Protéa (1913) - full transcript


Film restored in 1998 using an intermediary from
an original incomplete nitrate negative and
a Dutch fragment in the Cin?math?que.

An Argentinian 16mm intermediary was also
used in this as yet incomplete reconstruction.

In 2013, the Cin?math?que attempts
a 2K digital restoration of Prot?a by
adding tints from the Dutch nitrate copy.

Tinting was also informed by the original
negative, not taken into account originally.

The typography of the Francis Lacassin cards
was reworked according to the ?clair intertitles
from 1913 found on various copies.

At Gottenberg, Messenia's capital,
police prefect Baron Nyborg receives news
of considerable diplomatic importance.

Kingdom of Messenia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To Baron Nyborg, Police Prefect

Sir, We have learned from a
reliable source that Celtia and Slavonia

have just concluded a treaty
contrary to our interests.

We must obtain this document at all costs.
M----- , Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Baron Nyborg calls the only one capable
of succeeding in such a difficult mission.

Shrouded in mystery,
a genius of spycraft...

...the famous adventurer Prot?a.

Prot?a accepts, on one condition:
Her jailed assistant The Eel
must be freed.

Some time later...

The Eel doesn't enjoy being guarded,
preferring unconditional freedom.

The Prefect learns of
The Eel's escape...

In Gottenberg, the Ambassador of Slavonia,
signer of the secret treaty with Celtia...

Mr. Ambassador - Baron Nyborg has
hired Prot?a to steal the document.

She leaves Celtia on the
Orient Express tomorrow evening.

The Ambassador orders his secretary,
Count Varallo, to take the Orient Express

and to slow Prot?a's arrival,
as well as alerting authorities.

Prot?a and The Eel have spotted
the man who is watching them...

At the station buffet,
Prot?a distracts Count Varallo.

Despite his forced vacation,
The Eel has not lost his touch...

At Celtia's border, Prot?a and The Eel
find treasure in Count Varallo's luggage...

From: Ambassador of Slavonia
To: Mr. Robertsau - Celtia Foreign Affairs

Sir, Count Varallo, whom I've given a
secret mission concerning your government

will call to present his credentials.

Unable to prove diplomatic status,
Count Varallo is arrested for
contraband cigars and lace.

In Metropolis, Celtia's capital...
The Foreign Affairs Minister entrusts a copy
of the treaty to his secretary for safekeeping.

in the Ministry's waiting room...

That same night...

The next day, after the watchman's report,
M. Robertsau orders the precious document

secured in a safe. He then prepares to
receive an old woman with a petition...

A gift sent from the
Viceroy of Numidia is carried in.

While The Eel completes the plan,
Prot?a intercepts the Minister's aide.

Mr. Chief Secretary: Entrust the document
which is known to you to my aide.

Despite his "aide's" orders,
the Minister is awakened.

The chloroform wears off earlier
than planned. The Minister struggles
in the crate and cries out.

Meanwhile, Prot?a tries to obtain
the treaty from the Minister's secretary.

But Prot?a is not easily discouraged...
Later at the Minister's ball...

A Romany musician and her
stylish servant prepare entertainments...

Count Varallo, finally exonerated,
will also be in attendance.

Count Varallo warns the Minister he has
recognized Prot?a among the musicians.

The ruse has failed...

... but it is too late:
The bird has flown away!

The new Albanian Ambassador and his wife
paid the price for this precipitous escape.

Prot?a and The Eel mix with guests,
and the party is a success. Suddenly...

The "wife" faints. Her "husband" takes
her to rest in the Minister's office.

His safe is no match for The Eel's
expert fingers. But all exits are guarded.

To escape, the pair set a fire
and disguise themselves as firefighters.

Taking advantage of the distraction,
they leave unnoticed.

The treaty's disappearance causes
massive police searches and interrogations.

A policeman finds their hideout...
Surprised, Prot?a and The Eel
are tied to a bed.

The policeman runs for backup,
but the bed is rigged to fall through
the floor with a disguise kit.

They free themselves
and adopt new disguises, escaping
through a chimney next door.

Police return for a rooftop chase,
but the pair are much too agile,
and police are thwarted.

It would take much more
to discourage Prot?a!

A few days later, she buys
a traveling circus. As a lion tamer,
she'll be able to cross the border.

The circus lacks a monkey, but
The Eel knows how to do anything...

Being true professionals,
they practice their new roles.

A good spy needs to master all vocations...

At the Golden Pigeon Lodge,
waiting for police operations to end...

Breaking news: A theft has
endangered the security of Celtia.

Anyone having seen the woman
in this photo please notify police.



The Minister tasks Max, the kingdom's
top policeman, to arrest Prot?a,

then orders his secretary to help
his bloodhound retrieve the stolen treaty.

- There she is, with her wild beasts!

Prot?a, sensing danger, decides to entrust
the document to good protection... the able care of Sadie the lioness.

The calm before the storm...

Inspector Max is determined
to retrieve the treaty.

But Sadie disagrees...

Early in the morning, to build distance
with pursuers, all means of transport are valid...

The only bridge leading to the border...

Prot?a having eluded her pursuers,
now is the time for a reunion.

A few hours later, at the last station before the
border, the entire Celtian Army awaits Prot?a.

On the train platform, two officers are
unaccustomed to carrying their luggage...

At the Good Pastor Inn...

- Officers, you horses
were just stolen!

Excellent equestrians, "officers" Prot?a
and The Eel gallop to the border, receiving
all the respect their rank deserves.

In Messenia, their welcome is not so warm.
Mistaken for Celtian spies because of
their uniforms, they are arrested.

Meanwhile, in Metropolis,
the Foreign Affairs Minister awaits
the news of a promised capture.

Much more was necessary
to apprehend Prot?a!...

Excellency, Using diabolical ruses and odious
aggressions, the two spies have crossed into
Messenia disguised as Celtian officers.

Despite the devoted efforts
and spirit of sacrifice of the agents
charged in arresting them,

it was not possible to retrieve the
document which is known to you.

Meanwhile, in Gottenberg,
at the police prefect's...

2 CELTIAN officers intercepted
at MESSINIA'S border.
They are refusing to talk.

- Have them brought here!
I'll know how to make them confess!

- Excellency, here is the treaty
Messenia's salvation depended upon.

The End

eunoia KG - DWC - SC