Scorpion Spring (1995) - full transcript

On the run from the law, desperate drug runner Astor and his beautiful prisoner struggle through the savage heat. They are offered a ride by two unsuspecting travelers. Claiming to be illegal aliens looking for a better life in America, Astor and his captive draw the innocent travelers into a dangerous world controlled by the ruthless drug lord El Rojo.

♪ I'm still alive,
I'm still alive ♪

♪ I'm still alive ♪

♪ don't give me up for dead ♪

♪ I'm still alive,
I'm still alive ♪

♪ I'm still alive ♪

♪ they haven't killed me yet ♪

♪ hey ♪

♪ I laid my head
upon her breast ♪

♪ I closed my eyes
to take my rest ♪

♪ I was awoken by a sound ♪

♪ trouble had followed
me to town ♪

♪ I'm still alive,
I'm still alive ♪

♪ I'm still alive ♪

♪ don't give me up for dead ♪

♪ yes, I'm still alive,
I'm still alive ♪

♪ I'm still alive ♪

♪ and stayin' one step ahead ♪

♪ I raised my glass
to drink a toast ♪

♪ I had my own
without my host ♪

Here, man.
Take it.

♪ A knife appeared,
I acted fast ♪

White pendejo.

♪ Shot him down
and drained my glass ♪

Put your hands where
I can see them.

♪ I lit a fire beneath-- ♪♪

Come on.

There's got to be

Come on.


Woman on answering machine:
This is 212-555-7167.

Leave a message,
and I'll get back to you.


Beth, it's Zac.
Can you pick up?

Look, it's an emergency.

Beth, are you there?

I guess not.

Look, I know you told me
not to call you,

but somebody stole
my damn wallet.

Look, I'm sorry.
I just--i didn't mean to--


Waitress: Coffee?

Yeah. Unless you got
a 31-cent dinner special.

Coffee's 50 cents.


Look, married is
one thing, denis.
That's bad enough.

But pregnant?
That's another.

[With French accent]
Listen, Eva.

I'm sorry I didn't mention
this baby business
sooner, you know,

but it changes nothing
between US.

Yes, it does.


No, Eva, no.

What difference
does it make to you

if my wife is pregnant
or not, huh?

That's my car!

She's stealing my car!

Oh, I'm sorry, man.
I didn't know.

This is absurd!

She leaves me
in the middle of
fucking nowhere?!

I have an audition
to prepare for!

Oh, you're an actor?

Yes, of course.

Dennis brabant?

[With French accent]
No. Denee brabant.

Oh. Denee brabant.
You know,

I think I seen
you in something.
I'm Zac cross.

Oh, now it's
too late to call L.A.
no, no. Keep it.

Waitress: Well,
about the nearest
motel in these parts

is back
at El centro,

but that's odey

Nah, he'd be too
tanked up to answer

the night bell
by now.

You mean there is
nothing around here?

There's my place
over the kitchen.

Hey, Dennis,
you headed to L.A.?

Uh, of course.

Well, listen,
I'm moving to L.A.
from New York,

and you're welcome
to come with me.

It's just
the only thing is

I'm a little short
on gas money.

Oh, this is no problem.


Thanks very much.

Oh, this is perfect.

Um, could I have
a 6-pack?

No, no. Make it 2.


What's the matter
with you?

Have a drink.
I've had 4.
You've had none.

I don't drink.

You don't drink?

Oh, you should have
warned me about this

before I agreed
to ride with you.

I gave it up.

Ah, yes. A.A.

I am familiar
with this cult.

I'm doing
the 12 steps
right now.

That is the first step
towards giving up
on life.

What has possessed you?

Look, I wasn't
really a nice guy
on booze, ok?

So? Be a bad guy
on booze.

This is a constitutional
freedom in this country.
I am sure of it.

It is a woman who has
told you this.

Am I right?
Am I right?
I thought so.

My friend, you must
never listen to women.

They fall in love
with you not because
of what you are,

but because of what
they want to
turn you into.

I don't want to
talk about it, ok?

I had a really
tough week.

Tough week, tough night--
this could be a recurring
theme with you.

What happened
tonight, hmm?

You lost all your money?

Yeah. A hooker
ripped me off.

Oh! Ha ha!

Look, I didn't
know she was
a hooker, ok?

I mean, she was
and delicate.

She could have
only been, like,
16 years old.

Don't tell me this.
A child whore?

My god, where is
this woman?


Oh, my god, what luck!
I can't believe it.

Turn the car
around at once.

I never paid
for a woman
in my life, ok?

I don't believe
in that shit.

This is all
the more reason!

Listen, I have bought
women all over the world--

beautiful girls--
believe me, clean.

You know, it's
the best relationship

you can have
with a woman.
Of course.

No stupid scenes,
no commitment,

no brioche and coffee
in the morning,

and you know,
in the long run,
it's cheaper.

Get out of here.

Oh, let's go back.
I do a deal with you.

You got nowhere
to stay in L.A.

You drive me back,
I put you up free, huh?

Till you find
your own place. Deal?

All right, look.
I'll take you back
there, all right,

but I don't want to
buy any women, ok?

You can do
whatever the hell
you want to do.


I buy 2 fucks
for myself. Ha ha!

[Mexican music playing]

Man: Ok, who's
got my keys?

We're closed, buddy.

Denis: Yes, of course.

Just a quick beer
and a Brandy
and a pack of camels...

Ooh, like a gazelle, no?

Hey, Mr. Navigator,
what's wrong with you?

You drove north.
You were supposed
to drive south.

Don't look now,
but little Annie oakley

and her siamese twins
are getting off work.


Hi, Beth. It's Zac.
Listen, I know you don't

want to talk to me,
but I need to
talk to you.

I have to report
my stolen credit cards,

and I don't have
the numbers.

Eva, listen to me.
Are you crazy?

I have an audition.
If I miss it,
I'm going to report you

for stealing the car,
you understand?

I'm telling you,
kid, those two,

they are
very interested.

Do you mind?

Look, I regret
what I did.

I do what I have to do,
and I apologize for nothing!

But I totally
stopped drinking.

And now I'm going to
get roaring drunk
and forget I ever met you!

Kid, I'm telling you,
they're going.

Hey, man, I'm trying
to leave a message
for my girlfriend.

Don't be stupid.
Beth, Beth,
are you listening?

Why you fuck up
this kid, huh?

Get out of his life
and let him live, ok?
Ok. Voila.

I can't believe
you did that.

I'm telling you,
trust me.

It's the only way
to handle the situation.

Ok, I'm going now,
but I tell you,
if I don't hear from you--

why do you take this
crap, huh? Why don't you
forget about this guy?

Get somebody who
cares about you,

somebody who
respects you,
and dump this creep.

You know, I hate to
spoil this wonderful
moment for you,

but that was
really stupid advice.

Why's that?

Because anyone
who shows any
respect for Eva,

she just walks
all over this person.


Que Paso?

[Speaking Spanish]

Zac: I know you're
home today.

speaking Spanish]

Zac: I'm not going to
stop calling you
until you talk to me.

[Speaking Spanish]

Thank you much.

All righty.

Who the hell
was this guy?

He's a cop.

Border patrol?

No. Mexican cop--

What's he doing
on this side?

He's looking for
a guy they call
"the surgeon."

A cabron.

What's that?

A bad guy.

Hmm. You know,
we could still
catch up

with those 2
cowgirls, huh?

Take a drive
down to this place
salton city...

Do a little


Listen, Dennis.

I got to level
with you, man.
Last night,

I pulled off
in calexico
on purpose.

See, it's
my girlfriend
in New York...

Actually, she's
my ex-girlfriend.
We broke up.

I don't know, man.

I've been going
through this thing
about women.

I just--i just want
to keep my distance
right now.

Ah, no, no, no.

This is exactly
the wrong idea.

You know what
you must do now?


What you must do now
is go out and fuck
absolutely everybody.

I don't
think so, man.

I really--
I screwed up.

Just, I don't want
to get involved
right now, you know?

Who says anything
about getting involved?

I'm just talking about
going out and banging
numerous bitches.

This is good for you.

Listen, there's
only 2 things in life
that matter, huh?

One is the green,
and the other is
the pink.


Now, the more of this
you've got...

The more of this
you get.

But this is
the interesting quandary
of man's existence

because the more
of this you get,

the less of this
you've got. Ha ha ha!

It's true! Ha ha ha!

You're sick,
you know that?

But seriously,
didn't you ever
love somebody?

I mean, even you.
Not even once
in your whole life?

Yes, once perhaps,
when I was your age.

What happened?

I fucked her mother,
and she found out. Ha ha!

You're an asshole.

Oh, what's the matter
with you?

What are you,
some kind of
depressive poof?

Denis: You know,
you and your sensitivity
towards women, you know,

is beginning to make me
feel like shit.

What's that?



We've got to
pull over.

No, don't do that.

No, there's probably
some fat-farm, dude-rehab
ranch thing

somewhere around here.

I know. I'm just
coming from one
of these places.

You're what?

What are you doing?

They might need help.
What's wrong with you?


You have water?

I've got some ice
in the car.


You seem to
know your way
around here.

I come through every year
for the work, no?

In the orchards.

You know, these people
are illegals.

We can't drive
around with them.

It's a serious crime.

We can't just
leave them here.

That girl might
need help.

Look, I have a problem.
I'm also illegal.

My visa is expired.
If the immigration

if they pull US
over, I'm fucked.

What do you want
to do?

Dump the girl
on the side of
the road?

Make sure
we get you
to your audition?

Senorita carne prima.
You know, you're right.

I'm beginning to feel
like a good samaritan.

I must get her
food, compa.

I think
there's a store
further back.

No. Too many people.

I know where
we can go, no?

Zac: Hey!

Where are we
going, man?

Man: Aqui.
We're here.

Man: It's ok.

They think maybe
you are la migra--

Sit down.

The cook, she's
from the mission.

The food is free
for the pickers.

The drinks
they must pay for.

I'm Zac,
and this is Dennis.

French accent]

I am astor.

This is
my sister Nadia.


We are from Sinaloa.

My, uh, my sister--
she only speaks Spanish.

Do you speak Spanish?




I'm sorry.
Do I understand what?

No, I say, um...
Would you buy US
a little to eat

if it's not too much?

Oh, no. Sure.
Dennis, you have
the money.

Uh, excuse me.

My sister,
she has, uh...

How do you
say, uh...


Yes, allergies, si.

Hey, what kind of
meat is this?

Oh, what are you,

one of these
vegetarians? Ha ha!

[Crushes cigarette
under foot]

What do they want?

He say 2 white
fat asses like you
shouldn't be in here,

dirtying up the seats.

Ah, ah. This is
one of those
differences of opinion

that is never
resolved by argument,
so shall we leave?

[Astor laughs]

What's he saying?

He said for bringing
you here,

he should kill
the 3 of US
and rape my sister.


Denis: What did
you do to this guy?

He's ok.

I just
stick him here.

This man,
he was a coyote,no?

A smuggler
for migrant workers.

He say me and my sister
owe him money

for bringing US
to the other side,

but they do a bad job.
They lead US
right to la migra,

and my sister and I,
we are pulled
apart from our family.

It's lucky I have
this armador,no?

Police radio:
186-16. Officer Hernandez

reports suspicious
activity in parking lot.

[Woman speaking Spanish]



Hey, rawley.

No need for
the feds, Sam.

This one is going back
across in a bag.

If it were
up to you,

there would
never be a need
for the feds.

Yeah, they'd all
go across in bags,

and I appreciate
the backup, too.

Rawley: There he is.

Yeah, he about emptied
out enough blood
for 3 fat men.

[Fly buzzing]

This guy is no

Them boots is
a dead giveaway.

300 bucks right there.

Drug runner--

What did he
get it with?

Well, it done
a good, clean job,
whatever it was.

Any witnesses?

Well, the cook claims
that she did not
see the fight.

She said that
a Mexican couple
and 2 gavachosdid it.

2 white guys?

What would they
be doing here?

What do white guys
usually do

when they're hiding
near the border?

I'm only
border patrol.

Someone ought to
start employment

against this place.

Yeah, sure,
if you want to get

your ass transferred
out of here quicker
than shit.

This is a company
town, Sam.

Big agriculture owns it.
Always did, always will.

Who the hell
is that?

Whoa. Looks like
a border patrol
job, Sam.

Excuse me.
Are you a citizen
of the United States?

Can I see some form
of I.D., please?

This is a crime scene--
only police allowed.

I am police.

I am comandante
de federal

judicial policia

What happened
over here?

Someone got killed.


I'm still going to
have to ask you
to leave, sir.

Only u.S. Authorities
have jurisdiction here.

I'm sure you understand.

I understand nothing
about the laws
of this country,

especially when
they are applied
to Mexicans.

Well, take it
from me, senor,

right now you're
violating one.

Rawley: Problem?

I'm only looking
for a relative,



Your relative

Do documented workers
break their backs

in the orchards
for $20 a day?


Where you from?


How about you?

You're from here, no?

Yes, I'm from here.

Cheap Mexican

He better do something
about that soon.

It's all arranged.

One room
in your name,
one in mine.

Zac: Great.
I hope they got
an ice machine.


Zac: I'm ok.



Ow. Ow, ow, ow.


Would you like
a drink?

Why not?

You know what I say?

There is only
birth, death...

And many hangovers
in between.

No hermana?

You're not--you're not
the hermana.

You're not the sister.

No. Yo no soy
elsister de astor.

Um, the girlfriend?


Amigagirl de astor?

Well, that's good.


I'll be your amigo.



Our little friend
is feeling better, no?

She's good, eh?

Nadia--she knows
what to do.

We'll let
you sleep, compa.

You know, it's like

in some fucking
weird movie
with these 2 people.

She just told me
that she's not
his sister.

Would you claim
a relationship
with that lunatic?

Listen, we wait
till they fall asleep,

we get the fuck
out of here!

No, I'm serious.
I mean, why would
she say that?

It's clear.
She wants a green card,

and she's prepared
to fuck you for it.

Well, that's stupid.
That doesn't make
any sense.

What difference would
being his sister
have to do with that?

Come on, Zac.
You question
their reasoning?

These are crazy,
wetback types.

They pay $1,000
just to cross the border
into the u.S.,

and then they work
for $1.00 a bushel picking
your breakfast juice.

You know something?
You're a racist bastard.

No, no, mon ami,no.

I am an educated

You Americans,
you live next-door
to these people.

You know nothing
about them.

You ignore them
as if they don't
even exist

unless they are
mowing your lawn
or pouring your drinks.

Look, it doesn't make
any difference, ok?

Something's not right.
I don't think
we should ditch her.


Are you looking for me
or for my sister?


Uh, you, astor,

Uh, you see,
I have a--

an appointment
in Los Angeles,

and, uh,
Zac and I,

we will be
leaving early,

so it's possible
we don't see you
in the morning.


I see.

My sister,
she will be

if she does not see you
before you go, huh?


Nadia tell Zac
that she is not
your sister.

And how do
you think, huh?

I think she
probably is not.

I see I cannot hide
anything from you, huh?

Then she's
not your sister?


Who is she?

She's just
a whore, hermano.

A whore?

Si.i met her
in mexicali.

She had been whoring
to make money

to come across
with her family, no?

So you are the, uh,
coyote,am I right?

You are too clever for me.
Si,i am the coyote.

Her family,
they cheated me.

Yes. They were
supposed to pay me

once more
when I get them across,

but they said no,
they have no money,

and so now this coyote
from the orchard--

he's with the mafiosos,
the coyote--

he wants
his money from me,

so I take the girl

and bring her
to scorpion spring
to meet the family.

They pay me the money,

or she must
work the debt off.

So you mean...

Maybe you would
like her, huh?

She's young.

Her skin is
pretty, clean.

It's good, huh?


How much?

For you?

Wait here.

Come here.

Get them drunk.

Get them shelling out
their pay on these
bitches, que no?

And let them know
there's money
for anybody

with information
on the cirujano.

Go on.

If we get him before
he makes the drop house,

there's going to be

I'd like to try
some of that stew, cuate.

Let's you and me
go inside, have a drink.

Come on. Muevete.

I went shopping
for you, amigo.


Ah, so you know
about that

Like drowning in fire,
que no?

Now, my friend...

I need you to tell me

exactly where
El cirujano'sgoing.


Ha ha ha!

No, no, no, no, no,
my friend.

You talk too soon.

Makes me think that
maybe you'll tell me
a little lie.



I have to make sure

that you do not even
have the will to lie.

You understand, hmm?

[Man screaming]

Zac: Where
have you been?

Ha ha ha!

What's so funny?


Ha ha ha!

Why am I funny?

Because that girl
that you're so
worried about,

she's the biggest
whore in mexicali.

Ha ha ha!

Who said that?


He's, um...

He's what you call
a coyote.

He smuggled her
across the border,

and, uh,
she didn't pay him,

so he cannot pay
his end of the action

to the other coyote
in the orchard,

so he's
holding on to her,

so she can
fuck away the debt.

Ha ha ha!

I tell you, Zac,
it's incredible.

It's like a movie.

That girl's not
a whore, Dennis.

Oh, you had trouble
believing that about
the other girl, too.

I'm telling you,
this girl's not
a whore.

I'm telling you,
she is.

I'm sorry to be the one
to disillusion you,
my friend.

Yeah, well,
how the hell
do you know?

How the hell
do I know?

Because they
charged me 200 bucks!

Ha ha ha!

Can you believe that?
200 bucks?

She would have to fuck
20 men in mexicali

to make
that kind of money.

200 bucks! Jesus!
Ha ha ha!

You telling me
you fucked her?

Of course
I fucked her.

What should I do,
take a Spanish lesson?

Ha ha ha!

You're an asshole.

Yeah. Ha ha ha!

Shut up.

I said shut up!

What's the matter
with you?

What, do you think
she's an animal?

What, do you think
I don't know
what's going on?

You want to fuck her
as well, huh?

But you're too
politically correct

to admit that
you are jealous.

Well, go ahead!
Do it!

I'll pay for you.

You disgust me!

She's poor
and desperate,

and you have

Wait, wait,
wait, wait.

They ripped meoff.
200 bucks.

[Knock on door]


That's probably astor.

Oh, shit.
It's a cop.

Good. Turn them in.

Are you crazy?
You want to go to jail?

I told you
transporting illegals
was a serious crime.

You must hide
under the bed.

No. What for?

Because look at you.

They may be looking
for 2 white guys
from the orchard.

You must hide, please.



Sorry to disturb you,
but the office was closed.

Is this your
vehicle here?

No. It--it belongs
to my friend,

but he's hiking,

so he left me,
abandoned me here,

so I'm alone
for the moment.

Which direction
are you headed?

Uh, east.

We are coming
from Los Angeles.

Have you seen anyone else
in any of these units?


No. I've not seen
anybody the entire
time I've been here.

it's the desert.


Police radio:

Simon, this is rawley.


This is Simon.
Go ahead.

Yeah. You better get
down to the dunes

We got 3 more bodies.

I'm on it, rawley.


Uh, i--I'm just
being curious,

but is everything
all right?

You keep
your doors locked,

don't pick up
any hitchhikers,
you'll be fine.

It sounds
very serious.

No. A wet got
stabbed to death
over in salton city.

Have a nice day.

[Starts engine]

No, listen.
We go now, quickly.

You killed
that guy.


The coyote
in the orchard.

I just stab him here.

Maybe it's somebody
different, no?

If I stab you here,
will that kill you?


all the time,

but you see,
I don't give a shit
about coyotes.

Maybe they kill him.

Hmm? Or maybe
this dead body is
somebody else, no?

Entiendes?we go now.

Listen, why don't you
just--just take the car?

In the car! Iandale!

Sam: Hey, rawley.

Heard the radio


Well, it's the same weapon
as back at the orchard,

only not as clean
a job this time.

Looks like a coyote
and 2 pollos.

Doesn't make sense.

Migrant workers don't
get killed on this
side of the border,

only when they get
ripped off trying
to leave Mexico.

took out that stiff
with the fancy boots

took out
these boys, too.

I don't know
about this guy,

but these two
are farm boys.

Who needs money
more than 2 poor
farm boys?

Hell, Sam,
this farming valley

is second
only to Florida
for drug smuggling.

You border
patrol boys

better stick to
your dogcatching.

These are not dogs!

Jesus, Sam,
don't go getting

que viva Mexico
on me.

All I'm saying is
that these 2 wets

may be
running drugs,

and if they are,
then that's
my business.

It's not yours.

You got an I.D.
On these guys?

Can I see it, please?

"Gavrillo portola."

I'm running a check
on all these boys.

Did that cook
at the orchard

say if she got
a good look
at the girl?

I see you're taking
those 12 steps
backwards now.


Where are we going?

A dry lake. There.

Scorpion spring.
It's in the middle
of fucking nowhere.

Zac: There's not even
an access road.

Don't worry, compa.
I know the way.

Hey, look, you can't
take this car off-road.
It won't make it.

It's ok.

It's not ok. Look,
pull the car over.
I'll drive.

What are you doing?
I said pull the car
over. I'm driving.


I think maybe you should
rest a little longer, yes?

Tell this asshole
not to push the car.
It'll overheat.

It had radiator trouble
2 days ago.

Fucking coyote.

I told you
to slow down.

There's a vulcanizadora
maybe one mile.

Come on.
Push, you
lazy bastard.

I am pushing!

I have a bad back,
you know.

Astor: Come on!

I am tired
of coming on!

Boy: How you doing?

Howdy. Lem Wells.

What seems to be
the problem?

Oh, man.
It's overheating.

I had the same problem
the other day,

but I just let it
cool down for a little
while, and it was ok.

Now it won't turn over.

Wells: Uh-huh.

Looks like a black hole
under this hood, my friend.

Let me see here. Yep.

Frozed up.
You boys must have been
getting things mighty hot.


So, where you fellows
headed, anyway?


We are just

Ah, is that a fact?

I think you knocked out
the thermostat.

I got to get off that
old hose to get it off.

Going to have to charge you
for a new one, though.

Yes. Go ahead.

Yep. One thing
you don't want to do
in the desert, my friend,

is get overheated.

Fellows like you can
end up in a lot of trouble.

Don't take much, neither.
It can get real rough
down here.

Hand me that blade,
will you?

Yep. I seen fellows
come here from L.A.
one night.

They get lost down there.

They ain't coming back,

Sheriff finds them
months later all dried up
like cornhusks.

You could hear them
from way off...


That's what's wrong
with this damn thing--

piece of shit
is rusted shut.

You fellows better
hope like hell

I got another one
around here that'll fit.

Elsewise, you could be
waiting till tomorrow

till I get one
in from escondido.

Where the hell
you been?

See if you can find them
one of these thermostats
around here.

That looks like
it hurts.

Yeah, it does.

Why don't you come
into the other room,

and I'll give you
some ice for it?

No. It's all right.

Wells: What the hell
you talking about?

Wells: Uh-huh.

There's no need
to get snappy.

I found one already.
Yep, you fellows
are in luck.

Now all we got to do
is put a new hose
on that mother.

take too long.

If we can find
everything we need,
that is.

Wells: Yes, sir.

You ought to put
all new hoses on here,
my friend.

They're all about
just dry-rotted.

You're looking at more
bad news down the road.

I'm sorry, hermano.
We don't have
any ice in there.

That's ok.

I could have
told you that.

I don't know
why you offered it
in the first place.

Maybe you could put
the can against it,
like that. It's cold.

You mind
if I just drink it?

No. No, go ahead.

Wells: All right.

That'll do it.

Now why don't you get in,
see if it'll fire?

You will drive.

No, I drive.

I will ride
in the front.

Wells: Uh-huh.
He's driving now.

How much do we
owe you there, then?

I don't know.

Why don't you
give me 2o bucks?

I appreciate it.

Don't mention it.

[Car starts]

Wells: There goes
bad news on wheels, boy.

I forget something, compa.
Wait here, no?

Oh, man.
What the fuck?

Go! Go!

Look, we can't
ditch her here.

She needs him
to help her
find her family.

Listen, that
fucking lunatic,

he killed the coyote
in the orchard. Go!
The cop told me.

He killed him?

Yes. Now let's get
out of here, please!

Get the bitch
out of here!

Wells: Yeah. This is
Lem Wells over on s-3.

Uh-huh. How are you?

Listen, we had US
a little visit here
a minute ago

that was
kind of peculiar.

Yeah. There were
these 3 fellows--
um, hold on.

Woman: What did they
look like--

[connection breaks]

Damn. Cut off.


What's the matter
with you?

She's just trying
to find her family.


You do not know
what you play here,


[Starts engine]

Howdy, rawley.

Jo. Where's Sam?

He's on a call.
Take a seat.

They're putting in
a new sizzler down there
by the interstate.

Well, it's just
getting real civilized
around here, ain't it?




I just thought
I'd drop by and see

how you federal folks
are saving US all

from the dark tide
crossing the cactus
curtain and all that.

Well, I was just
on my way out.

Yeah, well,
I'd like to talk
to you for a minute

if you don't mind.


What's on your mind?

I spoke to the cook.

You went out there
to see her on your own,
didn't you?

Yes, I did,

and I think I know
who's out there.

Look, I know who it is,
all right?

Astor zapateco--

coyote drug runner,

likes to stick
folks in the neck
with a screwdriver,

likes his friends
to call him El cirujano.

El cirujano.

It means
"the surgeon."

Because he's so neat
and so precise
in what he does.

This isn't
about a bunch of wets

looking to pick grapefruit,
you understand me?

We've got US a real
pancho villa here.

That's where
you're wrong.

This guy is a cholo.

All his activity
is gang-related--

not innocent people,

and this thing about
the screwdriver--

we get it
all the time--

ice picks, scissors...

We have all the wire
reports on file.

Look, I know all
about your report.

3 days before
El cirujano
crossed the border,

he was being sought
for the murder

of an old woman
in mexicali.

Did you know that?


So the old woman
was the mother

of the comandante
of the mexicali

the guy we met
at the orchard!

Rawley, I'll
back you up.

I'm the fucking sheriff
of imperial county.

This falls under
my jurisdiction,
you understand?

Not yours and not
the comandante.

But I'm going after
that judicial
son of a bitch

because he is
going to lead me
to the surgeon.

Those farm boys
don't fit your
drug angle, rawley.

That's all I'm saying.


I appreciate
all your help.

I really do,
but it really
doesn't matter

why they was killed,
now does it?

Look, I know what
they're going to say--

2 more bad seed
from south of the border,

Gustavo and Gabriel portola,
killed on a drug deal
went sour,

but that's not
the way it happened.

Sam, I've always

the way you've
kept everything
in perspective,

but you're letting
the job get to you.

You're listening
to the Mexican
inside you.

It's a tough job.

You send some kid
across the border,

he comes back,
all in the same

all because he wants
to bust his ass

for less than
the minimum wage,

and there ain't
no solution

because you can't
open the borders

and you can't
build up no Berlin
wall, either,

but if this
El cirujanofuck
gets into Mexico,

he just
going to come
over here again,

and we ain't
going to know it

because there
ain't going to be

any u.S.
Criminal record
to track him with,

and his next victim
is going to be

some big shit
orchard owner

whose tax dollars is
footing the social

for your fucking

Then let's see how
much sympathy you
wets get then, huh?

What did you say?
"You wets"?

I didn't say shit,
all right?

You calling me
a wetback?

Sam, old son,

if I was going to
call you a wetback,

I'd have done that
a long time ago.

Jo: Freeze!

Get off him, rawley!


Why are you
waiting, Jo?

Shoot the bastard!

Ha ha ha!

[Starts engine]

What was that about?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Look, Sam,
I'm sorry,

but cirujano'shit
again out at Lem
well's place.

Lem well's?

Yeah. It just came
over the dispatch.

Rawley's going to
get the call again
any minute.

Damn it.

Astor: Ay,the road.

Zac: That's
not a road, man.

That's the road
to the dry lake,

to scorpion spring.

Perhaps it's
one of those
invisible roads,

you know, like
a coyotetrack.

Hey, you know what?

I've had enough
of the insights

to the life
of the coyote
right now, all right?

So I'm not taking
my fucking car over that,

so you can get out.

I think you should
get in the car
and drive, compa.

I like you.


She doesn't like


But if you wish
to die today,

it's as good
a day as any.


Zac: Son of a bitch!

Denis: Would you
like some mescal?

I've had enough.

I hear this before.

♪ there's an a-bomb ♪

♪ h-bomb ♪

♪ aids-bomb ♪

♪ everyone
please remain calm ♪

♪ win a kilo
and a box of Pandoras ♪

♪ or choke on an order
of mequiadoras♪

♪ the u.S. Is bordering
on depression ♪

♪ keep those peasants
guessing ♪

♪ wrong numbers ♪

♪ once a week... ♪

Denis: What is
this place?

We go past.

Ique la chingada!

Pull up
to the houses.

Zac: At your service.

♪ america tripping ♪

♪ america tripping ♪

They're going to
kill US.

No. If so,
why not yesterday?

No. It's much
better out here.

There's nobody
around here
for miles.

Listen, my friend,

this time tomorrow,
we'll be in L.A.

Eating supper,
drinking wine, fucking.

You can phone
your girlfriend,

tell her what a hero
you've been.

She'll fall
in love with you
and beg you to come back.

Big happy ending.

No. I, uh...

I doubt it, man.

I, uh,
I lied to you.

I, uh...

I didn't
fuck around on Beth.

It was her.

She had the affair.

You know,
perhaps you expect
too much from women.

You shouldn't.

They're all the same.

You turn them over,
they all look the same.

What is it?

It's from Nadia.

The kid
at the gas station
wrote it for her.

She wants me
to know that

she doesn't want
to be left alone
with astor

and that, uh,
nothing happened
between you and her.

Is that right?

She's a liar.

Well, she's lying,
or you're lying.

Which is it? Hmm?

I hate to tell you, Zac,
but of course I screwed her.

She was standing naked
in front of me.

What was I supposed to do,
the Mexican hat dance?

Look, it doesn't
matter what happened

or what
didn't happen.

She needs help.

Sam: Simon.

We got him.

is all over this thing.

Lem: If you're going to
be stealing my knife,

you better bring me
a new one.

Hey, Lem.
Everybody all right?

Hell, yeah.
He just tied US up

and covered US with
that tarp there.

Funny thing was, though,
that son of a bitch

come back
about an hour later,

and he don't say
or do nothin'.

You're saying he came back
after he tied you up?

I reckon so.
Who else would come in here

and walk around the garage
and not say shit?

Where's sheriff Gill?

Came and went


what in hell are you
looking for, boy?

Goddamn it, Simon.

I lost my goddamn
cigarette case, goddamn it.

You ain't done picked it up,
now, have you, octavio?

Octavio: I ain't seen
your cigarette case, Lem.

Lem: I'll tell you
what happened...

[Voices continue indistinctly]

[Faint police radio]

What is it?
What's wrong
with her?

It must be something
she ate, compa.

Hey, help me
get her inside.

She needs some
water, compa,
from the cooler.

[Nadia groaning]

She's sick.

Hey, I'm talking
to you.

Ooh la la.

Oh, merde.

Iel cirujano!


Zac: Nadia.


[Shouting in Spanish]


What happened?



Come on. Get up.
Get up.

Come on.
You have to get up.

Get her back
to the house now.

Who was that?

An old friend
from the other side.

Like your friend
from the orchard? him.
Also dead soon.

Like all of US, no?

Yeah, well, I guess
that's up to you, huh?

You think
I'm a killer, no?

Pues es verdad,

I have killed...
When I must,

when they're trying
to kill me,

like in the orchard,
eh? Entiendes?

If you was
in my position,

you would have done
exactly as I have done.

Like back there
when you hit me

in the coronillas--
that is enough
to kill a man for.

You're very lucky,

for the moment
has passed.

Yes. What has happened
is between US.

[Nadia cries out]


Kind of across
the line, ain't you?


Looks like you
found your boy.

Where is he?

Well, let's get
something clear here.

You got your badge,
and I got mine,

but he's come
into my county,
so he belongs to me.

You think I come
to arrest him?

I come to kill him.

No, no, no.
That ain't gonna happen.

Now, you can either
talk to the feds
and tell them how

you're pursuing
a suspect across
an international border,

or you can tell me
where he's gone,

and I'll cut you
a little slack.

Scorpion spring.

Thank you, comandante,
and I promise you,

I'll save a little piece
of him for you,

something to put
in your wallet.

Sheriff, please.

Help me to my truck.

At least help me
to my truck, please.

[Groaning loudly]

It's tough
about your mama...

But you'd best
clear out of here now.


Sheriff: Hey,
you all right?

Sam: Rawley...

El cirujano...

I know
where he's going.

I'm going to
radio this in,

and then you and me
gonna have a talk.

Sorry, cuate.

Give me the gun,
very slowly.

You can't drive
in this condition.

I know. That's why
you drive in my truck.
The gun.

2 fingers.

Ha ha! You look at me
like I'm dirty, cuate.

Huh? The corrupt

I think you watched
too many gringo movies.

Let's go.

Ah, bonjour.

I hope you had
a nice rest

while you leave me
to sleep outside
like a dog.

I can't believe you.

Where's Nadia?

You're asking me?

I'm the one who slept
in the fucking ditch,

Thank god they've gone
and left the car,
so we can go.

Zac, what are you doing?



[Speaking Spanish]

Zac: What the hell
are you doing?

[Cocks gun]

Nadia and me--
we had a deal,

She must bring
the cocaall the way
to scorpion spring,

since she's
the one who fucked
everything up.


Well, now she says
she doesn't want
to carry it,

so I must force her

to keep her promise.


Denis: Zac! Wait!


El cirujano.

Are you going to
let this cabronget away?

I wonder who
the cabronis here.

We're losing time
here, cuate.

Youare losing time.

Get up.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Yes, it is
scorpion spring. Look.

There is something
over there.

Yeah, look. See?

There's some abandoned
ranch houses or something
up there.

We'll find them.

I can't believe
we made it.

Denis: There is no one
near this place.

Zac: One quick look,
and we're out of here.

[Tape playing Mexican music]

Gabriel! Gustavo!


Nadia, if they're
not here,

I'll help you
find them.


Denis: If you find them--
yes, well, very good.

While you're at it,
why don't you find
a locksmith, too?

My god, I can't
believe this.


Wait, amigo, amigo.

I'm just helping her
look for her family.

Really? Well,
I'm looking for
somebody, too,

somebody I think
you know--

El cirujano.

Come on in.
Join US.

Zac: I-I don't know
El cirujano.

You don't know
El cirujano?

That's funny because
I already know
about you guys...

From the orchard.

Look, we had nothing
to do with that, ok?

We were just trying
to help.

Just tell US
where her family is,

and we'll pay you,
and we will leave.

Why don't you
shut the fuck up
and don't bullshit me, huh?

I'm here for one reason.

I want to know
where El cirujanois

because he has my coke
and I want my coke.

Denis: There is coke?

Zac, we are driving around
all this fucking time,
and there is coke?

Ha ha! Who the fuck is this?
Where are you from, boy--

funny boy?

I-I'm from France.

From France. What the fuck
is a frenchman

doing out in the middle
of the goddamn desert?

Well, to be honest
with you, I was drying out

in a rehab clinic
in Arizona--

shut the fuck up,
all right?

Goddamn. How about you?
Where you from, boy?

I'm, uh...
I'm American.

[Other man laughs]

I'm going to
ask you again,
all right?

Where you from?

I'm--I'm American.

I asked him twice.
I asked him twice.

Didn't I ask him twice?

[Zac groaning,
Nadia crying]

Goddamn it, Arturo,
you got a short wick.
Goddamn it.

That was real
ethnocentristical of you.

You should have said
north American.

I asked you twice.

Now, Arturo here,
he hates that shit.

Sam: Stay right
where you are!

Don't move!

the girl.

Put the gun down

Comandante,step in
and identify
these men.

None of these men
is El cirujano.

Close shot.

Not really.

I didn't give
much of a shit
about who I hit.

I only told
El cirujanothat
she was a whore

he challenged
my arrest.

You dog.

I'm beginning to get
the picture, my friend.

Oh, I bet you'd
like that, huh?


I don't want to hurt
our business.

I have the rest
of the Coca
safely in mexicali,

but I want the girl.

I understand that.

But I'm afraid
that's bad luck for you

on both wishes,

El cirujano.

El rojo.

You, amigo,
you've made some
very bad business for US

in mexicali
with your little
screwdriver trick.

You've heard what
the son of a bitch has done?

I've heard
what you have done.

I did not kill
his mother.

I sent someone to his house
to get him,

but the old woman
was screaming.

This boy was scared,
so he stop her screaming
the way I teach him.

I did not want this.

Well, seems this
whole thing's

been one big
misunderstanding, huh?

So now that we
got that off our chest,

let's talk about
the fuckin' cocaine, huh?

I got a third out,
which you must pay me for.

The rest, I will go back
and bring across for you,

but you must find
another judicialto work with

because this one I kill.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
are you stupid, huh?

Huh? You got it
backwards, amigo.

You got it backwards.

There's dozens
of cheap cholosaround,

but a comandante
is not so easy to come by.

I sent my guys to settle
this shit with you
at the orchard,

cool things down,
but now we got the cops.

We got the cops right here
in the drop house.

Hell, we've got the whole
operation in one room.

The left hand
and the right hand

are not supposed to
come together. Got that?

You got a job to do:
Get the shit across,

and you got a job to do:
That's look the other way.

The 2 of you should not
even know the other exists.

But instead, some stupid
fuckin' blood feud

between you 2 titty babies
over some bitch

has really
fucked things up.

El rojo:
Shut the fuck up,
would you two?


I don't give a rat's ass
whose sister she is,

who fucked her
how many times,
or where they did it.

I want to know one thing:
Where are my kilos?

With her.
She's the mule.

You are the mother
of my babies?

I knew I liked you.

How do I know
you got them?

Are you going to
shit them out for me,

or am I going to
have to perform
a little caesarean?

No joking.

Oh, I'm not joking.

I'll cut this bitch open
from cunt to Adam's apple
if she's carrying.

Or better yet--
I'll watch you do it.

You're El cirujano,

Astor: Nadia.


No, no, no.
Please. Please.

don't shoot me,

now that everything
seems to be going
so well for me.

Sam: Imuchacha!

[Sirens approaching]

Zac: Nadia...


Zac: Nadia, wait.

Are you ok?

Stay down.

Simon: Sam.

Did you get
to rawley?

Picked him up
a few hours ago.

I'm sorry, Sam.

Wasn't there a girl
in this group?

Run a check
on that guy over there:

French actor,
denis brabant or something.

He says he was

He doesn't know anything
about anything.

I met that guy
at the motel.

Actor, huh?

I'll give him
a ride back.

I-I'm very grateful
for this ride, officer.

It's all right,
Mr. Barbant.

I got to run
a quick check
on you, though,

so I'll need to see
some identification,

like your passport
or visa.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, shit.

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