Promised (2019) - full transcript

In 1953, two young Italian children are promised in marriage by their fathers. Twenty one years on - despite changing times, fading traditions and 70's liberation - the pair are expected to marry, or face the consequences. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[gentle music]

Love is a wonderful thing.

You meet, you fall in love and
you get married. In that order.

But love, like life,
is never perfectly arranged.

[birds chirping]

[car revving]

[accordion playing]

Sorry, Jeff,
we have to go visiting.

- [Jeff] Always?
- Come on, Robert.

My dad says we have
to show respect.

- [Joe] Good to go?
- [Robert] Yep.

[car humming]

[gentle classical music]

Go and sit with the men.

Oh, I can't play cards.

[baby crying]


[Rosalba] There was a time
when arranged marriages

were not uncommon
in our community.

[Rosalba] Someone knew someone

who was suitable to someone.

Them two?

What do you think, compare?

[Rosalba] It was the way it was.

We even had a word
for it, combinare.

[Rosalba] To arrange.

[Rosalba] But the world was
changing and so were we.

Some of us sooner than others.

[gentle Italian music]

Is Compare Joe the Godfather?

[Dino] Well, yes,
he is your godfather.

You know what I mean.

I've read the book.

Look, Angela,
Compare Joe's family,

like your dad's,
have been here a long time.

Helped lots of people
in business.

Look at me.

Grazie, I'll take those.

Think big, Joe.


You know what
they say about you?

Yes, I do.

[upbeat music]

[Angela] He said,
"The only thing more nauseating

than my romantic clichés

was my two dimensional heroine."

[chuckles] He hated it.

I'm sure he didn't hate it.

He hated it.

[sighs] Oh, yeah.

I finished it this morning.

I feel both empowered
and helpless now.

- Try being Italian.
- [Emma chuckles]


- What are you doing here?
- [Tom] Hey, babe.

I'm taking you to lunch.

Hey, Emma.

So, just got these printed.

One for you, a couple for you.

Tom Bell Entertainment.

It's very professional.

It is professional, isn't it?

[laughs] If my Nonno saw me
eating with these chopsticks,

she'd have kittens.

[Tom] Ah, bravo.

Thank you.

[people chattering]

Got you something.

- What's that?
- It's not a ring, don't worry.

Tom, it's beautiful.

- But...
- You don't like it?

No, I love it.

It's too expensive,
you can't afford it.

Shh, it's too late.

I already got it
engraved anyways.

Came in to a bit
of money recently,

and I wanted
to get you something.

Wow, that's very nice.


You like it?

Do you have to go?

I'm working in the shop
this afternoon.

I can take you.

Or I can just drop you off
on the corner, it's fine.

I want you to meet them, Tom,
it's just...

It's just what?

Complicated at the moment.

[bell dinging]

Robert's going to love these.

- You must be counting the hours now.
- Mhm.


- Angela.
- Hi, comare.

Hi, everyone. Hi, Francesca.

- Hey, Angela.
- Angela, Robert's coming home.

Oh, that's good.

Yeah, we're having a little

welcome home party
for him on Sunday.

You have to come.

I have a lot of studying.

Of course she'll come.

- Huh?
- He'll be so happy to see you.

She gets more
beautiful every day.

Mhm. [chuckles]

[Emma] Promised?

What does that even mean?

It's like an arranged
marriage sort of thing.

I thought they only
did that in India.

My dad is so old-fashioned.

Does Tom know
about your fiancée?

I've never really
taken it seriously.

I'm guessing that's a no.

Tom doesn't know about Robert,

and my parents
don't know about Tom.

I'm Italian. The boy you bring

to the door
is the boy you marry.

What's he like?

- Robert?
- Yeah.

I don't really know.

He's five years older than me.

Sort of witty but distant
all at the same time.

[Emma] You like him.

[Angela] I had a serious
schoolgirl crush on him.

Angela. Darling,
why don't you go and say

goodbye to Robert
before he goes?


Go, darling, go.

[gentle Italian music]

Angela, hey.

You look really nice.

Thanks, Robert.

You must be excited
about Oxford.

If by excited,
you mean totally terrified,

- then, then, yeah.
- [both chuckle]

I haven't even made
my own bed before.

I want to go to uni too one day.

Then you should.

Yeah, my dad wants me to work

in the shop.

Oh, I'm sure he won't stop you.

Your dad,
he got me a real cool pen set.

- Really?
- Yeah, for uni.

It's, it's really nice.

[Joe] Why don't you
ask her to dance?

She's just a kid, Dad.

[upbeat music]

He was never into me.

And his sister tells me he has
a girlfriend in England, so.

Your life is so complicated.

Tell me about it.

[woman chuckles]

[Robert] You've got visitors?

[Joe] Just some family
and friend, Rob.

[Robert] And compare?

Wait until you see Angela.

Oh, Aunt Sia.
I didn't see you before.

Roberto, you're too skinny.

Of course.

Whatever you need.

[Dino] What could
this man possibly need?

Ah, Falla!

Welcome home, Robert.

Thank you, thank you.

Hey, excuse me!

- Bruno!
- Hi, Robert.

You're a teenager,
what's going on?

is your sister here as well?

She had to study.

- But she'll be here.
- Yeah, cool.

I'll, I'll be right back, okay?


[chuckles] Hey.

Look at you.


He's a man now, he's a man.

- I don't know about that.
- Are you back for good?

[Joe] Yeah. You think Maria

would let him leave again?

Yeah, I think so.

It's good to be home.

[keys jingling]

Three keys?

[Joe] One is for the car.

One is for the office.

And the third one is...

A surprise?

Uh, thank you.

[all cheering in Italian]

[Robert] Some kind of surprise.

[Jeff] What,
someone's chastity belt?


I want that key.

You remember Diana, don't you?


Yeah, but I don't think
I've seen you since...

I think it was, um,
at my confirmation.

Yeah, that's it, I think.

She's going to be
your secretary.

- My secretary?
- Mhm.

Oh, you don't have
to give me the job.

No, no, no, uh,
that's okay, I just...

She's already set up
the office, Roberto.

Done a great job too.

Well, uh, thank you.

Hi. [chuckles]

Um, I'm Jeff,
Robert's best mate.

And successful
sports journalist.

Diana just moved in
from the country.

Her father and I go
back a long way.

I'd be happy to show you
around if you want.

Someone ball?

- [Joe] Let's go back in.
- [Robert] Lovely to see you again.

[birds chirping]

- [Jeff sighs]
- Oh my.

What's wrong?


It's just this welcome
home barbecue.

The one I'm not invited to?


This boy Robert, he... well...

He's what?

His father and my father
have this stupid expectation

that we're going to get married.

- [Tom snickers]
- It's not funny.

But no one can convince
you to marry anyone

you don't want to.

They just don't do that anymore.

You don't know my father.

And he feels indebted
to Robert's dad.

[bell dinging]

My dad was on a delivery.


- Oh, my God, oh, my God.
- She's having a baby!

- [Joe] I'll get the car.
- It's okay.

- Just stay here.
- [Maria] Okay.

- [Rosalba groans]
- Shh, shh.

It's okay, breathe, breathe,

It's okay, shh.

[Angela] He was the one that
drove my mom to the hospital,

and I was born just in time.

And Robert's dad
isn't just my godfather.

[scoffs] What does that mean?

He's connected.

[gravel rustling]

You're out!

- [laughs]
- [Robert] Hey, grab that.

[people chattering]

Angela, hey.


[Bruno] Hey, Angie,
look what Robert

brought me back, isn't it grass?

Look, he's bought us all
some beautiful gifts.

Have a look.

I've got a grandfather watch.

It's called a fog watch.


[Joe] Well, looks like
a grandfather watch to me.

All we need now is
some grandchildren.

Right, Sal?

[guests laugh]

I actually got you
a gift as well.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Why don't you two go out,
get some fresh air?

[Joe] Yeah.

- [Angela chuckles]
- Our families, huh?

The subtlety of an atomic bomb.

[chuckles] I know,
this whole promise thing.

It's just so silly and awkward.

- It is definitely awkward.
- Hm.

You know, not so long ago,
arranged marriages

were common in our community,

they even had a word for it.

Look, we're both educated,

Yes. [chuckles] Oh, um,

English Literature
at Melbourne Uni.

That's, that's really great.

Thank you.

Done all right yourself?

No, I never, uh,
never doubted you'd get there.

[birds chirping]

My Nonno used to plant
tomatoes in this very spot.

It's where I started out.

Now I grow my own,
my own family.

I'm seeing someone.

- Really?
- Mhm.

Uh, right, uh, congratulations.

My father doesn't
know though, so.

[both chuckle]

[loudly sighs]

- I should go see if they need any help in the kitchen.
- Yeah.

I mean,
you know what they are like.

I'll be in in a minute.


And this is the bit
I don't like.

Ah, it's fine.

Tell her, Angela.

Gianna's moved in down the road.

Yeah, Mom told me.

I haven't seen you since...


Oh, don't worry.

[Francesca] Hey, Angie,
don't forget your present.

[Maria] An old book?

No, it's...
it's a first edition.

I should thank him.

[Diana] A list of all
your appointments.

Ah, right.

Italian, Italian and Italian.

Your father organized
most of them.

- Well, I guess I'll see you at work.
- [Robert] Yeah.

[Sal] It's good, child,
it's good, what.

- [Joe] You happy?
- [Sal] No, I'm happy but...


Can we go now?

So early?

I have to study, compare.

Did you have a good
chat to Robert?


We'll stay a little longer.

Your father made it
specially for Roberto.

We cut the cake.

[light somber music]

[insects chirping]

Come to bed.

What's wrong with her?

She's stressed with her studies,
that's all.

Well, she wanted to go
to university.

I think she's seeing someone.

[Sal] A boyfriend?


I don't know,
I just saw something.

Well, he's wrong for her.

- You don't know him.
- What do I need to know him for?


You were wrong for me once,

Do you honestly think
my father was happy

about me marrying a Sicilian?

I made a promise to Compare Joe.

- We owe him.
- The world's totally

changed, Sal.

Joe and Maria
would understand it.

Robert's not like our daughter.

He listens to his parents.

Let's go to bed.


[birds chirping]

Wait until you see inside.

[Robert] Oh, wow.

Looks amazing, Dad.

It's better than new.

I've always liked this house.


It's yours.

It's mine?

Thought you and Mom
wanted me at home.

Yes, but after the wedding.

I don't think things
are going to work out

the way you think, Dad.

Why not?

What happened
to my tomato patch?

You don't have time for that.

Marriage is once, Robert.

Angela is the one for you.

So, what's this one about then,

[Angela] It's about a girl.

Who falls in love?



What are you going to do
when I actually have my novel

published and it becomes
an instant classic?

I'm going to live off
your royalties, obviously.

You're going to have to read it.

No, I can just go see the film

because it's going
to be that good.

My parents know about us.

Did you tell them?

Not exactly.

But they know,

and we need to do
something before they do.

[light upbeat music]

- Angela, hi.
- Hi.

Do you have a minute?

Ah, do you have an appointment?

I'm kidding. Of course,
come on in.

Sorry, take a seat.

Thank you.

Welcome to the office
of Prima Partners.

Need help getting out
of a parking ticket recently?

[chuckles] No.

I want you to do something
for me, for us.

Yeah, of course, anything.

I was hoping
you'd talk to your father

and my father actually.

Get this whole silly promise
thing out of their heads.

This whole promise thing.

I don't suppose your
boyfriend likes the idea

of you being betrothed
to another man, huh?

he's been surprisingly...

fine about the whole thing.

He just started
his own business.

Ah, cool.

On his own.

he sounds like a decent man.

[Angela] He is.

Look, I'd talk to them myself,

well, you know our fathers.


I hear you're a great lawyer.

You should be good at getting
out of those contracts.

You do want to get out of this,
don't you?

You remember
my Nonno's old place?

The one, uh, not far from here?


My dad gave it to us.


you could say it's renovated.

It's real modern and classy.

- It looks really nice.
- I'm sorry,

did you just say us?

Did you say he gave us a house?

For after we're married.

People don't usually get married

because they are given a house,

People usually get married
because they are in love.

Look, Angela.

Coffee, anyone?

That's okay.

I should go.

[Robert] Okay.

So, you'll talk to them?

Yeah, of course.

[light upbeat music]


Jeez, are you even chewing it?

- Mhm.
- Leave him alone.

He hasn't eaten probably
in five years.


You know,

a couple things I miss most,
I reckon

your lasagna was right up there

- apart from you.
- Mhm.

I fell in love with your mother

because of that lasagna.

Did you see the house?

If he doesn't like it,
I'll take it.

You think Angela will like it?

Talk about Angela.

What about her?

What if she doesn't
want to marry me?

[Joe scoffs]

She'd be crazy to say no to you.

Did you talk to her?

But last time I checked,
marriage was between

two consenting adults, Mom.

Sal and Dad are adults,

they consented, that's two.

What's the problem?

I just don't think I need
to rush things with Angela,

that's all I'm saying.

What rush?

They made the promise
20 years ago.

Yeah, she's got you there, Rob.

And she's not even a lawyer.

And just,
I don't even know her anymore.

We need time to get
to know each other again.

Why are you talking like this?

We've known her
and her family all her life.

What do you need to know?

She has a boyfriend.


What's it matter?

That horse is the closest thing

they have to a saint
in this country.

Thanks for coming.

Take a seat, Tom.

We've never met,
but I believe you know

my goddaughter, Angela.

Yes, I do.

Do you know who I am?

I've heard, yeah.

And I can assure you
that my intentions

for Angela are
completely honorable.

And I'm going to ask her father

for her hand in marriage.

Marriage is a big commitment.

Are you sure you're
in a position to get married?

We'll make it work, yeah.

I like your confidence.

You ever bet on the races, Tom?

I have a feeling
you're going to give me a tip.

Think big in business,

think small when gambling.

But you don't think small,
do you, Tom?

You want to get rich quick.

Well, I want to get ahead.

I've started my own
business actually.


Tom Bell Entertainment.

Yes, I know.

I also know you are...

over ten grand in the red...

with bookies.

It's not nearly that much.

It was just a bit of bad luck,
that's all.

But I'm getting ahead now.

What are you doing?

Settle your debts...

and get out of town for a while.

Take a holiday
for a couple of months.

I hear the Greek islands
are a good place

for a young man
to clear his head.

I can't be bought.

Then tear it up.

I love her.

Then tear it up.

What would happen
if I did tear it up?

In my world,
debt needs to be repaid

one way or the other.

[Angela] He's Italian, Tom.

Oh, we know, we know.


[sighs] Your father's really
worried about you, you know?

He doesn't need to be.

Do you love him?


Oh, this is going to break
your father's heart.

We just want the best for you.

That's all.




I want you to organize a wedding

for Robert and Angela.

Did Robert propose?

Four weeks, my anniversary.

But we're booked.

I'll take care of that.

You take care
of everything else.

But, Joe...

The best of everything.

[upbeat music playing on radio]

♪ I beg your pardon ♪

♪ I never promised you
a rose garden ♪

- Working?
- [gasps]

What did Compare Joe want?

Well, he... had good news.

There's been a cancellation
at the ballroom,

and we can have
the wedding in four weeks.

- What?
- He said it's a great honor

for both our families,
what could I say?

Was Robert there?

[knocking on door]

- [Angela sobs]
- What's the matter?

- Hey!
- They told me I can't see you anymore.

- Who?
- My parents. [sobs]


- It's okay.
- I don't know what to do, Tom.

It's okay, baby.

- I'm sorry.
- It's okay, let me help.


[typewriter clacking]

What is it, Bruno?

Why can't you just
go along with it?

Is it because it's not how
it happens in those books?

Don't you want me to be happy?

Robert's cool.

What kind of man lets
his parents choose his wife?

He knows what he wants,
that's all.

And what is that?

A good Italian girl
from a good family.

A girl who can cook,
take care of the kids,

and you know,

a girl who hasn't slept around.

You told her that?

She thinks you're being
forced to marry her

to keep your parents happy.

What do you think?

- [Bruno] Bullseye.
- Nice one, mate.

[typewriter clacking]



Come in.

This room hasn't changed much.

What are you working on?


A short story for uni.


Can I read it?


- This?
- Mhm.

No title.

It's not finished.

[typewriter clacking]

[gentle music playing on radio]

People will think
she's pregnant, Sal.

[scoffs] Let them think
what they want.

Yeah, but she's our daughter.

She wants to marry for love.

Like you and me did.

Roberto, he loves her.

Yeah, but she doesn't love him.

Oh, she doesn't know
what she wants.

She's young, Sal.

Talk to Compare Joe.

And say what to him?

That his son's not good
enough for our daughter?

She's my daughter too.

[typewriter clacking]

So, I like it, it's nice.

Nice, that's it?

I, I mean it's, uh, it's
well written and everything.

Just, I don't know,
it doesn't sound like you.

And what exactly
do I sound like?

I don't know,
just not like that, I guess.

You were supposed
to talk to them.

But you didn't have the guts
to stand up to them, did you?

Maybe we could be happy.

I can't make you happy, Robert.

Marriage isn't some
business arrangement.

I know, I know.

Then why did you agree to it?

Uncle Dino wants to see
both of you at the ballroom.

He needs to go
over the wedding plans.

Um, it's getting late, I should,
I should probably go.

[birds chirping]

What would happen...
if I ran away, eloped?

It'd be shame, embarrassment,

especially for your parents.

But these things
have happened before,

and I guess life will go on.

When could I come back home?

Probably a few months.

I'd let you know.


You can rebel
against your parents,

you can rebel against the world,

but love will find a way.

- [Robert] Hey.
- Robert.

- [Robert] Sorry.
- [Dino] Take a seat.

[Robert] Hey,
did I miss anything?

No, well, we'll get started.

- Okay.
- I thought we'd start off

with a traditional antipasto.

And then a pasta.

- Lasagna.
- Ravioli.

We'll alternate.

I've been wanting to do that,

Uh, right, mains.

Honestly, Uncle Dino,
whatever you think is best

is totally fine with me.

[Dino] Uh...

So, when was the last time
you two danced together?

What about a practice?

[light Italian music
playing over radio]

Uncle Dino just wants everything
to be perfect, doesn't he?

Hm. Don't you?

Ah, more of a Sicilian thing,
I think.

I got so many memories
of this place.


Like when you refused
to dance with me

because I was just a kid?

Wow, you remember that?

I do.

- What about a Bombe Alaska?
- [Robert and Angela] No.

I was going away.

Can you imagine what
everyone would have said?

And you really were just a kid,
we both were.

You still haven't
answered my question.

Why are you doing this?

I can understand them
wanting this, but you?

Can you please
just give me a chance?

Marriage is built on love,
not chance.

She has a point, mate.


She's perfect for me. [groans]

She doesn't love you.

It's complicated.


You're a cool guy, a good guy,

but if you force
this girl to marry you...

- [scoffs] you're a real...
- Asshole.

Angela, this is the 70s,

and to be clear,
this is the 1970s,

not the 1870s.

Nobody can make you marry
against your will.

- Oh, my God.
- My family's not like yours.

but you still have choices.

Yeah, choices with consequences.

There has to be
something we can do

to get out
of this stupid promise.

[light music]


We were supposed to meet, Tom.


Don't freak, it's not that bad.

Not that bad?
You have to get to a hospital!

My godfather did this
to you, didn't he?

There's no way out, Ange.

I'm sorry.

[somber music]

They really hurt him, Mom.

It wasn't Compare Joe.

He owed money to other people.

They were gambling debts.

they were trying to protect you.

You believe anything
they tell you!

- Angela!
- [Angela] They've won, Mom.

What's going
to happen to him now?

That's up to him.

Do you mean it's up to me?

[gentle music]

[priest] Robert and Angela,
have you come here freely

and without reservation

to give yourself to each
other in marriage?

I, Angela, take you Robert,

as my lawful husband.

To have and to hold,

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

until death do us part.

Angela, I give you this ring

as a symbol of my love
and faithfulness.

I pledge to you all that I am,

and all I ever will be
as your husband.

I promise to love
and respect and honor you.


[gentle music fading]





We're husband and wife now.

On paper.



I'll never force you to do
anything you don't want to do.

[door shutting]


[upbeat rock music]

[door thudding]

We have a plane to catch.


Around the city of love, huh?


[Angela] Do you get drunk often?

Only when I drink a lot.

Oh, Angela, please, don't.

Well, get ready then.

[gentle music]

I think I'm supposed
to carry you over there.

I've got that.


The counsel's just saying that

you've got too many chickens.

No, two or three?

A dozen, a dozen.

Free country!

I'll write to them, okay?


Thank you.

Our best to your father, eh?

Of course.

[spoon clinking]

- These are nice.
- I made them last night.

Why don't you bring them in?

[Robert clears throat]

How come your wife never goes?

Uh, she's busy with studies, eh.

You're not responsible
for your nephew's debts,

Mr. Bellucci.

I want to help him.

Well, if he doesn't
pay within 14 days,

they'll bankrupt him
and after interest,

he owes just
under 20,000 dollars.

You can buy a house
with that money.

He's had some bad luck.

We could not have children.

All we have is this one nephew.

like my husband,

See if he goes bankrupt,
he has no future.

We have some savings.

If we could manage
to settle his debts with that.

His debt's unsecured.
There's a very

good chance that I can

settle for half, anyway.

Do your best.


One more thing.
What business is Tommasino in?

The music business.

He's young, do you understand?

Thank you.

Uh, when he gets back,
tell Tommasino

- to come and see me, okay?
- Okay.

[light upbeat music]

[typewriter clacking]

[Robert] Ah,
you're not in your room.

Not working on a cookbook,
are we?

I can't cook.

You want to help me?



[spoon clinking]

That's quite enough garlic,
that's good.

I'm not going to be kissing you,
aren't I?

Or anyone else for that matter.


Who taught you how to cook?

I lived on my own
for five years, so.

"There's no virtue
like necessity."


A good wife maketh lasagna.

My old man.

I like cooking.
I was thinking one day I might

open a restaurant or something.

What about your practice?

I like what I do but I,

I don't know, this would be a...

side business or something.

Side business is
a family trait then?

Well, we've got good partners

like your Uncle Dino.

He's the only one that never
gave me money as gifts.

Only books.

Yeah, me too.

He's different.

No woman, though.

He's just waiting
for the right one.

Try this.

- Good?
- But good, yeah.

Pass me that.

What do you expect from me?

What do you mean?

None of this is real.

It's all been arranged for us.

It doesn't matter
how we got together.

Can't you see that?

[doorbell dinging]

Are you expecting someone?

- [Tony] How are you?
- [Robert] Good, come on in, hey.

- I thought I'd surprise you.
- Yeah.

Ah, cool! [chuckles]

[Angela] Tony!

- Hey, Angela.
- He had his first single.

Oh, wow.

Proud of you, man,
that's awesome.

[upbeat music]

[Tony] Thank you, Angela,
it was lovely.

It's a collaboration.

- That's a good word for it.
- It's fresh eggs, Tony,

the secret.

[Robert chuckles]

I'll go and get the coffee.

[Robert] I'll give you a hand.

[Angela] No, I've got it.

Hey, do people ever talk
about Angela and I?

So, anyway, I've, uh, got
a little bit of news for you.


So, yesterday I went down

to the ballroom
for a house show.

And I got there
early and I spied

Dino and Gianna
dancing together.


[Tony] They were on
their own in the dark

without music.

There was no one around.

She wasn't wearing black and,

he wasn't wearing a bowtie.

Cool. [chuckles]

- Yeah.
- Oh, my God.

- Angela will be thrilled.
- Yeah, well, just

keep hush about it
because I don't believe

it's public yet,
so... [whistles]


Yeah, anyway,
how's the honeymoon?

Yeah, no, it's, uh, it's good.
Rome was great.

I'm not talking about Italy.

I was talking
about the honeymoon.


It was magical.

You know, I've always wondered
what's in one of these things.

Oh, it's just the glory box.

You have to wait for your
wedding night to find out.

Not very funny, Robert.

Thank you, Angela.

[birds chirping]

[somber music]

[horse neighing]

Your secretary, Diana.

Yeah, what about her?

Mate, I'm smitten.


She is not a family
you want to mess with.

I can't get her out of my head.

Whenever I talk
to her the subject

always comes back to you.

Oh, she's just an impressionable
girl from the country,

what can I say?

[birds chirping]

[somber music]

We're going to back
the filly next.

Nah, no chance
against the colts? [sniffs]

Yeah, but she's well-bred.
I think she might

improve over the distance.

You all right, mate?

Look, I always knew I wanted
to be a lawyer, right?

My dad told me, when you...

you're going to be a lawyer
before I even started school.

That I would I have
my own practice,

that I would have a nice house,

and that one day my wife
would be Angela.

Is that what you wanted?

Always been what I wanted.

She's not happy, Jeff.

Mate, what did you expect?

I didn't expect us
to be sleeping

in different bedrooms.

[scoffs] Yeah,
that's not supposed to happen

in the first year of marriage.

She's still reaching
out to him, Tom.

- How do you know?
- I know.

I already thought I'd win her
over by now, seriously, I did.

Have you told her
how you feel about her?

It's not that easy
to talk to her.

Then spell it out to her,

how you feel about her.

What if she doesn't come around?

You're the lawyer. [scoffs]

[hooves clopping]

[scoffs] Did you even propose?

[Angela] No, he didn't.

I guess his father
never told him to.

There's more to him.

Are you softening towards him?

I can't fault him.

But there's something else.

I found out
about Tom by accident.


- How?
- One minute he has money.

Next minute nothing,
he's completely broke,

and I don't think
he lost it in business.


My mom told me
it wasn't my godfather

who assaulted him, and I think
she was telling the truth.

[scoffs] I trusted him, Em!

I only married Robert
to protect him.

Am I that naive?

You were in love, and...

love dumbs people down.

You can quote me on that one.

You know what
my mother calls me?

[Emma] What does that mean?


[Emma] Funny that.

Supposed to be easy.

You meet, you fall in love,

and you get married
in that order.

Maybe you should start dating.

I've already made enough
mistakes to last me a lifetime.

- Not going to make another one.
- [sighs]

Not other people, your husband.

See, when normal people meet,

they go out on dates,
and they get to know each other.

I don't know,
you did like him once.

Tell you what.

We can start tonight.

But definitely not
in that dress.

- [Angela] I like it.
- [Emma] It's disgusting.

So, Robbie.

Emma tells me that
you studied at Oxford.

Yeah, I did, I did.

Well, how was it over there?

It was good. I,

I worked in a law firm
in my final year

on top of my studies
which was pretty tough.

Uh, but I loved it over there,

alone, much to my mom's
annoyance at me. [chuckles]

She didn't want you to go?

Oh, no, she, she did,
I just didn't think

she thought I'd survive.

Um, but it was too good
of an opportunity to miss.

Pretty posh over there too,
I imagine.

Personally, I prefer to keep,
uh, one foot on the ground.

Then again I do pride myself
on being progressive. [chuckles]

Still, it is good to go
out on one's own,

is it not?

How about you, Angela?

Did you ever plan
to get out on your own?

Ah, it's a little hard
for an Italian girl.


If we leave before we're
married it upsets everyone.

It's hard to explain.

So, you leave the safety
of one man's arms

to go into the safety
of another's?

[laughs] No offense, Robbie.

None taken.

Don't you regret
not experiencing life

more before you... settled?

I don't think my life is over.

[BB] How'd the two of you meet,
by the way?

Uh, well, we've known each
other since we were kids.

Childhood sweethearts. [laughs]

How charming.

Not exactly. Uh, We were,

an arranged marriage.


You're not joking?

[Robert and Angela] No.

Arranged by who?

Our fathers.

And you both just accepted that?

Oh, well, if you ask me,
my father's a got perfect taste.

[Robert chuckles]

You know,
change for the sake of change

isn't necessarily progress, eh.

[people chattering]


[glasses clinking]


[waves lapping]

Hey, thanks for playing along.

[chuckles] He deserved it.

So patronizing.

Where did Emma find such
a testy dickhead? [chuckles]


Let me guess,
he's studying politics.

I don't know
what she sees in him.

Love is mesmerizing.

Mysterious and dumb.

Hey, you want to get
something real to eat?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

I do.

How can you not
like Gone with the Wind?

It's a classic.

It's, uh, it's a masterpiece.

What is there
to like about Scarlett?

She's complex.

I call that crazy, she's crazy.

I suppose you prefer your women
obliging and subordinate.

Ooh, the rest exist for that.

Ah, thank you.

Your table's been taken care of.

Johnny Fresco.

So, we don't like
the same books.

Or films.

Do we have anything in common?


Half the world likes pizza.

At least
you're in the right half.

- Chili?
- Mm-hm.

[Robert] Yeah, that
significantly increases the odds

to my favor.

[chuckles] Marginally.

That look,
it's like I'm a puzzle

that needs to be solved.

[chuckles] I just can't seem

to like you back, that's all.

You know, what we should do,
we should...

ask each other
one question a day

and commit to giving
an honest answer.

- Okay.
- Okay.

I'll go first.


You're a good looking guy.

Thank you.

You're successful.

Mm, don't know about that.

It's only a one man practice.
I've been paid with

- too many chickens.
- [chuckles]

You're charming when
you put your mind to it.

I can see how girls,

some girls might like you.

Some girls, huh?

- Not all girls?
- Mm-mm.

So, why me?

Was it just
to please your parents?

Ah, well, that was part
of the reason, sure,

but on... only a small part.

And the other part?

Were you looking for a project?

What is there
not to like about you?

[laughs] Is that
the best you got?

Well... [laughs] it's actually,

well, it's a question
that my father asked me.


Well, truth be told,
I'm still thinking about it.

I think about you a lot,
you know.

- Really?
- Uh-huh.

You know there are probably

six people that I write
birthday cards to.

Wow, flattering,
I'm one of the six.

No, no,
you didn't let me finish.

But your birthday
is the only one

that I never needed to make
an effort to remember.

And... you've got a nice smile.

I could see how...
some men might,

might find you attractive.

Reverse psychology.

- [chuckles] Working?
- No.

I didn't realize
how persistent you are.

I didn't realize
you were so stubborn.

Mhm. Like an ox.

Like a mule.

What's your question?

I don't know, okay.

Let me think about it,
any one, huh?

Okay, um.

- What do you think?
- About what?

About tonight, our first date?

- Yeah?
- Mm.

What do you think
about sex on the first date?

You've had three questions.

- Okay.
- I thought it was one.

- Fair enough.
- [chuckles]

[insects chirping]

[gentle music]

[earrings clinking]

[typewriter clacking]


Buy something for the house.

Thank you.

Look, look, look, look.

I found these in your bedroom.

They are from Robert.

You've kept them
all these years.


What happened with Tom, Mom?

I know he isn't
who he says he is.

[somber music]

Your father asked Compare Joe
to check him out.

He had gambling debts.

So, your godfather
gave him a check

to cancel all those debts.

But in exchange
for leaving you alone.

And honey,
it was your father's money.

He banked the check, didn't he?

He did.

And Uncle Pat was there
to keep an eye on things.

And Robert went along with it
because Robert

listens to his parents.

Am I right?

He does love you, you know,

He's not a silly boy, darling.

[gentle music]


If you're going to be
professional writer,

you can't work from the kitchen.

It's beautiful, thank you.


Uh, and here.

You can put it on if you like.

- Yeah?
- Mhm.

- [Robert sighs]
- How's it look?

It's beautiful.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

[Robert] Oh, I have a secret.

[Angela] I like secrets.

Oh, yeah, you,
you have to promise

not to tell anybody, eh.

Uncle Dino... and Gianna.

You knew?

- Yeah, I did.
- Seriously?

Oh, come on, Robert.

You don't see the way
they look at each other?

The stolen glances,
the way their eyes light up

when they are in the same room?

No. God,

I guess I've been away too long.

I'm happy for them though.

Specially after Rocco.

It's, it's good.

Does my father's
reputation bother you?

Does it bother you?

He's my father.

I get the pressure.

I know it's not easy
to say no to him.

Look, I know you, you blame him,

or both our fathers
for pushing you into...

I just don't want them
running our lives.

That's all.

Look, there's something
you should know, um.

I think you're beautiful.

I thought of my question.

- Oh, yeah?
- Mhm.

Tell me about your girlfriend.

The one in England.

Who told you?

Word got around.

My sister tell you?

- Yes.
- [both chuckle]

She met her when, uh,
she came to visit.

Um, I don't know, it wasn't a,
it wasn't a big deal.

It was a big deal to me...

at the time.

Okay, well, her name was Carol.

And... and we liked each
other a lot but, um,

we didn't love each other.

How do you know?

I guess you just got to know
what to look for. [laughs]

You stole that
from my short story.

I did, I liked that one.

It's not yours.

Okay, uh.

In law, when something
new is established,

we call that a precedent.

And you are the only
one that has ever set

a precedent with my feelings.

How was that?

Stick to law.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Dance with me.

[light romantic music
on record player]

Tell me about Tom.

Don't you already know him?

I'm doing some work
for his Uncle, but,

never met Tom.

I met him at uni.

He swept you off your feet?

Just as I had imagined.

You're in love with him?

I think I loved the idea
of being in love.

Love was easy enough
to write about, I guess.

[breathing heavily]

There's something
I need to tell you.

Yeah, what?

It didn't happen, hey, hey,

it didn't happen like you think.
It... [sighs]

Our fathers left the decision...
[sighs] to marry up to me and,

and it should have been
ours to make.

You tell me this
after you marry me?

I'm not proud of myself. I...

You must think I'm a fool.

Hey, look, I understand how,
how this looks, but it really

doesn't change
how I feel about you.

You were there, weren't you?

At the meeting to discuss

my future, what was best for me?

Is that how it happened, Robert?

Tom had his issues,
we both know that but you,

your actions are far worse.

You took advantage,

- and for what?
- For you.


Any interest I may
have had of you

has been completely
erased by your deception.

Listen to yourself. First,
you rejected me because

you thought I was forced
to marry you by my father,

and now you reject me
because I wasn't.

Your father must be
so proud of you.

If I'm guilty of anything,
it's that I've taken

every opportunity I've ever
been given with open hands.

- Unlike Tom.
- So, that's what I am, hm?

An opportunity?

And how was this opportunity
going to play out

for you, Robert? In time I would
meekly surrender to you?

Your charm, your status,
your gifts?

And I would become
an obliging wife

that you take for granted
like your mother?

Is she my precedent?

My father is fair game

but do not disparage my mother.

I've never taken
anyone for granted.

You took me all
the way to the altar.

You should look at it
as a compliment! Well,

what should I have done,
meekly surrendered you

to him as you so eloquently

- put it?
- It wasn't up to you.

You still don't get it!

He didn't deserve you, Angela,
he kept secrets!

- How can you be with some...
- So did you!

[somber music]

You're impossible
to take for granted.

Okay, the only secret
I've ever kept from you

is not telling you
that I love you.

I have always loved you.

Get out, Robert.

Angela, please.

[door thudding]

[crickets chirping]


Can I come in for a sec?

[Angela] What's this?

It's an annulment.

I know you still pine for him.
I saw the letter.

I tore it up.


Why haven't you signed this?

I was hoping that in time

you'd realize that
I was the man for you.

I was ready
to give you a chance.

A chance you didn't give me.

Yeah, love is dumb, eh?

You were dumb.

You did give me
your hand in marriage.

[somber music]

You know?

It was your father.

He was the one that told me
not to tell you

before we got married.

As for my father,

don't blame him. He, uh,

he washed his hands
of the arrangement.


[light music]

[upbeat rock music]


Your ten o'clock is here.

Thanks, Diana.

Just send him in.


[Tom] Just Tom's fine.

I figured if I cut it down

to Tom from Tomassino I'd save

about four years of my life.

Take a seat.

I've been told you've got
something for me to sign.


When'd you get back?

Last week.

Robert Prima, the lawyer, huh?

You made quite
an impression on my uncle.

He was a good man.

Is that right?

He did save you from bankruptcy,

Yeah, well,
he could have settled for less.

I think you should show
him some respect.

My wife.

You're a lucky man.

[somber music]

[upbeat music]

[upbeat music fading]

[somber music]

[doorbell dinging]

What are you doing here, Tom?

I went away for a while.
I had a couple

of problems to sort through.

You couldn't discuss
them with me?

You left me in the dark.

You let me believe
it was my godfather.

You let me marry him.

I came to the church.

I, I was scared, Angela.

What's changed?

I've changed.

I know about the gambling debts.

The bookies... the check.

I'm going to Sydney.

I'm leaving tomorrow
and here's the address.

Are you really happy with him?

[upbeat music]

[door thudding]


[somber music]

[Rosalba] His secretary?

Why would he go
near his secretary

when he's got you waiting
at home for him?

Robert wouldn't do that.

He's not like that.

I saw it, Bruno.

And it wouldn't be
the first time.

What's that supposed to mean?

- Right, I'm calling Maria.
- No, Mom.

Please, don't call, please.

Wait until your father
finds out, Ange.

What's going on?

[birds chirping]


Your grandfather didn't like me.

Didn't like Sicilians,
not for his only daughter.

I had to work real hard
to win him over.

I remember thinking to myself...

how could someone be
so wrong about me?

How could someone be so blind?

That I was going to prove him
and everyone wrong.

That sounds familiar.

All that boy had to do
was tear up that check

and face his problems like a man
and he would have been yours.

A man who can't take
care of his problems,

he can't take care
of his family.

When you were born,
there were complications.

If Compare Joe wasn't there...

I know, Dad.

But what you don't know...

[somber music] I wasn't out...
making deliveries

when your mother went
into labor like I told you.

Like I told everyone.

I was playing cards.

I left your mother
on her own to play cards.

Oh, I never forgave myself.

But from that moment on I swore
I would protect my family.

You can't protect me from life,

I'm ashamed, Angela.

And I'm sorry.

I didn't even know
why he married you.

He didn't have to.

He told me he loved you.

[Maria] That was Rosalba
on the phone.

She's in tears.

She said...
Robert's been sleeping

with his secretary.


Roberto, what's going on?

I haven't slept with anyone.

Why would Angela lie?

Because she's in
love with that other guy, Tom.

He's back.

If she told her family
that I cheated on her

then maybe they'd understand
and let her out of

this thing with an annulment,
I don't know.

You want me to talk to Sal?

No, I don't want...

She was forced
into this thing once,

I won't force her again.

It's what she wants, it's,
this is what I want, Dad.

[somber piano music]

Rob, that night,
Angela didn't give me

the impression
that she was unhappy.

I don't know, something
just doesn't sit right.

[tense music]



Has someone been in here?

[upbeat music]

Put those up.

This belongs to my wife.

[Angela] Everyone
deserves a second chance.


Where is she?

Listen, I don't know
what you're playing at,

- but she is my wife.
- She's not here.

It's over.

[light music]

Good luck.



I'm making lasagna.

You hate me that much?

Angela, I know you think that I,

- I did, I wouldn't...
- I know.

Diana called me, I was at Mom's.

We deserve a second chance.

I want you to be my wife.

It was always you.

[light music]

[Rosalba] You can rebel
against your parents,

and you can rebel
against the world.

But in the end,
you can't fight destiny,

and you can't change fate.

[gentle music]