Stay Still (2019) - full transcript

Smart and quick-witted Julie is in her mid-twenties. She marches to the beat of her own drum and has her own manifesto: do nothing. And with nothing, she really means NOTHING: no work, no ...

I remember

the first time I saw an anthill.

Millions of tiny legs,

antennae, stingers, hairs

and rotating pupils vibrating
in a never-ending choreography.

The insatiability.

That callous need to run,
search, find and protect...

It was disgusting.

So I took a lighter and set it on fire.

But even when it was burning,

none of the ants stood
around to watch.

They all kept on running,
doing what they were programmed to,

even though there was no future left

and their present was slowly burning

along with their queen.

That day,

I decided I would never be an ant.

No matter what,

I would stay still.


I'm sorry!

I said I'm sorry.

You did.


Kind of.

What about you?

I'm Santa.
- Are you?

You look cute.

What's the point of those?

Why not?

You never take them off?


Even when you sleep?

Not even when you jerk off?

Can I have it?

- Is this your car?
- Yes.

Not your mum's car
or something like that?

No, I told you.

Hold this.


are you a mechanic or what?

What are you doing?

Fuck! Shit!

- Are you calling the fire fighters?
- My therapist.

Are you nuts?

- Doctor Hermann?
- Fuck!

- Are you crazy? My car!
- Did you miss me?

Thank you.

You are late again.


New arrival.

Bring the admission papers
to Doctor Hermann's studio.

What's the police for?


Miss Demì...

Miss Demì?

What happened to the bottle
I gave you?

It was pricey.

Unfortunately, I didn't
get the chance to taste it.

The last time I saw you

you threw it against my window.

Right, I forgot that.

How could you forget that?

- Selective memory.
- How convenient.

This is Mrs. Reichmann,
she's new here.




How are we feeling today?


Glad to hear it.
What about the medication?

You're the best pusher
I've ever had.

And I had quite a few.

That's kind of you.

I might consider that
for my pension plans.

You are leaving?


In four months.

What happened with the car, Miss Demì?

It burned out.

- Just like that?
- Obviously not.

And this young man
you ran into at the supermarket?

We fucked.

I see.

Were you angry at him?

Not one bit.

But you did burn down his car.


It felt right.
- Right for whom?

- For the car.
- So the car asked you to do it?

Are you asking me if I hear voices?

No, but do you?

Yes, yours.

That's something.

You know the procedure.
Rest, take your medication.

If you need any assistance,

look no further
than Mrs. Reichmann here.

- Where is Luis?
- He's gone.


That's all for today, Miss Demì.

Does she always wear
those rubber gloves?

Ever since I've known her.

After ten years
of intense and careful observation,

I must admit that I still don't have
a clue what's wrong with Miss Demì.

Last time she stole
a llama from a circus

and took it to a rave in the forest.

Don't people end up
in jail for that?

Not if you are twenty
and manage to convince the judge

that the llama asked you to do it.

Nice to see you
show some interest.

I'll assign you
as her new supervisor then.

Just read her folder
and follow the rules in the zoo:

keep a safe distance
and don't feed the animals.

Please excuse me.

I'd like to cut Louise's hair.

The scissors.

Patients are not allowed
to use scissors.


-Rumor has it you're my new supervisor.

It was Dr. Hermann's idea.

So what are you planning for me?

Nothing yet.

You've only just arrived.

I don't want to do anything.

I mean it.

What about when you get out?


- So you study?
- No.


But you must do something.

Not me.

I don't do anything.

Why not?

My father had this habit.

He looked in the mirror
every morning and asked himself:

"If today were
the last day of my life,

would I want to do
what I am about to do today?"

And whenever the answer was "No"
for too many days in a row,

he changed something in his life.

- And?
- He's died of a heart attack.

Too many changes.

Here you go.

Your soup.

Marlene! Why did you do that?

- What happened?
- She threw her soup on the floor.


Let's leave Mummy in peace.

She threw it.

I'm sure she's sorry about it.
Aren't you, sweetie?

I'm sure she's not!


- I'll order some pizza...
- Yeah!

And everything will be ok, right?

What kind of pizza would you like?

There's no alcohol.

Does it look good on me?

It doesn't. Be good
and give it back to the tree.

Julie, a Mr. Schmidt
is here for you.

Is he a friend of yours?

Better. He's my financial advisor.

Hello Julie.
- Mr. Schmidt.

Smoking is not allowed in here.

We have to talk about
your finances, Julie.

You can't go on like this.

- Who is Felix Bauer?
- The owner of the car you set on fire.

- He was a dickhead.
- A dickhead who needs a new car.

You own him 15,000 Euro.

Then pay him.

You have a liquidity problem.

Sell some shares.

It won't be enough.

- What's that?
- We have to sell your mother's house.

- No.
- You've spent your inheritance.

It was a lot of money.

But then you were involved
in questionable ventures.

What questionable ventures?

You donated an outdoor pool
to a cloister in Finland 3 years ago.

You should have seen the nuns.
So happy.

What did you do with Snaily?

Not me, you.

You've left your snail alone
in your flat for fifteen days.

It probably drowned
in the toilet looking for water.


I've been your family's financial
advisor for more then 20 years.

I promised your father
that I would take care of you.

But if you are not
willing to change,

you'll become insolvent
by next year.

I'll leave it here.
Call me when you are ready.

Can you bring me to the exit?

Only if you pay me.

Can you hear me? Good.
Dear friends,

we nurses will now
be singing a song for you!

I ain't no bitch.

I ain't no bitch.

If you ask me,

your husband needs to get laid.

I'm not asking you!

You are not allowed
to smoke in here!

Hey Katrin.

Caroline was asking for you.
She's got a present for you.

Where is she?


Here I am Caroline!

Katrin, why are you here?

You have a gift for me...

- I don't have a gift for you.
- Julie said so.

- Ah, Julie said so.
- Yeah

Not everything Julie says is true.

Please go back in.
It's cold outside.

It was nice of your advisor
to come visit you.

Actually he can't stand me.


I'm wasting all of
my mother's money.

What happened to your mother?

She was attacked by a wild pig
at our seaside home.

I'll go get a new detergent.

What are you doing?

Agnes! Are you there?

Agnes, are you there?


- What's going on here?
- The door was blocked.

Patients are not allowed
in this room.


I was just looking for detergent.

Your husband was looking for you.

I don't get red ones.

I told Dr. Hermann that you were
a little brought up after the party.

Do I look excited to you?

This is a clinic, not a hotel.

- I'll take them later.
- Now.

You know the rules.

Fuck the rules!

Swallow or inject.

I bet you hear that often.


Take your damn pills now!

At the age of seven the mother
of the patient committed suicide.

Oh Agnes, there you are.

Mr. Schmidt here
has an idea for Julie.

I'd like you to help find
a job for Julie.

A job?
- Yes, a job.

What did you have in mind?


A cleaning company?

They are expecting your phone call,
Mrs. Reichmann.

Agnes, would you mind
walking Mr. Schmidt out?

Thank you.

Bye, Julie.
- Bye.

I'm glad you finally decided
to sell your mother's house.

Now that you are leaving me
you think a pile of money

is going to look after me?

I'm leaving the clinic Julie.
Not you.

It's the same.

I see here that you don't have
any cleaning experience, Miss Demì?

Not professionally, but she's
always chipping in at the clinic

whenever something
needs to be cleaned.

For example?
- The dishes?

I'm afraid that isn't
a verifiable reference.

You need references to be a cleaner?

There is a war out there

and we offer the soldiers.

Soldiers who bring people safety
through long-lasting hygiene.

Because our enemies
are very intelligent.

Our enemies?

Germs, Mrs. Reichmann.
They're everywhere.

I need my pills.

Sit back down.

Can't she start on
a temporary basis?

She could.

But she'd have to pass
a profiling test first.

What type of profile do I need
to clean a fucking toilet?

You're not going to make it far
in this world

if you don't take preparation

and professionalism seriously,
young lady.

There's always prostitution.

I assure you, you're going
to need qualifications for that too.

I'm sure you are an expert
on the subject.

You boycotted the meeting
on purpose.

That's true.

But admit it, it was fun.

What do I tell Mr. Schmidt?

You can tell him
you tried and you failed.

Mrs. Reichmann, I'm sorry
but we don't see any improvements

in your daughter's behavior.


She keeps on being aggressive
with the other children.


Today she smashed
another child's plate on the floor.

Maybe it was an accident?

She then took the plate of every
single child sitting at the table

and smashed it.

That would make fifteen accidents.

How is she doing lately at home?

Like always.
- Which means?

- I think it would be of major help

if you could talk to her
about her behavior.

Yes. Of course...
- Good.

Markus is the only one
at his kindergarten

who's using the potty on his own.

What about Marlene?

Oh... diapers.

And how often?

Once a day.

Markus goes up to three times a day!

And always a perfect solid sausage!

How about Marlene's?

Ah, a sausage.

A sausage. Most of the time.

I'll go get the dessert.

She has such a bad taste.

She didn't put any effort.

Nothing is home-cooked.
Everything is bought.

There are no toys!
- It doesn't taste good either.

Nothing but sugar. Did you see
what she did with Marlene?

Jesus, that poor girl.

It doesn't surprise me.

I don't understand
why Jan doesn't say something.

That surprises me too
because he's alright.

She doesn't have taste,
but ok she's young.

I think we should send Marlene
to her grandmother's for a while.

For the weekend?

For a while.

What do you mean, "for a while"?

Until she gets better.

Nothing's happened.

Don't let them get to you.

What would you do
if you didn't have to pay the rent?

What do you mean?

If you didn't have to work?

I don't know. Holidays probably.

Wouldn't it be nice
to live like that?

I don't know anybody
that lives like that.

I do.


A patient in the clinic.


that's why she's inside
and you're outside.

The woods we currently
find ourselves in

is a self-contained web
of communication.

We will now go
to the tree of our choice,

introduce ourselves

and ask the tree permission

to hug it.

You will feel the flow of energy
from the tree into our hands,

through our arms, into our body.

The tree is happy that we chose it.

That we came to it.

The forest helps us make decisions

when we don't know
what to do in our lives.

Very, very good.

The bus will arrive in 5 minutes.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...

I only see 12. Someone's missing.


- I knew it.

Where is she?

I don't know.
She was here 5 minutes ago.

She's your patient.
Go, look for her.




Where are you going?

I've got something I need to do.

Fine, but let's stop
for a minute and talk.

Please, I'm your supervisor!
I'll get in trouble.

Fine then.
I'm going to call Dr. Hermann!


Shit. Julie!

Where did you get that?

I've fucked many different guys.

There's no way
I'm letting you steal this car!

Look there!

Stop before somebody sees you!

Julie, please!

This is your house?

My mum's house.

And we're here because?

I wanted to see it one last time.
Before the bank takes it.

Ok, have a look around quickly
and we'll go back to the clinic.

One night.

Have you gone mad?
We're driving back now.

I'm not going back.

You can either drive back now alone,
with a stolen car,

or return with your
patient tomorrow.

- Good.

But I'll have to call the clinic
and my husband.

I'll take care of the car.

I've found my mum's old records!

When did you move out?

Thirteen years ago.

Why did you leave everything behind?

After my mother died, we moved away.

My father didn't want
to take much with him.

I guess he thought we would
come back eventually.

What happened to your mother?

She was kidnapped by aliens.

I know that
she committed suicide.

Yes, after the aliens returned her.

It might be good for you
that the house was sold.

Do you want some?

And what was she like?

You remind me of her.


She also didn't like her child.

Katrin snooped in your bag before.

You don't have a picture
of your daughter anywhere,

not even on your phone.

Who gave you permission
to go through my things?


And not everyone needs pictures
of their children everywhere.

Well, not everyone
needs a swimming pool either.

Swimming pool?
- Swimming pool.

I think you should come and join me.

Why do you not want to do anything?

Social life is based on the illusion
of happiness as a reward.

It's just like with ants:

the workers work,

the soldiers fight and
the queen is responsible

for the next generation.

Every ant does
what is expected of it

and if it does everything correctly,
it receives its reward.

What kind of reward?

That it's part of the group.

Your family must have gotten
a lot of those tasks right.

My mother hung herself
before she reached forty.

and my father worked his ass off
until he died, so I don't know...

You don't have anybody left?

I have Dr. Hermann and Mr. Schmidt.

You want to know a secret?

I can't keep secrets.

I have a three-year-old daughter
who doesn't talk to me.

Do they talk at all at that age?

Yes, they do.
She talks to everybody.

She talks to my husband,
to the kids in the kindergarten,

to the teachers,

even to her dolls.

She only doesn't talk to me.
She hates me.

Mothers are overrated.

I too had a shitty mother

and look at me now.

You are not helping.

Then do something about it.

I am, all the time.

Then do it differently.


I don't know.

Be nice to her.


... should come in now
and swim with me.

The water really is great.

You know what?


I think I will.

I'm coming.

- I'll jump.
- Yes, jump!


The most important thing

if you want to learn how to stay still,
is the absence of noise.


Real silence.

You need to be alone.

No exceptions.

Because any human relationship
sooner or later becomes loud.

What's going on?

You might want to get dressed
and get out of there.

I would be quick if I were you.

I'll wait outside.

Your house is on fire!

I know.


You make me stay here
the whole night

just to burn down the house
the day after?

Couldn't you just
stick to 'doing nothing'?

It certainly doesn't
look like it to me!


I think it's best
if you call the police.

Give the bank my regards!

Dr. Hermann,
I've brought you some good whisky.

I can see you are quite excited.

We'll talk later.


You don't even want to try?

From my father's private collection.
Ask Agnes.

It's in my rucksack!


I thought she'd
do something stupid.

She did.

She promised she'd come back
to the clinic with me.

I suggest you take some days off
and perhaps go on a little vacation.

Am I suspended?

Is this Miss Demì's rucksack?

- May I?

Miss Demì has confused,

and emotionally abused
all of her supervisors

and sent them
into deep existential crises.

Really, nobody expected it
to be any different for you.

However, this time
a house did burn down.

Neither of us will make
the same mistake twice.

Are you sure you don't want any?

It's really delicious.

No, thank you.

What is going to happen
to Miss Demì?

You don't need to worry about that.

If you'll excuse me now.

The police are furious at me.

The fire department is furious at me.

And now even the bank
is furious at me.

Thank God you're here!
I'm sorry.

- I was at the clinic...
- Keys?

I called the clinic.

You left four hours ago.

I was really tired
and I lost track of time.

- You lost track of time?
- What's the big deal?

I didn't hear my phone.
It can happen to anyone.

That's the point, Agnes.
It doesn't happen to everyone.

- But she's fine now.
- Really, you think she's fine now?

She looks fine to me.

Why don't you hold her then?

She's sitting in the car.
- Go on.

Hold her.

- I am wet.
- Do it!

What's the matter with you?

You don't give a shit
about your daughter.

- That is not true.
- No?

When was the last time
you actually held her?

Or kissed her?

Or read her a damn bedtime story?

- She's different with me.
- She's three years old!

Every three-year-old child
loves her mother, no matter what!

I'm scared.

Scared of what?

That she'll turn out like me.

You wanted a child?

Well, now you have one.
So grow the fuck up.

Where are you going?

Katrin, your mother is here.


Call me Rebecca, honey.
You know that.


Did you bring me anything?

She's so funny.

No, mother.

I think she means it.

Why don't you go for a walk?

You're turning 70.
I want to come to the party.

I'm turning 55.

Don't you speak like that to me.
Not in that tone.

So did you come to tell me...

Hard days, Rainer.

- I want to go!
- I don't want to hear that.

Hard times.

Leave me alone.

Is this why I'm here?

No that it is not true.

I won't go along with this.

I want to go to the party, mother!

- What's gotten into you?
- Don't lie to me.

I'm not! The doctor said
you need at least two weeks.

You're such a liar, Mom!

You are not allowed in here.

Still angry?


What did Dr. Hermann say?

I am not your supervisor anymore.

They must have
something up their sleeves.

They didn't give you a hard time.


That's the point.

They normally do.

But this time Dr. Hermann
didn't even call me to his office.

You are not ill.

No idea why you keep wearing those,
but it's not because you're ill.

They're practical.

People immediately understand
I'm bonkers and leave me in peace.

I still don't see it.

Sometimes I get myself into
this clinic,

swallow some pills,
then they release me.

And for the rest of the year
I can do whatever I want.

No expectations.
No consequences.

Expectations from whom?

You don't have anybody.


- Hey Agnes.
- Katrin, you scared me!

Don't you think
I'd look great with that haircut?

- Were you waiting here the whole time?
- I want you to cut my hair like that.

- Ok, but later.
- Why not now?

Because it isn't possible now.

What are you doing in here anyway?

Go back to your room, Katrin!

Is she on her period or what?

Julie, it's your and Katrin's turn
to set the tables.

I'm meditating.

You can meditate
while you set the tables.


I need the scissors.

Katrin, after you set the tables.

I need the scissors!
- Katrin, that's too close.

Calm down. Later.

Frigid bitch.

What do you think,

would it suit me?

- What is it?
- I need a pair of scissors.

What for?

I need to cut my hair.

I want them now!

Katrin, why all the fuss?

Sit down, read a magazine
while you wait for Agnes.


Then I'll give you something
to calm down.

Katrin, calm down!

- The scissors!

- Caroline is calling me.
- Stay.

Something's wrong.


I'm going to call Dr. Hermann.

Are you crazy?

Are you mad?

Katrin stop it!



It's ok, I've got you.

It's ok Katrin, I've got you.

How is Katrin?

She suffered second-degree burns
on her scalp and face,

but she will survive.

I'm very sorry...

You have three months
to find another job.

My family cannot know.

What you tell your family
is none of my business.

You can go on with your reamining
shifts for the next few days

and I'll sign your
job termination request

as soon as you send it to me.

If I ever see you

alone with Miss Demì
in this clinic again,

I'm going to sue you.

You can go home now.

How are you today, Miss Demi?

- I'm fine.
- That's good to hear.

We have to have
a serious talk about your future.

Are you going to release me?

You know that after
your recent escapades,

that is no longer an option.

Then what?

Julie, the bank has withdrawn
the selling contract for the house.

You are now in debt
to the tune of 137.000 Euro.

You have to help me.
I am your patient.

We can testify in court
on your lack of legal culpability,

but you will need to file
for a legal guardian.

- A guardian?
- Mr. Schmidt could do that.

With a little bit of luck,

we can make the bank drop
the voluntary arson charges.


Then do it.

You need to understand
what that would mean.

I will have to diagnose you
with a severe mental condition

and you will be sent to a new clinic

where you'll have
to stay several months.

I'll have no influence.

You will have to deal with
the consequences of such a diagnosis

for the rest of your life.

So you want to lock me up forever
and put me on welfare?

A guardian and a few years in the right
clinic is the lesser of two evils.

- Shut up, you cunt.
- That's enough!

I'm obliged to inform you
that in case you were declared

of sound mind by a court of law.

The police are planning
to charge you for attempted assault.

Against whom?

Nurse Reichmann was in the house.
She could have died.

You just want to get rid of me
before you leave the clinic.

No, I'm just helping
you to understand

you've finally lost your privileges

and this is probably the best thing
that could have happened to you.

You can stuff your legal
guardianship up your ass.


Anyone who can
really stay still knows

that there is always a place

where you can find pure nothingness.

Where past, present and future

fuse into a beautiful stagnation.

Sooner or later, everyone
gets to know that kind of silence.

So I might as well decide

to get there sooner than expected.

Or maybe not.


I almost died.

What's going on?


Get lost!

Why did you do that?

What do you care?
You're leaving anyway.

Why not just burn down
the whole clinic?

They're locking me up for good!

You wanted to do nothing
with your life? Well, here you go.

And? Enjoying the show?

At least I'm trying to do something.

But you go around
burning the whole damn town

and think nothing will happen to you,

just because
a fucking llama told you to!

What really pisses me off

is that nobody expects you
to do anything. You could just pretend!

But me? All my life I did
what other people expected me to.

Once I do something for myself.

And bang, it cost me
my job and my family.

- Why did you get involved with me?
- What?

- Why did you have sex with me?
- Because I'm stupid.

No, because I recognize you.

If you would be happy with your life,
you'd never have crossed that line.

It was obviously a big mistake.


What did he say?

I woke up the monster.

What are you doing here?

Patients are not allowed...

Want an egg?


Did you see the ceiling
in the common bathroom?

What are you going to do now?

I have no idea.

What about you?

I don't know.

Now that Rainer is talking again,

I might have to reconsider my plan.

- Rainer is talking now?
- Yes.

What does he say?

I can't tell you.

Whatever, go pack your things.

The new clinic
is picking you up in two hours.

You are not going to make another
scene, I can promise you that.

You should go.

Rainer, come.

I don't believe that monster.

I never trusted her.

She's been trouble
from the very first day,

but no one listened to me.

I can't wait to see her gone.

And what did she do
in the common bathroom?

I'm going to put that on
her long list of debts...

I'll never forgive her
for what she did to Louis.

It's disgraceful that someone
like her is taking up a spot.


It's disgusting. She's a parasite.

Poor rich child.

She isn't sick.

She's antisocial.


Fuck off, Caroline!

Take that back!

What are you going to do?

- Are you...
-Rainer, block the door.

- What's going on?
- Open up!

- Take my car.
- What?

You have to leave.

- Go where?
- Choose something.

Choose what?
Shut the fuck up, Caroline.

- I don't know what to do.
- Me neither. Riot in the Caribbean...

Start a revolution, I don't care,
but you have to leave.

- You are going to be in trouble.
- I am already.

Rainer! Now!

It's complete chaos.

One moment, Dr. Hermann.
What's the big idea, Agnes?

Julie, if you leave now you will
never enjoy life again!

As for you, Agnes...

Let go!

Open the door.
Come back here!



Do something!

I know what you're thinking.

We are currently driving
towards a disturbing darkness

that has certain consequences.

But honestly,

I never said anything
about passive resistance.

Because most of the time,

in order to stay still,
you need a lot of action.