State Funeral (2019) - full transcript

The enigma of the personality cult is revealed in the grand spectacle of Joseph Stalin's funeral.


Moscow calling!

This is a special bulletin

from the Central Committee

of the Communist Party
of the USSR,

Council of Ministers of the USSR

and the Presidium
of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

To all Party members,

to all the working people of the USSR!

Dear comrades and friends!

The Central Committee
of the Communist Party,

Council of Ministers

and the Presidium
of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR,

with the deepest sorrow

inform the Party

and all the working people
of the USSR

that on March 5,

at 9.50 pm,

the Chairman of Council of Ministers
of the USSR,

the Secretary of the Central Committee

of the Communist Party of the USSR,

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
passed away after a serious illness.

The heart of Lenin's comrade-in-arms,

and visionary follower of Lenin's cause,

the wise leader of the Communist Party

and the Soviet people,

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin,
has stopped beating.

Medical report

on the cause of death
of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

On the night of March 2,
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

suffered a haemorrhage
in the left hemisphere of the brain,

caused by hypertension
and arteriosclerosis.

This resulted in a paralysis
of the right side of the body,

and loss of consciousness.

On the first day of the illness,

breathing difficulty occurred

due to the damage
to the nervous system.

The condition worsened day by day.

The breathing pattern was irregular,

with prolonged temporary stops,

so-called Cheyne-Stokes respiration.

On the night of March 3,

respiratory arrests

became life-threatening.

From the onset of illness,

the following
cardiovascular disorders were diagnosed:

high blood pressure,
rapid and irregular heartbeat,

atrial fibrillation
and dilated cardiomyopathy.

Oxygen deficiency caused by
the deterioration of the respiratory

and cardiovascular systems
was observed on March 3.

From the first day of illness,

the patient had high fever
and leukocytosis,

possible symptoms of lung infection.

On the last day of illness,

the condition deteriorated rapidly

resulting in acute heart failure

and collapse.

ECG test revealed

acute restriction of the blood flow

in the coronary artery

and damage to the heart muscle.

In the afternoon of March 5,

the patient's condition
deteriorated rapidly.

Fast and shallow breathing was observed,

heartbeat rate increased to 140-150 bpm,

the pulse force decreased.

At 21 hours 50 minutes,

due to cardiovascular...

and respiratory failure,

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin died.

Our first day without Stalin,

it's the day

when he is gone.

Death has come,
and everything is useless.

Death has come -
and we are all alone.

The Soviet people promise
to work tirelessly

in order to fulfill Stalin's cause

and to build Communism.

Long live Stalin's immortal cause!

Long live the great Soviet people,

Communism builders, who will live
to see the triumph of Communism!

Stalin is dead, long live Stalin!

Our Father passed away,
our hearts are full of sadness:

He'll never shake
a comrade's hand again,

but to his people
he has left his genius,

his heart of steel forever will remain!

The sacred banners
carried by the comrades,

a road full of hardships lies ahead,

the Central Committee,
invincible and glorious,

will overcome
and will defy his death!

When all of us,
we saw him in his coffin,

and said good-bye
and paid our last respects,

We knew his might...

but how softened his features now,
as he's laid to rest.

We knew he was the best
on our planet,

victorious in every battle, every war,

to think of other people
was his tenet,

his heart was selfless to the core.

This tragedy has brought us
close together,

as no joyful day has ever done,

we stand united,
holding hands forever,

we serve our Stalin,
we are all as one.

It's impossible to take your eyes off
this infinitely dear face.

Your eyes are full of tears,

you hold your breath,

you are overwhelmed with sorrow,

shared by millions,
hundreds of millions of people.

I look and look again.

I won't stop looking.

For the first time in my life,

with all my heart, with all my mind

I grasp this mysterious word:

This is it!


It is true,
Joseph Vissarionovich passed away.

It's true that his heart stopped beating.

His warm and passionate heart.

His heart, devoted to the people.

His motionless head rests on the pillow.

Never again

will a genius thought

be born in it.

His lips are sealed tight
under his moustache.

Never again will they utter

his carefully considered words.

And yet, there is no death here!

So many precious thoughts were born

in his genius brain!

So many wise words,
inspiring millions of people,

were uttered by these lips.

So much love!

Overwhelming, life-giving love for mankind

was given to the world

by this daring and courageous heart,

that there is no room left
for the word "death"!

There is no death here!

There is only eternal life!


Stalin's immortality is in his deeds.

It is in Communism,
that we shall achieve.

We shall certainly achieve it,
for Stalin taught us how to!

People bring more and more wreaths

to the coffin.

A wreath of fresh tulips,

interwoven with ammodendron
and saxaul branches.

A wreath of dark-green fresh branches,

wide and shiny magnolia leaves.

A wreath of heavy,

golden stalks of ripened wheat,

it lies glaring,

decorated with silk ribbons.

A wreath of stainless steel,
bronze and brass.

Pointed palm leaves,
golden arrows of laurels

and mighty bronze

of oak leaves and acorns.

He gave us his advice.
He helped us grow.

He was everywhere.
He was always with us.

Every child knew his name from birth,

and cherished it as a keepsake.

His name, which is so dear to us,

which is so dear to all mankind,

his name continues to shine

and to illuminate our road to Communism,

just as it illuminated our entire lives.

This name is immortal.

So long as mankind lives,

it shall be illuminated by the light

of this life-giving and immortal genius.

It'll take us a long time
to come to terms

with these plain and cruel words:

"Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin's heart
has stopped beating."

We were so full of love for him,

our life was enriched with his genius,

which he shared not only
with the millions of compatriots,

but also with the people abroad.

We don't have the right to be weak.

We are not ashamed of
our tears and of our sorrow.

In our sorrow is the strength of love.

The happiness he gave us,
will stay with us.

It will live in us,

just as his beautiful and glorious image
will remain with us forever.

We'll always remember
his infinite kindness,

the way he cared for our Soviet people.

His selfless love for the Soviet people,

for every single one of us,
will live in us.

The great happiness of building

the universal and the wonderful
happiness of Communism!

We swear by Stalin's glorious memory,

we promise to our Mother,
the Communist Party,

that our whole life,

our every deed and every thought,

will belong to our great Party,

to its great teachings,
to the great cause of building Communism!

We will remember his every word...

We despise death,
there will be no death...

The man,

who brought precious gifts

to millions people around the world

who turned a human into such a strong,

noble and honourable being,

as it has never been seen
in the history of mankind.

It's not true that
he is no longer with us!

He is with us!

In our every deed,

in every drop of blood,

that runs through our veins,

in every breath we take,

lives the gift of Stalin,
the gift he gave to humanity,

the way to the great,

bright and universal future,
to Communism!

We address the entire mankind!

Long live the great
and invincible banner

of Lenin and Stalin!

Long live Communism,

the embodiment

of our leader's eternal life!

You were with us

through all the wars and hardships.

You nurtured us,
you kept a watchful eye,

your toast in honour
of the ordinary Russians

opened up our hearts
and made us laugh and cry.

We celebrated Victory like birthday,
we started our lives

as if anew.

You know that true love is never worldly,

but it is as pure

as morning dew.

The sun of your ideas shines above us

and Moscow stars are bright
with crimson light.

Dear Comrade,
your every wish is our command,

and we shall work for you,
and we shall fight!

And from my heart
these simple words are coming.

Today I'm very happy to report,

that all mankind is led by Lenin-Stalin,

and there is no honour
higher in this world.

Comrade Stalin made his way

through the snowy planes of Donbass.

The devastated people heard his voice:

"Hurry to the rescue of Ukraine!"

I can see the miners of Donbass,

thousands of people
who met him in the trenches,

and water-filled mines,

at the destroyed factories.

Everywhere he came,

the stars began to shine

and the iron ore began to flow.

He united all the lands of Ukraine.

Young pioneers, sombre and stern,

salute with their shaking hands.

Their eyes fill with tears,

but their lips whisper an oath,
with confidence and determination,

to Lenin,

to Stalin,

and the Communist Party.

Moscow schoolchildren as guards of honour

stand at Stalin's coffin.

There's no end to our pain and sorrow

and no words to utter

how much we grieve.

Oh, Comrade Stalin...

we don't have words,

but we have hearts to give.

Without words,
in every town or village,

to add one minute to your precious life

we would have given all our blood.

If we could bring together all of them,

all those hearts
with their silent passion,

and give them all to you,

you would have lived
another hundred years,

you would have lived, you would.

But, Comrade Stalin,
you have left us.

And no words to utter pain and grief.

The face of Earth is grey.
Its soul weeps.

In this difficult time for our Party
and for our nation,

the workers of the Kirov Factory
and all the workers of our Motherland,

unanimously support the measures,
taken by the Party,

aimed at successful implementation
of the policies,

adopted by our Party and the government.

Together with the entire Soviet people,
the workers of the Kirov Factory,

join ranks with the Leninist-Stalinist
Central Committee

of the Communist Party
and Soviet government.

We shall dedicate even greater energy
to the Leninist-Stalinist cause

and to the Victory of Communism
in our country!

Our sacrifice and our labour
will become a lasting monument

to our beloved leader and teacher,
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

The name of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

is a symbol of our triumph and joy.

All our endeavours, all our deeds

have been guided and inspired
by the great Stalin.

In these sorrowful hours

when our immortal
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin is gone,

our people join ranks
with the Communist Party,

the Leninist-Stalinist Central Committee,
and our Soviet government.

In response to the appeal
of the Central Committee,

Council of Ministers and the Presidium
of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR,

we shall display unyielding
fortitude and unity,

we shall intensify
our political vigilance,

we shall dedicate all our energy
to achieve the goals

set by our great Father,
our dearly beloved Stalin.

The workers...

of the Soviet Union
and all the working people

above all, the Communist Party,

have lost our great leader and teacher,

Comrade Stalin.

Dear comrades!

This loss

is in every worker's heart.

Let us not despair!

Let us adhere to the teachings
of the great Stalin!

Let us work as taught by
our great leader, Comrade Stalin.

Forward, comrades!
To the glorious summits of Communism!

The great and loving heart

of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
has stopped beating.

Joseph Vissarionovich was the dearest
member of our Soviet family.

All the joys,
all the hardships of our lives

we shared with him.

We knew that he was
our devoted guardian and teacher.

Under his guidance,

we have built a wonderful life.


we have lost Joseph Vissarionovich.

His name will remain in our hearts

for as long as blood flows
through our veins.

To the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of the USSR.

Workers, engineers and general staff

of the Kirov factory,
the holder of four honorary awards,

with the deepest sorrow

and unspeakable pain in our hearts,

have learned about the death
of our dearly beloved

leader and teacher,
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

We shall join ranks

with the Central Committee of our Party!

Workers of the Kirov factory

will intensify
their revolutionary vigilance

and relentlessly resist
the enemies' provocations.

Immortal and invincible

are the teachings of Lenin-Stalin!

We shall join ranks

with the Central Committee of our Party,

we shall intensify our efforts

in order to fulfill
the 5th five-year plan

and to build Communism in our country!

Immortal and invincible

are the teachings of Lenin-Stalin!

We bow before you, great Stalin!

With honor, we will fulfill your precept
to build communism in our homeland


Moscow calling!

The Pillar Hall

of the House of the Unions.

The ceremony of lying in state

of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
is about to end.

Members of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of the USSR

have gathered by the coffin.

They are joined by members
of the Funeral Commission,


marshals and generals
of the Soviet army.

These final minutes

are unbearably painful.

In these final moments of valediction,

the depth of misery,
which has stricken our country

is particularly vivid.

Party and government officials,

members of the Funeral Commission,

approach the pedestal,

lift up the coffin

with the body
of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

and slowly proceed towards...

the exit of the Pillar Hall.

On behalf of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party

and Council of Ministers of the USSR,

I declare open the memorial gathering

in honour of the Chairman of Council
of Ministers of the USSR,

the Secretary of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of the USSR,

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

The floor is given to the Chairman
of Council of Ministers of the USSR,

the Secretary of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of the USSR,

Comrade Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov.

Dear compatriots, comrades and friends!

Dear foreign brothers!

Our Party, the Soviet people
and the entire mankind

have suffered a terrible,
irreplaceable loss.

The glorious life
of our teacher and leader,

of the greatest genius
in the history of mankind,

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin has ended.

During these days of mourning,
our sorrow is shared by

progressively minded people
all over the world.

The greatness and the importance

of Comrade Stalin's deeds are immense

in the eyes of the Soviet people
and the workers of the entire world.

Stalin's deeds will live forever,

and future generations,
full of gratitude, as we do now,

will hail Stalin's name.

Comrade Stalin dedicated his life

to the cause of the liberation
of the proletariat and working people

from exploitation by the oppressors;

to the cause of ridding humankind
of devastating wars;

to the cause

of achieving happy
and free life on earth

for the working people.

Stalin succeeded in finding a solution

for one of the most complex problems

in the history of development
of human society,

the national question.

Having developed the greatest national
question theory,

for the first time in history,

Comrade Stalin eliminated
centuries-long ethnic hostility

within the boundaries
of our vast, multiethnic state.

As a result of Comrade Stalin's
tireless toils,

according to his plans,

our Party managed to transform
a backward country

into a powerful, industrially
and agriculturally developed state;

it established a new economic order,

free of economic depressions
and unemployment.

Our sacred duty

is to ensure further development

of our socialist Motherland.

We must make every effort
to develop socialist industry,

the stronghold
of our country's power and strength.

We must make every effort
to strengthen collective farms:

to achieve prosperity and development

of all the collective farms
of our Soviet country.

We must strengthen the union
between workers and peasants.

People from all over the world
know Comrade Stalin,

as the greatest torchbearer
for the cause of world peace.

Comrade Stalin dedicated
the power of his genius

to safeguarding peace
for the people of all countries.

Soviet foreign policy,

the policy of peace
and friendship between nations,

is crucial for restraining
foreign military aggression,

and it is conducted
in the best interests of all nations.

The great Stalin taught us

to serve the people,

to be devoted
to the interests of the people.

We are faithful servants of the people.

The people want peace and hate war.

We hold sacred the people's desire

to prevent bloodshed
and the deaths of millions,

to secure peaceful progress
to happiness.

Farewell, our teacher and leader,

our dear friend, Comrade Stalin!

Let's move forward
to achieve complete triumph

of the cause of Lenin-Stalin!

The floor is given

to the First Deputy Chairman
of Council of Ministers,

Comrade Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria.

Dear comrades and friends!

It's hard to express the feeling
of deepest sorrow,

which is felt by our Party,

by the peoples of our country

and by all progressively minded
people in the world.

Stalin is no more...

The great comrade-in-arms
and visionary follower of Lenin's cause.

The man, nearest and dearest
to all the Soviet people,

and to millions of workers
across the world, has left us.


Our heartache cannot be relieved,

our loss is enormous...

But the steel will
of the Communist Party

won't be broken;

its unity won't be shaken,

its struggle for Communism will continue!

This is why the people of the Soviet Union

may fully rely on the Communist Party,

its Central Committee
and the Soviet government.

Enemies of the Soviet state

expect that our tragic loss

will cause chaos and confusion

in our ranks.

They are scheming in vain!

Bitter disappointment awaits them!

Those who have eyes to see,

see that in times of hardships

our Party is more united than ever,

it cannot be broken or shaken.

Our great leaders,
Lenin and Stalin,

taught us to raise the Party's
and the people's vigilance

and to safeguard the country

against the ill-doings
of the enemies of the Soviet state.

We have to be even more vigilant now!

We mustn't let anyone think

that the enemies of the Soviet state

can catch us unaware.

The strength of our state

is not only in its victorious,

battle-seasoned and heroic army;

the might of the Soviet state

is in the unity of the Soviet people,

in their trust in the Communist Party,

the leading force of Soviet society;

it's in the people's trust
in its Soviet government.

The Soviet people
have unanimously approved

the decree
of the Central Committee of our Party,

Council of Ministers and the Presidium

of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

on adopting of a number
of important measures

aimed at ensuring
continuous and efficient

governance of our country.

One of these important measures

was the appointment
of Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov,

Lenin's gifted disciple
and Stalin's comrade-in-arms,

to the position of the Chairman
of Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The nations of our country
may rest assured

that the Communist Party
and the Soviet government

will work relentlessly
and will dedicated their lives

to the cause of maintaining the unity
in the Party ranks,

to strengthen friendship
between nations of the USSR,

to increase the power of the Soviet state,

to remain true to the ideas
of Marxism and Leninism,

and, in accordance with the legacy
of Lenin and Stalin,

to lead the Socialist state to Communism!

Glory to our dearly beloved

leader and teacher,

to the great Stalin!

The floor is given to the First Deputy

Chairman of Council of Ministers
of the USSR,

Comrade Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov.

Dear comrades and friends!

We are all grieving

the loss of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

The departure of the great leader,

but also,

a close and dear person.

As his old and close friends,

all of us, millions of Soviet people,

workers in all the countries,
all over the world

we are bidding farewell to Stalin,

who we loved so dearly

and who will always remain in our hearts.

Stalin is the great follower

of the great cause of Lenin!

Under the leadership
of the Communist Party,

headed by Comrade Stalin,

the Soviet people
built Socialism in our country.

And initiated

the realisation of the programme

of achieving constant growth

in economic welfare

and cultural development

of the Soviet nation.

They achieved a historic victory

over fascism

in World War II.

Long live the great and victorious

teachings of Marx,
Engels, Lenin and Stalin!

Long live our mighty
Socialist Motherland,

our heroic Soviet people!

Long live the great
Communist Party of the Soviet Union!

The memorial gathering

in honour of the Chairman
of Council of Ministers of the USSR,

the Secretary of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of the USSR,

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin,

is now concluded.

Moonlight above us shines so brightly

Evening has knocked at our door

All little birdies and all little babies

Go to bed at this hour

My little boy

Will wake up tomorrow

Welcoming glorious day

Sleep tight, my sparrow

Sleep tight, my baby

Hush, my dear jingle bell

Sleep, my beloved
My sweet little birdie

Lull – la – la – lullaby

Let no sorrow, let no evil

Trouble your innocent soul

From grief and from torture
You will be spared

Destined for life full of joy

Sleep tight, my sparrow

Sleep tight, my baby

Hush, my dear jingle bell

Sleep tight, my little one
Carefree and happy

Years will fly by

As a young eagle
Fearless and handsome

You'll fly away from our nest

You will be nourished
You will be guided

By Stalin's almighty hand

Sleep tight, my sparrow

Sleep tight, my baby

Hush, my dear jingle bell