She Has a Name (2016) - full transcript

Jason, a lawyer, is fighting the clock to find victims of a shocking trafficking incident in South East Asia. An abandoned water truck was found in the Thai countryside containing more than 100 trafficked migrants; some 50 died while others disappeared. His investigation centers on The Pearl, a popular destination for sex tourists, and the place where Jason poses as a john so he can secretly meet with women and girls forced to work as prostitutes. Certain a young girl known only as Number 18 can be a key witness for his case, Jason must convince 18 to testify against her cut throat pimp. As Jason starts to build a relationship with 18, he sees in her reflections of the young daughters he has left far away at home in the USA. The riddle to solve the secrets of the abandoned water truck gets more complicated for Jason and his boss Marta when they come under increasing pressure from power brokers in Washington DC who are finalizing a key Asian trade deal. When his investigation starts to unravel, Jason realizes that rather than save 18 from her horrific circumstances he has put her life at risk. With a crime syndicate now chasing him down and no resources but his own wits, Jason must try rescue 18 in the crowded city before the pimp moves her, for good. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
- You still have
till five o'clock.

♪ And I can see the skyline ♪

♪ I feel it in my mind's eye ♪

♪ Walking off a state of mind ♪

♪ To the east side,
feet go wild ♪

♪ And I feel like there's
something goin' on ♪

♪ And I feel like there's
something goin' on ♪

Well, can't
say I didn't try.



You're actually
there this time.

Yeah, I was
just about to head out.

Turn your camera on.

Are you at the hotel?

The WiFi's
really bad right now.

I wanna see you.

I miss you.

The girls miss you.

Look, I gotta run.

I just wanted to let
you know I'm all right.

Is this our guy?

Yeah, name's Victor.

- Introduce me.

I hear you're training for

the National Police
Boxing Championship.

Rumor is, you're gonna make
a lot of betting men rich.

- Victor, this is
my friend, Akkarat.

He like the way you fight.

- I could use as man
with your skills.

- I already have a job.

- Hey, trust me, he is
someone you need to know.

- If you tire of your police
work, call me sometime.

- How many more hours?

- You should know.

You've done this
route 100 times.

- Remind me.

- Eight hours.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What happened?

I don't know.

Start it.

- Ah, come on!

- We need to get this
truck to The Pearl tonight.

They were found
in the early hours of morning,

just as the sun
was breaking over

the hills of this
remote Thai village.

The scene is one of horror.

Bodies are strewn about the
belly of an abandoned truck

where women, and according
to local reports,

young girls, were left to die.

Officials have blockaded the
area from international press,

but this is what we know.

At least 51 migrants are
dead, trafficked through the

southern border of a country
that at least publicly,

has committed to combating
human trafficking,

but this shocking
incident raises a--

They drove
right across the border.

there any survivors?

Now there's
the real question.

How many?

We don't know,

but that's what I'd
like you to find out.

- I was wondering why your
office called this morning.

- Maybe I just wanted to meet

with someone other
than a lawyer.

- I am a lawyer.

- Not the bloodsucking
capital hill type.

I need a favor, Marta.

- Come in.


- Hi, so handsome.

- Are you number 18?

- Yes, but you can call
me anything you want.

- My phone's been ringing off
the hook over this incident.

- I'm supposed to
believe you're suddenly

moved by the voice
of the people?

- I'm meeting with the state
department this afternoon.

I'm gonna recommend a task
force to look into the incident.

I want you to lead it.

- How big a task force?

- Of two.

- I may have said anything
is better than what

this administration
has on the ground,

but you want me to lead
a team of two aides?

- Not two.

One aide, you and someone else.

I envy the poor soul who has

to live up to your expectations.

- I'm sure this
has nothing to do

with the president's trade deal.

- The state department's
report on human trafficking--

- Is the reason this trade
deal shouldn't go forward.

- It makes things tough enough
with our trade partners.

And adding this task
force could kill it.

- Good.

- Do you want it or not?

- Of course and I have the
perfect person in mind to help.

- So do I.

This is your guy.

How long?

- I paid for 15 minutes.

- Such a short time for
such a handsome man.

Come here.

- No, I wanna sit.

I'm not hear for that.

- Family man?

Yes, but--

- First trip?


- It's okay, don't be shy.

- Don't do that.

Please don't touch me,
just stay over there.


- I'm not like the other men.

- Oh, I see.

I go get boss.

- Don't do that.
- You want girly man?


- Small boy.
- No.

- Boss have those too,
you should have told me.

- I don't want a
girly man or a boy--

- Boss can make all
your fantasy come true.

He let you get back your time.
- Please, sit.

I don't have that much time.

- That's why we should hurry.

Boss won't let you take picture.

You only paid for 15 minute.

- He doesn't have to know.

How old are you?

- I need extra.

If boss find out.
- He won't.

I brought more money with me.

- How much?

How much
money did I bring?

- For the photos.

- 1,000 Baht.

- 1,000?

- Enough for you to
pay your bar fee,

you could take a night off.

Get a little rest.

- Let me see.

Money first.

Oh, sorry.

- No, no, no, no.

I just want your face.

Don't smile.

Am I
like girl in magazine?

- How old are you?

As old
as you want me to be.

What year
were you born in?

- 2001.

- 15.

What's your name.

- I'm number 18.

- What's your real name?

- I'm number 18.

That's a three minute
warning, there's still time.

Give a little extra and I
make it worth your money.

- No.

Oh, come on.

It's stuck.

- You're a handsome man.

I can make you a very happy man.

A weekend you never forget.

- Now I can't go blow all my
hard earned money on one girl.

I've got a few more
numbers to visit.

I've already paid.

- Hey, boo, how are you today?

Aren't you gonna join in?

It's not as hard as you think.

Just watch.

See, if I can do it, you
can do it, and I'm old.

Okay girls, you
have 20 more minutes

and then we have to
go in for a math test.

Okay, okay, 30 more minutes.

How long
has she been with you?

- Nearly six months now.

She was one of the
girls on that truck.

Routine is crucial
to our girls here.

They have a math
test in the morning,

so you have 20 minutes at most.

- I understand.

- Mae is a sweet girl,
but she is still healing.

You have to be patient with her.

- Back for more?

- Don't you know
what this place is?

- Yes.

- Don't be scared, I'm clean.

You don't
have to do that.

It's my job.

I know.

- What do you want?

It's okay to look now.

- I wanna ask you
some questions.

- About what?

how you got here.

- Ask someone else.

- No one else will talk.

- You asked the other girls?

What for?

- I, I'm putting
together a story.

What story?

- I'm writing a book.

The other girls wouldn't even
let me take their pictures.

- Did you tell them about me?

I didn't say a word.

They were too
afraid of the boss.

- They're younger.


- Stupid.

Are you?

- Stupid?

- No, afraid of the boss.

- Of course.

How much?

- Same as last time.

- No.


- How much more?

- Another 100 Baht.

- I can do that.

- You pay all that money just
to ask me some questions?

You can't tell anyone
else what we're doing here.

- I won't.

- Not your boss.
- Are you crazy?

- Well, what about
the other girls?

- Give me another 100
Baht each time we meet,

and I won't tell them.

It will be tricky to
hide all that money.

- 100 more Baht?

1100, okay.

So we have a deal?

- Deal.

How long you pay for today?

- 30 minutes.


The other men, Germany,
Norway, Singapore.

- Yeah?
- If they like a girl,

it start like this.

Test us out like a car.

See which one they want to
drive while on vacation.

- Yeah, I understand.
- BMW, Ferrari.

- Yeah, I get it.

- You like expensive cars?

What kind of car do
you want me to be?

- Give it back.

- I'll take you places
you never dreamed.

- I drive a minivan.

- You never dream of
driving a sport car?

- You know what?

The deals off, I'll find
someone else to talk to.

- I was only playing game.

- I'm not hear for games.

- I see that.

- I'm here to ask you questions.

- Okay.
- Nothing else.

You got that?

- So serious.

- There's other girls
who wouldn't mind

getting paid just to talk.

Maybe not in this bar, but
there's 100 more in the city.

Why go anywhere
else, you're already here.

- This is my hard earned
money, will do what I want.

- Anything you want.

- Maybe I'll come back tomorrow.

You can ask
me some questions now.

You already paid for 30 minutes
with your hard earned money.

- Your boss won't be suspicious

if I come and visit
you again this week?

- He'll think you
really like me.

He'll ask you if you want
weekend away at the beach.

I bet that's how
you make him the real money.

- If you have any more question,

maybe you will take me
to one of the islands.

- Well, let's not get
ahead of ourselves.


Hey, I'm in here.

- Is she giving you trouble.

- I paid for 30 minutes.

- Sometimes this
one causes trouble.

- We were talking.

- Talking?

- Hey, open, open the door.

- He asked you to leave.

- You give him what he wants.

None of your silly games.

Why aren't you working?


- It's not her, it's me.

- So young to have trouble.

She's not pretty?

- No, she is.

- What do you want?

Yum yum, bang bang, she can do.

Or else I can get
you a younger girl.

- No, no, I like this one--

- Maybe a few girls
at the same time.

- No, in a few
minutes I'll be fine.

Just, just leave us alone.

- Okay.

You take your time.

Boss wants you to
be a happy man.

- I am, or at least I will be.

She works for your boss?

It's dangerous for you to
make her angry, isn't it?

I'm sorry.

I think it's okay now.


- If you like me
after the island,

maybe you'll take me
with you to America.

- Hello, Mae, are you
ready for our visitor?

Mae, this is Marta.

She came all the way from
America to visit you.

She wants to ask
you some questions,

but today I thought
you should just meet.

One of the things we do with

the young women
here is art therapy.

It helps them indirectly
address their trauma.

Do you
like to draw, Mae?

- But I'm not very good at it.

- I can't even draw stick men.

- What's stick men?

- See, I'm useless.

You should see my stick animals.

- Hey, wanna join us?

It'll be fun.

No thanks.

- Hey, Mr. America.

How was it?

She make you a happy man?

- Mamma, whoa.

- Did you get my report?

- He's spending a lot of
time in that one area.

- What's going on, Janet?

- Our counterparts there
wanna put on a show.

Send a message that their
tough on organized crime.

- How come you know
about this and I don't.

Don't let your
boy get caught up in it.

- Megan, I'm not
gonna ask you again.

Mom, just wait.

- It's breakfast.

- She should be grounded.

- Shut up, Sarah.

- Hey, don't tell your
sister to shut up.

- I need to get these moves
down before dance tonight.

- Megan, I mean it.

♪ Hold me ♪

- Thank you.

♪ Show me what I feel,
show me how I feel ♪

♪ I know you're to keep ♪

♪ Don't tell me how to feel ♪

- Will dad be back
for the recital?

- I don't know.

♪ I got none, none, none ♪

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

slow down my friend, slow down.

Come on, sit down, I
don't like to drink alone.

Hey, Kimmy, two beer each
for me and my friend.

- One for me.

- Ah, come on, come on,

what are you some
kind of light weight?

We're gonna be here
all night partying.

- I don't have all night, I
have to work all day tomorrow.

- Ah, so you're a
businessman like me.


First time in this place?

- Yeah, to this
part of the city.

I'm still tryin' to
figure it all out.

- Ah, well you came
to the right place.

Hey, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah.



Well, you have good taste.

There's many more visits.

I'm Alex.

- I'm Jason.

How often do you find yourself
in this part of the world?

- Once a year, for
work, and play.

Sometimes twice.

The work's government's tough.

It's pretty boring, but play.

Woo, it's outa control.

Have you checked
out any of the other bars?

- Oh yeah, but I always
come back to The Pearl.

And who can blame me, right?

You see that girl?

This one.

Yeah, this one right here.

Yeah, yeah, I took her
virginity last night.

We had a whale of a night, man.

It was amazing.

I had to pay 10
times the going rate,

but where else in the world
can you do that, right?

She's a little nervous at first,

but then she really got into
it and it was historical.

Oh, it was amazing.

Better me than some pig, right?

So anywhere she
goes from now on,

she'll have me in the back of
her mind, and we had some fun.

Oh yeah, it was fantastic.

You know what I mean?

- I wouldn't know.

- Yeah, I'm thinkin'
about taking her

to the islands with
me this weekend.

Oh hey, maybe I'll take her.

You know what, maybe
I'll take both.

I don't know yet.

I'll figure it out,
it'll come to me.


- What was that, your wife?

- No, it's the boss.

- Same difference.

Hey, I've
got a question.

- Yeah, well, you
keep buying me beers

and I'll answer any
question you want.

- How do you know if
they're still virgins?

- Oh, well you get 'em
to take the virgin test.

No, I'm just messing with you.

You go see Akkarat.

- Who's that?

- He's the boss,
he's the main man.

You go to him, you ask
for anything you want.

I can introduce you.

- That would be great.

I'm actually
going to party

with him later this week.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, government
clients, expensive girls.

It's gonna be crazy.


Hey sweet thing, come back here.

Come on now.

Shake it, don't you break it.

It took your momma
nine months to make it.


- Everyone.

- What's goin' on, Mamma?
- Everyone, we're closed.

Let's go.

- Mamma, what's goin' on?
- Come on.

- I get a meeting here tonight.

- Alex, rain check, okay?

Please, go, leave, everyone.

- Hey, where are you going?
- Please everyone.

We're closed.
- You need to leave, too.

- Let's go, please.
- Go out the back.


- Bedbugs, we've got to
clean the place, all right?


- Is that your girl?

- Yeah, I guess.

- Oh, you got good taste.

Come on, their gonna
be raiding this place.

- Hey, hey, will you set
me up with the big boss?

- Yeah, let's go.

- Yeah, I'm gone.

- Keep up.

Don't look.

- Are you girls okay?

Why is your friend crying?

- We were on the street
when the policemen came.

They scare her.

- There's nothing
to be scared of.

- Victor, come on.

- We're going to make
these streets safe again.

Come on, let's go.

♪ Mocked as I fell ♪

♪ Broken man with
his bed in Hell ♪

♪ Dug my own grave ♪

♪ I can hear all
the voices say ♪

Hi, Mae,
how are you today?

- I'm fine.

- Mind if I join you?

I don't care.

Don't let me
stop what you're doing.

So what are you working on?

- Nothing.
- Nothing?

Can I see.

- I.

- Hey, anything you do will
be better than my stick man.

- Okay.

- Oh, my.

Well, you're good.

- This is my house.

- What a fine house it is.

- I miss it.

Do you ever draw any
other pictures from before?

Before you came to this place.

- Sometimes.

I'd like too see them.

- Okay.

- Mae.

Have you seen this before?

- Yes.
- Do you know what it is?

- Leave me alone.

I didn't
mean to frighten you.

- Get away from me.

- Welcome, ambassador.

Steven, welcome.

- Long time no see.

- I trust you had a safe trip.

- Well, it's always
on the trip back

when the jet lag kicks in.

- Come.

I hope you saved some
energy for tonight.

- I think I can manage
a little something.

- Whoa, Steven Mitchell,

you low down dirty
rotten scoundrel.

- Who let this man
back in the country.

- Woo.

- I'd like you to meet
a very special guest.

- Hi.

So handsome.

- And what shall I call you?

- Anything you want.

Wait, wait, wait.


- Jay?

Oh, you look like hell.

- Oh, what time is it?

- It's 3:00 here.

I tried earlier, I gotta go
pick up the girls from school.

- Oh shoot.

How are they?

- They're good.

They miss you.

- Hey, where'd you go?

Will you slip through the
screen just for one minute?

Just one?

Hey, come on.


- Can you just come
home to us forever?

on, don't do that.

It's been
raining here a lot.

- Are you sure you
should be wearin' that?

Remember what happened
last time we talked.

- I don't cry about
you leaving us anymore.

- No?
- No, you jerk.

- Jerk?
- You heard me.

If I do cry, it's
about the shear beauty

that's surrounding me on my run.

- Have the leaves turned yet?

- They started.

It's beautiful, Jay.

It's like, I don't know,

running through a
forest that's on fire.


- I wish I could say the same.

It's sweltering here.


How hot?

- Are you getting dressed
up for the meeting?

- No, I'm going out after.

With who?

- Jim and Nancy.

Don't you remember?

Your parents are
watching the girls.

- Ali, it's your birthday.

I am a jerk.

No, you're not.

- Yeah, happy birthday.

- Okay, stop.

The weather.

So, how hot is it there?

- Uh, three, 400 degrees.

Yeah, I sweat even when I chew.

The only way to
escape the humidity

is a mall or a movie theater.

- That's no good.

- I guess some of the
brothels have air con,

but it's like one big armpit.

- That stuff's nasty.

How many have you been into now?

- 50.

How can
there be so many?

- That's just on one
street in one part of town.

- How many did you
go into tonight?

- Three new bars,
six girls privately.

One was probably Megan's age.

A 12 year
old, doing what?

Tell me.
- No, no.

You gotta get to school.

- I've got a few minutes.

- Well, I bumped into this
guy a few times, a Canadian.

On business with a
number of his colleagues,

he comes every year.

He's a normal
looking guy, right?


- So you'd think if he was
walking down the street at home.

He's well dressed, maintained,
socks match, professional.

But, he's a pedophile?

- He pulled me into a booth
where a girl no more than 12

years old was riding at a pole
in the middle of the table.

- What?

- She's hardly got clothes
on, she's caked in make-up.

She's dancing like a robot.

I don't wanna look at her, but
I can't help but look at her.

She hasn't hit puberty yet.

Oh, Lord.

- So, I'm looking at
her and you can tell.

I don't know, I don't know,

it looked to me like she was
terrified out of her mind.

But she just kept dancin'.

And after a little bit our
eyes met and God help me.


- It's like she'd lost her soul.

I mean, ripped out of her body.

She was a corpse,
living but dead.

You know what I mean?

- I can't imagine.

So, what happened?

- What do you mean?

- To the girl.

- What happened?

Alex, the Canadian, yeah,

he says that he
broke her yesterday.

Had to be 10 times
what you normally pay,

but there's nothing
quite like getting 'em

for the first time,
wouldn't you say?

- Did you help her?

- I just walked away.

Well, what could you do?

You're there to get evidence.

- Exactly.

I needed him to rape her so
that I can have proof to hand to

the judge that this girl's in
fact forced to live in Hell.

She's forced to have
sex with men like him,

10, 15 times a day.

- Maybe I don't wanna hear this.

- If I had a gun, I
woulda blown his head off.


- I shoulda shot him and every
other predator in that room.

- Jay, come home.

They are asking too much of you.

You know you have a place waiting for you at my Dad's firm.

- Don't.

I hate the thought
of you in those places,

with those type of men.

- Hey.

Look at me.

- I can't let the
girls see me like this.

- Are you in front of a T.V.?


- Well, find one.

- You sound excited.

The president sure is.

Known as
a popular destination

for sex tourists
around the world.

The raid has received
praise and commends

of the international community.

The lead up to a
landmark trade deal.

The U.S. trade delegation issued
a statement congratulating.

- Victor.


- I'm trying to quit.

- That's right, you're
a prize fighter.

I admire your self control.

- I'm just passing
through this neighborhood.

- Oh, it's my neighborhood.

You know, the whole thing.

You know, it's nice to
notice, still men like you

are working to clean
this dirty place up.

- Yeah well, we just caught
a few small mice today.

We have a lot more
rats to catch.

- They are waiting
for your call.

- Well, don't just stand there.

Come in and close
the door after you.

Took me all morning to
cool this place down.

This air conditioner's
a piece of junk.

- I've got a feelin'
about this one.

I don't
work on feelings.

- Well you know that
some of the girls

ended up at one of the
bars on this street.

Why The Pearl?

- A good source confirmed that

the pimp brought girls
through the border before.


- None of them are willing
to talk, but she is.

You need
to talk to the pimp.

- But, if she was in that truck,

her testimony could
make our case.

- If, let's not get ahead
of ourselves, Jason.

You need to get the pimp.

We need proof that he's
trafficking underaged girls

and then forcing them to
service the men at this bar.

- You mean pimping minors
so perverts rape them?

I need him on the
record, that's what I'm saying.

- I'm working on it, trust me.

See him.

- Marta, this girl,

I think she's the
key to our case.

I've been developing a rapport.

- No.

No rapports.

She trusts me.

- Is that a feeling, too?

- I can, listen, I can
convince her to testify,

I just need to spend a
little more time with her.

- Time doing what?

- I'm the one going into
these bars, risking my neck.

You're working
mostly on your own.

- Yeah, I'm well aware of that.

I'm the one
investigating a case,

trying to stop
that sort of thing.

It happens
in this line of work.

- Not with me, it doesn't.

Well meaning
men, overwhelmed,

with their defenses down,
start getting attached.

- You can't be serious.

- This is your first case.

What's that
gotta do with it?

- You seem on edge.

- I am doing the job
that you asked me to do.

You seem a little off.

- Well, what do you expect?

- For you to be on.

You weren't my choice, Jason.

I want you to know that,
and I don't care who your

father-in-law knows or what
mid-career crisis pushed you out

of your pin striped suits
and into this thankless line

of work, but what I'm
asking for is evidence

that will be the
bedrock of our case.

I'm not here to
develop a friendship

with one of these
girls or to be a hero.

I need you on that pimp.

We take him down, we
send a big message.

Turn your focus on him.

Be smart about it,
but get to him.

Am I clear?

- Absolutely.

- Good, now I've got investigative work of my own to do.

Hi, it's me.

I need somebody from
here that I can trust.

- Can I order you a drink?


- What is this about?

I need
good men like you.

Who stay that way.

- Is this about Akkarat?

- No, it's about you
being on the right side.

- Come here.

Look at me.

You're beautiful.

♪ In the morning
when it's done ♪

♪ And all will see
the rising sun ♪

♪ Oh, I'll be there ♪

♪ Your God, I'll swear ♪

In a very
productive meeting

with our Asian counterparts,

have confidence in the deal,
which will offer new market

access for the export of
import of agriculture.

♪ I'll be there ♪
- Great.

But for the service

and financial
service industries,

bottom line, the deal
will remove barriers

for American businesses to
create jobs for American people.

Stimulate the economy people,

that's what I keep telling you.

Stimulate it and whatever comes.

- She doesn't wanna
see you today.

- I feel terrible.

I triggered a traumatic
memory, didn't I?

- You have to be careful, Marta,

it's a long road to recovery.

- This isn't the way
I usually run things.

You know that Leslie.

- It's just happening
too fast for Mae.

- I'm getting a lot of
pressure from Washington.

- Take a look at these.

- I have to talk to her again.

I came to
see you yesterday.

Then Mamma said
you weren't here.

I wasn't.

Where'd you go?

Oh, what happened to you?

- Nothing.

Did you
try to run away?

- I know better than that.

Who did this?

- Boss threw a special party.

It was a long night.

- They hit you?

like it rough.

- I'm sorry.

- Sorry?

That they
did this to you.

- It was a gift.

What do you mean?

- Mamma gave me
the afternoon off.

The other three girls
had to work all day.

She said you needed
time with me real bad.

- I was pretty insistent.

- Do you like it rough?

Make her hurt?

- I would never hurt a women.

You don't
have to hit us to hurt us.

- I have a family, with
little girls just like you.

Can we start?

- What happened to
your hidden treasure?

What else do you have in there?

That's it.

- No cigarette?

- I'm sorry.


- This is it.

- American magazine?

- No, this is it.

- Oh well.

What kind of question
do you want to ask?

- Why don't we start with
some basic ones like,

what's your name?

Okay, no names.

What's yours?

- Jason.

- Jason.
- Yeah.

- You sound funny,
what does it mean?

- It means healer.

My parents wanted
me to be a doctor.

Can you tell me your age?

You know.

- I wanna have it on here.

You said you were 15, is
that really how old you are?

- Close enough.

- How long have you been here?

Maybe six months.

- Really?


- How old were you
when you started this,

when you started
this kind of work?

- 10.
- 10?

- Nine.

- Nine?

- Close enough.

I was so bad, I fail every man
at first, get boss no money.

Scream and kick every time.

Pull hair, not
always on the head.

Back then I was so bad,
I was like girly boy.

Flat chest, not with much.

- And now?

Worth more.

How much did you pay
when you first see me?

- 200 Baht, that's
five, $6 for 15 minutes.

- You see?

- What were you
doing before this?

When you were just a
nine year old girl?


- Did you like school?

You're hurt.

Last night?

- We played game.

Someone careful,
especially boss.

He always have to win.

- Is this hard for
you to talk about?

- I liked it.
- What?

- School.
- Oh.

- I was a good
student, good at math.

I wanted to run a business.

What kind?

- Sell food, candy,
American magazines,

drinks, like 7-Eleven.

American men always laugh

at how many 7-Eleven
there are here.

- It's true.

More than at home.

- You wanna own a 7-Eleven?

- Maybe some day.

- Your family, do you miss them?

- My brother, baby sister.


- My father is dead.

- I'm sorry.

always had poor health.

He was a farmer.

- When did he die?

- When I was eight.

Is your
mother dead, too?

- To me.

- When did you last see her?

- After my father died.

- You're not Thai.

- No.

- Where are you from?


Okay, well I can tell you're
not Indonesian or Malaysian.


So, in Cambodia, before you
came here, another brothel.

How long?

- Which one?

- There were others?


- Phnom Penh, Hanoi, K.L..

- Malaysia?

- Why do you care?

You worked
in all those cities?

- I'm international girl.

When one boss get tired
of us, he send us away.

- How?

- Many ways.

Tape over mouth, hand
tied behind back,

lock in trunk of car.

Walk through jungle
late at night.

If there's water, by boat.

Sometimes just like normal.

In the middle of
the day with boss.

Like I'm his daughter.

On a bus.

On a train.

- Just like that, huh?

- He says, try anything
and I'll kill you.

- How about in the
back of cargo bins?

Maybe a water truck?

Have you ever traveled from one
brothel to another that way?

girls get more luck.

- Do you know
anything about that?

passport and a new name.

- 18.
- You fly in airplanes.

- When you came to Thailand.
- Go to Australia.

- Were you in the back

of a water truck?
- Fly out of Asia forever.

that's what I want.
- It would be very helpful

if I knew that.
- Orange juice and champagne.

Maybe you'll take me
when I'm old enough.

When I'm 18.
- 18.

Do you know about that?

That water truck in Malaysia?

You were there, weren't you?

You escaped.

Oh, God.

- What kind of story
are you writing?

- I'm here to help you.
- Give me that.

- No, I need this.

Hey, I'm paying to spend time
with you to get information.

I need you to testify.

- Testify?

- Sh, calm down.

What are you,

what are you doing?

- No one can have this.

Any girl who talks about the
water truck disappears forever.

- That won't be you.

- It's no joke.

- We know about your boss.

No, we know that he bought you,

that he forced you to work here.

We know about that water truck

and how they left
you all there to die.

- Are you with the police?

- No.

- Some of the girls
thought they came

to The Pearl to help,
but they didn't help.

- I'm so sorry.

- They're friends
with the boss, too.

- We'll make them pay
for what they did,

and for what they're doing.

- How can I believe you?

- When people found
out about that truck,

I was sent to go
after your boss.

We have evidence, we
just need witnesses.

We'll make sure you're safe.

I'll take you away
for a whole weekend.

- The beach?
- Yes, the beach.

You'll never have to
come back here again.

- Please, take me
away from this place.

- I'll come back
for you tomorrow.

I'll arrange it with your
boss right now, okay?

This nightmare will
be over very soon.

- Pinky promise?

- Pinky promise.

- I'll be just outside.

- Mae.

I brought you something.

For your drawings, now you
can keep them all in a book.

- Miss Leslie said you
can maybe stop those men.

I'm trying.

- From hurting other girls?

- Yes.

- When I saw your pin, I
thought you work for them.

Where did you
see them wearing it, Mae?

- I don't know name of city.

- It's okay, it's okay.

- It was with my last
boss, before I come here.

We call them guardian angels.

- Guardian angels?

- Because they watch the very
rich Americans go to the bars.

- I want to put those
bad men in jail.

- Okay, Mae, we are ready.

Are you?

- Hey, hey, my friend.
- Hey.

- Perfect timing,
perfect timing.

- For what?

- You're about to
meet the big boss.

Hang on, hang on.

My friend.

That guy over there is
the one I told you about.

He's likes the young ladies.

- Hello, my friend.

- Well done, Jason.

- Welcome to The Pearl.

- Thank you.

- I trust you're happy here.

- Absolutely, this
place is amazing.

- If you're happy, I'm happy.

- Thank you.

- Alex, my friend, why
don't you go order a drink.

Tell them it's on me.

- How about a girl, too?

- Always, Alex.

- Look, I don't
wanna offend you.

See, honestly I
love this country,

I just don't love your women.

- What do you like?

- How about your girls?

- Which one?

- Number 18.

- She's not like my other girl.

- Tell me about it, I get turned
on just thinking about her.

Where's she from?

Hey, I'll do what it takes,

I'll pay what it takes,
just name the price.

- For a girl?
- Yeah.

- 20,000.

- For an entire weekend?

Where do I come and get her?

- Tomorrow, 11:00.

- All right.

All right.

I love Cambodians.

Take these
girl out as fast

as we can to distract, got it?

Yeah, let's go.

They're dead?


Reach up your hand,
we pull you out.

Come on.

I need a doctor.

We're here to
take you to the hospital.

- There a lot of
people here very sick.

- Come on, I got a ladder.

Come on, hurry.

- Get up.

Get down.

Come on, hurry up.

Get down.

Let's go.

- Don't worry, it's over now.

Help, my friend is very sick.

I won't leave you.

Stay there.

How many more down there?

Maybe 60.

- How many alive?

- Maybe half.

- Okay, get the girl
who cannot get down.

- Where are you taking us?

To the
hospital, come on.


Yeah, I got her.

We have to
get out of here now.

Leave the rest.

You, come on, turn around.

Here, get up.

I got you.

Undo the latch.

I said we have to turn tail.

- You are not doctor.

Shut up.

Stop it,
don't let them take you.

Shut up.

Yeah, go, go.

Get up.



- What?

- She escaped.

Go get her.

We gotta go now.

Boss gonna kill us.

Okay, go.


- Looking for this?

- That's mine.

- Everything in this
place belongs to me.

Why is the American giving
you so much extra money?


- Hey.


My guy is on
his way to The Pearl

right now to pick
up our witness.

He's arranged it.

She's willing to testify.

Listen to me, Marta,

there's a real concern the whole

trade deal could go sideways.

- We have a girl whose
willing to risk her life.

- All I'm relaying to you
is what I've been told.

- Are you covering
for him again?

- Who?

- I'm sending you an email
right now with photos.

I'm not in the office.

- Check your personal account.

- What am I looking at here?

You tell me.

- I see Steve.

- The U.S. Ambassador.

- I see Steve and a
few other delegates

from the trade
mission in a meeting.

- A government meeting.

These were taken at The Pearl.

The scene of the crime,

where our whole investigation
is taking place.

This is a bombshell.

- Sorry, hey, whoa,
hey, take it easy.

- You need to back off.

- Of what?

- Stop screwing around.

You don't know what you're
getting yourself into.

- You work for Akkarat?

- Shut up.

- Hey, hey, hey.

Ah, ah, ah, take it easy.

Ah, don't, ow, easy, easy.

Give it back.

- Beautiful family.

Why don't you stop
trying to be a hero

and go home to them while
you still have a chance.

- You can't intimidate me.

- I never forget a face.

- Especially not a
pretty one like yours.

- She was like my big sister.

When she was with a man, I
would go through his clothing.

When men were with her,

I would take money
from their wallet.

She did same for me when
I was with customer.

They never expected anything.

Some men are so stupid.

We did this for a few months
before we got caught by Mamma.

She almost beat us to death.

She make us give her all
the money we had stolen.

She was the one who
put us in the truck.

She act like she is God.

She always knows
what's happening.

- Massage, massage, massage.
- Massage, massage.

- No thanks.

- Body?
- No.

- Okay.

- Massage.

We're closed.

Come back later, okay?

We'll make you a happy man then.

- It's already 11:00.

- We had a special event.

- I made an arrangement
to take one of

the girls with me
for the weekend.

I already talked to
your boss about it.

- Your little
girlfriend isn't here.

- I have an arrangement.

I'm supposed to come
here at 11:00 a.m.,

take the girl away with
me for the weekend,

I give you a whole bunch of
money and we're all happy.

- The plan has changed.

- Okay, uh, well just,
let me talk to your boss.

I spent a lot of money here.

- Believe me, we know.

If you need time
with a little girl,

you can come back later.

- Did he take her?

- Your girlfriend isn't here.

She's dead.

- You're lying.

- Go see for yourself.

She slit her wrists
this morning.

We had to shut the place down
to have her body removed.

To get all the girls.

- Wait, wait, are you saying,

you're saying she's
still in there?

- Nobody wants to touch
it, it's bad karma.

The boss is very mad.

She was one of the whores
that was making good money.

- She is not a whore.

She has a name.

- What is it?

- She never told me.

Did you call the police?

- You really don't understand

how this part of the
city works, do you?

Where do you think you're going?

- I'm going to get her.

We will handle this.

- You will get out of my way

if you know what's good for you.

I will not let her stay one more

minute in this god
forsaken place.


She's gone.

She's still alive, isn't she.

I'm talking to you.

- That cost me good money.

- It'll be better for
you if you help me out.

- How much do you take then?

- You can't bribe me.

- You're a cop, aren't you?


- Who do you work for?


The UN?

- It's all over.

We're gonna shut
this place down.

- If you shut this
place down today,

someone will open one tomorrow.

Everybody knows that.

It doesn't matter.

It matters to me.

- Go to Hell.

- Where is she?

- What are you
gonna do, kill me?

Rape me?

- No.

- Go ahead, no one can see.

- Just tell me where she is.

- She's gone.

Go inside.

- Hey, have you seen 18?
- Go inside.

Have you seen?

- Hey, where are you,
you usually don't.

Have you seen 18?

- Close your doors.

Inside, get inside.

I will find her.

- Hey, don't let him get away.


Don't, hey!

Hey, stop!

Come on, you
took the wrong turn.

- Put the knife down.

- You come with us.

- I'm trying to go to
one of the islands today.

- And I got a knife.

What happened?

- He took her or she ran.

Someone tipped them off.

- I thought we could
get to her first.

Before who?

- I got a call from
D.C. this morning.

They pulled the plug.

- And you still sent me there?

Why would you do that?

- Because I wanna
save 18 as bad as you.

They have her?

No, we do.

- What?
- For now.

This guy's with us.

- What guy?

National police.

- The police?

And you can trust this guy?

Why am I just learning
about this now?

- Look, I don't have
time to explain myself.

It's getting complicated.

- I've gotta go get her.

- You're staying here.
- Okay, she trusts me.

She's waiting for me.

- Your cover is blown.

Our case is over.

Look, maybe I can
go and get her.

- And what am I supposed to do?

- Pray.

I can't
stay here much longer.

I know.

- The girl's boss is
going to be here soon.

He's a very dangerous man.

- Is someone with her already?

- Mamma inside, you
don't have long.

- Thank you for
what you've risked.

- I'll stay as long as I can.

- I would always plan an escape.

But I never had a chance to run,

and was too afraid.

Mamma makes it impossible
for you to run.

She chain the door at night.

She lock your door shut.

She make sure you cannot run.

I remember asking her one
day if she was more afraid

to live or if she was
more afraid to die.

She looked at me and
smile and she said,

I'm more afraid of Mamma.

- You are whore and the
daughter of a whore.

And that's what
you'll always be.

Excuse me.

Who are you?

And what could you
possibly want with her?

- Not everyone in
this world is cruel.

Whatever you do, don't
go anywhere else.

- It's time for you to leave.

Come with me, please.

- Hand over the girl to
me and I'll walk away.

She'll disappear,
I'll disappear.

- And why would I do that?

Let her walk away,
let you walk away?

- Because no matter how
corrupt and greedy you are,

even you don't wanna go to jail.

You wouldn't last a
month in the hell hole

I'll have you thrown in.

- Sit down!

You should come work for me.

We'd make a good team.

But you gotta know this.

Whether you walk off
with the girl or not,

I'm not going to jail
because I own this place

and soon I own this whole town.

And as the king of the
corner of this city,

let me give you a little advice.

If I ever see you again,
anytime, anywhere near me,

near one of my girls,
near one of my officers,

I'll kill you myself.

Why don't you
just get it over with now.

- Get to the back
of the line, huh.

Get out of my face!

I mean what I say.


- Yeah?
- Where are you?

- I'm on my way to you, did--

No, you're
staying there.

- Did you see 18?

Yeah, I saw her.

- Thank God.

She won't
be there for long.

- What?

- Her pimp's there, Jason,
we don't have anymore time.

Our guy risked his whole career
for us to save this girl.

This is over, Jason.

I'm sorry.

He says he has to leave.

Once he leaves, she's gone.

- I'm going.

- You can't afford to
be a hero on this one.

- You tell that to 18.

- I'm ordering you not to go.


- We used to make up story,
happy story about our village.

About school.

We used to imagine
there was a man

somewhere who would
come and rescue us.

Sweep us off our feet
and take us away.



I'm here.

- You came.

But the policemen,
they're dangerous.

- They won't be a
problem anymore.

We don't have much time,
we have to leave now.

- The American woman,
she your friend?

- Yeah, my boss.

She wanted to help.

- When she left, I thought
I never leave this cell.

I planned to never
leave this cell.

I lost all hope.

- I'm sorry.

- But you promised.

- I keep my promises.

It's clear.

Let's go.

We have move now.

We don't have much time.

I'm taking you away.

- To America?

- Yes.

- Why?

- I know what they
did to you, those men.

I will never let a more
rough hand violate you.

- 18.

- Please go back there.

How can you live
yourself if you don't.

Yeah, hang on.

How long until we get there?

- Five minutes, five minutes.

- Five minutes, I'll
be five more minutes.

- I've been looking
for you everywhere.

I lost six hours of
business because of you.

You owe me money.

- I owe you nothing.

You've taken everything from me.

- What do you have when you
came to me six months ago?


What do you have when
you came to The Pearl?

That's right.


You were sick, I
took care of you.

You were worthless
and now you make

some of the most money a
girl can make in a bar.

You have your own room.

I give you nights off.

Six more months, you'll be
the best girl in the city.

Do you know what most of
the other bar owners did

to the girls who came on
that truck from Malaysia?

Answer me.

- Yes.

- And you run away?

- I'm sorry.

- Where will you go, huh?

- Away.

- Tell me, what you had that was

so much better than
what I've given you.

- I had a name.

- I gave you a name.

You're number 18.

Do you think there's
anyone else out there

that will take better
care of you of than me?

- Yes.

- The American?

You girls, you're so pathetic.

You think one of these white
men, lonely and bored on

a business trip is gonna
fall in love with you?


And then what?

Take you home with them?

- Yes.

And then what?

- Live a life.

- Tell that to their
wives and their grandkids.

They're not coming here
to fall in love with you.

You're just a cheap
fix, a fantasy,

something to keep them
happy while they're here.

- He's coming.

He promised.

- Men break a lot of promises.

- I don't want to
work for you anymore.

- If you weren't a little
girl, I swear I'd kill you.

But you're worth
something to me right now.

Do you know what's
worse than a dead whore?

- No.

- A worthless whore.

You're beautiful.

I'll take care of
you, I promise.

You're gonna leave the city.

- Victor?

Thank God you are here.

Oh, God.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hold it.

- I came back.

- Yeah.

You did.

- He took her.

- Where?

Hey, hey, stay with me.

Stay with me, look at me.


18, 18!

- We made a pact and we
cut our hand with scissors.

We mix our blood and we promise

each other that we
would stay together.

But I, I gave her to
that man in the truck.

I didn't know.

It was so bad.

I was not careful.

The body, the smell.

We had to get out.

We had to get out.

If you see her please
tell her I didn't mean to.

If you see her, tell her I
didn't mean to break my promise.

U.S. Ambassador
Steve Mitchell was in Bangkok,

Thailand today to sign a
multi-lateral trades deal

that large passenger
reports are calling

the most comprehensive
trade agreement in Asia.

Saying it help to to
make America's trade

size will rapidly grow
and is dynamically--

Hey, it's okay.

- It's not okay.

If I got there a minute sooner,

that cop wouldn't be dead, 18.

I won't be able to rest,

I'll have justice for her
and every girl like her.

- I've cried a lot of tears
in my life, God knows.

More than I can count.

I don't have any left.

But you do.

So let them go and maybe, maybe,
one of those tears will be

the final drop that causes the
dam of justice to overflow.

Let me know when you're ready.

- I'm ready.

Hi, Mae.

I'm Jason.

- Jason.

- Yeah.

- You tried to rescue my friend.

- Yeah, I was too late.

- I tried to rescue
her once, too.

- What do you have there?

I drew a picture.

- Can I see?

It's beautiful.

You're a very talented artist.

- Do you think she will like it?

- She'll love it.

- When you find
her, give it to her.

- There's so many questions
I wanna ask you, Mae.

But first, will you
tell me her name?

♪ Could you be the one
I've been searching for ♪

♪ Could you be the one
I've been waiting for ♪

♪ My love, my life ♪

♪ My day and my night ♪

♪ Can you steal my heart ♪

♪ Can you steal my gaze ♪

♪ Can you steal my thoughts
and my foolish ways ♪

♪ Can you make things right
that I've made so wrong ♪

♪ Can you make me wise,
can you make me strong ♪

♪ My love, my life ♪

♪ My day and my night ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Never tell me ♪

♪ Have I done all I could have ♪

♪ Things that you would have ♪

♪ The thought we frayed ♪

♪ But did I step back ♪

♪ Idle and unpacked ♪

♪ Care to see off track ♪

♪ Dried up and drained ♪

♪ If you find me in the shade ♪

♪ Under relief from the rain ♪

♪ Well that's all I know ♪

♪ So I've flowed
without a sail ♪

♪ Losing light and
run off trail ♪

♪ But I'll see it through ♪

♪ In the silence ♪

♪ Nothing real can weigh down ♪

♪ Desperately staked out ♪

♪ Blindly awaits ♪

♪ And so I run through ♪

♪ Hidden by the contours ♪

♪ Wondering what we've come to ♪

♪ And how we'd escape ♪

♪ If you find me in the shade ♪

♪ Under relief from the rain ♪

♪ Well that's all I know ♪

♪ So I've flowed
without a sail ♪

♪ Losing light and
run off trail ♪

♪ But I see it through ♪

♪ If only I could find ♪

♪ A moment here not
strangled by desire ♪

♪ If only I could find ♪

♪ A moment here not
strangled by desire ♪

♪ If only I could find ♪

♪ A corner here not choked
with earth and wire ♪