Puffball: The Devil's Eyeball (2007) - full transcript

Powerful supernatural forces are unleashed when a young architect (Kelly Reilly) becomes pregnant after moving to an isolated and mysterious valley to build a house. And when the neighbouring farmers take against the unborn child, it's her very survival that is threatened.

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Right. I'm off.

Jimmy. keep an eye on him.
Keep him at it. All right?

Get these support blocks.
put 'em 'round the back.

With the rain we've had. if you don't go for
it. we'll be stuck in the mud and walking.


- Jesus. Liffey.
- I know what I'm doing.

You're such a townie.

Oh. God.

- What are they?
- They're Polish.

What are you doing?

I don't believe it.

Liffey. can I have a wee chat?

- Did you see the game last night?
- Bloody awful.

It's a metric measurement.
not imperial.

Fair enough.



- Move it. Move it. move it.
- This one?


Kill it. Kill it. kill it. kill it.

- It wasn't me. It sort of went sideways.
- It would do in the mud.

That is stuck. I've got to go out.
We'll have to get it towed.

- Where are the Polish guys?
- God knows.

You wait here, I'll try the farm.

Hello? No.







Hi. My car's stuck.

I'm Liffey.
I bought the cottage.

- Oh. hello. I'm Mabs.
- Hi. We got it stuck in a ditch.

We were wondering
when you'd show up. Come in.

Now. come on. you two. You've finished
your lunch. away and find your sister.

Sorry. Twins won't eat without it on.

There's not much left
of the old cottage.

Landlord was saying you were after
pulling it down. last I heard.

You doing it up. then?

- Kind of. I'm an architect.
- You don't look like an architect.

What's an architect look like?

Don't know. Not you.

- Weekend cottage. is it?
- No. Its. um... Its a sort of project.


Your dad's down the bottom field. There's a
car needs dragging out by the old cottage.

- No kids. then?
- No.

I'm trying for my fourth.
A little boy.



It doesn't make any difference. really.
Not with three.

No. I'm sure.


- That was a good year.
- Certainly was.

That'll be Audrey.




Can I use your toilet?

No, I'm sorry. It's broken.
They're coming to fix it today.

Its OK. I'd better be
getting back anyway. but. um...



- Oh. your hat.
- Oh.

- Go on.
- Go cm.

OK. that's it.
You're out.

You're all right then. eh?

So what do we owe you?


You sure?


Well. uh. I'll...



Um... Thanks.

You've got your work cut out for you.

Oh. I've got a generator you might like.

Don't use it these days.


I'll give you a good price. mind.

Thanks. I'll take a look.


To your right.

Chip. chip. chip. chip.


Come on. Richard.
Everything is going to be OK.

Say it.

Everything-s going to be OK.
Say it.

- Kiss me.
- Say it.

- Fuck me.
- No chance.

That's very biblical.

- It doesn't end well in that particular story.
- It tastes good.

- Don't I get some?
- Not in my version.

Come here.
Look at this.

What is it?

It's been here over a thousand years.

Come on. come here.

They say if you really love someone.
you can see heaven through that hole.

You're right.


So now you've seen heaven...

and we've held hands...

we've made our promise to Odin.

You've tricked me.
I don't owe Odin.

Say it.

Say what?

Say anything.

Get away.
it's not for your eyes.

Go on. down there.

My baby.

My baby.

My baby.

Baby. baby. baby...


Everything is going to be OK.

What's wrong?


It's just you and me...

and God's big sky.



The day is full of birds.




Oh. my darling.

Shh. it's all right.

Oh. you're so beautiful.


Oh. look at you.

Shh. Sleep now.

Yes. but I can give you one as soon
as they come in. Take a seat.

Doctor won't be long.
There's three before you.

Would you like to sit down?

- Well?
- What?

What are you here for?

Mind your beeswax.

- How's the family?
- Grand.

And your mother?


I want fertility treatment.
It's not happening of itself.

- You know you don't qualify.
- I do.

You're not young enough
and you have three already.

I still bleed. don't I?

Your eggs don't work as they used to.
Your body's tired of procreating.

Uh-uh. Not mine. no.
I've one to come. Yeah. just one.

Then that's it. A boy.

It won't work.
You won't conceive.

I will.

Mabs. you are too old.

I'm sorry.
it's just nature's way of moving on.

But I need a boy.


You need me what?
I can't hear.

At the end of the week?

Oh. shit. OK. Great.

Come on. lads.

I gotta fly back at the end of the week.
They need me in the office.

But you've only just got here.

The paperworks
just arrived from the owners.

You've no idea how slow it is 'round here.
Anyway. it's all in your name. finally.

It's yours.

- You'll be OK out here. won't you?
- You know I will.

- And you won't run off with a pig farmer.
- it's cattle around here. not pigs.


- Thanks for all this.
- No. We're in this together.

I know.
You'll be amazed at what I can do.

I think you're crazy.
I had no idea it would be this tough.

You think this is tough?

You should have seen it
before the Poles arrived.

I still think you're crazy.



Come here.
Will you give me a hand?


It's all right.

it's... it's all right. my darling.

I'm here.

I'm here. my darling.

Oh. it's all right.


- I don't know what to say.
- Don't say anything.

I feel like crying.
I hate that.


- They're cute.
- They're real.

They're architects' dividers.
I mean. you can use them.

Do you like them?


- They're not too old-fashioned?
- No.

No. They're lovely.

I'm going to go now.

- You're going to be OK?
- Yes. I'll be fine.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

OK. I'll call you.

My darling.

What is it. Mam?

Got a new jigsaw puzzle.

Can't stay.
I've got a lot on.

I've got some good news.

What does that girl
mean by “project”!

She's an architect.

I thought you were
glad about the old cottage.

- Tucker's selling her the genny.
- Oh.

He's sniffing around already.
is he?

No wonder you
ain't getting pregnant.

Still. don't matter none.

Our luck's changed.

I've seen it.

A little boy with thick. curly hair.

He'll be with us soon.


As clear as sunshine.

A little baby boy.

- Hey. girls.
- Don't slip.

- It looks perfect.
- Well...

it's noisy and it's old.

But it puts a lot out.

- Would you like a cup of tea?
- No. no. I gotta get on.


Mind your hands.

- How much do you want for it?
- I don't know.

Use it.
See if you want it.

- Oh!
- I didn't mean to frighten you.

You didn't.

I'm Molly. from the farm.

- Stay!
- Hello. I'm Liffey.

This used to be ours -
well. rented. like - when I was young.

- Would you like some tea?
- Oh. I wouldn't say no.

OK. get the ladders
'round back...

You here alone?


It must get lonely
with no one around.


Where's your husband?

He's not my husband.
but he's in New York.

- Are you feeling all right?
- Yes. Fine.

- Molly?
- No. Only a few minutes.

I'm so cold.

You want to help your mummy
have the baby, don't you?

I want to put my coat on.

Selfish girl!

You're hiding from me.
but I know you're here.

Stupid dog.
Use your nose or go home.

Oh. yes.

You coward. Come here.

Quickly now. Quick.

Stupid girl. I can't hold it.


You are a virgin. aren't you?

- Hi.
- Hi.

You got a signal?

- You look great.
- Huh.

- I feel like shit.
- Are you OK?

Some kind of bug.
It'll pass.


- We. the stone. remember'?
- Sure. Still standing.


Do you miss me?

How are you coping
without love. Richard?

The adolescent way.

You keep it that way.

Don't do this to me.
Not here.

Thank you.
That's all we need.

If you'd like to take a seat.

I see from your notes.
the samples. you're pregnant.

No. that's impossible.

You didn't realize?

No. I thought I was ill.

There's no doubt. I can give you pills
for the sickness. but they don't work.


Jesus Christ!

Damn. damn!

Damn! Shit. Shit!

Fuck it!


Take this.

- Not that way. the other way.
- All right. Bloody hell.

Fuck her. Tucker.
Bring the newborn.

- Stick that in.
- Spawn a boy from the stinking horn.

Hard. Yes. good.
Smother it. Smother.

Good. good.
Yes! Yes!

Idiot. idiot. idiot. idiot. idiot.


...the newborn. Fuck hen Tucker.

I don't want nothing more to do with it.
It's disgusting.

- What about your tea?
- Oh...

- Put your hair down.
- He likes it like this.



- What's this?
- it'll do you good.

A special supper
for a special someone.

Have you lost something?

I'd have had a bath if I'd known.

Smells like badgers.

I like it.

Mr. Badger.

I like it.

Mr. Badger.

I like it.

Mr. Badger.

Shut up. will you?

Nice hair. Mabs.

Jesus. you look lovely.

Go on.

What is it. Molly?


- What is it. Molly?
- Here! Quick!

Michael! Oh. Michael!
Look. Quick!

Oh. Molly!
What have you done?

Oh! Oh. Michael!


Come on!

Come on.

No. No.



I Where are you?

♪ Are you hiding from me?

♪ Are you still looking for things
that no one else can see?

I Where are you?



This is it.


It's simple. I guess.

Richard. I'm pregnant.

And I want it.

I really do.

But I can't.

And I'm not going to.

It's small...

and it's sad...

and the thing is.

I'm not going to tell you.

Not now.

Not for a bit.

I mean. it's too complicated.

And I have so much to do.

♪ Oh. Lord. save my sinful soul

♪ From noble punishment

I From the faraway zone...

Where's Mam?

- Mr. Monthly come again. then. has he?
- Don't call it that.

You'd have a flipping mong
at your age.

I've one more to come.
Mam's seen it.

Where? In the hedge?
Left by the stork?

Don't be stupid.

I see it all the time at work.
Having them one after the other.

And they don't look after
the ones they've got.

Just needs to be pregnant.
that's all.

- You're jealous.
- I ain't never having kids.

- You just can't keep a man.
- Why would I want that? Look at Tucker.

What about Tucker?

Watch his eyes
follow my arse across a room.

That's what all that stuff
does to men.

Conceivings what drives a man.

Yeah. well. I'm not pregnant.

I know.


Something ain't right.

That girl down the cottage.

She's pregnant. ain't she?
I seen her notes.

Stopping it somehow. I...

I don't like it.

- She wants him for herself.
- Who?

Her baby.

She's a greedy bitch.

I don't get it. She's got her own baby.
She's not got Mabs's, too, has she?

Corning down here,
taking what's not hers.

We'll send Tucker.

He'll bring our baby home
on his whatsit.

Tucker wouldn't.

I don't think this is right.

Bloody voodoo palaver.

She isn't even Tucker's type,
is she?

Is she. Mabs?

Oh. my... -


Oh. God.

Oh. dear.

Oh. no.

I promise.

The most extraordinary thing.
that stone.

- Do you know about it?
- Yes.


My grandfather...
it's amazing.

My Swedish grandfather
talked about stones with holes

and the Nordic gods.

I've never seen one before.
it's extraordinary. isn't it?

I've always wanted to see one
and here one is. of all places.

- Thank you.
- The world of Odin.

Odin. Yeah. that's it.
The god Odin.

“Make a promise
to Odin. things happen. “

it's all superstition
and imagination.

I made an offering. anyway.

- Thank you.
- You never know.

Did you make a promise to Odin?


Here's your chance.

Make it binding.

“Break the promise.
bad things happen. “

All right. I'll catch you later.

See you.

It's all about the interior.
There's no exterior thought here. Liffey.

I like the interior.

It's where the memories are
and the future's made.

They're not your memories.

The place is full of memories.

You can feel that.
They're all over the place.

But you can't know them.

Bury them.

Begin again.

No. then there's nothing.

It has to live again. otherwise...

it's got to evolve
from the inside out.

From what was here before.

Then new beginnings are made.

You tread carefully.

That's all.

It's like the stone.

We know nothing.

I worry that I may
have lost something.

It happens.

You reminded me
of something about architecture that...

I hadn't thought about
for a long time.

I don't have to see it to believe it.

We've missed you. you know? It would
be good to have you back at the firm.

I'd like you to consider
a partnership.

What do you say?

We'll see.


Are you OK?

I had a miscarriage.

It's done. it's gone.

I'm still standing,
50's the house.

The two of us.

The hardest thing
is to keep separate

what we do
and what we want to be.

We know nothing.

Remember that.

Only Odin knows.

I'll come back when you're finished.
not before.

Right. all you girls
with the flamin' red hair.

This one's for you.

♪ A red-haired woman
has many powers

♪ She'll drink her man
past closing hours

♪ She'll close the bar
and then go home

♪ Yes. she'll go home.
but not alone



Getting stuck in. then?

Molly said the generator
isn't working.

Did she?

Not much she doesn't know.

- Is it working?
- As it happens. no.

Can't get it started.
Something I'm not doing right.

Things are coming on.

A long way to go yet.

I'll take a look at the genny. then.

Oh. uh...

From Mabs.

Said you liked it.

♪ But a redhead's the one
with the power

Fancy a glass?

- Yeah. Why not?
- Come on. we're going.

Go on. you bastard.

Came cm.

Come on. you...

Come on.


Come on.

OK. Agh!

There's a knack to it.

The knack's knackered.

S' You can't tame her flame
No two are the same

♪ There's not one just like another

S' When a reds in the bed
there's more to be said

S' You can't get them
under the covers

There's a good boy.

There's a good. good boy.

You'll soon be back home quick
to Mummy. now.

Good boy.


Well done. Tucker.

- Daddy?
- Good boy. Tucker.

Off you go.

Home now.

Good boy.

Good boy.

Little Richard.


- Who's that, then?
- Oh.

Oh. that's better.
Going on to Tucker now.

Not that I'd know.


It wasn't right what happened.

Was it?

No. it wasn't.

A bad dream.
let's leave it at that. yeah?

Don't know how it happened.

For the generator.
I fixed it.

- Take it.
- No.

You take it.


Hello? I can't hear you.
You'll have to talk louder.

What? No. I told you. the signal's fucked.
I can't get the Internet.

I don't know. The weather?

Richard. I need to talk to you.

It's beautiful here.

Do you miss me?

I miss you. Richard.

The main supporting wall appears sound.
despite damp.

Floor joists unaffected.

Perhaps the rear wall will need support
when the skylight...


Goodness. what a sight.

Oh. it's going on.
Don't mind me dropping in. do you?


Oh. it's amazing the place is still standing
with the heart taken out of it like that.

- There's not a single wall left.
- That's the idea.

Tucker got you the wine. did he?

Yes. thanks.

Did you like it?

Yes. it was strong.

- And he fixed the generator for you?
- Yes.

You do mind me dropping in.
I can tell.

No, wait.
I'll make some tea.

People 'round here,
they just want to know what's going on.

You'll get used to it.

- Keeping the baby. then?
- I'm sorry?

- You didn't get rid of it?
- What is this?

You think you can tell by... what?
Looking at my face?

- Yeah. you should watch that.
- You're wrong. I miscarried two weeks ago.

- What about you?
- Two weeks?

Yes. does that
not show on my face?

No. it doesn't. Sorry.

I'll be going now.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean
to fuck your husband.

She wasn't bloody pregnant!


She wasn't bloody pregnant!

I'll tell you what. pop in in the morning
and I'll see if I can fit you in.

OK. I'll see you then. Bye.

Hi. sorry I'm late.
I have an appointment.

- My name's Liffey Lambert.
- That should be fine.

- You're doing up the cottage. aren't you?
- Yes.

I'm Mabs' sister. Carol.

Take a seat.
The doctor won't be long.

I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.
it's been a long day.

- Surviving the winter OK?
- You get used to it.

I'm pregnant.

- Quick work.
- And I want an abortion.

- Worried you might miscarry again?
- No, no, no. I just want the abortion.

You'll have to go to London.

I'll see if I can
refer you to someone.

- Carol.
- No.

- Sorry?
- I don't want anyone to know.

- It's confidential.
- I was drunk.

I had sex with
my neighbor's husband.

Your receptionist's sister.

I just want to get rid of it.

I'll pay whatever.

You're with Tucker's child?

It's late.
I'll see what I can do tomorrow.

Tomorrow. OK.

- I'll call you in the morning.
- OK.

Good night.

How long does an abortion take?

A few minutes.

- Does it hurt?
- Not usually.

What's wrong?

I think your dates are mixed up.

I'd say you're
12 to 15 weeks pregnant.

No. that's not right.

You recently had a miscarriage
six or seven weeks in?


Well. I don't think you did.
Did you have a scan?

- No.
- Why not?

Well. I wasn't told to have one.
I bled a lot.

I had a miscarriage.

I think this one's
a surviving twin.

Does this complicate matters?

Is it OK?

Your placenta's low.
That usually rights itself.

Other than that.
she's perfectly normal.

A mm?


She's come so far.


I called them.
She didn't have the abortion.

She's having Tucker's baby.

But it's mine.
The bitch!

No. No!

Oh. my God.

Oh. Jesus. No.



Oh. my God.

Oh. my...

You scared the shit out of me.

I couldn't wait.

Oh. my God.

- Oh. it's you.
- Mm.

Are you OK?

No. I'm not.
Oh. my God.

You look great.

- Don't do that to me.
- OK. OK.

Are you OK?

I am now.

Me. too.

You smell different.

I am different.

We're starting from now.

From scratch.

Everything from before is over.

Is that all right?


- What's the matter?
- The placenta's wrongly placed.

See? See how it
blocks the baby's exit.

If it's low early on. it usually moves around.
but by this stage if it hasn't...

If it hasn't. then what?

If it hasn't moved by the next scan.
you'll have to have a Cesarean.

- I don't understand.
- The baby can't get out naturally.

- Is it dangerous?
- Without a Cesarean. yes.

But don't worry.
you'll be fine.

- Where have you been?
- I don't know.

This thing's dying on me.


- You all right?
- Yeah.

What are you doing?

No. Wait.

All right. OK. OK. OK.

OK, all right. Wait, wait.


Careful. careful.



Shh. Shh.

Are you OK?

You're a madman.
Are you all right?


It doesn't feel right
in here. Richard.

I like it.
Let's stay for a bit.

My belly's like an ice cube.

I don't feel right.
it's the placenta. I know it is.

Of course it's not.

Just keep it covered.


Oh. fuck.




Oh. God.

Oh. fuck.


Richard. get me out of here!

Oh. shit.
What the fuck's going on?




Hey. Hey.

What are you doing?
What are you doing?

Hey! Richard. get me out of here.

Liffey? Where are you?

I couldn't get out.
The door was locked.

What? Look.

What's going on?

What's she doing?

Mam? Mam?

Oh. Oh! Oh. Mam?

- Mam? Mam?
- Oh...

What is it? Oh. my...

Mam, what...?

- I'll get the truck.
- Oh. dear.

Oh. God. Oh. God.

Tell me what to do.


Please. Please. please.
please. please.

- What's she doing?
- I've no idea.


Gran wants your baby dead.
She thinks you've stolen her from Mum.

She's using bad magic to do it.
And it ain't no joke. either.

I can send back the spells
till you've packed up and gone.

'Cause you will have to go.
You understand that?

It ain't safe for you here.

You're hexed.

- Don't look at it. Liffey.
- What?

Who put it here. Audrey?

Audrey. who put it here?

Second door on the left.
I'll be with you in one minute.



Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Shh. shh. shh.

You OK?



- They're killing my baby.
- What?

They're killing my baby.

- What's happened?
- They're killing my baby!

Don't you understand?

Nothing happened.
Fuck off!

- Did she say something?
- You go away and leave us alone.

You're poisoning her.
Look. this is bullshit.

- ... defended them.
- You're not listening to this.

- Just get out.
- No!


She's staying.


It's Mabs.

I'm here with Carol.

Can you hear me?

Mam. I've lost Audrey.

She's so angry with me.

She's really. really angry with me.

She's just a teenager.


She knows not what she...

She's brain-dead.
Can't you see? Look at her.

No. That can't be right.

She's not finished yet.
We've still got stuff to sort out.

Shut up.

I curse the day
those bloody people showed up.

I don't want her to die, Mabs.

Audrey, your mother's coming.
She's coming up the lane.

What are you going to do?

' Keep Playing
- Liffey?

She can't do a thing.

It's with me and Gran.
it's nothing to do with her.

Audrey, your mother's come to take
you home. It's time to go now. Come on.



- Hi.
- Hi. I don't know what to say. I really don't.

Audrey. come home now
and leave these people be.

Audrey. your grads not well.

Audrey. I'm your mother.
Do as I say. Stop this now.

it's over.

She's gone.



It doesn't matter now.

- I'm sorry.
- it's OK.

- I won't ever trouble you again.
- Forget it.

Audrey. come here.


Blood clot stopped her heart.

She died.

That's all there is.

The end's in us all. Mabs...

right from the start.

Anyway, she's not dead, not really.
It's never, "That's it. "

She's bound to be around.

All around and around.

- It's my fault.
- No. it's not.

Oh, you don't know
anything about it.

I'm not stupid. Mabs.

Audrey hates me.

- My own daughter hates me.
- No, she doesn't.

- I'm not a bad person.
- No.

What have I done?

- It's all wrong.
- it's not your fault.

- And all I wanted...
- Shh.

I love you. Mabs.

Don't that count?
Don't that give it purpose?

I'll give you a baby.

A lovely new baby.

A boy.

Just the two of us.

- Everything OK?
- Can't be too careful.

- My head's turned to porridge.
- Good. Endomorphines getting you ready.

No need for them
if I'm having a Cesarean.

- You'll be there?
- You bet.

- See me sliced open?
- it's a birth. however it's done.

These are some iron tablets.

In your condition. any bleeding. however
slight. get to the hospital. Don't hesitate.

- Other than that. good luck.
- Thank you.

- Thanks a lot.
- Not at all.

Excuse me. you forgot your bag.

' Bye-bye.
- Bye.

Liffey. sit here.

I'll shoot the inside.

- I'm OK.
- Come on. we'll be late.

Here. it's yours.


We're just about to go out.

- Now. that's what I call progress.
- Hello.

I've been doing a lot of thinking
and I need to tell you something.

- How do you think you've done?
- OK.

It works. I think. I've achieved
what I set out to do.

I want to take the job.

I want to be a partner in the firm.

Oh. dear.

That can't happen.

I'm terribly sorry.

When I was last here.

Everything changed.

You freed me.

Odin's messenger.

I'm... I'm not afraid anymore. so...

I don't get it.

Neither do I.

But it's great. isn't it?

I got out.

No more company.
no more buildings.

- Are you going to start a new practice?
- No.

I don't understand. Lars.
What are you going to do?

I have no idea.

Not even one.

It's all new from now.

The beginning of the beginning.

The end of the end.


So. what do you think?
isn't it great?

Yes. it is.

It is great.

A bit of a way to go yet. but...


I'd say you're almost there.

Uh, we have to go out.

- Do we?
- it's arranged.

I don't want to. I want to see Lars.
We've so much to talk about.

- Liffey...
- Richard.

No. please.

Don't. Go.

I'd like to just sit
and take it all in.



- Are you sure you want to walk?
- Yes, yes, yes. Stop fussing.


What's got into Lars?

God. only Odin knows.

- Liffey. it's crazy to walk.
- But it's so beautiful.

Do we have to go to the lunch?
I really don't want to.

It'll be fine.
I told Tucker we would.

- I'm so bloody pregnant.
- Exactly.

Stay here.
I'll go back for the Land Rover.

The day is full of birds.

Sounds like they're saying words.

Would you either get out of my way
or give me a hand? Go down the other end.

Becky. you come over the other side there.
Go on. get a hold of that.

Now pull it. Pull.

Good girls.

That'll be them.

Place mats. please.

- Hi.
- Grab a chair. Come through.

- I got some wine.
- Not there.

That's Mam's chair.

- Audrey. place mats.
- Puffball. Devils eyeball.

No, wait.

- That's Mam's chair.
- I know. That's why I'm sitting in it.

- You've got a nerve coming here.
- Carol.

- She's only been dead two months.
- Carol. be nice.

She pushed her to it. Mam's dead. and
I don't think you should get away with it.

Why should she?
It isn't fair.

- We're going.
- No. please stay.

Things that need to be said.
You see. she fucked Tucker.

Tucker fucked her.
She's having Tucker's baby.

You're not the father.
He is.

There. Done.

I was drunk.

You fucked him.

Yes. but the baby's yours. Richard.
it's not his.

All I wanted was a baby
and you stole it from me!


I'll get him back.


Richard! Richard!


- Mabs. it's mine.
- You stole my baby boy.

You took the last hope I had.

- It's mine. it's Richard's baby.
- Liar. Liar. Liar!

- It's mine!
- Liar!

It's ours. it's mine.

You took it all.

Why couldn't you just let go?

I think I'm going into labor.

Oh. really. little miss?

I need to go to hospital.

Sorry. No one here to help.

But we'll die.

What do you want?

- Huh?
- Richard...

- What the fuck do you want?
- Richard. please.

What do you want?

Are you all right?

My waters have broken.

Get help.




Mum, help!
Her water's broken.

Mum! Mum!

- What can I do?
- Help me.

- What can I do?
- Get someone. Get someone!


- Dad!
- What?


Dad. stop. Dad. stop.
She's dying. Dad. stop. She's dying.

- What? Where is she?
- She's up there.

Liffey. Oh. shit!

Help me.


- Is the baby hypoxia?
- No.

- Blood pressure down.
- lodine sponge.


She's still bleeding.

We'll cut in low.

- Scalpel. Sister?
- Scalpel.

We're losing
baby's blood as well as mother's.

BP dangerously low now.

Sister. clamp. please.

- Where's my baby?
- In the nursery.

- Don't sit up. You can see her later.
- Where's Richard?

I'll find him.
Shh. Ifs OK.

- I want to see my baby now.
- You can see her later.

- What's wrong with me?
- You're absolutely fine. You're very lucky.

Shh. Just rest.
I'll find Richard.





I can see you are.

You were right.

You were right.

She's Richard's eyes.




She's our baby.

She is.

She is.

Sounds like
they're saying Words.

- Everything OK?
- Yeah.

To be honest. I thought
it would be a hard sell.

- Who are you showing 'round?
- Professional couple.

A bit like yourselves.
They're keen.

- Children?
- I don't think so. no.

Huh. it's not exactly
a child-friendly place. is it?

A bit isolated.
if you see what I mean.

I love how it fits,
but sort of doesn't.

- Why are you selling?
- Everything's changed.

We don't belong here.

Boy or girl?

- Girl.
- Beautiful.

'(out doom open.

- Are we ready?
- Yeah, let's go.


Good luck.



What's she called?

- Nothing at the moment.
- Can I hold her?


Hello. nothing.

- She's got your eyes.
- Thanks.

Mum's pregnant.

- Congratulate her for me.
- Will do.

We should be going.


Here. Good girl.

Oh. Audrey'?

- Give these to your mum.
- Thanks.

- Boy or girl?
- Boy.

it's a boy.