Psalm 21 (2009) - full transcript

In Stockholm, the priest Henrik Horneus is beloved by his parish flock, and in his sermon, he frequently mentions the Psalm 21 that is the favorite of his father and also priest Gabriel that lives in Hammerdal. Henrik has relationship problems with his son, Jesper that lives with his mother and Henrik's former wife, Suzanne. Jesper is spending his birthday with Henrik. When Jesper is ready to go home with his mother, Henrik's girlfriend Karolina receives a phone call from the coroner of Hammerdal telling that his estranged father has been found drowned in the Dead Lake. Henrik decides to drive alone in the middle of the night to his father's hometown to attend the funeral and learn what has happened to him. Out of the blue, a person appears on the dark road and Henrik runs over her. Henrik pulls the car over but he does not see anybody on the road. Henrik returns to the car but it does not start, so he walks to a small farm to ask for help. He sees lights in the barn and he sees a blond little girl. When he talks to her, she transforms into an evil creature. Hentik runs to the house and he meets a weird family that lodges him. Henrik has scary nightmares and daydreams and fells like he is trapped in hell. He learns that his father was murdered and dumped in the lake. Further, he has already been buried and sooner Hemrik finds the truth about Gabriel. When Henrik returns to his parish, he questions the nonexistence of hell declared by the Swedish Church in 1983. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

- John Milton, Paradise Lost

The great poet, Goethe,
said at the end of his life

that he couldn't see one single mistake

among his fellow human beings
that he hadn't himself committed.

If Goethe saw his fellow
humans like this,

how do you think then that the
Son of Man looks upon us?

Jesus' message
is one of forgiveness.

So, my dear friends:
There is no Hell.

Now you want to sing, right?

We will. Now it happeneds that there are
two psalm numbers on the board.

So which should we take?
We'll actually do both at once.

Because it's so that
in the psalm book from 1937,

we'll be singing psalm number 21.

I've written 297 to prevent confusion in case it
should so be that any of you has the edition from 1986.

But both my dad and me...

...we might snort a bit about
these kinds of modern things.

But now you know. Psalm 21,
"Wonderful is the Earth".

If it is so that one imagines
certain things, Elsie,

it is possible to receive medical help.

One can talk to a doctor,
one can get medicial help...

Nothing helps.

I see things.

When is the last time that you saw a spirit?

I see one right now.

- Now? In here?
- Yes.

To the left, behind you.

I can't see anything.

- Can you see who this spirit is?
- Yes.

It's your mother.

Really? I see.

And what does little mom want?

She is sad.
Extremely sad.

- About whom?
- About you.

I think that we do so that you go home
and take a calming bath.

And then you open The Good Book
and read something from The Book of Psalms.

- And which psalm should I read?
- It doesn't matter. They're all hits.

- Hello.
- Hi, Karolina.

- Has he eaten? - Sausage and macaroni,
and a little chocolate ice cream.

- And a little... Seems there's always
room for that. - Just like last time.

It's gone very well.
And the meeting with Elsie?

Yes, it...
It went well.

Yes, I think so. It went well.

I'm meeting her tomorrow.

- Did you sleep last night?
- Yes.

Did you dream again?
About your mother in the kitchen?

- You have been dreaming the same dream
for two weeks. - Please, it'll work out.

Is he in his room?

He's going to be really happy about that.

How are you? Is everything going well?

It looks like it's going well,
so I won't disturb.

It's just that it feels
a little lumpy here in the sofa.

Do you think - I think there's possibly
a present lying here.

A small present
to Jesper from daddy.

It's not...

It's no...
Just a small thing.

- Hi!
- Hi, mommy.

- We're going to have fun tomorrow.
- Hi.


I'll take it.

- Are you going to tell your daddy goodbye?
- You're at Henrik Horneus' place.

I'll let you steer.
Tell your daddy goodbye.

He's a little occupied.
Can I tell him anything?

Super. Super.

I understand.

- Come on.
- Goodbye.


Goodbye, son.

- Have a good time then.
- I'll tell him.


It's just a phase.

- Who was it? - It was the expert on
forensic medicine in Hammerdal.

The expert on forensic medicine
in Hammerdal? What did he want?


Your dad is dead.

- I'm sorry.
- What?

Okay. How...

- And how did he die?
- He drowned.

I see.

Did he say anything else?

But he must have said something.
Didn't he leave a number?

Don't you think that it's odd that it is...

...the expert on forensic medicine calling.

It's the Police that should be
delivering such messages.

Is it the expert on forensic medicine
that calls around saying such?

Maybe there's so few people
working with such up there.

- There are few working with such? And you know this?
- No I don't, but I could imagine...

Yes, you can imagine, but you don't know. And I don't
know either. None of us knows. I just find it odd.

I think it's really odd.
Extremely odd.

- I need to go up there and solve this.
- Now? You want to go now?

- I'm planning on leaving now, yes.
- You can't go tonight.

And why can't I drive now?

Because it's almost dark, and you're upset.
It's dangerous for you to go.


- I have to go.
- Yes, of course.

- You...
- Goodbye. Very well.

- Tell me if there's something I can do.
- Yes, no worries.

I can sleep over if you want me to.

No, thank you, that's not necessary.


And in this late hour we have
a listener with us.

It's Gunn from Hede.

Hi, Gunn. Welcome.

Gunn, this is not the first time you're
calling Hammerdal's local radio.

You called last month
to reveal a recipe.

A recipe on a cake that has been passed down
in your family for generations.

- Yes, it was my father's mother's.
- And what sorts of reactions did you get?

- Reactions to what? - Was there a big commotion
when you revealed your family's recipe?


So, what makes you call us
at an hour like this?

- I want to tell someone hi.
- And who do you want to tell hi?

- I want to say hello to my mother.
- Your mother?

- Her name is Gurli.
- And where does your mother live?

She lives at...

And what do you want to tell her?
If she listens.

Is she a night owl?

I want to tell her...




You're up very late.

Do you live here? Together with your
mother and father in the house over there?

Has anything happened?

How are you?

My name is Henrik.

And I'm a priest.

- Hello?
- Who is it?

- Who is it?
- No! I'm a priest!

I actually am a priest.

I'm a priest.
That could be good to know.

So you don't think that it's some
unpleasant person that you're letting in.

That you would possibly be willing to
let in...I hope.

I'm Henrik Horneus, by the way.
My father was Gabriel Horneus.

Who was...

Who was a priest up here,
from what I've understood.

We offer our condolences.

You can have Olle's room.
You sleep on the sofa.

Thank you.

This is better than Grand Hotel.

You... Excuse me, I didn't catch your name.


- What were you doing by the barn?
- By the barn...

By the barn...

Do you have more children?


No... Do you know the expert
on forensic medicine here?

I need to ask him some questions
in relation to my father's death.

Then we wish the priest
a good night's sleep.

- Then we say good night.
- Good night.

Olle, we're sayig good night.

Help me.

Help me.

He was a big man.

I got it from your father.
When I started at the faculty.

I quit my studies.

There were too many frauds.
The Swedish church is full of them.

It must have been fantastic
to have a father like that.

Without faith I would never
have made it in

But your father...

- At every church service he read the psalm.
- The psalm?

Psalm 21.

I assume that you, if anyone,
are familiar with it.

Yes. "Wonderful is the Earth."


Olle, I want to ask you how...

Whether you know how dad died?

- Was it an accident?
- I wouldn't say so.

He was murdered.

He was murdered?

I don't understand what you mean.
How was he murdered?

His body was found
in the Dead Lake.

It's been light in the barn every night
since he died.

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?
Who murdered him?

Time will show.

Wait a minute... What is it that
you're telling me? How do you know this?

- God showed me.
- God showed you?

I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral.
Ivar forbid me to.

- Has dad been buried?
- Your father was buried yesterday afternoon.

They were obviously in a hurry
to get him under ground.

- Yes, it's Henrik.
- It's me.

- How are you?
- Not so well.

Why not?

What's wrong?

- Karolina, What's wrong?
- Elsie...

What is it about Elsie?

What is it about Elsie?
Has anything happened to her?

Yes. She's dead.

- Oh, Henrik...
- When did this happen?

- Yesterday. Yesterday evening.
- When?

- Does it matter?
- At what time?

- What time?
- Sometime just before midnight.

She didn't answer when I knocked,
so I entered with my key. And in the bathroom...

In the bathroom...
Something was written on the bathroom wall.

- What did it say?
- Something was written.

- What did it say?
- And there were containers.

- Containers for pills.
- What did it say on the wall?

- She had written it with blood.
- What did it say?

"Must Henrik...
Must Henrik Horneus burn in hell!"


Her face...

We'll talk about it when I come home.

- Don't hang up.
- We'll talk about it later.

- Please.
- We'll talk about it later.

We'll talk about it later.

Yes, I think so.

I don't know.

I'll take him to the road. To the car.

Then we'll have to fix that somehow.

Yes, somehow.

No, I don't think so.
Then he wouldn't have stayed.

Yes... Ivar. Very well.
I thought...

Now I and the priest with go to the
priest's car and fix this.

Yes, but I thought we could
call the expert on forensic medicine.

Now we'll make sure that the priest's car
gets fixed. The practical part first.

Yes, right, but we said yesterday that
we should call the expert on forensic medicine...

Det practical part first. When the house
is built, can we put in the furniture.

The practical part first.
You can borrow Olle's boots.

We'll fix the car first, then we'll fix
the other things. The practical part first.

No, it's dead.

We're just going to have to
wait for the tow truck.

Let's remove it from the road.



- Hi, my name is Henrik.
- Go away.

Are you related to Gabriel Horneus?

Gabriel's boy. In Stockholm.

With old grandmother.

I haven't heard anything.

He lived up there until the end.

- And grandfather?
- Alvar?

He killed himself.
In the broken tree by the road.

Your father cut him down.

One didn't talk about such.

But my, the boy could preach.

You can be proud.

He frightened the entire village to
healthy fear of God.

He described the last judgement.

What happends with those that betray God.
What sort of pay that awaits.

"If we can't hold our fingers in
boiling water for a second," did he say,

"how would it then feel like to be
in a boiling pot for the rest of eternity?"

It worked.

But the Tempter hated it. Hated.

And that was why he sent
a messenger. He sendt her.

Yes, even your father
was a man in the flesh.

It was disgraceful woman.
A dirty, dirty little whore.

And he fell. Over and over again.

I asked him to fight!

And Christ was victorious.

But in the end...

From the dirty stump spread the bad,
and the bad got the upper hand.

And it screamed in him.
It screamed.

The last day he walked around here
as a foaming stallion.

That was the last that I saw of my boy,
when he went over to the whore for the last time.

I think dad was murdered.

I think it was the father
of the Lidman family...

No. No.

The father of the Lidman family is an
irreproachable man. There's a child there.

It's no good child.
So you must have felt.

It's a damaged, horrible, evil child.

A child that killed your father.




Come, Henrik!


Mommy will show you.

Mommy will show you everything!

What were you doing in the barn?

- Nothing.
- What were you doing in the barn?

I did nothing. Please, Olle,
you have to believe me.

My father. lvar...
I hate that man.


But our carnal fathers are nothing.
Our spiritual father is everything.

"Our God is coming. God's anger
burst forwards like a storm."

But the Roman letter... Paul says we
should fight the evil with the good.

Nahum from Alqosh: "The Lord is
a vengeful God full of suffering."

"The Lord revenges his opponents."

Psalm 137: "Happy is the one who repays you
according to what you have done to us."

"Happy is the one who seizes your infants
and dashes them against the rocks."

"The mercy of the Lord infinite,
his compassion never ends."

- Psalm 58.
- To forgive is the central part.

Isaiah 1, verse 25:
"I will avenge Me of Mine enemies."

"And they shall both burn together,
in a fire that will never end."

"Glowing coal and sulphur:
burning winds is the weight they'll get."

Jesaja 66, vers 16: "With fire and with his sword
the Lord will execute judgment on all people."

"And they will go out and look on the dead
bodies of those who rebelled against me."

"The worms that eat them will not die,
the fire that burns them will not be quenched."

The Swedish church has since 1983

- refused the existence of a hell.
- They're cowardly.

They're cowards and infidels...
The disgracful... Murderers!

Their place is in the sea
burning of sulfur and fire.

"They shall be tormented day and night for ever
and ever." Book of Revelation, Chapter 20.


Can you feel it?

The Bronze Gates has opened.

All the way down to the Ninth Circle.

Open your eyes and see!

Take the sword that God
has put before you.



"Thy hand shall be equal to
all thine enemies..."

"thy right hand shall overtake
those that hate thee."

"Thou shalt make them as a fiery furnace"

"in the time of thine anger."

"The Lord shall swallow them up in His wrath,
and the fire shall devour them."

"Their fruit shalt thou destroy
from the earth,"

"and their seed from
among the children of men."

"For they intended evil against thee,"

"they imagined a device,"

"wherewith they shall not prevail.
For thou shalt make them turn their back,"

"thou shalt make ready with thy
bowstrings against the face of them."

"Be Thou exalted, O Lord, in Thy strength,"

"so will we sing and praise Thy power."

"Thy hand shall be equal to
all thine enemies,"

"thy right hand shall overtake
those that hate thee."

"Thou shalt make them as a fiery furnace"

"in the time of thine anger."

"The Lord shall swallow them up in His wrath,
and the fire shall devour them."

"Their fruit shalt thou destroy
from the earth,"

"and their seed from
among the children of men."

"For they intended evil against thee,"

"they imagined a device,
wherewith they shall not prevail."

"For thou shalt make them turn their back,"

"thou shalt make ready with thy
bowstrings against the face of them."

"Be Thou exalted, O Lord, in Thy strength,"

"so will we sing and praise Thy power."

"Thy hand shall be equal to
all thine enemies,"

"thy right hand shall overtake
those that hate thee."

"Thou shalt make them as a fiery furnace."

Henrik, why did you do it?

Why did you leave me?

Why did you leave me?!

Good God, help me!

There is no God!

Why did you leave me?!

I believe you. It exists!
Hell exists!

What have you done?
Who told you? Who told you?


- He's coming now!
- Calm!

- Nobody's coming!
- It's coming!

It has started now.
It's you!

They're going to take you
like they took your father.

Don't you see? The expert of forensic
medicine is on his hunting team.

He killed your father, and the expert
of forensic medicine covered it.



Now it's time to reap
what some has sowed.

Tonight when the lamp in the barn
is lighted again... He's coming now!

In fire!
With the Lord's flaming sword!

Help me... Help me!

Are you so weak? Are you so weak
that you're letting him laugh scornfully?

Are you so weak that you let him murder
your father and then laugh scornfully?

No! No, I'll report him.

Report him? What do you think
that will matter?

If justice is to win, you'll have to
take fate into your own hands.

It's time to do what you came for.
It's time to revenge your father.

I'll show you the way.
I'll give you the tool.

I'm so tired.


When you awake, you shall arise
in new shape.

Yes, well then.


Olle... Where have you been?

But sit down.

Who lit the light in the barn?

Who lit the light in the barn?

Olle, who lit the light in the barn?

First I will read
a psalm to you.

A psalm that his father read
at every church service.

You'll probably remember it.

It's a psalm expressing the core
of the faith. It's about the enemies of God.

It's about you.

- It's psalm 21.
- The priest shall... We'll call Lars- Erik.

It's too late!

The priest has asked you about calling Lars-Erik
for three days, but you have declined.

Because you know that he's lying! You know!

If one takes the life of a God's servant
one has commited a deadly sin.

You know. You know, and you will get your
punishment now and in all eternity.


Psalm 21 goes like this:

- "Thy hand shall be equal to
all thine enemies." - It was you.

- "Thou shalt make them as a fiery furnace."
- It was you that lit the light in the barn every night.

"Make them as a fiery furnace
in the time of thine anger."

There's something you need to know.
There's something you don't know.

"The Lord shall swallow them up in His wrath,
and the fire shall devour them."

- There's something you need to know.
- "The fire shall devour them."

"Their fruit shalt thou destroy
from the earth, and their seed..."

- Tell!
- "For they intended evil against thee..."

- Tell! You've misunderstood everything!
- Silence!

- Tell him! - "...with thy bowstrings
against the face of them."


Amen! Hit! Amen! Hit! Hit! Hit!

He did horrible things!

One aren't allowed to do so.
One aren't allowed to do so.

Him and me in the barn
when we were reading.

"The Lord shall swallow them up in His wrath,
and the fire shall devour them."

"Their fruit shalt thou
destroy from the earth,"

"and their seed from among
the children of men."

"So will we sing and praise Thy power."

"Thy hand shall be equal to
all thine enemies."

"Thou shalt make them as a fiery furnace
in the time of thine anger."

"The Lord shall swallow them up
in His wrath..."


And it continued after the wedding.

It continued after the wedding...

It was a disgraceful woman.
A shame.

A dirty, dirty little whore.

She's lying. She's lying. Lies.

- Hit! Hit! Hit!
- Oh, Olle.

Gabriel is your father.

It's strange...

It strange, but I always felt
that was the way it should be.

And it makes it so much easier.

It was my fault!

There is a child there. It's not
good child, so you must have felt.

A damaged, horrible, evil child.

- It was me that did it.
- A child that killed your father.

It was my fault.
You and dad was in the forest.

Mom was cutting my hair.

Then came...

He talked to mom.

They talked well.


Horneus, he...

His hand...

His hand...

And mom...she saw...

Mom talked...

And mom pointed...

He bent over...

And mom...





I didn't say anything.


I didn't say anything.

But you told, Henrik.
You told.

No, I didn't.

One isn't allowed to tell, Henrik.
And you knew.

It was our little secret.
Our little, little secret.

That mom wasn't supposed to know.
It was between the two of us.

Between the two of us.

- But I didn't say nothing.
- Henrik, she did know.

Confess now, Henrik.
It's better that way.

- Henrik, do you know what happends
when one tells? - No.

Henrik, I've told you
many times.

What happends when one tells,
is that one has to be punished.

Punished hard.

For a very long time.

Very long time.

Forgive me!

Dad...forgive me!

It's too late.

Henrik, it doesn't help
that you've been standing there preaching,

pretending that the punishment
is just an idea.

You cannot lie away the Sword
of Truth. The lies will get you.

You can't joke away the Day of Judgement.

When God shows you
His face of anger,

will you understand how
gruesome a God he is.

I cannot believe in a God that is
less merciful than myself.

You're just making it worse for yourself.

You have to be thrown down. Now.

Down into the dark abyss
from which noone returns.

Down into the lake that burns
of fire and sulfur.

Down...into hell.

Oh God! Oh God!

He can't help you now.

It's a completely different power
that you will meet.

You will meet yourself.

My boy.

My pretty, pretty boy.

It's here.

We found you on the floor
in the kitchen last night.

Dad carried you up.

How are you?

Yes... Lars-Erik Niskala.
Expert on forensic medicine in Hammerdal.

- The priest will meet at the assembly?
- Yes.

Ajna want to say something.

"It leads your way through life,"
he said.

We used to sit here and read.

Your father would have wanted that
someone believing in it should have it.

Yes, after all it does say
some good things as well.

The topic of today's sermon
is possibly a little...

...unorthodox. Maybe.

The last week has been...

The last week has been
a bit odd for me.

But I sleep a lot better now.

I sleep better than I've done
in a long time.

I dream different dreams.
Good dreams.

I dream about a world without shame
and without blame.

Do not judge,
so you will not yourself become judged.

A carpenter's son from Nazareth
once said this.

But what does the religions do?
What does the Churches do?

The way I see it, religions exist
for one reason only.

In order to repress the people.

To scare the serving classes
into obedience.

So they will not dare to challenge
the privileges of the elite.

And the elite,
ladies and gentlemen, are you.

You never had sin and shamed
beaten into you.

The elite, that has always been sitting
in this church, not in some country church,

has never needed
to listen to sermons about hell.

What is he saying?

At the end of the 1800s, when one
wanted dedemonise the church,

arch bishop Sundberg said "Yes".

"But a peasant hell
will always be needed."

"A peasant hell
will always be needed."

- Is he joking? - The one with the power
defines what's moral

in the name of the Holy Lord.
But noone, noone, has monopoly on God!

I told you last week, I don't know if you remember,
but I said that there is no hell. But I was wrong.

I was wrong. There is a hell.
I know now.

Oh, yes, there is a hell.
In the religions.

There was no hell until religions.
The religions invented hell.

- Now he'll have to pull himself together.
- Do not judge,

so you will not yourself be judged.
So said the Son of Man!

And still this is what the church has been
doing for 1700 years!

- 1700 years...
- What is he saying?

...of torture,
execution, crusades,

blood, fire, violence and abuse!

John wrote in the First Epistle to the Corinthians:
"The one that does not love, remains in death."

This is the Law!
This is the Answer!

- Now he'll pull himself together!
- No! Silence server the power!

The only way in which to defend oneself from
the silence is to tell the truth.

The truth will set you free!
The truth, and love!

The endless, unconditional love.

This is the only God
that I have left.



Certain people don't agree with me. But I think
it is a good God. It's a God that I would want to be.


Out. Out of the House of God!

Praise the Lord in heaven...

Praise Him in height...

Praise Him, all of His angels...

Praise Him, all of His army...

Praise Him, sun and moon...

Praise Him, all shining stars...

Praise Him, you heaven of heaven,

you water over the sky...

They shall praise His name,
for He commanded their creation...

He gave them their place in eternity.

Decided an orden that will never perish.

Yours is the day.
Yours is the night.

God's river is full of water.

You take care of the earth, give it rain,
make it fertile and rich.

You make the seeds grow,
water the fields.

Where you pass forth
grows fat crops.

The grazes of the wasteland goes fertile.

The heights dress in rejoicing.

The fields are adorned with flocks of sheep.

The valleys are covered with seeds.

Everything is rejoice and song.

Everything is rejoice and song.

Subtitles by
catzviol 2012