Pu-239 (2006) - full transcript

In Russia, the technician and family man Timofey is exposed to 1,000 REMs (Roentgen Equivalent Man) of radiation in the nuclear facility where he works. The facility director hides the level of exposure from Timofey and tries to force him to assume the blame for the accident and puts Timofey on unpaid leave. Aware that the exposure is lethal and feeling the sickness of radiation, Timofey steals 100 mg of plutonium and heads to Moscow expecting to sell it on the black market for US$ 30,000.00 to give to his wife Marina and his seven year-old son Tolya. Meanwhile, the small-time criminal Shiv and the gangsters Vlad and Yegor need to pay US$ 6,000.00 to the powerful mobster Starkov in 72 hours. When Shiv meets Timofey trying to sell the Pu-239, he sees the chance to pay his debts and make some money. But he is incompetent and gets in trouble with powerful mobsters.

foodval.com - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Ey, you see that van
over there?

Chechen extremists.

Van is full of explosives.

They burnt down a hardware store
for no reason.

That's what we're dealing with.

That's right.
it's a war zone, my friend.

And war costs money.

Yeah, we need money to fight
these fucking bastards.

So everyone's payment
doubles this week.

It's in my pocket.

Hey, hey.
That's what I'm talking about.

All right. I'll catch you later.
Thank you.

Pu? What's Pu?

If you don't know,
then it's probably not for you.

Help me.

Can you please open the door?


Can I see my badge, please?

There was a criticality. I saw it.

I need to know my rems.

I need to know my rems.

Radiation is all around us.

it is measured in rems.

A person living in Denver receives
0.05 rems a year due to the altitude.

A patient receiving a chest x-ray
absorbs 0.01 rems.

My watch.
It was my father's watch.

in Hiroshima, where people
received doses...

...of 600 rems after the bomb
was dropped...

...most died within a month.

Papa, help.

Tolya, I'm coming.

- Tell me, what do you need?
- I can't get this one. It's impossible.

- When I get out.
- You've been there forever.

Ask your mother.

- Is there anything I can do?
- Help him with the knot.

No, what about for you?

I'll be fine in a minute.

- I need help. I have a knot.
- I see.

Now, you know who taught your father
about untying knots?

I did, when we were studying...

...at the Technical Institute
for Knot Untying...

How do you feel?

I'm going to get you
a glass of water.

What do we have here?

Come in here.
More light where I can see.

My last day at the facility,
you remember?

The day my badge
had a small reading.

You took me home
and you made me a bowl of soup.

Because we all know that the best cure
for radiation sickness...

...is a big bowl of soup.

I think a person gets more radiation
from flying across the Atlantic...

...than I did on that day.

And besides,
that soup was terrible.

Way more dangerous than anything
on the periodic table.

You'll be fine, Timofey.

Can we put my badge in the dosimeter
to get a reading?

A physician examined your badge
this morning...

...and submitted a report
of 100 rems.

As you can see.

Although serious,
this is not considered a lethal dose.

A full recovery is possible.

Short-term, there may be some
symptoms, nausea, diarrhea.

However, the long-term effects
are specific to the individual.

So we are placing you
on indefinite leave...

...pending an investigation
into this alleged accident.

I don't understand.

A man goes into a secure chamber,
without authorization...

...when the gauge reads normal,
and somehow a pipe ruptures?

A hearing will be set
for six weeks from now...

...at which time you will be allowed
to present your version of the events.

I already told you my version.

There was a blue flash
and a leak that caused damage.

There are failing welds,
we have no backup systems...

Or you can sign this statement
that entering the chamber...

...was an error in judgment.

In the end...

...no one is served
by placing blame.

Calling in an international team
to investigate.

Shutting down while
tests are conducted.

All that means is what?

- A loss of revenue, jobs.
- And what will they find?

Whatever the people
who are paying them tell them to find.

And if I sign, what sort of
compensation could I expect?


I have worked here
at Skotoprigonyevsk for 12 years.

I have a boy and a wife.

It appears that the discharge in Unit 6
was a result of either incompetence...

- what provisions can be made...?
...or deliberate malfeasance...

- what provisions will be made for...?
...resulting in financial damages...

...for Skotoprigonyevsk...

...and forfeits you of any benefits...

...effective immediately.
- We kept your rubles in a box.

We held on to them.

- Now it takes 5000 to make one dollar.
- Until that time...

...the employee is suspended
without pay.

- Hello.
- We got you.

- Hello?
- We got you.

- What are you talking about?
- We got you.

- Guys. No, you did not get me.
- We're sitting here and you answered.

We watched you answer.

- We got you.
- No, no, no.

Do you understand the game?
Do you?

- We sneak up on you and before...
- Do you know what the game's called?

- The game's called tag.
- Okay. Here is problem.

The game is not called tag.
The game is called car tag.

You're in your car and you sneak up
next to the person, then you got me.

Not driving your chair
in the fucking lobby.

- I didn't know this.
- It's not made clear.

- I think he changes the rules.
- Hey, come here. Come, sit.

Let me go.

Okay. Guys, it's Tusk.

- I want you to give me money.
- I'm not doing it.

- Yes.
- I know you have it. It's in your bag.

I know it's in your bag.

- I'm not doing it.
- Of course I can.

- Absolutely.
- I'm not doing it.

- Okay.
- No, I want you to give it to me nicely.

Remember this address,
57 Pioneerski Prospect.

Remember. Can you remember?

- Get a pen, write it down.
- We don't work for you.

Okay, okay.
Nobody works for anybody.

I am vice president
of talking on the phone...

...and you're vice president
of remembering fucking address.

Here, let me help you.

Fuck me.

Was that a fucking American?

You won't buy our boy Big Macs...

...with money you get from Americans.

When you can afford
to put food in his mouth...

...then you can decide
what goes in mine.

Look, you do not fuck the British
or the Americans. Do you understand?

The British fuck
like they have an audience.

Like they have something
James Bond to prove. Okay?

And the Americans, they...
Oh, they have to save you.

They're screwing you to save you
from having to fuck.

They have a magic wand
for a dick.

Screw the French. They screw like
they have something better to do.

- You're such a man of the world.
- No, you know what?

I've traveled, I've done business.

You picked up a suitcase.

Maybe you changed planes in Kiev.

Yes, and I used the money I made
to buy a place for us.

It's a necklace. Not an apartment.

- It's Tiffany.
- It's a fake.

Hold these.

- This isn't what we're doing now.
- I know someone who can move them.

Pick that up.

- Guys, we have business now.
- Pick it up. It's money.

Don't say "fuck you" to money.

Otherwise, money will say
"fuck you" to you too also.

If I pick up
this one wiper blade...? Okay.

- I'm going in.
- Hey.

- Where you going?
- What?

This way.

That's why you write things down.

It's cheaper down the street.

- Hey, how much for this one?
- This? It's a Gessl.

Manufactured in Frankfurt
by Imperial Gessl...

...but why is your friend
driving away my customers?

Hey, Vladimir. Why are you driving away
this man's customers?

You will pay for that.

See? There's where you're wrong.

You pay Tusk for protection,
and this will not happen.

No, I don't pay Tusk.
I call for protection.

You fucking pay us.

Hey, Vlad. I bet you a dollar
you can't guess which color they are.

- Get away from her.
- Pay us and he'll get away.

Daddy, I want to come down.

What is wrong with you?

And what's wrong with you?
For $100 you're gonna stab us all?

Where are the hammers?

We'll be back in a couple of weeks.

Hopefully we can get through it
without any loss of blood.

Help your father.

Put it back!

What? I work for you now?

I'm asking you to put it back.

You have a knife.
Maybe you should use it...

...or put it back.

Got you.

- How are you feeling?
- One hundred rems.

Could have been worse.

They put me on indefinite leave.
No pay.

I suppose we are all on indefinite leave
in that case.

Did they say anything else?

There's an investigation.

After 12 years, they're saying...

...l'm the kind of man who
would cause a work stoppage.

- That's who they say I am.
- I am sorry, Timofey.

This is for you.

An element loses a particle
and becomes unstable.

A chain reaction
is set in motion.

Pulsing waves of desperation
in every direction.

Perhaps the lost part
is clarity or hope.

in the fall out,
the man-made elements appear.

isotopes of fear and anger.

They cannot be handled safely
or burled in the ground.

They take the shape
of a mushroom cloud.

Started above a desert
that circles the globe...

...and shadows us all.

What did they say?

They want me to sign a report
saying it was nothing.

They put me on unpaid leave.

I see.

- And did they have you see the doctor?
- It wasn't necessary.

They should've reinforced
the welds after Tomsk.

No. You were their redundancy.

"Timofey will fix the leak.
Timofey will put out the fire."

- Anyone would have gone in.
- Anyone would have run the other way.


I'm sorry. It's...

we need to know your rems.

The doctor examined my badge
and submitted a report of 100 rems.

Well, then...

...this can be survived.

What do they expect us
to do for money?

- What if the boy gets sick one day?
- No. Nobody's getting sick.

- Who will pay for that?
- You work in the garden...

...and I will go and get my job back
in the facility.

- No.
- We will have enough.

There is no job there anymore.

I told them.
For years, I told them.

- Backup systems...
- Listen, listen.

I went to the library today,
to look in the medical journals.

And they said that with a dose
up to 100 rems...

...it could be years
before the effects are felt.

Never go back there.

Promise me you'll never
go back there.

I'm going to put him in a jar!


What hurts more?
The jar or the pins?

I think only a butterfly
knows the answer to that one.

Did they build that
to keep us in?

No, I think they built that
to keep everyone else out.

They wanted to keep
this place a secret.

Do you know any other secrets?

Well, you see this flower?
See how it's blue?

But if it gets exposed
to certain levels of radiation...

...it turns yellow.

Will you turn yellow?

Come on.

Let's go home.

Did you hear that?

- Did you hear the door?
- Who would come over now?

What you did there,
that was uncalled for.

- You could get the door for your mother.
- I'm not expecting anyone.

Maybe it's your girlfriend, the prostitute,
come to give you money.

Ukrainian slut.

That's somebody's mother
you're talking about.

What do you want
at the fucking door?

What does that look like to you?

- Fifty-seven.
- It's seven or one?

- Seven.
- I thought a seven has a line through it.

- Sometimes.
- Some...? What the fuck is sometimes?

- Either it has a line or it doesn't.
- Ask your mother.

Eight. Eight is always eight.
There is no sometimes with eight.

51 Pioneerski Prospect
is already paying protection...

...to Starkov.
It's not Tusk's territory.

We burnt down the wrong store.

- Come. Come.
- Drei, go to bed, all right?

What did Tusk say?

It is financial problem, and it will remain
financial problem for 72 hours.

- Then it will become personal problem.
- What is, "personal problem"?

That we have to find
$6000 in 72 hours.

Is it 72 hours before the time of the call
or from the time of the fire?

This is vague in my mind.

He says it is an insult.
That it is damaging to his reputation...

...and that he has lost face.

Tusk wants to send a girl
from the hotel to Starkov.

Did you send one?

- Yes.
- Yes.

You see? This is what I'm talking about.
That's why Tusk is who he is. He thinks.

Fucking Red Army drunk.
Lying in the middle of the road.

- I didn't see him.
- You were driving!

- He distracted me.
- There something wrong with my face?

It's fucked up.

Who are you calling?

We're not leaving the guy
lying in the middle of the road.

Where are you going?

- There's blood on the car.
- She's alive.

- Fucking bitch.
- Is she...?

Oh, my God. How old is she?

- It's got a name, an address.
- So have I.

It's somebody's dog.

Somebody's fucked-up
in-the-middle-of-the-road dog.

Yeah? Oh, my God.

- Your dog hit our car.
- Fucked up my face.

Fucked up his face
and damaged my car.

- Guys, forget about this.
- No, I won't forget about it.

Fucking dog wandering around
in the night...

...almost kills three people.

I don't understand.
What do you want from me?

- We don't have time.
- What's the damage to the car?

Thousand dollars? And your face?

Thousand dollars.

You hit our dog, and then
you come in here and want money?

Call your father. Go.

Okay. Let's go. Let's go.

Hey. What are you doing?
Wha...? What...?

We don't have
that kind of money in the house.

Look. Let's just take the clock.

- I don't want the clock.
- You know what we don't have.

We don't have a kid. Maybe we
take the kid, come back later.


Please take... Take this.
It's all I have. Please.

It's all I have.


Sorry about your dog.

Today, we learn Thai.

- Excuse me?
- Repeat after me:

The number 57.

The number 51.

As in "the one." The path.

The seven levels of consciousness
in the enlightened man.

Have you been to Bangkok?

Do you know how many businessmen
are in Patpong on a Friday night?

Ten thousand.

I wouldn't have thought that many.

Ten thousand men paying $100 for
some slippery-suds massage...

...with a bean-snap happy ending,
you know:

You know?

- And you know what?
- What?

No Russian girls.

- Just one flavor of pussy.
- Just one flavor?

That is what you need
to be able to see in the world now.

A Baskin-Robbins of pussy.

That is capitalism.

You see that?

- You know what that is?
- French fry.

An opportunity.

I also thought it was a french fry.

There is a McDonald's policy...

...that the fry can only be
in the Frialator for six minutes.

So after that,
they must be thrown out.

I mean, six minutes
is the lifespan of a french fry.

So, what would you do?
What would you do?

- Order McNuggets chicken instead.
- Chocolate milkshake.

You pay the assistant minister of
french fries to let six minutes elapse...

...and then he pays
the assistant minister of garbage...

...to let you wait by the back door.

Then you take
seven-minute french fries...

...to the end of the line,
and you sell them french fries...

...for one kopeck less
than they pay inside. You see?

- Yeah.
- You see how the world works?

- Yes.
- Yes? Yes? No, no. How could you?

You'd have to know the difference
between a one and a seven...

...you stupid fucking piece of shit.

We'll get it, we'll get the money.

Yes, an ogkaat.
I think, for sure...

...we're very close to ogkaat.
I'm concerned of the time.

- No, no, no.
- The 72 hours...

No, no, no. Time is not money.

You know why?
You can always make more money.

So, no, please. I mean...
I want you all to tell me...

...what a seven-minute french fry
tastes like.

Go ahead.

Have a bite of capitalism.

What are you doing?
What are you doing?

Light is a particle and a wave.

This is hard to understand,
how a thing can be two things at once.

But a woman is also
both a particle and a wave.

She's a wave when you see her
reach down...

...to pull a she`ll from the sea...

...and you feel her beauty
pass through you like electrical current.

She's a particle when her hair
brushes your face...

...and her hands push into yours.

And the child s also
a particle and a wave.

Els a wave when the sound
of his pain shoots through you...

...and twists you away
from yourself.

And he is a particle
when the doctor hands you a baby...

...a small mirror.

Women, children, and light
can be two things at once.

A particle.

A wave.

They ricochet off the hard surfaces
and illuminate the corners.

Without them,
it would be far darker.


Wake up.


What are you doing?

Prusokov said
there might be a job in Moscow.

- He got a letter from Orlov.
- Jobs?

No. There are...
There are no jobs.

Everywhere on the news
they're saying there are no jobs.


...a French company
is looking for a technician.

He says there might be a position.

When are you planning on going?

They're only seeing people today.

I'll take Tolya to school,
get the train.

No. You feel well enough to go?

It's a job.

If they can pay me, you and Tolya
can come in a couple of days.


Are you going to kiss me goodbye?

I hear that in instances
of contamination over 600 rems...

...close physical contact
is discouraged.

You read too much.

I thought that's why you liked me.

I never said I liked you.

I said I loved you.

When did you say that?

Before I ever knew your name.

First day I saw you at the institute.

I tried to say it with my eyes.

On the day I married you in Tula.

And every day since.

- Don't go.
- It's just sometimes I said it to myself.


...don't go.

Come here.

I'll call you from Moscow.

Tell me about butterflies.

Do you know that monarch butterflies
have a compass in their head...

...that uses the sun to tell them
where they are going?

And that Costa Rica
has more butterflies...

...than any country on Earth?

No, I had no idea.

And butterflies have eyes
that allow them...

...to see what's happening in front
and behind them at the same time.

I didn't know that.

But I do know your mother
will be waiting for you after school.

So don't be late. Never keep
any of the genus woman waiting.

when you were very young...

...and your mother was sick,
we made her soup?

And then we came out here...

...and we picked flowers for her.

- Do you remember?
- I remember.

And do you remember
what happened...

...when we gave her the flowers?
- She cried.

And have you ever seen her
cry again since?



There's something
I want you to do for me.

If you ever see your mother
cry again...

...and I am not there to stop her...

...I want you to bring her here.

Right here, and dig this up.

You don't need the watch anymore?

Come on.

The hands on the clock
are waving goodbye.

It was my grandfather's watch.

The dial was painted by hand
in America during World War 1.

The brides of soldiers
seated at long tables...

...dutifully making luminous little sixes
and eights to help keep the world free.

The eights were particularly
hard to make...

...so the women sucked
on the tips of the paintbrushes...

...to bring them to a fine point.

One by one, their mouths began
to fill with cancer.

The radium-based paint
they had swallowed...

...bombarded their brains and bones
with alpha and beta particles.

The women who painted
the watch faces...

...sued the U.S. Radium Corporation
of West Orange, New Jersey.

Ad the trial been at night...

...the breath they used
to say goodbye to the world...

...would have glowed
like moonlit fog.

They were given $10,000
for their lives.

What is wrong with you?

Fucking idiots!

There are kids playing here!

- What is that?
- Eight hundred dollars.

Maybe a little over.

Guys, at least go to neighborhood
where you don't know everybody.

- Go to rich-people neighborhood.
- How much money you make today?

Six thousand dollars?

We'll increase collections.
I figured it out.

Fuck you figured it out.
We figured it out.

We come up with 3000,
you come up with $3000.

What...? No!
I didn't burn down the store.

- Besides, there's two of you.
- There's two of us?

- There's two of you. You both get paid.
- We're not talking about getting paid.

It was my understanding
we're paying other people.

No, I'm saying a third,
a third and a third.

Fifty-fifty. Come on.
Even Andrei knows this.

- Andrei, what's 6000 divided by three?
- Now we're involving Andrei?

You want to talk about our problems
with children?

- Guys...
- Three thousand dollars, Shiv.

At the hotel.

Come on. Please.

I have been thinking about
what hurts more...

...the jar or the pins.

And i think i can tell you
that it is not the pins.

Because the monarch in the jar
is already dead...

...when it comes to the pins.

At some point,
things stop hurting.

And from inside the jar,
with eyes that see in all directions...

...maybe it is possible
to look in to the future...

...well beyond the pins...

...to where the compass in your head
tells you that you need to go.

How much for the butterfly?

- Which one?
- That one.

The monarch.

- Fifteen thousand.
- Thank you.


You know who wore hat like this?

- No.
- Jesse James.

- Jesse James.
- Jesse James.

He wore a hat just like this.

He only stole from rich people,
so he really wasn't a thief.

He'd go into a rough place
like Chicago or Brooklyn, do business.

Like you?

The CIA chased him for years.

Whenever Jesse Jackson
needed a car... he stole one.

Jesse James.

- What did I say?
- Reggie Jackson.

It's Jesse Jackson.
Jesse Jackson.

- Jesse Jackson.
- Yeah.

He could have been
president of the United States...

...but they don't respect the black man,
so he went underground.

Was he good at sports
like Michael Jordan?

Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson.

Michael, Reggie, Jesse...

...and two other brothers,
The Jackson 5.

The most powerful family
in America.

Hey, what bill
is Andrew Jackson on?

- Twenty.
- Twenty.

Hey, respect the Jacksons.

Like the way
you respect your mother.

Sorry. I'm late.

So, what did you learn today?

About Yuri Gagarin,
first man in space.

What did you learn about?
Visa and American Express?

I want to change my name
to Jackson.

I have to talk to you.

I met someone.

It's your job to meet someone.

Just as long as someone's
not British or American.

This is different.

Everything has to change now.

Since yesterday,
you met someone?

What kind of som...?
Please, don't fuck with me.

- I'm not having a good day.
- He wants me to take tennis lessons.

He wants me to travel with him.

Does he want
the kid to travel with him?

Does he know you have a kid?
Yeah, you're somebody's mother.

I am somebody's mother walking home
from the hotel at 3 in the morning...

...with barely enough money
to buy more condoms.

Tell me you wouldn't
take a way out.

And Mr. Way Out is some fucking
British guy with sideways teeth...

...who can't get laid
in his own country. Come on.

What about Andrei?

My mother can take care of him
when I have to leave town.

- What the fuck? Leave town?
- I don't want to be here anymore.

What about me and Drei?

You don't even know if he's yours.

I wasn't very careful then.

Mr. Jackson...

...tell your mother
to work on her backhand.

I think he will break
into a million pieces if we hit it.

Nobody's going to pay
for a dead animal.

Go. Get the dog.


You like chocolate?

I like chocolate.


- Today, Yegor. Today.
- You are beautiful.

Yes, you are.

What, you decided to spend
your last day...

...stealing windshield wipers?

Come here.

Repeat after me:

In Thai, that's the word for respect.

In Chiang Mai...

...women wash the feet of their men
as a show of respect, you see?

So as a show of respect,
I want you to wash my car.

The car looks good.

Get in.


Now, get in the fucking car.

You know what that is?

That's debt.
You're sitting in a pool of debt.

- We'll get the money.
- That's debt in the back seat...

...and over here
we have earning potential.

Now, last week...

...I see her ass standing on the corner
two blocks from here...

...and it invades my brain.

No matter where I go, all I can think of
is her corner-standing ass.

So I put her ass on a billboard...

...and now her ass
reached right into my wallet.

You see?

So, what I'm asking is...

...how will you climb from the back seat
and into the front?

Most people, they don't know
when they're going to die, but you...

...you know that
it's sometime tomorrow.

I'm sure you've heard.

A Chechen gang lobbed a grenade
into a hardware store yesterday.

Burned a little girl's face.

We're collecting money to send her
to a specialist in Prague.

Okay. Thank you so much.
God bless you.

You fought in Afghanistan,
didn't you?

Yeah, we need money to fight
these fucking bastards.

So everyone's payment
doubles this week.

It's in my pocket.

Hey, hey.
That's what I'm talking about.

All right. I'll catch you later.
Thank you.

Pu? What's Pu?

If you don't know,
then it's probably not for you.

I don't care what it is.

If you're going to stand here and sell it,
pay me for protection, $100.

I don't need protection.

I need someone who understands
what it is I am offering.

Would anyone like to buy some Pu?

He has Pu. Anyone want some?

Not your lucky day.
One hundred dollars for protection.

I don't have a hundred dollars.
I have only a few rubles.

Then get the fuck out of here.

Take your Pu and your rubles
and get out.

You find a hundred dollars,
then we'll talk.

Hey, Sasha.
Sasha, I need to talk to you.

What if I had a way for you
to make a hundred times that?

Who the fuck are you?

Recently, there was an accident.

You may have heard
of Skotoprigonyevsk 16.

It's a center for the manufacture
of nuclear material.

It was built in 1949
for scientific research.

Never heard of it.

They didn't put it on the map.

Not even the military were aware
of the city's function.

So you're from "not on the map."
So far this is bullshit.

Look at my ID.

Look at my picture.

Read what it says
about my level of access.

Yeah, I'm reading here,
and it says you are full of shit.

And I don't have much time.

What the fuck is that?

Oh, boy. All right, if you're interested
in some kind of man-love...

...there's a Romanian gymnast
in lobby who bites pillow.

My unit's principal task
is to turn Pu-239...

...it's a man-made isotope,
for manufacture into warheads.

Like I said,
I'm not interested in your unit.

I need money
for my wife and child.

Fuck your wife and child.

You don't think I have a child?

I'm businessman.
Get to the part where it's my lucky day.

Here's what you need
to understand.

I've diverted a quantity
of fissile material, Pu-239.

Weapons-grade of the highest purity.

I want $30,000.

Okay, let me just check my wallet.

Do you think I'm joking?

Do you understand any of this?

Pu-239 is a man-made isotope...

...transmuted from uranium-238
in a chain reaction.

Okay, and that costs $30,000?

I have little more than
a hundred grams in this canister.

A hundred grams for $30,000?

In a place like Afghanistan
or North Korea...

...where they have a nuclear agenda,
you could sell it for 100 times that.

We're not in North Korea.

I'm talking about
enriched fissile material.

Most of it is well-guarded
in France or the United States.

They use it in nuclear bombs.

This is a nuclear bomb?

This is a bomb you're selling?

Perhaps I should find someone else.
I have very little time.

I have less time than anyone
you have ever met.

- Do you have contacts?
- Yeah. I need to see the shit.

You don't understand.

Fuck you. Let me see it.
I want to see it.

Are you aware of the radiological
effects on living organisms?

Protons cut through your DNA,
rewriting your genetic code.

The instructions for teeth
become the recipe for cancer.

Your marrow dies inside your bones,
taking with it your immune system.

The next coughing person
or common infection...

...the smoke from your cigarette
becomes lethal as a bullet.

A thousandth of a gram
can change a life.

Okay, I'll put the cigarette out.

There is a right way
to open this canister.

No fewer than 20 wrong ways.

Open it the wrong way,
the material spills out.

It costs $30,000
to learn the right way.

Go outside.
Go wait for me outside.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?


- You shouldn't have come here.
- You told him Orlov had a job for him.

There are men
from the facility in my house...

...tearing things apart.
- I haven't spoken to Orlov in years.

He left this morning for Moscow.
He said you told him.

A hundred grams of plutonium
are missing.

No, he would never do that.

- You know he would never do that.
- Who knows what a person might do...

...in his position.
- What position?

We can't talk about this.
Please. You have to go.

Where do I go?


Where do I go?

This man who you think
may be interested...

...why is he called Tusk?

About two years ago...

...he walks into the Central Bank
of Moscow, right?

Tells them he needs $750,000
for elephants.

Indian elephants for the Moscow Zoo.

He's got a business plan, right?

You see, elephants
live like 80 years...

...and you get the people who come
to see them to feed them peanuts?

So you don't pay much for food.

Thousand people a day at, like,
a dollar and a half a person...

Forty-three million
eight hundred thousand dollars.

What's that?

The amount the elephants
will earn over 80 years.

- Not counting interest.
- You did that in your head?


Wow, that's cool.

You gotta teach me
how to do that.

But Tusk has an even better idea.

No elephants.

How are no elephants better?

He tells the bank that the elephants
froze to death crossing the Himalayas.

The money's gone.

Then he should have
taken them another route.


There never were any elephants.
This is the genius.

And you work for him?

Everybody does.

Even her.

The bank never came back
for their money?

Paid one official off.

And when that guy's boss
came around looking for more...

...he left him hanging from
an elephant tusk in an antique store.

The guy stayed alive three days
hanging from the wall.


- Wait here.
- Who will explain the material?

You can't go in there.

Perhaps you're right.

Just don't fuck with the stereo.

VIP only.

Gun, I need to talk to Tusk.

Come on. You guys know me.

- Go.
- Thank you.

Excuse me, sir.
I know I'm getting you at a bad time.

- You have my money?
- Look, I'm in possession of something...

- what are you...?
- Sorry.

I'm in possession of something
that I think will be of great interest.

An oglekatt.

You need to work
on your pronunciation.

Would you like to get high,
dying man?

All I want is a way
to even things out.

To make my way into the front seat,
like you said. The front seat.

I don't want to discuss
business now.

Please, please.
The deal has to be made tonight.

The shit won't keep.
It has to move. Move.

The shit.

- A little over a hundred grams.
- Hundred grams of what?

Weapons-grade plutonium.

- What?
- Plutonium!

What are you talking about?

The seller wants 75 grand.
I think I can get it for 50.

He's from Skotopigneski 15,
the secret city...

...and he has access to Pu-55.

You have seen this plutonium?

No. He says
it's a bad idea to look at it.

He's waiting outside in the car...

...which is looking good, clean, nice.
It smells like pine trees.

Listen, if we play this thing right,
I think we can get an atomic bomb.

- Maybe more than one.
- Where's he from?

It's not on the map.
Nobody's ever been there.

So you want 50,000 for some plutonium
that you have never seen...

...from a guy who says he's from
a place nobody has ever been to.

He himself is not here.
And you want it now.

He's outside.


This will only take one second.
I know you're very, very busy...

...but I think you will like this
very much.

What the fuck happened in there?

The guy has a stomach thing.

What guy?

The guy with the shit.

What guy?

The guy with the bomb shit.

The car and the money.

Drop them off at my house,
midnight, understand?

Car, money, midnight.

- I'll be there. I'm on it.
- Or maybe...

Maybe you can make
a deal with Starkov.

Maybe you
and your imaginary friend...

...can trade him some plutonium
nobody has ever seen...

...and he'll only shoot you
with invisible bullets.

I want you to take
the nail of your thumb...

...and press it very hard
against my arch.



It's my phone.


You can do two things at once.

- Hello.
- Hey, baby.

No, Shiv. I need to call you back.

You looked...
You looked so beautiful today.

So who's Shiv?

I really need
to call you back, okay?

Well, listen, I think...
I think I found a way out for us.

There's this deal
that I've been putting together...

...and I need a little bit of cash
to set the wheels in motion.

- Say "Goodbye, Shiv."
- Goodbye, Shiv.


...who's Shiv?

My nephew.



Where the fuck were you?

I was sick. I needed some air.

You... I had the guy
sitting right there.

He comes out here, okay?
He's got the money.

He wants to see some plutonium.
Where the fuck are you?

You're in the bathroom
shitting all over me.

Get him to come out again.

What, so you can do a striptease
on the sidewalk?

Freak him out into giving us
the money? Come on.

Where are you going?

- To find another buyer.
- What? You can't do that.

I'm sure there are other people

You're right. There are.
I was just on the phone with one.

Just now.

So all you have to do
is get your ass in the car...

...and I'll take you
to go meet him.

Hey, look.

You want $30,000?

They say he left.

With a man.

Hours ago.

I have never seen a dog like this.

It's like a woman.

Which fucking man is he with?


...we do it alone.
No problem.

- Who fucking needs him?
- I call her Sheba.

She looks like a Sheba,
doesn't she?

We go to the door.

We say, "Your animal
was in the middle of the boulevard.

We swerved to avoid it
into oncoming traffic.

There was much damage, casualties,
and we have witnesses."

And you be the owner
of the other car.

Feel how soft her fur is.

You say your face got fucked up
in the accident...

...and as a result of this, Mr...

what's the name of the owner?

- Starkov.
- No.

Starkov is the man we owe
the money to. The owner of the dog.

It says Starkov.

Number 28.

- We have to take her back.
- Can't we keep her?

No. We have to take her back.

We have the wrong dog.

Let's go, girl.


Come on, girl.
It's time to go home.

How much chocolate
did you give the dog?

It was not my fault. I was not...

- Is that a one or a seven?
- Seven.

Maybe she should have your job.

We had a problem with a couple
of our employees.

It's being dealt with.

It's dealt with when
Mr. Starkov gets his money.

It's not that simple.

I brought him something
that's better than money.

You brought him a larger dick?


You see this man?

This guy?

This is the vice president
of Skrotoponsky 17.

I have in my possession a quantity
of Pu-239 of the highest purity.

If someone could transport it
out of the country...

...I have no idea
how much it could bring.

Yeah. That's right.

So look, if all your boss wants
is 6 grand...

...we'll give it to him right now.
But if he wants the good shit...

...that's what I'm talking about.

It's unlikely he will get
this opportunity again.

Stay here.

Nice. That was great.

- We go in together.
- Look at you. You're a fucking mess.

You go in there, throw up all over,
we get $10,000, maybe.

I go in there, work a little magic,
we get more.

- I need $30,000.
- Right.

There are things
that my family require.

My son and my wife.

- It's not for me.
- Right.

Okay, I got it. Is it gone?
The lipstick?


I'm expecting
a very important phone call.

It's from a girl, Oksana.

Do not move,
don't get up from the table...

...do not go
to the fucking bathroom, okay?

Let's go.

Fifty thousand dollars.

Tusk will give me 60.

Remember Roscoe Tanner?

I don't follow tennis.

What do you mean
you don't follow tennis?

Tennis is like sex.
You like sex, then you like tennis.

Hey, bring over the ball.

No, you have to be a man.
It's a man's game.

Tennis is good for you.
It's strong, you know. I like this.

This I like so much.
When you:

- That whoosh.
- Yeah?

It's nice, huh? You like that, right?
It's very exciting, huh?

Oh, smell that.
What does it remind you of, huh?

What? What? What? Come on.
What does it remind you of?

- It's nice...
- Yeah, nice. Of course, nice.

Of course, nice. Yeah.
You're right.

Sir, it's weapons-grade.

- Pure. My associate is major dealer...
- Roscoe Tanner, 140 miles an hour.

His ground strokes
were not all that good...

...but he had a serve... like a bazooka.

What happened to your hands?

- Hello.
- Shiv, we have a problem.

No Shiv right now.

I need to speak with Shiv.

He's in a meeting.

- What kind of meeting?
- A business meeting.

You see, I find that very strange,
as we're in business together.

So who the fuck are you?

It's not important who I am.

No, that's right.
You are not important.

What is important is that you tell Shiv
that we have a new problem...

...with a guy called Starkov.
He'll know who that is. Starkov.

He's with him now.


What do you mean he's with Starkov?
What is he doing with Starkov?

Made some kind of deal, yes?

You tell him when I take
the Gessl knife out of my back...

...l'm gonna stick it right up his ass.


Bring the dog here.

Twenty thousand.

Fourteen thousand dollars seems fair.

- We'll, take 14.
- Minus the 6000 you already own me.

- Nine thousand?
- Eight!

Eight thousand dollars seems fair.

- Hello.
- Hello?

Have I spoken you?


When I left this morning...

...I wasn't thinking too clearly.

I think if should tell you
why i came here.

To St. Petersburg, for the position.

I know it might mean leaving here, but
I've already spoken to Tolya about it...

...and he knows he might have
to say goodbye to his friends.

I told him that St. Petersburg
is beautiful this time of year.

Just like it was
on our wedding day.

Is everything all right with you?

You have to tell me
if anything has happened.

What could happen in one day?

Has it only been one day?

I didn't think it was possible to miss
someone this much after one day.


...when you speak to Orlov
about the position, just come home.


Yes, I will try to come home.

There is one tired boy here
who wants to say good night to you.

It's your papa.

They broke my butterfly.

It's fine.

I will get you another one.

- I have a monarch for you.
- Is that her?

Baby, baby, I just got you
a locket with a bathroom.


Okay. Let's go sell some Pu.

Hey, for a guy who just made a deal,
you look like shit.

Let's go.

I'm back.

Okay, listen. We have a deal.

Eight thousand dollars.
We split it fifty-fifty.

That's not the amount
that we discussed.

All right. Okay, let's make a deal.
Come on, come on.

Take off your shirt and show
them we have a fucking deal.

I don't want to see his tits.
I want to see the plutonium.

If I want to see tits,
I'll call ball girl.

No. You have to see
this thing he has.

It's... Come on, open up. Open up.

I think it's important you understand
the ramifications of what is contained...

I think maybe this is too small.

No, I think it's too big.
Now, go pick up some balls.

Why don't you do something
with your fucking life?


This is Mr. Way Out?

- What the fuck is wrong with you?
- Shiv, you shouldn't be here.

What? What'd you call him? Shiv?

This is Nephew Shiv?
This is telephone Shiv?


Fuck you. Fuck you.

It's another Shiv.


Right. I'm the other Shiv.

The one in the locket with the little boy.
The picture in the locket.

What's our son? What is Andrei?

Your brother?

It might not be his son.

It's mine. It's mine.
Look at the picture. It's mine.

You know, I never hit my first wife.
No, never.

You know what happened?
One day...

...she screwed the guy
who came to fix the satellite dish.

- I'm not his wife.
- Wife, nephew, brother, sister.

Plutonium. Bullshit.

Sir, I just want to make the deal.

There's no fucking deal.

This is Wimbledon,
and you are a Jimmy Connors.

I'm not gonna hit her.

If you won't hit her, then I will.

Fuck you. Fuck no. Fuck you.

You touch her,
you won't get one gram...

Fuck you.

Fuck you. Fuck you.
Speak to Starkov like that.

Fuck you. Fuck you.



New deal.

New fucking deal.

You give me $10,000 and the girl.

Or we take our business to Tusk.

Ten thousand grand and the girl.
Final fucking offer. Right?

- Tim?
- No, Nephew Shiv.

Here is the deal.

You give me the fucking money.


Come on. Get in.

Come on. Get in.

Come on.

Where you going?

- Come on.
- I'm going home.

We're still in this.
It's all negotiation.

Come on. Just...

Look, what about this?
This belongs to you, right?

Come on.

Look, he was only gonna give us
$4000. we can do better than that.

Free-market system.

If you are going in the direction
of a train station...

...I would appreciate a ride.

I have a few rubles I can pay you.

No, keep your rubles.
I'll give you a ride, okay?


How old is your son?

Tolya is 7.


Andrei is 6.

He looks like me.

You got any pictures?


I have one of me and Andrei.

Oksana, she took it.

We were at the new McDonald's
on the Arbat.

Every time
a new McDonald's opens...

...Drei always has to go see
if the Big Mac stays the same.

He's a little businessman.

I used your phone
to say good night to my family.

I don't know what the charges are.

No charges.

No charges for a man
saying good night to his son.

I know we owe you more,
but it's a start.

I don't know what kind of deal
Shiv offered you, but it was bullshit.

- There was no plutonium?
- What plutonium?

And the thing in the store
with the fire.

- Uncalled for.
- He started the fire?

- You're lying.
- And you're an expert on the subject.

Drop the balls
and you pick them up again.

A man must separate
business and pleasure.

She's a beautiful woman,
but beauty can make a man stupid.

Makes me stupid. I admit it.

And when we saw
what he did with your dog...

That beautiful animal.

What about the dog?

Chocolate is very bad for dogs.

I think the chocolate was for Oksana.

Shiv dies...

...or your boy dies.

- This isn't the way to the train.
- No. No, it's not.

- You said you'd take me to the train.
- And you said this was my lucky day.

So bring on the luck.

A hundred grams of luck.

You don't understand.

This was a mistake.

No, you don't fucking understand.

You don't understand.
I don't have any fucking time to waste.

So why don't you give me
whatever it is you say you have...

...and I let you be lucky enough
to walk home still breathing.

Can be your lucky day.

Or is it bullshit?

Is that what you have strapped
to yourself? A tube full of bullshit?

- You should have killed me at the hotel.
- Don't tell me when to kill you.

- I'm already dead.
- Does your wife and kid know that?

Or are they waiting for you
to come home with $30,000?

I can't be around my son
for more than a few hours...

...without risking every cell
in his body.

My saliva could kill my wife...

...in another 10 years.

My dead body is more dangerous
than anyone you have ever met.

And I have a fucking knife
to your throat.

It's a Gessl, from Gessl of Frankfurt.
They use these to skin moose.

And I'm a mushroom cloud,
and you have a knife.

I'm warning you
for the last fucking time.

- Are warning me...
- Hand the shit over.

Do it for your kid.

You do it for your kid.

For Drei.

For Andrei.

I'll tell you
what I will do for Andrei.

You see that house?

Your $30,000 is in that house.

Your $30,000...

...and my lucky day.

My lucky day.

Am I invited to this house?

To this party with these people?

No, I wash their cars.

But for Andrei, I will go,
and I'll knock on the door.

If they don't open,
I'll jump the fence.

I'll run across the field.
I'll shake my ass.

I'll do whatever I have to do
so I can see Andrei tomorrow.

I'll do that for my son.

You can stay here and play
with your butterfly if you want.

You know, we could move
a hundred grams a week, easy.

Maybe I go back
to Skotoprignomac with you, huh?

Set things up?

What do you think?

First we take this money, okay?

We go to a beach...

...take the boys, get some Versace,
get a tan, come back...

...hit it hard.

Okay, here we go.

- Private party.
- Yeah.

I know.
Just call up Tusk and tell him...

...that Shiv is out front
ready with the bean snap.

- You don't have to...
- There's no Shiv on the list.

I know.
This is what I'm saying, you see?

I'm probably not on the list.

Just... Okay, just call up to the house
and tell Tusk that Mr. Plutonium...

...that guy, is out front
knocking on his door.

Go. Call.

- Step away from the gate.
- Guys.

Okay. Look, we're here, okay...

...with 100 grams
of unsullied plutonium...

...first class,
frequent-flyer quality, baby.

It's the recipe for teeth.

The Americans, they rub it on their
little dicks, they fuck all night long.

Make the pussy glow.

Come on. Please. Be a hero, okay?
Be a hero. Call him.

Yes. Thank you. Okay.

All right.

Just tell him we're here.

You know what the North Koreans
would pay for this?

You know?

You don't know.


You got a problem here.

Got a big problem.

Uranium, neptunium, plutonium.

They came from space.

Found their way here
by comet and meteorite.

No child ever wished this from a star.

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl.

Problems with half- lives
40,000 years long.

All of life.

Time takes half of us away
and comes back later for the rest.

We are children...

...and then we are parents.

We are long division.

Slowly we decay in to memory.

Here he comes. Here he comes.

Yes. Okay. Here it is.

Around 40,000 years worth,
right here.

My car is clean?

Yes, but this is the guy I was
telling you about. Timofey Berezin.

- Where's my money?
- Here's the thing.

All we have to do
is give him $30,000, right?

No, no, no.
We don't give him money. Please...

No. It's just at the beginning.
Then we get our money back later...

...from the North Koreans.

Look, no. This is him.
This is the seven-minute french fry.

Remember? He is money.

No, he is not the money.
This is the money, you know?

- Show him, please.
- And this is the money.

Please, please show him.

Show him.

So you have something for me?

I have nothing.

You have nothing?

So, what, he was lying
about the plutonium?

I think he just wanted
to come to the party.

Get your dead friend out of my sight.
We have to park cars here.

Come on.

Who are you?

It's not important who I am.

You are not Shiv.

- Shiv is gone.
- Wait, didn't l...?

Yes, I spoke to you before,
when you were not important also.

Something about the deal
with Starkov and Shiv.

I have to get to the train.

So, what are you doing getting
a package out of Tusk's car, huh?

It's for my son.

So I'm supposed to believe that your
son keeps a package in Tusk's car?

Where is this son you speak of?


- I think you should come back here.
- He's not listening.

In the end, everything decays to lead.

Number 82 on the periodic table.

- Give me the package.
- Why won't you tell us...

...what's in the package?
- I need to go home.

All of the brilliant things
born in the center of stars...

...will have turned cold and gray.

You keep walking that way,
my friend...

...I promise you will not
make it to the train station.

Everything is moving
in that direction.

Are you going to look for Shiv?

Toward lead.

Listen to me. Stop.

Impossible to stop.

Check his pockets.

Vlad, there's something
underneath his shirt.

What is that?


A butterfly.

I find them very upsetting,

No wonder our guy
was out buying butterflies.


Bad judgment.

Fucking cocaine thinking.

Long night.

Harsh blow.

It's bullshit.

We can't give this to Starkov.

What I would like
is two tickets to Costa Rica...

...and $50,000 compensation.
- But no plutonium is missing.

Only your husband is missing.

Then you have nothing to fear from
a badge or a contaminated watch...

...showing exposure
of up to 1000 rems.

Now, I am told that the plutonium
in this facility has its own signature...

...and can be traced.

But if, as you say,
there is no plutonium missing...

...then it will not concern you when
an autopsy in some faraway place...

...reveals that my husband's body
is so toxic...

...that it must be entombed in lead.

Perhaps we could arrange a meeting
in St. Petersburg with your husband...

...and a severance package
could be discussed in person.

I said St. Petersburg.

Maybe I mean London.

Or maybe New York.

I think I have made myself clear.

What about a confession...

...stating that your husband stole
100 grams of plutonium...

...and that it was safely recovered
by officials from this facility?

And what about you send it to me
in Costa Rica?

Thank you for your time.

At some point,
things stop hurting.

And from inside the jar...

...with eyes that see
in all directions...

...maybe it is possible
to look into the future...

...well beyond the pins...

...to where the compass in your head
tells you that you need to go.

Past the fields and fences...

...and the flowers.

Edited by LeapinLar