Romance in a Minor Key (1943) - full transcript

A grieving husband tries to uncover the truth behind his wife's suicide, leading him to discover a tragic tale of infidelity and redemption. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
"Romance in a Minor Key"

You're not asleep, darling.

You're only pretending.

Don’t be angry. The game
lasted longer than I thought.

One can't always do what one wants.

They might think,

I wasn't allowed to.

I won.

For you.

Spend it on yourself.

I want you to be pretty!

I want people to be envious.

I can tell you’re not asleep.

What do I get in return
for this, darling?

Don’t be like that!


-Is my wife going to die?
You again. I don't have any news.

She must not die!

Do whatever you can.
Never mind the cost.

I’ll raise the money somehow.

What can be done, will be done.
Why don't you go home?

What can I do at home?

I want to see my wife!
-Noone is allowed to see her.

Is she going to die?

That possibility has to be faced

but you must not give up hope.

Why did your wife commit...

Why did you do it?

Why did you..?

Are you going on holidays,
Mr. head-clerk? -No.

Mr. head-clerk,
You’d better watch out,

People are talking.They ought
to keep their mouths shut,

until they know the facts.

The people next door
have heard about it, too.

About what?

There’s talk of a bottle.

They say it wasn’t
a sudden illness at all.

Why should she have
committed suicide?

She was pretty,
she had a good husband.


Many a person dies

and what they leave
behind isn’t worth a farthing.

I want to pawn these.
Just to pawn.

Ah – over there.


Very good stuff in its time – 3.50.

Anything else?


25, half their value.

You mean 25,000.

25,000 ?

The loveliest pearl necklace
I ever saw. It must be worth

at least 25,000.

Genuine pearls?

Where did you get it from?

It was my wife’s.

She bought it in a
department store …

-This necklace?

This is the work of a specialist,
the best jeweler in town.

Where would my wife …

One is gallant,gives presents,
what the husband can’t …

Drink up!
The next round’s on me.

Come into a fortune, eh?

Maybe. Maybe 10,000,
maybe 20,000.

Maybe 25,000, maybe
even more. Who knows?

Who knows!

You’re a bit reckless today!

Why not?

I’ll have a pastis!
-It’s on me.

You bring me good luck.

He doesn’t seem
to be very sad.

What’s that to do with us?
You’re all the same.

There aren’t that
many hearts.

He was dealing.

Thank you. -One is gallant,
gives presents …

One gives...


We “sell” jewellery here.

I’d like some information.
-Where did you get this necklace?

Do you recognize it? -Of course.
It’s an excellent work of mine.

Who did you sell it to?
-Why do you ask?

The necklace belongs to my wife.

Who did you sell it to?
-I don’t understand …

I have to know.

To a madman.

There’s no other way to
describe him. A madman.

It must have been
about 6 months ago,

a day in early spring.

There was something in
the air. You know what I mean..

I had just placed the
necklace in the window

when I noticed a lady.

Her strange smile caught
my attention.

Just stands there, smiling.

Politeness is a virtue.

Excuse me.

Have you a pencil?

Where’s the lady?

Which one?
-The one with the smile.

How can I know?

She was just enquiring
after a pearl necklace.

If you excuse me..

Think she'll come back?
-How can I now?

Which one?

This one here in the middle.


Just a minute …
I thought I had …

Ah, here’s one.

How much does the necklace cost?


Here’s 50. I’ll bring
the rest tomorrow.

Look after my necklace.


As I said, a madman.

Next day he brought the
rest of the money.

I was to give the necklace

to the lady with the smile.

A delicate assignment,
to be sure.

How was I to find her?

2 weeks passed.
I waited.

May I ask you to step
in for a moment?

You were enquiring
after a pearl necklace.

No, it’s impossible,
quite impossible.

Would you do me the
favour of trying it on?

I don’t want to make it
harder for myself.

Allow me …

Beautiful -

really beautiful.

Pearls stand for tears,they say.You
must put an end to this superstition

I congratulate the necklace.

It has found the best
place it could wish for.

I don’t understand.

It’s yours. I have instructions
to hand it over to you.

One is gallant, gives presents.

Would you please sign here.
A receipt for my customer.

Your name and address.

Politeness is a virtue.

I would be grateful if you would
take over. -With pleasure.

I never saw him again.

That’s all.

Who was the man?

It's me, Michael, let me in.

What’s happened?

I’ve killed a man.

I’m not even sorry.

What shall we do?
They’ll be looking for you.

Give me something to drink.

Of course.

You’ve killed someone?

It all began with a pearl necklace.
I bought it for a woman

I didn’t even know

I should never have bought it,

then Madeleine would never
have done what she did.

Is it to do with Madeleine?
-Yes, everything.

The first time I saw her she
just stood there, smiling.

I was out for a bit of fun.

How little I knew her.She wouldn't
accept a present from a stranger.

I followed her.You know me,
when I set my mind on something …

Can I help you?
-I’m looking for some brown boots.

Can I help you?

I’m with the lady.


Lovely things shouldn’t
be hidden.

Wonderful things, department
stores, they have everything.

We have boots for 6, 12 and 18 …
-Those for 18. -Those for 6.

They’re sure to be too big.
Your husband thinks …

Exactly. And my dear wife?

Isn’t this going too far?

I’m sorry. Politeness is a virtue,
I know.

I’ll take those for 12.

Yes, 3 of those, 5 of those
and 5 of these, too.

10. You’ve forgotten me.

Are you always so persistent?

Yes, but now I’m hungry.

I have to buy some food.

Make it easy for yourself.

Sit down at a table and
choose what you’d like to eat.

Ever tried?
I could show you.

Au revoir.

Exactly what I had in mind.

I’ll be sitting over there in
the restaurant.

Don’t keep me waiting for too long.

You can be sure I won’t come.

We shall see

2 hors d’oeuvres,
once artichoke extra,

2 clear soups, 2 times spinach,

2 chicken breasts 2 caramel
custards two glasses of red wine.

Well, was I right? Have we
dined together or not?

I had to come back
to collect my parcels.

I usually have some small
change on me..


I can pay for my own.

What have you got there?

A necklace. Would you like it?

Isn’t that the …

Yes. It’s yours.
I believe the lady is paying.

How did you get this necklace?

It appealed to me.

You haven’t stolen it, have you?

Not so loud.

I hate to see things lying around.

Take it back at once. Or I shall.
-It’s crazy!

What kind of a person are you?

I’m alright at heart. It just
wants to be brought out.

If I could find someone...

Haven’t you the strength
to try on your own?

Now you’re involved, too.
What do you mean?

You are equally guilty.

You ought to report
me to the police.

Go on, tell the police.

Is there no other way?


We can start a new life together.
That is, I start

and you help to bring
out the best in me.

But we’ll have to be
together day and night,

If you leave me alone
I’ll land in the gutter again.

When and where can I
pick you up tomorrow?

Have you given me up?
-Who do you think I am?

I can’t tell you that here.

Give me the necklace.
I’ll bring it back.

I don’t want you to go to so
much trouble over a necklace.

Maybe you could come along and
pick up the other things.

Other things?
-Quite a collection.

One sees something here,something
there, it all adds up. -Terrible!

I’m expecting you.
Tomorrow evening,

late afternoon, at my place.

Excuse me, the bill. 29.45.
-One moment!

29.45 , would you be so kind.

I don’t seem to have
any money on me

Keep the change.

My address: 7 The Old Bridge,
entrance on the left,

3 steps, second door on the
left. Mind the step!

Madame is expected.

I’ve been waiting ages for you.

I’ve only popped in for
a couple of minutes.

At 60 seconds a minute?

Why have you been putting
on this act?

I can’t explain that
in 120 seconds.

Then hurry up.

May I await the full minute?

7 seconds to go.
Won’t you take a seat?

Thanks. It’s not worth it.

58 – 59 – 60.

A day in early spring,
the tender green of the birch

trembles in the sparkling
light of the firmament.

The magnolias have
unfurled their goblets...

Too long, I know. A man
meets an enchanting woman.

No objections allowed
due to lack of time.

Besides, it’s true. A precious
4 seconds wasted.

The enchanting woman smiles.

Like now.

The man is enchanted.

He must get to know
this woman.

It would save time if you left
out the enchanting bits.

You are right, to be sure.

He buys a pearl necklace
and asks the jeweler

to present it to her.

She refuses to accept.
The first approach has failed.

But once he has set his
mind on something..

He meets her again by chance.

She is unapproachable,
he is insistent.

One word leads to another,
her answers are charming.

The result: I can no longer live
without this enchanting woman.

What is it?

Thank you, that’s all right.

Where did I leave off?

I cannot live without her.

You have no other choice.

I still have another 48 seconds.

Take yourself seriously
for a start.

A man like myself needs
more than 48 seconds..

to take a man like
myself seriously.

I’ve fixed up a little...

Champagne, too,
in broad daylight.

If the daylight bothers you,
that’s no problem.

You’re a swindler.
You turn day into night

and all my good intentions...
-become even better.

Don’t we all swindle a little?

I don’t.
That’s easy to say.

Did you always tell the truth
yesterday? -Me? Yes.

I mean later,
when you got home.

2 minutes passed, I've got to go.
-Don’t swindle.

You don’t have to,
you want to

You don’t even want to.
You don’t even have to want to.

It’s easy for you women when
you don’t have an answer.


You use a smile as your excuse.

Let me warn you.

We men often take that as
an answer to questions

which we do not dare to ask.

For example?

Will you be my mistress?

If you are not being serious
then I have to go.

And if I am being serious?

Then I ought to go.

Go on playing.

Thank you for coming back.
I was reproaching myself.

I had to come back. -Now I can
explain why I said that to you.

Yesterday,in front of the jewelers,

when I didn’t realize that
politeness is a virtue.

You did think I am mad?
All artists are mad.I’m a composer.

That’s no excuse.

You don’t know the details.

Preparing for a concert,I searched
for a melody to a romance for days.

I could feel how it should be,
it was practically finished.

But I couldn’t express myself,
I couldn’t write it down.

I ran through the
streets in despair.

Then I saw you smile suddenly.

This melody is the result
of our meeting.

But what did I do?
-You smiled.

Now I have the tune,
but something is still missing.

The smile is no longer enough.

I need...

your friendship.

You weren’t so modest before.
-I only had 2 minutes.

That’s why I behaved like that.

Otherwise I would have said...
-I have to go again.

Take the romance with you.

Without you it will
remain unfinished.

Major key, nor minor.

-I prefer it that way.

It has to sound radiant.

A happy romance.

Romance in a major key.
-No, minor.


Yes, a farewell melody.

Romance in a minor key.

You’re right.

Quite right.

You know a lot about music.
-I love music.

It’s wonderful talking to you.

You must keep coming.

I’ll never come again.
-You’re swindling again.

You came back just now.

To prevent any misunderstandings,

I came back because I had
forgotten my handbag.

You don’t need me anymore.
The romance is complete.

It has become a farewell melody.

You are right as far as the
music goes. As for us

All the best.

Not even an “au revoir”?
-Not even that.

By the way, you owe me your share
of the meal.

I thought I had been invited.

I still have the necklace.

Won’t you at least wear it now
and again in memory

of a romance in a minor key?

That’s the second
direct question today.

Which you have answered
with an unfathomable smile.

Let me put things straight.

I shall neither become
your mistress

nor shall I ever wear those pearls.

A pearl necklace?

Been on a shopping spree, darling?

Don’t look so startled,
I don’t mind.

They look almost real.

What pretty things one can buy
in department stores.

Did you pay a lot for it?

The housekeeping money won’t
last till the end of the month.

It can’t have cost more than 50.

Whatever’s left over you can
put down for next month.

My winnings.

I’ll leave it on the bedside table.

I’m not angry.

Who could be angry with you,
my sweet?

What are you doing, darling?

What’s up, Tamara? Haven’t
the changes been rehearsed?

I’ve gone through the new
version with madame,

I don’t understand.

Two beats before F, please.

The phrasing is wrong.

It’s the changes.

I can’t get the feel
of the new key.

Why are you so against this change?

Don’t you want to sing it?

I’ll do my best.

Right, gentlemen, once again.

What’s up with those two?

They usually get on so well.

Autumn seems to have
come round again.

But spring has only just begun.

Exactly, for one of them.

And autumn for the other.

I don’t understand.

Two muses pass in the doorway.

You were saying?

It’s no good. That’s enough
for today, gentlemen.

I’m glad to see you.
I have to pack his cases.

He’s going off to his brother
in the country.

The concert’s been postponed.
-And you don’t know what to do?

At last!
I’ve been waiting ages for you.

What, again?

I can’t get used to this timetable.

Either you are only free from 9-5,
Tuesday eveningsfrom 8-11

and a Saturday afternoon every
2 weeks, sundays never.

But whenever I need you
you haven’t got the time.

Can you tell me why?

We’d agreed not to talk about it.

Everything about you is strange.

Like your smile.

And yet you still maintain
that you love me.

Maybe that’s why.

Are you going away?

Will you come with me?
For one day, at least?

Today is Tuesday. -I can’t
take that into consideration.

But I have to take
it into consideration.

Please accept that.

Madame Tamara is waiting
for you in the music lounge.

Go and fetch the small case.
I’ll pack.

Can I be of help?

My good fellow!

And a suitcase for you?

You don't wish to go?

It is not a matter of wishing.

You wish to annul your contract?

It’s best for both of us.

Just because I changed the
key of the romace?

You have your reasons.
And I have mine.

Since when do you put your
moods before your work?

Ever since you do the same.

You’re deserting me.
-You can put it that way, yes.

We’re talking of
two different things.

I don’t know what you mean.

It would break our agreement
if I were to explain.

I have a great deal
to thank you for.

May I suggest,

as agreed between us in case

of this eventuality,

that we part as good friends.


Won’t you help me on with my coat?

I’m sorry.
That was unforgivable.


It’s not easy to humiliate
a woman in love.

What a wonderful
woman you are.

At last! I’ve been
waiting ages for you.

What’s happened?

A little trouble at one of
our branches in the south.

I'm sent as an auditor.

I’m sorry for myself,
but I won’t be away for long.

When will you be back?
-Tomorrow evening,if all goes well.

Shall I take my black suit?

They may think I’m vain
but it’s a serious matter.

When does your train leave?
At five.I have another 15 minutes.

I’ll pack you something to eat.

Will you come to the station?
What a wonderful woman you are.

It’s the first time I’ve
left you alone, darling.

Make sure you go straight home.

Read a book if you're bored.

There’s a button loose on
my grey suit.

Don’t forget to give the bird fresh
water. If he takes it from you..

Darling, don't be sad, just a day
and a night and I’ll be back again.

Only a day and a night.

Your smile is hard to fathom.

What does it mean now?

Can’t you see?
-Of course.

I’d like you to say it.

By the time it’s been
said it’s already gone.

I’d like to hear it all the same.

I wish I could stay here forever.

The stillness, the peace,

the open air

here with you.

Then do so.
It’s what I’m waiting for.

We don’t have
Tuesdays every day.

Can’t you even take me
seriously for one second?

A person like me shouldn’t
take a person like you seriously.

I took you seriously once
for 48 seconds.

You changed my whole life.

Just for one second.
Will you be my wife?

Am I not already?

That is not an answer.

One day you will write
another concert,

you’ll be looking for a romance
or a capriccio or ..

You will hurry through
the streets as before,

and see someone smile.

The old romance will have
long faded away.

You’ve nearly twisted
off my button.

Your loose waistcoat button.

That’s why it won’t work.

Excuse me. Hungry? The
chickens are flying out of the pan.

We have a slight controversy.
Madeleine says no, I say yes.

What do you say?

Your brother is sensible.
I always am when I’m hungry.

You want to go back to town
tomorrow? -I’m afraid so.

A button is waiting.
We have a sewing box here.

No timetable today,
we must make the best of it.

What does that mean?

No counting the minutes
today as it wasn’t planned.

I don’t understand
but I agree perfectly.

Is it dark yet?
-Of course. Why?

It’s important. Would you put
some champagne to cool?

What does that have to
do with it being dark?

Madeleine doesn’t drink
champagne in broad daylight.

Michael is trying to annoy me.

He always does that
when he’s jealous.


Are you jealous?

Yes, sometimes.

Do you mind if I take
part in the conversation?

Sorry, we didn’t know
you had visitors.

We don’t want to disturb.

-Too late.
We’ll leave at once

unless you insist on our staying.

Then I suppose I’ll have to insist.

Victor. My friend and neighbor.

Our fields border on one another.

Our hunting grounds, too.
My brother Michael..

his wife.

All guilt is avenged on earth,
my friend.

No one can escape
his just punishment.

Thank you for having
discovered the embezzlement.

I was only doing my duty.

Since we know the extent
of the matter it won’t take us long

to list the items.

I’ll be able to catch
the night train

and I can be home
half a day earlier.

How’s your wife?

Not too good.
Is she ill?

She’s alone for the first time.

If I were a poet your beauty
would inspire me to write.

Excuse me, madam,
but Victor is making a mistake.

You are young,
beautiful, happily married.

A life devoid of conflict.

No theme for a book.

An edifying treatise, maybe.

And so they live from day to day,
at the Lord’s pleasure.

I admire your keen perception.
-I live consciously,I have practice.

You never make a mistake?
-I have no wish to contradict.

You do not regard her as
a good literary subject?

She would need to change in
order to stimulate my fantasy.

If,for example,you were not the wife
of this composer but his mistress

A “petit bourgeoise”. Let’s say
the wife of a glovemaker

or a post office clerk.

In a romantic but everyday fashion
she meets, in front of a hat shop

Or a jeweler’s...

No good at all.
What would she be doing there?

She could be smiling, for example.

...she meets this romantic figure.

And maybe 24 hours later

48 seconds change a whole life.

Very imaginative and truly feminine,
but take the word of a poet,

real life is quite different.

How mistaken one can be.

I always thought he was
an honest fellow,

a little irresponsible, but...

His marriage is to blame.

He married a woman he didn’t love.
She has done a lot for him.

That’s all right for a while but
then one starts looking elsewhere.

A man of character should
be able to cope with that.

Whose fault is it? Love
is a gift of providence.

You must look after your guests.
-I have only one guest.

You promised to play for us.
That was “our” plan.

Stay there,
I’ll make it short.

May I keep you company?

Aren’t you interested in music?
-I might ask the same of you.

Besides, I can hear
very well from here.

Your brother-in-law never
mentioned your marriage.

I find it hard to believe.

Theoretically speaking.
An artist has to be inspired.

Michael is a hardworking artist.

Compositions change and
so do the inspirations.

I don’t know much about music.

Then how can you be his wife?

It’s quite simple, I love him.

You have to come to a decision.

It is your decision.

He is good, and faithful.

I am the focal point of his life.

He has done so much for me.

All I can do for him is..

stay with him.
-But you love me.

That is why I cannot be happy.
You have a right to be happy.

Do we really have that right?

Wouldn’t it be better
if we separated?

Excuse me, which station is this?

What a delightful surprise.

Who would have thought it?

Travelling all alone
at this time of day?

I had to return to town in a hurry.

Had I known,
I would have picked you up

in my car and driven
you to the station.

I’ve missed the opportunity
of doing a lady a favour.

Is something bothering you?

No, why?

I don’t know, I’m sure.

You are to be envied.

Do you think so?

Living with such a man must
give a woman a sense of fulfillment.

Did you say something?

You have remained silent and I have
taken the liberty of keeping you company

I’m tired.

We’ve arrived.

May I drive you home.
-No, thank you. Goodbye.

Good morning, madam.
Been shopping already?

-I didn’t see you leave.

I’ll announce my
departure next time.

Are you having the
goods delivered?

There comes the delivery boy.

Goodbye, madame.

Back already? -Just arrived.
It went quicker than I thought.

Been at the office already.

You came on the early train?
-Did you enquire?

What a good little wife you are.

You wanted to fetch me?

I had no idea...!

How happy you are to see me.

Let’s make ourselves comfortable.

You should have drawn a heart.
You should have passed.

It’s all settled,
each of you pays 8.50.

What? How much?

Here you are.

Will you be playing much longer?
-About an hour.

They say some fellow
died shuffling cards.

You bring me bad
luck, darling.

Another hour. All good things
come to an end.

Madame is expected.
-What are you doing?

Making supper.
I’ve already done the washing-up.

I didn’t know it was that late...
-I’m going to spoil you today

I fixed up a little celebration..

Pastries, champagne..

goose-liver pâté,
the best kind with truffles.

What’s all this for?
-A little 'rehearsal'.

The boss is handing over the
business to his nephew.

He’s holding a farewell party
tomorrow, for his co-workers.

The ladies are also invited.

May I?

May I introduce my successor?
My nephew Victor.

Many of you who have honoured
me by your presence here today

have been working with
me for many a year

and have helped in the creation
and growth of the bank.

My retirement will make
no difference

to the running of the bank.

I am convinced that my nephew

will carry on in my footsteps,
to the good of us all.

May the moral impeccability
of our firm,

the integrity of our staff
and the correctness

of our business dealings be
his first concern, as it was mine.

May I ask you to raise
your glasses

and join me in a toast:

May we remain true
to this ethic principle

in our life
and in our work!

Wonderful! -Great!

To the morality of the

May I come in?

So this is where you live.

May I ask...

I just wanted to see
how my employees live.

So I started with you.

Won’t you come in?

Strange that we should meet a
second time against your will.

Maybe it is all a plan

more serious-minded men
than I would call it destiny.

Why torture me in this way?

I am not torturing you!

Then what?

I am in love with you.

Hopelessly, I thought,
until yesterday.

As Michael’s wife

you were unobtainable

and as the wife of my chief clerk
taboo by then moral standards.

of my uncle.

Now I have the choice of reasons as to
why I should not be in love with you.

I also have the opportunity
of telling you that I am.

What do you want from me?

You will excuse me,
but I am surprised

that a woman should feel offended
when a man tells her he loves her.

We have to see each other again.

Come and see me
tonight at 8 o’clock.


You’re going out in this weather?
-It’s Tuesday.

Can’t you stay at home for once?

I’m never at home on Tuesdays.

Please stay, for my sake.

I’ll be back in an hour.

I’m going to win, my
fingers are itching to be at it.

It’s cozy here at home, too.

My thumbs itching...

The couple from the 3rd
floor are together again.

She came back and
confessed everything.

He forgave her.

He took that woman back?

He loves her all the same.

No character. You can’t forgive
something like that.

Terrible. I’m itching to play
and I haven’t any cards.

I’d like to pop over for a while.

Go on, then.
-You’re not angry?

You stayed.


Here’s a letter just been
delivered from a Mr. Victor...

No, it’s for you.
-For me?

From my boss? Thank you.

Why can’t they send their
letters in the daytime.

Climbing all those
stairs in the dark..

It can’t be true.

You really did that?

Madeleine. I am so lucky!

Whatever gave you the
idea of going to my boss?

Your wife has been telling
me of the services

you have rendered our firm,
thus causing me to consider

how best to make
use of your qualities.

He’s offereing me the
branch in the south.

For a trial period.
I’m to go alone,

you can follow later.Go on,
read it!I can’t believe it.

What’s the matter?

Don’t leave me alone!

Tell him you’ll only accept

if you can take me
with you straight away.



Madame was here.

-She has already left.

One moment.


Did you see a lady pass by?
-A lady..



It would be ill-advised
to talk here.

Your husband has thanked
me for his promotion.

He demands that you
accompany him immediately.

I refused, as you
will understand.

Why did you ask him to do that?

I was trying to make
things easier for you.

Leave my apartment at once.

You force me to use a rigidity
that I would never allow,

if I wasn't so madly
in love with you.

This may hardly be the moment
to explain such a thing

in the manner befitting
a woman like you.

Excuse this admittance.

Madeleine, I await you in my
apartment at 8 o’clock this evening

Your husband is detained
on business.

Your friend is busy
with his concert.

It will be easy for
you to get away.

I am not coming.
-That would be very unwise.

A man whose feelings are
rejected in such an offending way

could go as far as

to destroy the happiness of others.

Forgive me, Madeleine.
I can’t help it.

I’ll be waiting.

What’s happened?

I fell over.

It must have something to
do with your nervousness.

Something’s the matter with you.

Are you ill?

I’m alright now.

Why aren’t you at the bank?

I want to change into my dark suit.

I have to draw up the
accounts after office hours.

The new boss said so.

Today of all days, just when
I had two tickets for the concert.

This is your ticket.
I’ll meet you there. Happy?

I would have preferred the circus,
but it was sold out.

I need a clean handkerchief.

How did you manage to fall over?

You have been rather
nervous recently.


Is something wrong
with your mother?

Or have you other problems?

I have to go.

Got the handkerchief?

I’m off.

I’ll meet you at the concert.
Make yourself attractive,

wear your pearls.

Did I miss anything?

What, over already?

Yes, all over.

Have you found her?

I want us to take another
bow together.

Shall we go to the café?
-Are you itching to play again?

I’m tired.
-I’ll take you home.

I haven’t far to go.

All the best - and thank you.
-What for?

For everything.

Oh, yes, the music. See you later.

You must be very happy.Tonight you
have achieved all you wanted.


No, not all.
-Not got over it yet?

Thank you for not letting me down.

I will never do that. Good night.

Sleep well.

A letter from madame.

Where has he got to?
He’s usually the first.

Yesterday’s winnings must
have gone to his head.

It was a pretty big sum.

Now he can buy his
darling another necklace.

When does your boss arrive?

We don’t open until 9.00 a.m.

Where have you been?

I wish to apply for leave.
-And to what do we owe this honour?

My wife has...
My wife has had an accident.

What happened?

You want to see me?

Can I take a leave....


For as long as you like.

What’s happened?
-His wife has had an accident.

How terrible. What happened?

I hope nothing happens.

I am at your disposal.

-Whenever you wish.

The day after tomorrow.

His bullet smashed my hand

mine hit him in the heart.

In going to Victor she wanted to
spare her husband the disgrace.

She killed herself
because she loved me.

What are you going to do now?

I cannot play any more.

Flee across the border.

It’s my fault.

I have more to atone
for than this shot.

You want to turn yourself in?

But I have a duty to perform first.

Do you think that makes
everything alright again?

You think that your admission
of guilt will erase everything?

It’s easy for you fine gentlemen.

You stand in a field at dawn, fire
a couple of shots and

the survivor has
got his honour back.

It’s not that easy for me.

That little memento will
settle down.

This woman made a
sacrifice for you.

Sacrifice? That’s what you think,
you’ve been betrayed too.

I thought you were
cleverer than that.

What you call sacrifice is
only a link in a chain with no end.

Started by you.

One is gallant, gives presents.

What the husband can’t..
Over and done with.

Maybe you were surprised
that I didn’t jump at you

Settled. Over and done with.

Doesn’t even hurt any more.

subs by m.a. and schrphdn