Prostoy karandash (2019) - full transcript

Antonina, an artist from Saint Petersburg, follows her husband, a political prisoner, to the deep north province of Russia. As she starts teaching art in a local school, she finds herself opposed by a twelve-year-old boy, Misha, whose brother is a feared local gang leader. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food








Excuse me. I was told,
there is a room for rent.

Who told you that?

Mihalych, you have
a room to rent, don't you?


Come along.

Come on in.

That's the room.

Is it OK for you?

It's a warm, nice room.

But there is no electricity.




Here's for you,
you'll give it back later.

You shouldn't have.

Don't mention it.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

So, where are you from?

From St. Petersburg.

What's it like?

Well, I am not sure.

You know, I have postcards.

With me.

They're very good.
Please, sit down.

I'll show you.
The most famous sights.

-Have you ever been to St. Petersburg?

Well, that's it. So...
Here they are.

Here, take a look...

That's Isakiy, Vasilievsky Island.
Take it.

The Admiralty
should be there somewhere.


It's written there.

I need to go.

Take it.

Thank you very much.

No problem.

-Good night.


I'll be living not far from here.

Just 15 km... Tikhiy settlement.

What for?

I'll be around.

I don't need anything,
you have to leave!

Seryozha, no. I have thought it over.
And I will get a job.

That'll change nothing, Tonya.


A loaf of bread was cut
into eight equal pieces.

First, they put
two pieces on the plate.

Then five more.

The question is:

how many pieces of bread are on the plate?


I am looking for Natalia Vladimirovna.

It's me.

Nice to meet you.

-I am Antonina Maksimovna Zolotareva.
-Nice to meet you.

The Education Committee recommended
that I speak with you.

You need teachers.

And I am a teacher of drawing and art.


It is wonderful.

Solve the problem, Dima.
Not in the margins.

Here I have all the documents,

the recommendations
of the committee included.

Here you go.

-Where are you from?
-I'm from St. Petersburg.

-From St. Petersburg?

What's brought you here?

Humid climate, there...
I get sick all the time.

Is the climate better here?

My husband is in jail here.

He was falsely accused.

He is a famous artist. Zolotarev.

Have you heard about him?

I am an artist myself. Graphic artist.

I graduated from the Mukhina Academy
and worked in "Print" publishing house.

Do you have any experience
with children?

-Yes, I do.
-You do...

Not much, but I do.

Well, Antonina Maximovna?


-Let's give it a try...

I have to tell you, though,
People here not like metropolitan.


What are you doing?

Go to your seats!


What's the matter?



This is your new teacher.
Antonina Maksimovna.


She will teach you drawing
and tell you about the art history.

If one of these bastards
is disrespectful,

tell me right away, OK?

I hope we can manage. Right?

Of course, we'll manage.


-Hello, children.

My name is Antonina Maksimovna,

my surname is Zolotareva,

and I'll teach you drawing and art.

I'll get to know you as we go,
that's even better.

We can't draw or paint today,
so we'll just talk...

Who can tell me what an artist is?

An artist likes to draw.

An artist likes to draw.
Excellent answer. Yes.

An artist observes.

Likes to draw, knows
how to observe, yes. Wonderful.

It's a person who can depict
their own thoughts.



This is very timely.

A pencil that I have in my hand is one
of the artists' first tools, right?

You know, Leonardo da Vinci once said

that there are three types of people.

Those who see,

those who see when they are shown,

and those who do not see.

Now, I hope we learn to see.

And now we will play a game.

Here are the rules.

You name one characteristic
of the pencil.

You can't repeat
what has already been said.

Just one, and then you pass it on.

Here, take it.

It's made of wood.

It's made of wood. Good. Next!

Well, it's hexagonal.
Cylindrical shape.

Perfect. Yes.

I have the same one, but broken.

-This one is a bit brighter.

It is a lead pencil.

Lead pencil. No colour, right.

On one side,
it says "Pencil" in white letters...


Here, two letters "HB".
They stand for "hard, black".


It weighs around 7 grams.

You see, that's a lot
of information. Excellent.

The pencil is created
from a mixture of clay and lead.

First they mix the lead
and the clay together,

then they mix it
with water in special mills.

The resulting mix is wrung out and then
this dough goes to the screw press

and into a cylinder
with holes for moulding.

That's how the pencils are made.

Great! How do you know all this?

-Mum's fancy man was taking an exam.

It hasn't been drawn with yet.
Just sharpened.

Well, thank you.

Give me that.

And it's easy to break.

Why did you do that?

No reason.

-Get out of the class, please.

Get out of the class!

Get out yourself.

What's your last name?

I don't have a last name.

-Guys, what's his last name?

-What's his last name?

Nobody knows.

Fine, then I'll leave.

Stop knocking.

The headmaster went home.


No touching, please!

If everyone touches stuff,
I'll never sell anything here.

I need 20 pieces.

20? Let me see.

-OK. How many are there?
-Do you have them in different grades?

Check the codes over there.
We have felt tip pens, too.

Looking for something?

Excuse me?

Andrey Ivanovich Voronov,
your colleague.

I teach Russian, literature,
history, and physical education.

Phys ed?

I can do more than that.

Would you like some erasers?
Shaped like fish?

I'd rather basic ones.

-How many would you like?
-20 pieces. Could you help me, please?


What do you think of our school?

I've only had one class so far.


Didn't have time to form an opinion.

-Where did you go to school?
-A Philology department in Perm.

I used to be an editor,
tried to write a book even.

Then I got back here.

To develop the local culture,

although, this culture seems
to be a "dead lift".


You think so?

Stop! Stop, scumbag!
Stop, you hear me?

What's going on over there?

What's that?

Don't bother.
They'll figure it out on their own.

It's Demkin, our student!

-Let's go stop them, quick!
-Antonina Maksim...

It's their life.
It's their way of living.

They will beat him up!

His brother is a thug.

Aleksey Ponomarev.

Murders, robberies...

They cannot prove the murders.

The witnesses are being intimidated.

Even the police are afraid of him.

Ponomarev? That's his last name?

Misha Ponomarev is our local legend.

Are you scared?

Aren't you?

I'll manage from here on.
Thank you very much.

-Here you are.
-Thank you, again. Bye.


I have a little party
at my place tomorrow.

It's my birthday.

Would you care to join?

Some of your colleagues will be there.

I am sorry, I can't.
I need to prepare for my classes.

Antonina Maksimovna,
can't the classes wait?

Everybody is intrigued
and dying to meet you.

I'll come by to pick you up around 6 p.m.

Today we'll study
the shape of the object.

This is a common theme
for drawing and art.

Please, don't draw anything
until I tell you what to do.

Now we will imagine that the objects
around us are transparent.

As if they were made of glass, OK?

Look carefully.

What happened to your face?

I fell.

No big deal, it happens.

Can you hold a pencil?


-So, guys...
-What's that?

This is a sheet of paper.

So what?

Misha, draw, or leave the classroom.

-Guys, what the drawing is made of?

Absolutely right. And what about the line?
How is it formed?

Everything has lines.

I need you to be more specific.

Tanya, wake up, come here.

Not just a pencil.

Here, sit down.

Closer to the blackboard.

You see: any object, alive or not,

has its boundaries, right?

Thank you, sit down.

Here, we see Tanya's boundaries.

How else can you name it?


Misha! How about you draw
when everyone else draws?

No way, I'm not drawing
with everyone else.

Then there is no drawing for you at all.

What is it?

That's a contour.

A naked chick.

The lesson is not over.

That's a pretty poor drawing.

You have no talent.

All you can do is
humiliate and beat people,

just like your brother.

My brother is being released soon.

Get up, let's go, quickly.

We are doing plein air today.

Get up, hurry up!

Come on, hurry.

The objects in the front
should be brighter,

those in the distance, blurrier.

Perspective, got it?

Well done.

Look at those two groups you have.
They're so good!

What about the front? Ran out of time?

Who's left?


Is it bad or what?

Guys, look.

Wow! Wow.

Cool. Great.

There are no incompetent people.

It was proven scientifically.

But, Dima, you have a talent, you know.

You need to go study.

You can become a true artist.

And what's in it for me?

Should everything be just
about the profit?

But one still needs
to eat and drink somehow.

Haul ass!

Wait. Give me your hand.
Don't be afraid.

So, that's the way it is,

especially if some people

get into the global market,


Let us pass, guys.

You go, we need him.

No, Misha. We will go together.


Anyone who touches him
will deal with me.

Keep laughing, Misha.

OK, let's go, guys.

Eat, you moron! Take it and eat!

What's with that look? Eat it!

Vera, you can't talk to a kid like that.
He'll grow up and treat you the same way.

I won't live that long.

Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat.

Take the salt, there.

No, it's not the salt I need.
I always put salt in the end.

My mum taught me.
Better that way, preserves the vitamins.

My mum didn't even know
such words. Vitamins.

But she knew bras.
And let men take them off.

For booze and money.

You are making it dirty!

You can't talk to kids like that,
do you understand? No matter what.

OK, we'll talk.


Look what I got you here.

Listen, great, thanks!
Is it all for me?

For you, of course, who else?

Exactly what I need.
How much do I owe you?

Don't worry about it.

Andrey Ivanovich!



It's just that I don't have a gift.
Forgive me.

Stop it. It's all good!
Let's go, it's not far.

So, we are neighbours?

You could say that, yes.

What's your husband in custody for?

For nothing, really.

The case was fabricated.

It's like he hit someone, a cop.

But it's not true.

We were all in shock
in the beginning, of course.

Neither of us ever had
to deal with this system,

all those prosecutors, lawyers,

endless hearings.

So many papers, signatures.

I never imagined
that papers could be so important.

A tall branchy oak

One in all the eyes

One and lonely, poor thing

Like a recruit on a watch

Mum, it's me.

Mum, I'm calling to check.
Did you take your pills?

What? Don't start again.

I'll come when I can.

I warned you.


All right, bye, I'm busy. Bye.


-Can I put it here?
-Of course.


Andrei Ivanovich, come on in.

Come, sit down.

We've been waiting for ages. Finally!

Girls, take it for now.

-I'll bring a plate in a moment.
-Thank you.

Tell us, who did you bring?

Friends, colleagues,

I want you to meet

our new teacher.

Thank you, Masha, darling.

Antonina Maksimovna.

From St. Petersburg.

Please welcome,
like our headmaster says.

-What will you teach?
-Drawing and world art culture,

but actually, I am an artist.

So I'd like to do an art studio
for children, optional.

Well, there is no need for an exam.

Ivan Sergeevich, our shop teacher.

Yes, shop teacher.

-Yana Yuzovna.

Alexander is my classmate, and...

Why don't you introduce yourselves?
It's not a school meeting.

We've met.

Our head of studies. Beloved and dear.

Well, it's true.

You'll get your extra hours, don't worry.

-You already has more than plenty.
-Yeah, yeah.


Maria, mathematics.
The queen of sciences.

Our Lobachevsky.


Natalia Osovna, teacher.
Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Lidia. Biology.

And Pasha, my brother.

Pasha, say hello.

Nice to meet you.

First of all, I want to say

congratulations on your birthday
from our team once again.


we have so few men in our school...

Sorry, Ivan Sergeevich.

I want to say that you, you are...

Forgive me, I'm nervous.

You are, for us, a man

that all women dream of.

Hard-working, handsome, intelligent.

So, let our school
have more men like you.

Let's drink, here's to you!

Thank you.
And I drink to you, my dears.

How do you like it here?

The nature is very beautiful.


I meant

it when I said it at the table.

One can take a sketchbook
and leave for the whole day.

-Well, yes.

-You're probably used to it already.
-We are.

You're teaching English, aren't you?

Yes, English.

Tell me... This boy, Ponomarev,
does he go to your classes?


We have a deal.

I leave him alone
and he doesn't bother me.


Do you believe
that this kind of situation is normal?

Of course, not.

Should we do something about it?

Do you have children?


He got up. He rolled his eyes at me.

What is it? Do you know what is it?

Andrey Ivanovich, is it true
that you call children morons?


I can call them worse than that.

You know it's wrong, don't you?

-Bye. Thank you.
-Thank you for coming.

Thank you.

Can I dance...

-What? Pasha...
-Can I dance...

Go to the kitchen. Go away.

Well, as a teacher,
do you understand that it's wrong?

They don't care.

What's your husband's sentence?

Eight years.


How old will you be
when he is released? Forty-eight? Fifty?

Antonina Maksimovna...

-Do not follow me.

I'll show myself out, go to your guests.
Do not follow me.


Where are you going?

What's the matter?
Why were you absent from class?

-Scared of Ponomarev?

-What's with your face?
-A cat scratched me.

-It's not true.
-It's true.

No, no, I won't go.

It's true.

Got the money?

I don't have any now. Next week.

And you? When am I getting
my hundred roubles?

I don't have any money now.
I'll get some later.

What do you mean later?
I need my money now, understand?

I'm not even charging you too much!

Misha, wait.

Misha, wait, I want to talk to you.

You hear me?
I just want to talk, Misha.


What do you want?

That's it, just go.

Hello, I am Misha's teacher,

I need to talk to someone
from his family.

Is someone still there?

Thanks for telling us. We'll conduct
preventive conversations with children.

What do you mean by conversation?

I'm telling you,
the children are beaten up.

They skip classes.

There is no time for conversation.

Well, what do you want? We need proof.

If children are beaten up,
take them to the hospital.

They should register the beatings.
Then come here.

I don't believe
that you are unaware of this situation.

You have to understand, we need proof.

OK, then.

Can I file an application at least?

Yes, you can.

Why didn't you call me?

Have you done your homework?
What about you?

All right. Did you eat?


In the fridge. Soup, in the pan.

Take it and heat it.

All right, bye.
I'll come back and check. Bye.

Are they all about Ponomarev?

The whole folder?


None of these reached the court?

Why not? The work is being done.

What kind of work?

Some of these have been written
a year ago. Nothing changed!

I could just make a photocopy.

You know... Want a piece of advice?

Leave, if you have such an opportunity.

-We are closing!

Excuse me. Do you have any art books?

Art books? Well, of course.

I'll be quick. Can I have a look?

Well, over there on the last shelf.
Take a look.

-Everything on art is there.

Thank you.

Excuse me, can I take this home?

Why so late?

I'm sorry, it took a while to find you.

-Do you have your passport?
-Of course.

Here you are.

-From Leningrad?

I went to school there.

Then my husband got transferred here.

We used to live on Liteyny.

And we are behind the Troitsky Bridge.

-Yes, that's close.
-We walked along the same streets.

I wish I could go there for a week.

Go with your husband.

My husband died.

He was killed.

Ponomarev, you've probably heard of him.

That's Seryozha's exhibition in Moscow.

And here we are in Munich.

It was his exhibition too.

Seryozha is that kind of person...

How do I put it? He cares.

He loves people, he loves life.

I never even heard him say
such words as "I don't care".

Yep, an interesting guy.

Chicks dig that type.

We always had a lot of people over.

Seyozha used to work in the morning

and at night
we'd always have people over.

A full house.

Different people.
For the most part, very interesting.

By the way, even here in his work.
This is his friend.

Tolik Krasnov.
A very interesting writer and publicist.

He is published only abroad, though.

And here he has a blog. They shut him
down once in a while, of course.

But those who understand, they know.

What does he write about?

How to say it? The truth...

He tries to come to grips
with our reality.


What did he do then?


Did you notice,
we are all being lied to?

They say one thing, but do the other.

They say that our opinion is important.

Do you believe that?

If I believed that, I'd have been
in a madhouse for a long time already.

The way it goes is we lie to them
and they lie to us.

We are square, as they say.


-Do you know why she is alone, really?
-No clue.

About the reports. I urge you
to submit everything until Monday.

Irina Nikolaevna,
please hand out the sheets.

Don't hesitate if there are questions.

-Does everyone have one?
-Take this amount and divide it by that.

Excuse me, what am I supposed to write
if my attendance is zero?

And how can this be?

Well, I just wanted to talk about it.

Children are intimidated,
we have to do something about it.

-Intimidated by whom?
-Intimidated by lessons, that is?

No, they are simply beaten.

Am I the only one to notice?

That's a question to you as a teacher,

why is it that the children
don't show up to your class?

Andrey Ivanovich, you know exactly
what's going on...

-No, I don't.
-You know what the problem is.

I have great attendance, for example.

Yes, colleagues?

I'm happy, yes.

Am I the only one who sees
out of our school windows

that Ponomarev bullies
the students every day?

Even the girls!

Have you all gone blind or something?
I don't get it.

Why don't you do anything?
I feel sorry for the children.

Here we go!

I see.

What, sorry for the children?
What are you making up?

You don't care about the children.
You only care for yourself.

Why shouldn't I feel sorry for myself?

We think of ourselves as intellectuals.
No way in hell!

Teachers have long ceased
to be intellectuals.

Everybody knows that.

Calm down and go back to work.

And in a good mood, please.

Right, Antonina Maksimovna? Stay.

Ladies, go to classes.

After you.

Antonina Maksimovna,

do you know what the distance is
from here to Moscow?

One thousand kilometres, I'd say.

One thousand two hundred and thirty.

Believe me, it's very far.

Here's the deal.

If this happens again,

I will have to let you go.

For our common good.

Do you understand?

Today, we'll have an unusual lesson.

I'll give you a riddle first.

What does emptiness look like?

In the process of drawing,
try to answer this question yourself.

Tanya, dear, what is emptiness in sound?

-Emptiness in sound?

-Well done.

If you're ready, you can show.

Come on, Nadia.

Show us.

When you said "emptiness",

I pictured a room
in my head straight away. Totally empty.

There's nothing at all.

There wasn't even
a door at first, nothing.

As if it was inside the cube.

And why do you have the door after all?

Well, I've added it later.

Behind this door, on the contrary,
there's a lot of stuff.

There are all kinds
of different attractions.

So that's a contrast.

Here's emptiness,
and there's a whole world. It's great.

Guys, I want you to pay attention,

here, I liked it,
but on the one hand it's a bit wrong.

Look, one wall here,
even one corner, has a little curve.

I really liked it.

You know. A curved space.

When emptiness is bursting, see?

Emptiness for me is a kind
of serenity, balance, harmony.

Yes, Dima.

When you said "emptiness"
I imagined a room

that's impossible to get out of.

Is it the emptiness that crushes?

It crushes a man, and he wants
to get out, but he is trapped.

He didn't even touch the pencil.

No, he held it in his hands,
but didn't do anything.

But the idea is right.

What is emptiness?

When there's nothing yet,
when all you have is a white sheet.

And why is it beautiful?

-It can be filled.

What beautiful houses they have here!

It's as if Anderson made decorations
for his fairy tales!

I started drawing here.

I forgot to tell you
the most important thing!

I found your magazine The power
of simple things in the local library.

I re-read it and it's as if I came
to understand certain things over again.

Remember, you said
when the information flow speeds up,

the perception slows down.

Got cigarettes?

I thought you quit, Seryozha.

I did when I was out.

I didn't bring any.
You have a weak heart, you don't need it.

Tonya, I want to smoke.

Sorry. I'll get you some.

Listen, let's talk seriously now.


-You need to get out of here.

You won't make it here.

Ah, I get it.

Because I'm mediocre, that's it?

Because I'm not good enough for you?

Of course, you had
such talented women in your circle.

And outstanding people should
only sleep with their own kind?

You chose a good venue
for this discussion.

You have another venue?

-Stop it...
-Don't shut me up.

Why are always telling me--

Quiet, do you mind?

I am speaking to my husband!

-Don't interfere, let us talk in peace.
-I'm going to kick you out of here.

I wanted to tell you.

I spoke with your Mikhaylova.

She won't come,
she has an exhibition in Cologne.

Ivan Sergeevich, it has to be sturdy.
Like that, this entire construction.

Well, let me give it a try.

Just a moment,
let me just check on the kids.

Look, guys.
Let's break it all up by themes.

Portraits, landscapes, city views...

Everything in its place, no mixing.


Yes, that's good, like this.

Very good.

Yes, sure. Whatever works best.

-Here's a couple of new drawings.

-Do you need any help?
-No, thanks.

Ivan Sergeyevich
has gotten us everything.

Here, very good.

-Can I take a look?
-Yes, of course. Here.

-Who made it?

-And this one too?

Demkin, looks like you have a talent.
Why didn't you say anything?

You never asked.

Antonina Maksimovna, here, in the middle,
we need a couple of stands.

And we'll release Feodor Mikhailovich.

So, it's so narrow.

Well, several works will fit. Just great.

Nice place.

Makes me want to study in this class.

I have a strange feeling.

Since I started
working with the children,

it's as if I'm going through it all
with them

even though I've read about it all

and seen it all
in museums countless times.

It's as if I were the same age
as them, grade 8.

Yes, you are right,
Demkin has a talent.

-Did you notice?

He is a remarkable boy!

-You want to give them a hand?

And pull them out of this shit?


Well, the thing is, Antonina Maksimovna,

they don't feel that they're in the shit.

They feel good.

All those attempts to understand
simple people never ended well.

You know this very well
from Russian history.

And do you know why?
Do you want me to tell you?

-OK, tell me.
-To each their own. Their own.

All they need is...

beer, soccer, BBQ,

and family outings on weekends.

Some TV show. The funnier, the better.

They don't give a shit
about your Michelangelo.

-Not true!



And stay out of their lives.

Stay out!

Or you'll awaken demons,

that will eat you alive.

We just need
to leave everything in its place.

Why? Stop! Do you think you are
doing some sort of a heroic act?

I do not think I'm doing a heroic act.

Forgive me, to be a hero is
to come every day to this school,

get this salary,

live in this hole. In this country.

Without any hope.

-Andrey Ivanovich...

You are...
You are someone else completely...

Why don't you say
that I'm handsome, that I have a future,

that I can still make it.

Also, say that I'm talented, come on!

Is that what you want?

Oh, sorry.

Does it have to go through the nose?

Like this?


Look at that!

-I don't know how you do that!

Of course not.

She doesn't know how.

I've seen so many smokers in my life.

So, how do I look?

Some are quitting and I'm starting.

Maybe it'll bring a change
into my life, huh?

And you, would you change
something in your life?


Do you want something to happen?

And you would become a different Vera?


Are you content with your life?

I never thought about it.

-Think about it now.
-But why?

I cheated on Seryozha.


This morning.

With the teacher of literature,
Russian, history, and phys ed.

For real?

What did you mean, for real?

Well, we kissed.

I didn't really want to

but I wanted to show him

that life can be beautiful
and that everything is fine.

Wait, you just kissed?

Well, yeah.

But at a certain point
I was ready to... you know?

That's why everything is so disgusting.

Why are you laughing?

Antonina, listen, you are so funny.

I sure am funny.

And Socrates was a wise man,

he just asked people questions
and they answered.

So everyone could draw
their own conclusions. Just a mind.

Let's go, let's go.

-Guys, let us pass.

Misha, don't do it. Don't you dare...

What, you'll complain to your general?

What's in the pretty box?

-Misha, It's fragile!
-A head!

Please, stop it, Misha!

-You're a bastard!
-What the hell?

Leave people alone! Let them be!

Misha, Misha!

-You asked for it!
-Stop it.

I've had enough of you, bitch!

Demkin, what have you done?

Bitch, you killed him!

That wasn't me! Not me!



Dear God.

-Something's the matter?
-Yes. A boy has been injured.

Let's go, quick! Lead the way!

Behind that building.

What happened here?

-He fell.
-He has a head injury.

Call the ambulance!

-No, no, please!
-Call the ambulance.

No, don't call, please.
It'll take them over an hour.

-Just wait! Oh God!
-Don't even try.

If you leave, you'll kill him,
you understand?

-Take that.
-OK, let's do it.

I'll lift him up, you hold his head.


Can you hear me?

It won't be long, Mishenka.



Excuse me, there is Misha Ponomarev
with a head injury.

And you are the mother?

No, teacher.

What happened there?

I don't know, I just found him out there.

How's he?

He's unconscious. Clearly a concussion.
That's all I can say for now.

-Can I stay for a while?
-If you want.

That's the window.

-Quick! Get up quick! Let's go!



-What do you want? Don't you break it.
-Is your neighbour in?

What neighbour? I have twenty.
My kid is sleeping.

-What's going on? I don't get it!
-Shut up. Where is she?

What the hell?

You woke up my kid.
Do you think that's OK? What's going on?

Stop yelling, I told you.

I'm not yelling.
Well, my kid is awake now.

What do I do now?

Look at you, walking around in shoes.
Didn't bother to take them off.

-What's going on?
-Stop yelling, I told you.

I'm not yelling.

Don't you have anything better to do?

Got it now?
Tomorrow, you are out of here.

Shh, quiet down, I'm coming.

Guys, can anyone explain to me

how your friend got injured?

And ended up
in intensive care in hospital?

You, what can you say?

Well, we were walking through the field

and ran into Volodya,
Demkin, and the teacher.

We just asked to look.

To see what's in the box.
Nothing special.

And she flew off the handle!

-Antonina Maksimovna?

-Yes, that's her.

I'm the senior investigator
with the regional prosecutor's office.

You probably know
why I'm here, don't you?

Because of the injury
one of your students incurred.

-He is in intensive care.
-Yes, I'm the one who took him there.

Can you tell me what happened exactly?

The boys, I believe, told you already?

They told me a lot of interesting things,

but I would like
to hear from you personally.

First of all, I want to tell you,
that the boys are not to blame.

Misha Ponomarev had been
bullying the entire school

for a long time already.

Not the entire school.
Don't exaggerate.

I'm telling you as it is.

Yesterday was the same story.

The boys, Dima, Volodya, and I
were coming back from the post office.

We received some items
for our art studio,

gypsum bas-reliefs, heads.

They are heavy,
so I asked the boys to help me.

So we were walking on with that box

until we ran into
Ponomarev and his friends.

They blocked our way

and I asked him nicely:
"Misha, don't do it please."

We just wanted to chat.

If you just wanted to chat,

you wouldn't have opened our box,
or touched the models.

I asked them not to touch anything

and told them that those were fragile,
easily breakable objects.

And what did Ponomarev do?
He just pushed me.

Did the student push you?

Yes, he was quite rude.
Well, because...

No, wait, if you hadn't hit him
with a bag, nothing would have happened.

If he hadn't done it,
I wouldn't have tried to stop him.

I don't know, really some kind
of fight suddenly broke out.

It was muddy and slippery

and if I understand it correctly
he just slipped and fell.

and he hit his head on the bas-relief
they'd just taken out of the bag.

Boys, has anybody seen
how he fell and hit his head?

No. Personally,
I saw Demkin take the plaster model

and hit Ponomarev right on the head.

-Everybody saw it.
-It wasn't me.

Who are you telling it to, Demkin?
Everybody saw you do it.

Dima, who was it?



To see Sergei Zolotarev.

-Who are you?

Look. Please,
he asked for an extended visit.

It's been more than a month I believe.

Has the permission been granted yet? No?

You know, Zolotarev died. A heart attack.

We sent you a telegram.

What do you mean "died"?

Yes, he died, unfortunately.

On December 2, 1805,

Napoleon Bonaparte won Austerlitz.

Besides Napoleon, the Emperor of Austria
personally took part in the battle,

as well as the Russian Emperor.

-The First!

And this amazing story
will be continued by...

Sokolov. Come on, go to the blackboard.

Share your knowledge
of history with the class.

I don't have any.

Go on, make fun.


Tell us.

Guys, let's keep it out of here,
will you? Not here.

You talking to me?

-Misha, go to your desk.

-Ponomarev, go to your desk.
-I said, out!

-Ponomarev, go to your desk.

And you go to the police and report
everything as it happened, got it?

You can go back.

Fuck off!


Tonya, you have visitors.


Will you continue the classes?

No, there will be no more classes,
I am leaving.

-I am going home.

So, for today we have...
I'm a bit nervous

because this topic
is probably my favourite.

That's how I felt myself
an artist for the first time.

We will draw a portrait today.

The human being is...

probably, the most beautiful,
and mysterious.

Look closely at each other.

Find the face that you want to draw.

Let's put the pencils aside.

What is today, only exists today.

After all, every day is unique.

And every person is unique.

The most important, valuable thing
in a portrait is, probably,

to convey the character
and the mood of a person.

It's the most difficult.

He looks this way, then turns,
what has changed?

You know, one can look and not see.

You've heard me,
one can look and not see.

One can listen and not hear.

We must look and see.

Admire each other.

Because you're all beautiful.

-How are you?


Antonina Maksimovna.
My brother is back.

-Leave, go back to your city.


You got any family
or friends out in the region?


OK, then.
You're comfortable with me.

Pack your passport and all the essentials.
I'll come pick you up in half an hour.

Why? What happened?

Misha came by. His brother is back.

Come on, hurry up!
I'm back in half an hour.

We will do the paperwork for you
to move to the boarding school.

You will come visit me on the weekends.

If you want.

My mother will kill me.

Do not worry, I'll arrange it.

Run. Don't touch him, please.

Antonina, don't! Stop, Antonina.

He will kill him.


Don't touch him!

What are you doing to him?

He is just a kid.

-Lekha, stop. Stop!
-Get lost!

Lekha, that's enough. Let go.

Lekha, stop. Don't do it!

Lekha! There's no need for that!

-Get lost, I said!

Enough! Lekha, what are you doing?

-Let go.
-Get lost, I said!

What are you doing?

Let's go.

You freak!


-You freak, got it?
-Come here!

Come here, I said!