The Beat (1988) - full transcript

A new kid moves into a tough neighborhood controlled by gangs, and tries to teach them poetry.

Rex: First he was,
then he wasn'’t.

Voorhas was born
on a small hill

during a great wave of heat

and light.

[Gears grinding]

[Gears grinding]

[Tires screeching]

[Heavy metal music playing]

Oh, shit!


[Vis whooping]

Guys, un-fucking-believable
what you just did there.
Yo, man!

You'’re a fucking maniac.
That'’s right!

Whoo! This shit, man.
Listen to this shit.

We saw a ton
of niggers, man.

They were driving a marathon
near the boulevard, right?

So, uh...
So, I yell, "go back up
town, you spooks."

So they all come
for me from the car.
"Fuck you, white meat."

So, fucking lon
starts chasing after them.

They must have thought
he had a gun '’cause they
peeled the fuck outta there!

So, lon and me,
we'’re climbing the
old yellow pass, right,

just right there,
we'’re circling around, right.

Just as they'’re
fucking below us, man,
as they'’re below us,

lon picks up this huge
motherfucking hunk of brick,
man, straight down the car!

Boom! Unbelievable!
There was shit
all over the place, man.

Boom is right, man.

You'’re a savage, lon.
All right!

Hit me, hit me.

God, you could never throw,
man, you could never...

Billy, where did you
get this shit, man?
This shit is Christ.

From dirt, man.

He'’s always got
that good shit, man.

They get it from
the niggers, man.

My boys always get it
from the niggers

and the niggers
always got the best pot.

Lon: Yeah,
but why is that?

Because they'’re niggers, man.
Danny, give me a beer, man.

Yo, where'’s your
sister at, Billy?

She went around
the corner to puke.

That fucking Amy
always pukes.

Let'’s get a game
going here.

Yeah!heads up, Danny.

Going long!

How you doing, Mrs. Kahn?Hey, Mrs. Kahn.

Where'’s Amy?

Uh, she'’s with
my sister, Mrs. Khan.

Oh. Billy, there'’s a new boy
moved into number 9d.

Oh, yeah?

I think there'’s something
wrong with him, I think
he might be retarded.

Listen, you tell Amy
to get her ass home
real soon

'’cause I'm gonna
have dinner ready.

Hey, what are you making?

I got crabs
over at the fish store.

Crabs?let'’s see, let's see.

Oh, ugly suckers.

How do you make
those, Mrs. Khan?

I Don'’t know.
I got a recipe
and a cookbook.

You tell Amy.

All right, let'’s go.

[Mrs. Khan yells]


[All exclaiming]Her bag busted!

Look at them fucking move.

Oh, god!

[Boys laughing]Man, they'’re fast!

Mrs. Khan:
Don'’t just stand there.
Help me!

[All exclaiming]

I got one!

Ow! Fuck your mother.

Hey, Don'’t step
on them, man. Jesus Christ!

They'’re running like hell.

Don'’t step on them, boys.
Kick them in the can.

Kick them in the can.

Got it. Got it.

There you go, Mrs. Kahn.

Oh, leave them there.
I Don'’t want 'em.

See the way they move?
They was dancing like
them Spanish cats.

For a second,
when I see them on
the street, man,

they looked like
they belonged here
and we didn'’t.

They hate us, man. Look.

[Crab legs rattling]

What'’s in there?

Lon: Amy'’s dinner.

[Boys laughing]Oh, Don'’t talk about food.

They'’re dead!No, they ain'’t. Look.

Ah.amy: Ah!

Stupid shit.Yo, we should cook them up.


[Bin slamming]

Oh, man!Guys, Don'’t do that.

Have you got
any more pot, bill?

Billy: Yo, what happened
to your joint, huh?

It'’s full of puke.

Vis: Oh, man,
i'’m gonna go.

[Boys laughing]You are so disgusting!

Oh, god,
I had to piss, Amy.

Look, they like it, Amy.

Hey, man, it stinks here.
Let'’s go, let's play.

I wanna play.Get outta here, cunt.

Faggot.puke whore.

Both of you
take it up the ass,
so what'’s the difference?

Hey, what do you gotta
talk so dirty for, huh?

Oh, excuse me.

He'’s so cute, isn't he?

Hey, shut up, Kate.

All right, man.
It'’s me, auggie,
and the nigger. Let'’s go.

Hey, vis, shut your
fucking mouth already!

Hey, man, you'’re fucking
with dynamite, lambeaux.

Yeah? Go ahead and fuck
with me again, vis,
i'’ll fuck you up.

I'’m standing
right fucking here!

Fuck, ma!
Fuck him up!

Let'’s go, man.

Come on, cut it out,
you two. Stop in, lon.

Vis: You got nothing, man.

Kick his ass again!

Right fucking here, man.
That'’s right, man.

You know what, man,
you'’re a black motherfucker
in a white world.

Do something.Fucking what?

Shut up, man!

What do you got, man?
You'’re a scared nigger, man.

Hit him now!
Hit him!

Fuck you, nigger!
Let'’s go, nigger!

These guys aren'’t fighting,
they'’re fucking.

Fuck, man.
Come on, you guys!

Go, nigger.Floor it!

Stop it.

Fuck, man!

It'’s your piss in it.

Fuck you!You guys can'’t fight,
so we piss all over you.

You'’re an asshole, vis.

I'’m just about
to fuck you up, lambeaux!

Yeah, tell me about it.

Man, i'’m going home.Kate: So am I.

Amy: But you owe me
a joint.

That one'’s still good.
It just has to dry.

Lon: Are we gonna go
play football or what?

Yeah, yeah,
li'’ll still play. Let's go.

I'’m in.Yeah, me, too.

You wanna score tomorrow?I Don'’t know, man.

Right here. Come on.

Give me the ball.

Rex: The others had
no memory, no past.

They were awesome.

Mutant angels dancing
around sickly fires.

Some had wings
made of soft hair
and couldn'’t fly.

Others remembered things
that never were,

conjured up flames
from their fingertips.

Ulcerous dragons bragged
oozing scales along the rubble.

What was to eat?

The night grew
a horrible day.

I run through
their camp fire.

It'’s me, it's me,
it'’s me, it's me!

[School bell ringing]

[Indistinct chattering]

Teacher: Hey!
Hey, get off him!

[Boy shouting]

So you feebas faggots
like the weed, huh?

There'’s more coming in.

Can we have a taste
when it gets in?

Hey, no taste, man.
You know it'’s good.

I was talking to you.

You'’re talking to me now.

Hey, dirt, is this guy
the leader of the marathon
crew or what?

[School bell ringing]

No, no, no,
there is no leader.

Anyway, it'’s my pot.

You know, man,
sometimes you can be
a real asshole.

What are you doing, man?

It is my pot, you know.

Sorry i'’m late, people.
Larry, you can sit down now,

if you'’re done discussing
the world of high finance.

Yeah, high finance
is right.

A keen wit you have, Larry.

Now, even though
you Don'’t have to,

I would just like to remind you
that you should be finished
reading lord of the flies

by next Monday.

Because it is just possible
you may get a test.

I hate to introduce misery
into your lives, but we
must do these things.

Yes, Mary.

Mr. Ellsworth, we heard
you'’re leaving osmo high.

Yeah, I heard that, too.You'’re leaving?

It is possible, god willing.

Where are you going?

I'’m going to donate
my nervous system
to science.

[All laughing]No.

It is possible that
I will be take a sabbatical

so that I can work
on a book i'’ve started.

What kind of book,
a novel?

Actually, it is a novel.

Am I in it?Maybe, Larry, maybe.

Now, the time has come that
you'’ve all been waiting for,

the osmo high poetry hour
has begun.

[All groaning]First of all, Ian.

Who wrote leaves of grass?

Frank morini?[Students laughing]

Mary.walt Whitman.

Very good.
Somebody actually
remembered that

a whole week
since we read it.

Now, who wrote
song of myself?Billy?

Walt Whitman.[All chuckling]


That was a poem
from the collection leaves
of grass,

so he and who
wrote leave of grass?

Boy: Frank morini.[All laughing]

Now, as you recall
on Friday

you were asked to write
a short poem of your own.

Turd must'’ve wrote
about his dick.

Hey. Why Don'’t you be
the first to come up here
and read yours?

I Don'’t got one.

You Don'’t got one?

Let me ask you
a dumb question.

Does anybody got one?

Girl: Billy does.Bullshit.

Kate told me
you were writing one.
She saw you.

She'’s full of crap.

Billy, do you have one?

No.walt Whitman was a homo.

[All chuckling]You'’re right.

He was?Yes.

You'’re learning
despite yourself.

All right, I have
this brilliant idea.

We are going to write
poetry live, right here in
the front of the class.

Aw, come on.[All groaning]

No, no, no,
it'’s a great idea. Come on
up here in front of the gang.

For what?
I didn'’t write one.

Well, it doesn'’t matter.
It doesn'’t matter.

We'’re gonna wing it.
Come on.

This is what we'’re gonna do.
Everybody'’s gonna get
20 seconds to just

say whatever comes
to your mind,
just spit it out.

Forget about rhyme
or structure.

Just express
whatever you feel.

Boy, is this stupid.

No it'’s not.
You people have a lot to say.

This is your chance
to let it out.

There'’s nobody here but us.

Come on, Billy,
what do you think?

I Don'’t know.

Put yourself on the line.

No, I can'’t do this.Sure you can.

Five, four, three,
two, one.

Ready, go.

Forget about it.

You people have a lot...Excuse me, Mr. Ellsworth.

This is your new student,

Rex ormine.

Come in, Rex.

[Students giggling]

[All chuckling]

[Indistinct chattering]

Rex has just
moved into hellsbay.

I'’m told that he is
a writer of poetry.

Which might be
of interest, Mr. Ellsworth.

Go sit there, Mr. Ormine.

That'’s real great, Rex.
We were just in the middle
of a little poetry session.

And maybe you'’d like
to share some of your
poems with us.

No.bart: I'’m sure
he'’d be happy to.

Thank you, Dr. Waxman.
See you later.

I look forward
to that, Mr. Ellsworth.

Boy: Yeah, bye, Bart.[All chuckling]

Hey, uh, ormine,
who is your tailor?

No, no. I'’ve been
looking all over
for a jacket like that.

Larry, shut up.
Now we are gonna
continue this

and see if anyone
can have the balls...

That'’s right, the balls
to come up here
and express themselves.

How about you, Amy?

Amy: I Don'’t got any balls.

[All chuckling]

Come on.
You'’re a clever woman,

you make good wise cracks,
so we know you
have something inside.

Come on, try.

Boy: Amy, Don'’t puke.

[Guys chuckling]Give her a break.

Come on.

Just try to
compose something.

Something to the school.

Boy: Compose this, Amy.A song to osmo high.

Ian, you'’re a scumbag.
Marathon fool.

I said, give her a break.

All right,
just let it go.

I'’ll give you five seconds.

Five, four, three, two, one.Students: Three, two, one.

Ready, go.

[Boy groans]

Osmo high.

It'’s a drag.[Boys laughing]

School'’s a drag
because there are
so many idiots in here.

I Don'’t know.
I can'’t do this.

But you did do it.

You said something.


Osmo high is a drag!

You felt it and you said it.
That was very good.

Osmo high is a drag, right?


But why is it a drag?
Why do we feel that way?

Because we gotta do this.

'’cause we gotta do this.
Ah, the honesty.

Okay, come on.
Now, let'’s keep it going.

Amy pioneered it,
let'’s take it further.

Who'’s next?

Come on, you guys.

How about Rex?

How about it, Rex?
You follow what we'’re
doing here?


Well, we'’re just coming
to the front of the class
room and creating poems.

Dr. Waxman said you write.

Come on, Rex.

All right, I will.

Great. Just come to
the front of the class here.

The birds they sang,
the night was chill.

My tushy
she feels the winter'’s chill.

[All laughing]My tushy!

Sunshine, honey bees...

Mommy and daddy
eat lots of trees.

Wow, Rex.

Hey, look, summer...
Hey, look, it'’s summer...

Hey, i'’ll kick your ass!

[All exclaiming]

Kick his ass!

[Children talking

Listen, man, we gotta get
the iron skull tickets.

They'’re gonna be sold out.

Let'’s try to get them.

You come with me, man.
They'’re gonna sell out.

I'’ll get the tickets.

All right, yeah.
Kate'’ll get them.
That'’ll be Christ.

Yo. What'’s up, man?

Hey, Dougie.

Kane.what'’s happening?

Katie'’s gonna go up town
and get us some
iron skull tickets.

Yeah, so give her
your money.

No, she ain'’t going.

Why not?

I said she ain'’t going,
all right?Why?

Look at how fucking
shit-faced you are, man.

What'’s your fucking problem?

Hey, vis, man,
what are you letting
her drink for?

Shouldn'’t she be
in school or something?

Vis: Billy, man, ease up.

Into his fucking
big brother stuff.
One year.

Hey, i'’m starving,
all right?

I haven'’t even got
enough money for lunch,
let alone iron skull tickets.

So how do you have any?

Daddy gave me some
this morning.

Oh, daddy gave you some.
Yeah, right.

Well, then give me
some, all right?

'’cause I gotta get
something to eat.


Kate, I swear to god
i'’m gonna give you
a fucking beating.

All right, hey, man,
just lay off, all right?

Shut up, vis!

Hey, you Don'’t talk to me
like that, slut, all right?

Hey, watch your
fucking mouth, asshole!

Cut the fucking shit.

Someone get up town
and get the tickets now.


Oh, look at that
retard over there.

Man, that'’s some new kid.
He is a twisted fucking dude.
You should'’ve heard him.


Hey! Little guy, man,
what are you laughing at?

[Laughs] Look at
this brick head.

His name is Rex.

Hi, Rex.Rexie, man.

Rexie. What'’s happening,
baby? You having
a good day or what?

Huh?what'’s up, freak?

My man is eating
cream filled pastries.

Rexie, now can I check
out your pastries?

You can check out
his things, vis.

You know that'’s a real nice
shirt you got there.

I'’ll kick your ass!

I'’ll kick your ass!

You'’ll do what, man?


Hey, vis,
he'’s gonna kick your ass.

Oh, yeah.

He'’s retarded.Let'’s go, man.

I'’m retarded.

No! I'’m radioactive.

Come close to me.
I think we'’re all
radioactive mutants.

This guy'’s nuts.
That'’s it.

Hey, forget about it, vis.
He'’s just crazy.

I'’m a crab. I'm a crab.

You little shit.


Fucking retard, get lost.

I'’ll kill you, motherfucker!


Fuck'’s with you, man?'Vis!

Stop it, man!

Stop it! He'’s just nuts!

No, man, he attacked me!

Come on!It'’s dirt!

What did he do now?

Fucking dirtbag,
he wrote shit on vis'’ tag
on our pole last night.

How do you know it was him?

It'’s his style, man,
marathon boy.

Katie, i'’m gonna
get the tickets.

Dougie, come with me.

I'’ll spot you the cash, okay?

Me, too.Later.

Tell me something, man.
What are you into, huh?

Beggar dreamed
the dream of Kane

of marijuana mothers
sweet in the nose.

In the morning
and lunch.

Eating and consuming
what never was.

Voracious consumption.

All roads lead to
lami laki sama.

And the sad Princess in rags
sings, "lami laki skock"

lami laki sama.

Let us contemplate
the future

as you contemplate the soil.

[Students whooping]


Bart: No. No, no,
no, no, no.

Nobody touch or straighten
out your desks, please.

Let'’s just stand by
where you could be sitting.

Before Dr. Waxman takes over
I wanna suggest

that anyone with information
about the vandals can come
and talk to me in private.

Maybe some of you
should forget about

feebas Avenue
and marathon boulevard.

Think about your own
behinds in this one.

Stop by my office.

Frank: All right.

I want to apologize
to you folks.

There are some inconsiderate
people who have left our
class in this state.

Now as some of you
may recall, today
we have the privilege

of Dr. Waxman showing us
all a thing or two.

So, I relinquish the reigns
of the class today
to Dr. Waxman. Sir.

Thank you, Mr. Ellsworth.
I think it'’s a good idea

to take a look around
at what you or your
neighbors have done.

No, no, Ian, Ian,
no sitting.

Now let'’s just feel

the discomfort
this kind of thing
causes to everyone.

You know, it'’s funny

but I think this is gonna
fit in just fine with
today'’s demonstration.

Rex, what are you doing?
Rex, nobody said
you could do that.

[Chairs shuffling]Please.

See, I didn'’t give permission
for anybody to sit.

Well, you can certainly see
how this disregard for
your comfort affects you.

You could not even
remain standing
for three minutes.


It affects your lives

Now, let'’s move on for
a little demonstration

which I call
the wonderful world
of sights and sounds.

We all know
that sights and sounds

play a huge part
of our every day.

We associate one
with the other.

And together they form
a whole picture
or a concept.

Now, for instance,

look at this horse.

This is just
an ordinary horse, right?

This is just a plain
old horse, right?

It'’s just a picture.

let'’s add a little bit

of music to the picture.[Carnival music playing]

Now, what do you see?

A horse with
a trombone up its ass.

[All laughing]

No one'’s impressed
with that kind of talk.
Come on, come on.

Now, everyone,
listen real close.

This is top secret stuff.


do you see the picture
of this man?

What he does for a living
can only be revealed
through music.

Foreign agents will
find out if I just tell you.
Listen to the music.

[Surf rock music playing]

And see if you can
guess what he does.

He'’s a shrink.

He takes it up the heiny.

[All laughing]

Okay, fellows, fellows.

You know, since you seem
so interested in sights
and sounds,

we'’ll let you participate
in the next experiment
in front of the class.

Come on, buddies.
Up to the front,

and take these whistles.

Come on, up to the front.Rex: No.

Come on, Rex,
let'’s check it out.


Don'’t be a baby.
Come on.

No, no, no, no, no.

I'’m going.

Okay, everyone.
Everyone, now

watch our two comedians.
Here, you take these whistles.

Now, watch.

[Blowing hard]

Not until I tell you to...

[All laughing][Whistles blowing]

Bart: I am not
going to stand for this!

Here I am
without any sound.

Just a sight.
Now, look, what do you see?


Now, now,
I want you two

to apologize to the class
for wasting our time with
that silly display

after their time was wasted
this morning by some other
inconsiderate people.

I said I want an apology.

Come on, you'’re just
wasting more of their time.

Any of you neighbors
want an apology?

All: Yeah.

All right.
Give them their due.

I'’m sorry.

Rex, let'’s hear one!

I'’m sorry.

I'’m sorry Mr. Waxman
is a lonely guy who sniffs
his farts at night.

[All laughing]

All right. That'’s enough.

Knock it off.

I Don'’t wanna
hear another sound.

And you, sir,
can sit down now.

I think we'’ve had enough

sights and sounds for today.

Rex: ♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beast, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beast, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

the beast lives underground,
the sound.

Can you hear the sound?
Can you hear the sound?

♪ Of literate angels
dancing around

♪ moon white black top...


What are you doing, man?

Where is everybody?

Look, where'’s loni
and Billy?

Come on, retard.
Come on, I gotta find '’em.

I'’m not a retard.

Okay, okay, I know, I know.

Look, come on, man,
there'’s trouble.

Do you know
where they'’re at?

The holy playground.

Moonlight black top
holy playground.

I'’ll take you there.
Come on.

What happened?
Why are you here?

Come on,
hurry, man, hurry.



Okay, five second
to round four.

Three, two, one.


[Both grunting]

Loni! Yo, loni!

Loni, man!



What you doing here
with that little runt?

Hold up, fellows.
I'’ll show you how to throw
a punch on this faggot.

Come on, loni.

Sup with this retard?

Hey, loni,
i'’m not coming here
for my health, man.

My man cheespie,

he just got shot by
some niggers from uptown, man.

Look, look.

There was about
two car loads of them.

And this little motherfucker
from the back seat
shoots him, man. Bam!

They said they was
coming down to feebas
next, man.

So I ran down here.

Is cheesepie dead, man?

No.fuck, man, let '’em come.

They'’ve got guns.

Hey, did you guys
do something, man?
'’cause this is bad.

Hey, we didn'’t do nothing
to the brothers.
They'’re full of shit.

We'’re gonna make
them pay, man.

Scum bags.

Vis: Let '’em come.

[Twig snaps]

What was that?

What was what?

I heard it, too.
Around the river walk.

Maybe they'’re
back by the fountain.

Shit, man. They'’re everywhere!

Shut up!
There'’s nothing there.

All right,
give it to me.

All right, you pussies!
Come on out
and fight like men!

Why Don'’t you show
your faces, man?

Come on,
we can talk this out.

Come on, man,
we didn'’t do nothing
to you bros.

Show your faces, motherfuckers,

show your fucking face.

[Wings fluttering]Look out!

[Gun firing]

Hold it, hold it.

Ain'’t coming here.

I can'’t breathe.

That was fucked up!

Did lon shoot any of them?

I Don'’t know,
I couldn'’t tell.

I Don'’t think so.

Jesus Christ.

Are there any around here?

No, this place is cool.

I was scared.

You were scared?
I peed in my pants.

I was just waiting for
a bullet to go through me, man.

I can feel it.

Me, too.

I wonder how it feels.

It'’s cool like wintergreen.

Ask cheespie.

I hate that, asshole.
I'’m glad they shot him.

So, Rex,
what'’s wrong with you, man?

You'’re always
asking me that.

"What'’s wrong with you?
What are you in to?"

Well, what are you into?

I Don'’t know.

It is cool like wintergreen.

Hey, everyone
calls me a retard.

Hey, you'’re a weird
motherfucker, man.


Billy: What a night, huh?
This is unreal.

Wonder where auggie
got that gun.

He got it from one
of his homo friends.

Here, rexi. You get high?

Yes. But I Don'’t
want any now.

So, you live in
the next building from us?

Yeah, right in number 90.

Which apartment?

2d. In the back.

I can see into
your bathroom
through my window.

Your father spends
a lot of time in there.

How do you know
that'’s our father?

That window has
a board on it.

Well, I can see his feet.

See, the point is
why do you look at it
in the first place?

It'’s the only window I have.

So you live
with your parents?


Who do you live with?

Well, a lady lives there.

I think she'’s my mother.


What do you mean?

It doesn'’t matter.

Boy, you can really
smell the river tonight.


It always reminds me
of something.

I Don'’t know what.

I like the smell.

It smells like...

Like the beginning of things.

Look at that glow
in the sky.

That'’s uptown, the city.

No, no.

Watch how those clouds
pass through the glow. Watch.

Oh, that is bizarre.

Looks like
an atomic bomb.

Yeah, see... fuck, man.

All melted and shit,
you know.

Like the Russians and us,
like they nuke the piss
out of each other.

There'’s no past.

Just us.

The others destroyed
the entire world.

Altered creation.

While most people were
just trying to eat a meal
or kiss a lover,

or take a nap.

Now, everything
is very different.

Very, very different.

Lami laki sama.


[Dog barking]

You guys are giving me
the creeps like
I couldn'’t believe.

Jesus Christ, this pot
must be really strong.

Let'’s get out of this park.
Come on, wimp.

I am not a wimp.

You guys were just
fucking with my head,
all right?

Billy: We'’re out of here.

Voorhas, beggar,
and the Princess
begin their journey.

[Girl laughing]


Get out of there!
What are you doing?

Mr. Vis domini, I haven'’t
seen you in school for a week.

Is this why you come?

You stopped me
way before I could come.

Just a moment, miss Kane.

You, sir, keep marching
right out of here.

[Vis chuckling]

And you, little girl,

I really wanna tell you this.

You have blossomed
into a terrible little slut.

Don'’t call me that.

There, now go
follow your boyfriend.

I said Don'’t call me that.

Leave, slut!

You know,
I could kill you.

You couldn'’t hurt a fly.

I hate you,
you old whore!

You ugly monster!

I'’m gonna get you!

Christ, i'’m gonna get you!


[Drill whirring]

Okay, there you go,

Now you take
the little saw

and you trace right along
the lines that i'’ve
outlined there, okay?

Hey, put down that box,
you guys, for crying out loud!

Can you believe
that douchebag in there?

How funny was that?

Fuck you, vis.

[Rex yelling]

[Groans]Oh, my god.

What happened, buddy?You need help.

[Groaning]What happened, Rex?


Need we say more?

No, we needn'’t.

The omens do not fare
well for your boy, frank.

Listen, i'’m just trying
to impress upon you

that this kid Rex shows
signs of being
a very interesting student.

You should hear some
of the things he writes.

In a lot of ways,
he'’s miles beyond
my normal students.

I take him into
therapy immediately.

Will you calm down?
You'’re making the kid
feel like he needs

a straight jacket,
the way you act.

Doctor, he needs
special attention.

It'’s that simple.

Wrong, it'’s not that simple.

That stuff'’s okay sometimes.

But this guy just needs
a chance to feel accepted in
a normal classroom situation.

Where do you come off
making this kind
of a judgment?

By associating with
human beings as human beings.

It'’s the part of your practice
you haven'’t read up to yet.

It comes right after
the table of contents.

You want his mental health
to be your responsibility?

I want him
to stay in my class.

Hey, it'’s the retard.

Shut up.
Hey, Rex, what are you doing?

How'’s your hand?

Hi. It'’s okay.
It'’s just my finger.

Sure beat the shit
outta that pretzel.

Stupid thing.

Hey, Rex, me and Dougie
are going to the point
to hang out

and get high.
Do you wanna hang?

I'’m not gonna go, man.
I'’m gonna crash.

What'’s the point?

Well, it'’s a point
right out on the water.

It'’s a good place
to hang and get high at.

Come on, me and you
will go. Fuck Dougie.

Let'’s blow this stupid place.
There'’s nothing happening here.

Yeah, let'’s blow this place.
Maybe Kate'’ll come with us.

Yeah, maybe she will.

Billy: See, usually,
you get a really
cool view from here.

The ocean'’s right over there.

Rex: I can smell it.
Mother ocean.

Billy: Motherfucker.

Kate: Give me
another beer, Billy.

Billy: It'’s like the end
of the world here
or something.

Rex: I like it.

Billy: Yeah, we come
down here every once
in a while, you know,

it'’s a good place to hang
and clean your head out.

Holy shit!

What is it?

It'’s a shark.
Look, it'’s a shark!

Oh, yeah, a shark.
Come on.

It'’s a fucking shark, look!

I bet it'’s jaws, huh.

Oh, my god.Where?

Right there.

Holy shit, it is a shark!

Hey, Rex, man,
check this out.
It'’s a shark.

It ain'’t too big
but that'’s a shark.

Kate: What'’s it doing here?

It'’s dying I think.

Think of all
the places it'’s been
and it'’s dying right here.

I Don'’t like it.

We'’ve gone swimming
here, too.

Shit, man, look at it
chomp on its jaw.
Look at those teeth!

Look, it'’s trying to bite
the shit our of the air
or something.

What should we do?
I feel sorry for it.

What can we do?

I Don'’t know.
Get a stick or something.

Look at its eyes.

It'’s like he's looking
right at us.

Rex: The holy shark.

Priestess should
say a prayer.

The fuck are you
talking about now, man?

Hey, he just wants you
to say a prayer for
the dying shark.

Yeah, i'’ll say one, all right?

Our shark who art in heaven...

Hallowed by thy fin.

Now, Kate'’s gotta say,
"lami laki sama" to it.

I Don'’t gotta say nothing.

No, come on.
It'’s very, very important.

You Don'’t know
how important it is.

Look at that thing.

You said you felt
sorry for it.

What has saying all this
stupid stuff got to do
with anything?

No, you'’ll see.
Come on, just say it.

What is it?
Billy, this guy is nuts.

Hey, I Don'’t know.

Lami laki sama.

Come on, come on, please.

Lami laki sama. How'’s that?

It'’s beautiful.
I love that.

All right,
so now what happens?

I look like an asshole.

Well, I mean besides that.

No, that shows the shark
that we'’re his brothers
and respect him.

Now his spirit
can rest real good.

Where do you
get all this stuff?

I Don'’t know.
I just know it.

Hey, where'’d the shark go?

Holy shit!

There it is.
Just floated down
there a little bit.

Yeah, that was weird.

Are you sure that'’s it?

Yeah, must be.
I think so.

You guys wanna sit down?

Yo, let'’s sit down
over here.

You wanna get high?

I Don'’t know why I ask
my little sister,
the drug addict.

You get high
as much as me.

You have enough pot
for the concert?

I'’m getting more before.
Hey, Rex, you in
the iron skulls?

I think so.

All right, i'’ll see
if I can get you
in with us.

They are Christ at concert.

I can'’t wait.

Billy, man,
he is really weird.

Yeah, he is.

But I like the dude.
Don'’t you?

I Don'’t know.
Vis hates him.

Everyone calls him a retard.

Just look at him.

[Seagulls cawing]

He'’s cool.

I can tell some people
like him. He'’s just
a little different, you know.

You like him.
Fuck vis, man.

That'’s not why
I Don'’t like him.

I Don'’t give a shit
what vis says, all right?

I Don'’t know.

Wouldn'’t it be a trip
to get him high?

I mean, it'’s just a trip
to get high with him.

Hey, Rex.

What are you into, man?

I was born right here.

Right where?

Right here.
I remember that.

It was bright hot
just a little while ago.

[Chuckles] He'’s great
when you'’re stoned.

No, no, listen, listen.

I remember being born
on that little hill.

And then swimming right
where the shark was dying.

And then I was hungry,

and I took a long walk
over the hill on to
a small dessert.

From where I could see
the burning, shimmering wreck

of what must have been
the great city.

And so,
I walked towards it.

And I met people,
the mutants.

I met beggar, the priestess.

Remember when we
sat around the other night
and watched the glow?


You know what
i'’m talking about.

I Don'’t.

Am I the priestess?

Yes. At first, I thought
you were the Princess.

But now I know that
you'’re the priestess, too.

He'’s the beggar?Mm-hmm.

So, who are you?


Yeah, they said that
was your middle name.

No, it'’s my real name.
They Don'’t know shit.

They'’re not even alive.

You see, we'’re the
only ones left.

Us and a bunch of others.

Everyone else
killed themselves.

Everything else is destroyed!
Look around you.

The shark knew that.

See, those creatures
built all these cities and
things to their lunatic gods.

They ignored
the spirit of things,
and worshiped dumb shit.

And the cities
were destroyed.

Now they wanna destroy
us, too, but we can'’t
fall into their traps.

We'’ve gotta know what's holy
and how to use
the magic around us.

How to use each other.

The prayer to the shark
before was important.

Didn'’t you feel a power
when we looked at the shark?

I felt something.


Music is magic, too.

Really important and strong.

Use it, the beat.

The beat.

♪ The beat, the beat, ba-buh

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh

the sound.

See, it'’s up to us to
create the world again.

I mean, what else
are we gonna do?
We gotta survive!

Now that civilization
was a bunch of fuck heads.

That'’s true, man.
Death to the fuck heads.
Death to the fuck heads.

They'’re already dead!They'’re already dead.

So the main thing is
they were never prepared for

what would be spawned from
the burnt out streets,

and how we mutants
could celebrate.

They try and pull us down
into their concrete graves

but we'’re different now.
It'’s too late.

We'’re different.
That'’s for sure, we are.

Mutants, huh?Rex: Yeah.

She'’s the beautiful
and scary Princess priestess,

who switches back and forth.

And you'’re the beggar.

What, a fucking beggar?

No! The beggar.
That'’s good!

You travel the roads
of lami laki sama
and all roads lead there.

Beautiful and scary
Princess priestess.

Fucking mutants, man,
that'’s what we are.

I mean, I never could
figure it out before.

The beggar, yeah.

The beggar walking around,
checking things out, right?

And my man, voorhas!

Voorhas!voorhas! Voorhas!

Who am I now, voorhas?

Who do you want to be?

The priestess.

Say "lami laki sama".Lami laki sama.

Lami lami, lek lek.

Lami lami, lek lek.You say one.

Say what?Anything.

Lami laki zippy zep.


And the subway is the beast
that lives underground
the sound.

Like a gigantic world
and only know its real name.

Yeah. What'’s its real name?
Quick, but not too loud.


Hiss! The hiss in the south
and the roar uptown!

And only we can ride hiss
because we tame it.

Because we know
its true name and we were born
from the same hard pavement.

We were born in the streets!

The passion of the streets!

♪ And the beat
the beat, ba-buh

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh ♪ lami, lami, lami, lami

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh ♪ lami, lami, lami, lami

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh ♪ lami, lami, lami, lami

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh ♪ lami, lami, lami, lami

♪ the beat, the beat, ba-buh ♪ lami, lami, lami, lami...

We are the mutants!
We are the mutants!

Did you ask,
you motherfuckers?
We are the mutants!




Two of you pussies, man,
and Danny kicks
both their asses.

Hey, scumbag,
i'’ll say it again.

Nobody from marathon
did nothing to Danny nigger.

We Don'’t gotta
jump you suckers.

We'’re doing it the right way.

And look, if it were us
he wouldn'’t have lived
to tell about it.

Scumbag, you,
he not only lived,
motherfucker, he thrived.

If you guys wanna play
that way, it'’s cool.

Yeah.look, asshole.

We didn'’t touch the nigger.
It was probably
one of his brothers.

Frank: All right,
sit down, all of you.

Put the gang stuff on hold
during our class.

I know you guys
are all tough as hell,

but do everybody a favor
and keep the macho
crap outside.

Well, come on, louder.
Look at Larry.

He'’s so mad he forgot
to get stoned for class today.

All right.
Alert pupils,

who watched the pig head
on the stake in the book you'’re
supposed to have finished?

Somebody besides Mary.

Rex knows. Who else?


Simon. Yes, siree.

Simon the mystic.

What do you think
the pig represented
to Simon?

No?i Don'’t know.

I mean,
was it just a pig?

It was like the devil.

Kill the pig,
spill her blood,
bash her in.

You'’re sick!

That'’s what they sang, jerk.

Ooh, the new class nerd.

Hey, do something about it.

All right. Enough of that.

I got a poem.

All right.

Come up and read it, Rex.

Dear grade, the retard
has a retarded poem.

Don'’t listen to him.

Come on, Rex.

Larry just doesn'’t have
the nerve to come up here.

Yeah, I ain'’t retarded.

Shut up.

Read it, Rex.Yeah, go ahead, Rex.

What'’s the title of...

Roachie squealed,
crushed under heel.

Rats watch quiet
dare me to try it.

Pigeons flap
crusty with crap.

And the mad dog
snarls at a dream.

Babies suck fruit
from the truck.

Squirrelies munch bones
that go crunch.

Kittens hoard hunks
of the lord and the mad dog
dreams of a stream.

The mad dog sniffs.

Grandpa stiff.

Late at night
dog dreamed fright.

Crushed under heel
old man squeal.

The rat breeze,
the smell of its death.

The end. By voorhas.

I think we are
very impressed, Rex.

[All clapping]

Larry: Hey.
Hey, could I try one?

Sure.i know about roaches and rats.

Larry, come up here.
Come on!

All right!

All right.All right, i'’ll show you
some poetry now.

Every other teacher
wants him out of their class.

And I think
it is bad judgment
just because

frank ellsworth wants to play
Mr. Novak with him.

I really must insist,
I take him into
therapy next week.

Well, ellsworth
is a good man.

The kid is dangerous.

But your point
is well taken.

You can start your sessions
with him, but let'’s try to
keep him in frank'’s class.

Thank you, doctor.

Hey, did you notice the pun

that you could make
out of that kids'’
middle and last names?

You get it?

"Your house or mine."

[Kids screaming]

[Heavy metal music playing]

[Heavy metal music continues]

[Boys yelling]


[All cheering]

Singer: So how do
you guys like t?

Pretty kickass, right?

We need help
on the backup.

This one'’s called hard time.

[Song starts]

[Singing indistinctly]

[Indistinct singing continues]

[Boy yelling]

[Song ends][Crowd cheering loudly]

Thank you and goodnight.
God bless you.

We'’ll see you next time.

[All cheering]


[Shouts]Swell, man.


[Yelling][All yelling]

Lon: Fucking a, yeah!

Yeah! Oh!

Oh, this shit!
Oh, yeah!

Rexie!kate: Leave him alone!

Leave him alone.

Shut up and stop
protecting the retard.

Hey, vis, back off!

Shut the fuck up, Kane!

Start me up, motherfucker.

You'’re such a jerk off.

Hey, Kane, man, how'’s it feel
knowing your sisters lips
are right here on my cock?

Oh, man,
you gonna fucking die.

[All clamoring]

You'’re fucking dead, Kane!

You'’re fucking dead, Kane!
You'’re dead!

Fucking dead, Kane!

You'’re such a fucking whore.
You'’re a fucking whore, man.

I can kill you!Stop it, Billy.

How can you do that shit?

Look, you can'’t even
feel anything,
you'’re all looted out.

Kate: Such an asshole.

Look how crazy that got us.

I could see the black
head of death
the whole concert.

Everybody was feeling
and breathing and praying
to death.

The skull.

Kate: Death?

Rex: The beauty of that
since it was destroyed,
it was

attracted to anything
that generates power.

Anything with
some feeling in it
seems good to us.

Even evil.

It'’s good to be violent
and pray to the death gods
like the skulls.

Because that'’s better
than nothingness.

But sometimes
it'’s all we're left with.

Billy: What else is there?

Rex: Lami laki sama.

The white truth.

It'’s a celebration
of mutant life,
not mutant death.

Billy: Voorhas,
if you can get up there
and show everyone sama,

they'’d really go crazy.

Crazy and drunk
on our world,
on what we have.

We could do something
like the skulls
in the talent show maybe.

Show everyone
the streets of sound.
It'’s right here.

Only we can tame this,

'’cause we know its name.

The beast we ride in.

You are drum
because you feel the beat.

You walk and live
with the beat.

I do feel the beat, man.

♪ The beat, the beat, ba-buh

the talent show,
that'’s cool!

That'’s crazy.
We should do this stuff
at that stupid thing.


Lami sama, lami sama.

Lami sama.

♪ Say the beat
the beat, drummer ♪

What?say it.

What?the beat, the beat.

Say that?Yeah.

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ The beat, the beat
ba-ba! ♪

Oh, look who it is.

Hey, where are you
guys coming from?

The other car, idiot.
What'’s with this
"the beat, the beat" stuff?

It'’s a cool thing, man.
It'’s like a song.
It'’s like the skulls.

I can dig it.
How does it go?

See i'’m the drummer, right
and I go with
"the beat, the beat."

Everyone else goes "ba-ba".
Watch. Come on, show them.

What? Do you dance to it?No, wait. Look.

Rex, come on.
The beat, the beat.


We were just talking about
how we should do something

in the school talent show
like the skulls.

You know, really rock
that old shit box down.

Yo, Kane, man,
do they go for it
at the park?

Nah, I ain'’t
fighting you, vis.

You'’re an asshole
but you'’re still my bro.

You guys gonna fuck now?

[Both laughing]

Hey, it'’s marathon faggots.

Hey. You guys
see the skulls, man?

I'’m gonna see
your skull, dirtbag.

Hey, come on, man,
this ain'’t fair numbers.

Man, you wanna tell me
about fair?

Hey, Danny,
that wasn'’t us,
I swear to god.

Did you guys see
the skulls in concert?

Oh, they were Christ, man.
Where were you guys?

Billy, what are you
talking to them for?

'’cause we all
live on the street.

We should all
be brother mutants
against all other assholes.

Not against each other.
That'’s stupid.

That'’s some heavy shit, dude.

Yeah, but it'’s a fact, right?
Who'’s gonna fuck with us
when we'’re all together?

Forget about it.

And can you get
inside of that,
feebas and marathon united?

Hey, it makes sense, man.

No, I thought about it.

It'’s weird.

I Don'’t know, man.

Think about it, dude.
Couple of us are thinking
of doing the school talent show.

So be there that day.

Cool. Yeah, man,
check it out.

Yo, we'’re all
from the street.


♪ The beat, the beat
ba-ba ♪

Yeah, I like that.

Sounds good to me. Later.

Later, man.

Kane the peace maker.

That ain'’t a bad idea.

What do you think
about it, retard?

I'’m not a retard.

[Chuckles] I'’m just
busting your ass, man.
You'’re okay.


I'’m outta here, crashing.Yeah, man, me, too.


Let'’s go to my house
and get something to eat.
Come on.

[Serene music playing]

Mommy'’s sleeping,
daddy isn'’t here.

Well, that figures.

Hang here, i'’ll see
what there is to eat.

God, am I burnt.

I'’m not even hungry.

Would you be mad
if I fell asleep, Rex?
I'’m passing out.

Hey, Rex.

Will you just
give me a hug goodnight?


Just give me one big hug.

I'’m so sleepy.

Now you'’re
the sleepy Princess.

Hug me, voorhas.

[Soft music playing]

Do you think i'’m a whore?


You think i'’m a retard?

Here, I made...Shh!

I know she'’s pass out.
She took like three ludes
tonight and then drank.

What an idiot.

Have one of these.
You like jelly? I got one
with and one without.

I like jelly.

She'’s cute, though,
ain'’t she?

I like the Princess a lot.


You think I was cool before?

I mean, with that
marathon and us stuff.

Is that right?

The beggar did it.

On the road to sama.

It'’s on the way
to the white truth.

Lami laki sama.

Lami laki sama.

It was weird.

Like, beggar took over,
you know.

And old Billy was just
hanging out watching
this dude do the talking.

Very weird.

It'’s weird to be a mutant.But it'’s good.


Sama'’s peace, too.




[Kate muttering softly]


Do you ever think i'’m nuts?


Some times.
Good nuts.

You'’re like the most
together guy I ever knew, man.
I'’m serious.

You are?I am.

You really think you'’re nuts?


I'’m scared that I am.

I'’m scared that...
I Don'’t know.


Sometimes I feel
very far away.

Talking from a tunnel.

And i'’m fading.

Or that...

That everything around me
is slowly fading.

Melting away.

Breath on a window
until it'’s all gone
except for me.

All alone.

God, I feel
like that a lot.

And the others, they...
They try and scare me
with their spells

'’cause they know
how it frightens me.

They tell me i'’m crazy
and they stick me in
their dungeons.

What do you mean,
a loony bin or
a hospital or something?

No, a dungeon.

Everyone talked just
like waxman, but I could
see right through them.

It wasn'’t a nice place.

I'’ll never go back there again
because I think I know
how to escape now.

I know a new place.

What do you mean?

But I want to stay
here with you, okay?

I Don'’t want to be all alone
with everything disappearing.

It'’s not a nice thing
to feel. It scares me,
it makes me cry.

You'’ll never be alone again.

All right? '’cause the beggar
and princess/priestess
are right here.


It'’s a holy kiss
for my brother.


Very sama.

What you looking at, Larry?Huh? Nothing, man.

So there'’s a surprise act
signed up for the talent show
on Thursday night.

Miss santichi says
that it sounds
very fine and arty.

Is that true or a rumor?It'’s true.

Finish your test.
I'’ll talk.

And the rumor is that
the name of the group

is the mutants of sound.
Is that true?

Or a rumor?Yup.

Finishing my test.

But it is true.

Mr. Ellsworth,
what'’s a metaphor again?

That'’s part of
the test, Amy.

Uh, who'’s puggy?

That'’s a mistake.
That'’s "piggy".

Oh. I knew that.

Rumor has it that I have
some of the mutants of sound
right here in this very class.

Billy: Can you keep it down?
I'’m trying to work.

My mistake. I'’m sorry.

Uppity show-biz guy.

Okay. Time is up.

Pencils, down,
pass '’em up.

Come on. Pencils down,
pass '’em up front.

Good, good. Okay.

Now, tomorrow we have
a poetry corner possibility

if anyone is still interested.

What do you say?
Should we continue our series
in great American poetry?

All: Yes!

All right.


I might even have these
marked tonight if i'’m
not too lazy.

[All chuckling]

Amy, what did you get?

I got an 80, man.
What'’d you get?

Eighty-five, baby.

Hey, let me tell you,
the results from this test
were not too shabby at all.

I am really proud
of this class, really proud.

I even read some of
the essay answers
from this class

to some of my other groups
they were so good.

I actually enjoyed marking
these tests, and let me
tell you that was a first.

[All chuckling]

Some of the true-false
sections were kind of
interesting, too.

What about
the multiple choice?

Larry, when you circled
an e I was very moved.

Larry: Thank you.

All right, let'’s put
all this test stuff away
and have some fun.

Let'’s get into the depths
of human imagination.

The osmo high
poetry corner has begun.

[All cheering]

Now, who has some insight
and verse to share with us?

Woah, look at
all the hands here.

Come on. Come on,
come on, come on.

Come on.

Ian! Ian!

All right.
Come on up here, Ian.

[All cheering]

Ladies and gentlemen, Ian.

Okay, here we go all right.

School is school
and cool is cool.

But Friday night
the iron skulls rule.

All: Yeah!

The skulls are so bad
they rocked down the pad.

And in the end
the whole street
was shaking like mad.

The end.

[All clapping]

Frank: All right, Ian.

That was great stuff.

The ode to heavy metal.

Especially, I liked
the rhyme scheme in that.

Da-da-dah, da-da-dah,

It had like a Cadence
of a rock song to it.

A distinct beat.

The beat, the beat.All: Ba-ba!

Great. Okay, Billy,
you had your hand raised.
Do you have a poem?

Ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. William Kane.

Rex: Beggar.

I'’m nervous.All right.

Just take a deep breath
and go ahead and read.Beggar, beggar, beggar.

All: Beggar, beggar.

Billy, Billy, Billy.

Let him read.

To let go is strange
to trust.

I hallucinate.

Beggar lives in a city
of heat and darkness.

He dances in the acid rain.

I dreamt of a rope dog.

Ropes not that whistled
and twirled every time
I left my sidewalk.

To trust
beggar hallucinates.

In the endless day
starts the night that'’s
bright and telling as new.

The dogs whistle
and twirl.

Running in circles
on fire.

Beggar, let'’s go.

Lami laki sama.

Billy. I always knew

that there was more
to William Kane

than he wanted us to know.


Rope snout that whistles.

I want copies
of all yours poems.

I want to put
a little book together,
a literary magazine.

I'’m so stunned and proud.

Billy, before you sit down,

would you read it
again for us?

We gotta go rehearse.
I'’m really nervous
about this thing.

Me, too,
and two more fucking days.

It'’s gonna be cool
as shit, though.

Dougie'’s gonna meet us
in an hour at our house.

So you wanna
just cruise around?

Or we'’ll go on
an adventure and ride hiss.


Rue the endless day.

It might even be night now,
we Don'’t know it.

I forget. The whole sky
is an orange moon.

Kind of familiar things
keep floating by.

Is that a chair?Or is that
an ice cream come?

Hey, you fuck head!


How can a human being
work here?

Don'’t ask Bart.

Frank, i'’m taking ormine
to therapy during
your class tomorrow.

The hell you are.Oh, the hell, I am.

Wait a minute.
What'’s going on here?

Nothing, frank.
He'’s just gonna have ormine in
for a little harmless talk.

In my class.

It'’s the only time
I am available.

Come on, Helen,
i'’ll buy you a coke.

Did the kids used to
beat you up in gym class?

I bet they did.
I bet they did!

Here comes waxman,
bam, bam, bam!

That'’s good, frank.
Get it out!

Now, that'’s enough, frank.

Would you two
leave us alone here?

Frank, listen to me.What are you doing?

It'’s not just Bart.

We'’re all agreed
that this crazy kid
needs special care.

"Crazy kid"?

That kid is coming along.

I understand.

Now, listen,
you listen to me,
Mr. Ellsworth.

I'’ve been around here
for a while.

There are times to be a rebel
and times to take a loss
and give in.

I'’m not sure what
your personal stake
in ormine is,

but we have got
to face facts.

Waxman is very well liked
in the board of education.

I Don'’t think that
all of this is worth your
losing your sabbatical over.

I'’ve been stuck here
for 40 years.

Think about that.

I had plans.

You'’ve got plans.

Take your shot. Don'’t

mess it up for
some petty politics.

Hi.hi, Rex, how you doing?


Are you getting ready for
the talent show tomorrow night?

I think so.

How come you'’re
out here?

[School bell ringing]

Dr. Waxman wants
to see you this period.

It'’s not that big a deal.

It'’s just one day.

Probably just wants
to have a little talk.

Who knows,
he might be interesting.

Look, please,
I hate him.

Hey. Ain'’t you guys
coming to class?

Would go back inside?

Come on, now. You'’re late.

He'’s not that bad a guy.

Rex, you'’ll be back
in class tomorrow.

And i'’ll fill you in
on anything you'’ve
missed, I promise.

Look, i'’ll see you later.

You'’re not gonna leave
my class for anything.
I promise.

I Don'’t wanna go.
I Don'’t wanna go.

I Don'’t wanna go.
I Don'’t wanna go.

I Don'’t wanna go.

I Don'’t wanna go.

I Don'’t wanna go.

[Door closes]

There he is.

Hey, come in, buddy.

Where you been?
I'’ve been worried about you.

I bet you guys are
pretty excited about that
talent show tomorrow night.

I'’ll be there,
you can bet on that.

Come in, have a seat.

Relax. Come on.

Let'’s just get to know
each other a little better.

Hey, you sit there.

Attaboy, have a seat.


What'’d you have
for lunch today?


You Don'’t have to play
tough with me.
I'’m your buddy, okay, Rex?

How'’s it going in hellsbay?
Starting to feel like
it'’s home?

I'’m not crazy.
I'’m not.

No one said anything
about crazy.

I'’m your buddy, okay?

A psychologist is someone
who just talks to people

about things that
might be bothering them.

Look, I was just
talking to this young man

who is ashamed because
he had a lot of pimples.

Where'’d you take
that picture?

That'’s not a painting.
That'’s not a photograph.

Do you like it?
You know, it'’s very famous.

Vincent Van gogh painted it.
It'’s called starry night.

So what?Does it interest you?

Who took that photograph?

It'’s a painting.
Come on, I just told you that.

It reminds me of you.

Van gogh hates love.

What are you writing down?

Just things about our talk
that... it just interests me.


do you hate love, Rex?

How do you like the girls
here in hellsbay, huh?

Why? Why?

Do you like girls?
Are they [sniffs]
nice, and you know...

Do you want to
kiss them, asshole?
Do you want to see me cry?

If you feel like it,
do you wanna cry?


What are afraid of?
There'’s nothing
to be afraid of.

No, no, no, no.

That'’s it, Rex. Let it out.

Let it out!You fucking evil shit!

You evil shit!

Shit that'’ll fade away.
No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no!

You wanna wrestle?

Just write.
And give me that picture.

You want a copy of it?

Yes, please.

And you know
who painted it?

Lyndon Johnson.

Lyndon Johnson?

He'’s fucking dead!What do you know
about lyndon Johnson?

God damn it! Fuck!

Max, why do you think
you'’re so angry? Now,
shouldn'’t you control it?

I must control it.
I must control it.
I must control it.

Tell me the spell.

The spell?

No. No, no, no.
Don'’t tell me. Please don't.

Am I done now?
Can I leave?

Well, what would happen
if you stay here?

No, no, look,
please can I leave?

I have to go, okay?
I'’ll talk later, I swear.

Please can I leave?

Rex. Here.

No, no, you Don'’t understand.
I have to go!

Please, please, please, please.

Okay! Rex, okay!

Okay, now listen to me, Rex.
Okay, fine!

Stop, okay? Now...

[Screaming] No!
Hey, get away from me!

Rex! Rex, no.

Look... hey, hey,
hey, stop.

Stop it, Rex. Come on.

Don'’t rip the... that coat,
that'’s an expensive
London faux.

So I shit in it.
I blow my nose in it.

Stop it!

Stop it!
Why can'’t you write this down?

Control yourself!

Come on!
I'’ll get hold of the principal.
Would you like that?

Yes, please.

Okay. Now,

why Don'’t you go
sit back down again?

No! [Screaming]

Fine, Rex! Okay,
Don'’t start again please.

Now, i'’ll try to get you
a print of that painting.


Why Don'’t you go
back to class now, Rex,
and i'’ll see you later.

All right, Rex?
All right, pal?

All right.

That'’s my main man.

[Ethereal music playing]

[Ethereal music continues]

Where'’s Mr. Ellsworth?

Rex, some people from
the hospital are here.
I saw them.

What are you doing
in here, miss? Get back
to your class immediately.

I said immediately! Now!

Now Rex ormine,
you'’re to take your things
and march down to the office.

Rex, do you hear me?

Young man,
answer me when
you'’re addressed.

I have Mr. Ellsworth'’s
class now.

Mr. Ellsworth is absent.

You are to report
to Dr. Morningstone.

This is Mr. Ellsworth'’s class.

I have that now.

Where'’s Mr. Ellsworth?

He called in sick.

I'’m taking over this class
and we'’re having a study hall.

Now, the rest of you
take out some work
and mind your own business.

Mr. Ormine, march down
to the office now.

No, no, no, no.

Well, i'’m sure they'll
be happy to come up here.

Rex, they'’re coming!

Run, Rex!

God, no!Come on, go!

[All yelling]


[Somber music playing]

[Thunder crashing]

[In high-pitched voice]
♪ a jolt to heart

♪ a jolt to heart

♪ your heart

♪ your heart

♪ a jolt to heart

♪ a jolt to heart

♪ a jolt to heart

♪ a jolt to heart


[All clapping]

Lower that tent.
That was terrific.

Let'’s hear another
round of applause for, uh,
Mary and Lauren.

Fantastic, fantastic.

What a show you people
are putting on tonight.

[Kids shouting]Use a noose, man!

You suck, Bart!

I think that we all
ought to have a round
of thank yous

for miss santichi.

For her wonderful,
useful direction tonight.
Miss santichi.

[Students clapping][Boys shouting]

Mutants of sound!

Listen, listen.
Mutants of sound are not
going to be appearing tonight.

So you people in the back
better settle down or we'’ll
have to ask you to leave.

Fuck you!

[All clamoring]

[Thunder rumbling]

If this does not stop,

everybody'’s gonna
have to be asked
to leave the auditorium.

[Kids yelling]

[All cheering]

[All clamoring]

We have called the police.

The called the fucking cops!

[Thunder crashing]

God, I went
to the talent show.

I ran all the way here!
They'’re going crazy!

Lon and vis made
this so fucked up!

They'’re gonna kill someone.

Shit. What are they doing, man?
They'’re gonna ruin everything.

Rex, what are we
gonna do?

Rex, we gotta do something!

Is he okay?

The beast is too strong.

The white truth, man.
The white truth is stronger.

No, we'’re death mutants now.

Like them.

No, no, we'’re different.
We'’re different.

You gotta do something, Rex.

I can'’t.

It'’s all leaving.

I'’m sorry.

Billy, do something!

Come on. Come on, let'’s go!

[All shouting]

[Loud clattering]



[Shouting stops]

[Kids chanting]
Beggar, beggar,

beggar, beggar,

beggar, beggar,

beggar, beggar,

beggar, beggar,

beggar, beggar,


Selecting the death
god shrieks, a battered child.

Someone else yelps for mother
in the middle of a storm.

Leave him along, Bart.

The palm readers
pull down their shades today.

The children
held out their hands,
feeling for the rain.

No life lines
on those palms,

just smooth, unmarred,
shiny skin like pearls of wax.

Today, today, today, today,

a pigeon ate
a man'’s heart today.

And the sun Rose miles
of half dead shell fish

with crazy stock dies

piled knee-deep
on the Avenue today.

Blind beggar died today

and a pigeon ate his heart.

Birds are flying
into buildings today.

That'’s today, today,
today, today. Say it.

Today, today, today, today!

Someone else yelps for mother
in the middle of a storm.


Of lonely apartment silence.

Do you remember
the roar of the dinosaur?

A woman,
Scotty craps on the floor.

"Bad Scotty, bad"
oh, the woman'’s so sad.

She washes her hands
and then waits by the door.

Today, yeah, today!

All: Today!

I heard a French prophet say.

There will be up
and there will be a.

And he predicted it
exactly to the day.

Today that is today.

All: Today!How did he know?

What did he say?

Why did he
give it all away?

Kate: The whole sky
is an orange moon.

Blood swells the veins.

Rush of the river.

Busting out of its bed.

Kind of familiar thing
to sweep by at
fantastic speeds.

Is that a chair?Or was that
an ice cream parlor?

Selecting the death.

A child whimpers,
a battered god.

Someone else
yelps for mother.

Mother, are you here today?

Mother, do you care today?

Both: Mother,
is today the day?

Or was that yesterday
when we had
that terrible storm?

[Percussive music playing]

♪ The beat, the beat
bounce, bounce ♪

You know a way to
clap with us, all right.
Everybody clap with us.

♪ The beat, the beat
clap, clap

♪ the beat, the beat
clap, clap ♪

Just like that.

♪ The beat, the beat
clap, clap

♪ the beat, the beat
clap, clap

♪ the beat, the beat
clap, clap

[percussion continues]

♪ Listen to the sound

♪ listen to the sound

♪ illiterate angels
dancing around

♪ moonlight black top
holy playground

♪ listen to the sound

♪ yeah, listen to the sound

♪ feel the beat
come on and breath
the heat

♪ we were born
in passion in the street

♪ our idiot mothers
must have busted concrete

♪ feel the beat
feel the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

looking for a number
in a land slump.

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

i'’m talking with the prophet
of mystical rap.

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

dwarfed in the canyon
i'’m lured to god.

Preach to the vein,
heavenly nod.

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

the beast, it lives
underground in sound!

It'’s way in the south.

And the roar of pound.

♪ The beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

♪ the beat, the beat

there is no past.

♪ The beat, the beat

forget the island.
Get to ground.

Nothing exists.

Only the sound.

Nothing exists.

Only sound.

♪ The beat, the beat

[singing stops]

[All clapping]


[All cheering]

[Loud whistling]

[Cheering continues]


[Cheering continues]

Larry: Hey!

Where'’s Rex?


Gotta find Rex.



[Dog barks]

Billy, where is he?

I Don'’t know.
I Don'’t know.


Maybe he'’s at the point.Hey, wait.




No! Rex!



No, Rex! Don'’t be gone!

Don'’t be gone!


Rex, Don'’t be gone.


That little son of a bitch.

He did it.


He actually did it.

He got away.

What do you mean?

He told me had
a new place to go to, man.

And he did it.
He fooled '’em all.

You mean he'’s okay?

Yeah! Sure he'’s okay.
Voorhas is the smartest
guy in the world.

Yeah, yeah, he'’s probably
riding on the back
of a shark, man,

holding onto its fin,
lapping like wild.

Look, he even left his
Princess priestess'’ jacket.

He did.

Who am I now, beggar?

Who do you want to be?

[Soft music playing]

[Soft music continues]

[Hard rock music playing]

[Hard rock music continues]