Romanzo Criminale (2005) - full transcript

Italy, the 1970s, in the grip of molded politics, corruption and the mafia. A small circle of friends grows up in Rome and decides to use their skills and connections with organized crime and specialists to carve out their own share. Thus Il Freddo, Libano and Il Dandi builds up a rogue crime empire. Commissario Scialoja however gives chase, successfully once he can play on the breakdown of their loyalty, especially from Patrizia 'Cinzia'. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food





Guys, there's a Police block!


Hang on!

Car ahead!

- I can't do it.
- To the hideout!

It hurts here.

- Think he's dead?
- What's that?

- Think he's dead?
- Andrea, what's wrong?

I see but I don't see.

Are the Police comin'?

Relax, nobody knows about this place.

Did you hear
the Police snagged Pus?

A shitty name he's stuck with
for his whole shitty life.

That's why we should pick
our own names.

I like Grand,

as in money, which is my main desire.

Call me Ursula Andress,
her boobs are my main desire!

Aren't you already named Dandy?

Yeah, like Fred Astaire,
eatin' breakfast in a tux.

I wanna be called Lebanese,
like this hash,

stoned 24-7 so I don't have
to see the crap around me.

- How about you?
- Ice.

- Why?
- Fuck you.

- That's not a name.
- And Dandy is?

The Police! Let's split!

Wait for me!

Let's book, or they'll catch us!

I'm dyin'.

Help, Lebanese.

My leg!

I'm dyin'.











It felt like forever.

- You grew a beard.
- It looks bad?

No, it looks good.


I'm plannin' a kidnapping.

- Have you flipped out?
- No, I woke up.

- Who'll you kidnap?
- Baron Rosellini.

He's loaded,
I know all about him,

my parents were servants
at his house.

- The tools?
- Machine-guns, revolvers, shotgun.

Dandy and Black are in.

The rest are from the street:
Ciro, Buffalo, Ricotta...

- The ransom?
- 5 billion lira.

- Does he have that much?
- He's even got 10!

Then let's ask for 10.

- Nicola Scialoja.
- Marshall Colussi.

- What happened?
- Seven people with ski masks.

- They want 10 billion in ransom.
- No joke!

Who's here?

The dark stinks.

Who are you?

Do I know you?


- I don't have any money.
- Shut up, Baron!

From first page to local news
in less than a month.

Like the kidnappers' ransom,
10 billion, then 9 billion,

6, and finally 3.

- Why "finally"?
- The family agreed to pay.

At least I managed to record
the bill numbers.

- They're gonna pay 3 billion?
- In a few days.

But they asked for a photo
proving he's alive.

This kidnapping seems atypical.


These guys are stray dogs,
not a gang.

- Get up!
- What? What do you want?

Get up and shut up!

- We're gonna take a nice picture.
- No!

Hold the paper.

I have to write my daughter...

What the fuck!

You scared, Dandy?

You scared?

- What about the money?
- Take his picture.

- He's dead!
- Lay him down, he'll look alive.

Let's take his picture.

- Lay him on the ground.
- Open his eyes.

- How am I gonna take the picture?
- Stand over him.

I can't reach.

Hold his head up,
or it'll show he's on the ground.

Lower him, cover the blood.

700 for Lebanese,
he thought up the plan.


500 for Ice, 500 for me...

- That leaves...
- 1.3 billion.

You did your homework!

- 1.3 to divvy up.
- 200 million a head.

That leaves 100.

Gamblin', hookers, and cocaine!

I was thinkin'...

To each his own whim, fair enough.

Dandy, you'll get a new wardrobe.

My motorcycle's kind of rusty too.

Bright Eye and Ricotta,
ladies, cocaine...

- And you?
- I wanna open a bar.

I'm gettin' me a Rolex.

- I'll buy a Bazooka.
- For what?

Then the motorcycle gets rusty,

the Bazooka jams up, and the pussy
dries out from lack of flow.

I got another proposal.

50 million a head,
then we pool the rest.

Instead of a little each,
we'll have a lot together.

- It's a great base.
- I want my cash.

Gimme the cash.

What the fuck are you sayin'?

He's speakin' so politely,

listen to him, then decide.

What's this base for?

To own what we all want.

- What?
- Rome.

But Rome's huge.

Are we small?

We'll own it through drugs,
whores, gamblin'...

- Bernardino Scafa owns gamblin'.
- Not after tomorrow.

Drugs belong to Terrible.

We'll destroy him.

- You forget who Terrible is?
- An old man.

- He's 40 at most.
- He's history, it's our turn now.

Guys are linin' up to join us.

Rat used to test drugs for Terrible,
now he's one of us.

- Everyone'll be against us.
- Who rules Rome?

If everyone rules, nobody rules.

Us against everybody, I like that.

- I'm in.
- Me too.

I don't give a shit.

Hands off.

You're talkin' about a gang,
a social group, I don't dig that.

You dig the streets though.

Black can do what he wants.

Lemme get this straight...

we buy 2.5 billion in junk
and peddle it.

- Know what'll happen?
- A war will break out.

But we'll wage war on them,
not vice versa.

Black, can you give us a sec?

From now on,
we make decisions together.

Nobody acts on his own,

we're partners now.

Get out.

- What's the deal?
- I say he doesn't know shit.

I know nothin', I was in Morocco.

We don't know shit!

- Who's she?
- My gal.

That bitch?

You went to Morocco?

Too bad, I had some Thai stuff
for you to test.

Damn, I sure missed you Rat!

You're the best tester there is.

Gemito, I said to beat him
but you overdid it.

Word has it
you're workin' for the competition.

I could understand
if you were with a real boss,

Cencio, The Neapolitan, Bernardino,
or even Frenchy.

But you're with those deadbeats
who kidnapped Rosellini?

I don't even know
who the hell they are!

Tell us where those fuckers are!

- They magically disappeared?
- I dunno.

- He's tickin' me off.
- The Neapolitan's uptight.

I don't think I can keep him calm.

Start talkin', Rat.

- I don't know nothin'!
- I wanna trust you this time.

- Can I trust you?
- Yeah.

He's all yours.

Tell those fuckfaces

to bow down
or they're in deep shit.

- Lemme see what's happenin'.
- Careful.

What'd Ciro say?

They're all at the Full 80,

only Gemito's missin'.

Gemito is Terrible's sidekick.

He was, until I bought him.

They have no clue
where the hell we are.

They can't figure it out.

Damn right,
they forgot where they came from,

they've become domestic pets.

But we're ferocious beasts.

- What's the worse that can happen?
- What do you think?

- At worst, they kill us.
- We've died a million times already.

All the times we had to say "Yes sir"

to those who treated us like shit.

You can't kill a man twice.

Thumbs up.

Dicks up too.

- Bernardino, what are you doin'?
- I pass.

- Well?
- It'll be quick.

What the fuck?

Always usin' that damn rope.



What's that, the dogs?

- Where's the light?
- Don't turn it on.

We could kill you
just like the others,

but we wanna do business with you.

We got tons of dough,
let's make a deal.

Gemito says you're a reasonable guy.

Who are you?

Nice dogs, what were their names?

- What'd you do to them?
- Are you in or out?

Get lost, fuck off!

Are you cryin'?

You're not so Terrible after all.

- How much you wanna invest?
- 2.5 billion.

I get 75% of the profits,
no buts about it!

You sell us the stuff
with a 10% markup, we peddle it,

you get 30% of the profit, we get 70.

Say you agree.

I agree.

- Good boy, Terrible.
- But Uncle Carlo might not agree.

- Who's he?
- He's with the Sicilians.

The Sicilians respect Rome,
and they demand respect.

If Uncle Carlo wants
to talk to us, fine.

Arrange a meeting.

Mind if I take your car for a spin?

Killing is no big deal
for these people.

Rome's never seen anything like this,
right Carenza?

- Can you find out more?
- I'll try.

- Who's in charge at the Precinct?
- Commissioner Scialoja.

- What do we know about him?
- Everything.

We helped him get transferred
from Bologna.

But he doesn't know that.

Stairway B, apartment 10.

No doorman.

Goin' to Patrizia's?

What's this?

Whipped cream cake,
you wanted to get freaky!

Get lost!

- I'm expecting a client.
- Me.

- No, a Japanese guy.
- He committed hara-kiri.

Take what you want.

Hold on.

The door!

- You got a pimp?
- Mind your own business.

- Do you?
- One guy who tried is still in pain.

- Are you seein' anyone?
- Get off my bed.

Come here!

You're a beauty, like a Madonna.

How much are you worth?

- You can't afford me.
- Tell me how much you want.

- All of it.
- Then take it all.

- I wanna be with you.
- I said no pimps.

I mean a relationship.

You propose, command,
who do you think you are?

You fuck like an animal...

- Real nice!
- Then teach me.

- Teach me.
- Here we go again.

Go shower, darling.


She's paying.

I see.

A gun from this gambling den
also shot the tire

on Baron Rosellini's car.

We didn't have much before,

but recently, in a lingerie store,

this peculiar client
paid with the ransom money.


She earns more in one night
than we do in a month,

Cinzia Vallesi, stage-name Patrizia.

Expulsion orders
from Bari, Bologna, etc...

Thanks, Marshall.

She spends time with this small-time
crook De Magistris, AKA "Dandy".

I think he's one
of the Baron's kidnappers.

- And the bloodshed and kidnapping?
- They're connected to the ransom.

Whoever has this money

might have dished it out
to control gambling dens

or even the drug market.

That's quite an imagination you have

but where's the evidence?

I can get evidence,
I just need some time.

You need time.

I need evidence.

- Just give me 20 days.
- Not one day more.

- Is he always a jerk?
- Always.


Real nice, Slim!

Hold on, I'm workin'.

- He's a money genius.
- Like hell!

Once we get the money,
we'll need him.

- For what?
- To make more money.

Give him one billion,
he'll earn you 1.5 billion.

- A bitter.
- With ice?

Sit down.

If we give you one billion,
how much can you earn us?

1.5, 1.7 billion.

- How?
- Launder it here and abroad.

Then I reinvest some in loan sharks

the rest in Terrible's heroin.

Will Terrible get pissed off?

Better pissed off than pissed on!

He gave me a good tip,

we shouldn't unload the next batch
right away.

Nothin' in the center or suburbs.

- We'll cut it 50% instead of 35%.
- Rat's the tester anyway.

When they're all jonesing, we unload
the junk at twice the price.

- What do you think?
- Great.


My brother's here.

- I thought you got out tomorrow?
- They messed up.

They almost made me stay a day extra.

Look who's here!

Didn't he have 3 years left?

Keep the change.

- Look what I bought back from pawn.
- Is that mom's?

You did it, finally!

When you left me alone
in the slammer, I wanted to die.

- Who's there?
- That girl...

The whore, Patrizia.

- Dandy?
- Him too.

- What'll we do?
- Let's go.

I was thinkin' of buyin' this dump.

- What do you think?
- Not bad.

If you fix it up, it'd be a cash cow.

- Tony!
- Good evening, Attorney.

- Nice song.
- Thanks.

Good evening.

- Who the fuck is that?
- Attorney Vasta.

I want you to meet him, he knows
people in the Prosecutor's office.

He looks kind of uptown.

- I can't stand uptowners.
- He could come in handy.

Patrizia, aren't you gonna say hi?

I'm dancin'.

See you later.

All they talk about in the slammer
is you, Lebanese, Dandy.

- Thanks to your bravery.
- You mean our desperation.

Knock it off!

Do you want in too?

I'm with you till the very end,
you're a bro.

Quit it!

You talkin' to me or her?

- Like her?
- Sure do, I got out today!

- What's your name?
- Loredana.

This is an old friend of mine,

show him a good time if you can.

I'll bust your face!

- Can't we be together tonight?
- I wanna be alone.

Let go!

We gotta fix this,

right now.

What the fuck! Let go!

You're hurting me.

- I gotta pee.
- Leave the door open.

- So you're a perv?
- No, I don't trust you.

- I'll give you my word.
- Whose, Patrizia's or Cinzia's?

Go to hell!

You like it violent?

- No, I'm here to talk.
- I got nothing to say to the fuzz.

What're you doing?

Stop it!

I could arrest you.

I didn't do anything wrong.

What do you know about Dandy?

I'm tired,

I had a rough night.

Right, your clients,

your work.

Men coming and going.

Are you a sadist?

Do you get off
on tormenting women?

- Knock it off, Cinzia.
- Don't call me Cinzia.

- Wanna fuck? Call me Patrizia.
- Fine.

One of your clients is paying you
with ransom money.

The hostage is dead,
a life sentence case.

I bet you know who it is.

Give me the name
and I'll leave you alone.

I don't know anything.

They come and pay, that's it.

I don't know.

Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you.

Who is it?

I can't.

I can't, I'm with a client.

Hold on, I'll come down.

Is it Dandy?

No, even worse.

I'm leaving.

When you see us leave,
get dressed and go.

You didn't give me the name yet.

You're wasting time,

you won't find
what you're looking for here.


Isn't it a beauty?

It's on sale,
14 rooms and 5 bathrooms.

Big enough for a brothel?

- Fuck you!
- Wanna work the streets forever?

- I don't work the streets.
- Like it?

We'll put it in your name,
just come with us to the lawyer.

- You'll give it to me?
- A sunk investment.

Whatever you earn is yours.

But no more blowjobs
to whoever shows up at your door.

The deal is, as of tomorrow,
you're Dandy's gal.

Take me home.

We made your an offer, say yes or no.

- What if I break the deal?
- That's unforeseen.

You haven't asked me to fuck you yet,
how come?

Are you fags?

'Cause you're just a whore.

And if you don't knock it off,
you'll be a dead whore.

Lebanese asked if you want it,
so say "Yes, thank you."

Got it?

- Well?
- He said well!

I'll shit on you.


- She bites like a dog.
- Almost bit off my finger.


- The building...
- Fine, I accept.

Gimme a minute.

He's not in.

- Where did he go?
- To a friend's.

- Who might you be?
- Roberta.

- Are you his girlfriend?
- No, I tutor him.

- I live upstairs.
- I'm his brother.

Come outside.

See how you're talkin'?


All prim and proper.

That's the effect
teachers have on you?

She ain't no teacher.

What's so special about her?

She ain't a whore.

- Why do we only hang with whores?
- People like us, from Oxford...

We were waitin' for you.

- She says you're a dunce.
- That's not true.

If you flunk again,
I'll rip your head off.

I won't flunk.

What is this?

What the fuck is this?

I donated blood,
got free coffee and croissants.

Good deal.

Stay away from deals.

Got it?

- A new scooter.
- For me?

Like it? Go take a spin.

- Right on!
- Press the pedal.

You don't know how to start it?

Know him?
Cesare Rocchi, AKA Lebanese.

- He's your friend.
- Friend?

- Don't think so.
- What'd he do to you?

To me? Nothing.

His whole life's in here,

he lived at Baron Rosellini's
as a kid.

Now he's rich
and spends time with you.

You want me to spy?

Forget it, I'm a serious person.

Let's not call it spying,
we'll call it "chatting",

I'm talking with a survivor,
that's what you are.

A gift from a friend, it stopped.

What a rip-off, never trust friends!

- Why did they let you live?
- What time is it?


Just give me ten words

and Lebanese
will get a life sentence.


What do you say?

It's workin'.

Rocchi, come get some air.

My name's Carenza,

I'm here because you risk
a very long sentence.

For what? I'm innocent, unemployed.

I live off disability payments.

- For Rosellini's kidnapping.
- Who?


What do you want from me?

A Commissioner's on your trail,
some bills were spent by a woman

to whom you signed over a building.

Big trouble.

- But I can help you.
- Who sent you here?

Who are you?

A guard, a cop,
who the fuck are you?

A guy who helps out the State
once in a while.

You wanna get me outta here?
The rest is just babble.

If we get busy,
you'll be out in two weeks.

The bills were decisive evidence.

How'd they disappear?

Who cares about your internal
investigation, Lebanese's free now.

Fuck you!

This car turns me on.

Only me and the Prince of Torlonia
have one.

I drove mom to the market with it,
everybody was starin'.

Here he is.

- Am I gettin' married?
- Someone important's expectin' us.

- Who?
- Uncle Carlo.

- Did you contact him?
- He called us.

We're doin' Rome big time!

We'll juice it!

We'd like to embark

on a joint venture.

You don't know what that is,
it doesn't matter,

Slim can explain it to you.

You pay cash on arrival
for the loads.

The profits are yours,
it's a deflationary operation.

15 kilos every 20 days,

it's not easy to move it.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, Uncle Carlo.

Does Terrible know about this offer
you're makin' us?

- No.
- Odd, he knows everythin'.

He knew where I was
when they arrested me.

He wasn't always like that,
believe me.

Now he's nothing but trouble,

and in these cases

we say...

only the living cause trouble.


Come get me in half an hour.

Mind if we keep you company?

- He didn't hear you.
- It burns.

- What'd he say?
- I didn't get it.

Wanna smoke?

It's late, I gotta go.

- How about you?
- Comin'.

Bye, Terrible.

To Lebanese, this club, and us!

Dramatic news.

The Christian Democrat President,
Aldo Moro,

has been kidnapped in Rome
by terrorists.

The five agents who escorted him

are apparently all dead.

Here are the first special editions.

Contact those hotheads
we've been following.

How about the guy we released
from prison?

You saw what happened at
the Spanish Steps, he's dangerous.

- Is he the boss?
- Yes.

Set up a meeting and be careful.

- See, I kept my word.
- Am I supposed to thank you?

No, but here's some advice,

next time pick a more discreet place
to resolve your matters.

- What do you need?
- Do you read the newspapers?

I watch TV.

- The country's at war.
- I heard.

He's the one who sprung him
from the slammer?

I guess, looks like an accountant.

He's comin'.

- That guy creeps me out.
- We don't have to marry him.

- Did he say what he wanted?
- He made it clear.

He said we gotta find out
where Moro is.


He said the interested party
would be grateful.

- And who's that?
- Fuck if I know!

- Who sent him?
- The State.

A State suit.

He knows too much about us.

Comin' in?

If we find Moro what's in it for us?


He said to find him first.

- The State does stuff like this?
- Even worse.

Patrizia could help us, with all
the government guys she sees!

We can snoop around the arms market.

The Red Brigades get weapons
from the Russians!

No way, from the Palestinians!

My ass!

We'll use our own means.

Grab the ladies.

Police, let's see some ID.

Stand by.

- Get dressed.
- Cover yourself.

- Get out, this is my house.
- Wow, you've made progress.

You take pictures here
and send them to the wives?

Or is this where
you play with Dandy?

You have no idea who comes here,
if you even try to seize it...

- You think I'm afraid of Dandy?
- I'm referring to your friends.

Just try to seize this place,
you'll end up 6 feet under.

What friends?

I'd like to give you
15 minutes of hell.

Down boy, I don't work anymore.

At school I only liked emperors,

Augustus, Titus, Hadrian...

- Not me, they were crazy guys.
- But they had big ideas.

No, they all ended badly.

Not in wars, but for bullshit.

Maybe that'll happen to us too.

You think you're an emperor?

You got some delusions of grandeur!

Just like everyone
who changed history.

- Like?
- Mussolini, Hitler...

- Even Stalin.
- Don't forget Mao Tse-Tung!

He's a Communist but he's got balls!

what's wrong with bein' a dictator?

- I ain't down with dictators.
- I know.

Think I don't know you?

I know you better than anyone else.


Leave a message,
we'll call you back.

We found the table you requested
in the Portuense area.

Call me back
and I'll give you the details.

Where were you goin'?

To Testaccio.

For what?

To tutor a boy.

All these boys can't be good for you.

Now what'll he do?

Where are we going?

To Ostia.

Can we go back to Rome instead?

I'll take you somewhere.

What do you do?

- For what?
- For work.

Where do you work?

I own a construction company.

- What's this?
- The Madonna of the Pilgrims.

Mary is holding the baby,

showing him to the pilgrims
who are asking for grace.

Because Jesus
is a symbol of salvation.

Caravaggio added the white sheet

as a premonitory sign,

as if it were the shroud.

He's telling us
Christ will die young.

In fact, the Madonna is sad.

She looks proud to me.


The Madonna looks proud.

Like it?

It's well made.

If Caravaggio saw you,
he would've painted you

instead of the Madonna.

I don't know how reliable
the information is,

but we have to follow any lead.

The house where they're holding
the President prisoner

should be near Portuense...

- Never mind, stop everything.
- Why?

Call off the investigation.

Very well.

- Are you Franco Tritto?
- Yes, who's speaking?

The Red Brigades.

We're carrying out
the President's last wishes,

communicating to his family
where they can find

the body of Aldo Moro.

What should I do?

- Can you hear me?
- Please repeat.

I can't repeat.

Tell the family

they can find Aldo Moro's body

on Via Caetani.

It's the second right on
Via delle Botteghe Oscure.

- Understand?
- Yes.

You'll find a red Renault 4 there.

License plate starts with N5.

- Should I call them?
- No, go there personally.

- I can't.
- You can't?

- You must.
- I beg you, no!

I'm sorry, but if you call

we wouldn't be carrying out
his last wishes precisely.

Talk with my father, please.

These images
risk becoming repetitive,

but the cameras
are in a fixed position.

The Police removed Moro's body.

- It's me.
- What?

- I'm goin' to Full 80, and you?
- Stayin' home.

- Why?
- I got stuff to do.

Shoot yourself!

Hold on.

I brought a gift
for your new place.

Let's go.

- This is Michelangelo.
- I know.

This is God's hand,

this is the hand of Adam and Eve,

and this is the hand of someone...

who loves you.

Are you sure?

You sure you're sure?

I'll sacrifice myself then.

- Who is it?
- Write down this name, Novellara.

Got it.

We gotta whack someone.

- His name is...
- I don't wanna know.

I bought a house
in an unknown place.

If anything happens to Ice or Dandy

and I'm not around, take them there.

Why am I tellin' you?

You're the only one
who doesn't care about money,

maybe 'cause you always had it.

With all the dough we got now,

the others forgot
they came from the streets.

- Ice didn't forget.
- He's got other things on his mind.

Whose turn?

Who authorized Black
to take two pieces?

Lebanese, to do a favor.

We're lucky to have
such handsome guys.

They're not that handsome,
I've had better.

What kind of favor?

A wooden coat,
Black's the carpenter.

He's gotta go to Bologna,

pick someone up and drive him north.

But before arrivin' Black's
gotta give him his last rites.

You're too in love,
you'll suffer when it's over.

- Why didn't anybody tell me?
- He doesn't trust you anymore.

- Huh?
- You're too in love, he said.

Fuck that!

Before dozens of men,

women, and children,

innocent victims of those

who declare themselves to be
heirs of Fascist killers

and mortal enemies
of our democracy...

Let's take off,

we'll go live in France or England.

What do you think?

Why did you want to see me here?

'Cause this is where it started
and where it'll end.

I don't like what's happenin'
or what I saw in Bologna.

Why were you in Bologna?

- Let's settle the score, I want out.
- There is no out.

Says who? You sold yourself off
to politicians.

- I didn't know about Bologna.
- So I was right.

They're just usin' us,

they'll bleed us then throw us away.

- I wanna leave on my own two feet!
- Don't jerk me around.

Politics has nothin' to do with it!

- You lost your head over her.
- What are you sayin'?

You screwed up a friendship.

Me and you were brothers.

Now he wants out!

We had a deal, "forever".

- Those rules don't count anymore.
- This leg counts.

This leg counts, forever.

I wrecked my leg
to save you and Dandy.

Did you hear what I said?

Did you, Judas?

If I'm Judas,

gimme my 30 pieces of silver
and the end.

If anything's missin', ask Slim.


Who is it?

This is 5 mill,
count it if you want...

Your 5 plus 35, on my word.

Fuck! I pass.

Me too.

Can I get another one?


I'll see you.

Two nines.


I'm sick of playin', see you.

- Yeah, but...
- What?

- You forgot something.
- No.

The money.

- I decided not to pay you.
- Huh?

Down boy, be quiet,

you're worthless even as a dog.

I killed your master
and you didn't say a word,

I threw you a bone, and here you are.

- What?
- Forget it.

Just forget it.

Lebanese, enough already.

That's up to me!

Whatcha tryin' to teach me?

Snakes like him sicken me.

But the world's full of 'em.

Take the money.

Go on!

Everyone pays back debts.

Emperors don't.

Help, Lebanese!

My leg!

What is it?

They found this on him.

A few appointments, no names.

Nine stab wounds in the urinal
by the restaurant.

"Novellara, pay back."

They found a body there recently.

With burned fingertips.

If I say August 2nd?

Bologna train station.

Contact Bologna Police headquarters.

Here are the check books,

the bank books.

If you wanna take a look...

All the accounts are in here.

Outflow, income...

It's no time to talk about money,

but that's my job.

Ice, Lebanese told me

to pay off your share.

Not now.

- He said you wanted...
- Shut up!


- What did you find out, Aldo?
- That damn game!

- Damn poker.
- Who was it?

I talked to Ricotta,
to Buffalo...

- Tell me who did it!
- Gemito.

I went by his place,
he already split.

I'll find him one day
and burn him alive.

You won't do shit.

You'll come tell me.

Slim, go home.

Go tidy Lebanese's villa,

get rid of the stuff
before the Police show up.

We gotta stay cool
or everything'll go down the tubes.



That beast has a wife like her?

He even cheats on her.

- What the fuck!
- The kid...

Cool it!

- His brother?
- He knows nothin'.

We drowned one cousin
and broke the other one's bones.

Tell Ricotta to finish off
his brother.

- Where's Gemito?
- I dunno!

That son of a bitch
even dumped my daughter!

Talk or I'll fuck up your other leg.

You could invest in Sardinia,

in safe land.

The money flew to Switzerland
in the fall

and came back like birds
in the spring.

A heap of dough.

People from Milan.

- How much of an investment?
- A 10 digit figure.

But you have to handle the deal
in Sardinia,

we gotta breathe down their necks.

No deals for now,
we can't leave Rome.

Profit will increase 300% in no time.

We gotta avenge Lebanese, right?

Revenge is a noble sentiment,
but try doing both things.

Gemito comes first.

He's been missing for months,
let it go.

He made a bad move,
you'll get revenge in time.

You're shedding lots of blood,
too much.

Believe me,
too much is the enemy of fair.

I don't give a shit about fair.

It's impolite to speak that way
to a white-haired man,

as if to say my words
aren't worth shit.

Gimme a break.

- Relax.
- I'm outta here.

Where are you goin'?

Uncle Carlo,
he didn't mean to disrespect...

but we never had a family like yours

that tells us what's right
and wrong.

We're from the streets,
we want in on the deal.

All right.

How long have you been here?

A half hour.

Come here.

I've been waiting for you.

I'm takin' you out of here.

- Freeze!
- You're breakin' my arm.

Piece of shit!

What am I accused of?

Attempted homicide,

kidnapping, and arson.

Search the house.

I get it,

the gas station guy said it was you,
you say he's wrong.

I don't care about him.

Let me tell you a story.

- A fairytale?
- No, a real story.

It begins in Bologna
and ends in Novellara.

August 2nd, the day of the massacre.

That day you rented a car
from Bologna to Rome.

We found a suit you bought
near the train station.

The clerk recalled selling it
to a dusty man

who said it was a miracle
he survived.

Why the fuck were you in Bologna?

I was waitin' for a client
who was buyin' a place in Rome.

I even helped pull people out
of the rubble.

- Is that a crime?
- No, it's not.

Novara, Novellara...
I've never been there.

We found an unidentified corpse
in Novellara.

I say he died because he knew
something important.

I know it wasn't you,

because you were in Rome
early in the afternoon.

But whoever did it used your guns,
a Walter P38.

"Your" guns?

Your gang's guns.

I knew this was a fairytale!

Did you put this on the record?

Will it be much longer?

'Cause fairytales bore me to death.


85 dead and 200 wounded
sounds like a fairytale to you?

Bologna wasn't a gang thing,
it was yours.

Quit bustin' my balls
and go look at the Ministry,

or right upstairs.

Maybe you'll find the bomb timer
says "Italian Republic".

What the fuck are you saying?

Here we go!

This is Lebanese's.

Remember it?
You were buddy-buddy with him.

Look here.

Where the fuck is it?

August 2nd, what's it say?

"Novellara, pay back",
what's that mean?

It means "leave the dead in peace".

Do you leave them in peace?

Aren't you searching for Lebanese's
killer to get him back?

- I don't get what you're sayin'.
- No, you don't.

You're looking at 20 years in prison,

and with a pretty girl like yours,
it would be a real pity.

If you don't talk,
you'll forget what she looks like.


I never even confessed to God,
why would I confess to you?

Look at you!

- Look at the shape you're in!
- Never mind.

- Lemme see your arm.
- Never mind.

Tell Dandy these guys
don't have jack on us.

- He's gotta get me an alibi.
- All right.

I saw Roberta.

She left me the keys to your place
and left.

- What'd she say?
- Nothin'.

She saw the papers, the TV,

they said lots of trash
about you, Lebanese...

She got scared.

- Did she say where she's goin'?
- She didn't say anythin'.

- Remember to do what I asked.
- Okay.

Don't be an ass.

I'll try.


Nothing to say?

You're aiding Italy's
most ferocious gang,

with dozens of deaths.

Do you realize it?

You can't hold me
for false testimony.

My lawyer's already pressing charges.

You weren't with Ice that night,
he's in love with his girlfriend.

People don't just come to me
to make love.

- Then why?
- They come to get dirty.

Did Dandy ask you to come?
You're Ice's alibi.

Will you kill for them next time?

- Bitch.
- Fuck you!

Free yourself of Dandy
once and for all.

Just admit he sent you here,

I'll lock him up and you'll be free.

I make men dream,

not die in a four-wall cell.

When did it happen?

I see, in a clinic.

Inform the judge.

- The lady...
- Let her in.

- How was your night in jail?
- Fine.

Always fine...

You can go.


Don't look at me,

I'm a mess.

You're never a mess.

- Did he believe you?
- Yes.

Good job, baby.

I'm your whore, not your alibi.

- Do I treat you like a whore?
- No, but you bought me.

- What are you sayin'?
- I know.

- Listen...
- I don't want to listen.

What're you lookin' at?
I'm handsome, huh?

I know lots of guys like you:
superficial, ignorant, heartless.

Maybe you're in deep shit
by accident,

but I know you don't like it.

- Are you done?
- Yes.

Can I get a cigarette?

Never mind.

You're free this time.

Someone you know, Patrizia,
said you were with her.

I can't prove it's not true.

You're a killer
and a drug trafficker,

that dust is just merchandise to you.

Dickheads who shoot up, right?

- What do you know about them?
- More fairytales...


But you know one of them for sure,
your brother Gigio.

They found him
with the needle still in his arm.

Sign and get lost.

No point in rushing,
Gigio didn't wait for you!

It's your fault he's dead.

- He wanted to be like you.
- Get off!

He wanted to be like you!

Close that door.

I'm takin' you outta here,
I won't leave you here.

I'm takin' you home.

Sorry about Gigio,

I'll find out who his dealer was,
I swear.

I got some important news,

Uncle Carlo found Gemito for us.

What do you wanna do?

- Can I have some sambuca?
- Right away, honey.

With milk?

- The spoon?
- It's already stirred.

Go take a look.

Dandy, give us a hand!

Where are you?

- Who'd Lebanese come here with?
- Dunno.

He said he liked the silence.

Were these books his?

- They're still wrapped.
- Maybe he bought them in bulk.

Ever look someone in the eyes
after you shoot him?

I have,
it's like they take off their mask.

A worthless guy becomes bold,

a brave guy cries,
a godless guy prays.

Wonder how we'll be
when it's our turn?


You're here.

How's it goin'?

Nobody followed me, I was careful.

Scialoja's got the special treatment
planned for me,

he may hate you,
but he hates me more.

- He thinks I was at Gemito's too.
- What an ass!

- It didn't seem like you were there.
- Is that supposed to be funny?

Then tell me why you didn't shoot
when the cops showed up.

Shootin' cops is bad luck.

They were wipin' us out
and you just took off.

When I took off
you were already on Aldo's bike

and the others got snagged,
it was pointless to play the hero.

That's a crock of shit.

Get your hands off me!

You didn't give a fuck
about avengin' Lebanese.

Here we go again.

Let go of the past
and start thinkin' about the future.

You can't erase the past,
so leave the dead in peace.

Is that Uncle Carlo's line?

He's got you trained like a poodle.

What'd you say?

Everything's fallin' to hell,

lemme show you what's happenin'.

- What's this?
- Lebanese's accounts.

The sums don't match up with Slim's.

- So?
- So, he's a vulture.

- You wanna kill him too?
- You handle him, got it?

- You can make up for last time.
- You're paranoid.

- You backin' out?
- No, I'll kill Slim.

While you're here decidin'
who lives or dies,

the others are cashin' in.

- Huh?
- They cut the heroin even more.

They sell the rest and pocket it,

that's why kids like Gigio die.

- Gimme names!
- Aldo Buffoni.

No fuckin' way!

Not Aldo.

We went dancin' last night.

- Up all night, huh?
- You know how it is...

Damn, I'm winded from walkin' uphill.

- You can't hack it, huh?
- Nope!

- But you manage to dance.
- Why don't you come too?

- We'd have a blast.
- Right on.

Lemme rest, that hill killed me.

Look what I bought myself.

The stuff inside is killer,
want a hit?

You don't get it.

Get what?

Have a hit.

- Hey!
- You don't get it.

- What'd I do?
- You resold our stuff on your own.

You don't get it.

I swear...

Look at me.

I made a mistake, I know.

Let's consider it a loan,
I'll pay it back.

I knew this would happen!

I knew it...

I'm supposed to trust friends
like you?

It won't happen again,
I'll pay back every last cent.

Everyone knows what you did.

Right, but me and you
shared everythin' in prison,

cold, heat, hunger, lice.

I wanted to tell you
who gave the stuff to your brother,

Rat did.

I'll take care of him if you want.

Want me to go to Brazil with Sonia
and disappear?

What should I do?

Go to Brazil with Sonia,

but don't ever come back, got it?

You gotta disappear forever.

Yeah, forever. Hug me.

Gimme a kiss then piss off.

My smile can chop up guys like you

more than this can.

The light bulb
finally went on in here.

There was no way
Lebanese drained his bank account.

You did it.

Where should I start?

I'll chop off a hand, a foot,

or that thing you only use to piss?

You won't find another
who moves money like me.

Oh really?

I should've told you,
but Ice was there...

- Hey, I'm not Ice.
- That's why we're talkin'.

I don't wanna talk.

Ever seen a lamb's head?
I could split you open in two.

Commissioner Scialoja please.


Just Patrizia.

I reinvested Lebanese's money.

You reinvested it for yourself,

If you want in, lemme talk.

I need to see you.

Me too.

If you want in, we'll do it together

but without Ice.

He doesn't understand
what money laundering's about.

I can't work with him,
but you understand me.

Only one of you is fit to be boss,

and that's you.

Even Uncle Carlo said so.

He did, for real?

I swear.

I talked to Ciro,
he's still cryin' over his brother.

I convinced him to take his money
and hit the road.

So it's all set.

All set.

- Is Slim still alive?
- Yes.

- So you two made a deal.
- What are you sayin'?

Hey buddy,
I may be a hermit in the woods

but I'm not green.

I would've blasted you both
if I wanted to.

But I don't give a shit anymore,
do what you want.

I'll never wage war on you.

I found Roberta,
she works at a gallery.

I can bring her here or...
here's the address.

I should've told you,

allowed you to make a decision.

Know what they say about you?


I had nothing to do with Bologna.

You wanted to build
our relationship on lies?

I didn't want to lose you.

You make my heart race.

- Just leave me alone.
- I need you.

Let me live my life in peace.

Let me live in peace.

I'm sorry.

I thought a lot
about the last time we met,

when you arrested me
then released me.


To nab Dandy?


Why'd you caress me?

What do you want?

Don't say anything.

Help me catch Dandy.

Follow Rat.

We want to save your life,
they're waiting for you outside.

Ice didn't put a hole in your head,
but Dandy will.

Unless you help us lock them up.

If you leave and they're outside,
you're a dead Rat.

- Don't intimidate my client.
- I'm not intimidating him.

Do you want to leave?
Fine, we'll let you go.

If you have special requests
for your burial, tell Colussi.

Go, you're a free man.

Don't say anything.

I wanna dismiss my lawyer.

Think it over.

I demand a written retraction
of the accusation.

- The interrogation is over.
- No, and piss off!

Don't say anything.

Calm down.

You did the right thing.

- Will you help me?
- That's why we're here.

I belong...

to a criminal organization.

It's true.

Calm down,
we can't understand you.

Breathe and tell us everything.

I belong...

For years I've belonged
to a strong and extensive...

criminal organization.

I'm in charge of assuring
the drug quality.

I know them all.

Gambling dens, land, buildings,

they even bought themselves a club.

Nobody's ever bothered them,
except for you

because they're friends
with the mafia, terrorists,

and with some cops.

Ice wants me dead,
Dandy's in charge now.

Leave Dandy,
the Police are coming to get you.

Here are your fake documents,
disappear for a bit.

Lebanese's villa's not a good idea.

We'll take you to Corsica and see
what we can do about the trial.


If you open this cell, I'll kill him.

Send him back to the office.

- I'm sorry, Bones.
- Me too.


I'm sick of bein'
a previous offender,

I want my Police record
to be whitewashed.

So if I quit,
I can leave through the front door

and end this Police nightmare.

- But Scialoja's still your nightmare.
- That's why I called you.

He's obsessed with us.

We're guilty of everything,
so we got nothin' to lose.

- What do I do?
- Two things.

First, Scialoja,
but it's gotta look like an accident

or Uncle Carlo'll flip out.

Not easy, he's always escorted.

Do what you can,

the Sicilians think only they
can kill cops and judges.

- Who else?
- A banker from Milan.

A prick who's buggin'
some of our friends.

Your friends, the Masons
who run around in aprons.

Those dickheads

who play with compasses, hoods,
and membership numbers.

I even got a number.

Once at a meeting
a guy said "Brother Mason" to me.

To me, get it?

If only my dear ol' dad heard that,

he wanted me to be a mason...

What did Scialoja want?

- Same old questions.
- Don't bullshit me.

Dandy asked me to kill him.

I don't care about your relationship

but I wanna know if Dandy asked me
because of Ice, Lebanese,

all the others in jail,
or if it's just a guy thing.

If it's for our guys, I'll kill him,
if not, settle it yourselves.

I'm gonna move in with you.



But put the house in my name,

I wanna be the boss at home.

The house is yours.

The house isn't enough.

What else do you want?

Do you want me forever?
Then don't touch the Commissioner.

- Tell Black to back off.
- Why?

- Why do you care about that louse?
- I don't.

But when he questioned me that time,

he treated me well, like a lady.

- 'Cause he was scared of me.
- Maybe, but don't kill him.

All right.


- Swear on the baby we'll have.
- I swear.

Now fuck me good.

Here's the mail and the paper.

That's urgent, from Corsica.

- Something wrong?
- Same old things.

It's a memory from a few years ago.

I'll be going.

The car is on its way.

Signor Danconi?

World champions!

Italy wins

3 to 1 over Germany.


For you.

I'll keep writing,

maybe one day you'll answer me.

Ricotta, you're becomin' famous.

Thanks, guard.

There's Buffalo too.

"A trial against a new crime
connected to terrorism, mafia..."

"The Assize Court of Rome
declares Avolio Francesco, Ice,

Sopranzi Carlo, Ricotta,

Moneta Giovanni, Bright Eye,

Calisi Marcello, Bones,

Buffoni Ciro,
and Mirabelli Romolo, Rat,

guilty of the aforementioned crimes

and condemns them
to the following sentences:

Ice, 30 years reclusion,

Ricotta, 30 years,

Bright Eye, 7 years,

Bones, 5 years,

Buffoni Ciro
2 years and 4 months,

Rat, 1 year and 3 months.

And payment of court fees..."

Bravo, Rat!

the Court dismisses the case

against Pascale Settimio,
AKA Buffalo,

as he is deemed
to be of unsound mind,

thus shall be detained in a hospital
for the criminally insane.

And lastly, the Court absolves

De Magistris Bruno, AKA Dandy,
due to lack of evidence.

The Court rejects
the remaining requests."

Court is adjourned.

Gimme this bottle,
you drink too much.

You talk too much.

You had to get drunk tonight?

You're the one who got a clean slate,

I'm still the same.

Don't, honey.

I got plans for you too,
you'll be an actress.

In porno films!

Thanks, good night.

That's too much.

Play that song about friends
for me again.

There's been an accident
near Castel Sant'Angelo,

a woman in a state of mental
confusion asked for you...

What happened?

- Take her to the hospital tomorrow.
- Don't tell me what to do.

Paolo, call Dr. Mainardi.

Calm down, honey.


Honey, it's me.

Thanks for tonight,

but you should thank me
you're still alive.

Actually, you should thank her,

because when you threw us all
in the slammer,

she told me you treated her
like a lady,

and she thought I believed her.

Everyone thinks I'm a bigger ass
than I am.

Get out of my house now.


My cousin wrote to me.

Ice, this is for you.

Put it on the table.

This one's addressed to you.

My love,

I saw you behind those bars.

I can't imagine you'll be
in prison all those years,

I can't bear it.

I don't want to lose hope
of seeing you again.

How is it?

I need you to do me a favor.

We've always been good to you,
given you plenty of coke,

we need somethin' from you now.

Find some way to get Ice out of jail.


I heard a guy in the slammer injected
himself with infected blood.

- Got any patients with sick blood?
- Sure.

- If we inject him with that blood...
- He'll get out of jail.

But then he'll die.

- Ice knows that, he wants to do it.
- I can't.

You think it's easy for me

to kill a guy who's like my brother?

You think I like askin' you
to get me this poison?

I'll smash your head
if you don't say yes,

I'll count to 3!

Now that's more like it.

Are you sure?

Do it.

We'll start the therapy after.


Come here.

- Can she come in my room?
- No.

We'll just go back here then.

It's been ages.

Ages, my love.

I'm pretending.

The wheelchair, the illness,
it's all to get out of jail

and be with you.


- Wanna go away with me?
- How?

I planned it all with Dandy.

I get out tomorrow
then we'll go to France.

I sold everything to bribe
the judges, cops, nurses.

We're broke,
but we got a house in France.

Time to go.

I put the fake documents
in Bones' cousin's taxi,

he knows how to get you
to the border.

See you, right?

Take care, brother.

This is yours, remember?

I don't need it.

You take care, got it?

Lunch is almost ready.

I'm not hungry.


I'm very satisfied
with my horse.

Leave Dandy,
the Police are coming to get you.

- It's the same voice.
- The same.

Here's the report.

"Eugenio Carenza,


Bankrupt twice, never condemned.

in the Student Movement.

Trips to South America
and Czechoslovakia.

Then nothing for five years.

And now involvement
in arms traffic".


Honey, are you home?

You're in the bathroom?

Sorry for the wait, have a seat.

To what do I owe this visit?

To the fact that our paths
have often crossed

and this is odd

considering I deal with criminals

and you deal
with something different.

Through rumors, declarations,
phone calls,

objective confirmations,

we've uncovered some rather
disturbing things about you.

- Are you here to arrest me?
- Not yet.

I'll request an investigation
to uncover who you really are.

I'll tell you myself

and spare you the worthless slander.

I'm a servant of the State.

Due to my job,

I interact with the bad, like you do.

The signals I've been gathering
for some time

indicate it will all end soon.

The division of the world,

the Berlin wall,
under whose shadow I grew old,

shows evident cracks,
and will be torn down soon,

covering the political class of
the past 50 years with its rubble.

I'll leave one minute before

the earthquake.

Don't waste your time
removing me,

history will do that.

But rather,

how did you let Ice
slip through your fingers?

My admiration for you wavered,

I hope you don't disappoint me again.

For example, tomorrow,

Buffalo will be on leave
from the criminal asylum.

Do you know what
this gentleman will do?

I certainly do,

he'll attempt to kill Dandy.

Good, and you must impede him.

- Impede him?
- Yes.

I came to say you'll be in handcuffs
soon and you give me orders?

No orders.

Impeding the murder of
an innocent citizen is your duty.

Wanna go out tonight?


What's wrong?

Nothing, honey.

Hold me.

Undress me like a baby.

I've done lots of dumb shit

but when I first saw you
and for the rest of my life,

you've been the most
a guy like me could hope for.

You know me, but there's a lot
I didn't tell you.

One is that I am sick

and when my time comes,
I want to be alone...

I want to spare you
the pain, the blood,

everything that comes
before we go.

Go do the job you love
but gave up because of me.

I can picture you,

with your glasses,
your high backside

among statues, paintings, books,

antique and beautiful things.

I can picture you, honey.

My love.

- Nice, they Grecian?
- No, Louis XVI.

I wanna live in the center again,

my father got kicked out on his ass
years ago!

Wrap up these Louis things.

Goodbye Mike.

Berlin, the border between
the two Germanies is open...

Coffee please.

Here you go.

- How much?
- 200 lira.


Commissioner Scialoja please.

Tell him it's Ice.

Maybe you don't get it,

I'm turnin' myself in,
I'll tell you everything.

Who we really were,

who we knew, who protected us.

They're big names.

I only ask one thing,

no hassles at the airport.

I just need a few hours,

then I'm all yours.

"This is my resignation letter.

I'm walking out on tiptoe.

In the future there will be no
need for people like me

because there won't be
a democracy to save,

just private interests,

battles for more power,
more money.

The few files I take with me

regard men who must save
themselves from the storm,

black souls, mercenary captains.

as we've already seen in history,

they'll be the rulers
of the chaos."

This is where everything started.

We stole a car behind that building
when we were kids.

It was Lebanese, Dandy, me,

and Grand.

Poor Andrea,

he left us that same night.

It was a night like this,

all ominous and cloudy.

Maybe his death was a sign

tellin' us to be good
or we'd end up like him.

Instead we thought
it was better to die like him

than punch a timecard
for the rest of our lives.

- What'd you tell him?
- That his wife wants to reconcile.

But she wants to do it
in front of a priest,

at that church you named.

Go there early tomorrow morning...

- Where's the piece?
- In there.

Did you really get married?

I did.

Who the heck married you?

A nutcase.

She's so short
she looks like my spare tire.

But she loves me.

I'm happy for you.

Let me off here.

- Here?
- Yeah.

- What's here?
- Nothing.

Honor to you.

I have a meeting with the priest,
is he in?

He won't be in today.

Looks like a settling of scores.

Hello, Scialoja.

What a pity,
he could've been helpful.


May I congratulate you on becoming
the new Police Chief?

Cover that body!



Where'd you go?

Some dent, what happened?

Andrea run, the Police's comin'.

Ice, what happened?

Lemme see you run!

Run, the Police!

I'm runnin'!