July
and August.


Anything else you need
for this right now, or...

Alison: Are you now like,

for the National Rally, uh,

Or what...
what did I just watch?

Bannon: Every populist party
or nationalist party

that looks viable, right.

I'm... I'm trying to help.

This is what I've done
for 40 years.

This is no different
than in the 1980s

when I was at Goldman Sachs,
sitting down with entrepreneurs

and tech companies
or media companies

or in the 90s
when I had my own firm.

It's... it's literally just
a different conference room,

right. It's the same thing.

- (chuckles) I don't know
what it's used for.
- (Farage chuckles)

How do you set up something

that begins a clearing... begins
as a clearing house for ideas,

which is a very gentle way
to get people
to get involved in it.

They come for a chat,
discussion, around the table,

it's informal. Whatever.

But can develop
into something valuable.

Modrikamen: Obviously there are
different kinds of populists

with different attack.

But the main issue is clearly,
migration, Islam.

Depending on current trend
with, uh, so called refugees

and what we call
chain migration,

because we have a huge
chain migration

for one people getting in, uh,

officially we have usually
five or six following.

Bannon: The birthrate
of an Islamic couple in Belgium

- versus a native Belgian...
- Two or three times of...

- Bannon: Two or three times.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The real battle
isn't in Washington or anywhere.

The real battle is Brussels.

This is where... this is where
the future of all our states

is gonna be determined.

The more information
you get to people,

like the information
that's laid today.

It's like a contagion,
it goes out.

They may not put a flag
in front of their house

and say I'm voting for Trump.

But they'll vote for Trump
and they'll vote for you guys.

It's just getting...
it's coordinating,

getting information out.

- I think it's time for action.
- Yes.

Kassam: Would you mind taking
a picture of all of us?

We have to have you in it.

When they come for us
they're coming for you too.

(all laugh)

Go ahead and jump in.

I just wanna.. If anybody would
like to say grace, feel free.

- Jerome?
- Ekeroth: No,
I'm from a laic country so...

Father, we're gathered
around this table

as friends and comrades.

Kassam: At the moment
when our American friends

want to know
who their allies are

in the populist nationalist
movement in... in Europe,

well, there are several
different places they call.

There needs to be one place
they can call.


The only possibility
to win the struggle

for European identity, um...

is to unify our... our parties.

One thing you ought to give us
is a punch list

of just as a country
what we can be doing

to support, you know,
this movement over here.

You know, we do actually control
the government.

Bannon: Changed the fabric.

You could find some kind
of gimmick,

something that...
that would give us common,

you know, common flag,
or common,

while respecting
our national identities.

Something that makes us focus
on the fact that we're going

to defeat the EU.

Bannon: We're gonna use
the media like Trump did.

Kassam: Yeah.

Mainstream media is gonna be
our biggest ally, you watch.

They're obsessed by us
at the moment.

- Bannon: Obsessed, obsessed.
- We got to use that obsession,

right, The Atlantic wrote
a thousand word article today

about like three meetings
Steve took over the last

few days, right.
Here's the thing,

even if they try to mock
and deride it,

the trust... the in the media
is so low at the moment

that people will go
and go, hmm, yeah, I don't know,

you know.

Trump taught me a great lesson.
There's no bad media.

He... he, you know, and the more
the mainstream media

gets obsessed with this,
it's gonna be your biggest...

it's gonna be your biggest ally.

Hey, how you doing brother?

Can you just pop
over there and then...

Hey, how you doing, man?

This is Michael Jackson...

Bannon: Yeah, this is all
off the record.

Yeah, the Front National guys
were here.

- Well, what did they want?
- A lot of what

we're talking about
is very focused

on, um, the European
parliamentary elections in '19.

I am starting to work with, uh,
various parties, uh,

throughout Europe
and various individuals.


Bannon: We're talking to people,

we're telling them
about the association.

I mean, you got
the big countries,

Italy, Germany, France,

Hungary obviously,
Czech Republic.

These leaders have done
an amazing job.

We're looking to provide, uh,
polling, data analytics,

war room messaging,

Man: It's the idea
that with this, you know,

we can become the official
number one party in Italy,

you know, like... and then...
and then you have to tell them

we have to plan.
Plan is the key word.

The victory, uh,
for the European elections.

- Mischael, from Belgium.
- From the movement.

Sean, pleasure to meet you.

Modrikamen: The movement is in.

- Man: Yeah, is in.
- Is in.

Modrikamen: And I asked clearly
can we make it public.

Man: Yeah.

Bannon: Fine, go ahead
and do it.

What I've learned,

is you are part
of a worldwide movement

that is bigger than France,
bigger than Italy.

Interpreter: Do you allow photos
with you?

Yeah, sure, sure, sure.

Oh, you do? Oh, you do?

Well, he's one of my, uh,
he's one of my heroes.

(audience applauding)

Bannon: Viktor Orban said
the main task

of our new government

would be to preserve
Hungary's security

and its Christian culture.

We are working on building
an old school

Christian democracy,

rooted in the European

(audience applauding)

- Meloni: Finally.
- Bannon: Hi.

How are you doing?

Well, I hope next year that, uh,
we've initiated

enough excitement that people
by March or April,

that this is what is in cafes,

this is what people are talking
about at dinner parties.

Why is it every time
that you talk about

the demographic issue,
and talk about family formation,

and talk about young people
trying to have families

and trying to have jobs,
you're a racist,

you're a xenophobe,
you're a nativist.

They don't wanna discuss
what the facts are.

The deplorables
in the United States,

and the working men
and women in England

that voted for Brexit,
and the Brothers of Italy

and others that voted
for change in Italy

are raw political power.


Bannon: Italian Milo.
That's loaded. That's loaded.

Kassam: We're gonna take
some questions now.

You obviously have
Steve Bannon right here.

Giorgia Meloni.

Mischael Modrikamen,
cofounder of the movement.

Bannon: I did this thing
with The Daily Beast.

That thing exploded.

Literally 25 of the biggest
news sites in the world

picked it up as aggregation.
And then it just metastasized.

We have to live off
earned media, right.

We don't have enough money,
this revolution

we're trying to lead,
we're not gonna have...

we're never gonna be...
we're not Soros, right.

We're not gonna have
18 billion dollars

to put in something.
We're not the Kochs.

And... and look, the President,
he's the first to admit,

he's a huge consumer of media.

You know, if you're... if you're
in The New York Times,

he's gonna read it, right.

If you're on CNN or Fox,
he's gonna watch it.

- Did we get the trailer?
- Fleuette: Yeah.

Can I see the new trailer
'cause I got to send this...

- Fleuette: Yeah.
- Huh?

Fleuette: Yeah, I'm...
I'm looking at it right now.

Fine. Just see it
and then let me see it

and I got to get that to Maggie.

Trump: You know,
this is tough stuff.

We're fighting a war.

Coming September.
Doom, boom, lock it.

Let me have it right now,
I'm gonna send it to Maggie.

Alison: Are you giving it
to The Times?

Bannon: New York Times, yeah.

The opposition party.

The paper of record
for our country.

We're not gonna put this
in theaters,

this is to go out to rallies,
all that type of stuff.

- It's an hour long?
- Yeah.

- Oh, wow.
- Yeah. It's a real film.

- Wow.
- Let's not mince words.

Donald Trump is a bigot
and a racist.

I'm sorry, he's a racist.

Male Reporter:
He's a belligerent,
loud mouthed racist.

His supporters,
what does it say about you,

that no matter what,

you continue to make excuses
for this man

for his vile behavior?

Bannon: Look, I've said
from day one,

people are really thinking
about making race

and identity politics
the centerpiece

of the democratic primaries.
If they do that, we'll win.

It's just... people are...
'cause people...

it's economic nationalism.
They care about jobs.

Alison: But all I'm saying is,
like you're making deplorables

the identity that you're
rallying people around.

Like you're showing them
them being attacked

and saying that
they should be outraged

at how people are talking
about them. Right?

And your point? (chuckles)

Trump: When did we beat
Japan at anything?

When did we beat Mexico
at the border?

They're laughing at us,
at our stupidity.

The US has become
a dumping ground...

for everybody else's problems.
We're fighting a war.

Alison: Outrage culture,
identity politics,

that's like
what you're leaning into.

Come on, then that would...

that would mean, like,
it's propaganda.

What would Leni Riefenstahl do?

How should we...
how should we...

how should we...
how would Leni cut that scene?

Oh, well.

I don't think there's been
a midterm election

this important, uh,
in my lifetime, uh,

because the democrats
want to take us back

to taxes
and to the regulatory states...

Bannon: Now, okay, so here's
what's going to happen.

On September 9th,
I'm gonna premiere this up

at Harry Ciprianis,
exactly two years

to the day she gave
the deplorables speech.

You're one
of the keynote speakers.


Bannon: The exact moment
that she went on the stage

two years ago...

the curtain comes up
on Trump @War.

- It's a beautiful thing.
- My, uh...

Bannon: I love fucking
with her like this.

Uh, well, nothing like...

Wait a minute, this is on camera
so I'll be careful.

Melber: Hey. Hey, New York,
if you called me

I... I can't pick it up
I'm shooting...

Melber: Copy that.

Let's start with the midterms.
If they were held today,

who do you think
would win the house?

I think if they were held today,

uh, we'd have a tough time
holding the house.

Melber: You have a new group.

Is that because you think
Republicans are on pace to lose

and they need your help?

I think, look,
our group is principally

to... to do the undergirding
of President Trump's populism

and economic nationalism

Who is funding this group?

Well, it's just...
it's private donors.

Melber: Why not tell people
who they are?

Well, because I think
the donors want to be private.

- It's... it's the law...
- Melber: The law allows them

- to go public or private.
- By the way,

if they want to come forward,
if donors want to come forward,

- they can come forward.
- Is there anyone
you would not take money from?

Well, I would not take money
from foreigners, right.

And there are certain people...
You know, I'm pretty selective

about, you know,
who I take money from.

I... I've always had
good partners.

Always had partners
I've been pretty happy with.

Kwok: Hi, sir. (chuckles)

- Hi, sir. Welcome.
- Bannon: Hey, how are you?

(chuckles) Come here.

Bannon: Yeah, can you and I
spend a little, uh...

Kwok: Yeah.



Could... could you give her
a little tour of your house?

(talking in Chinese)

Male Reporter 1: Guo Wengui
originally made his money
in real estate.

You like this room, the color?

Male Reporter 1: He fled China
in 2015 after his relationship

with the Chinese Communist
Party officials, soured.

Male Reporter 2:
The Chinese government
accuses Guo of bribery

fraud, and money laundering
but it doesn't have

an extradition treaty
with the US.

Male Reporter:
He's also a member
of Donald Trump's

- exclusive Mar-a-Lago club.
- Snow, Snow, watch.


Can we go ahead and... and...
I'll catch up with you later?

'Cause I've got to do something.

- Alison: Yeah.
- Anything else you wanna get
from Miles while you're here?

No, Miles Kwok is a... is a...
like a...

he's like a... he's a figure
from a movie.

Alison: Did Miles support
the film? Trump @War?

- Did who?
- Alison: Miles.

What do you mean support?

- Alison: Like financially.
- Oh, no, no, no.

Never take any money from him.

Bannon: There's two places
in the world
that World War III could start.

And that's the Persian Gulf
and the South China Sea.

We gotta be very careful.

You're playing
with matches over there.


what we're gonna be presenting
late in the month,

this is actually
the 2018 not 2008.

The, um, this walks through
why the Chinese...

China is just a ponzi scheme.

In the run up
to the 19th party congress
where President Xi

was just laying out the 2049
and everything like that.

Two people...

were telling me
what was gonna happen

and who were gonna be
the key guys afterwards

of all the other writing
out there.

And that was Miles Kwok
and John Thornton.

And they absolutely
had it to a tee.

They said Wang Qishan and Liu He

are gonna be his
two principle deputies.

Wang Qishan is coming
to Saudi Arabia...

- Alison: Wang "Chi"shan.
- Wang Qishan.

Alison: "Chi."
The Q is pronounced "Chi."

- "Shi"
- Alison: Yeah, "Chi."

"Shi"? I can pronounce
Wang Qishan.

It's what... how do you say it?

- Alison: "Chi"shan.
- "Shi"shan.

He's Wang Qishan
but it's "Shi"shan?

- Alison: "Chi"
- Wang "Shi"shan.

Alison: Yeah.

You know anybody
who pronounces it like that?

Alison: About a billion or so...

Oh, no, I'm not talking
about the people in China.

Thornton calls it Qishan.
Wang Qishan.

I'm gonna get John...
I'm gonna tell...

I'm gonna ask
John Thornton tonight.

Alison: Okay. I'm not worried
about it.

Okay, okay.

(band music playing)

(indistinct chatter)

Modrikamen: We need a website.

- Okay.
- Bannon: Yeah.

Look, website I think, it has
to be the simplest possible.

These are not nearly
classic enough.

I want something really classic
that represents kinda Europe.

Can I get, uh, Raheem
on the phone?

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Steve is asking what's going on.
What... what do we do?

And by the way, Raheem,
I don't have the time
to do this,

so if it's like I'm getting
in to micromanaging,

I'm now getting
into micromanaging.

I need the lawyer
to define for me

what every paragraph is,
and why this has to go in there.

- Okay?
- Kassam: Okay.

And I need that done today.

Kassam: Well, hold on,
one second you're saying

you don't want to micromanage
the next second...

No, I am micromanaging now
'cause I need to get
this shit done.

They may propose building
a website that sucks in

seven million guys, right.
I have no idea.

Kassam: You and I had
an email exchange last week

where you said get Andy on it,
so he's already on it.

Where do we stand?

Kassam: Well,
I texted him yesterday,
I didn't get a response.

(sighs) Do you want me to come
and wipe...

do I have to change your nappy
and powder your bottom.

Kassam: I can't...
what am I gonna do,

- text him every hour?
- Yes.

Kassam: Okay, fine.

Raheem, do you have this budget
in front of you?

I have to find it, hold on.

- Um, that's upstairs.
- (scoffs)

Let's see...

Raheem, we're gonna call
you back in a second, okay?

Okay, look.

I went through this
with Breitbart London.

This is why I can't do this
with him anymore.

It just... all he wants to do
is go on fucking TV,

and be a big shot,
and do all that,

and this is what... the success
of this is all in here.

- God is in the details.
- Exactly.

Bannon: Nigel's got the same
problem Raheem does.

All these...
all these British guys,

they just wanna fuck off
all the time.

Nobody wants to do any work.

- Hey. How was it?
- The, uh... dude.

Bannon: Your life's about
to change here,

right here, stop.
Here's what's gonna happen.

- You're now...
- You have 50 million dollars

- for me?
- Bannon: No, uh, it's worse.

- That I can earn.
- No, you could.

But you're gonna...
you're now...

I'm not kidding you,

you're in charge
of the European project.

I can't do Raheem anymore.

He... he reports to you.
You saw the email.

I just got off a call with him,
he hasn't done anything.

He hasn't done shit.

He's blowing...
he's taking our money,

he sends expenses
and he hasn't done anything.

You shouldn't do any work.

All you have to do, is say,

where is this, where is this."

Every day I want to know
what Raheem does.

'Cause right now
he's just fucking off.

He's hanging out
over at Morton's,

smoking cigars, drinking,
being a big shot, right.

Even though I'm 64,
I realize that every day

I'm burning daylight.
That stuff has got to get done.

People do come in at certain
moments and it changes.

If I had not come in
as the CEO of the campaign,

Trump would not have won.
There's no doubt.

No doubt in my mind,
no doubt in his mind.

Donald Trump
is a historical figure

and Donald Trump's
a transformational president.

And Donald Trump's
gonna be in your life,

your personal life,
30 years from now.

Alison: So, you're sacrificing
your personal life right now

for that?

No, but it's not... it's...

You know,
what is a personal life?

You know, all my life,
I'd had, you know,

dedicated to the job.

I was a workaholic
and, you know, I read history

and I followed politics
and I did things...

of course, I had outside
activities and... and golf

and things like that
but it's not...

as you get older,

I mean, this... this life
is so fulfilling for me

and I'm so busy,
I can't think about other stuff.

And I look at it and it's like,
what else would I be doing?


I'm sure you have...

lots of experience putting
these things on.

Not really, is that good?

Is that why you wear two shirts,
one for each camera.


- (whistles)
- More up here.

- Have you seen Trump @War?
- Your film.

I should say yes now
but I haven't so...

Well, no I sent... I'm gonna
send you a link tonight.

- Okay.
- This is not a persuasion film.

It's a, uh, it's a...

it's a piece of propaganda,

I... I consider propaganda
to be positive but...

Errol Morris says,
and with... with respect to you,

"The permission to hate
seems to be a really big part

of what Steve Bannon
offered to voters.

Hate black people,
hate Hispanics,

hate Muslims, hate, hate, hate.

Hate is energizing
for a lot of people."

That was his interpretation
of you

after spending a lot of time
with you.

You have to watch the film
and see that.

I don't think that's true
at all.

Some of the people you're doing
business with here in Europe

are far right,
sometimes quite extreme,

they've got links to...

- Like Orban? Or who?
- Lewis: Like Filip Dewinter

who you had a meeting with in...
in London.

Bannon: No, no, he just came
to... he just came...

that was a general dinner.

Lewis: Does it concern you
that Filip Dewinter

has like commemorated former
SS collaborators...

Bannon: No, no, no,
I said, that kind of stuff

is not gonna be tolerated
in the... in the movement.

We were very upfront with that,

So he just came...
he just came to the dinner.

That was a general dinner.
We had, you know,

a number of people there.

Lewis: What about
Kent Ekeroth in Sweden?

I mean, he has been ostracized
by the Sweden Democrats.

He's not even on their list
of parliamentary candidates.

Bannon: He came
to the introductory dinner too.

Lewis: He was the other person
at the dinner.

Bannon: Yeah. I mean, there's
like 15 or 20 people at dinner.

I mean, people
will find it deeply offensive,

particularly Jews
who live in Europe.

Jews who lived in...
Jews who lived in Italy.

Bannon: Hang on,
Mischael happens to be Jewish.

Mischael's Jewish.

Lewis: Let me just say
what Errol Morris said.

He said Steve Bannon
will doubtlessly say...

say that his remarks
were not anti-Semitic

but I would
respectfully disagree.

He knew what he was doing.
He's suggesting that
you're doing dog whistle

anti-Semitism here. That...
that's your modus operandi.

I just disagree with, um,
with Errol on that.

- Lewis: Is the term globalist
an anti-Semitic slur?
- Absolutely not.

Lewis: Coded anti-Semitic slur.

I mean, there are people
who would argue that it is.

George Soros, I mean
that is widely accepted

as an anti-Semitic trope.

The use... the suggestion
that George Soros
is somehow all controlling,

that he's influencing Europe,
everybody knows...

I totally disagree with that.

- George Soros is the biggest...
- Lewis: That's a fact.

It's not something to disagree
with because it is
an anti-Semitic trope.

What no, George, that's...
just cause you stated it,

- doesn't mean it's true.
- Lewis: The idea

that George Soros is controlling
the world.

I didn't say controlling
the world,

I said he's the...
he's the financier in back
of the NGOs.

So you're unaware
that many people will read that

as being a nod and a wink
toward anti-Semitism?

Bannon: Absolutely not.
I don't see that at all.

Experts in Italy will...
will connect the success

of the Italian far right
and say it's connected

to a really alarming
resurgence of neo-fascism

in Italy right now.
And that has been...

- That doesn't exist.
- I don't think...

- What doesn't exist?
- They build all this story

about the... the fascism
was coming back,

so it would alarm people

so they were voting
for the left.

You know what
you should come in Italy

and then look at what
we are doing everyday.

Lewis: Okay, let me ask
about your party secretary,

Francesco Minutillo.

He had a manifest objection
to Islamic people.

He said, uh, Adolf Hitler
was his uncle

and, uh, that fascism was,
quote, the best period
in Italian history.

Meloni: It can be that
you have got somebody

that says something
you don't agree.

You... you, uh, maybe...
maybe we change them.

Interpreter: This is not...
this is not right.

You're an interpreter
not an interviewee,
so if you don't mind.

I will give you
after my opinion.

We don't... we're not interested
in your opinion right now.

Bannon: Oh, hang on, hang on,
don't be so rude to this guy.

You don't have permission
to come out being rude to him.

- Interpreter: I'm only...
- (Overlap chattering)

Your way of interviewing
is fascist.

Sir, with respect,

your way of translating
is highly ineffective.

We're having a conversation.
If you wouldn't mind,

I would like to continue.

Giorgia, you said your party
was not neo-fascist.

Steve, when you told me
you were gonna meet Giorgia,

you described Brothers of Italy
as a neo-fascist party.

- Bannon: I don't think I did.
- You did. Twice.

- I don't think I did.
- So, I just wonder who's right.

Are they... Is it not
a neo-fascist party or it is?

'Cause that's what you said
to me.

I don't think I did at all.

You can't possibly believe
those are dog whistles.

- Lewis: Hmm?
- You can't possibly believe

- those are dog whistles.
- Do you know, I think you, um,

I genuinely don't think
you could not believe

- that they are.
- Oh, my God. Come on.

And I... I don't sort of think
it's the trivial, sort of,

joking thing and you do this
sort of smirk

and it's sort of uncomfortable
for me 'cause it's serious.

Oh, but I think...

It's serious offensive
dog whistle politics.

- Oh, my... I think...
- I think you know it, Steve.

No, I think you're totally wrong
on that.

You know you're wrong.
But we can talk about it.

(bell tolling)

Male Reporter 1: Steve Bannon
will no longer be attending

this year's New Yorker festival.

Male Reporter 2:
Bannon was disinvited
from the New Yorker festival.

Male Reporter 3:
Following criticism
from other guests.

Following backlash
on social media.

Male Reporter 4: Given
what Steve Bannon represents

which is the rise
of white nationalism,

I think it's overall
a generally good thing

that platform is taken away.

(bell tolling)

Female Reporter 1: In a stunning
and unprecedented move

The New York Times
is publishing

a shocking, anonymous,

op-ed from a senior Trump
administration official.

Male Reporter 1: Quote,
"We believe our first duty

is to this country
and the President continues

to act in a manner

that is detrimental
to the health of our republic."

Bannon: We've had a coup d'état
in the United States.

That letter yesterday,
that op-ed
in The New York Times,

is from the Republican

and they've basically said
you're not acceptable.

Now they realize
Trump's a danger to the system.

Bannon: It's a team of people.
It's, um, Huntsman,

Brian Hook, Dan Coats,
Linda Chao, Brenberg,

Mulvaney, it's...
it's a whole pack of them.

This midterm election,

the instrument
of Trump's destruction

is going to be
the House of Representatives

and they've deemed
that they don't mind

losing 40 seats.

People are looking at this
the wrong way.

It's not a battlefield map
with 40 or 50 seats.

There are 20 that are done,
fuck 'em.

No more money, you cut it off.

The incremental 15,
on November 6 in the evening,

we have to guarantee
to ourselves

that we can hold and win these.

That's all that matters.
If we do that,

he's gonna
not get impeached.

Event Attendee: Who's our
special guest gonna be?

Alison: Do you want me
to ruin the surprise?

- Oh, yeah.
- Alison: 'Cause I know.

- Tell me.
- Alison: Steve Bannon.

Event Attendee: (gasps) No.

Oh, my God.

- I'm so excited.
- Bill Bannon?

Steve Bannon.

- Oh, Steve.
- I love him.

- Alison:
Are you really excited?
- Oh, my God.

- I'm so excited. Thank you.
- Allison: (chuckles)

The movie just did
a really good job

of showing where things
started two years ago

and where they are now.

- Really, okay.
- So...


You know, and he hasn't paid
any attention

to what he's really done.

And when he got up he said,
"Okay. That was a no propaganda,

factual," you know,
"I see what's happened," so...

- Okay. Cool.
- I see what's happened.

- That's real good to hear.
- Yeah.

Man: This guy
I'm about to introduce,

he embodies the term
populist nationalist.

And he's someone who had
an unbelievable influence

on Donald Trump from day one.

And now I'm gonna introduce,
Mr. Steve Bannon.

(crowd cheers and applauds)

Bannon: Thank you so much,
thank you.

I think it's the 6th event
I've done today or gathering.

Every room I'm in,
it's the exact same crowd,

It's the deplorables.

It's the backbone of our victory
in, uh, in 2016.

This midterm that's gonna happen
on November 6,

is just not any midterm.

It is Donald J Trump's
first reelect.

I have said from day one,
it was divine providence.

I was there.

It was divine providence
that delivered that.

Divine providence.

But divine providence works
through human agency.

Divine providence works through
people knocking on doors,

making phone calls.
It's about human action.

You have to engage.

You have to engage because
the other side's engaged.

These young kids
that have been out in June,

July and August
on the progressive left,

they've been walking precincts.

The Time's Up movement,
and the resistance,

and Tom Steyer's
next generation,

walking precincts
and ringing doorbells.

It's the French Revolution.

That's what's coming.

We're either gonna be
the country

that was bequeathed to us

or we're gonna be
something radically different.

- (music playing)
- (audience applauding)

Get in the middle,
a rose between two thorns.

One, two, three.

- Bannon: Let's get her...
- Woman: In the middle?

I see two thorns.

(music continues playing)

Band Member:

Woman: Made you a card

- and I wrote you a poem.
- Bannon: Oh, my gosh.


I haven't had that happen
in a long time.

"I dream
of fallen patriots past.

I can see my future
clearly cast.

The fields of amber, so red,
white and blue,

the fight brings my passion
so strongly to protect you.

America, so forgotten,
your gratitude so due.

I find my every fiber
calling out to you.

- I remember and I am true."
- Bannon: Wow.

- Thank you so much.
- Woman: Here's the poem.

Oh, thank you. Thank you
so much. That's amazing.

If you walked
in my grandmother's house,

the front room
is just like this, right.

Same type of neighborhood.
Same crosses, crucifix, family.

You know, I just got back
from Europe,

right before I started
the campaign here and, you know,

in Italy and in France
and in Germany,

it's all the same folks,
right, working class,

middle class people.


Bannon: Oh you, come on dude.

- It drives me crazy.
- Bannon: I love that.

- I could be there every day.
- That stuff drives me crazy.

Bannon: Oh, my God. I love her.

(indistinct chatter)

Alison: Can you explain
where we are right now?

This is the Van Nuys
private airport.

This is the populist...

- Sean: Headquarters.
- That is so bad.

I'm gonna get so crushed...

I'm gonna get so crushed
in this film!

She got every five star hotel.

(plane engine roars)

Nunberg: The wall.

- The wall was my idea.
- You started working when?

- Twelve or what?
- And that's a fact.

That's a fact.
I don't care what Trump says.

Alison: So how did you
come up with it?

He's a genius.

Well, immigration
was our threshold issue.

Immigration was going
to be our birtherism issue.

Immigration was
from a political issue.

So, we were gonna do
mass deportation

and the wall.
And the wall fit with his brand.

And it was simplistic
and it was easy

for everyone to understand.

I did get Trump
onto Twitter too.

Bannon: You're the one
that got Trump on Twitter?


We became friends...

- Friendly...
- Became friends.

Not friends. I mean we became...

we started dealing
with each other a lot.

Became friends.
Yeah, you're buddies.

When you're at that level
you don't...

you don't have friends
among grundoons.

That's the problem.
Guys like you and Cory

and Stone, you all think
you're buddies

with him. You're not.

Alison: And you're not either?

Not what? Friend of Trump?
No. Never.

The pressure he's under,
he doesn't need...

people crowding his space.

(audience laughs)

I don't care
if the guy likes me.
I don't care... No, seriously.

Here's what I know.
Last night on national TV,

he called himself a nationalist
that was against the globalists.

Okay. I'm about one thing.
I'm about winning.

A globalist is a person
that wants the globe to do well,

frankly, not caring
about our country so much.

And you know what,
we can't have that.

You know, they have a word.

It sort of became old-fashioned,
it's called a nationalist.

And I say, "Really?

We're not supposed
to use that word."

You know what I am?
I'm a nationalist, okay?

I'm a nationalist.

Male Reporter 1: Trump referred
to himself as a nationalist,

a term embraced by those
with a racist ideology.

Male Reporter 2:
He galvanizes his space
and he instinctively knows

it will turn out more voters
for him

come the Midterm Elections.

You can tell a man
by his enemies.

The Pope, President Xi in China,
George Soros...

I'm just kidding.
Any other questions...

Male Reporter 1:
Trump has continued
to stoke conspiracies

about billionaire Liberal dono,
George Soros, who is Jewish.

Female Anchor: Well, who do you
think is behind these caravans?

A lot of speculation
that it's George Soros,

do you believe that?

I do not.
I am not a conspiracy theorist.

I am so upset that George Soros

funds all of these
creative activists

and I can't...
or other people like me,

can't find a George Soros
on the right side of the fence.


Hate is a motivator.
Anger is a motivator. I know.

I was part of the Tea Party.
The anger motivates.

You are not under
any obligation,

to let these people
enter your country.

They just
shouldn't fucking be here.

President is firing up
his base with the issue

that helped propel him
into the White House.

Bannon: People are saying,
you know, George Soros

is paying for it,
the Left's paying for it.

You can tell the democrats,
George Soros, and the angry mob

that's coming here,
you either come the right way

like everyone else
or be ready to face the militay

and a one-way ticket
back to where you came from.

Male Reporter 1:
The US Secret Service

has intercepted
suspicious packages...

Female Reporter 1:
The device sent
to the New York home

of billionaire democratic dono,
George Soros...

Male Reporter 2: well as
the homes
of the former Presidents,

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama
this morning.

- Alison: Did you guys up
the security at all today?
- Fleuette: Yes.

Yeah, we did.

Alison: Did it make you nervous,
the bomb stuff?

- I got like a million texts.
- Fleuette: (clears throat)
Um, well first of all,

I don't know
that they're even real.

So, I'll have to wait and see.

They seem to all
be targeting lefties which is...

Seems kind of odd to me.

Alison: 'Cause you think people
would target

left and right indiscriminately?

Fleuette: No, because I think,

lefties are usually more
the violent type.

Weather Underground,
you know, Black Panthers.

Traditionally, it's been...

Expect for maybe, uh...

Timothy McVeigh.
But he was just crazy.

He would... I wouldn't call him
one of us.

Male Reporter 1: A person
by the name of Cesar Sayoc Jr.

has been arrested in connection
with this, uh, bomb probe.

Male Reporter 2: This van
where we now know

Cesar Sayoc was living.

It was adorned with stickers
and posters

supporting President Trump

and Vice President Pence
and democratic opponents

with targets over their faces.

Male Reporter 3:
At least 11 people were killed

when a gunmen opened fire
in the Tree of Life synagogue.

- Woman: Oh, you want me
in the middle.
- A... a rose

- between two thorns.
- Woman: Oh, there you go.

Come on.

Come on. Okay?
Okay. Thank you.

(indistinct chatter)

Female Reporter 1:
This mass shooting
come to the end of a week

of bomb scares targeting
democratic political leaders

and Trump critics
across the country.

Male Reporter 4:
We are learning more
about the synagogue massacre

in Pittsburgh.
Sadly, the number of victims
has increased.

The Anti-Defamation League

saying this is likely
the deadliest attack

on the Jewish community
in the history of the US.

Rabbi: Seven of my congregants
were shot dead in my sanctuary.

It has to start with you
as our leaders.

Words of hate are unwelcome
in Pittsburgh.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

Bannon: How's this for the...
the... for The Times.

They're doing a thing on Soros
being, you know,

attacked and vilified.

Quote, "Soros has without
a doubt

been the single most important,

and effective individual
driving the globalist agenda

on the world stage,"
Mr. Bannon said.

"Soros is vilified
because he is effective.

I only hope one day
I am as effective

as he has been and as vilified,"

Mr. Bannon said, calling threats
like the pipe bombs,

quote, "The admission ticket
for playing in this arena."

It's not anti-Semitic.
Globalist is not anti-Semitic.

Would you please stop?

Alison: It seems like
a lot of people agree with me.

I don't... A lot of lefties.

Alison: And the people
shooting up synagogues

and sending pipe bombs.

It's not anti-Semitic.

It's a term.
It's the party of Davos.

(indistinct chatter)

Protesters: Shame on you!
Shame on you! Shame on you!

Shame on you!
Shame on you!

♪ You stupid ass bitch!
I ain't fucking with you! ♪

(protesters cheering)

Man: So, so, so.

This whole thing about hate.

Trump's economic nationalism
doesn't care about your race,

your religion, your ethnicity,
your color.

(audience laughing)

Okay. Okay.

I got a whole night
to convert you.

(audience laughs)

If the Trump program
and the populist is so bad,

David, how do we get
the new NAFTA deal?

And the key to the NAFTA deal...

(audience booing)

- I forgot I'm in Toronto.
- (audience laughing)

President Trump is a crook.
Viktor Orban is a crook.

Marine Le Pen is a crook.

Orban is winning with 70 percent
of the vote.

Di Maio and Salvini are winning
with two thirds of the vote.

Bolsonaro, Captain Bolsonaro
wins with 55 percent
of the vote.

Donald Trump wins
with over 300 electoral votes.

(audience laughing
and applauding)

Tough, tough.

it's all on their shoulders.

It's their kids and their money.

And it's come time that we're
not looking to be an empire,

we're not an imperial power,
we're a revolutionary power.


- If the suggestion... If...
- Thanks, Mom.

(audience laughing)

Thornton: So, what'd you think?

- Bannon: Why don't you tell me
what you thought.
- I thought it was great.

Yeah, you know, everyone.

Were you sitting there?
Did you see it?

That line with the mother
was great.

- (Bannon chuckles)
- They loved that.

But even before that,
you know, stay with me here,

- You know, that kind of stuff.
- (chuckles) Yeah.

For people who don't know you,
you're totally disarming

because you're sort of charming
and, kind of, you pick up irony

and you're...

They... they're kind of shocked
you're such a nice, quote,

a nice guy.

The hatred of Trump is like
something I never seen before.

That's the first time
I've faced it with

a crowd of decent people.

Those are
not screaming liberals.

- Right.
- Right?

- Those are decent folks.
- Right.

- They hate him.
- That's why I keep saying
to you

it's sort of a parallel track
here, right.

One is,

you're the guy who put him...
put him in the White House.

That's all good, however,

you're the leader of something
that's much more powerful.

Whether he runs in 2020
or he doesn't run in 2020.

Or 2024 for that matter. So...

So I'd like to see what ha...
I'd like to see you
increasingly seen

as the intellectual horsepower
leading the movement.

Uh, which gives you
independent standing.

Which is why
this kind of crowd...

- Bannon: Yes.
- good for you.

Bannon: Yes.
I got to do more of this.


You know, Bernie Sanders people
and all that stuff.

The... the blacks,
the Hispanics, and all that.

- We're gonna get those guys.
- Thornton: Yeah, we don't...

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

- What are you doing Tuesday?
- Thornton: Um, I'm around.

Bannon: You ought to come down
and we're gonna set up, um,
a war room type thing,

- you come down and watch
the results.
- Thornton: In D.C.?

- Bannon: Yeah. On a rooftop
over on the Capitol.
- Thornton: Oh, cool.

Bannon: Drop the fucking call
and get on this conference call.

You got to run this, dude.
I can't run it.

I got to go other places.
You got... drop fucking Ben now

and get on this call.

God damn it.

Okay. Standby one second,
Sam's gonna join us momentarily.

Larry, this is very important.

Because Larry,
your analysis of actual voting

is different than the polling.

- And it's driving us
to a different conclusion, okay.
- Pat: Yup.

Bannon: How many absolute votes
have already been cast

is like 3.9 million.

Pat: Yeah, it is with national.

Not national. Not national, Pat.
Pat, I'm talking about Florida.

Please stay focused.

- Pat: Oh, I'm sorry.
- Just stay focused, okay!

I want to fucking
go through these states.

I don't give a fuck
about a national number.

- Go back to Florida,
how many votes have been ca...
- Man: Just the...

Will you shut the... will you
shut the fuck up
and let the guy talk?

Pat: Um, oh, okay, so far,

- it's 41.7 percent
of Republicans...
- (sighs)


I know this... I know this,
but she's a...
she's a tough closer.

What... what... but what numbers
are you looking at there?

Alison: Are you basically
comparing everything

to how it felt in 2016?

Yeah, but just that...
that really it's all the...
it's analytics.

I got the same team
we had in '16.

They're much more optimistic
than I am now.

It's just something about...
I had a great feeling in '16,

I knew we had it. I was...
I never doubted a second.

Uh, boom,
here's what we gotta do.

And all the numbers
started coming in.

I don't have that feeling
this time.

I just don't have the feeling.
Something's bugging me.

Alison: Two years ago
this was your job

because you were running
Trump's campaign.

- Yeah.
- Alison: Now, why is it

- personally meaningful to you?
- 'Cause it's the...
it's the populist movement.

If we lose tomorrow, the House,

it's gonna take, you know,
it's gonna take a big hit.

It's gonna take, you know,
we're gonna
have to get it back up

and grind it back again.

You're gonna be...
it's gonna be stopped.

First off, you're not gonna get
a border wall.

They control appropriations.

Border wall's done.
Not gonna get it.

Alison: And that's key
for the pop...

- for your populist movement?
- I think the border wall is key
for the whole Trump presidency.

There's so many things,
the whole appropriation of stuff

is controlled by the Democrats.

In this town, all these
committees don't mean shit.

The appropria...
the appropriations process

in the House of Representatives
is everything.

(sighs) Wow.

Male Reporter 1: Election day
is finally here

and millions of Americans
are already lined up

to cast their votes
in what party leaders

are calling the most
important midterm election

of our lifetimes.

Today's election will decide
who will take control

of the Congress, of course,

and set the stage
for the next two years

of the Trump presidency.

Right now Republicans leads
the House of Representatives

240 seats to 195,

but if Democrats can add
at least 23 seats today,

they will take control.

Bannon: Hey, hey!
It's not exactly CNN but...

Cortes: No,
it's a cool view though.

- Better people.
- Yeah.

- Annie, you know Steve Cortes?
- Oh, hi. Nice to see you.

- Michael Wolff, Steve Cortes.
- Yeah, I've been on TV
with you.

- Cortes: Oh, okay.
Good to see you.
- Yeah. Good to see you.

- How you doing?
- You miss us?

- It's going to be fun, no?
- Yeah.

(indistinct chatter)

I'm so glad you're here.

Scheuermann: If you're winning
anyway in France,

why do you need Bannon?

He's coming
with a good track record

and he's saying
look if you want some,

whatever I can bring positivity,

I'm willing to... to be
at your disposal,

- so we'd be silly to refuse.
- Scheuermann: Oh. Oh. Oh.

(indistinct chatter)

It's... it's quite discrete
in the way he helps.

He's just, you know,
I have these tools,

do you want them,
you don't want them.

(indistinct chatter)

Bannon: Look, it's a mix
of good news and bad news.

The McSally thing I thought
was really breaking her way.

Looks like it didn't happen.

I think McSally and Heller
could both be in trouble.

This is your fucking job,
I need you to get...

When he says that, get this
up and get it over there, dude.

Don't give it to me.

Okay, Larry,
I'll call you later, thank you.

Engage your fucking brain.

- Male Reporter 1:
We have serious breaking news.
- (crowd cheering)

Democrats are continuing to win.

It is the end of one party rule
in the United States. Thank God.

And the beginning
of a new democratic party.

Younger, browner, cooler,
more women, more veterans.

Can win in Michigan.
Can win in Pennsylvania.

Can win in Ohio.

Michigan was a loss tonight.

I mean we held some of the seats
we gotta hold but,

James is a loss,
Epstein's a loss.

If you can't win
with those people

- we're doing something wrong.
- Man: ...that we need it.

What if the Democrats
have a two-seat majority.

They're gonna run it like
they have a 30 seat majority.

- I know they will.
- They don't care.

Bannon: So I mean,
it has no... it has no bearing.

- I wanna explain... I wanna
explain something to you.
- Bannon: No, no, no...

no whining, no tears.

They... they take the gavel,
they got subpoena power,

they got it.

- It's a bad night.
- Fritsch: It is.

It's a bad night
for the President?

Bannon: Yeah. You lose
the appropriations process,

and you give them
investigative authority.

I mean, you can't...
you can't say that that's...

Nunberg: Right, yeah, no,
I know.

This town's gonna be
very different.

Ayanna: None of us ran
to make history.

We ran to make change.

We have affirmed
that while this could go down

as the darkest time
in our history,

- we won't let it be.
- (crowd cheering)

Lifting up and affirming
what we are for.

Woman: For an America
that young people

can still have their
American dream fulfilled.

- Woman 2: Universal childcare.
- Woman 3: Equity.

- Woman 4: Moral clarity.
- Woman 3: Justice.

Woman 5: To prioritize
humane immigration

and criminal justice system.

Woman 6: Protect women's right
to choose.

- Woman 7: That is what
we are fighting for.
- (crowd cheering)

This can't be hugged out.

We win some
and we lose more.

But we continue to fight.

If you focus on the handful
of messages

people don't care
about anything else.

What they're fighting for
is their country.

If they know
that you're fighting

to save their country

and to make the country
great again,

they don't care
about anything else.

To get what I need done,
I don't need to be a politician,

right. Don't need to be.

I'm just amazed at the...
this is a global revolution

and, you know, I'm very lucky
to be at the vanguard of it.

And it's something, you know,
worth dedicating your life to.