Sex Cowboys (2016) - full transcript

Sex cowboys is a travel inside our generation, the lost generation, destined to live without a permanent employment, a fixed home and a defined lifestyle. The characters of this travel are nomadic, precarious e immature in the comedy of their life: to Simone's anger and to Marla's magic need, alternates passion and sex. The generational crisis is inside us, and we have to find a way to survive and make the present our dream, since in our future we won't have space. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Do you need any help?

I can't find my keys...

Erasmus, right?

How do you know that?

cause only Erasmus students
get as drunk as you.

That motorbike... Is it yours?

You know...

You might need some wind
in your face to sober up.

Are you sure you'll be
able to hold onto me?


Can I trust you?

I won't cry if I fall off.

Do you promise?

I don't know why,
but I'd take you anywhere,

Promise it!

I promise it

I'm not an easy girl

I'll be carefull.


Hey, Bido!
Hey Simo!

You'll die in there.

I'm in defecation mode right now!

I like staying here.

I'm almost afraid that
I could stay here forever.

In this little room,

with the ceilings so high,

full of drawings and our photos.

Screw Rome.

This house is our own Capital.


What did I tell you?

Stay here.

No, I' m coming with you.

As you wish!

What're you doing here?

I just checked in on Marla.

Hey guys, let's make
ourselves more comfortable.

You live two people in a place for one.
Feel lucky I'm not charging you.

Even though the two of you
don't make one normal person.


I've had enough of this bullshit.
I realize you don't have the rent.


You haven't paid me
for two months now.

I try hard every day.

But I just can't manage.

It's not her fault, you
know, economic crisis...

Your name isn't on the contract.

I'm just asking for more time,

Two more weeks...

You don't get it.

I'll kick you out of here
in a month.

There're plenty of people
waiting to move in!

You have one month,
then you fucking leave.

Goodbye, Spanish girl.

Fuck! That's not fair.

I'm not wearing my glasses.

You've got terrible aim.

Look who's talking!

Here I come!


They're all young and beautiful...

Fuck heroes.

What the fuck do you want Simo'?

I've got something to
sell you, Bidi.

Let's have a look,

what have you got for me?

Check this out.

Father Christmas is here!

30 Euros.


- But it costs 40 at the shop.
- I get it.

Come on...

250 Euros.
It's from London, Camden Town.

It's from a dead punk.

I can smell him. Take it away!

- Simone. - You see...
- You try to lower the price?

If I was interested, I'd say so.
Let's stop here.

Let's try to keep our distance.

150 Euros.

They're from Camden, too.

They can go back to Camden too.

Off they go!

Fuck, Bidini you're a tough cookie.

Listen up!

10 Euros each.

If you buy all five,

40 Euros.

Henry Valentine Miller.

Sexus, Nexus, Plexus.

My bible.

Uncle Hank.

Stories of ordinary madness.

On The Road.

What a shame that
I've read them all.

Fuck it!

Hey Lara,

What will you do without us,
next month?

Giancarlo is kicking us out.


No money, no house.


You're my family here in Rome.

I wouldn't ask
if I wasn't desperate...

But, maybe...

Do you think there might be a job
for me where you work?

They don't even hire people
who work door to door!

I see.

Haven't you tried asking
your parents?

No. I don't get on with them.

We need a solution now.

So guys,
do something that you're good at.

- Drinking beer.
- Wasting money.

You're good at erasing
a place too?

Come on guys, I'm serious.

You need to do something
that you're good at.

Bidini! Oh!

Shall I have a heart attack, Simo'?

I need your camera.

What for?

For shooting a porn.

Did he give it to you?

Mission accomplished.


It looks easy.

We'd upload a couple free
and get paid for the others.

They only pay one dollar for minute.

What can we do with that?

We don't sell to just one customer.

We sell to the world, Marla.


If they like the free ones
they'll pay to get more.

No, I'm not convinced. No.

It's the world, Marla.

Who'd pay to watch our videos?
It's free ones all over.

Maybe ours are more special.

What if people don't like me?

- Are you joking?
- No, I'm not.

Maybe we won't look good together.
Or we won't be sexy.

Hey hey.

- Are you ashamed of yourself?
- No, I'm not.

But it's us.

Who will buy the videos?

What will they do with them?
It's us!

But Marla, what do you think
people do with porno?

Have you asked yourself what
will happen when we break up?

If it works, it works.

At least we can have fun, can't we?

You've been my secret all this time.

I've always kept you inside me,
hidden somewhere.

Sometimes, when the pain
is too strong,

I cut myself.

I place the knife against
my skin and I pull.

My hips, my arms, my belly.

You enter and pull,
again and again...

and it's always your fault.


Yes, I think so.

Here we go. Cool.



Are we ready?

Yes, yes...


But should I...

Make some noises or some
expressions? Like...

Ah... Ah... AH... AAAHHH!

Seems like a slavic whore,
but It works.

Come on, wait.





Sshhh... be quiet.

Damn camera...


I can't. Stop.

You can't touch.

Only watch.

Is that you, Marla?


- Of course, it's her.
- Yeah, I see.

- Do you think is exciting?
- It looks real.

It looks like real fucking,
you are actually fucking.

But you could do better than this.
Try to change a little...

it's a bit static...

Try different stuff.

You can dare more,
you know what I mean?

See? That's hot...

but you need to put
more passion in it,

Try more positions...

why not a 69...

Or whatever, a French butterfly...

A candle, a foal...

A cake...

You should push yourself a bit more.
The camera is always fixed.

I stop fucking and move
the camera?

If it works, why not?

Definitely, if it works, why not?

Stop fucking and move the camera.

It's obvious.

- Also, are you always naked?
- No way guys...

Clothes make sex dirtier, wild...

He rips off her panties...

You scratch his shirt...


It's the classic sexy sheer.

It's sexier if you see less.

Tac. Done.

It ends like that,
with a front view. Got it?

Tac! How does it end? Tac!

I have a girl in Buenos Aires...

Her eyes make money...

Her soul is restless...

The coming and going...

Nothing ever fucking happens, Marla!

A fucking nothing!

Why are you so happy today?

Happy? Ahm...

To be honest...

I have a political liaison
with a Venezuelan girl...

Is she pretty?

Pretty? Mmmm...

she's alright...

And I was wondering...

if you could teach me.

Some dirty words, you know...

To tell her.

In Spanish?

Nah, Japanese, what do you think?

I'm so excited.

That I can't wait.

I start diddling.


Do you want to see my hot dog?

Do you want to see...
This is dirty...

Do you want to see my hot dog?

Give me your eggplant.


Your courgettes!

I want to eat your squids!

All your paella on my face!

What the fuck did you tell me?
The paella...

You know,

I never told this to anyone.

You are my secret.

You've been my secret all long.

What were you doing?

Every moment was special,
'cause of you.

Because you are special, right?

Because you were special.

Until you decided to depart.

In that damned car,

In that damned drunken fall.

Until you decided to disappear.

So many times I've asked myself.

What were you thinking in those
seconds before the crash.

What were you thinking
at that speed?

What were you thinking as you
broke through the guard rail?

I don't know how you could think

I was strong enough to bear all this.

I was seventeen.

And you were special.

And I want you to know.

That I swore.

I swore it would have been only sex.

Casual sex.

I will never love anyone
like I loved you.

And this is what I've done.

What I'm doing.

What I'm going to do.


I got it from a friend of Bidini's.
It's from Holland.


Let it work...

Through your brain...

Can you see him?



There is an old man spying on us...

Hello fucking old shit!

Fuck you!

Look at him, look at him...

Take this, old shit!

Come here, I'll kick your ass,

I've always wondered

how it would be to have
multiple orgasms?

- Do you fake it?
- Nope.

I have them.

And how is it?

It's cool. It's addictive.

You would never stop, sometimes.

why are you asking?

How does it works for you?

Me... I'm typical.

I rarely get an orgasm.

And then I feel... nothing.

Sounds sad.

It is, a bit.

Tell me...

does this orgasm get stronger
and stronger or...

Or does it decrease?

It goes on and on. Sometimes
stronger, sometimes weaker.

But the pleasure doesn't stop.

The pleasure is always there.

I think...

We're done here.

Oh, thanks.

What about you?

How's business?

Not good. We're still far
from paying the rent.

But why don't you do like we do at work?

Customer loyalty.

Know what this means?

- Customer what?
- Customer loyalty.

You can get the customer
to spend more

for things only you can give him.

Get it?

Such as?

Such as...

Making video by request.

You should be able to do anything.

Anything that you are asked to do.


we got involved now, so...

we give the customer what
the customer wants.

This website seems to be the best.

Check this out.

They pay extra.

For anything that
they haven't seen before.


Let me see...

It says you can do multiple chats

with several users.

And everyone puts a price
on what he wants to see.

Yeah, people really have odd tastes.

I think this time we are going
to have fun...

I'm not sure.

If I want people recognizing me
doing this stuff.

Are you planning to get famous?

No, but...

So who cares...

Nobody will recognize you.
And even if,

they won't tell anyone about it.

Yeah, I think so.

We found him...

We found him...


Ehi, Marla.

We found him...
He'll give us 250 Euros.

Half the rent...

But you have to do something
a bit particular. Are you in?

- Yes, I am.
- Promise?

Come here...


There is a circle here...
Please, mind.

Stay there, stay there...

There is an energy here Simone, please.
Tell me.

It's not true...

It can be true...

Is it really so?


Why are you laughing?

This is giving the public
what the public wants.

Why are you laughing?

This is giving the public
what the public wants.

What a fucking party!

I wish everyday was this good!

This town is stifling us.

We need to go.

I learned this from you.

It's not the place you live in.

The way you live makes the difference.

It's all about balance.

The balance...


I've always wanted to grow up fast.

And then, when it happened,

I just wanted to be a child again.

A little kid.

Because sometimes you just
have to grow up too fast.

You wake up one day
and realize you're grown.

And when you are finally grown up.

It's easier to be with
a man than be alone.

And I.

I'd really like.

I'd really like to find another
way to feel accepted.

Hey, Barbie...

Hey blondie Barbie...

Do you like it?

What am I?

A whore.


Stop, stop, stop you...

You're hurting me...

I've only managed to sell
a couple of videos by now.

We'll get 70 Euros.

If nothing changes by next week

I'll have to find another job.

Don't think about it.

Next week.

If I want to stay in Rome.

Stay in Rome?
Have you thought about leaving?

- It has always been a thought.
- Ehi Marla...

I told you the first day we met.

I'm not an easy girl.

You know Bido.

I wonder how many people.

How many families, how many lives.

And disgraces are living
beyond this glass.

Beyond every window
there's a whole world.

And nobody can see.

Only those who belong.

There's a world even
beyond this window.

You know Bido,

I'd like to meet my alter ego
from the house vis a vis.

People like you are
quite rare nowadays.

You're like grunge, crossover,

like late 90's music.

These days...

We lost everything.

Nobody seems to suffer for real.

You know, Simo.

If you just take that helicopter...

I'd like to fly it too, there.

To that window.

To enter and browse
into other people's lives.

Snoop under hot girls's skirts.

But, you know what would happen?

If it goes too far...
you lose control.

And we would have it no more.

What are you saying?

What I'm saying is...

It's better to take.

That weird bird with metal wings.

And make it fly indoors.

Within these safe walls.

You know why?

Because even the stairway over
there would be an hazard.

What the fuck are you saying?

What am I saying? I love you.
As if you were normal, Simo.

Not today...

I know, I'm tired too.

But let's do it like before...

Let's do it only for us...

Come on...

Even as slow as two snails,
whatever but let's do it...

I need it...

Shit, don't make me beg for it.

All right.
Let's see what they want...

What they want us to do?

We can't waste bullets.

So, you can stay there.
I'm not into it anymore.

When was the last time
we were out of this bedroom?

Think it's the right
time to discuss this?

Go fuck yourself.

Fuck you.


What's up?

Last night, when you fell asleep,

I kept on searching.

I got a request for a real meeting.

But only me.

This is getting too serious.

It's not a woman.
It's a man.

- Think it makes a difference to me?
- It does to me. I don't like men.

You're out of your mind.

It's a lot of money Marla.

A lot of money...
And it could be even more.

This guy is totally obsessed.

I don't give a fuck.

- Why?
- Snap out of this.


Think about it.
I like you.

- Did you ask yourself if after this
I will still like you? - Bullshit.

Fuck you...

Our body is made to be
used, isn't it?

- Do you even realise that you'll
fuck a man? - So what?

Wait a moment.

Relax, wait.

When present is gone,
it's already past, isn't it?

Let me go!

Fuck you!

I learned it from my mother.

She and her mystery room.

That woman knew how to keep a man.

There was so much desire
in my father's eyes.

A desire that was close to madness.

This is what I was used to
when I was a child.

So, it's been easy...

When I recognized.

The same desire in
my schoolmates' eyes.

I knew it.

I knew it from the beginning.

- You are really pretty.
- Go over there.

Up on me, go up on me...

What are you doing?
Wear this.

Is it one of your tricks?
Wear this.

No, no, I don't like this way...

- Wear it, come on.
- No.

Turn around.

- What are you doing?
- I'm leaving this bedroom.

- Where do you want to go?
- I don't know yet.

If it was up to you,
we'd be on the street!

At least I'll be free, I won't choke
in this room with you!

Free? What do you miss?

Come on, tell me.

What's your idea of being free?
Like before bumping into me?

We don't exist anymore.

You know what? I don't give a
fuck about how you got the money.


It's ready.

Thank you.

Hurry up Bidini!


Come on we're going out.

What's with this mess?

Come on, hurry up, put something on.

No, it's better on daylight.

The night is too bright.

I fixed the bike, come on!

Yes, sir.

Order whatever you want Bido,
tonight it's on me.

Oh oh marvellous.

We're getting laid tonight.

Look, when it comes to 5am
it'll be great if it's a woman.

Look over there.

- Come on, do you want something else?
- Sure.

Whenever I get rich
I'll return the favour.

She's probably from Russia. Or maybe
Lithuania, Estonia, Tallin, Riga...

You don't even know where they are!

Let's toast to the time
that flies so quickly...

And to us, who flies even higher!

Shit, it's strong.

I want to write a book.

I want to write a book,
make a movie.

- I want to have a son like you.
- Go fuck yourself...

Can I have that cigarette?

Why do you always keep
that cigarette behind your ear?

Because I quit smocking.

Otherwise it would have been
between my lips.

Two beers, please.

Fuck, you're slow man...





Mind the dog!

Help me... Slow...
Be quiet.

Save soldier Sant'Antonio.



Hold the helmet.

You know, not now...

Ten minutes...
Can we rest ten minutes?

Ten minutes.

Just ten minutes though.

Ten minutes. According to you,
where's Venezuela?

According to me, it's far away.


Where the fuck are we?

Are you sure?

Have I ever told you a...


Once upon a time.

In the park near the building
where I used to live.

A bunch of guys...

All of them had long hair.

They always wore black clothes.

And eyes painted black.

They only listened to dark music.

Sometimes they smoked.

Others they were boozing up.

They did nothing bad to anyone.

Even though the whole neighborhood.

Was upset with them.

But they actually did
absolutely nothing at all.

They just stayed there,
everyday on the same bench.

At the same time.

Then, guess what happened?

A strange thing happened.

One day.

They were gone.

On their bench, in their place
there was this writing:

The Crows flew away.

The Crows flew away.

Do you want me to get you home?

Thanks for everything, Bido.

Is it recording?


It's really odd to be here
on this bench, making out.

It's funny.


Where is she?

She doesn't want to
waste her time anymore.

- I need to find her now.
- Why?

Because now I understand.

Understood what?

That I was a prick to lock her in.
I was obsessed with money.

Listen Simo.

Don't you understand
she made an exception with you.

You had her.
And you lost her.

I had her? Damn Lara,
be clear for once...

- You know nothing?
- What should I know?

About Marla's past?

You saw the cuts on
her body, didn't you?

- Yes.
- And so...


Take this.

Have a look.

I'm about to tell you
the end of my story.

Though it's a nonsense
to record it now.

But it's true.

I'm recording in Italian because I
don't want to bring it along,

I just want to get rid of it.

Throw it away 'cause it doesn't
belong to me anymore.

Lara, at the least you will keep
a good memory of me.

Cause I'm human too.

I swore I wouldn't fall
in love again.

And then Simone showed up.
A dickhead with no brains...

And I just screwed up once again.

But this mean I can
still feel something.

And if I can I don't want
to waste my time anymore.

Look Simo,

I know her story.
I can tell it to you.

If you still want,
I'll tell you where she is.

I warn you, it's either yes or no.

No bullshit.

Is it clear?

Tell me.

What do you want?


It's too late.

You were right,
we need to leave this town.

I fixed the bike.

Let's go.

If you want something go get it.

I don't care.

You sold yourself out.

Your bike sucks.

If you hate it, I hate it.

What must be, must be.

Fuck you.