Public Friends (2016) - full transcript

A brother wants to help his brother (who has cancer) to do a last wish. And that is rob a bank. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Pass, pass the ball!

Pass it! Pass!

Pass, pass it.

- Yeah!
- Well done, brother!

- No, no, no goal.
- Yeah!

No, no way.

Industrial disaster
on Pétrochimie site in Lyon

Fatal explosion
at Pétrochimie factory

Léo, your brother and the other kids
are in our thoughts. Be strong!

Children with cancer

Pétrochimie, children in danger

Toll of the disaster

With my bro and his gang at hospital


Hands up! Don't move!

- Your Pocket monster cards.
- What?

Your cards, fast!

- There.
- No!

Not these, the pink ones.

- Hurry up!
- OK, keep cool.

- Come on!
- Keep cool, keep cool.

Thanks, sir. Have a good day.

- Hi, Clem.
- Hi, Ben.


- Hi.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- Fine.

That looks great.

OK. See you.

See you later.

Who ate up who?

This one ate little worms
and dead snails,

so, he had indigestion and he'll die.

- Hi, Ben.
- Hey.


- A battle of monsters.
- "Battle of monsters"...

Oh thanks, Ben!

You got the pink ones.
So cool!

- You're so sweet.
- Oh no...

- What?
- I still don't have Bulbasaur.

You've got better still:
"Benbasaur". Look.

Sir, you're in a hospital.

Little rascal!
Think you're funny?

Excuse me, I...


Ben, stop pleading like the cat

from Shrek.
It always works.

I'm off for a coffee.

- See you.
- See you, daddy.

I'll come with you.

You OK?

You know, I'd just like people
to look at us normally.


They can't do that.

Because you're not normal.

You're exceptional.

Yes, but for once,

I'd like to be outside, with others,

and that no one looks at me
as a sick person.

That no one notices me.

Just be like anyone else.

There's one too many
in this saloon, tenderfoot.

And it's not me.

Leave the town before dawn.

Not bad, huh?

- You'll be at la Puerta del Sol...
- Wow, I'm impressed.

- That's how people feel.
- I can imagine.

Police! Calm down.
It's under control.


Tonight, we're gonna "dine" in Hell!

Are you with me?

I'm Caius Cubatus,

at your service.

You're a bank manager, right?

Yes. Why?

Just because it's already...
a nice job.

You want me to post the video
on your actor's page?

You're the website pro.
I want it to appeal to producers.

How about my name
in different coloured stars?

Something classy.

Yes, or I could do
your website in French

and in English, for Hollywood.

That sounds good. I like that.

I knew you would.

- I just stopped smoking.
- Congrats.

It must be hard.

- Another idea...
- Excuse me.

No problem.
Next to my name...

See you this afternoon?

OK, bro

- Can you pay?
- We look like robbers?

If you screw me, I'll...

What scumbags!

What's your problem?

What's up?

Go on, get lost!

The door, dammit!

Do the 4-4-3 formation.

Drop the personal defensive,
and above all

stop budging when the wingers
are in the mixed zone,


What's a "mixed zone"?


Never mind.
We can't catch up 11 goals.

OK, go now! Go!

Hi, there.

- Not even a hello?
- I'm waiting for my maintenance.

I know, but the divorce,

the lawyers...
Of course.

Honey, I'm off. Be good.

I love you.

What did you do this week?

When will mummy come back?

Hey, pumpkins, move your arses!

What's that?

I was fired-up.

I took the plastic gun
and went straight in.

Without even thinking.

I faced the guy.

Everyone was tensed up,
like in Heat.

And then?

I pointed my gun, like that:

"Your Pocket monsters
or I'll kill you."


It's awesome.
He didn't even move.

Come on, let's take a photo.


Take that off!

Bunch of idiots!

OK, bro?

You OK?

I'm stopping.

I'm stopping.

This damn chemo's not working.

It's not working.

- That's bullshit.
- It's not.

I want to spend the time I have,
with you guys.

But, Ben, if you stop everything,
you might...

What? Die?

No, just the opposite,

I'll live at last.
At last, I will live.


You're just a bit down,
you'll be OK. It's fine.

We'll take you back
to your room.

He's an adult.
He can decide for himself.

There's really no hope at all?

We want the money from the bank,

not yours.

Hands up.

Nobody move!

"Release me."

"I don't know where the vault is.
I'm just an employee."

Don't fool me.

"Why don't we make love?"

"It's so hot in this bank.
I've got cravings."

We're taking him.

Why are you leaving me?

I'll never leave you.

I want to see my brother
and my friends.

Am I not your friend?

You are my little angel.

It's much stronger.

I hate it when you're not here.

Daddy says you give me strength.

See this phone? Take it.

There's only one number: mine.

We'll call each other every day
to say we're OK.

Welcome home.

There, the deco's over.

- So classy.
- Chicks must be rushing in.

Fuck off.

But we can make
a nice room for Ben, over there.

There are 2 motorways
less than 400 m away.

Your masks.

Put your masks on.

We want the bank's money, not yours.

The vault. Open the vault.

He'll be fine, like before.

"Like before"? We don't even know
if he'll be here in a week.

What d'you want us to do?

We must fulfil his dream.
We'll do a hold-up, guys.

We're so stupid,
why didn't we think of it earlier?

We'll organise a fake hold-up.

He won't know. He'll love it.

And where will you find a fake bank?

In Hollywood, guys.

Spartans! Tonight, we're gonna
"dine" in Hell! Are you with me?

I really look like an actor,
isn't it?

- I look like an actor.
- Absolutely.

- How much do I owe you?
- I don't want money.

Cool. Fine by me.

- Thanks.
- I need a favour.

Yah. You want to make a film

and you need Eric Roza?

- My brother's dying of cancer.
- Oh, it's serious?

I need to borrow a bank

to fulfil his dream.

- He wants to be a banker?
- He wants to do hold-ups.

I want to set up
a fake hold-up, like in a film.

No, no. What do you mean?

We're not in a film
and I'm a banker.

I lend money, not banks.

- I won't be allowed to.
- No need to ask.

Want to get me fired?

Hey, you can't be serious.
It's nonsense. How much?


Tell me your scenario,
and the role I'll play.

I'm doing it for your brother.

- Don't overdo it, OK?
- Remember my demo?

That's just it.

Right. Apparently, it's here.

Buona sera.
Have you been followed?

Come in fast, fast.

I know people around.

I made meat balls.

- Cool.
- It's 10 a.m.

Sit down and shut it.
You don't want to upset me?

Don't upset the family.


- Enjoy, son.
- Thanks.

- Tell me.
- Mr Chirachi.

Who's "Chirachi"?

- Give some respect.
- Yes, alright. Mr Squillachi.

We need advice to do a hold-up.


What's my share?

There's no share.
We made a deal.

- I'm not mother Theresa.
- Sir,

be kind.
Va bene. We'll settle that later.

OK. A hold-up takes
100 seconds to 3 minutes.

Then the cops turn up.

So each word counts.

Correct. Like in Heat.

Conio! De Niro in Heat,

dead or alive, he pockets his fee.



Don't say "This is a hold-up",
it's too long. Or "Hands up",

it's not a night club.
Say: "The cash, fast!"

"Come on, give me the dough.
Don't act smart.

"I'm a man. I'm Squillachi,
straight like a panini.

"Darling, I love you. Tell the kids
I love them. I'm leaving.

"Finito, with linguini.

"Hands on your head!"
I've got a gun, hands on your head.

"Go and get the cash, hurry up."

"I'm fed up, you're bugging me."

"Not you, you're no good."

When they've got it,
take the cash and get out.

That's not cash, it's the trash.

I'll throw it out. I'll be back.

Mr Roza, you told me 30 minutes.

Want your loan for the works?


- Bastard.
- Squillachi's back.

All thugs are good actors.
Squillachi's good.

He's in the game.

We dreamt of this hold-up, right?

It was a child's dream,

like kids dream of being firemen
or walking on the moon.

Don't screw up your lives.

Thought about Max?

Does he think of me?
My son cares a hang.

"My son doesn't think of me.
He's dead."

"And my brother's sick."

Shut up, Corleone.
You bugged me.

Don't worry about us.
You are important.

Sorry, but I'm not at ease, guys.

I can't let you do that for me.

You're nuts.

- You're really going to do it?
- With or without you, bro.

It's your fault. It'd have been
easier if you'd dreamt of a porn.

Yes. We'd have taken Frank's mother
and that was it.

Making love to his mother,

must be like a good hold-up:
100 seconds to 3 minutes.

Some advice from banditi
to bandit...

Take the guard hostage
before you enter;

they won't press the alarm.

We can't do that.

I mean, "they". What do I know.
I'm Squillachi, the thug.

I'm not a banker. Cappicciu?

- Cappicciu.
- Something else,

one of you must deal
with the hostages.

There's nothing worse
than to terrorise a hostage.

They could panic
and do anything crazy.

Saw that film with Mel Gibson?

Don't move! Everyone stay calm.

Where's the manager?

In your arse!

Franck, you're a pain.
Get into it.

In his arse.

Guys, what's this mierda?

Someone must wait in the car,

with the engine on.

OK, got it.

But with my taxi,
I'll leave the meter on.

Bankers are trained
to recognise a gunman.

Make up your own characters.

I've got wigs, dresses,
we'll have fun.

Move your arses!
Move your linguini.

Come on, come, run.

Squillachi's never seen that.

It's not a hold-up at a grocer's.

Lift your legs.

How was your day, sweetie?

Tomorrow's the big day.

There we are, bro.

No risk for the alarm to go off?

No. The whole agency knows.

OK. What else?

The cashier's name is Mireille.
No remarks about her looks.

OK, sir.
Don't worry, we'll be polite.

- Ready?
- Yes.

A one, and a two
and a three, let's go!

But you must fill in the receipt.

- I've been your client for 40 years.
- I know.

Call in Mr Latuyère.
Call him in!

Nobody move!

Stay calm. Hello.

We'll give you everything.

Hurry up.

Get in there!

Nobody move!

Come on, old lady.

You, get up.

Bloody go in!

Mireille, turn off the cameras.

Don't act smart.

Éric's stupid.

She's a hottie.

I'm not Mireille.

OK, Mireille, just obey!

It's cut, now?

- OK. Thanks, Mireille.
- I'm not Mireille.

The money in the bag. Fast.

Speed up!


Turn around, turn around.


- What the hell?
- We're robbing your bank.

I doubt so,
I'm there and you're not.

Pass Léo.

It's Crédit du Rhône-Alpes,
avenue Leclerc?

Crédit du Rhône-Alpes,
boulevard Leclerc.

What, "boulevard"?

"Boulevard", dammit...
Bloody hell!



Dammit, not boulevard.
Holy shit.

Éric's real good.
He even got walk-ons.

But aren't you overdoing it a bit?

I don't want Ben to figure it out.

A video tape with a garlic sauce...

It's smells like Provence.

The cops! Let's get out.

Thanks, you were awesome.
Good job.

- Mireille, I love you.
- My name is not Mireille.


This Éric is damn stupid.

Shit, this is crazy.

Take Mireille?

Are we in the game or not?

- Over the game!
- Fancied that?

You almost ran over him.

I lost my wig. The guy saw me.

What? Oh, shit.

Don't worry.
He saw someone bald.

There's no risk.

Slow down, I'm telling you.

You're going to kill us.
It's a fake hold-up.

- Bloody calm down.
- C'mon! Shit...

- They were at least 4.
- Yes.

One was tall.

They had the boss and used
a stun gun on an oldie.

- A stun gun?
- Yes.

Good job.

Find the CCTV.

- Commissioner.
- Vujojic was released.

It looks like his signature,
isn't it?

Not even a hello?



- You're the manager?
- No.

Get the manager, bloody hell!

Thanks for today.

It was incredible.

What about the fake notes?
We burn them?

That'd be stupid.
They're really well done, huh?

How much is in there?
At least 100,000.

- Alright, OK.
- What's up?

No, I'm with my brother
and the guys.

It'll be fine.

- A taxi driver!
- You didn't even misfire on purpose.

This damn satnav
mixed up with "avenue".

The guy's a taxi driver.

- It's his job.
- It's not my fault.

- Tell the cops that.
- They won't find us.

Of course they will!

The guy's a taxi driver!
Give me a smoke.

- Didn't you stop?
- I did.

Hear any sirens?
No, all's well.

You'll be happy to take your share.

Calm down.
Meanwhile, we stay hidden.

- I have to work.
- What's his job?

- Taxi driver.
- The guy's a taxi driver!

- I'll kill him!
- Calm down.

It's your job.
The guy's a taxi driver.

He's just started.

- It makes 10 years.
- What?

That I'm a taxi driver.

They kept on calling me Mireille.

My name is not Mireille.

I'd like to go home.

- A last effort.
- I said everything.

They were 3 with T-shirts
of the French national team.

I'm under shock,
understand that?

You don't look all that shocked.

- Say?
- Not really, no.

They burned the hard disks

of the CCTV.
Thank you.

Besides the staff,
who else knows that the tapes

are saved on the hard disk
of the bank?

The other bank managers,
the headquarters. Why?

The robbers erased them.

Strange, isn't it?

The younger one was bald.

There, you see?

How bald exactly?

What will we do with the dough?

Buy Franck a brain.

We'd need

the Bank of France.

- Very funny...
- Damn...

This is where
I first chatted up a girl.

Yes, Pauline. She was hot.

I wish I'd shagged her.

Ben, can I ask you an odd question?


With the chemo, can you still...

Well, can you...?

Get hard?


It's more psychological
than physical.

- Get me?
- Yes. No, I don't.


When you look at your shitty mug
in the mirror,

it's hard to imagine
a chick would want you.

That's actually the reason

why Franck's still a virgin.

I'm going to bed.

Good night.

Sleep well, little brother.

The guy's a taxi driver!!!

Once I'm cured,
I'll be a great dancer.

- Got your cards?
- No. You're no good.

- You don't understand the rules.
- No?

She never complained.

All she wanted

was to be like anybody.

In the middle of people.
That no one notices her.

That's all.

That's all.

The hospital knows nothing.

- Let's share the dough.
- No.

Bruno, Émilie's father,
founded an association

for the victims of the explosion.
It's for him.

What? So much dough?

There are 17 families
with sick kids.

Once you divide it up,
it doesn't make much.

There's no difference
divided into 18...

We'll do that.

For Émilie and the families

I'm sure
he'll buy a Porsche with it.

- Here are the official documents.
- Fine, thank you.

And some funds.

They're anonymous donations.


Show me your hands!
Your hands, I said!

- Show me your hands!
- Alright, alright.

- Keep them visible.
- Bruno Adgé?

- What the...?
- I've got

a search warrant
from Judge Brisson.

I don't get it.

The notes were marked.


So, madam, you're Argentinian?

- Yes.
- What's it got to do?

I can't see the money.

Enough, now. Tell them to stop.

Enough. Stop.

This money was left

on my threshold.
Who? Robin Hood?

I, too, found it hard to believe.

Thugs giving their dough
to an association?

- The world is not that bad.
- Yeah.

Where were you
on Saturday at noon?

I was at my daughter's funeral.

The disaster of
the Pétrochimie factory in 2000.

11 dead, 57 injured.

The biggest
industrial explosion ever.

And here is Bruno Adgé,

of the victim's association.

He says a toxic gas leaked out

and spread over the area,
thus causing cancers.

- Kids, mainly.
- Didn't they get compensation?

- That's not our job.
- It gives us a motive.

Guess there are guys

who want to act as rightdoers.
Give me a smoke.

They take the money from the system
and share it out.

- The whole lot?
- Got a better version?

Anything's possible.

I last smoked 15 years ago...

We investigate discreetly,

we act fast
and keep the media away.

Let's start with the families
of the victims.

That's all we have.

OK. Let's go?


It's only ringing.

Bloody hell!

17 people are concerned.

Plus their relatives,
that's a hundred odd suspects.


Has Mr Clean been identified?

He'd better take his drops.


- Myriam Coso.
- Thanks for your time...

Please look at this photo carefully.

- You know him?
- Yes, it's Ben.

- He shared the room with Émilie.
- Where's he?

- I've got work.
- Yes. But where is he?

- He left the ward.
- "Left"? He's cured?

No. Why exactly
do you want to see him?

I must ask him some questions.
What's his address?

To the right and bam!
There, I won again.

- Here. It's too easy.
- Cheater.

Where are you going?

Home, to get his medicine.

You must lie low. Never know.

Ben needs it. I'm off.

- I'll keep some pizza for you?
- No.

Lots of cheese...

The trial's been on for 10 years.

It's Bruno.

And justice leaves us to croak.

To get back the money,
arrest the bank Robins,

they're real fast.
They're suspected of having robbed

the Crédit du Rhône-Alpes.

Above all, they handed the money
to my association.

I might be arrested, but,
if they're listening: watch out,

the notes were marked

and the cops are after you.

Shit... Léo...

Dammit, they must be
at his place. I'm off.



Bloody get in. Get in!

Turn it off.

- Shit.
- Oh, I was there first.

Amazing. The guy's a taxi driver.


We'll find an open pharmacy.
I promise you.

Are you stupid or what?
It's not a cold.


The cop costume's in the booth?

My door, dammit.

For sure, it's not organised crime.

Send a wanted notice
on the Léo brothers

and Ben Perez.

And find his teammates.

Question the neighbours.

They must be old classmates.

They're amateurs.
In case they're arrested,

never know how they can react.

They like the same films as us.

You and your colleagues...

Oh, I'm talking to you!

You and your colleagues,
watch the building.

If there's movement,
let us know.

Yes, sir.

Pack up.

Hey mate, don't be shy like that.
Go now.

Yes, madam.

We can't stay here.

It's too risky.

I don't want to be raped
in my bath. Guess it hurts.

And my son?

I know he doesn't care
to see me, but still.

I'll turn myself in.

I'll tell the cops
I did it with other guys.

Thanks, Ben, I'm so relieved.

- It's a good idea.
- True.

We'll turn you in,
it's better. Ready?

- Ready.
- Ready.

- Damn ready.
- Awesome.

- I got it. We don't do anything.
- Right; you got it.

- Lounès, give me a smoke.
- OK.

Didn't you stop smoking?

I did.

Give me one, please?

I don't think you should smoke.

It's not good for your health.

OK. There.

Throw the mobile away.

What about my son?

Dare anyone touch my mobile.
I've got too many things in there.

Only 347 photos left. Then,
I'll do the music and we're gone.


Synchronised. We're off.

We're bloody gone.

- Hello.
- Hello.

We'd like a room for 4.

A credit card?

No. We had our papers stolen.

I still need a name.

Yes. Squillachi.

- "Squi"...?
- "Llachi."

Squillachi, with a "chi". Easy.

- I've only got the family room.
- Fine. We'll take it.

- Room 23.
- Thanks a lot.

- Bye.
- Good night, miss.

- That chick is weird.
- She's super hot.

No, no, no!

I see, OK.
The family room, right.

Great, a castle bed.

- I take the top.
- No, it's me!

Following a search, Bruno Adgé,

chairman of the association
of the factory victims,

was taken into custody.

Please, a word.

- A question.
- Bruno?

The police suspect
he's indirectly involved

in the hold-up. The investigators
are searching for youth

described as bald
owing to a chemotherapy.


- Never mind.
- Get lost.

Bruno's just lost his daughter.

It's disgusting.

We'll take care of them.

I'm Léo Perez.

Oh, dammit.

I'm Léo Perez,
one of the bank Robins.

We are non-violent

but the police is harassing a guy
who's just lost his daughter.

They're calling us robbers?

We don't want money. Not like
Pétrochimie. By the way,

10 years ago, this factory
with chemical products exploded.

Dozens of children fell ill.

Like my little brother.

Our parents died in there.

The directors swore there wouldn't be
any harmful effects.

They never worried about it.

Why? Because those shitbags prefer
to spend millions on lawyers

rather than give the families

So we decided to do it
by robbing banks

to give it to 17 families;
50,000 euros each.

The cops are searching
for a bald kid; that's my brother.

Aren't you ashamed?

Haven't those kids suffered enough?

You want bald people?
No problem.

I'll be bald, like my brother,

like the kids we see
in our neighbourhood,

that we stare at like monsters.

If you think our cause is just,

then do like us. And maybe...

with all these bald headed
to control,

the cops will have a harder time
pinching us.

- Oh shit...
- A one, a two, and a three...

- He's got 2 million views.
- Let's go.

Oh non. It's different for me.
My hair's falling.

Wear a hat, then.

What do we look like?

The big-hearted robbers

The bank Robins
A non-profit organisation

Police. Hello.
Did you see this taxi?

- No, I haven't.
- You sure?


- I got zilch.
- I got nothing, too.



- Coming? It's not them.
- Yes, coming.

Excuse me. How d'you know?

There, go to the hotel, there.

They can't control
all the bald people?

Thank you.

Thank you!

Thank you.

Thanks, the Robins!


Thank you!

- Thank you.
- Believe that, guys?

My son made our Facebook page.

That's great.
We'll be ladykillers.

Come on, guys. Hey...

Wait on.

So, the bald-headed
don't go out at night.

Good to know.

And what about the commissioner.
It was worth it?

Tell me a little bit.

I'll pretend I know nothing.

I'll see her the same as before.

Come on. Move it.

I'll go for a snooze.
Wake me up in 10 minutes.

Bald, bald, bald.

You're damn crazy.


You know me too well.

- I'll take the hotels.
- I'll do the rest.

- And then breakfast?
- Bloody yes.

This phone's bullshit.
No games even.


- Ever seen them?
- No, but I recognise them.

- They're on the Internet.
- OK.

- What about the taxi, seen it?
- No.

Move it.

Move it, move it.

Move it.

I'll still check the rooms.

So, wait on...

Room 40's a Chinese couple,

23, Romanians, I don't know
how many they are.

A tramp room 16,
and reps in the 19...

OK. Forget about the rooms.

If ever you see them...

Have a good day.



- Direct on YouTube.
- Don't do that.

- You looked like pros, on the web.
- Franck, you screwed up!

1 million views. Wanna bet?

- Come on, smile.
- Wait, where are we?

No "thank you"?

- Thank you.
- Let's take my car.

- What?
- I'm coming along.

- No way.
- No.

It'd be nice to have a girl.

- She'll take care of us.
- And call me mummy.

If it wasn't for me,

the cops would've taken you.
I'm an accomplice.

No, listen...

What's your name?

- Anna. And you?
- Lounès.

It means "fortune", in Arabic.

And "Monday", in Spanish.

She's in the game.

- What's that?
- That you're here,

and you're all out to get it.

I didn't get it.

- It means you're awesome.
- OK.

- The cops are coming!
- Fast, jump in the booth!

OK, you got it.

Let's take the things and we're off.

They've gone?

- My door, shit...
- Sorry,

but your car's toast.

Let's go to my place.
My flatmate's OK.

A flatmate?
I'm putting an option.

"An option"?
She likes mature men?

Look at them fighting.

- Such losers.
- Yeah.


She likes the bald?

- Got a photo?
- I lost my wheels,

I need consolation.
Come on.

Frankly, she likes them tall?

There we are.

There're blankets in the cellar.

Or we can snug up.

As you like, guys.

Where's your flatmate?

There's an oldie in the lounge.

It's Huguette, my flatmate.
She's deaf and dumb. Don't worry.

Franck will chat up someone,
at last!

- Dammit!
- OK, no.

He won't.

They'd been stuck for ages.

You've just joined us,
but you know who the boss is.

I'm mad over these kids.

They respect me
just like my son does.

You're a nice kid.

- Smells real good. Good job.
- Thanks.

- That's what my mother says.
- You live with her?

Yes. They can't live without me.

It's like this group, you see.

I'm not only the leader,
I'm also the soul.

Scram, kiddo.

Let the chef work.

- There's nothing.
- It hurts and you're pressing.

Stop your nonsense.

- No respect.
- We know nothing about you.

Why's your flatmate

that lady, there?

Why work nightshifts

at the hotel? Where's your family?
Complicated divorce.

You're divorced?

No, my dad.

- You've divorced from your dad?
- Idiot.

Let's change topics?
What about work?

What work you wanna talk about?

The hold-ups.
Aiming for another bank?

No hopes, girly.

OK, OK. Let's do it at poker.

- I don't like poker...
- Strip-poker.

- Yes.
- Not bad.

I'm in.


You're cheating. Let me re-buy.

You're a billionaire in calories.

Bastards, you've bugged me.

- Bye, mum.
- Where are you off to?

Going to sell dope.

- Max...
- To Jordan's.

It's Saturday.
I'll be back in one hour.


Cut your hair?

I wanted to shave my head like you,

but mum refused.

- You OK?
- You're popular at school.

Good job for using Facebook
to contact me. The police

can't locate you, right?

I'm coming with you.

Your mother'll find us
quicker than the cops.

With her,
it's death penalty for sure.

Wait on. Let me explain.

It's not his fault, it's mine.

- She's damn foxy.
- Yeah.

Hey, guys.

- I can hear you.
- Sorry. Yes.

Question. The straight flush
beats three of a kind?

Thanks for the info.
I'll remember that next time.


You saw Max? Happy?

I'm off.
The cops could turn up any time.

Come off it.
Since when you're a gangster?

You fear your own shadow.

It's Léo's idea?

You got hooked in by kids
10 years younger than you?

It wasn't for real.
Franck drove us to the wrong place.


Naturally. That's guy's
a damn taxi driver.

- Ever slept with a gangster?
- What's got you?

- And the cops?
- Shut up.

Wear this, please.

Thanks, sir, that was perfect.

It's OK. You can get up.

Well, OK, sorry.

OK now?

Can we put our clothes on?

I'm on the next hold-up?

OK, you're with us.


Right. Simple briefing.

Anna, can you sit down, please?
It's embarrassing.


We won't do like the last time.

A fake hold-up and misfire banks?

You knew it?

Yes, I heard you.

Honestly, what you did
was real crazy.

Really, it's... I love you.

Bro, what's your master plan?

- What makes a good team?
- Good players.

At their specific positions.

Exactly. We'll each do
what we know to do best.

Lounès, you're going to guzzle.

I took care of the IT part.

- Like, you hacked a bank?
- No.

Just the aircon.

Ben, you'll just handle it remotely.

The metal detector's gone off.

- Any maintenance planned?
- Let me check.

No, nothing.
I'll call the security station.


It's OK. HQ's sent an email
about the aircon.

For once they're responsive...

- Hello.
- Hello, madam.

I know the way.

It's hot.

My baby!

Move. I'm a doctor.

Alright, madam?

A "vaginal" attack!


What's wrong?

It's vasovagal attack.
She needs air.

Make room!

It's too hot.
There's no aircon?

It's down.

I don't know if this young lady
will pull through.

Save my child!

She's expecting!

If I may,
the a/c working downstairs.

- Who are you?
- The technician from HQ.

Help me carry her, sir.
Give me a hand.

My goodness!
She's way too heavy.

Sir, please help us.

Thank you.
That's nice of you.


You'll be OK.

We're almost there.


If you move or scream,
I'll shoot. Hands up.

The vault, fast.

- Move your arse.
- Go on.

Go on!

All's well. Baby's on the way.

It's marvellous. It's a boy!

It's OK, the aircon's repaired.

They didn't harm anybody
and we're insured for that money.

Shave your head!

I did think about it.

Shame on Pétrochimie.
All those kids with cancer.

It stirs me as a mother.
Not you?

I doubt I could be a mother.

- OK?
- Sure, yes.

The gang has grown.

Jean-Louis, Élise.
I don't know who it is,

but the Robins found their Marian.

What a fool.

Where are you goin'?

How do you know her name's Marian?

You really that stupid, Jean-Louis?

I don't know her name,
but Robin... Marian.

You know, Robin Hood.

Can you believe that guy has a gun?

The attack of the bank,
free of violence,

was supposedly led
by the bank Robins.

The victims of Pétrochimie
will be getting news.

Robins! Robins!

- Yes!
- I'm proud of you.

- Well done, guys.
- Super.

Super, yeah!

- It's for you, brother.
- Blimey.

- Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday, Ben!

I thought you'd forgotten.

How could we forget?
It might be your last.

You're such an asshole.

- Police! Open up!
- What's that?

- The cops, we must beat it.
- Calm down.

- Hands on your dick.
- What?

Happy birthday, you sucker!

- Don't forget, it's psychological.
- Psychological.

Get lost.

Let me stay. I paid!

Take the wigs, we're going out.


Now, we must launder the money.

We can't hand over dirty money.

- Got an idea?
- Not yet.

But I'll find one.

- Shh...
- Another stripteaser.

- This time it's for me.
- Shut it.

Open the door and step back.

Open the door slowly
and step back.

Slowly does it. Show your hand.

Come with me.

If you move,

he takes it all.

- Don't worry, bro.
- Step back.

Close the door. Right.

I'm here, little brother.
Don't worry.


They're not at fault.

I organised everything alone.

What do you want?

- First, I want your gun.
- Which gun?

The plastic toy
you've got behind your back.

How d'you know it's a toy?

Ok, then, shoot.


We've got others, and real ones.

And prepaid phones that can be
tracked in 5 minutes. Amateurs.

We're driving you nuts for weeks,

We're on the news, on the radio,
on the Internet.

It's not very flattering
for your team.

I'm going to arrest you, Léo.

- We've not done it for us.
- You're not a thug.

You're just a fool.

But you're a nice and popular fool.

All the kids are shaving their heads.
What next?

You'll tell them to join your gang?

On Facebook, you might be someone.
But for me, you're nothing.

You were going to launder the money?

You've got contacts
with organized crime.

Stop while it's time.

You're arresting me

or chatting?
Shut it.

Tomorrow, 8 a.m., at
the police station with the dough.

It's totally different
if you turn yourselves in.

You'll be with your brother
till the end.

Why're you doing this?

You'll regret it
if you're not with him at the end.

It's a deal, but I impose the rules.

Tomorrow, at the police station,
8 a.m. Got me?


- Deal. Just do it.
- OK, inspector Nike.

A neighbour identified you.
If I were you...

Get lost!

All this trouble and the kids
won't get their dough.

- What do we do?
- We'll go to my dad's.

His house is not in his name.

Let's go.

Good luck, the Robins.

What? She can speak?

She can walk?

- Don't tell me she can see.
- Yes, short dick man.

What you're doing is great,
but be careful.

Be careful, all of you.

Don't worry about me, sweet Anna.

Keep my wheelchair,
in case you need it

to go into a bank,

with the metal detectors,

you know...
Not bad. Good idea.

- Bye, Huguette.
- Bye.

Oh, shit...

Your father's actually filthy rich.

Yes. But he doesn't care
about my mum and me.

- He won't turn up?
- He's in Bali.

- Tell me you've got the keys.
- Maybe.

It's so awesome.

- It's heated?
- Yes.

It's heated?


What a bloody arse, bro.

What's next?

The biggest hold-up
in your whole life.

For sure.

If I could...

I'd take your illness.

You know, Léo,

since mum and dad died,

you feel so guilty.

Let go.

Let it be.


Forget it.
There's no photo of me.

He left when I was 5.
It's as though I didn't exist.

In the gang, we all look
after each other.

I know what it is
to grow up without a family.

We're there for you.

It's just the opposite for me.

I think my mother
overprotected me.

She didn't abandon me enough.

- Do we also watch over Franck?
- No.

No. Of course, not.

Where's my brother?

Laure Gambay, whose son died
of leukaemia owing to Pétrochimie.

You didn't tell me
she was your sister.

- You knew it?
- I'm a cop, remember?

A cop investigates
and arrests people. Heard!

I need to talk to you.

A deal? You're kidding?

The minister, the DPP are
stressing me out and you make a deal?

They're kids.
They'll give the money back.

You believe in your deal?

Listen, Nath...


Stop it. Leave out
what happened between us.

You're mixing up private
and professional stuff.

Nab them or I'll give
Bromand the case.

The anti-gang unit?

Cowboys who'll shoot at kids
with fake guns?

We've lost some precious time.

We'll catch him.
But your career's screwed.

Even with my protection.
Do you realise?

Those kids are public enemies no. 1,

so get down to work, alright?

You've calmed down?
Not me.

He's nuts.

Let's get the Robins!

Everyone under surveillance -
the kids, the nurses,

the ex-wives!

The head of the association, Bruno,

under surveillance, too.

OK, boss.

Call judge Brisson!

Jean-Louis, what's up?
Go and get the coffees!

Hello, sir.
Bartolomeo speaking.

You won a stay
at the casino for 2 days



Security escort
to Prince Al Squillachi.

Eh, you good boy.

Good evening.
You, good boy too.

And your woman, not good boy.

Oh, good girl.

Try again and I'll kill you.

Oh, bad girl. Bad girl.

Hi, girls. For you. Gift.

Hi, mister. For you. Gift.

- You speak Arabic?
- 2 years in a resort in Tunisia.

- Lounès?
- I did German as foreign language.

- He'll get us noticed.
- Shh.

Welcome to Djerba the Sweet!

A cocktail awaits you
at the reception.


Bruno and his wife
are in the poker room.

It can't be for fun.

No going to the loo.


I've got them, but they're too far.
Wait for my signal.

- Shit...
- There are only Saudis here.

They're playing big amounts.

Be ready, I feel
something'll happen.

Hands on your head, fast.

- Security!
- All's well. Police.

- He's got a gun!
- Shut up!

Water-polo session with Jojo
at 3 p.m. at the pool.


Paid. Paid.

- Leave that!
- I'm in the Police.

I'm in the police.

Let me show you my card.

- Come on, show.
- Come on.

The gentleman wins.

I was about to arrest him, idiots.
That bastard pinched my card.

- Take him.
- He pinched my card!

He's so lucky.

It's scandalous!

Thank you. Come, let's go.

You're letting them go?

There's no fraud.
We can't do anything.


OK, you win. I'm handing the case
over to the anti-gang unit.

I don't want you on it any longer.


Dammit! Goddammit!

Apparently, it didn't go well.

We're off the case.
You can enjoy your holidays.

That's for having sex at work.

Hurray! We did it!

Let the champagne flow!

Hold on, bro.

One more hold-up
and we're off to Buenos Aires.

- Trust me.
- Didn't we plan to stop

once they got compensation?

We must get compensation, too.

We won't go anywhere without money,
so one last hold-up.

Wasn't the casino enough?

Someone will get killed.

In films, it's in the last one

they get caught.

And who gets caught first?

The Arabs, that's true.

- Think he's dead?
- Shut it, I'm sleeping.

It's crazy to think,
how those stars we see there,

most of them are faded,

and yet, they still shine.

- What?
- You're chatting us up or what?

A philosophical craze!

I'm gone a minute, guys.

It's bloody beautiful, man.

- I'm speechless.
- Shut your mouth then.

You OK?

Ready for tomorrow?

They must surrender.

It has been decided they would
be treated as dangerous criminals.

Considerable means
have been deployed.

I know public opinion supports them,

but if you have any information,

for their good, please call...

The families have got compensation.
We did what was right.

What's right, for Ben?

Where's the good?
Where's the wrong?

You didn't respect
the deal with the cop...

And so?

I don't want
anything to happen to you.

I'm very much aware.

He's getting no better.

Ben won't come with us to Argentina.

No way we're stopping.

Only one way
for this story to end well:

Léo, I know you're listening to me.

Nobody move!
Don't act smart.

Everybody stay calm.

The bank Robins.

It's the Robins.

Your pal's blocked
in the double door. I'll let him in.

Your friends are there.


They want the money
of the bank, not yours.

- Was it right?
- Yes.

But quiet, now.

Hello, the Robins.

Who's coming with me

to the vaults?

Wonderful. Very good choice.

Follow me. It's this way.

I'll tell you a funny story.

The captain of the Titanic...

I'll separate the marked notes
from the others.

- There's no time.
- 5 minutes.

There's really no time.

It's hot, don't you think so?

There's no time.

The little rascal is stealing.

Who's stealing there?
Who's a naughty boy?

He's very naughty,
this little rascal.

No time, ma'am.

It's too long.

You should be in hospital.

What's the difference?

Why did you let him go for it?
He's doing it for your sake.

You only could've stopped it all.

Anna, what's the matter?

I'm sorry, Ben.

I couldn't bear to think
he might get killed. You get me?

What did you do?

I did it for us.

We watch over one another, right?

He won't surrender. OK?

Léo won't surrender.

And the guy misfires the address.

The guy's a taxi driver.

- Incredible.
- We're off.

It's a trap!

It's a trap!

Léo! It's a trap!

Léo! It's a trap!

Shit! The cops are everywhere!

- What do we do?
- Plan B.

Secure the north entrance.

- OK, madam. We're ready.
- This time, they're done.


- We're the bank Robins.
- Look. Come and see.

Those living near the Singapore bank
come and experience this moment.

- We're trapped in the bank.
- Trapped, yes. Trapped.

So, come by dozens, hundreds,
to make a human chain

to help us get out.
So we get out.

Why you repeating everything?

- I dunno.
- Don't do that.

I won't do that. I'll stop.

We count on you.

For the umpteenth time,
mobiles are forbidden!

But... But...

What the...

Please, stay seated.

We count on you.

Girls, tell everybody.

OK, guys, we'll change looks.

What's happening?

Stop it!

The Robins!
The Robins! The Robins!

Rue du Four.

- What?
- At the corner of rue du Four, now.


What do we do now?

Shit! Dammit!

- Madam?
- OK.

I can see them.

What do I do? Delta 1,
I've got them in sight.

- They're running off.
- Shoot.


Holy shit!

Franck, you OK?

It bloody hurts!

Hey, Ben! Ben!

Answer, Ben.

He's not well. Stop, Lounès.

- Franck has fainted.
- Stop.

I'm taking Ben and Franck
to the hospital.

I can't leave Stéphanie
and my son. Get lost!

We stay together.


Ben! OK, my brother?

Thanks to you, I'm not afraid.

Thank you.

- Go away.
- No.

No, I don't want to.
I can't.

I don't want you to leave. Stay.

Go away, bro.

I'm bloody staying with you.

Idiot. I do it better than you.

The biggest hold-up

in my life.

A one...

And a two,

and a three...

And a two, and a three:

Let's go.

Ms Anna Vital,
18 months imprisonment.

Mr Léo Perez,
Franck Uzan and Lounès Soub,

4 years imprisonment.

Saint-Bernard Detention Centre

Benjamin Perez
in the game forever

What does it mean, "in the game"?

- That mean's he all out for it.
- What?

It means he's awesome.

Léo, the cops spent 4 years searching
for the dough from the bank.

What the hell did you do with it?

The family, inspector.

It's always been a family story.

- All she wanted...
- Was for once to be like anybody.

- Be like anybody.
- No one looking at me.

No one looking at her.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

- OK, everybody, out!
- But we're not yet there.

I'm late! Come on, get out!

The guy's a taxi driver!

You... My door, dammit!

Give me that.

Thank you.


We'll start with 4-4-2,
and change to 3-5-2

to cut the lines of the midfielders.

He's all in it. Hey, man,
your name's just Monday!

Come on, go, go!

Thanks to all for coming
on this sunny Sunday,

for this charitable match

towards our association
"Chauve qui peut".

Thanks to your generosity,
I am glad to announce

that we've collected
about 100,000 pesos.

On behalf of the children, thank you!

May the match begin!

- And one, and two, and three...
- Let's go!

To Iris

The space has his image

The expanse of his wilderness

The intoxication of his path

The hindsight of his wounds

Time hurries towards forever

Silence crushed in oblivion

The spark of a look in the distance

It's too late

Nothing matters
The end is a means

To believe

The spark of a look in the distance

It's too late

Nothing matters
The end is a means

To believe

They call me young man
I'm embarrassed

And a bit lonely
although in a crowd

A bit lonely at the back

They call me young man
Owing to my age

They take care of me
They certainly know

That I might go astray
And hurt myself

And I clear my mind

I take disgusting things

I don't want to miss your shows

I don't want to do less than my pals
Before my youth is gone

I dress and leave my home

They're not always nice parties

But I give myself the chance
To have fun

And I get on

I get on

And even if I don't

I get on

It's OK

I get on

And I get on

I get on

And even if I don't

I get on

It's OK

I get on

Subtitles: Halcyon Olry