Shopping (1994) - full transcript

Lone group of teens, led by recently released joyrider and his disenchanted Belfast girlfriend, strives to leave their mark on "a British city in the near future" while attempting to avoid a rival gang. Scenes of joyriding and ram-raiding, which attempt to portray the addictiveness of fast driving whilst also showing the downside (the effect on the community and ultimately death) - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food



Next time it won't
be three months.

You know that,
don't you?

Don't you?

Can I go now?

You've learnt
your lesson, Billy?



What's prison
taught you, Billy?

Don't get caught.


Nice hair.

Did you miss me?


Smart car.

So what was it like inside?


Want one?

BILLY: They're a bit old.

Romantic crap.

So what's first?

We trade in this piece of shit.

And then what
do you want to do?

Jesus Christ!

I don't believe it.

Are you blind?


Take the keys.

Fucking bastards.

Fucking bastards.

Come on.

Fucking come back.


Better Make Way.

I always thought it
was "Break My Windows".

Yes. God. Yes.



This guy deserves to
have his car stolen.

Don't worry.


So what's he got?

Yuppie food.


I like this.
It's the business.

Shit, no company credit.
Access, VISA, AMEX.

Doesn't anyone
have cash any more?

What, nothing else?

Crazy cars.
Fucking A!


Well, go on then.


You bastards.
You steal my car.

You steal my car
and leave me with
this piece of shit.

CAR OWNER: Listen, mate,
I've got connections. You're
going to pay for this.

It's for you.

CAR OWNER: Do you know
who you're talking to, who
you're dealing with here?

Listen, mate, I'm gonna have
you put away for this.
I'm gonna have you put down.

CAR OWNER: Do you realize
how much that car cost ?

Twenty-five grand.


What do you think?

Seen better.

I doubt it.

So do you know how
much a paint job costs
on one of those?

What do
you think?

I think you're going
to get us into a lot
of trouble, Billy.



Give it some
juice, Billy.

Oh shit.

JO: What is it?

It's the police. They've
brought a fucking Transit
van to a car chase.

Get him.

What, in this?
Forget it.

Hold on.

What the fuck's
he doing?

Fuck you, you
fucking bastards.
Feel this SPIKE.

Come on, you
busy bastards.


Go, go,
come on, go.


Superior engineering,
you fuckers.


Tango Charlie, Tango Charlie,
we've lost them.


DRIVER: Request
high-speed backup.


Billy, I'm trying to play.

What side of the road
are you on, Billy?


Hey there.

Where you going?

Billy Joel. Fuck that.

Dire Straits.
Fucking shame.

Hey, don't forget Whitney.

Oh, Whitney!
Well, fuck you.

Yes! Scream!

See you later!

Right, let's go.

Give it a couple
more seconds.

the bastard.

All right.

Yeah, cheers Billy!

Nice car, man.

Five thou.
High score.


JO: Two GTI's, an RX2,
a Midnight Racer,

a black Cosworth,
an RS Turbo.

There's some muscle
here tonight.


TIM: Billy.


Welcome back,


Hey, this
is Becky.

All right, Becky.

Check this.

Sweet, monkey man.

Here, that's
for the collection.

BMW 325i. Thanks.

Where's Be Bop?

BE BOP: Right here.

Oi, you're
wearing that
for a bet?

Yeah, very funny.

Things have
been quiet.

We'll change
all that.

Smash it all,
eh, Billy?

Only what I can
get my hands on.

Dream hair, Jo!

Shut up, Monkey.

You surviving?


What do
you think?

Bad man's wagon, sir.

It's nice.

Nice? It's
a BMW 325i, man.

Six cylinders,
140 BHP.

Standing to sixty
in less than
seven seconds.

That is a class car.

Oh well, I know,
I know.

Switch your alarm off,
dirty Kevin.

Heard you had
a run-in with
the busies already.

Yeah, we saw
some speed.
What about you?

Been busy. Bit of
shopping, you know.
Crash and carry.

Be Bop?

That's the car.
Real classic.

No shit.

When you take
the trims off, then with
the black body underneath,

when you turn the lights
out, you're invisible.

This place is
getting popular.


Couple of lads
are selling tickets
to watch her.

Hey, do you
know about


He hit
a concrete

Did he
get hurt?

He got fucked.


You are about
to witness the strength

of the Be Bop.

Where's this car?

Ah, you're
not real.

I couldn't
resist it.

Shut up!

Guess who's watching.

He's happy to
see you back.

Fuck him.

Tommy's been
a big man while
you've been away.

He's got half
the kids here
on his crew.


The police are on their way.

Stay where you are.

Stay where you are.

The police are...

Get out.

Fucking bastards.

Billy, come on
let's go.

In a minute.

You're going
the wrong way.

Hang on, we gotta go.

Come and get me,
you bastards.
I'm right here.

Come on, you bastards.
Come and get me.

Come on.

What the hell were
you doing, Billy?


Why did you go
back to the car?

Good music's
hard to find.

You're out of
your fucking mind.

You got
a cigarette?

I thought
you'd quit.


I just stopped
buying them.

Camel. These will
kill you.

I'll take
the chance.

How about
going home?

Pick up my stuff.
The old man's been
looking after it.



Welcome home.


SARAH: Who is it?

Who're you?
I live here.


I'm Sarah.

Hello, Sarah.

Nice dressing gown.

My daddy?


So can
I come in?

I'm sorry, Billy.

Come on.

He'd kill me
if he knew.

Where's my stuff?

He boxed it up.
Couple of days ago.

It's all in the caravan.

He didn't
keep nothing.

He said he's had
enough. He's says
you're a thief, Billy.


And what
does he do?

He sits on his fat arse
and smokes all day.

What the fuck
does he know?

He doesn't wanna
see you messed up, Billy.

No one does.


Welcome home.


You think I'm ever
going to tan, Billy?

You need time.

See that?

You ever been
on a plane, Billy?


You ever been abroad?


I been to Durham.

What's in Durham?


Talk about Ireland.

What do you
wanna know?


All right.

Back home, what you do,
they don't need prison.

They just kneecap you.

Someone comes round in
the middle of the night. Gun
to your knees and...bang!

I had a friend back there.

He was a real local hero.

Caught up with him eventually.


Two days later
he was at a hospital,

stealing cars
with walking sticks.

One for the accelerator
and one for the clutch.

Do you want to know
anything else?

Yeah. What did he use
for the brake? His dick?

That's not very funny, Billy.


He's something special?

He means something
to you, Jo?

Not anymore.


There's one car stolen
every 60 seconds in this city.

Now that's an epidemic
and I think it's about time
people realized it.

you doing about it?

What I can do. What
I'm allowed to do.

need more prisons?

No, I don't need more prisons.
I don't need more police.

Certainly don't need more guns.
They're never the answer.

is the answer?

I'm just a policeman.

CONWAY: Don't ask me.

Got you, you fucker.

Nice shot.

Nice hat,
Be Bop.

It's on loan.
What's that?

Is this the best
you could do, Jo?

What do
you mean?

'Crazy Cars'. This is
a fucking antique, Jo.

Oh well, I've
never stolen
an antique before.

You two want coffee?

That stuff is bad
for you, Billy.

You had a skateboard?

Very 80's.

Oh, lovely.

Who did you
see inside?

Tig, Rick, Spencer...
they're all there.

Like a fucking
school reunion.

Oh man. I remember these.

Shut up.
You had worse.


Hey, look
at this.

A man with
a dark past.

Duran, Spandau,
Twisted Sister.

Yeah all right.

Let's go.



♪ Girls today
Don't wear no bras

♪ Little John Doe got a ho
turnin' tricks in the bars

♪ Grandma carries a can of mace

♪ And a 45, just in case

♪ So come and meet
my man Brett

♪ He's smokin', but
it's not a cigarette

Hey man, how you
doing? All right?

♪ Get into somethin'
he can't out of

BILLY: Monkey...

BILLY: Where's Tommy?

♪ The police rollin' on 'em
Hoping that they got
One of 'em♪

Kid's here. like
the car then?

Yeah. Yeah, you did
good. Here you go.

What's this? There's 15
here. You said I'd get 30.

Shut up.

Take the 15. And you
take these for the rest.

No, I want money.

Listen, you sell these,
you'll make 50-60 notes easy.

Take 'em.

And if you want any more,
you talk to Pony here.

Just call.

See ya.

Welcome back, Billy.

A single, please, Bev.

On the house.

Thank you.

STRANGER: I saw the BMW, mate.



Why don't you grow up?


And do what?

Come on, Jo.

TOMMY: Jo...

Billy. Long time, mate.

Fancy a little

No. Not interested.

Fords are up.
Get you a good price.

Tommy, I don't
work for you.

You gotta
watch him, T.


Billy. You wanna
keep your eye on him.

What do
you mean?

Well, I'm just

What are you
just saying?

You know...

What? What are
you saying to me?

Nothing. I ain't
saying nothing.

What did you
do, Pony?

And why did I kick
you out? You are
a pusher, boy.

So get out and
fucking push.

So you're
keeping those?


The shades
from hell.


You got no
taste, Jo.

Like you'd know.


What's this?

Have a look.

Thanks, Billy.

I got it in
your color.

Just one thing.

If it doesn't
fit, don't...

Try taking
it back.

Where the fuck
are you going?

Sunday school.

You little fucker.
You be back by twelve.

locking the door.

Bye, Mrs Taylor.

MRS TAYLOR: Fuck off.

Nice one,
your mother.


Come on, lads,
hurry up.

DIX: Pony...

Dix, man, what
you saying?

Cars are here, man.


Cars are in.


Right. Tell the boys to
turn up at Pilgrim Street.

For what? There's
no stores up there.

It's 'cause we're not
going shopping, Dixie.

So, what are
we doing?

Taking care of
competition, mate.

Give us a drag.

No, you're too
young, Monkey.

How does it feel
being a "sandbagger"?

A what?

A sandbag
in the back.

You know, in case
the police start shooting,
you catch the bullets.

Thanks, Jo.

Don't worry, Monkey,
they don't have guns.

Not yet.


Come on, Jack,
you old tart.

Right you lot.
Let's do crime.

Shut the fuck
up, Pony.

Always look for
the telegraph poles.

They run alongside you.
Whenever the road turns,
there's another pole.

You look up, you
see 'em, you know
what's coming.

If you're gonna
take it from a car park,
look at the tickets.

People are mean.

If they buy three hours,
they'll be gone three hours.

Are you listening?

I had a Jag last night.

Bullshit man.
You couldn't steal
a Tonka toy.


Can you do that?

Of course.

You stole
the Porsche, right?

You swerve left, you hit
the cones, and you smash
the police car off the road.

Off the road?

Got it?

Not really.

Now bring the noise


Everyone gets
to be on TV.


King of beers.

Prince of piss more like.
Now Guinness, there's a drink.

I'll come back
for that.

What's the matter
with you two? Don't
you like fucking?

That's none of
your business.

Besides, you don't
get humped, you
don't get dumped.

Ventilate them.

Good night.


JO: You're wasting
your time.


She wasn't
your type.


Just worried you
might catch something.

Oh yeah.

Rabies, perhaps.

You are jealous.

Not me.

Hey, look
at that.


Me and Be Bop
started like that.

I could never
reach the pedals.

I used to tie blocks of
wood to my shoes to give
me a few extra inches.

I remember the first time
behind the wheel of a car.
The thrill of it.

I remember the speed.

I used to come
here as a kid.

Used to get
a buzz.

Ya, ya, very
thrilling, Billy.

You wanna
see something?


You wanna
see something?

What is it?

Do you want
to see something?

All right then,
show me.

Where you
going, Billy?

Oh don't
be stupid.

You wanted to
see something.

Well, not this.


Oh, fuck you.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.


Like every drug
you ever did.

You stupid fuck.

Come on.


Come on.


You stupid fuck.

Here you are, Steve.

One fifty in the shops.
If you give me 40 each,
you can have the lot.


Don't know. Been getting
a lot of heat recently.

Two weeks old, man.

Officer Dibble isn't
even looking for these.

Can't do. I'd like
to help but...

You know, things
are tough.

Yeah well, things
are always tough,
innit , Steve?

I'll tell you what.
Make it 25, I'll
take the lot.

No. They're worth 40.

I told you.
Things are hard.

40, Steve. Or it's
not worth my time.


I'll tell you what though.
I'll do you a favor.

Thirty. Thirty quid.

Top offer.

Don't give me
that shit, Steve.

Listen, man, you're really
pissing me off.
I'm not going to take it.

I'd rather dump
the lot in the river
than sell 'em for that.

Come on, Tommy.

What do you mean,
"Come on Tommy"?

You think I'm joking,
do you? You think I'm fucking
about? Yeah?

30 quid. 30 quid for this mate?
30 quid. Look at that, look.

Bollocks, mate. For
30 fucking quid.

STEVE: All right.

All right.
Come on, man.

Take your fucking hands
off me, you batty man.

It's only money, all
right. Forty quid, done.

How many have
we got?

What you fucking
looking at?

How many
are there?



Get yourself some
decent clothes, all right?

Cute bag.

I've been
watching you.


Don't think
much of your
sales technique.

Yeah, well. I run
this place, Jo.

Sure you do.


On the streets,
people want things,
they come to me.

Videos, TVs,
hi-fi, cigarettes,
you name it.

I'm the man.

Of course,
you are.

You don't understand,
do you, Jo? You
know what it's like.

The shopkeepers
think we are scum.

No one gives you credit.
No one rents to you.

Not me. I supply.

These little people, they
can't live without me.

Oh please.

You should get
organized, Jo...Yeah?

You want
something? Take it.

It is fuck or
be fucked.

A philosopher?

Got contacts,
you know.

I can make you some
serious money, girl.

I'll think
about it.

You're wasting your
time. You know that,
don't you?

With Billy.

I know him, man,
he's a fucking freak.

Adrenalin junkie.

I get my thrills.

Yeah, it won't last.

He's not as good
as he thinks.

Anything can happen
in the next half hour.

How do you feel?


Jo, do we
have to?

I was going to
sleep today.

All day?


Why not?

There's fuck all
else to do.

And now I have to
watch that shit all day.


Oprah Winfrey.
Sesame Street.

Oh, great.

I think I've given
myself brain damage.

I'm surprised
you can tell.


You should get
a new one.

Thank you.

Oh, great.

What is it?

Fashion patrol.

Make yourself at home.

Couple of stores got
hit last night, Billy.

I only just got out.

You know that. You came
to see me off, remember?

You have anything
to do with it?


What about these?


You can prove
it, can you?

I don't have to.

Not yet.

I know my rights.

I watch L.A. Law.

Is that supposed
to be funny?


More comedy drama,
you know what I mean?

He doesn't
need your help.


I never touch
low tar.

Look at this rubbish.

You even steal trash.

Oh, fuck you.


How long have
I known you, Billy?

Since you were
what... Nine, ten?

I don't remember.

Why do you
do it, Billy?

You don't keep anything.
You don't have anything.

You like being
in prison, is that it?

Makes you a big
man with your mates?


Why do you do it?

One last time.

Did you have anything
to do with those shops?


I've got a pile of TV's
under the bed.
Have a look.

Fridge under
the table. Microwave...

Food mixer.


Oi... Do you
want a suit?


Captain Polyester.

I'll get you
a new tie.

How about that?
Something nice.
Natural fibers.

What's that?

The size
of his dick.

Look at this place.

Come on, Billy.
Let's go.

Fucking bastard.

MONKEY: Ford Granada,
latest model.

Wankers drive it
straight into a wall.

Waste of a
fucking good car, that is.

BE BOP: It was the police
that did it, Monkey.

But we'll have
them back down here.

We'll show them
not to fuck with us.

Yeah. We'll show
'em, eh, Billy?


Maybe tonight.

We're closing up.

This used to be
a beautiful little shop.
What happened?

People kept driving
cars into it.

So we're going
to do it?

Come on. Look
at the place.

Maybe if we
had guns.


Anyway, Tommy's doing
the Alaska tonight. I thought
we might check it out.

You're asking
for trouble, Billy.

What else
is there?

Look at this place.

How do people
live in this filth?

Hello, Mr. Venning.

Very nice of you
to make a house call.

You have my stuff?


I'd watch that motor,
if I were you.

There's a lot of
bloody thieves
around here.

Did you
get a scanner?

No sweat.


I'll see
you there.

You live in
this place?

Yeah, me and
a few others.

We're just one
big happy family.

This place is
a disgrace.

You did all right
out of it.


This is good.

Yeah, I know.

So where's
the rest?

Still in
the store.

You tell me what
you want and I'll
get it for you.

No fuss,
no waste.

How much?

Eighty, your jacket.

I'll do fifty.

Man, no deals.

See how much
it sells for in
the shops. Five hundred.

You're gonna
get one-fifty for
them, at least.

Doesn't work
like that.

Come on, son.
Fifty quid for
the jacket.

It's easy money.


Fucking people, man.

Easy money.

That's what you make.

I take risks.
I earn my money.

What d'you do
for yours?

Now I told you.
I want eighty.

I don't need 'em.
Not for that price.

You're not
the only supplier.

I could walk out
of that door right now

and find a dozen like you.
Right there on the street.

Yeah? Go on then.

They're cowboys.
They'll fuck it up.

So I'll use another.

What does it
matter to me?

Because I get what
you want. Guaranteed.

I'm the best.
And you know it.

All right, boy.

We'll have a deal,
you and me.

Sixty a jacket.






Take the man's order.

We'll deliver tonight.

The Alaska won't know
what hit it.

Any sign of Tommy?

JO: I'll take
a look.


BILLY: How's
it look?

Fragile. What're
you doing?

I'm driving.

Drive this.

I get the message.

Nice driving.

An emergency is in progress.
Please evacuate the building.

An emergency is in progress.

It's raining.


There is an emergency
in the building. Please
evacuate the building.

Jo, look at this.
Ninety for a kettle.

I can't believe people
pay that much.

Oh, come on, Billy.
Stop playing house.


Yay, cigarettes.

Dispatch to all cars.

Shit. Wait a second.

Dispatch to
all cars.

I've got something.

That's us.

They'll be
here in a minute.

You hear
what I said?


Well, come on.

Just a second.

Hurry up.

Oh shit.


They never have my size.

Let's fucking go.

There got it.



Fucking animals.
Fucking animals.

POLICEMAN: Fucking animals.

Fucking animals.

Fucking animals.

Fucking animals.


Come on. Come on.

Get me out
of here, Billy.

Let's ditch
the bitch.


Where've you
been , Pony?

Really sorry.

Fuck that.

Just go out
and get 'im.

Move it.

Ain't you heard?

Oh for fuck's sake,
here we go.

What Pony? What
haven't I heard?

The Alaska's been done.
Volvo straight for the window.


Yeah. There's
busies everywhere.

That store was
mine, man.

Fucking you, that
store was mine.

What am I going to
tell Venning, man. What
am I going to tell Venning?

Which bastard was it?

Word has it,
Billy McKenzie.

He's led the busies up from the
estate. There's a bunch of kids
up there and they trashed 'em.

He's an 'ero. He's
a fucking hero now.

Yeah, all right,
he's a wanker.

Fucking dead,
that's what he is.

JO: Aren't you
forgetting something?

BILLY: What?

JO: Your kettle.

Thank you.

Fucking antique.

Tires were flat.

We just
leavin' it?

Fuck no.



Oh man,
look at this.

Yeah, wonderful,
Monkey. Just
like home.


Who says you can't
buy happiness?

That all depends on
where you shop, Billy.

Kettle's great.
It's an Alessi.
Worth every penny.

Perhaps you
should have got
some cups as well.

Yeah, maybe
next time.

Maybe next
time you can do
without the riot.

That place was
a fucking nightmare.







Fuck him. Billy...

Where the fuck
are you?

Fuck him.

Think I pissed
him off?

Where's my van?

Where the fuck
is my van?

Where we
going anyway?

Place I know.
It's not far.

I don't know why
you and Tommy don't
just get a life.

See who's got
the biggest dick and
save us all this trouble.

Jesus Christ.

How'd you find
this place?

I used to crash here
when the old man
used to lock me out.

I can see why.

Little boys love
their train sets.

All mod cons.

Going to be
okay here?

Yeah, sure.

Safer than
some hostel.

Cleaner too.


Pigs in space.

It's getting
too hard, Billy.

I like it hard.

It's time
to move on.


I fancy...
The Bahamas, myself.

Maybe Miami.

I'm being serious.
If they catch
you again...

They won't.


What, you think
I wanna go back?

You think I wanna
go back to prison?

No I don't.

It scares the shit
out of me.

Then why don't
we just go?

Pick up a car and
get the fuck out.

I can't do that.

Why not?

Look around you, Billy.

You got nothing left here.
You got nothing to stay for.

What's the point?

There's nowhere
better than this.

How do you know?
You haven't seen anything.

I can show you
places, Billy.


I'm not like you, Jo.

Yes you are.
You're just like me.

This is my home.

I've seen a dozen
towns like this.

I grew up in a town
like this and it's
nothing special.

It is to me.

Why? Because you
got a reputation?

You've got what you want,
Billy. You're the best.
You're better than Tommy.

They all know it. You've
got nothing to prove.

We could get out.

Just you and me.

We could get
something going.

Jo, we've got something
going right here. The cars.

They aren't enough, Billy.

Not for me. Not anymore.

I'm 22. I'm an old woman.

I stole cars at school.

I'd take them over at break.

Leave it parked
outside the gates.

And at the end of
the day, I was the only
kid to drive home.

I was a fucking hero.

You know what that felt like?

It felt like I was somebody.

You're somebody to me.

Come on, Jo...

This is the 90's.

Sex isn't
safe anymore.

Where you going?

To bed.





So how's
the cowboy?

Camping under
the stars?

What do you want?

I frightened you
this morning,
didn't I, Jo?

A bit.

A bit?

It costs me, Jo.

I don't do this for fun,
you know. This is business.

Big money business.

I don't need more
filth on the streets.

I don't need
the fuckin' headache.

It's not my problem, Tommy.

It could be.

Now you
talk to him.

You keep your
fool under control.

You wear all
these, do you?

They hide
the damp.

You could do
a lot better than
this, you know.

I've seen your
shitehole of a place.

You know, I need to
be where it's at.

Stay close
to the talent.

I'm not going to
be there for ever.

You and me, Jo...

We don't stay in places
like this. We get out.

You know it.

You just gonna
play with that thing,
or are you gonna use it?

You touch me
again and I'll bite
your face off.


I'm sure
you would.




MONKEY: That place was
fucking Fort Knox, man.

Tommy whipped the shit out of
it. You should have been there,
Billy. You should have seen...

Monkey, shut up.

It's nothing.

If he wants to see
something, we show him.

Right, Jo?

I bet she's
got one too.


Look at them.

The living dead.

What the hell are
we doing here, Billy?

Window shopping.

We're gonna show
Tommy something.

Oh for Christ's sake,
will you forget Tommy?

Jo, we've got to
show him who's best.

Bullshit, Billy. You're
not a kid any more.

Yes, mother.

I'm not your
fucking mother.

Where's Jo?

I thought she
was with you.

What do
you think?

This place?
This is something.

This is one
big fucker.

Might be too big.

What do
you mean?

I mean they've got
reinforced glass.

They got shutters,
they got cameras,
they got alarms.

Big alarms, Billy.


So why do it?

Because nobody
else has.

Makes sense.




Nice neighborhood.

TOMMY: Hello, Billy.

TOMMY: Remember this
place, do you?

What do you want?

You've been sniffing
around that big mall.

What mall, Tommy?

No, man.

Don't fuck with me.

You owe me,

Is that right?


That's right. Every time,
man, you played a hero,
I paid a price.


So, if you do that mall,

I'm in.

I'm not asking you,

Think about it, man. Once
you're through them big
doors, the place is wide open.

No protection.

You can't take
it all, man.

I'm giving you a chance
to make it up to me.

So don't shit
in my face.

Come on, Billy, man.
Get yourself set up.
Earn yourself some money.

You're not giving
me a choice.

There you go.

That's the idea.

I'll tell you
tomorrow, Tommy.

As long as you
tell me "yes".

Pony, take
the boy home.

I can walk.

What do you think?

I think he's
full of shit.

Think he's going
to do it tonight?


Give me a phone.

What you doing?

If Billy
won't share...

He's no use
to us, is he?

I saved you one.

You're not
coming, are you?

There's no point, Billy.

Don't go.

I mean, fuck, Jo.


Come on,
you and me.

I'm out of here,
Billy. It's over.

So that's
it then?

You can come
with me, you know.

We'll get
out tonight.

And do what?

There's more
than this town.

There's more than you and
Tommy and the rest of them.

Just forget Tommy.

Just let it go.

How can I?

I can't let him
get away with this.

Just once more.
Something special.

Something to show
him who's best.

Something to
remember us by.

It's all set, Jo.

It's just sitting out
there waiting for us.

One last hit.

Come on.

Feel the force.

Last time for you?

It's gonna
be the best.

Fucking Holy Grail,
I promise.

MONKEY: Hey, Billy...

Are we late?

No way. The shops
stay closed for
another eight hours.

I've got these
for the cameras.

What about Tommy?

He's a wanker.
What can I say?

I heard you talked.

Yeah. He wanted
in on tonight.


I said I'll tell
him tomorrow.

Nice one.

Yeah...let's do it.

What do you think?

Take some weight, yeah?
We'll get the speed.

All right.

Got it.

What do you think?

If we're going
to do this, Billy,
let's do it right.

Now, this is more like it.

That is one
big mother.


We're the first.

Do you think
we'll get our
faces on TV?

prime time.

Yeah, well, I hope
they get my best side.

You don't
have one.

All right.

Let's saddle up.

Do you really think
he believed you?


About tonight.

There could be
anything down
there, you know.


That's the fun
of it.

When we're in,
you take care
of the cameras.

Don't worry,
I'm on it.

Michael Jackson,
king of pop.

What do you think?

Always wanted
to be black.

Dream on, man.

Silent running, Billy.

Hear anything?

Not a whisper.


Hold on, Monkey,
we're about

BE BOP: to do
some shopping.



JO: Jesus Christ.

Get us out
of here, Billy.

Fucking bastard.


CONWAY: Let's go. Let's go.

All units, I'll meet you
on the ground.


Bye bye, Billy.

Where are we?

Loading bay.
Under the stores.

Did we lose them?

I don't know.

Did you see Be Bop
and Monkey?

I saw them, Billy.

Oh shit.

I've never seen
so many police.

Something to
remember us by.

Isn't that what
you said, Billy?

You hear anything?


All right.

Hang on. Wait a second.

They've found us.

Here it comes.

You don't have
to do it, Billy.

We could just get out now.

We could just walk away.

Just walk away?

He's not going to stop.

JO: Get out of
the fucking way.



We got them.
