Psycho Stripper (2019) - full transcript

A week before her wedding, beautiful dance studio instructor Amber Clarke suddenly finds herself the obsession of Hunter, the brooding, sexy, exotic male dancer from her bachelorette party,... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Hey, Chatz, come back.

♪ Hey pretty lady... ♪

Ladies, hi.

Thank you very much
for the tips.

It was very generous of you.

Where are you going, Chatz?

Well, my real name's Boone,

Just Boone.

So, Boone, where you go, I go.

-We go.
-No, shut up.

You'll get your eight seconds.

How about I call you girls
a, a Lyft?



I'm sorry, girls.

I gotta get home.

It's my girlfriend, so...


-Have a good night, ladies.


This is supposed to be about me.

♪ Let's go out ready ♪

What the...

♪ Don't give me that look ♪

♪ You shouldn't turn back ♪

♪ If you're starting over ♪

♪ Please
leave all the pain behind ♪

♪ Lower the yellow flag ♪

♪ Stop checkin' that boat ♪

♪ You are way too old ♪

♪ To become a roamer ♪

Mine first. Mine first.

Oh, you bought her a gift,
Mitchie. How sweet of you.

Of course, I did, I mean,
she is the only sweet bride

in a city
filled with bridezillas.

Aw, it's a gift certificate
to get my wedding dress

in preserved packaging
when the wedding's over.

Thank you, Mitchie.
That is so sweet of you.

You're welcome.

-What a great idea.
-Okay. Sit back down.

-I don't do sloppy sentiments.

Okay, and these are from us.

Uh, do I really wanna open these

in front
of all these other ladies?

-I don't know. Do you?

I'll save 'em for later.
Thank you.

Your dad sent it,
said your mom gave it to him

before she passed.

Wanted him to wait
until your bridal shower

for you to have it.

Oh, Danielle...

Oh, my gosh, it's gorgeous!

We used to talk about my wedding
when I was little.

What I would wear,
when it would take place...

And now,
even though she won't be here,

the one thing I do know
for sure is that...

she would be so happy to know
that I'm surrounded

by such a wonderful family
on my big day.

So, thank you. Thank you all
for being here for me.

Girl, we love you.

I love you.

-It's beautiful.
-Oh, my gosh.

-I'll see you tonight.
-I cannot wait.

Hello, hello.

Nice. Fill it up, fill it up,
fill it up.

-Hey, mom. Hi, hello.
-He's here. Antoinette's here.

-How are you?
-Hi, good to see you.

-Good to see you too.
-Hi, sweetheart.

-Thank you very much.

Hello. Hey, baby.


-Good. Fine.

-How'd we do?

I'd say we cleaned up all right.

Oh, yeah, the bridge-club ladies
did very well

by Miss Amber.

Nice. Anything, uh, sexy
in there for me?

Oh, don't you worry.
We got you covered, though.

But you're gonna wanna
open those when you get home

because we would've been banned
from the bridal shower

if she'd opened
Taryn's gift out here.

-Sounds perfect.
-Uh, no.

I don't understand
why you couldn't have waited

until whatever
little bachelorette thing

you're having tonight
to bring that kind of gift.

Oh, no, Margot. We couldn't.

I mean,
there is certainly no room

to carry a gift in the dress
I'm wearing tonight.

And we'll be picking you up
at 7 p.m. sharp, Ms. Clarke.

So don't be late.

-I won't, I won't.
-Come here.

-I'll see you tonight.

-You don't even know, girl.
-Bye. Oh.


Okay. So...

What are the festivities
this evening?

Uh, no idea.
The girls wouldn't tell me.

Okay, it doesn't matter,
just you girls

behave yourself, hm?

I will.
I give you bride's word.

It's not the bride
that I'm worried about.

-Got everything?
-Yeah, I do. Okay.

-Come on.
-Yeah. Bye.

-Where're you going? Round two.
- Stop it.


What you thinkin' about?

Uh, how are we gonna thank
the girls for those gifts?


You haven't thought
about Meagan at all this week.

-Not once.

Meagan and I were never engaged.

-Yeah, but you got her a ring.
-I got her a ring.

-But I never gave it to her.
-You didn't have a chance to or?

Um, yeah, I, I did have a chance
to give it to her,

but... I didn't.

Things with Meagan were always
just so complicated.

I loved her, but not enough
to put a ring on it.

And not nearly as much
as I love you.

And not at all the same way
as I love you.

What we have is... so different.

-It's much deeper.

You and I have been through
a lot the last couple of years.

You know, with your mom passing

and my whole thing with Meagan.

You think I'd be here right now
dying to marry you

if I wasn't over the moon
in love with you?

Over the moon in love with you.

-I know. I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry. I love you.

-You good?
-Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Should be 300.

Uh-oh. Looks like someone's
about to rage tonight.


You know the closest thing
I ever get to raging is

one shot of tequila
and a lemon chaser.

Well, you might as well start
right now.

No, thank you.
Why don't you guys go out?

Do something fun tonight.
You do card night every week.

This isn't anything special.

Trust me, I know, but Owen
wants to stay home tonight.

In case you ladies
get a little too sloshed,

you got a sober driver
to pick you all up.

Yeah, your one beer
for the evening.

-What's up, bitches?

Oh, wow.

Look at that dress!
I love it! Come here!

Yes. Get it.

-Oh, stop that!

Let's put the sash on.

Okay. And then we're gonna...

- Hey, hey.

We-we have to go because
Philip's waiting outside for us.

-Yes, you ready?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't I, uh, get a hug too?

Or at least a "Hell, no"?

I made that mistake
one too many times

in my twenties.
Let's just stand back, soldier.

-There. Are you ready?
-I'm ready.

-Okay, let's go.

-We'll, we'll bring her back...
-I love you so much. I love you.

-Love you.
- Don't wait up.

We should follow them.

-There. Ooh. Ready?
-And here we go.

-A little step.

And now a bigger step.

You got it. You got it.

-Hey, where's...


Is this the studio?


♪ Bitch ♪

-Oh, my God.

A little dance
in your dance studio.

-Glad you were free today.
-You're right.

Hi! Oh, my God!

♪ Oh I'm such a lady ♪

♪ But now I wanna get freaky ♪

♪ I'm feeling naughty ♪

♪ Ooh I just wanna be bad ♪

♪ Pass me my glass ♪

♪ Games of love tonight ♪

♪ You're not gonna
buy the rules ♪

♪ It's killing me ♪

♪ So hard to believe ♪

♪ I can feel the beat
It takes control of me ♪

♪ Just wanna dance with you ♪

♪ Hands down come screaming ♪

♪ She's a monster ♪

♪ I can't control her ♪

♪ Shake my hips ♪

♪ Feel the motion ♪

Okay, okay...

For the DJ.


-Surprise for you.
-What? What?

Oh, you're just
gonna have to sit down.

What are you doing?
Come on, go on.

All right. Okay.

And just enjoy the show.

♪ Oh everybody... ♪

- Are you ready?
-I'm ready!

-Okay. Here is enough.
-Okay. Get it ready now.


Oh, come on, you...

Get it together. I need you
to be ready for this one.

-Ready? Whoo!
- Oh, my God.

-And five, six.
- Look at Mr...

♪ Don't you tell her goodbye ♪

♪ You didn't even try ♪

That's crazy!

♪ Oh and I want mine ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ You're only smooth... ♪

♪ You don't know the crew ♪

♪ She doesn't look at you ♪

♪ And I got
just the thing to do ♪

Twerk it, twerk it!

♪ Just me and you ♪

♪ I know you're curious ♪

♪ And that makes two of us
We're both so curious ♪

Good evening, ladies.

♪ Come and kill it again ♪

♪ Kill it kill it
kill it again ♪

♪ Kill it
come and kill it again ♪

♪ Kill it kill it
kill it again ♪

♪ I know you're curious ♪

♪ And that makes two of us
We're both so curious ♪

♪ Get over curious
Come and kill it again ♪

♪ Kill it kill it
kill it again ♪

♪ Kill it
come and kill it again ♪

♪ Kill it kill it ♪

♪ Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ The way you smile
I can tell ♪

♪ You are under a spell ♪

♪ You speak... ♪

♪ And you can send some
to the world ♪

♪ Ooh oh
it's for show and tell ♪

♪ Let's quit
the scene of the crime ♪

I've got a big axe to grind with
the bride-to-be this evening.

Is that thing real?

Always use protection.

♪ Ooh I saw the light ♪

♪ And maybe stay the night ♪

♪ Oh babe
I know you're curious ♪

♪ And that makes two of us
We're both so curious ♪

♪ Get over curious
Come and kill it again ♪

♪ Get over here ♪

♪ Kill it again kill it ♪

♪ Come and kill it again ♪

♪ Kill it kill it
kill it again ♪

I can't believe
you guys hired strippers.

Owen is gonna kill me
after he kills the both of you.

Oh, wait, no.
This was Taryn's idea.

-I just signed up.
-Oh, come on.

You needed this, okay?

I mean, Margot's throwing you
the classiest royal wedding

any little princess
can ask for, okay?

You needed some fun
for your bachelorette, okay?

-Just saying.

And, look, the girls are having

the time of their life too.

Okay, fine. It actually has been
a ton of fun.

-You're welcome.

-More champ.
-No, no, no.

I've already had
way more than I should.

It's goin' right through me.

So I will be right back.

Okay, well, then, when you come
back, you'll get more.

-We killed this party.
-I'm so proud of us.

Yes. Cheers.

♪ Missed you over there ♪

♪ Acting like
you ain't got a care ♪


-Oh, no worries.

And I think we've already been
in way closer

quarters than this tonight.

I know. How embarrassing.

No, it's fine. Plus, you know, I
kinda thought you were adorable.

I've never seen a bride
blush so much.

Okay. I was a little
taken aback by the show.

-It was obviously a surprise.
-Oh, that's what our boss said.

"Go in and surprise the blonde
strapped to the chair."

You know, and since I kinda have
a thing for blondes,

I called dibs
on the bride-to-be.

But don't worry,
I always mind my manners

around a woman
with a wedding band.

I'm Hunter.


And admittedly,
bachelorette party strippers

are a little
out of my comfort zone.

-I'm the boring one.

Soon to be Mrs. Mathison,
I don't find you boring at all.

Your name is on the, uh,

"Kiss The Miss Goodbye"
poster thing.

Oh, yeah, right.

Oh, congratulations, by the way.

So, when's the big day?

Um, next Saturday, actually.

Wow. So soon.

-Everything in order?
-Ah, just about.

Yeah, I mean, I still
have to pick up my altered dress

and then we have the rehearsal,
but, yeah.

Yeah, it's all coming together.

-Well, what's your fiance do?
-He is... Thank you.

Uh, a project manager
at a tech and media firm,

in the entertainment industry.

Ooh. What kind of entertainment,
may I ask, huh?

Not that kind.

And what do you do?

Uh, I actually run this place.

You own this place?

Well, partly.
But someday it will be mine.

-You dance?
-I do.

Yeah. Yeah, I grew up dancing.

But now I teach and choreograph.

my, my bridesmaid, Taryn

is also a choreographer
here too.

Very nice. That's another thing
we have in common.

Mm-hmm. No, no. I don't,
I don't do that kind of dance.

You know, I, I may have
just a bit of experience

beyond the exotic circle.

-Oh, yeah? Mm-hmm.
-Oh, yeah.

Well, you're just gonna have
to get out there and prove it.

What are you doing? Come, dance.

-Okay. All right, all right.
-Come on.

♪ I can't hide
but I am trapped ♪

♪ Underneath the stars ♪

♪ Am I crazy? ♪

♪ So crazy
I could lose it all ♪

♪ Are you worth the fall? ♪

♪ I could be the first one
to tell you that it's bad ♪

♪ But in the best way a girl could ever have it all ♪

♪ Are you worth the fall? ♪

- Margot. Hi.
-No wonder I wasn't invited.

Ah, it's so lovely
of you to join us.

-You are looking gorgeous.
-Thank you, Taryn.

This is not a good look, Amber.

-Can I get you a drink or--
-No, I'm fine.

Could I have a minute, please?

Of course.
All the time you need.

Right here in your studio,
where just anybody in town,

the people that know us
could walk by

and see what's going on here?

It's, it's all harmless fun.

These guys
are actually really nice.

-I'm sure they are.

You must be
the groom's hot older sister.

-Hey. I'm Benji.

Ma'am, this is Amber's big night

and we were just having
a little bit of fun.

Is that what you call it?

Well, this young lady
is marrying my son in a week.

So I would suggest
that you undrape yourself

from around her neck.
Thank you.

This is all my fault.
Do not blame Amber at all.

Like, she just didn't know
anything about it, it's all--

I'm a 100% not surprised
this is your idea, Taryn.

Guys, let's just, let's just
call it a night, okay?

Good idea.


We're calling that the evening.

That's the evening.
Now, everybody? Let's...

Gentlemen, thank you so much
for your efforts.

I'm sure you're wonderful,
why don't we

find our clothes and our helmet?

Okay, nice meeting you.
Bye, gentlemen.

Everybody, thanks for coming.

You don't have to go home,
but you can't stay here.

See you ladies Monday. Behave.

-Looking forward to it.
-Can't wait.

Oh, God. Now what?


-Hey, Margot. Your phone.

-Oh, thank you.
-Oh, my God!

-What happened?
-I don't know.

Looks like something ripped
right through the damn thing.

Maybe you got a nail in it?

Does that look like a nail tear
to you?

Uh, guess not.

Well, hey. Pop your trunk.
I'll, I'll change it for you.

You know how to change a tire?


- Geez.

-Car trouble?

What are you still doing here?

My Lyft was cancelled.

Why didn't you leave
with the other dancers?

They live east. I'm west.
Here, let me help you with this.

No, no, no. We've got it,
young man. We're fine.

No, really. I insist.

-Is everything okay?
-Yeah. Margot got a flat.

And Hunter stayed to help.

-Aw, how sweet!
-And sexy too.

Thank you, Hunter.

Of course.
Anything for the blushing bride.

-Hey, you.

-Did you have fun tonight? Mm.

-I did.

How was your night?

It was great.

Kicked everyone's ass
in blackjack.

Dad was a sore loser.
Pretty usual.

So what'd you guys do?

Uh, it was actually
at the studio.


Danielle and Taryn

hired these dancers

who showed up unannounced
and then your mother

showed up unannounced.

I guess Mitchie told her
where we were.

It was a whole to-do after that.

What do you mean dancers?

Why, isn't half
your bridal party made up

of professional dancers?

No, like, male dancers.

-You mean, like, exotic dancers?

Were any of them as sexy as me?



-Any of them have my moves?

-Were they able to do, uh, this?

-Owen, stop.
-Were they able to do this?

-I'm so tired. That's enough.
-Tired from what?

Getting lap dances all night?
Is that why?

Let me go over last week.

And five, six, seven, eight...

Good morning.

Hunter! Uh, did you forget
something or...

Nope, just here
to sign up for dance class.

you wanna sign up for dance?

I thought you already trained.

Uh, I mean, I already know
how to dance like that.

-Not like that.
-You wanna take my ballet class?


Guys like you
don't really take ballet,

especially, intermediate.

Guys like me?

Wait, you mean, like, strippers?

No. No, I mean, like,
guys with your build.

Okay, I really don't think
you should discriminate against

a willing-to-pay student simply

because he lifts weights.

Fine. Um, okay.

So fill these out
and sign the bottom.

You can have a seat over there

and my next class starts
in about ten minutes.


All right! Great job,
everybody. Awesome.

Okay, I will see you all
next week.

Oh, he's back.

Are you here to sign up for some
dance classes or just see me?

I'm gonna try
Amber's ballet class.

I would've thought for sure

you were more
of a hip-hop kind of guy,

with your background.

Well, I'm actually trained
in jazz, hip-hop,

salsa, ballroom, you name it.

Is that so?

Well, then, I really don't know
whether to be jealous

or flattered.

Why would you be either?

Well, jealous
because Amber gets to see you

in her class every day
or flattered

because in a last-ditch effort
to get closer to me,

you signed up
to her classes instead.

I guess we'll just see
which one lands first.

Believe it or not,
that's how she flirts.

She just can't help herself.

Well, then, you'll just have
to help me show her

that I have more to offer
than putting out fires.

All right.
Let's get you changed.

Come on, fearless fireman.

Very nice.

Hm. Lengthen your torso
just a little bit.

Shoulders up, just a touch.

So you have had some ballet.

Ah, just a little beginner's
class a really long time ago.

Hm, well, you still need
to strengthen your core,

so just pull a little harder
at the hips?

Okay? Well, plie.

And passe.

Okay. Now watch yourself.


And passe.

Thank you.

Oh, sorry.

Not bad,


All right, let's move on.

Oh, hey there. I saw you
out there on the floor.

Not bad, Mr. McConnell.

-Well, thank you, Miss...

Like, like a wedding bell?

I mean, I wouldn't know,
I haven't had a relationship

longer than three months,
like, ever.

-No? Why not?
-Well, 'cause all men are evil.

I mean, no offense.

Well, well, you think I'm evil?

I think you have the potential.

Oh, that's right. Amber told me
this is how you flirt.

Oh, no. I mean, if I was
flirting... you would know.


Well, I will see you around.
Ms. Belle Of The Ballroom.

See ya.

Hey, uh, can you hand me
my wedding book?

Uh, sure. Where did you put it?

-Mm. I don't know.
-I'm not seeing it.

Uh, I must've left it at home.
This morning was a blur.

Oh, girl.
This whole weekend was a blur.

I know. Okay, I will see you
around 5:00 at my place?

-Yes. I can't wait to see it!


I give to you the beautiful
future Mrs. Mathison.

Oh, you look gorgeous!

Absolutely flawless, love.

Uh, kudos, Mitchie.

Do you like it?

I do. It's lovely.

Excuse me.

-Oh, uh... Go, go, go, go.
-I got this.




I bet she's looking down on how
beautiful you are right now.

And she'll be there
on your wedding day too.

I know. I just...

I just wish
I could hear her voice.

Oh, well,
she'd totally be like...


you have never been
more beautiful

than in this moment right now.

But what are we gonna do
with this hair sitch?"

What about your dad?
When does he get into town?

On Wednesday for the rehearsal,

That's if he can get away
from work that long.

Well, good, because you have
plenty of people

who are going to take
really good care of you

until he gets here.

Thanks, Dan.


-Uh, uh-oh, we're stuck.
-Oh. Oh, my God.

-Okay, okay.
-I can't.

-Go ahead and get it out.
-Oh, just turn around.

This dress
does not wanna get off you.



Ah, if I give this back to you,

you're not gonna lose it again,
are you?


Where did you even find
where I live?

Oh. "Name, address..."

- And "Number." Right.

Well, thank you so much.
I would've been lost without it.

It has everything in here.

My wedding ideas, RSVPs,
their addresses.

No, I know, I looked
through the whole thing.

- I'm kidding.

-Weddings terrify me.

Do you know how many crazy
brides-to-be I've encountered?

-What makes you think I'm crazy?
- Oh, no.

To the contrary,
I think you're exceptional.

Yeah, well, thank you.
That's nice.

Um, I will see you in class

I wouldn't miss it.

Okay, then.


Who was that?

Um, I dropped our wedding book
at the studio

and one of my students found it
and brought it back to me.

Lucky. That was nice of them.

-You ready to eat?

Evenin', ladies.

I didn't see you in there.
I would've noticed you.

Well, I didn't see you in there

My name's Sherry,
but you can call me Baby.

What's your name?


Wanna grab a nightcap, Jenny?

I've got a whole lotta dollar
bills burning a hole

in my pocket right now.

Okay, sure.



I still owed you
for the classes.

Well, thank you.

But, uh, how many of those
came from your pants?

None of them.
Thank you very much.

Well, then, I'll take it.

Uh, what's this?

Just a little wedding gift
for you.


I have a friend who used it
in his wedding.

Took a bunch of photos
of him and his girlfriend

from their computers and then
displayed it at the front table

at the reception, you know...

Maybe you could do the same
for your fiance.

That's a great idea.

Uh, that's really sweet of you,
Hunter. Thank you.

I also personally wanted
to thank you for all the bank

I made at your party
the other night.

Do you have lunch plans
after class today?


Look, I, I think
you're really sweet and all.

Um, I just...

I don't know how my fiance
would feel about me

lunching with the exotic dancer
from my bachelorette party.

-You know?

Of course.
No, I, I get it. I do.

You know, I just...

I, I kinda had a crush
on your friend Taryn

and I thought, I don't know,

maybe I'd get some intel
from you, you know...

I just didn't wanna do it here,
you know?

Put you on the spot
where you both work, but...

It's all good. I, I understand.

Uh, Hunter, wait.

I would love to give you
some intel on Taryn.

I think you guys would be
really cute together.

Um, how about after class,

you walk down to the bakery
with me?

You could help me try my cake.

Yeah, I love cake.
It'd be my pleasure.


So Taryn and I were taking
classes at the dance studio

on the east side where
both of us lived at the time

and I had just moved here.

She said I was soft.

She needed to toughen me up.

So she dragged me
to a pole-dancing class.

It was actually a lot of fun.

-Well, did it?

Toughen you up?

I mean, can't you tell?

Not bad.

I, I think she likes you, too.

You should ask her out
and see what happens. Who knows?

Maybe she'll even ask you to be
her date to my wedding.

Well, if it means more
of this lemon cake, then I'm in.

You actually, uh,
have a little lemon, um, here.


Anything for the blushing bride.

Well, it's getting late.

I really have to get home, so...

Sure. I'll walk you to your car.



Dinner's just about ready, okay?

Okay, I'll be there
in a minute.

I just gotta check something
real quick.

Dinner's re-ready!

Uh, okay. I'm coming.

-You're eating like a rabbit.

-Not good?
-No, it's great.

Thank you.

Hey, everything okay?
You seem quiet.

Yeah, um...

I just...

I didn't realize that Meagan
and I were practically twins.

What do you mean?

I went on your laptop
to get some photos

for this digital collage
I was gonna do

for the reception and, um,

I saw a folder
that you have of her.

What, am I in trouble for having
old photos on an old computer?

No, no, I just, I didn't realize

that she and I
look so much alike.

Do you?

I guess I hadn't really
thought about it.

Hey, I don't think
you guys look that much alike.

Okay, well, do we have
anything else in common?

What are you doing?

Uh, well,
she was in hospitality.

You run a dance studio, so...
You like vanilla bean, right?

She was
more of a pistachio girl.

You love being home
for the holidays,

but she always liked
going on getaways.

So other than the fact
you guys have blonde hair

and brown eyes, I, I don't see

any other similarities.

And I don't see
why you keep bringing her up.

What does she have to do
with you and me getting married?

It has nothing to do with it,

I just wish
you would've told me.

Geez! Britt, you scared me.

Sorry. Um, do you need anything
before I go?

Uh, no, I'm good. I'll just, uh,
I'll lock up after you.


Uh... big plans?

Oh, no, no, I just...

♪ I'm a sensitive
little razor blade ♪

♪ Nodding violently
to every word you say ♪

♪ Goes down from side to side
replace them with your name ♪

♪ Or with sanity
which will you prefer? ♪

♪ 'Cause I can wrap a noose
like a string of pearls ♪

♪ Yeah I'm your psychopath ♪

♪ Oh baby I'm your girl ♪

♪ Just tell me you love me ♪

♪ Just tell me you love me ♪

Uh, Hunter! Hunter,
what are you doing here?

-Hunter, what're you doing here?

I was upstairs rehearsing.

Then I heard
the music cranking up down here.

And kinda got distracted.

Sorry, I just thought, I didn't
know anybody was still here.

I see.

It wasn't too dark for me
not to see you, though.

Oh, well, did you, uh...

Do you see anything you like,

♪ To every word you say ♪

♪ Go down my spine to side ♪

♪ Replace them with your name ♪

♪ And here your sanity
which will you prefer? ♪

♪ 'Cause I can wrap a noose
like a string of pearls ♪

♪ I'm your psychopath ♪

♪ Hey baby I'm your... ♪

♪ Tell me you love me
tell me you ♪

♪ Tell me you love me ♪

♪ Tell me you love me ♪

Okay, so these are some concepts
I came up with.

Let me just grab this book...

So you just take a look at these

and I am going to get started
on your hair.

-For the big rehearsal.
- Awesome. Thank you.

-Here, I'll give you this.
-I'll take it in the back.

Yeah, just put it in the closet
because things

tend to have a way
of disappearing around here.

- Okay.

Just spill it. Who is he?

-Who is who?
-Oh, please.

You've been a Cheshire cat
all morning.

-Who's the guy?
- Oh, my God!

-You have been.
- Yeah.

Tell us everything right now.

Okay, well,
I may or may not have had

a visitor over last night.

Mm. More, more, please.

Tsk, are you sure
you wanna know?

-Is it Hunter?
-Wait. Who are we talking about?

He's this gorgeous-looking guy.

Uh, who was the stripper
at Amber's bachelorette party.

-Oh, boy.
-Uh, Taryn.

What are you thinking?

-This is a bad idea.

Do you know
how many single women

he's with every night
at his job?

He's practically
bathing in them.

Yeah, and now
he'll just be bathing in me.

-No, no, no, no.

Fun to tip, not to date.

Trashy. All right. And that's
all I'm saying about it.

He's kind of nice, but I agree.

You should be careful
around him, Tar.

He's very on all the time.

Oh, well, you don't have
to worry about me, okay?

I'll be careful. I'm a big girl.

Oh, sorry. This is my dad.
I'll be right back.

-He's cute, but, like--
-He's super cute.

He's not...
Do you wanna get married?

Or you're just gonna date
for the rest of your life?

Yeah, dad.
No, no, it's totally fine.

It's just gonna be a bunch of

Owen's parents' rich friends,

You're not gonna be
missing anything.

Okay, I'll see you Saturday.

Love you too.

Everything all right?

What are you doing here?

Taryn texted me,
said you guys were here.

-I live just four streets down.
-Oh. Oh, yeah, yeah.

We're just getting our hair done
for tonight.

Oh, the big rehearsal dinner?

Taryn mentioned it.

Oh, yeah. Uh, duh. Of course.

Are-are you okay?
You seem not yourself.

It's just, it's my dad.

He was supposed to be here
for the rehearsal tonight,

but now it looks like he's not
gonna be here until the wedding.

Uh, that, that's too bad.

It's my fault.

I shouldn't have had it
so early. It was Margot's idea.

-Soon to be mother-in-law I met?

She does seem to like it
to have it her way.

Have you tried talking to her?

Mm, she's not exactly
the best listener.

I could make her listen
if you want.

Hey, back in the chair,
we have two hours

and we have to get you changed.

-Who's this?
-Uh, this is Hunter.

He's here to see Taryn.
I'm gonna go grab her.

-Tell her to wait a minute.

You the stripper?
Of course, you are.

So what are you really doing
here, bud?

I mean,
you do realize she's engaged.

Yeah, I'm, I'm here
to see Taryn, not Amber.

My ass you're here to see Taryn.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

So what's your last name,
lover boy?

That's none
of your damn business.

Oh, I think it is.

"Preston Hunter McCain."

Good, now you know
you're limited

to what you can get away with
around these girls.

So now that
that's out of the way,

I know you're used
to getting your way,

but not today.

I'm gonna need you to leave.

We don't need
anymore distractions. Bye.

-I know.
-Oh, it was so fun.

It's always good to have
a spa...

It's gonna be good.

-Well, hank you so much.
-Thank you.

I've got a hot date,
so, uh, this girl's got to go.


Have fun.

Oh, wait.
I forgot the dress.

Ooh, okay. My Lyft's here,
but would you mind just, uh...

Here. Just, like, take my keys.
I've got a spare set.

And you can just lock up and
bring it back to me tomorrow?

-Good? Okay.
- Good luck.

Okay, well, you girls go on,
I'll grab the dress

and I'll just meet you
at rehearsal.

-Okay. Thanks, Mitchie.
-Let's go.

-Be safe.

Get in the cab. Get in the cab.

Hey, pretty lady.

Party's over, buddy. Go home.

Hey, Coop, hi.
Thanks for callin' me back.

Yeah, I don't know
about this guy. Bit of a creep.

Do you think
we could get a little bit

of background information
on him?

Yeah. Sure.

I just have to grab this dress
and then I will,

I'll text you his info.
Okay. Bye.



W-what are you,
what are you doing?

Stay back.


Help! Help!

And then they exchange rings

and there's the kiss. Nice.

And then we all march out,
two by two,

starting with Taryn and Russ.
Very nice.

And then you two, very sweet.

And we all applaud
as the couple goes by.

Where the hell is Mitchie?

Who's that guy over there?

Um, he's dating Taryn.

And he's also taking classes
at the studio.

Cool. Um, why is he here?

I honestly have no idea.

-Excuse me.

Let me borrow you for a second.

I, I can't believe
you brought him here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

I did not invite him. Okay?

We talked about meeting up
later, but I would never

ask him to come here.
I mean, I would never do that.

Owen is already asking
who he is.

Geez, what am I supposed to say?

Well, tell him
that we're dating. I don't know.

That is what I told him.

But what if Margot
recognizes him? Then what?

-Well, then, good for Margot.
-Guys, guys.

You need to get out here.

-Thank you very much.

Where do I know you from?
Uh, you look so familiar to me.

I-I don't know.

You're not in the world of,
uh, investment banking,

are you?

not in this lifetime. No.

-Hi, ladies.

Oh, hey.
How's it going?

So I guess
everybody's met Hunter.

Wait. So are you two a thing?

-No. Well...

He's taking classes at
the dance studio with us, so--

So, are you like a Muscle Month
model or something?

No, actually,
I'm an exotic dancer.

The pay is way better.

What do you do? Pro-narcissist?

-That's pretty accurate.

Close. Party promoter.
Mostly clubs.

Ah, very nice.

Well, maybe you could
come help me

with my club sometime, eh?

Wait, hold on.

You're being serious about
the whole exotic-dancer thing?

-Wait. Oh, my God!

You guys, this,
this is amazing. Er... Owen.

I-I need some proof. Are you
wearin' a thong right now?

Let me see your thong.

Kids, come on,
the food's getting cold.

Food, now. Let's go. Come on.

Are you kidding me right now?

You know, can I talk to you
for a minute?

Just a minute? Yeah.

Please tell me that guy
is not one of the guys--

Yeah, he is one of the guys.

I'm sorry. I was really tryin'
to figure out a way to tell you.

Why would Taryn invite him here?

- She didn't.

-So he just showed up?
-Owen, it's fine.

-Taryn's taking care of it.

-If she's asking him to leave.
-She is.

Yes. Let's just,
let's go eat. Okay?

I don't like the way
he looks at you.

there's something wrong.

Owen, he's taking classes
at the studio

and he's just a little...
direct in his friendliness.

But he's harmless. Okay?

Come on. Let's go.


Okay, so I just, I don't wanna
rock the boat or anything,

you know, in case Margot
or Mitchie remembers you.

So could we just meet up
in a little bit,

you know, maybe later?

Sure. Yeah.

Wait, is that,
is that blood on your neck?

Are you okay?

Yeah, no.
I, uh, I nicked myself trimming.

But, uh, anyway, I will, uh,
I'll just hang outside

until you guys finish up
and then...

-Awesome. Yeah.

I'll-I'll text you later.

All right.


-You okay?

I'm just trying really hard
not to be that guy right now.

Did he, like, touch you
or anything at that party?

Well, he just, he gave me
a silly little lap dance

when they first came in, but
he didn't really touch me. Okay?

-It was more like he gyrated--
-Oh, okay, okay, okay.

So this is the guy
that gave you the, the lap dance

and now he's taking classes
with you at your studio.

Owen, he's seeing Taryn.

And furthermore,
that lap dance was not

like the ones at men's clubs.

It was harmless,
it lasted a minute.

-We were all laughing.
-Oh, you were all laughing.

Why, why didn't you lead
with that?

That makes everything okay.

Anything else you wanna tell me?

'Cause speak now
or forever hold your peace.

-Okay, yes. Fine. Fine.

He was also the one
who found our wedding book

and stopped by the house
the other evening.

That guy was at our house?
That was him?

And you didn't tell me?

Owen, there's nothing to tell
because nothing happened.

And you haven't been so great
about informing me

of everything in your life,
either. Exhibit A, Meagan.

Yeah, it's not the same thing
as you sitting across from me

at our dinner table,
looking me in the eyes,

telling me about your day
and conveniently leaving out

all these chance encounters
that you have with this guy.

And you call that nothing.

What has gotten into you,

Owen, wait. Just, please, stop.

I need a minute, please.

Hey. Hey.
Amber, what's going on?

♪ We're gonna have to change
our dresses ♪

♪ We're goin' out dancin' ♪

♪ We've gotta get
our bodies groovin' ♪

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah.
No, everything's fine.

-I mean, I'm just...

I'm a little worried
about Mitchie.

-Has anyone heard from her?
-Yeah. No.

And I reached out to her,
like, five times.

Haven't heard a thing.
I'm hoping she's all right--

Well, damn.

Come on, it's your day.
We gotta dance, come on!

She's not in the mood, okay?
Just let her, let her--

Oh, shoot!

Ethan, I said
I'm not in the mood--

-I wanna dance. Come on...
-I just...

Hey, get your hands off her!

Are you okay?

Hunter! What is wrong with you?

What are you still doing here,

I'll kick your ass,
stripper boy.

-Stop it, Ethan.
-I'm sorry. Who are you?

Okay, we're gonna have to call
the police, young man.

I was just trying...
Are you okay?

Yeah. Hunter, I'm fine!

Who are you? Why are you so
concerned about her well-being?

Look, I know what kind of guys

you and your friends here
are like.

Educated, rich,

courteous career boys
in public.

Then you cheat
behind your fiancee's back

every chance you get.

Hunter, you are way out of line.

-You need to leave right now!
-It's okay, baby.

It's okay. Hey, hey, hey.
What's your deal?

Seriously, you show up here
uninvited and now

you're starting fights
with my family?

Do you, do you know
where you are right now?

You're at our wedding rehearsal.
This is my fiancee.

-Do we have a problem?
-No, Owen.

Stan, just call the police
right now.

It's-it's okay.

I'll leave.

Thank you.

Hey, kid. Here's your tip.

Hey, thank you. I love you,
but you're not helping.

-Are you okay?
- Why did you do that?

Because he's had
too much to drink.


Do you still think
he doesn't like you?

You can't be so naive.

Jenny. Hey. It's Hunter
from the other night.



Yeah, I'm sorry
things got a little rough.

But we were having fun, though,
weren't we?

Yeah, no. I get...

Hey, look,
I'm sorry to call so late,

but I have a friend,
a, a female friend

who's about to get into
a really bad marriage soon.

And I was hoping that you might
be able to do me a favor.

I mean, I'd be happy to pay you.

I could make that work.

Okay. Send for her right now.

Hi. Can I help you?

-Hi. Are you Amber?
-I am.

Your fiance, Owen, he's not home
right now, right?

Uh, no. No, he's at work
right now. Why?

Okay, well, um, you see...

He's cheating on you with me

and I really thought
you should know

because he told me
you're getting married.

And I don't think
that's a good idea.

I swear, I didn't realize
he was engaged at first.

-I just--

What are you even talking about?
How do you know Owen?

We... We met at a conference
for his firm.

Okay. When was this?

Back in April.

Um, Owen wasn't
at a work conference in April.

And he's never even looked

at another woman in the year
since I've known him.

So why don't you tell me
why you're lying to me?

Look, I just...

Okay, someone paid me
to come here

and try and out your husband.

I don't really know the guy,

Okay. Who paid you?

Just, please, don't tell anyone
I admitted anything to you.

The guy is really weird,
I have to go right now. Okay?

Was his name Hunter?

Hello? Was his name Hunter?


What did I do? Oh.

It was just a little fight.
I'm sorry.

No, Owen. I am so sorry.

You were right about everything.
I just...

I was completely oblivious
to it.

Can't help that you're just
so sweet to everyone.

You wanna know the moment
that I fell in love with you?

This is the exact moment
that I knew I was gonna spend

the rest of my life with you.

It was our second date,
we were walking back to your car

from the coffee shop
and saw that sweet old lady

struggling to get
those groceries up the steps,

and you just took my hand
and you're, like, whoop!

And you rushed right
to help her.

From that moment,
I knew I was trapped.

And then you rushed ahead
to open the door for us.

-Like you always do.

That's why
we make such a good team.


Um, I think

Hunter sent a girl
to our house today

and paid her to claim

that she was having an affair
with you.

-No. No, it's okay.

I, I didn't even entertain
the idea for a second.

I knew instantly that you
wouldn't do anything like that.

I'm sorry I was harsh on you
about Meagan

and that my insecurity made me

so insensitive to your loss.

Thank you.
And I'm sorry I snapped.

We can just chalk it up
to pre-wedding jitters, huh?

We've all been on edge
this week.

So what now?

I mean, now I'm just gonna
make you my wife.

-I like that.
-I'm puttin' a ring on it.

Up, down, turn around,
hit and...

Nothing beats
a good ballet wedding march.

Hunter, what are you doing here?

I, I, I really think
you should go.

Oh... Sorry?

I just... brought you
a bridal gift.

Hunter, did you...

Did you pay some girl
to come by my house

and try and convince me
that my fiance's a cheater?

Uh, what are you talking about?

That's absurd. I mean, why would
I do something like that?

I mean...

maybe you should be asking
your fiance

why some woman
is showing up at your house

that he cheated with her.

what do you want from me?

Right now I just want you
to open the gift.

No, I, I-I-I don't wanna
open the gift right now, okay?

Now, can you just, please,

I'll leave, but just as soon
as you open the gift.

Hunter, what is wrong with you?
I'm engaged!

Okay, okay, look,
I didn't mean to start a fight

between you and your fiance
the other night,

but if he's cheating on you too,
I, I really don't think

that he has a right to be upset
about our relationship.

What... W-w-we don't
have a relationship, okay? I...

-I, I barely even know you.
-Yes, yes.

But you know that what we have
is more than that, Amber.

I mean, ever since
the first time we met,

there's been sparks.

You were a stripper

at my bachelorette party, okay?
That... That-that was it!

You can't deny you find me sexy.

-Maybe if we just kissed--
-Hunter, stop!

Just get away!

-Please, just stop--
-Damn it, Amber!

Why are you being
such a bitch again?

Okay. Amber...

I want you to listen very
carefully when I tell you this.

You... will not

be married to him.

Do you understand?

Hunter, just... Taryn! Taryn!

-Get away from me.
-Hey! Hey!

What the hell do you think
you're doing, asshole?

This has nothing to do with you.

Leave! Right now!


Hope you enjoy your gift.


What was that?

I-I don't know. I don't know.

Oh, my God, uh..

Uh, when did this happen?

It was just
the night before last.

Some security guard
was making his rounds

and he found her body
just outside of the salon front.

Gate was locked
and she was still inside.

Oh, my God,
this must've happened

right after
we left the other night.

Do they know who did it?

Some homeless thief.

They found her blood
on his jacket,

he had her purse.

And they also said that they
found his prints on the weapon.

I just can't believe it.
Poor Mitchie.

Of all the times
for this to happen,

two days before the wedding--

-Mom, not the time.
-I know, it's just--

Honestly, we should consider
postponing the wedding.

It just doesn't seem right
right now.

Look, son, if you felt
the need to postpone,

we would be perfectly fine
with that.

-What do you wanna do?
- Listen, kids.

You don't have to decide
right now, okay?

Just take the night
and think about it. Okay?

-Thank you.

We'll think about it.

So what do you think, hm?

Should we hold off
on the ceremony?

With Mitchie's death
and this psycho stripper

handing out negligee, it seems
a little inappropriate, no?

Hey, you want to know
what's weird?

It's that Hunter showed up

with a few specks of blood
on his neck.

Like, the other night
at the rehearsal dinner.

You think he got it
from his scuff with Ethan?

No, it was before the scuff.

I mean,
it was right when he showed up.

-Are you sure it was blood?

I mean, he said he nicked it
during trimming.

But, I mean,
I did not see a cut anywhere.

Where's this guy from?

Oh, he's from this place called

Naughty Boyz, I think.

-With a Z.
-What are you doing?

It's disconnected.

Come on. We're going down there.

♪ Whispers in my ear ♪

♪ Voices inside my head ♪

-Hey. IDs?
-I got this one.

We're looking for the owner.
Is that you?

No. She only works
on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Oh, that's too bad.

Well, could we just maybe get

that information from you?

'Cause we have this complaint
from one of your dancers.

He's been, well, naughty.

Yeah, I-I'm not at l-liberty

to give out that information,

Well, are you sure?
'Cause we could just really--

Hey! Hey! Lady!
Get down from there.

Should we just...

-Yeah, let's just go.

Well, I don't think we'll be
getting any incriminating

information from anybody.

Is that Benji?


Benji. Hi! Benji!

-Benji! Benji!
-Do you remembe...


-Hi, guys.

For real though,
you ladies can't be back here.

Unless you wanna let me
frisk you first.

Um, Benji, hey.

-Do you, uh, remember me?
-Oh, yeah. Hey!

I, uh, danced
at your bachelorette party.

You've got
all the hot dancer friends.

Yeah, yeah, that's me. Um...

Is... Hunter isn't working here
tonight, is he?

Hunter doesn't actually
work here.

What do you mean,
he doesn't work here?

Yeah, no, he hasn't worked here
in, what,

last year and a half. Right?

No, no, not since he went out
of his damn mind.

-Um, out of his mind?

-What do you mean?
-His girlfriend was killed.

-It was sad.
-Yeah, and then he lost it.

He kept losin' his temper
here at work

partying too hard
with the ladies,

gettin' in fights
with the other dancers.

H-hold on,
if, if he doesn't work here,

how did he get hired
for my bachelorette?

Well, our other guy, Boone,
was supposed to work,

but got his knee busted
by some thug the night before

and ended up in the hospital.

We had a full house
and Hunter was texting me

because he needed to make
some cash.

So I invited him to headline
at your bachelorette party.

He's usually a big hit
with the ladies.

Do you know where he works now?

-Okay. Hey.

-Thanks, guys.

-Oh, my God. It's Preston.

This son of a bitch's name
is Preston, it's not Hunter.

This is the guy that Meagan was
engaged to before she met me.

Wait, this is the Meagan...

-Your ex who died.
- Yeah, my ex.

Hold on, wait,
if Meagan was broken up with him

when you met her, why is he
still carrying a weird grudge?

I don't know, 'cause technically
they weren't broken up

before we got together.


You were seeing her

while she was still
engaged to him?

Look, he hit her, she bailed.
She was done with him.

Apparently, he doesn't see it
that way, though.

I met her, like, a week
after this happened.

And he was hitting her up
so much, he was texting her,

he was calling her, he,
he even showed up at her house.

I-I guess I-I never saw him
in person, but I know

from a photo that she showed me
that this is the guy.

but how did he even know about

this whole
bachelorette party thing?

I mean, he's just been
following you for the past year?

It's gotta be my mom, right?
She's been...

She's been blasting
our, our engagement announcement

on social media for, like,
the last three months.

Yeah, no, but t-that still
does not explain

how he got to me.

I know.

I mean, the whole reason why
I even knew about Naughty Boyz

for the party
was because there was a flyer

in the mail at the studio.

I mean, he obviously is the one
who put it there.

If that's the case,
he really is crazy.

-Yeah, like, next-level crazy.

We need to call the police.
Come on.

We're saying at my parents'
tonight. The house isn't safe.

And you said his last name is...


I went through some old emails
of Meagan's.

-It's definitely McCain.

Well, besides him
showing up unannounced

and picking a fight with
your friends at your rehearsal

and this inappropriate crush
he seems to have

on your fiancee,

what's he done to make you think
he's dangerous?

This is the same guy
that was dating my ex

and smacking her around
a few weeks

before she mysteriously died

in a car accident.

Police brought
a mechanic in

to look into foul play, but
there wasn't enough evidence,

so everyone
just kind of forgot about it.

Now, after all this, I can't
help but think he might've had

something to do with her death.

Your deceased ex's name?

Meagan Tucker. She, uh, died
March 23rd last year.

And now you think
he's stalkin' the two of you?

He ever make any direct threats?

Um, yeah, yeah, he did say
that under no circumstances

would he allow us
to get married.

Yeah, and he also hired somebody

to come to our house
and tell my fiancee

that I was cheating on her.

Ma'am, he was hired to be

an exotic dancer
at your party, yes?

You know, why don't you take
a further look into the death

of our wedding planner,
Mitchie Stone, okay?

Our friend said
that she saw specks of blood

on Hunter's neck the same night
that she was killed.

Didn't they already apprehend
some vagrant for that murder?

Yeah, yeah, but they did not
find my wedding dress

in his possession, so I'm not
so sure your department

has their facts totally in sync.

Uh, Detective Allen?

Allen, my husband and I

contribute a great deal
of funding

to programs that help
keep this city safe.

And Commissioner Mills is a,
a close personal friend of ours

and I would recommend

that you take my son
and daughter-in-law's advice

and start looking
into this stalker situation

as soon as possible.

Now, if you don't have
any further questions,

it is getting awfully late.

Well, I will try
to locate Mr. McCain

and bring him in
for some questioning.

-Thank you, detective.
-Thank you.

-Have a good night.
-You too.

Thanks, mom.





I think we'd like
to not have our wedding

at the original venue,
if that's okay.

We're still a bit spooked
over this whole thing and, uh,

I don't think
we'll enjoy ourselves.

Well, of course,
I understand, honey.

What would you like to do then?

Well, we still
wanna get married, uh...

We were just wondering
if we could maybe have

a little ceremony over at
your other place in the hills?

Oh! Well, if that's the case,
why don't you do it here then?

Well, I know that place
isn't as big as this one

and it won't fit as many people,

but it is
in a gated neighborhood and...

I don't know, we just feel like
we would be safer there.

We could maybe cut down
the guest list.

And if it's okay
with you and dad,

we would like to lay low there
for a while

just till this whole thing
kind of blows over, you know?

Hunter, Preston,
whatever this guy's name is,

doesn't know
where this place is,

so, you know,
he can't get to Amber.

At least until the police
figure out more.

-Well, that makes sense.
-Look at this.

Look what came in the mail

What the heck is this?
What is it?


It's a wedding invitation.

- Look at this.

Hello? No, Tammy.

That's a-a hoax invitation.

-That's not real.
-Tammy got it too?

No, somebody
is, is harassing Amber.

She got one too.

And so I just packed up my stuff
and I called the crew and so

Russ and Danielle and Ethan
are just getting ready as well.


It looks like we're gonna be

damage control
on this invite thing

for the rest of the day
because it went out

to the entire invitation list.

So why don't you guys

just go out to the country house

and we'll get Tim
to take down the decorations

and the chairs and the lights
and you guys can figure out

what you wanna do
with all this stuff

and dad and I
will go to the ballroom

and come over later with
the flower arrangements, okay?

-Thanks, mom.
-Thank you.

-Of course.
-I'm sorry.

-Oh, here's Antoinette.

Hi, honey. No...

This is our exact invitation.

Look at this, it's the exact
same invitation that we had.

-I know, I was freaking out.
-Only he put his name over mine.

-What is this man planning?
-I don't know.

But we're not staying around
here long enough to find out.

So let's go. Come on.

What's with
the second garment bag?

Oh, this?
I don't know, what is this?

Is that the other dress I liked?

I hope so.
That's what Taryn said.

-Thank you.

-Yeah. Yeah, you did.
-I did good? Good.

Okay, okay, lovebirds.

Are you guys ready
to get to work or what?

'Cause the decorators are here.

-Let's do this.
-Let's do it.

My gosh, this place!

It's amazing!

I mean, look-look at this!

Yes. Thank you, sir.

Uh! Wow!


-It's beautiful!
-Will this do?


Okay, guys, there are a lot
of chairs and a ton of lights,

so we should probably
get started. Just saying.

-Just saying!

Oh! Hey! Well...

-Here's to a smooth wedding...

From here on out.

- Cheers.

Um, were we expecting anybody
this early?

No. Your parents aren't coming
until later tonight, right?

Yeah, Ethan works late, he said
he's not coming until after.

Same with Russ and Danielle.

-I'll check it out. Stay here.

Should we check it out?

Oh, yeah. We're going.

Someone here?

-Who do you think it is?
-I don't know.

- Owen, don't.


Ooh! Whoo!

-Well, who the hell are you?
-Bea, from the cake bakery.

Oh, my God!

Ms. Mathison called. She asked
me to bring the cake by.

Sorry, I went to the front
and nobody was answering,

but the flower ladies
let me through the gate

as they were leaving. Ugh.

And I couldn't wait,
it's really heavy. Sorry.


-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Thanks. Bye.

-Oh, my God!

- Nice!
-Told you I was good.

But you do know
that you were stripes, right?

Ah. It was a good shot.

- Hey, it's me.

Danielle and Russ
are just behind me.

-Can you let us in?
-Come on in.

Cavalry's here.

Ooh. What's your shot?

Hey! You guys on your way?

Huh. Sadly, no. Not yet.

You're not gonna believe this,

but my car was stolen
a little while ago.

-Yeah. Uh, it's just gone.

Right out of the driveway,
Russ is on the phone

with the police right now,
but we're gonna be late.

What the hell
are you guys doing down there?

They have, like, 20 bedrooms
inside for that.

What the hell are you doin'
here, bro, in Danielle's car?

I need to speak to Amber.

This doesn't concern you.

Oh, yeah, it does. And the cops.

Yo, Owen.
Owen, get down here. Owen!

- I'm just gonna wait...
-Okay, you know, no. Check it.

- Just sayin'...

Oh-ho! That is a scratch.

-Good one.
-Guys, bad-bad news.

-Danielle's car got stolen.

Yeah, they're gonna be late.

No, Ethan's here now. He said
they're right behind him.

Guys, I mean, they could've
just taken Russ' car instead.

No, I just, I just talked to her
a minute ago.

She said they're still
back at the house.

-That's not right.
-That's weird.

Okay, that is definitely
Danielle's car.

-Owen, no.

-Go back inside.
-Let's just call the police!


-Ethan! Oh, my God! Ethan!

Oh, my God! Call the police!
Call the police right now!

Ethan! Ethan!

Come on! Oh, my God!

Call the police?

My mistake. I thought someone
called the fire department.

Hunter, what are you doing?

I'm just trying to keep you
from making

the biggest mistake
of your life.

Last time, I made the mistake
of getting rid of Meagan.

But I was angry, confused.

This time, I know exactly who

and what the problem is.

And once he's out of the way,
you and I can be together again.

Hunter, please.

Please, let-let's just
talk about this, okay?

Hunter, what did you do
to Ethan?

Ethan was gonna call the cops

before I had a chance
to talk to you,

before I could take care of you.

Oh! Get back.

-Go get help right now.
-No. No.

-Owen. Owen! No!
-Come on. Come on!

Well, I still don't know
what Meagan saw

in a little bitch like you.

-You killed her, didn't you?
-No, I didn't kill her.

The car killed her.

I just put
the old broken master cylinder

where it needed to go
to do its job.

-No, I can't leave him!
-Look. We aren't.

We're gonna get in this car
and plough Hunter's ass down.

Damn it! Where are the keys?

You're sick, man.

-You need help.
-An eye for an eye, Owen.

You took Meagan from me,

so I'm gonna take Amber
from you.

That's not how it works.

No matter what you do to me,
Amber's never gonna be with you.

Get that through your head.

She will
if she has no other choice.

Over my dead body, asshole.


- Owen! Owen!
-Is he okay?

Yeah, he's fine,
he's just out of it. Owen!

We need to pull up the car
and load him in.

-I know, but we have to go--
-Looking for these, ladies?

Come on!

-What do we do now?

Come on! Come on!

What do we do now?
We have to get back to Owen.

I don't know, just let me think
for a second.

Oh, my God! Let her go!

-Oh! Oh! Oh!

No! No! T... Taryn...

Taryn. Taryn.


-You made me do this!
-You killed her!

You made me do this!




Just come out so we can please
talk about all of this.

We can figure a way out of this.

Come on, come on, come on.

You know...

I may be a piece of meat
to most women...

but I have feelings too,
you know?

And when I get treated
like dirt, it hurts.

But I really like you, Amber.

I could even love you,

maybe even more than Meagan.

But you have to give me
something in return.


You okay?

Where is he? Is he coming?

Hey, Hunter,
here's your something.

-Are you okay?

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ There's nothing wrong ♪

♪ We'll give it a sunset
come chance ♪

♪ The more we get ♪

♪ The more we want ♪

♪ You know that is true
at first glance ♪

Now we're married.

And ready
for happily ever after.

♪ You shouldn't turn back ♪

♪ If you're startin' over ♪

-After you, Mrs. Mathison.
-Thank you.

♪ Leave all the pain behind ♪

♪ Lower the yellow flag ♪

♪ Stop checking that boat ♪

♪ You are way too old ♪

♪ To become a roamer ♪

♪ Run escape from... ♪