Rolls-Royce Baby (1975) - full transcript

The "Rolls-Royce Baby" is an irresistible Erotic Diva who rides around in a Rolls-Royce in search for simulated sex with strangers. She is chauffeured by the great and multi-talented Eric. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
I want to be free.
Naked as a little girl.

I want to make every man feel
like he's the first one to possess me.

I hope there will be many.


thousands and more,
who will...

over and over again
by day and by night.


strong men.

My name is Lisa Romay.

I'm a model and actress
in erotic films.

They call me the Rolls-Royce baby
and this is my story.

You've impressed Jack. He's very
excited that you're doing this.

He says you're a great actress
and I agree with him.

Now you're exaggerating.

No really, you're great.
A real talent.

I can't argue with honesty.

Believe me, I know about these things.
But let's get some work done.

Jack wants something really sexy
with a naked Lisa.

Are you ready?

Now, let your hair go.

That's it.

Sit down.

Now, look seductive.

And cross your legs like this.

And your arms like this.

Now take the pearls between your teeth,
like Marilyn Monroe.

And now...

Now stretch out.

Yes. And we're done.

Keep that pose.

That's it.
Now arms forward.

Fine, let's keep it like that.
One moment.

And now... leg forward a bit.
That's it.

One more.
And the necklace here.

Next one.

Now give yourself over.
Beautiful, one moment.

Now cross the other leg.

And now, bend like this.
Great, fantastic.

Don't move.


Ok, now lean back a bit.

And the legs...
- Like this?

Yes, great.

And now... eh,
put the pearls in your mouth.

One sec.


Sorry, that's not right.
Let's go again

We need more sex.

I love the light on my naked body.

I like being photographed this way.

I am... the way that I am.

Ok, one more.
Look at me.

Good as always.

With your talent,
you'll have a great career.

I like it when you flatter me.

I often imagine I'm lying in the sand...

and each grain caresses my skin.

Very fine sand.
- And you're alone.

A man loves me.

Sand is everywhere
and every grain caresses my body.

It's like fireworks
going off inside me.

I just let go
and forget everything else.

The sand is hot.

My fingers grab on to the
millions of grains...

and let them fall on my naked body.

Kiss me.

You see, I am indescribably happy
just to be with a man like you.

Is that too much to ask?

But to be honest...

When I'm in the arms of one man,
I already long for the next.

I can't help myself.

Not that I'd want to change.

Your coffee is ready.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Do you like it?
- Delicious.

Unfortunately, I'm on a diet.
- You're kidding.

What do you do?
- Nothing special.

I like you. Strong and handsome...

It's all in the exercise,
nothing to it.

I exercise too. Yoga. Want to see?
- Yes please.

I have to get to the studio
for a photo shoot.

You're in all the magazines.
They show your movies everywhere.

That is now.
It wasn't always like that.

There were times I had nothing to eat.

Always on the road,
walking, hitching rides.

Looking good.

Time already?

Look for yourself.
We have company.

How'd she get here?
- Picked her up hitch hiking.

Welcome aboard.
Happy to see you.

You can go first.
- I wouldn't have it another way.

Would you look at that.

So we're doing a local run?
- It's going to be a great night.

So, let's try this.
- Of course.

You're next.

See you later.
- What's the meaning of this?


And now I have a Rolls Royce.

Maybe you can work for me.
As chauffeur I mean.

We'll drive around and pick up
some lonely hitch hikers.

I bet you look good in a uniform.
- And I am strong.

That's why I hired you.

I can see myself in uniform now.
And you in the back of the car.

I was doing another shoot
with Fred for a poster.

And I enjoyed it as he looked at me.
And devoured me.

I gave him my most seductive poses.

And Fred followed my lead.

It wasn't long before he wanted
the poses I like the most.

The ones in which I feel free
and completely at ease.


Come in.

You wanted me, ma'am?

I did.
- What can I do for you?

I need to go out today.

You will come with me
and do as I say.

As you wish, ma'am.

Stop the car.

Here you go.

Hello there.

Let me look at you.

We've arrived.
- Thank you, Erik.

Do you see that man there?
- Leep on driving.

He wants us to stop.

Shall I pull over?
- I want to have a better look first.

He's young.

Can I hitch a ride?

Stop the car.
- Yes ma'am.

Do you want to go for a walk?
- I'd love to.

Then let's go.

And you won't try anything?
Then I'll come along.


Erik, hand me a tissue please.
- Yes ma'am.

Drive on.
- Yes ma'am.

You wanted me?
- Yes.

I need to go out.
Please get the Rolls ready.

As you wish, ma'am.
As you wish.

Thanks. Everyone else just kept going.

Hi there.
Won't you get in?

Look, a man by the side of the road.

He wants a ride.

He's young.

Let me know if you want me
to pull over.

Pull over.
As you wish.

Come, sir.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Why hello.

All I really want from men is
tenderness, and gentle caresses.

I always intend them to just
caress me, and nothing else.

But then all good intentions disappear.

He's there, and I want him,
and then it just happens.

Do you want me to caress you?

You rang for me?

You called for me, ma'am?
- Yes.

I'm in the mood for a ride.
- I will get the car for you.

And then there's... can I ask...
- The girl is no longer here.

That's great. So we're alone.
- Right. Just you and me.

As it should be.