Puncture (2011) - full transcript

Idealistic lawyers Mike Weiss and Paul Danziger are partners. Mike is a drug-addict and Paul is a family man with a pregnant wife. When nurse Vicky Rogers seeks them out, they learn that she contracted AIDS a couple of years ago when she was accidentally pinpricked with a contaminated needle by a violent patient. Vicky shows a retractable safety needle invented by engineer Jeffrey Matthew Dancort, who owns the Safety Point Company, but is unable to sell his product to any hospital from the United Medical group, apart from San Antonio Memorial. Danziger and Weiss accept the case and go to court against United Medical, defended by powerful lawyer Nathaniel Price. Soon, they see all the doors closed in their fight against the powerful mafia of the medical supply system.

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Mom! David took my hairbrush.

David, give your sister brush back!

Its alright. I got it

One minute!


Thank you, Mom.

Quit it.

You know the keyboard with type
writes are like to crying...

- 'Slow. Keep it down.'
- Oh, yeah?

Here we go!

Dammit. Hold him still!

My bad, sorry I'm trying.

- Shit, shit, shit.
- What?

It got stuck.

Oh, I got this.

- What happen?
- She got stuck.

based on a true story

- I don't give a fuck of that bitch.
- She freaked out?


Is there anything more bored
than patterns on hotel room?

I know.

Why they can't just use solid colors?

Easier to hide the stains.

That's so right.

We gotta get the fuck off the stain.

Who you waiting for?

Hello, Mike.

Can you turn off that goddamn music?

Yeah, for most part, yeah.

Yeah, I guess you can say that.

So it's bullshit they fired a guy
because of falsifying his resume...

It because he exposed the work orders.

It's a little late to change
your tactic, isn't it?

It's all warp out on the repairs.

But it didn't matter because they never
gonna do the repairs to begin with.

Hey, lad, shut the fuck up!

- Hey!
- Mike, where are you?

Just hanging out with some friends.

You know what? You get some
sleep, I got this, okay?

- Hey!
- Bye.


- You still sleeping?
- Yes.

So you try to tell the juror the
reason my client was fired...

Was because his falsify his resume.

Not because he went bob your head...

And reported the trucks not getting fixed,
and people are dying as result. Correct?

Say yes.

- Yes.
- Now, you also already said...

That you won't even re-review
my client resume...

After he went to the media, correct?

- Yeah.
- On, May 9th...

Trucks went to the house Alex
Foreman for the broken water pump.

That's result on Mr. Foreman
burning to death...

On June 17th...

Another house went to the house
Crystal Dorgan...

Also with the non-working pump also
ending with Ms. Dorgan burning...

- To death.
- Is that true?

- It is.
- Not shit?

- Damn.
- He knew sent non-working
fire trucks on the house on fire?

- He says he didn't.
- But you just say the trucks were broken...

Because the work orders were deleted.

Work order could be anything.
It could be broken ladder...

It could be tire alignment.

It could be a tear on the fire suit fabric.

But it wasn't a tear on the fucking suit fabric.

The damn pumps won't work, right?

So if the work orders were being deleted...

And you didn't know the trucks need to be fix...

They were never gonna be repair
to begin with, were they?

So... I'm sorry, after you realize
the paper works system...

For the work orders were so screw up...

That you accidentally approved 2 fire
trucks that didn't actually have...

Working water pumps.

Realizing this, by the way, because my client...

Expose the fire department
bureaucratic mess to the public.

After you realize this, you felt...

The best suggestive of your time...

Would not be go back and fix the system...

In an effort to prevent the
death of more innocent people...

You thought the first thing you should do...

What looking for my client job
application and resume...

Even though he already been
working for the department...

For 4 years.

- That maybe what it looks like...
- I'm sorry, sir.

To simple question, which is
you look into first?

The work order system that just
cause death 2 innocent people?

Or 4 year old job application of an employee...

That just publicly humiliated you?

And I remind you, sir, that you're under oath.

I guess the application was first.

No further question, Your Honor.

You serious?

In fact is...


Come on, Mike. You should take
this seriously.

Then you should really have a drink, counselor.

- We were celebrating.
- I don't mind.

Should I remind you that we won?

Oh, damn. We won't stay long. 5
minutes, okay?

- Let's get this.
- Oh, no, thanks.

- Have you seen my husband?
- No.

- You look great.
- Thank you.
- How's your baby?

- Good.
- Growing?

Please tell me you're joking.


He really hasn't change since 8th grade, has he?

No, he hasn't.

Do you see my fucking husband?

I think he might be out back.

Can we go now?

You can't keep your case on class,
the student have been complaining.

Alright. We all here.

For Christ's sake. Can you

No more talk about work.
Everybody, no more talk about work!

- This is a party.
- Interesting party too, Mike.

Hey, what's going on?

- What the fuck is that?
- It's an alligator.

Hey, listen, guys.

I can't keep having my front gave you work.

- It's gonna take you twice long...
- Twice long to find the...

1994 case King's County Vs.

Which protects the right of
people with disability...

You used keep that best.

Including animals use for
emotional support cases like...

Regardless on the landlord policy...

Make the vision of your clients...


Ended up in the value of really nice settlement.

You welcome.

Thank you.

You guys gonna see that nurse tomorrow, right?


Alright. I gotta go.

What you mean you gotta go? You
just got here.

I can't stay, man. My wife's
probably in the crowd...

Right now and your lizard were
try to bite her foot.

Don't go, man. You just got

I got a waste of premises to
find. I want you to say it now.

- Is he serious?
- It will be great conversation.

Jamie, what the fuck? Are you nuts?
There are people upstairs. They could've...

In our bed, in our fucking bed?!
You asshole!

Jamie, we should talk about
this. But this is not the way.



I'm sorry.

I want a divorce.

I'll see her.

Alright, everyone. Drama's over.


Why are you still have this piece of crap?

I love this car.

Okay, drive.

That drink taste like one of your ass.

Good for the body, good for the soul.

All that soda?

It's gonna destroy you.

So you get your gun back?

Not yet.

You alright?

She'll be back soon.

So, after I got myself a bit. I
decided to fight.

Oh, thank you, sweetie.

AIDS isn't a death sentence anymore.

And the medicine gets better
and better, every year.

- Are you sure? Yes, of course.
- This is all we had.

- Leave it on glass.
- That's okay. We're fine. Thank you, David.

Of course, honey.

Anyway, the day are set.
If anybody could help, it will be you fellas.

My friend Jeffry invented this
after my accident.

It is a safety needle.

Can't break yourself. Can't be

Safety needle like this, could prevent
incidents like mine from ever happening.

And hospital refuses to even look at it.

Excuse me, so you were...

Injured on the job, but you're
receiving workers compensation?

Yes, they kept up with end of it.

Unfortunately I don't think there's
anything that could be done.

That's, all flaw are provides for and...

This is really are all we can get you.

But I don't want anything else.

No personally, anyway.

You see, my cases are not isolated incident.

This type of thing is happening to
frontline help care professionals.

- All the time.
- We're very sorry.

We have to make them use this.

The bottom line, is...

The hospital are knowing
putting their employee at risk.

Letting them get hurt.

People are dying.

And then again I feel this tap.

How often that needles really happen?
Do you think it's like a daily things?

Don't matter. It isn't a case

Cause if we think the hospital negligence...

Our clients could be every
hospital work along the country.

Mike, we can't afford on you on
fishing expedition right now.

I think we should go meet that guy.

The guy who invented the safety needle.

If you come with me to meet the invented
guy, I'll give you 3 extremely focus...

3 extremely focus, 8 hours / day.

Interviewing as many lines accident victims...

Trying to squish their insurance
company for an extra $12...

- As you want.
- Really?


Give me that claim.

Jeffrey Dancort.

- That's me.
- Paul Danziger.

We're the lawyers from Danziger and Weiss.

He a lawyer too?

This is Mike Weiss for you.

I was working as mechanical
instructor engineer...

When Vicky got stuck.

So you guys met her?

Yeah, we do. It's a terrible

We've been best friend since kid.

That's really hit me. I spent a
year working on...

Developing the concept.

And no one ever use it?

St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital
used it for 2 years.

- How's that working out?
- Not a single needle stick accident in 2 years.

So there's no way you can get
stuck with this thing?

Can't get stuck with it. Can't
re-use it.

Doctors love it. Nurses were
begging for it.

Only St. Anthony's Memorial
would buy it.


I hope you guys can tell me that.

Okay, as start you should call 200
hospital in the next couple of weeks.

Then let us know exactly what their response...

- 200 hospital?
- I know it sound like a lot, Mr. Dancort...

But what we gonna do here, we need data...

I already calls 2.000 hospital.

What they say when you show them the needle?

They asked me to leave.

Is there any way we can sue a
hospital for not...

Buying something that saves people's life?

He's good.

He's very good.

Can I talk to Karen Brown?

Sure, no problem. Talk.

On the phone you were aware of the high
number of accidental needle sticks.

How about 800.000 a year.

- Is that an accurate number?
- You don't believe me?

No, it's not I don't believe
you. I just...

I wanna know it its an accurate number.

I, Karen Brown, Texas Nurses Association
District 5, do officially swear...

That, that number is accurate.

Look, I'm just trying get
better understanding here...

Good. Well, here's what you
need to understand.

Right? The major cause of these
diseases, Hepatitis B...

Hepatitis C, HIV are affecting
all front line health workers...

Is because of accidental needle sticks.

- Okay?
- Okay.

The reason I'm here cause my client
is has invented a safety needle...

That could prevent this from
ever happening again.

Then don't talk to me.

- Who should I talk to?
- The purchasing department.

Of course it is. Thank you.

- Mr. Weismann.
- Weiss.

- Mr. Weiss.
- Mike, please.

Mr. Weiss, I cannot and went
out look at your needle.


Because of the purchasing
contracts on the hospital house.

Well, will you at least look at this data?

- No.
- Would you mind telling me why?

I don't want you to show me your data...

And I don't want you to show
this product at my nurses.

Because they'll want it.

And they can't have it.

What kind of shirt was it?

Was it a nice shirt?

Just Mr. Phoenix's Eagle. It
was nice.

Was it is a special shirt?


Maybe it was a gift?

It was just a shirt.

How much did you say it cost?

- I don't remember.
- Let just say $70.

Sylvia, can you...

Try Mike again please?

Not if you wanna leave here with all
that 10 tiny little fingers, young man.

I just left him a 5th message.

- Mike.
- Paul, you're awake.

Great, listen. You're not gonna
fucking believe this.

I went and work my way to a meeting with
Director of Affection at the hospital.

He's... What?

That was today?

Oh, shit, man.


He said the safety point is fucking
essential the safety of hospital...

Come on.

- I'm not gonna handle that.
- Take it, take it.

- Call here if its emergency, okay?
- Alright, alright.

- Wait, mail.
- I'll call later.

The Nursing Association I represent
request I call and hope...

That you would help them with their campaign.
In regards of this matter.

You give me call back that
would be great, if not...

Senator Hayes from Nebraska.

- Nebraska?!
- Yeah.

It's only a hundred senator.
I figure the two of us given call...

Us? Oh, you mean like we're a

Like we agree upon things and
we do them together.

- I said I was sorry.
- 22 cases...

I'm sorry!

Did you get the file I sent over?

I got it.

GOPs are being bribed to buy certain
products for the hospitals.

It's a fucking pay a lesson.
I've sent to the damn court already.

In the 80s these GOPs got so big till
they manage to pass a bill in congress.

Allowing them 3% commission
from the manufactures...

They're supposedly negotiation with.

- We got a great case here.
- Yeah, we do.

I'm sorry, what was your name again?

- Susie.
- Susie, would you give us a second please?

- Sure, I'll be right outside.
- Thanks.

Look. Mike, I think we had a
great case here.

Potentially really great. But I need you
to be practical with me for a minute...

Like hospital letting people died because
safety point cause 5 cent when they break.

I'm in, alright. It just if
this thing get too big...

You'll agree to bring another firm to help out.

Trust me, this thing gonna settle by Christmas.

Well, it might not. They could
drag out for years.

It is a monopoly case. And
we're not mean to trust...

We are any kind of firm we wanna be, Paul.

Come on, this is the one. It's
gonna make us.

It could be break us. It's
gonna be extremely expensive.

Dancort cannot afford to pay us.
And I can't do enough...

Injury cases on my own.

Paul, for fuck's sake. What do
you want me to say?

I'm sorry, alright. I'm sorry I
missed the fucking mob online.

Mike! Listen to me, I'm telling

That we do not have the resources
to take this thing all the way.

So please. I need your word
when I tell you...

That if the well is running dry...

We will bring another firm to help out, okay?


Yes, can we get the work now please?

Sorry, am I interrupting something?

No, not at all. Come on in.

Thanks coming down.

Have a seat.

Well, right here I got an
invitation to us, suppliers...

To attend the conference.

From The United Medical Health Supplies people.

Largest group purchasing
organization in the country.

And guess how much it cost to
attend the conference?

How much?

- $25.000.
- $25.000?!

What is that get you?

Well, I went to one of these dogs and
ponies shows about 3 years back.

For the low price $15.000.

And I didn't get jack shit.

Hey, Mike Weiss.

How are you?

I am excited.

These GOP guys represent over 4.
000 health care provided in U.S.

And they supplied with 80 billion
dollar in medical product...

Every year.

Walkers and canes.

And wheelchairs.

The only way to get your
product in the hospital...

Is to go through this fuckers.

So you have pay thousands of
dollars for the opportunity...

And grovel in the front of couple
United Medical Health Supply...

- Mike Weiss.
- Hey, thanks for coming.


But it's all just horse shit.

You need real money to get anything done.

...gonna help prevent accidents
from happening to your patient...

And employees. In over time...

It's gonna safe you money, and
it's gonna safe lives.

Does that someone might interested?

- Let's see what you have.
- Alright.

First off, did you aware that's
800.000 accidentally...

Needle stick a year?

For $25.000 you can't even stay
for the lunch.

How much the cost for stay for the lunch?


- Want a hand job?
- Sure.

They gonna video tape me.

We're gonna be okay.

Hi, Paul Danziger.

- Over here.
- Yeah.

Let's grab a seat.

Oh, fuck. Fuck!


Thank you for coming. It's much

Paul Danziger.

You must be Mr. Dancort.

Nice grip. You golfed?

No, I don't golf.

Why so grumpy?

You have change to eat?

Breakfast is most important meal.

Would someone please bring Mr.
Dancort a couple coffee and a Danish?

So let's get down to it.

- We're waiting for one more.
- Let's just begin.

Okay, Mr. Dancort, we're here today
so we can ask you some question...

Regarding your allegation against my client.

Before we began I would like to
establish for the record...

That you aware of the deposition
a sworn testimony under oath.

- Yeah.
- Okay, the court reporter
will be recording the session.

In the event that we were choose
to show the jury your testimony...

In the court of law.

No, if any time during this proceeding
you feel the need for break...

Please feel free to do so.

Is everything clear so far?

- Is that a yes or no, sir?
- Yes.

Thank you.

Now I like to start asking
question about your background.

Would you please tell me your full name?

Jeffrey Matthew Dancort.

Could you spell that please?

Jeffrey. J-E-F-F-R-E-Y.

Matthew. M-A-T-T-H-E-W.

Dancort. D-A-N-C-O-R-T.

Thank you. Current address,

1429 Merryweather Road.

Houston, Texas.


Thank you, is that an apartment or a house?

- It's a house.
- And how long you've lived there, Mr. Dancort?

- I don't know. About 10 years?
- About 10 years or exactly 10 years?

We move in there in 1986.

- That would be 12 years.
- Yeah, that sounds about right.

Sounds right or its right. If
you moved there in 1986...

That would be 12 years.

- Be polite.
- Yes, that right, sir.

One moment please.

Oh, shit. Oh, fuck!



Now, besides football. Did you
play any other sports...

Football? What the hell we
talking about football?

We came here to discuss the
case. Let's discuss the case.

I just instructed you that we want
to get just simple background.

I like to request that my
client take a break now?

It's your call.

Let the record be flank, that the
attorney has ask for a break.

- Without answering the question.
- That's okay, keep going.

- Just keep going.
- Continuing.

Besides football, did you play any other...

Excuse me.

With Nathaniel Price.

- I am.
- Mike Weiss.

Guess I'll be seeing you in court.

- I'm looking forward to it.
- Good.

Excuse me.

- The fuck were you?
- Not here. Outside.

And what was the first name of
your dog, Mr. Dancort?

Well, Rufus. And how do you
spell that, Mr. Dancort?


And were you fond of this dog,
Mr. Dancort?

Well, not particularly.

Is that mean you dislike dogs,
Mr. Dancort?

They show themselves today.

Yeah, they terrified of me.

Scared fucking shitless all 12 of us.

The reason I wasn't there today cause
I was talking a good buddy of mine.

Henry Matthew, editor in chief
of Houston Chronicle.

We gonna got you on story.

I'll see you guys back in the office.

Houston Chronicle.

Hi, this is attorney Mike Weiss
calling for Henry Matthew please.

We don't have that name over
here. We have Henry Matters.

Yeah, that's what I meant.
Henry Matters, thank you.

He's not in. Would you like to
voice mail?

- Sure.
- One moment please.


What's up, man. What you need?

- 200.
- Right here.

This is Mike.

What the hell kind of friend
you got, Mike. Huh?!

Yeah, maybe you got some other
friends that could help us out.

Yeah, I just spent hours on the
phone dealing with my investors...

My wife, my mother.
This article claim I'm having an affair...

- With my assistant.
- Are you having an affair with your assistant?


Then what you're worrying about?
They just wanna smear you, that's all.

This is to be expected.

They gonna try and make many people hate
your gut as possible before we go to trial.

- It's working.
- Look, Jeffrey.

Paul is making lot of trash with
lot of different investor for you.

And when I got this motherfucker
in front of the judge...

We'll get your needle in every single
hospital in the fucking country.

Stay strong. I'll see you in

Is that Armani?

Believe it.

Well tux.

It's Armani.

All rise.

United State Federal District record the
session on Judge William Black was arriving.

Be seated.


Now, we all here to plan on motion
to compel the production...

Of documents that the client
have claim a necessary.

That the defendant are not allowing him...

Your Honor, the defendant client has refuse...

I'm not done, Mr. Weiss.

Sorry, Your Honor.

This is an extra ordinary large
request for production.

Now, which document you must have and why?

Request for production 1.

All exclusive long term and
multi product contracts...

Between United Medical Health
Supplies and all hospital...

Over the last 10 years.

We feel this information, we
proved the GOP was engage...

In the anti-competitor behavior...

Price fixing and the contract that
requires that the company...

To buy a product even though they
may not be the safest developed.

Now, on the decode versus PIM industries...

The supreme court find this
information discoverable.

Judge, this is a fishing
expedition with no mirror...

To expect thousands of pages documents
are unduly burden to my client's...

Times and money.

And the decoded case is not on point.

Next request?

Request for production 15.

All donation made by defended health care
organization are political entities.

Political contribution are not
discoverable under Bennett versus Lapin.

Contribution to health care
organization are not political.

- Next request please.
- Request for production 29.

All purchase history of syringe manufactures
made by the GOP in the past 10 years.

We feel that this information proof
that United Medical Health Supplies...

is create a monopoly by buy syringe
manufacture and jacking up the price.

Your Honor, the purchases or our sell
of business were off the public record.

My client shouldn't have to go
through the expend.

Your Honor, we submitted case
supporting our position...

We are clearly states this were
entitled to these documents.


My decisions is this follows...

The court denied document production 1, 2, 3.

Your Honor, we have the right...

Re-production 1-12 denied.

13, 14, 15 firm, but I'm
limiting production to 1 year.

Not 10 years. 16
- 29...

Denied. Court adjourn.

- You must be so relief.
- We are ecstatic.

It's been 3 years in the making
and we finally got some justice.

Mr. Lanier, how'd you supposed the jury
arrived at the 53 million verdict?

Well, I think the jury basically took
that figured from the profits that the

Not putting the safety feature on.

They are not gonna let corporate greed
triumph the value of human live.

Now let's talk about the family.
We're dealing with an 8 year old boy.

How they are doing right now?

Yeah, you know they're doing okay.

Safety point is bigger case than that.

Yeah, in human life don't they got
car accident at least in 1 time?

You know the biggest reason is
for people get the car accident?

Eating while driving.

Nope, that's only 19%.

Talk to the other passenger.

- 81%.
- Fascinating.

- Where are you going?
- I'm gonna have talk to him.

Hey, hi, fellas.

You boys hungry?

Yeah, sure.

Well, the process is one for your
fight in the court for 3 weeks...

Then you got a...

PO going.

And then we have that fight,
and we'll win that fight.

Can you bring us a couple of
Shrew cocktail please?

I'm allergic to fish.

- Good to see you in the venue.
- Yes.

Listen, I don't wanna be here today a law firm.

I like to talk, you know. One
person to another.

What do you want?

It's actually what I don't want.

I don't wanna see you two going down.
And you'll going down.

Do I care who win or loses?

Hardly. I have a job.
I do my job and I get the other day anyway.

How much you get paid?

You're funny, Mike. I like you
have the sense of humor.

Who do you work for, Price?

Oh, you know who my client is.

I mean, you look at 300
attorneys, 200 does on the top.

And I trust experts on the country.

Millions of dollars resources, and action
of every corner of the health care system.

Not to mention the justice system.

- Don't forget the newspapers.
- The banks.

That's correct.

Your client...

He's an idealistic bump who's been
knocking every door in the city...

Try get a loan.

And you know why he's not get one?

It's my client didn't want him to.

So are you saying there's a possibility
of us actually settling this fairly?

No, absolutely not.

That's one thing. The only
thing my client can afford...

That they'll give you settlement, they'd
be looking for lawsuit for the rest of

Hey, I gotta do that.

So just do yourself a favor,
cut yourself lose now.

I mean, you guys got a case no way out.

Well, we appreciate your concern.


You can't make chicken salad
out of chicken shit.

Good day.


She left a note.

If you want me to keep my mouth shut
sign the fucking papers!
- Jamie

What's up?

The McCoy & Partners just back out on Dancort.

They were last investors.


Me too.

Is there anything I can do?

Can you convince another firm to
come aboard and take over the case?


You need something?


The most pressing bills are the
electric and the phone.

I got an extension till Monday.

It's okay, just...

I'll figure something out.

Hey, Hun. Sorry, it should be
about 10 more minutes...

No, no, no. Can you drive?

Okay. Well, get in the car...

And go straight to the hospital.

I'll meet you there. No, go
straight to the hospital.

You call a sex therapist. Whom
I'm speaking with?

Hey, I'm Mike.

Are you okay, Mike? Do you need
someone to talk to?

I've been better. my wife left

I've been better.

yeah, she took all my furniture.

I'm sorry baby...

I wish she left me my alligator.

you know my alligator is 49 years old?

wow... that's cool for a pet.

actually not for an alligator.

you don't sound that old Mike.

me, no... I'm...

I'm in my prime.

is that your baby crying?

no, that's the...

that's the office next door.
it's a pediatric and therapist.

little late for a baby to be at
the doctor, isn't it?

tell me what's on your mind, Mike?

I don't like to be alone.

feels better now, that you're talking
to someone else, doesn't it?
- Yeah.

you think we could meet up?


Mike, do you have a credit card?

yeah, hang on.

... like to encourage you to take yourself
to our clinic it's just two blocks away in

please, so if you have a stomachache, a sprain
ankle, anything that does not need a...

I'm gonna get fired. they're
not gonna kick me out today.

what's going on? who's getting kicked out?
welcome to the hospital.

I'm sorry.

they cancel my insurance today.

pre-existing condition.

what kind?

from getting yourself stab by sharp objects?

Let me go talk to somebody.
- No no... please...

it's okay. I'll take care of it.

here Pete, why don't you go get
the boxes for him?

David, Kia, you go and help him out, okay?
- Come on guys.

hey guys.

why don't you let me talk to somebody, Vicky?

you okay?

thank you...
- Sure... you alright?

what about you?

that's... yeah...

I'm good.

Sarah, this is Mike.
- Hello.

so strange being on the other side of things.

having all the floor nurses stand over me.

I trained some of them.

they got this...

crazy patterns on their shirts these days.
suppose to calm the patients, but...

ends up making you feel dizzy.

so, you said you had something for me?

you know it's true what they say
about the stages you go through...

denial... anger... acceptance...

bla bla bla...

but it doesn't happen as
cleanly as pamphlets tell you.

In reality,

it's a stew.

Everything happens all at the same time

just because

we can't really get over the dark parts

doesn't mean you can't get to the good ones.

Sometimes the brightest light
comes from the darkness places.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Where did you get this?

Don't worry where we got them from.

- Hey.

Thompson Needles coming out with their own
lines of safety needle. you think they're

Mike, we need to talk.
- Yeah, we do.

these are internal documents for th--
- Mike listen.

proving that these Thompson...
- Mike, stop it please.

Kim had to go to the hospital last night.
- What?

She's fine, false alarm.
- Is everything okay?
- No.

everything is not okay. our
insurance laps.

what do you mean our insurance laps?

you told Sylvia to pay for you to attend the
United Medical Health Supplies dinner from the

that you would pay the insurance bill, later.

I'm sorry. it's not how I meant
for it to happen.

not how you meanted to happen,
Kim is pregnant, Mike.


I don't see how we can possibly
continue the case.

- Mike...

Paul, listen...
- You agreed, we would drop this.
- I agree to take this to another firm.

I never agreed to drop anything.
I've called 15 other firms and no one would touch it.

I'm not dropping the case.

well that's not your decision to make.

so you want to call Dancort or should I?

it's too big, Mike.

I have Senator O'Reilly calling in
from Washington DC for you Mike?


and then the GPO,

in our case United Medical Health Supplies,
will drop an exclusive contract with

Thompson Needles, who in turn give them
a kick back, for every needle sold.

boxing out any competition regardless of how
superior or how much safer their product is.

if Thompson Needles gonna come out with an
actual safe needle, they'd have to retool

recast the molding, they have to

replace their entire assembly
line, like starting from scratch.

obviously something that they're not interested
in doing because of the high upfront


this is a tremendous innovation.

as you know, I have been addressing safety
issues for hospital workers for years.

I'm intrigue by your project, Mr.
Dancort, to say the least. thank you.

this is a build proposal mandating
the use of Safety Needles.

we're in the process of

circulating a petition in every single
hospital across the United States

so we can mobilized nurses union and
association to help you lobby.
- Right.

we have some interest from some financial
institutions regarding investments packages

and we're gonna try and get them in
every hospital across the country.

Senator, you're giving us the
impedous to save thousands of lives.

That was great...
- Great job.

I want to go to the bathroom
- Alright.

excuse me, Mr. Weiss?
- Yeah.

may I speak with you, just a second?
- Yeah.

- Mr. Weiss.

I want to let you know, how much I
appreciate you and your colleagues...

bringing this to my attention.

as I said,

the safety and wellbeing of health care workers
have been high on my agenda from day one

and we also agree that urgent
action is what is called for.

that's great.

it's good to meet someone on
board to fight the good fight.

it would be honor to offer my support but

only if you drop this case.

and let Mr. Dancort team up
with another firm.

the cocaine,

under your nose.

it's a...

I'm not judging you, Mike.

you're not the first person to lobby
a senator hopped up on narcotic

and I'm sure you not even the
first person to do so, today

there is absolutely no way we can put you
before the house committee let alone the senate.


my client has approached every other
lawfirm in Texas. they all said no.

he's broke.

this is...

this is a major anti-trust case.

you know, the type of money and muscle that goes into it.
Mr. Dancort does not have the money.

to sit across from the receptionist
at some of these firms

my partner and I are the only one
who are willing to take this risk.

we believe in this case.

we believe in it.

give me a chance.

I'll go back to Houston, I'll
get myself clean up.


but know this,

you'll only get one chance.
don't fuck it up!


they're talking to fucking senators now.

it is when you're around knocking on doors.
chicken with their heads cut off.

we need to fix this now, Nathaniel.

I'll take care of it.
- We're losing patients.

just need a bit more time.

I'll try.

but you need to hurry.

or it's not gonna be good for any of us.

this is a waste of time.
- Mike.

show some respect, huh?

I'll show some respect by working the case
that put her in the ground to begin with.

fuck this.


come on...

the reason you...

the reason why you should invest
in Safety Point because it safe...

and it's effective. it's a life.


it's a live saving device...

it's a live saving device

you're involvement

you alright, Mike?

yeah, I'm fine.

you want some?

I was always more of a thinker than
a businessman. that's how I've...

thought about myself anyway.

my first office was in the
corner of a bicycle shop.

my first customer was

an amputee with an artificial leg.

hi... good evening.

I'm Paul Danziger.

and I like to welcome you on behalf of

my partner, Michael Weiss, and of course the
man who really brought us together tonight

Mr. Jeffrey Dancort.

I've been doing this a long time now.

long... long time.

when I've come to realize that

there's people out there that all
they wanna do is fuck you up.

right? you know what I'm
talking about.

so on this one, I just decided to say "fuck it".

cause you know what?

a good idea is a good idea.

we're talking about people's lives here.

saving people's lives...

this girl is dead.

because of what we're talking about here.

so who gives a shit about the bottom line?

I'll tell you who gives a shit.

the Goddamn miserable sorry ass mother fucker who
won't let the hospital use my needles asses.

none of us in here might even make a dollar.

the point is,

that it's

the point of Safety Point

and I want you all to...

think about helping us out.
it's just a good...

thing to be part of and...

thanks for being here.


thank you very much for coming and...

how you doing Mike?

I'm sorry.

oh shit, Mike.

people don't bring checkbooks to these things.

can't do this anymore.


let's go home.

hey Silvia.

go ahead and tell them I need an
expert cause all the tracks on.

and I don't want the pill treatment.

I want the implant under the
abdomen, not the posterior.

not the posterior.

I don't want anything in my ass
that doesn't have to be.

collapse veins, infection of
the heart lining involves

few abscesses

beginning of liver disease

minor pulmonary complications, and
what could be the start of pneumonia.


he's going to withdraw.

I had no idea. I mean...

I knew he's taking some pain pills for his...

leg... but I didn't...

he's a pretty heavy user.

it's a good thing I reactivated the insurance.

by the way, the treatments he
requested is gonna run about 25.

and it's not covered by insurance.

just a heads up.




hey, you got my clothes?
- Yup.

don't you want me to get someone to check you
out before we leave? I should bell a nurse.

that's a great idea... we're
always underestimating nurse

I'll be right with you, Mr.

I have a question for you. you wouldn't happen
to be a member of the Nursing Association?

I'm standing here in front of the
Houston Community National Hospital

with the few hundreds nurses and
assorted healthcare workers in protest.

joining me now, is Karen Brown.
president of the texas Nurse...

every needlestick accident caused the hospital
thousands of dollars in follow up testing.

if it's with infected needle,

between five hundred thousands and
one million dollars per case,

now in this country,

there are roughly one million
needlestick accidents per year.

think about that. you do the

what we're fighting for is the right
of every citizen to live in a country

that values human lives over profits.

Mr. Weiss, the hospital...

Senator O'Reilly's office.
this is attorney Mike Weiss, for the Senator.

hi Mr. Weiss, she just went to
a meeting. can I take a message?


why are these here? I thought they
were supposed to go out yesterday.

they sent it back.

what the hell is that? we had a

yes, please have the Senator return
my calls as soon as possible.

regarding the St. Antonio
Memorial hospital

canceling their contract with
Safety Point syringe

she would be interested to hear that the CEO of St.
Antonio Memorial Hospital

been invited to sit on the board of
United Medical Health Supplies...

yeah, you think she'd like to hear
that on the news or return my calls?

please have her call me back.
this is attorney Mike Weiss.

about to book a flight to DC, this is bullshit.

Senator's chief aid called us this
morning, she's labeling this issue.

labeling the issue?

what the fuck is that mean? I'm
going down there.

United Medical Health Supply just made a
very generous contribution in Senator's

what's this?

Kim gave birth last night, to a baby girl.

6 pounds 8 ounces... Sam...

she's beautiful.


I'll be home with them if you need me.

what are we gonna do about the Senator?

Morris, sex therapist.

I like sex therapy.

creeps me the fuck out.

we should say something, right?


you wanna be the one?


me neither.


thanks for the repaying the place, by the way.

I know we're a little behind

it's okay...

don't worry bout it.

I know,

I'm gonna check a few fax and show it to you.

no, I mean we don't need it from you anymore.


I didn't

I didn't want to bring this up here, but...

really sorry, my firm...

won't let me sub contract any
more work to you guys.

not while you're working on the
Safety Point case.

you serious?

I'm sorry.

you can keep the retainer.

I wish there's something I could do but...

no no... I understand.

excuse me.


let me talk it over with my partner and my
client, I'll get back to you in an hour.


that was Price, he wants us to
come out to his house, tomorrow.

his house?


you said we'd settled by
Christmas, maybe you right.

I gotta call Dancort.


hand me that bag.

Mike, come on.

give me the fucking bag!


thanks for coming out.

give me a few minutes to wash
up. I'll be right with you.

Stephanie will show you where the library.

if you need anything, she'll be
happy to get it for you, okay?

right this way gentlemen.

dial 9

if you need to get an outside line

and I'll be just down the hall
there to the left.

if there's anything else I can do?

we're fine. thank you.

you got any fresh squeezed juice?

I can check.

orange is fine, grape juice preferable.

I'll see what I can do.

where's your bathroom?

it's right here.

how long do we have to wait?


it's nice, isn't it?

all the fresh air...


let's get down to business.

first of all,

thank you for coming here.
Much appreciate it.

Our pleasure.
- Now, putting aside...

the fact that Safety Point syringes
having finances difficulties...

one of our manufacturing client is

ready to put an offer for it which I think
you're gonna find satisfactory.
- Where's that

girl that showed us in.

I'm not sure, Mr. Weiss.

waiting on some juice.

sure she'll bring when she can.

like I said, one of our manufacturing
client is interested in your company.

for quite some time.
- This generous manufacture
wouldn't happen to be Thompson Needle,

well they would like to remain anonymous
until there's an accepted offer.

and this...

anonymous client would then own the
patent to Safety Point? that's right.

my client is interested in purchasing the
equity that comes from Safety Points

there'll be a contractional
provision guarantee in certain

production an distribution of
the Safety Point syringe?

once my client purchases Safety Point syringes,

we'll have the right to do it as it see fit.

and what do they see fit?

Mr. Dancort,

my client is prepared to make a
more than generous offer.

this is great.

you know, your client is in direct violation
of federal and state antitrust laws?

you damn well know you won't win
this case if you go to trial.

you are a brilliant

engineer, Mr. Dancort.

try applying some of that to
your business sense.

I didn't sacrifice everything because
I was looking for a big pay day.

I just want my needles in those hospitals.

sorry, Mr. Dancort. I truly am.

I won't take any pleasure in
seeing you ruining it.

that proposal is only valid for 3 days.

no negotiation. now gentlemen, I
have taken enough of your saturday.

Stephanie will see you out.

look forward to your response.

we have to take it.

excuse me?
- The offer.

we have to take the money.
- What do you mean?

it's not good for Dancort, it is not fair...
they made the offer, cause they they can't

they're not scared, Mike.
they're scared we'll take it to trial.

do you...

even really care if Safety Point
needles end up in hospitals?

seriously... I'm asking you a

do I care? yes!

people are dying.
- That's what you care about?

people dying? really?

we're taking the settlement.
- No, we're not.

you want Dancort to walk away from
millions of dollars, and then what, huh?

what happens to him when we go to court...

years form now?

and he has lost his business
and his house, and then...

then after all that, we lose the case...

we won't lose the case.
- Okay, fine we don't lose.

how do you want us to survive until then, Mike?

we are broke... broke...

broke... we have three weeks of
overhead left in the bank.

and united medical health
supplies has pretty much

paid off or pressured everyone
in the United States of America

from giving us any new work.

so, how you gonna go and...

rally people behind Jeffrey in
court when you don't have a phone

to call them and to tell them where to show up.

I'm ending this!

I'm not ending shit. I'll take
a loan out of my house

you are so fucking delusional...
and you're a big pussy...

who rather chase ambulances then the
lot to save people's lives.
- So you...

care about people's lives?
- Yeah, I do.
- Really, who

revolving troop of hookers you
paid to hang out with?

Your wife?
- Oh, fuck you Paul.
Like you really give a shit bout those pathetic scam

with their neck braces and crutches.

not just the settlement they bring in, right?
you are so full of shit.

you just wanna win, that is all you ever cared!

at least I have the courage...

to lose for what's right!

I'll call Dancort and tell him you
no longer involve with the case.

I'll walk from here.

Hey man.
- Hey man, how you doing?

- Yeah.

excuse me...

I'm all set, man.

Mr. Weiss, I used to work for
Thompson Needles Manufactures.

then go fuck yourself.

I was a friend of Vicky's.

she asked to come talk to you.

thought it might be helpful.

you got a car?

yeah. follow me.

up here.

you see, up until the 1960...

needles syringes are made of glass.

which hospitals sterilized with heat.

Thompson Needle Manufacture refuse

to switch to plastic needles,
despite the money they make.

because plastic needles can't be sterilized.

founder of the company, James Thompson,

he was quoted as saying...

"we'll switch to plastic
needles, over my dead body".

sure enough,

in 1966...

the year he died, Thompson Manufactures
switched to plastic needle.

within 10 years,

Hepatitis C,

and AIDS were on the map.

they knew that they'd be responsible for
spreading epidemic around the world...

this tape...

has footage taken by peace
corps worker in Nigeria.


see those kids?


they get paid pennies,

to bring used needles and
syringes to local pharmacies.

clinics save unhealthy-care by
reusing needles at 200 times.

this is what's going on, everywhere.

Thompson Needles Manufactures

they're not only NOT acting on this,

they're actually suppressing
the knowledge of it.

the plastic syringe is the root

that AIDS epidemic all across Africa.

and Russia, and lndia...
sorry, they made an offer to buy Safety Point.

we're advising our client to take it.

oh Come on Mike!

you know if they buy it,
they're not gonna use it.

that needle

can saves more than nurses here.

it can saves millions of lives around the world.

I'm just a personal injury lawyer.

not exactly the best place to go around

saving people's lives.

you know something, Mike?

sometimes the brightest light...

comes from the darkest places.

get it. before it wakes the


Jesus Christ, Mike. you'll wake
the baby.

I'll hang up now, alright? we
could talk about it tomorrow.

okay, sorry.

I like people who are nuts.

keep things interesting.

do you know anything about the
original glass needle manufactures?

or anything about plastic syringes?

you know, Michael.

everyone goes to law schools,
to become the good guy.

Fight the good fight, for justice.

is that what you did?

Yes I did.
- How's that working out?

do you remember the big...

tobacco lawsuits?
- Of course.

7 CEOs under oath, lying in
front of congress and on camera.

and every states in the union sued them, right?
- Right.

do you remember what happen after that?
- Yeah.

they showed out a 165 billion dollars
settlement, that's what happened.

no, nothing happened.

cigarettes are everywhere.

new teenager starts smoking everyday.

billions of people smoking worldwide.

millions of people dying, every year.

nothing happened.

big tobacco got a spanking.
slap on the wrist.

and they went right back to business as usual.

I assume you came here tonight to try and...

convince me to do the right thing.

I look in your eyes, and...

like oh my God,

you're right!

then what?

guys like me are like cafeteria trays,

take one of the top, there's
another one right underneath it.

I'll bet you spent your whole life,

claiming that you... you were
born to do something great.

make a difference, do something special.


well, Michael...

this is most ordinary thought anybody ever had.

I'll see you in court.

that might be difficult, since your client
and partner already accepted the offer.

you right.

you might have settled with them,
but you haven't settled with me.

I'm gonna travel the country and making every
hospital worker who's ever been infected

every mother that lost a child,

every child that lost a parent,

I'm gonna put them on the stand.

and I'm gonna tell them that your client has
a needle that could have prevented it from

but keeps it locked up.

Cause it's cost too much to make.

Trust me.

You're about to see just how ordinary I can be.

Good morning.
- Good morning to you.

What is this?

That is a bonus

for the hard work you've been doing.

- Are you serious?
- I am.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Listen, there is a long rambling
message on the machine from Mike.


Here he is now.

You're up early.


You the partner?
- Yeah.

Died in his sleep.

So, this is your partner?
Michael Weiss?


He died alone?

Detectives will be able to
answer some of those questions.

They wanna talk to you bout something.

Have you seen these needles before?

It's a safety needle.

can't be reuse.

that explain why there's so many of them.

are you okay, Mr. Dancort?

could we offer you something to
drink, tea perhaps?

no, it's alright.

Mr. Danziger.

sorry to hear about Mr. Weiss.

we offer our most sincere condolences.

so, since we're all here we should probably

hey boy...

hello Nat. it's been a long

you and me...

we're going to court on this one.

looking forward to it.