Pullman (2019) - full transcript

Two kids experience an initiatory journey during their first day of summer holidays.

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No way!

She doesn't know what
it's like to have a man.

She never will.


They're exactly the same.

That's it…

We're fine here.

Exactly the same

I'll put her in her place.

Isn't that so?

Ok, no problem.

We're fine here.
Everyone is fine.

Why don't you love me anymore?

Because you cheated on me.

But you are the only one I love.

No! I want a divorce!

Nadia, you' clear away the dolls later, ok?


Come and set the table!

It's getting late!

Shit, why is it always me?

That brat could help too.

Watch your mouth.
She does help.

Doing what exactly?

Paying attention to me, for example.

I'll be working late at the hotel tonight.

Can I go without worrying?

Or are you going to be
glued to your phone?

- I'm working on a class project.
- You always have an excuse.

Can't you do without it for even a minute?

No, actually.

Let's see what clothes I'll put on you.

You have to look very handsome
for your divorce day.

Good evening.

Good evening, Bodua.
How was your day?


- Yours?
- Lots of work?

Yes, lots.

How are you, son?


Did you get your report card?

See these hands?

They belong to someone
who gets up before daybreak

and works his guts out till sunset.

Someone who didn't have
the opportunities you now have.

Do you want hands like these
when you' grown up?

My father always said that

"the meat of the wise animal
is harder to cook."

Know what that means?

The wise man survives better.


You don't need to do Ramadan,
you know that?

But I want to.

Don't talk with your mouth full.

It is a big sacrifice for a child

Are you sure?

Then you have to get up
at 3:00 a.m. for the first meal.

Sure you can do it?


Will you stop it please?

That's really good, honey.

- Aren't you going to eat any more?
- No.

Shit, I'm late.

Don't let your sister
watch TV very late.


Or eat on the sofa.

- Did you hear me?
- Yes.

Behave yourselves.

- Goodbye, Mom.
- Goodbye!

Don't eat on the sofa.

Come on, sweetheart

Let's go to bed.

Give it to me.


Thank you. Give it to me.



What's that over there?

I can't see anything.

That light.

It will light up now...

Can you see it?


Give me a peg.



What is it?

You have to walk on the plank first
if you want to play with us.

No sweat.

- Really?
- Yes.

What are you doing?

Show you have the guts.

You just have to walk in a
straight line. It's easy.

Now, the other foot.

Are you afraid?

Come on!



Let me sleep a little more.

It's time to wake up.

I've made you breakfast.

Do you know you're a little bug?

A good bug or a bad one?

A bad bug.

Of those bugs that bite
and bite and bite...

Let's see what you've made for me.


What would you like to do today?

To go to the Shopping Centre.

Two of them are operational.

The oldest is the Punta Grossa lighthouse

But there was a problem with it.

It didn't reach all the places
it was meant to,

and in some places it couldn't be seen.

Hold on, there's a hurricane coming.
You'll fly away!

She's not a baby anymore.

Don't listen to your sister.
You will always be my baby.

Until she grows tits.

- Mom!
- Ignore her.

Just a minute, okay?


How many times has it been?

Why do I always get
the shit end of the stick?

What a coincidence!

All right,

All right, fine.

I can't take any more…

What's up, Mom?

Look honey...

Mommy has to go to work.

Someone very important is coming.

What about the shopping centre?

We'll go tomorrow. I promise.

We'll spend the whole day together.




You'll have to look after
your sister till I get back.

Shit! I have plans with friends.

I don't care if you have plans.

Your duty is to look after
your sister... understand?

If not, you can say goodbye to your phone.

She thinks I'm a fucking nanny.

What are you looking at?

Drugs and alcohol are to blame again
for the fall of a young British man,

from the 13th floor
of a hotel in Majorca.

I'm just putting on my shoes.

Are you here?

Just arriving?

On the motorbike.



Where are you going?

It's not your business.

Can I go with you?


Let's see...

I'm going now,
and you stay here.


don't say anything to Mom.

Did you hear me?

Did you hear me?

Did you hear me or not?

Yes, but give it back to me.


- Don't tell on me.
- I won't tell on you.

Where are you going?

Can I come with you?


You're not giving up, are you?

Where shall we go?

- There it is.
- What?

The light.

What's so special about that light?


I just wanted to find out what it is.

What are you doing?

Look. It's so cute.

Leave that, come on.

Doesn't matter, it was just for kids.

What's that?

Do you think it works?

Mr. chauffeur,

drive me to the most
luxurious hotel on the island.

Okay, but I'm not your driver.

Why don't we go further?

To Paris?

No, even farther.


to Brazil.

I just realized we can't go there.


Because of the sea.

So, we drive the car onto a boat.

That's doesn't count.

If you say so.

Pedro Francisco Mas Perello.


Alba Lopez

Who are these people?

The owners of the wallets.

And why are they here?

They must have been stolen.




I win.

I am pro.



Who is the pro now?

Now what do we do?

Wait for them to leave.

- Get out!
- Son of a bitch!

- Get out!
- Son of a...

Get out!

- Fucking faggot!
- Get out!

- Motherfucker!
- Get out!


You son of a bitch!



Son of a bitch!

Hope your dick falls off!

Faggot… It's always the same.

You don't fucking learn!

What are you two doing here?

You're not voyeurs, are you?

Because I charge for that.

We were playing.

Like me then.

I was playing too,

Doctors and nurses.

Know that game?

Better that way.

That bastard

didn't like me laughing at...

his thingy...

What kind of thingy is that?

How is it possible?

So he threw me out of the car.

How do I get out of here?

- Shouldn't you be at school?
- No.

We're on vacation.

What a couple.

We're not a couple.

- This girl keeps following me.
- It's not true.

Oh, bad vibes.

I had a boyfriend once

who followed me everywhere.

Even to take a crap.

"I need my space," I said.

And the faggot left me so much space

I never saw him again.


Oh hell!

Well children...

Take care.

And you,

let blondie follow you.

And you, come here...

This is so you remember me.

You know what?

You are very beautiful.

You could be a Miss.

Take care.

And thank you.

I wouldn't like everyone
seeing me up there.

It's like you're flying over people.

If it breaks one day,
it's a really hard landing!

Is it yours?


The bus pass?

And can you go anywhere you want?


Excuse me, ma'am,
I don't understand you.

She says that ice cream
has strawberry chunks.

Strawberry? Impossible.

There's only hazelnut.

Come on, we don't have all day.

Come on, please!

I mean, really…

Hey, just give her another one.


Would you like some?

- No, thanks.
- Are you sure?

Where are you going?

What are you doing?

Nothing, just looking.

How boring.

When I come with my mom,

we love going to the stores
and trying on lots of clothes.

- Is your mother rich?
- No.

We hardly ever buy anything.
We just try things on.

Let's go.

Do you know who lives there?

- Who?
- The king and queen.


They enter the palace through that door.

They must be very tall.

Have you ever seen them?

No one has seen them.

- Let's go...
- Why?

- The bus pass belongs to my mother.
- Did you steal it?

I borrowed it.

Thank you.



Eh! You!

What's that?

That's what they launch people with.

It's like a giant slingshot.


there are a lot of videos on Youtube.

And why don't we come later?

No way! This place gets full of drunks.

Hey, look...

- What are you doing?
- He wants us to follow him!

Run, he's getting away!

Can you hear him?

I think he went in that way.



I'm a bit scared.

Well, don't come in.

What's he doing?

Who was that man?

A ghost?


Ghosts don't exist.

I'm sure he was a homeless.

That place must have been
for rich people.

They know how to have a good time.


My mother works for rich people.


In a hotel. But what
she really likes is dancing.

Like Beyonce.

Do you know how to dance?



Do you know how to do this?

I can't be bothered with that stuff.

My mother taught me.
She's a real pro.

Does your father also work in a hotel?

No, my father doesn't work
in a hotel. He builds them.

When I grow up
I'll have my own hotel.

Maybe your father can build it.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I don't know.

Are you all right?

It will pass.


What are you doing?

Coke, beer, orange!

I'm coming!

Hey you, you are scaring the customers.

Where do you come from?
I'm not scaring the customers.

- Go back to the jungle!
- Go away!

You're all savages!
I'll be damned.

Get back to the jungle!



All these blacks are driving me crazy!


Sorry, I didn't mean you.

I meant those guys over there.

You look like a nice kid.

Nadia, let's go.

I'll help you, don't worry.

I guess you're not brother and sister.

I've seen stranger things.

Where are you from?
Senegal or Cameroon?

From Spain.

What do you mean, Spain?

There have never been blacks...

I mean... Arabs, or Chinese here...

There were Arabs.

- Only for a short time.
- Eight centuries.

Yes, a short time.


that's enough.

I have something for you.

For the sandcastle.

Thank you.

Are you doing Ramadan?

What is Ramadan?

Those two are.

Their breath really stinks.

- Don't be silly, take it.
- I'll save it for later.


Nadia, let's go.

Why? It's not finished.


I'll help you finish it.

- Nadia, let's go.
- You're hurting me! Let me go!

What are you doing? We were just
getting to know each other.

You're taking the piss.

I just want to be your friend.

Bloody hell!

Wait Nadia.

What is it?

- The bus pass.
- What?

- I think I dropped it.
- Where?


I'll be back before you count to 10.











What's going on?

Did you find it?

What are you doing?

I'm going to see if he's breathing.

Leave him alone, don't touch him.

Is he dead?

When my father died,
my mother told me

he had gone on a journey.

Do you think this man already set off?

- What?
- On his journey.

I don't know.

And where is he going?

Not very far looking like that.

He's going to Brazil.

Here's his ticket.

And how will he get there?

By plane

Have you ever flown?


Is it hot in Brazil?

Very hot.

He's going to roast in that sweatshirt.


My mum always puts one
on me at the beach.

Sun cream too.

And you?


- Let's go now. It's getting late.
- It's not enough.


It's not enough.

He has to be prepared.

For what?

For the journey.

Where are you going so fast?

They've been caught stealing
in one of the stores.

- They are so young.
- It's a pity.

What, the clown here again?

He'll never learn.

He was totally wasted,

It gives the place a bad name.

- What about the parents?
- Where are the parents?

Hey you,

go back to your seat!


do you have a light?

Are you kidding me?


Leave them, they're just kids.

And you sit down.

Better this way, less paperwork…


What's wrong?

Nothing... it will pass.

Have you been to the doctor?

No need for that.

I think you have that disease.

Which one?

The one the little man said.

That's not a disease.
I haven't eaten.


Nothing, forget it.


- I can't.
- Why not?

Are you sure?

Let's go.

Weren't you ill?

What are you doing?



- Who's there?
- You're crazy.


These are girl clothes.

Who would ever wear this?


What are you doing?

You'll see.

Stop it.

Wait Daren.

Now what is it?

I don't want to go home.

It's already late.

It's still daylight.
We can go back to the beach.

Not me.

Come on... please...

I'm hungry and I want to go home.

You're silly.


Because you don't eat.

After putting up with your bullshit
all day, now you insult me?

It's not bullshit.
And I didn't insult you.

I'm going home.

Well, I'm not.

Look, another one.

It's terrible.

Where were you? I've been
looking all over for you.

I'm sorry about before.

We'd better go.

Are you all right?

What was my mum doing there?

Wasn't she supposed to be at the hotel?

She was giving out invitations.

- For what?
- For the fiesta the king is giving.

Everyone will be invited.

Does my mother know the king?

Didn't you say she
worked for rich people?

Well, the king is rich.

Do you think they will invite us?

I'm sure they will.

Where on earth have you been?

We've been looking for you for hours.

I'm sorry.

Come on, get on the bike.

- Take off your helmet.
- What?

Listen to me, dammit.

Come back for me after!

Shall we play together tomorrow?


I don't know how to play football.

Neither do I.

What a pro.

I'll have to teach you
how to play with my dolls.

Look at me.

Can you tell where
you have been all day?


I broke Ramadan.

Come on in. Let's have dinner.