Psy 3: W imie zasad (2020) - full transcript

Franz Maurer is released after 25 years in prison and finds a completely changed Poland. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

I know that face.

You're dreaming of New Zealand again.

Not anymore.
What do you want?

You're a lucky guy, Franz.
All I dream about is shit.

- What shit?
- Just shit.

- Floating in the john.
- Enough.

I'm missing a word.

What do you call it
when someone feels what you feel?


Every moron knows this one.

The one that starts with M.

- Empathy.
- I fucking knew it!

Very nice.

A guy worked at a paint shop.
The paint kept disappearing.

He was fired,
went to the employment agency.

They asked him what he wanted to do.

He said, not much.
Work two hours a day, indoors.

And get 8000 zloty per month, net.

Then he laughed in their faces.

The agent said, no problem.
He ended up washing corpses.

Once they brought him a young doll,
18 years old, a real treat.

Pretty like a full bottle.

The guy had those nervous ticks.

To get rid of them,

he had a drink or fuck.

He got one of those around the girl,
so he decided to fuck the corpse.

He was banging the body
on the stone exam table.

She was totally cold.

Stone cold.

Then she opens her eyes
and starts coughing.

I swear on my fucking freedom!

She was in a coma.
Fucking brought her back.

- Bullshit.
- I swear to God!

It was in the paper.
They called him a miracle banger.


I'm gonna miss you.



Dark and quiet.
Are we going in?

What about the...


Nowhere to be seen.
Probably ate the poison.

Quick reminder.

Spinaker and his vice, Wróbel.

Our main target is Spinaker.
He runs the biggest drug cartel here.

We have nothing on him.

But if we get Wróbel to talk,
Spinaker goes down.

It's the other way round.
Spinaker is on the right.

The suspect is armed and dangerous.
So be careful.

Two, we're going in.

- You'll be all right?
- Sure.


It's concrete all the way.


Open the door or we'll smash it!

- Freeze!
- That's him!

Move away!

- I'll get him!
- Move!

- Don't shoot!
- Shoot!

What the fuck!

Stop shooting!
I'm going after him!

Stop, moron!

Stop, Wróbel!


Stop, for fuck's sake!

I'll fucking kill you!

- Fuck off, pig!
- You're dead!

Cuff him.
I can't breathe.

Why did you chase him?


See you.

Captain Anatoly Alexandrovitch Yakushin
from the GRU.

Do you know what GRU is?

Sure, so what?

25 years ago
in an old brick factory near Terespol

you killed my father.


Good job.

You have a week to settle your affairs.

I have no affairs.

You got a million from Sawczuk.
That's my money.

Bring it to me within a week

and you'll die quick.

Should I be afraid
because you're from the GRU?

You should be afraid
'cause I loved my father

and I've really missed him.

I don't have anyone to miss.

Of course you do.

Your ex in Houston, Texas.

Your brother in Auckland.
Your son lives with him.

But I don't want to go that far.

There is a Waldek Morawiec in Warsaw.

And his family.

Remember about them
when you consider keeping the money.

Why would I care about Morawiec?

We'll see.

How was the coffee?
Did you like it?

What coffee?

You know.

Let's go.


- Witkowski!
- Yeah?

The gun.

I almost forgot.
It was used once.

- Fill this in.
- Sure thing.

- I need to talk to Wróbel.
- About what?

Where did you put him?

He escaped.

In handcuffs?

Jumped out of the car and that was it.

Now Lewar has to report
the missing handcuffs.

We couldn't chase him down the highway.
We're not complete morons.

A guy jumped out of a car
with his hands cuffed behind his back?

Are you fucking kidding me?

Watch your tone.

Tell me the truth or I'll smash you.
You like my tone now?

- Witkowski?
- What?

Show some respect.

- Hi.
- Hi there.

Give him the handcuffs form.

You heard me!

I want order.

But chief...

That's all I care about.

It's not a brothel.

Excuse me.

Is Morawiec still living
at apartment 14?


No, 14 is doctor Bogdański's place.

What about Morawiec?

I've been here 18 years
and never heard that name.

He must have moved
or died before my time.

No, thanks.
You need it more.

Hand 20, tap 50.

- What tap?
- A French one.

Lower prices are just an urban myth.

I have expenses to cover.

- What expenses?
- Mouthwash.

Anything else?
Or should I call Waldi?

You have no clients,
so I wanted to talk.


I'm just looking for a friend.
He run off yesterday, did you see him?

And he didn't come to you?

That's why I'm worried.
He might be hurt.

He jumped out of a police car.

Why would he come to you?
You're Witkowski, a pig.

- You went out with Melisa.
- You knew her?

Help me out.

I knew her, but I didn't like her.

She was proud of going out with pigs.
For us it's worse than zoophilia.

You know what they say.
Don't insult the dead.

Will you help me?

I cried when I heard she overdosed.

I warned her drugs were no good.
Vodka shows your true colors.

Drugs turn them into shit.

She said she didn't like them anyway.

I heard you proposed
and she blew you off.

I've had some low points in my life.

Don't be like that.
Help me out.

I can't, I haven't seen anything.

Mr Spinaker.


I'm sorry, but I need to talk to you.

You clean the johns here.
Put toilet blocks in,

the ones I piss on later.

- Am I right?
- Yes, sir.

What could a toilet cleaner
want to talk to me about?

A friend wants to meet you,
but he's a bit shy.

- Your brother?
- Not at all.

- A friend.
- What kind of a friend?

What's the nature of that friendship?

He was a Security Service officer.

And I was his secret informant.

Cover name "Dandy."

Then he shot eight armed men,

blew up a military train
and got a life sentence.

- Got out after 25 years.
- Why "Dandy"?

Because 30 years ago

I looked better than you do now.

He's good.

What do you want, old man?

I got out and I'm looking for a job.

My contacts are cold.

What contacts of yours are cold?

Old Bednarz and Young Bednarz.

Old Bednarz has cancer.
He's in a hospice, on his deathbed.

I hear he stinks like hell.
In case you were planning to visit.

Young Bednarz got high

and choked on his own vomit,
some 15 years ago.

In a club toilet.
He was still young.


No idea.

That's why I said
my contacts went cold.

Listen, old man.

Dandy praised you
like the condom vendor of the month.

You shot some guys, blew up a train.
I'm not saying it's not true.

I'm not saying that.

What you told Dandy
and what he told us might be true.

But even if it is, it was 25 years ago.

It doesn't matter here and now.

You get what I'm saying?

What I'm telling you?

You're Dandy's guy,

and Dandy doesn't bring me
Spetsnaz killers

or Blackwater snipers.

He brings me toilet blocks.

Here, take 200.

Buy yourself some warm clothes.

Go to the station,
they won't kick you out.

Unless you shit yourself.

That's a good place to grow old.

What do you say?

Thank you.

That's all I got.

I didn't eat it, stomachache.


I made it myself.

- Why doesn't...
- Spinaker?

- Why doesn't he know Wolf?
- Nobody does.

You two blew up the train,

but at the trial
you didn't mention his name.

How do you know?

I know a lot of things.
I hear many stories.

I remember a lot.

It was the main part of my job.
Knowing things.

It was a skill.

Now it's all in here.

Can't talk.


He's got nothing on me.

Hey, Dandy.

Talk like a normal person.
It's been 25 years.

Even the murders
are past statute of limitations.

When they got you and Wolf disappeared,

I grew close to Nadia,

the one Wolf brought from the war.

I helped her out,
she told me all kinds of stories

- about her life.
- Nadia?

You and her.
Who would've thought.

This is a strange,

strange world.

- How is she?
- I'm not sure.

I didn't fuck her, lieutenant.
I swear to god.

I just listened.

She told me there's only
one man in the world she hates.

And that's you.

What do you think,

why didn't anyone look for Wolf?

I think there's only one explanation.

- He was with the Service.
- Exactly.

Do you have the 200 from Spinaker?

Do you have a place
where we can go drink?

Captain Anatoly Alexandrovitch Yakushin
from the GRU.

After the attack on Litvinenko,
Russian diplomats,

possibly GRU officers,
were deemed personae non gratae

and extradited from the UK.

Lieutenant colonel of the FSB.

Political emigrant.
Showed symptoms

of polonium poisoning.
Died in London.


Even a small dose of polonium
causes death in 5 to 7 days.

Morawiec, remember him?

Yes, sir.
Your former subaltern.

He is getting disability pension now.

Something to do with his hand.

They tore his thumb off with a shovel.

Where do we find him?

Someone told me he worked
in a gardening society.

It's called "Rose" or "Whores."

"Rose" makes more sense.

Got a ride?

I haven't used it for a while.

Gas and insurance are pricey.

I'm not saying anything.
I had one of those.

The doors didn't close.

These babies

work just fine.

What about them?
They don't go to work?

They do.

In London.


It's me, Morawiec.

I'm looking for Tomek.
He was going to help me in the garden.

Mr Morawiec, up here!

Up here!

I've been calling him for hours,
but he doesn't pick up.

- I'll buzz you in.
- I'm in a hurry.

Is Tomek up there?

You should come up.

What do you mean, busted?
For what?

We don't know.

We drank four beers each
and went to get some pot.

I don't run a retail shop here.
I'm won't sell you single joints again.

We smoked a joint
and cops picked us up on our way back.

Don't come here again.

They separated us at the precinct.

I was there alone till the morning.

Then I asked about Tomek.
They said he made a statement

and was released,
because he was more sober.

I called his cell,
but he didn't pick up.

So I went home to get some sleep.

- They kept me on a chair all night.
- What statement?

- About what?
- I don't know.

They kept asking Tomek about his name.

He said Tomek Morawiec.
They said there is no such person.

And they kept asking him,

again and again.

There is no such person,
because his full name is Tomasz.

- I bet they looked for Tomek.
- I don't know.

I've never asked you.

What do you do?

I design websites.

That's for soldiers.
Veterans who came back from missions.

- Where could he go?
- I don't know.


I wasn't working last night,
I left at 4 p.m.

Here it is.
Your son was stopped at 9:10 p.m.

at the central square
and brought here at 9:30 p.m.

He was released after a questioning.

At 10:10 p.m.

Who was on duty last night?

- I can't tell you that.
- You can.

I was a cop too, my friend.
Some 20 years ago.

So you were a communist cop.
And I'm not your friend,

Mr Commie.

It wasn't a communist police.

It ended three years before.

I was a policeman,
just like you, you moron,

but in the road traffic division
with major Walenda

and captain Stopczyk.

Szczytno, 1991.

- Stop swearing.
- Fuck off!

Mr Morawiec.

Come in here for a sec.

Calm down, old man.

Your son is 30, right?

He probably partied too hard.

Don't be so upset.

He'll be back
when he runs out of money.

Calm down and you can go.

Raise a finger if you agree.
Not the middle one.

Let him go.

You were in the force, you should know.
Nobody fucks with the police.

Mr Morawiec.

Is that right?

That's right.

It should work now.

There it is.

- You know how to operate this?
- Sure I do.

Can you fast forward to 6:45?

No problem.


No, why?

Why look at hookers
with all the pretty girls here?

Slow it down.

Can you copy that for me?

- Got a flash drive?
- Why would I?

I'll figure it out
if you invite me for coffee.

All right.
5 p.m. at Cuba Cafe.

- Deal?
- Deal.



- Goddammit.
- Hi there.


You're here?

25 years later, here I am.

- When did you get out?
- Yesterday.

What happened?
How did you find me?

Nothing happened.
I didn't find you, Dandy did.

This is Dandy.

Something must've happened
if you came straight to me.

I don't know anything about the money.

I have my own problems.

- What problems?
- What do you care?

Maybe I could help.

We were friends.

We were.

But I see you can't do much now.

- Sorry I'm late.
- Do you have the video?

Stop interrupting me
and you'll know.

As soon as you left,

two police officers came by,
showed the boss their badges

and took the video.

How did they look like?

One had a composer's name.

The other one was very plain.
And unpleasant.

- Cegielski?
- That's it.

Not a composer.
What will you do now?

Buy you coffee.

I just need to get our table back.

You'll throw them out
like the big handsome cop you are?

Why do you do it?

- What?
- Work as a cop.

Why do you work at a gas station?

I only have my looks, nothing else.

Same here.

When I was a little boy,
I wanted to be a garbage man.

I thought those guys were lucky.
Driving around all day.

The world just moving around them.


I got lucky.

I don't know about that.

It's just a different kind of garbage.

Who did you want to be?
A princess?

That's easy.
I just have to go to Dubai.

A teacher then.

I live with my grandparents.
What about you?

- The gas station chick.
- He wants to fuck her.

- Or...
- She saw something.

The hooker definitely did,
but she denies it.

If I saw her, she must've seen us.

Do something.
You're just sitting around all day.

The TV won't make you smarter.

- I'm off.
- Wait for your brother.


And he lost his keys.

Dad, he's 30!

Remember him, Mariola?
Franz Maurer.

Lord all mighty!

Shouldn't he be in prison?

- I was.
- What for?

- He's 32 and he still lives at home?
- Where else?

We can't afford another rent.

And he can't seem to keep a job.

Sometimes he works
as a ski instructor, that's it.

He wanted to go
to New Zealand in the summer.

It's winter there then.

You know all about it.

But it was expensive.

I would've helped him out if I could.

He's been gone long?

36 hours.
We called all the hospitals.

- Vanished without trace.
- Any chance he drank his phone away?

No way.

Not Tomek.

Janka could do it.

One time she met an Italian
and disappeared for four days.

Turned out he was really a Libyan.

Did you see any strangers around?
Foreign cars?

No, why?

Can you still recognize a surveillance?

Stop scaring me, Franz.

I work at a gardening society.
Pro bono.

Do you know anyone in the force?

Not a soul.

Walenda is dead.
The Old Man left before me.

Kaniewski had a car accident, DUI.

Wawro didn't pass the verification.
He's been doing security for 10 years.

Stopczyk is alive,
but he's got dementia.

You know about Olo.

You know.

He betrayed us and died a traitor.

I remember.

New Guy.
25 years of living

on a disability pension.


25 years behind bars.

In your case, maybe it was the past.

What you did in the communist times.

All the poor bastards
you fucked up or worse.

But me?

I didn't do anything wrong.

Why did this happen to me?

- I don't know.
- Let's drink.


To the living and the dead.

Forever loyal.

Loyal, but not that bright.


To whom?

To the rules.

One more time?

- Come on, I'm 40.
- I'll do the work.

I can't sleep around you.

Do you want me to leave?

Let's talk.

About what?

- The movies?
- I'm not an expert.

You must've seen one.
Anything you liked?

Polish or foreign?


Then no.

Except "Taste of Water."

And "The Cart Man."

And "Revenge," too.

Your wife?

- Jehovah's?
- They come in mixed couples.

That's right.

Franz Maurer.

Waldek Morawiec.

You're serving life.

It was 25 years.
I got out two days ago.


We need a favor.

- No. You betrayed us.
- Waldek didn't.

- Or I don't know about it.
- Hear him out.

I'm working tomorrow.
See you there.

The last time I went there,
they choked me.

And don't talk about me

- like I wasn't here.
- I'm not letting you in.

How did you find me?


I don't know him.

We asked about someone
who's not corrupt.

He only knew one name.

You went down for a double murder.


Did you kill them?

Every single one.

Come in.

- Do we talk with her here?
- It's here or in the loo.

What's the problem?
He's partying in Zakopane or Sopot.

He'll sober up and come back.

That's more likely
than being kidnapped by the police.

Waldek was a cop.

But I was in the Security Service.

Not everything is what it looks like.

Maybe the cops didn't do it.

- But they saw him last.
- His phone is dead.

Let's say he was drunk and lost it.

He might be out for a night,
even one whole day.

But then he'd realize we are worried.

He's not a moron, he'd call.

We're not accusing anyone.
But we need to know

what the police knows.

They won't tell us.

But they'll tell you.

Kołodziej was on duty that night.

He says they brought them in at 9.
Your son got out at 10.

The drunk one stayed till the morning.

We knew that much.

That's all I can do.
There's no case here.

How do we find Kołodziej?

- Where's Sandra?
- With a client.

- Anyone else strikes your fancy?
- No.

For this price, I'd rather burn it.

What do you want?

You fucking piece of shit!

- Motherfucker.
- Did he pay you?

- Sure.
- So you're all right.

I'm a professional.
I always finish the job.

Let's go.
I'll give you a lift.

I know two cops took you in

- on the day Wróbel escaped.
- So what?

They were the same cops
Wróbel escaped from.

Wróbel wasn't there.

And I know Wróbel.
He's a good client.

Not anymore.
He disappeared.

- Did you blow them?
- I had to.

- Give me your purse.
- Why?

Now I can bust you for possession.

It's for personal use.

Looks like a lot to me.

It has to be weighed, analyzed.
You'll get out in a few days.

And I'll express my deep regret.

They told me to say
a tattooed guy run off into the woods.

But without mentioning
that I know Wróbel.

- Did you see that?
- No.

I already told you that.

I only saw the car go into the woods,
but no running guy.

That's him.
Getting into the Škoda.


He didn't say it was him.

- You're sure it's him?
- He signed for the parcel.

- I checked his ID.
- Go, you'll lose him.

- What was in the parcel?
- Shit. That's all I had.

I'll take you for a walk.

Anka, did anyone walk the dog?


He lives with a woman,
but he's coming out soon.

Best burgers in town.

They're great.

- And the best restaurant?
- Wait till we get engaged.

- I can't, I'm already engaged.
- You are?

Very interesting.
To whom, if I may ask?

To a businessman.
The biggest tights factory in town.

- Contessa, maybe you know it.
- Doesn't ring a bell.

If my mother saw me
throwing away food,

she'd beat me black and blue
with an iron cable.

You asked me who I wanted to be.

I'll tell you.
A mother.

And never worry about
me and my kids going hungry.

Can you help me with that?

You know those guys?

They're the ones that took the tape.
What's going on?

I don't know.

Did you see anything on that day?

No, nothing.

But I guess I'd better stay away.

- From what?
- From you.

We're wasting out time.

- So go.
- I'm going to work at 10 p.m. anyway.

But we're wasting time here.

Come on, buddy.

Come here.

Go, run around.

Good boy.

Mr Morawiec and company.
Stay there.

What are you afraid of?

Not two old geezers in the woods.

Where is my son?

How would I know?

You were on duty that night.

You think I kept him as a souvenir?

What do I need him for?

Is he so special?
Can I get a huge ransom?

Why is he so special?

He is his son.

That's why.

Who are you?

Franz Maurer.

Doesn't ring a bell.

You say it as if you were famous,

like the Holy Father

or a fucking pop star.


You should've heard of him.

Oh, great.

Now he's not gonna talk.

He wouldn't anyway.

I have to get to work.

See you tomorrow, guys.

- Why are you so calm?
- I'm hanging in there.

Since my son went missing.
I won't break down now.

What do we do?

Let's leave him here.
If he's clean, he'll go after us.

If he's not, he'll keep quiet.
And then he's ours.

There's no time.
Tomek has no time.

I can interrogate him.

You don't have to.
It's not your kid.

That's all I got.

I'll get the car.
Tie him up and take his gun away.

Are you fucking insane?

Untie me!

Franz, what's with you?

I drank some gasoline.

What did you put in the tank?

- You got it from my car?
- Where else?

I don't know.
Some car on the way.

What are you doing?
You're out of your mind!


Put it out!
Do it, now!


Put it out!

In the autumn of 1986,
the Old Man and I

busted a priest from Radom

and we brought him here.

The Old Man used a bucket,
not a can,

and he spilled a little.

He got the gas
all over the priest's face.

And when the Old Man
took out the matches,

the priest shat himself.

He's at 31 Kniaziewicza street!

You'll regret this.

I'm a police officer.

You'll regret it.

You'll only know how much you're worth,
when you look death in the eye.

How will you live now, you skunk?

It's here.


Two days ago we only got two.

A poisoned guy
from an apartment in Gocław

and this John Doe here,
from the center.

I think it was Krucza street.

Are you sure you wanna see this?

Five minutes.

Give me your phone.

He was never sick.

He was never angry
for more than a couple of minutes.

He never caused trouble.
At least not big trouble.

He wanted to live his own way.

He was always smiling.

And now...

he's dead.

And he will never come back.

My son is dead, Franz.

Pull him up by the shoulders.


- He's uncomfortable.
- I know.

Let's put him down,
he'll be more comfortable.

You wanna do this?

I do.

Will you help me?

Here and now?

- No, later.
- When?

When I kill those motherfuckers.

All of them.

Nobody cares about us.


But it doesn't mean that we don't have

scores to settle
with this goddamn world.

I have daughters, too.

All right.
I have five more days.

In five days, they'll all be dead.

Where are Cegielski and Lewar?

- Just went out.
- Anything important?

Kołodziej went missing last night.

- How?
- He just did.

Took the dog out at 10 p.m.
The dog came back, Kołodziej didn't.

His wife and kids
are moping around here.

I get why he would leave them,
but the dog?

Find Waldek Morawiec.

Hands on your head.

Who's inside?

- Just me.
- The others?

My wife's at a checkup, Janka in class,
Jadźka with friends, and Tomek...

At a morgue, 31 Kniaziewicza street.

Open the door.

I have to take off the chain.

Hands where I can see them.

Put these on.

Where is Maurer?

He was going to Rzeszów.



Looks like he's back.


New Guy!

Call him, but no funny business.

Get me a rag!

I can't, she went for a checkup!

Come on up!

Don't move!

Don't do it, Franz!

How do you know it wasn't him?
Because he told you so?

Stopczyk vouched for him.

I'll put the gun down.

I've never met your son.

I don't know how he died.

I'm putting the gun down.


What's going on?

None of your business.

Go make us coffee.

Where is Kołodziej?


Don't play dumb.
You got his name and he disappeared.

He's a big boy.

I bet he's partying
in Zakopane or Sopot.

If you had anything to do with this,
I'm not gonna help you.

So nothing will change.

You wanna help Kołodziej?

Convince us he's clean.

We'll take him away soon.

Caucasian male, about 30,
found with no signs of life

on Krucza street
about 5:55 a.m. three days ago.

An ambulance was called in,
but it was too late for resuscitation.

The autopsy indicated
he had been dead for 10 hours.

Cause of death - cardiac arrest,
respiratory failure

due to drug and alcohol overdose.

This is the tox screen.

He had four beers and smoked a joint.

That shouldn't kill him,
especially at his age.

- You did the autopsy?
- No.

Doctor Klopczyński
signed the documents.

Show her the photos.

I've never seen it before.

It's the first time
I'm seeing such injuries.

There are many things
you haven't seen yet.

These are taser marks.

Electrical paralyzer.

Can it kill you?

It shouldn't,
but the guy at Montreal airport died.

How do we prove that
if the autopsy report says otherwise?

New models have cameras,
they turn on automatically.


Can you do

a tox report
on someone that is still alive?

If I draw your blood.

Okay, I'm coming.

- Who's here?
- Cegielski.

I banged her a hundred times.

- So young and pretty, shame.
- Any suspects?

Some psycho.
No one else would do that.

This was in her butt.

What a beast.

Not much blood.
He did it after he slit her throat.

A word.

No pity!

- I thought...
- Did he think when Tomek was dying?

- I didn't kill him.
- So who did?

I don't know.
How would I?

We let him out alive.

Then the coroner called.

They found him on the street
by the precinct.

We panicked.
Polak went there and took his ID.

To make him a John Doe.
Jesus Christ.

We let him out alive!

- Is it far?
- You don't want others to hear that.

- Have you ever been here?
- No, why?

- Where's the tape?
- What tape?

- The one you pick up the dead girl on.
- In evidence.

- You told her to lie.
- So would you, if a prisoner got away.

- I needed a witness.
- But now she's dead.

I know what you're thinking.

It would make sense
if she testified and then wanted out.

But she said nothing.

Not a word.
Capiche, moron?

So what?
I slit her throat to punish her?

I'm not a fucking pimp.

I don't know what you are.
But I will find out.

I've got the chief
and the precinct on my side.

Lewar, too.
And you?

Who can you count on, you sad prick?

The law, motherfucker.

Witkowski, always the same...


You want me to come to you?

I need four diving teams.

To search the lake for Wróbel's body.

Or maybe we could dry it?

Cegielski is writing the report.
Stop accusing your superiors.

Get off Wróbel's case.

He might be in the lake,
not roaming around free.

Don't test my patience, Witkowski.

Shut up when I speak.

Yes, sir.

So fuck off to your girl.
I don't wanna see you here for a week.

Make it two.

Pay me for Wróbel.

And I'll be off.

Shut up, moron.

I told you I'll pay and I will.

You can't come here,
I've already told you that.

Get me my 20,000

or you'll get
the same lake view Wróbel did.

You'll get some now,

and the rest in the evening.

- Get in.
- What for?

Come on, I want to say something.

I know nothing about family,
I'm an orphan.

I could've been either a pig
or a gas system installer.

The only women I know
are whores and thieves.

So I don't know if this can work out,
but we could try.

I promise to stay away from this shit.

Get in, please.

Take the keys, go home.

- Do I call the cops?
- No.

Just remember what you promised me.

No sign of Kołodziej.

Or my son.

Kidnapping a cop means 15 years.
Murdering him is a life sentence.

- Fuck this!
- What?

My son was murdered.

- You don't know that.
- Get us the taser tape and we'll know.

Let Kołodziej go.
I'll ask him not to turn you in.

You're sure you'll find him?

You're sure he's innocent?
We don't know if he's guilty.

Are you sure he's not?

You have 24 hours to get him back.

Hey, gas technician.
Leave your work at work.

- Go lie down.
- And do what?


What will you do?

Take care of something.

Morawiec, I need an IT guy.

Downloading files.
I'm no expert in that.

Where do I find it?

Don't piss me off.
You're the expert.

That's the one.
Open it.

- That's us.
- Who's that?

- He run away today.
- I didn't run away!

Rybak and Polak killed him.

I don't know the names.

- Where do we put them?
- Rooms 10 and 14.

Wait, I called Cegielski.

Download the footage from 10 and 14.
We'll watch it at home.


- You got him?
- Yeah.

Polak and Rybak brought him in.

They brought Wróbel in?
And he's alive?

Sure he is.
See for yourself.

- That's not Wróbel.
- No?

- I know how Wróbel looks like.
- What is it?

That's not Wróbel.


Did I stutter?
That's not Wróbel.

But he looks like him.


So what?
That's not him.

He looks just like him.

They must be related.

If he's not Wróbel, and I think he is,
then they must be cousins.

You should question him.


Question a guy who is not Wróbel
about Wróbel.

He knows you.

- Me?
- He says he saw you.

- Where?
- He said he knew you.

Where the fuck did he see me?

He doesn't remember.
Probably when he was running.

Hear him out and you'll know.

- It's not him.
- You let him escape.

I'm just trying to help you.

Get up.

- Get him to the confessional.
- Why?

- Where is that?
- In the john.

Four people are escorting him
to take a leak?

There are no cameras there.

- Find TX2 files.
- What's that?

That's the name of the model.
Taser TX2.

- Why not at my place?
- Your family is there.

- Who's that?
- My lawyer.

Do we need him?

That's my lawyer.
Sit down.

Damian and I saw parts of it.

Maybe I should just tell you.

Show me.

It's not a good idea.

Show me everything.

Everything, understood?

Play it.

- Stop it, for fuck's sake!

- What did you say?
- Stop it!

What's your name, limp dick?

Stop it!
I can't fucking stand it anymore!

I asked you a question!

Stop it!

That'll teach you to answer.

- How do you know Wróbel?
- I don't fucking know him!

Are you related?

Stop it!
I don't know anyone!

You said you knew me.
Now you don't?

- I just saw you once!
- At the same place you saw Wróbel?

I don't know Wróbel.

Is "Wróbel" Wróblewski your relative?

You dumb fucking pricks!

I don't know anyone!

Don't try to play me.
You're no player.


Fuck, I can't feel anything!

Get up!

Stop it, for fuck's sake!

Put it down!

- He's just faking it.
- Turn it off.

- Now.
- Careful, you're speaking to royalty.

Fuck royalty.
You killed him!

You killed him, you royal fuck!

I'll get this to the prosecutor.

This case from three years ago.

- How did that end?
- It didn't.

For so many years?

They got discharged
for using excessive force.

But the murder charges were dropped.

The official cause of death

was cardiac arrest.

- Let's go.
- Listen.

Kołodziej was not in the video.

If he's not back

by 6 a.m. tomorrow, you're done.

He should be tried in court,
not lynched by you.

Thank you, guys.

I'll take it from here.

I'm not leaving you.

Or Tomek.
He was my friend.

- What?
- I'm not leaving you.

- It's not gonna end well.
- I don't care.

They're gonna wish
they were never born.

And not in three years.

- Now.
- Calm down, boy.

Don't call me a fucking boy.

I killed more people in Afghanistan
than you knew in your life.

- So don't call me a boy!
- I'm not saying you didn't.

You shot them wearing glasses?

I need to find Wolf.
Any ideas?

Let's get out of here.
We've got work to do.


- Why do you do this?
- Same reason you do.

That's all I've got.

Excuse me, lieutenant.

- What do they want?
- Justice.

- Your people killed that guy.
- They're not my people.

Tomorrow I'll report on them
and they'll be tried and punished.

- I can't do this. This is not my life.
- But it's mine.

I'm going home in the morning.

In the morning?
Why wait? Go now.


Stop it!

I wasn't there.

You see I wasn't there.

You have your proof!

Rybak, Polak, Cegielski.

And that female officer,
what's her name...

Let me go.

Their addresses.

- I don't know them.
- Addresses!

I don't know them.

I'll get your eye next.

Then the other one.

The addresses.



No, we're from the Security Service.
Franz Maurer.

We went hunting together.

I shot most of the game,
you asked me to change hunting teams.

I asked Mauser that.

Franz Maurer.
They called me Mauser.

Who would've thought.

Do you still go hunting?

I do.
Wolf hunting.

Wolf hunting...

Don't try to play me.
You're no player.


Fuck, I can't feel anything!

Get up!

Stop it, for fuck's sake!

Put it down!

He's just faking it.

I'll bring charges
against Polak and Rybak.

Cegielski was holding the taser.

Who am I talking to, Witkowski?

Get the guys and find his father
before he causes trouble.

He's a suspect in the kidnapping.
Focus on that.

- Understood?
- Yes, sir.


Get on the ground!

- Don't move!
- All clear!

- Morawiec?
- He didn't come home last night.

Get this bastard off me,
he'll break my spine.


Give me my son back!



Hello, Franz.

Hello, Angela.


Should I get dad?

Get back to the house.

Do you know
how little girls are made, Franz?


Just like little boards.

Bang big ones into pieces.

Just don't start meowing.

You can moo at best.

How did you find me?

The poor guy has no luck with women.

Maybe it's not luck.
Maybe it's just him.

Potatoes or buckwheat?

You owe me.
I didn't rat you out.

- You think they'd convict me?
- No.

They would shoot you down
to end it once and for all.

But I kept quiet for 25 years.
That's why you're alive.

What do you want?

What do you need, apart from health?

- Everything you've got.
- Everything.

- You're going to war.
- I am.

- With the mob?
- No.

The police.

- I don't deal anymore.
- So call those who do.

Dinner is ready!

Where is the million
that was left with Sawczuk?

How do I know?
Why are you asking me that?

Because I get asked about it too.


Did you get married?



Got any?

What were you doing all these years?


- Mr Morawiec?
- Yeah?

When all of this is over,

can I still come visit you?

What for?

To see Janka.

They're here.

Looks like they got it all.

- Captain Stopczyk?
- Major.

When I left, they made me major.

- Who are you?
- Witkowski, central precinct.

- You gave my name to Maurer.
- What?

They took an officer, Kołodziej.

Maurer kidnapped a police officer?

Maurer and Morawiec.

I don't believe that.

Where did you keep the people
you two took back in the day?

You're dying.
How long do you have left?

The quacks say

I'm late.

Do one last good deed.

Maurer and Morawiec

will kill the cop and get killed.
You can stop them.

Got a cig?

Well, well.

We had this deep basement

at the old train factory.

At Wola.

Damian and I will get Cegielski.

You and Dandy get Rybak.

The one who checked the pulse.

At least Rybak tried.

He didn't try!
He didn't!

He didn't try!

He didn't!

Let's go.


Cease fire!

Cease fire!

Gas them out.

Get this fixed.

It's just a scratch.

Aim at the windows.

Everybody get the fuck back!

We need backup!

- Why is he here?
- Same reason you're here.

No fighting, both of you.
It's a crisis, you must work together.

- Understood?
- Yes, sir.

- Report.
- Five wounded, one critically.

Four men inside,
army equipment and machine guns.

No sight of Kołodziej.

How did it start?

They saw us, one of them took out a gun
and the guys fired.

What a fucking mess!

What the fuck is that?

Now they really pissed me off.





Wait a minute!


You skunk.

I know you.
I saw you.

Demanding money for Wróbel's death.

You're going down.
For Wróbel or for young Morawiec.

For who?



Help me!

Somebody help me!

- No!
- Freeze!

Drop your weapon!


Where is he?

We'll find him.

I don't wanna die here alone.

Like a dog.

I should...

Fuck all this.

Search every corner.
There are two more.

Get the wounded to the hospital.


Take him away.


A sniper with poor eyesight.

It's not poor.

I have great eyesight.

So what's with the glasses?

I'm hiding.

Help us, doctor.

- Take care of him.
- What about you?

I need to finish something.

Come in, it's open.

I didn't go to Pabianice.

And who made that choice?

Does it matter?


I did.

Come in.

Promise me

that you'll be here every morning.

I promise.

Was it a terrorist attack?
Or a criminal act?

What sort of a gang
uses these kinds of weapons?

Are they dead or alive?

Were ex-police officers among them?

You can't hide this!

Get out.

Who let this moron in?

- Did the prosecutor get the tape?
- Not now.

12 officers dead and wounded.

- They want my head.
- Did you do it?

Give them the tape of the murder?

Of his questioning, for fuck's sake!

It was a tape
of Morawiec's questioning!

You're getting ahead of yourself.

Way ahead of yourself.

I don't have to answer your questions.

I gave them the tape.

Polak and Rybak are going down.

And Cegielski?

Just those on the tape.

You wanna get them or should I?

A shooting at Wola.
Was it a terrorist attack?

- Eat something.
- No.

I don't wanna.

- How about some juice?
- No.

Mommy, look!


Don't move!

All clear!

You were a cop, you fucker.
A cop!

Those toys aren't fucking cheap.

They have no respect.


Fucking shit.

Take out the gun
and put it on the roof.

You don't wanna do this.
I'm a cop.

You're a murderer, not a cop.
Put the gun down.

Put the gun down, Maurer!

Take the gun out.
I won't ask again.

The court should settle this, not us.

- Where's the fuzz?
- What?

If that's a court case,
where is the team to take him down?

They sent you here alone?

We just took down Rybak.
When he testifies, we'll arrest...

Put the gun down!
Put it the fuck down!

Hands behind your back.

- If you cuff me, they'll get us.
- Who?

The GRU, they came for me.
And they won't leave any witnesses.

- Come with me or I'll shoot.
- You'll regret this.


- What?
- I got shot, I'm dying.

You're right.

Drop your weapon!

You're dead!

You didn't wait.


Did Wolf tell you
I don't have the money?


What was in the coffee?



Not dead yet?

You never got shot before?

I lied.
You'll be all right.

I was discharged.

On my own demand.

I'm gonna faint.

Drop your weapon!


Heiko Schrottwiesenber
from the bank in Zurich.

All funds have been transferred

to Ms Janina Morawiec in Poland.

I'm sending the paperwork
to your address in Tel Aviv.

Mr Maurer?
Are you there?