Prom (2011) - full transcript

Prom and high school graduation are approaching for a group of seniors, but when the prom decorations are destroyed in an act of school vandalism, the class president is left scrambling. With everybody else pre-occupied with finding dates and dresses, Nova is left to rely on the principal forcing the school rebel to help her out. But when he's there for her when she needs it, she starts looking at him in a different light. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[♪ Those Dancing Days:
"I'll Be Yours"]

[girl] High school.

It happens to everyone.

And for four years, it has
a way of dividing us.

Athletes, overachievers,

drama queens,
misfits, jokers...

But then, just before it ends,

when we're almost
out the door... night has a way
of bringing us together.


[girl] It's the one night
when nobody cares

who wore the varsity jacket
and who got cut from the team.

It's the night when you
might find yourself singing
at the top of your lungs

with people you've
never even spoken to.

The night when that cute
guy from your math class
might finally make his move.

Prom's our night,

and each of us wants it
to be unforgettable.

That's why I've been
working all semester
to make it perfect.

For me, and for
all the seniors
at Brookside High.

[girl 2] Hey, Nova.

[Nova] We were three weeks
away and everything
was going as planned.

Well, almost everything.

Has he asked you yet?

[chuckles] It's eight a.m.

He will! [laughs]
You guys are perfect together.

You're in all the same
AP classes,
swim team co-captains,

you've both been, like, class
everything since kindergarten.

Trust me,
it's going to happen.


Has he asked you yet?

[whispers indistinctly]

Well, he will.

He's never once made a move.

Well, he's Brandon.
He's shy.


Or, maybe he's
just not interested.

Don't you want him
to ask you?

[Nova] Umm...

[chuckles] Yes, I want him
to ask me. It's prom!

Here he comes.

[Brandon] Hey, Nova!

It's happening.

[girl] Bye.

Wow. Beautiful.

Brandon! Thanks.

[Brandon] Posters look great.
Nice job.


I'm gonna do the cafeteria.


You know, Rachel,
I found that prom dress
you were talking about.

Thanks, Nova.
We'll be there.

You know, you could go.

No, thank you.

Prom's like
the Olympics
of high school.

You wait four years,
three people
have a good time,

and everybody else
gets to live on
with shattered dreams.

My stepbrother, folks.
Can you believe he's single?

Come on, Lloyd. Your fear
of girls has gone from cute
to clinical. It's just prom.

Ask somebody.
And be creative.

This is your last chance
to make anyone remember
you even went here.

Wow. Nova,
that looks awesome.

Thanks. Make sure
you and Tyler
aren't too late.

We crown prom king and queen
at 9:35. Just saying.

Hey! My queen!

[boy 1] Hey, Tyler.

[girl] Hi, Tyler.

[boy 2] What's up, man?

So, I saw the posters,

and I thought about you.

And about a party bus.

[boy 3] Oh, yeah!

Hey, Tyler, can we talk?

OK, so you can only
listen to one artist
for the rest of your life,

and Stick Hippo
does not exist. Go.

Oh, man.

No Stick Hippo, the
greatest band of all time?

Jack White. You get three
epic bands, and counting.

[scoffs] Lucas,
you blow my mind
every day.

OK, next one. Grunge rock
supergroup, 1990-96,
no Dave Grohl. Go.

Oh, good one.
OK, how 'bout, uh...

[girls laughing]

Look at them.

I want to go to prom.

Well, Megan Brooks went
when she was a sophomore.

So it can totally happen.

It's like
they're in a trance.


[girl] See you later.

Lucas, you gotta
ask her out.

Dude, you're crazy.

She doesn't want to
go out with me.
I've got nothing to offer.

No car, no cool parties,
no prom.

Whoa, check it out.

Prom this year
is gonna be so much fun.

Oh, my gosh. I really
want to go with Dakota.
That'd be amazing.

[overlapping chatter

[school bell rings]

Hey, Rhoda,
I turned 18 last week.

You know what that means,

They can try you
as an adult?

Rhoda! You break my heart.

It means we can
finally run away together.

You, me, the open road.


So, what are you in for?

Let me guess.
Trouble at the model UN?

Prom poster crisis?

Wait, I know.

You're receiving an award
for most awards.

Actually, I'm in trouble
this time.


They caught me
riding around school
on my little moped

because I think
I'm such a rebel.

It's not a moped.

It's a 1972
Norton Commando.

It's adorable.

Jesse Richter?
My office, now.

Nova, I'll have those papers
for you by lunch.

Richter, Richter,

[clears throat]

Let's see.

"Jesse has cut
last period

every Monday
for four weeks."

You know
what this means?

I'm consistent?

You do realize you're only
cheating yourself, right?

You know, I had a talk
with myself about that.

[man] Mm-hmm.

Turns out I'm OK with it.

I don't have time for this.

Today it's cutting class.
Last month it's fighting
in the cafeteria?

You don't care
about anything.
And you and I both know...'re going nowhere.

The good news is,
the really good news,

in a month and a half,
that's not
gonna be my problem

'cause I'm going on vacation,
and you are gonna
disappear forever.

You wanna do that
with a diploma,
that's up to you.

Six weeks, Richter.
Six weeks. Do you
think you can handle that?

Yeah. I'll leave this place
in one piece for ya.

Because in September,
you're gonna be
right back here.

Get to class.

What is this?

[exhales] An earring?

Very good.
Why was it in your car?

Wait, I know. I drove
half the girls' soccer team
to Papa Gino's last week.

You did?

Yes, OK?
Now stop acting crazy.
You know you're my girl.

And you're gonna be
the prom queen,
up there looking beautiful.

What is it?

You need to ask me.

I know, OK? Don't worry.
I've got plans.

Here. For the soccer team.

[up-tempo music]

[whistle blows]

[boy] I got it! I got it!

[boy] Pick it up.

[whistle blowing]

[boy 2] Come on, you guys.

[girls chanting]

[Brandon] I got it. I got...

You guys got it?

Yep. You guys all right?

[Brandon] Feel like
I'm carrying all the weight.

[boy 3] Me too.

I feel like you're
carrying all the weight.

[Brandon] Lower it.

Careful of the stars.
[Brandon] Let it down.

[boy 3] Hey, man, relax.

Are we... done?



...that was the last
of our prom decorations.

But we still
have to figure out
a floor plan,

come up with a schedule
of who's selling tickets,

get the voting system down
for prom king
and queen, and...

But you know what? I can
totally do that stuff later.

So, you guys are... done.

[all cheer] Yay!

In three weeks,
"Starry Night" will be
Brookside's best prom ever.

Our theme is "Starry Night"?


Uh... yeah.


I can't thank you guys enough
for all your hard work,

but when those couples
walk through the door
and see how perfect it is,

it's gonna be so worth it.

Uh, plus, you each get two
free tickets to prom. Ali.

Awesome. Thank you.

Thank you.



Thank you.

So, Rolo, who are you
gonna take to prom?

My girlfriend. Athena.

She's Greek.

And where does she live?


[laughs] Oh!
So, she's Greek-Canadian?

There's a very vibrant
Greek culture in Canada.


So, how did Justin
take it when you told him
about New York?

I haven't exactly
told him yet.

Mei, you have to tell him.

He thinks you're staying
here and going to
Michigan with him.

You got into Parsons.
It's a huge deal.

[Mei] I know, but I haven't
decided if I'm going.

It'll be like
breaking up with him.
How can I do that?

Hey, hey, hey!
Prom's looking good.

Guess I better find
a hot girl to go with.


[Mei] What are you
doing here?

[Justin] Come with me.

Bye, guys.

[♪ Opus Orange featuring
Lauren Hillman:
"Almost There"]

[Justin] Right here.

What's going on?

You'll see.


[Justin] "P." It's for
the paralyzing crush I had

on the new girl in my math
class in the eighth grade.

Her name was Mei,
and she was awesome.

"R." It's for the really long
time it took me to get up
the nerve to ask her out.

"O" is for the only girl
I've ever
called my girlfriend,

and the only one
I ever want to.

And "M"... is for
University of Michigan,
of course.

Because that's our
next chapter together.

But I'm getting ahead
of myself,

because before
graduation and college

and the rest of our
lives together, there's
something that I need to ask.

[laughs] Yes! Yes!

Hey! Hey!

[girl] Yes! Yes!

[boy] Yes!


Oh, yeah.

Darrell. Come on.
Get him. Let's go.

Come on. Don't...



Looks like it's just us.


Do you have a minute?
I was... I was hoping
to talk to you alone.

Yeah. Sure. What do you
want to talk about?

Uh, it's about prom.


We've been working
on the prom committee now
for several months,

and, uh, since we're
on the committee,

I think it's a good idea
for us to arrive a little
early on prom night.

You know, make sure
everything's copacetic.

I suppose
that makes sense.

So, driving-wise,
we should go together.

You want to...


[girls cheering]

Oh, right.

Well, you know, people
get so carried away

with the whole
prom date thing.

I say why not be practical
about it, you know?

Uh... Brandon, I...

Is that a yes?

I'd love to.

Oh. OK, then. Uh...

Here you go.

[stammers] Or do you
want me to hold on to it?

So it's a date.

[young boy] And Ethan
got to be line leader
because it was his birthday.

But my birthday's in July,
which is totally unfair.


Every summer birthday
gets celebrated on one day
at the end of the school year.

And there are like six of us.
And two of them are girls.

And they made Mike S. line
leader first and his birthday
isn't even until August,

so I said... Mom!


What are you doing home?

Well, the place was dead,
so Lou gave me
the afternoon off.

I actually get
to see my kids.


You see
what came in the mail?

Wanna try it on?

Nah. Since you're here,
I think I'll call work

and see if I can pick up
some extra hours.

Oh, come on, sweetie.
Let's all take tonight off.

Who keeps
opening this door?

There's nothing
but garbage down there.


[Nova] Dad, if Mom
got the hang of this,
then you can, too.

[Dad] Oh...
[Nova] Here. Watch.

Just click this, and...
There we are.

[Dad] Uh-huh.

Wow. [laughs]

Hold on.


You just have
a little grease.

See? [clears throat]

It's paying off already.

Ah, boy. I don't know
about this. Uh...

It's super easy.

Make sure I'm online.
And then choose me
from the contacts menu.

And next fall, we can talk
whenever you want.

OK. How 'bout midnight?
Every night of the week.

[chuckles] I don't know
about that, Dad.


Georgetown on a scholarship,

It's just like we always
talked about, huh?

You heading off
to achieve great things.

It's the heading off part
I'm just...

...having a little trouble
with. That's all.


[♪ A Sunny Day In Glasgow:
"100/0 Snowdays Forever"]

You deserve
an awesome prom, so...
why wait?


Tyler, this is beautiful.

Told you I had plans.
And what is prom without
a romantic dinner?

You got Taco King.

Vegetarian burrito,
extra guac.

[exhales] So...

...will you go with me?
To prom?


[woman vocalizing]

Come on.

[muffled scream]

Thanks, Tyler.

[fire engine sirens]

[song ends]



It's like Apocalypse Prom.

Hey, there.

How you doing, Nova?

Nova, what do we do now?

[Rolo] Yeah.
Is prom, like, canceled?

We could always postpone
till after graduation.


I don't wanna tell
the entire senior class

to return their dresses,
cancel their dates.

If we do that, then...

The terrorists have won?

[sighs] People are
counting on us.

Prom's three weeks away.

So we work before school.
After school.

I would, but I can't.
I'm starting my internship.

And I'm...
I'm in the spring musical.

Yeah, man. I mean,
this was already my hardest
class this semester.

I'm tapped out.
I got nothing left.


AP tests are coming.
I'm already behind.

We need to get these kids
back into class, OK?

There has to be
something we can do.

[Mei] Nova?

Mr. Dunnan,
the prom decorations
are completely destroyed.

Nova, I know.

The prom committee
worked very, very hard.

Everything was in that shed.
There's no one
left to help me.

Mr. Dunnan, what are we
gonna do? What are you...


Principal Dunnan?
Mr. Dunnan?


Get that pile of junk
off of school grounds.

You can't ride
that back here.

Oh, right. Sorry.

Wouldn't want any school
property to get damaged.

You think it's funny
when people's hard work
gets destroyed?

It's just a bunch
of dumb prom decorations.


Oh, wait. No.
Prom's ruined.

The boys and girls
of Brookside have been
robbed of their right

to stand around in a gym
and drink punch.

Put the flags at half mast.

I got a better idea.
You're gonna
help her rebuild.


Nova, you need help.
Richter, you clearly need

a way to stay out of trouble
for the next couple of weeks.

Him? Mr. Dunnan,
I really don't think he...

Little Miss Sunshine's right.
You should listen to her.

Oh, no. You're gonna do it.

Who knows? You might even
learn something about
hard work and dedication.

And if this prom isn't
rebuilt to her specifications,
you won't graduate.

You can't do that! You can't
keep me from graduating.

You know what? I had a talk
with myself about that,

turns out
I'm OK with it.


[♪ Stick Hippo: "Stick Hippo"]


Hey, guys.

[Lucas] Hi, you.
[girl chuckles]

Uh, what's with
the helmets?

Uh, varsity
made us wear them.

It's... humiliating.

I think it's cute.

Yeah? We could get you one.
Maybe it'll catch on.

[laughs] Well,
you could get me pink.
It'd match my outfit.

That'd be pretty.
And safe.

[laughs] Well, I need
a serious cram session
for the elements test.

[Lucas] Oh, yeah. Any time.
Just think of me
as your lab partner.

You are my lab partner.


Good point.

I'll see you guys later.

Are you OK?

[chuckles] Yeah.
Fine. Helmet.


Your sister's right.
There are tons of girls
out there

who'd be thrilled to go
to prom with you. All you
have to do is ask one of them.

Thank you, Oprah,
for that
nugget of wisdom.

You can do it.
Just be... Lloyd.

That hasn't
exactly worked out
for me, like, ever.

She's right.
It's not that hard.

Oh, this coming from the guy
who hasn't asked anyone out
since middle school.

You guys have been together
forever. Your whole lives
are planned out. Next year...

Dude, I just don't
understand how your sister
convinced you to ask someone.

You've been
ignoring my advice for years.
Right, Mei?

Lloyd, she's out there.
Now go find her.


[up-tempo music]

[girl 1] So do you think
you're gonna go to prom?

[girl 2]
I don't know yet.
It depends.

Do you know what?
I really wanna go.
Only if he asks me, like...

Alice, you know
he's gonna ask you.
So, it'll be OK.

What is that?

Oh, my God.

Who did this?

I don't know.

[crying] I mean,

what kind of sick twist
would put creepy serial killer
letters on a person's locker?

It's OK.
[crying] Oh, God!

What did I do wrong?


I was never here.
You never saw me.

Lloyd? [scoffs]

[blows whistle]

[man] Come on, guys.
Work it.

[grunts] Well, now you
have to ask her out.

I don't know, dude.

[scoffs] You're
killing me here, man.

[grunts] Ah,
there you go, fellas.

We totally had that.

Hey, Lucas.
You're looking good
out there, bro.

He is?

You've got real varsity

[chuckles] He does?

[clears throat]
I gotta go.

Wow. Thanks, Tyler.

Hey, I'm having a team
barbecue on Thursday.
You should swing by.


Totally casual.
Bring a friend if you want.


[Corey groans]

I was thinking more
like a girl, Lucas.

Oh. Right.

You know some of those,
don't you?

Yeah. Of course. Tons.

[laughs] All right.
See you there, bro.

Here you go.

[♪ The Pains Of Being
Pure At Heart:
"Heart In Your Heartbreak"]

Just some dumb prom
decorations and you're going
to help her rebuild them.

Yeah. Sure he is. If he
ever bothered to show up.

Glad you could make it.

No place I'd rather be.

Great. You know what?

Why don't you move
that stuff from there... over there.

Do you think
you can handle that?

[Jesse exhales]



No. I was just taking
inventory of this...


That would be one.


You want some help with that?

[exhales] Yeah. Sure.

Why don't you give it
a long, brooding stare

until it carries itself
across the room.

[Nova grunts]

Wait. Nova,
hold on a second.

I just wanna say one thing.

Lift from the legs.

He's a menace.
A rude, arrogant menace

who'd rather look down
on everyone else

than make any effort
of his own.
And he was late.

I don't know
if Dunnan is doing this
to punish him or me.

What's his name again?
Is that Jesse Richter?


That that punk that stocks
shelves down at the market?

[groans] I think
he works there.

Well. Well, I used to
run with his dad, OK?

Apple doesn't fall
far from the tree.

Is there any chance Jesse
might actually help you?

Kitty, he's a punk,
all right?

He's not gonna
all of a sudden turn into
an upright citizen.

I didn't say that. I'm just
saying it seems like you could
use some help, Nova.

Three weeks
isn't a lot of time.

Yeah, help, sure.
But he's a...

He's a walking

[Nova] Thank you, Dad.

"I'm a tough guy.

I have long hair
and drive a motorcycle.

I can lift heavy things."

[doorbell rings]

Be right back.

You should
see this guy, Dad.

It's like he enjoys
watching me suffer.

This kid gives you
any more trouble,
you just come to me, OK?

Nova, it's Brandon.

Hey, Mrs. Prescott.

Oh, Brandon.
Hey, invite him in.
I'll, I'll set another place.


what are you doing...

I got into Princeton!

Wow! Congratulations.

[whispers] Yeah!

[Brandon] Thank you.
That's not all.

I'm a finalist for
the dean's scholarship.

That's amazing.

The interview
for the scholarship,

it's the same
weekend as prom.


I hate to
leave you hanging.

No. I, uh, I...
I totally get it.

There's still some time
for you to find
another date, right?

Yeah. Totally.
I'll be fine.

All right.


[chuckles] Yeah. Cool.

I just can't believe
he would do this to you.

I mean,
two weeks before.

Yeah. He's a jerk.

A loser.
I hate him.

I've always hated him.
He's an idiot.

Guys, it's not that
big of a deal. Honest.

Besides, prom's not
even close to being ready.
I still have a ton to do.

[Mei] But who are you
gonna go with?

Well, lots of people
go to prom without dates.

No. You don't have
to do all this, Nova.


Just because
Brandon bailed on me

doesn't mean I'm gonna
bail on the senior class.

[bell rings]

I'm fine. Now go.


[chatter in hallway]

[toilet flushes]


[up-tempo music]

[Lloyd] Oh, wait.



[pained exhale]

It's a varsity party
and Tyler invited me.

[Corey] No way.

No, really.
And he told me
to bring a girl.

Wow. Tyler Barso's

That's almost
a triumphant Jimi Hendrix
at Woodstock moment.

[Lucas] Really?

No. That could be
your Hendrix moment.

Hey, Simone.

But first,
fly check.

Pit check. OK.
Now breathe on me.

Wait, why?

You wanna ask her out
with butt mouth?
I don't think so.

Come on. Hit me.


[inhales, exhales]
I didn't get anything.
Hit me again.


I just had
a cough drop,
all right?

My olfactory nerves
are compromised. Come on.


What are
you guys doing?

Uh... [stammers]
Extra credit!

Yeah. Yeah.

I gotta go.

He's... weird.

Yeah. [laughs]

So, um, I'm glad
you're here today.

I mean,
I knew you'd be here.
This is our class.

Not that
you never miss class
or anything.

I mean, you don't
miss a lot of class.

You have excellent attendance
as far as I can tell.


I try.

There's a lacrosse team
barbecue on Thursday

and I was wondering
if you wanted to go with me.

I mean, unless you have
a lacrosse issue, which some
people do, sometimes.

That sounds like fun.

Yeah. I love barbecues.


She loves barbecues.

Oh. Cool.

[both make guitar noises]

[makes explosion noises]

[clears throat]

[♪ Moon: "Time Stand"]

We start every day
at three.

Dude, relax.
It's 3:15.

[scoffs] I'm not a dude,
and I know what time it is.
You're late.

All right, dude.

What's this
supposed to be?

It's a celestial fountain.

Well, it's gonna leak

all over the "celestial" floor
unless you purge the line
and unclog the intake.

I know that.

Um, hey, Rolo.


Can I see
Athena's profile?

Oh, no.
She doesn't have one.

Really? No profile?

Actually, she had
to take her page down
'cause she got grounded.


What's she in for?

She was out
clubbin' till late.

So Athena likes to get
up in the club, huh?

Yeah. Big time.

[Rolo] Sweet!

[up-tempo music]

Come on. Come on.

[horn blares]

Oh! No!
No, no, no, no, no!
Stop, sir!

Stop, truck!

No, no!

Oh! Jen.

Jen, you missed it!
There was a sign!

[pop music plays in car]

Ah, no! No!


OK. [sighs]
Come on, baby.

Stop, stop, stop! Stop!

And... it's leaking.

[sighs] Yes, it is.

[Nova sighs]

You act all tough,
but I know you.

You're the guy who cried
when the class hamster
died in third grade.

Yeah, well,
Heady didn't make me
build a cosmic canopy.

You remember her name?

You just need a hamster
to love, don't you?


This is a disaster.

A hurricane's a disaster.
Smallpox. Locusts.

Those are disasters.
This is just a fountain.

And it's just prom.

Just prom?

Yeah. Lame DJ, balloons,
poofy dresses.

Not something
to get so worked up about.

I forgot.

School functions conflict
with your "thinking that I'm
better than everyone" time.

Well, for the rest of us,
prom happens to be fun.

Not for the guys.

You gotta buy dinner.
You gotta get
the little flower thing.

Don't pretend you don't know
what it's called.

And then there's the tuxedo,
the ultimate symbol
of conformity

that a bunch of other guys
have already sweated in.

Whereas you opt for
the long hair
and black jacket.

The whole "motorcycle" thing.
The ultimate symbol
of nonconformity.

At least I don't wear it
posing in front of
some stupid backdrop.

People keep those pictures

In a box in their attic.

A lot of people
worked really hard
on prom.

And it all burned down.


Look, I'm sorry.

Prom is obviously
really important to you.

I just don't get it.

All this for one night.

Yeah, you're right.

But... it's the last night,

and it's the last dance.

And for that one night,
who we were for
four years of high school... doesn't matter.

It's just all of us together
in this one perfect moment.

And I wanna be
a part of that.

[door opens, closes]

[♪ Stick Hippo: "Stick Hippo"]

[Lucas] It should be
this next block.

Thanks for
driving, Corey.

Oh, yeah, sure thing.
I'm a driver.
I can drive.

As long as it's during
daylight hours and with adult
supervision. Now, slow down.

What is that sound?
I could swear it's my mom
nagging me, but no,

that's impossible since
she promised to be quiet
during this car ride.

Use your signal.

[whines] Mom.

Aren't you coming, Corey?

Only Lucas was invited.

But it's
a team barbecue.

Yeah, it is, but it's...

Everybody's in the back.
Go ahead.

[boy] Hey, Tyler,
what's up, man?
My man, what's up?

Oh. That explains it.

You kids have fun...
without me.

If you guys need a ride
before sundown, you know, just
give me a call. I'll be here.

Hello, hello. What's up?
Lucas, you made it.

What's up, man?
Uh, this is Simone.

We've met.


Doesn't everyone
know Tyler Barso?

Hey, you know what?

Come inside.
Let me show you guys around.

[♪ Neon Trees: "1983"]

Come on.

Hey, my man.
Hey, what's up?

Hey, Tyler,
what's up?



What's up, buddy?

Um, I'll be
right back, OK?

Hey, ladies. This is, uh,
this is Lucas,
and he's on the team.

Oh, yeah?
What position
are you?

Seated, usually.


You're funny.


Don't talk to me.

Oh, come on.
Don't play it like that.

I'm glad you're here.
I miss you.

I had no idea
this was your party.

Are you sure about that?

There wasn't a teeny,
tiny part of you

that wanted to
see me, too?



[♪ Those Dancing Days:
"Can't Find Entrance"]

[Jesse] How many more
twinkly lights
do we really need?

[Nova] A lot.

You collect these things?

[sighs] Kind of.

Whenever I have an event:

college tour,
scholarship dinner,
awards banquet,

I always
just stick 'em there.

I know, it's kinda dorky.

No. It's impressive.

[♪ Keili Lefkovitz: "Party"]

Oh, no.
Not this song.

You hate this song, too?

There's like eight words in it
and two of them are "party."

If this were my world,

Corey and I would have
veto power for all music
released into the airwaves.

[laughs] Really?
Just you guys?

Well, you too,
if you wanted.

[chuckles] Yeah, thanks.

So, do you just
talk the talk or
can you walk the walk?

Um, do I play?

No. I don't.

You wanna learn?



Put your hand
like this.

No. OK.

That's a "C."


[laughs] Yes,
but you have to strum.


[strums guitar]

OK, wait, wait.

OK, try now.

There you go. You'll be
a rock god in no time.

Do you have a boyfriend?

I'm sorry.

I mean, it's none
of my business.

C, C, C, C.
[strumming guitar]

No, it's OK.

There was one guy.

But it turns out
he's not exactly

Oh. Sorry.

It's fine.
I'm over it.

It's perfect! She doesn't
have a boyfriend,
she told me.

And she plays guitar.

I mean, it's just
like you said, right?

You never listen
to what I say.

She's into me.

Which is why
I'm gonna ask her to study
as soon as I see...


Did you forget
what day it is?


Yes, which we've established
and designated as "Stick Hippo
T-shirt day." Where's yours?

I guess I forgot.

All right. Well, I have
an extra, you know,
for emergencies...

Oh! Tyler!
Great party, bro!

Hey, you the man, Luke!



Mei? You have
a very important decision
to make.


And I want you to know
that whatever you decide,
I support.

What are you
talking about?

The limo. Both Mark
and Izzy want white,

but I said I thought
you and I were more
the classic black types.

Aren't we?

I guess...

What's wrong?

[scoffs] It's just...
Do I get any say
in this?

Yeah, yeah,
of course you do.

How many other things
have you figured out?

I mean, who says
I even wanted a limo?

All right.
Look, we don't have to
decide this right now.

Forget I said anything.

[up-tempo music]

Go for it!

[sighs] OK, what do I say?

Just pretend
you're a normal person.


[makes sounds]
Hi, Kristen!
It's Lloyd.

I'm in your Civics class.


Uh, you lent me a pencil.

I was like,
"Do you have a pencil?"

And you were like, "Yes."
So, I brought it back...

Uh, here... it is.
But wait,
that's not the point.

This might seem
out of the blue,
this is out of the blue,

actually, but,
prom is coming up,
as you know,

and I am
looking for a date,

and I was wondering
if maybe you wanted
to go with me.

Are you serious?

Well, I know it's
a little last minute,

but I'm really fun, I swear.

You know,
I have references...

No, it's not that.

I have a boyfriend.
Didn't you know that?

Oh. No, I guess not.

I thought everyone
knew about us.

I'm Kristen, he's Anton.
We're Kranton.

[Lloyd] Uh...

I mean, how could you
not know about us?

You'd have to
live in a cave.

I don't.

Yeah, I mean, we're always
together and the five minutes
I'm talking to you

have been the longest
we've been apart in months.


You're back.

God, I missed you.


OK, I'll just...
slip it in.

Just slip it in there, oh.

Just... Right in front of me.

Well, talk to ya later then,

[bell rings]

[girl] ...and she called him.

Hey, Simone.


Listen, if you wanna study
for the elements test
after school...

Oh, I'd love to.
I really need it.

Cool. How about
we meet in the library?

Perfect. I'll be there.

Hey, I thought
we were gonna study.

Dude, I'm sealing the deal.

OK, yeah. I'll just
study by myself.
That's much more efficient.


[water running]

You must've
worked all night.



I have a kid brother.
He's seven.

And because of my mom's
work schedule, I have to
pick him up from school.

Why are you telling me this?

It's why I cut class and
I'm late getting here.

I just want you to know,
I'm not blowing it off

'cause I'm a slacker.

[deep breath]
From now on...

...we start at 3:15.

[♪ Shere: "In Deep"]

Oh! Hi, Simone.
Welcome to the library.

Hey, Simone,
you ready to study?

Oh, hey, Simone,
didn't see you there.

What am I saying?
Of course I saw her.


What do you want?

Can I give you
a ride home?

I have plans.

[sighs] Listen, I really
need to talk, Simone.

All right, there aren't
a lot of people
I can do that with.

Just a few minutes?

Why won't you
answer my texts?

You know why.

I mean, you said it was over
between you and Jordan.

I never would've
gone out with you.

Please don't ice me out
like this, Simone.

I know it's messed up
about Jordan,

but we've been together
for a long time.

OK, she's been talking
about prom for years.

But, Tyler, this isn't...

You're such
a special girl.

If you weren't,
I would never expect
you to understand.

Just give me
until after prom.

[Tyler] You're missing my...

[muffled conversation]




Archfield's prom is this
weekend, and Ali just
found out that their theme

is "Starry, Starry Night."

They have
an extra "Starry."


It's gonna sound
really stupid.

I just thought that
we were creating this
one-of-a-kind night,

and turns out
there's another one
a couple miles away.

Just makes it feel
so... ordinary.

Well, maybe we should
check out how starry
their night really is.

[♪ The Naked And Famous:
"Young Blood"]

You can do it, Nova.

Do what?

Trust me.

[Nova] Great.

[Sighs] So, how are you
gonna get us in there?

I'm gonna fire
my grappling hook gun,
climb onto the roof,

and crash in
through the skylight.



Oh. Good thinking.

Oh, man.
This is pathetic.

These totally come in a kit.

That's lame.

And a balloon wall, really?

These lights
don't even twinkle.

And where's
the cosmic canopy?

Complete amateurs.

Why are you doing this?

Well, I hadn't broken in
anywhere in a while,
and I thought...

I'm serious.

You don't care about prom.
So... why help me?

It's nice to be around
someone who believes
in something so much.

[breathes heavily]

Oh, oh,
what are you doing?

What do you mean?

You were gonna kiss me.

No, I wasn't.
Well, why not?


Nova. If I'm about
to kiss you,
you'll know it.

[door opens]

What was that?

[door closes]
[man] Hey! Who's there?

We gotta go.

[♪ Girl in a Coma:
"Come On, Let's Go"]

Nova, this way.

Black and white?

Come on!

We did it!

[police radio, indistinct]

I have a record now.

A rap sheet.
I have "priors".

You don't have "priors".

A stern warning and a call
to your parents isn't exactly
your "first strike".

What if they
tell Georgetown?

Nova, it's fine.
[door closes]

They're not...

You! Hey, you!

What'd you do to her?

It's OK.

OK? What are you,
out of your mind?

He was doing
all this for me.

What? Breaking into a school?
Getting stopped by the cops?

Please listen to me.
I deserve the blame, OK?

Oh, really?
Whose idea was it?

Dad, Archfield
had the same exact...

You're right.
It was my idea.

This isn't you, Nova.
Let's go.

Kid's a loser.

[door closes, engine starts]


Oh, hey.


Hey, babe.

It's over.

I know about
your sophomore.

I'm really sorry I didn't
make it to the library.

Oh, the library!
I totally forgot.


I gave a girl a ride home.

This isn't about her.
It's about you.

I was out with the team.
Tyler wanted to show me
some moves. Varsity stuff.

I'm looking good
for next year, so...

Tyler showed you.

Yeah. We must've lost
track of time and
forgot about our plans.

What are you
so upset about?

I'm not upset.
I'm done.

Well, I'm still
really sorry.

I would've hated
waiting all afternoon
for someone to show up.

That would've sucked.

right around the corner.

What are you gonna do,
not go?

Don't worry
about me, Tyler.

You just keep worrying
about you, since
that's what you're best at.

[boy] Out of the whole
collection, these two
are my favorites.

This Harvey Kuenn's worth,
like, 40 bucks,

and this Al Kaline
would go for 80 at least.

You must have
some allowance, kid.

My dad left them behind.

Charlie. Why are you
carrying those around?

They stay in the basement.

What are you doing here?

The way my dad talked to you,
you didn't deserve that.

And the way
Dunnan treats you...

A lot of people
are wrong about you.

And... I was one of 'em.

You came all the way here
to tell me that?

I even ditched
last period.

For her,
that's a big deal.

[sheepish chuckle]

What are you,
his peer counselor
or something?

Hey! Yah! Talking about?
Peer counselor! [grunts]

Can I at least
just see it on you?

[Mei] No!
I look like a manatee.

No one will ever
see this dress on me.

Cut is wrong,
the color is wrong,
the fabric is wrong.

Everything is wrong!

No, don't! Mei...
Now what are you
gonna wear?

I don't know! Nothing.

What is this about?

I know you.
It's not about a dress.

Look, if you don't want
to go to prom,
just let me know.

What are you talking about?

Well, first it was the limo.
Now the dress.

You're obviously looking
for excuses not to go.

I never said that.
You don't have to.

I know when
I'm being blown off.

You don't wanna go? Fine.

Prom's off.
Problem solved.

[♪ East Hundred:
"Slow Burning Crimes"]

Good bye, Tyler.

Hey, Jordan,
I was thinking.
Are you...?


I like it better that way.

Me, too.

There you go.

Thank you.

So, you say you two have been
working together at school?

Something like that.


Can I get a refill
before I barf, please?

[men laughing]

[scoffs] My favorite
kind of customers.

[all] Aww!

Oh, waitress!
Uh, cleanup on aisle five.

You gonna clean that up?

I think we should go.

Are you
gonna clean that up?

[man 1] Do you hear

Nah, I don't see
anything either.

I want you to
come with me.

Jesse... You can do it.

Do what?

Trust me.

[sighs] Those idiots
aren't worth it.
Come on.

They'll get what's coming
to 'em. Stuff balances out.

Wake up, Nova.

What does that mean?

It means it's easy to believe
in that stuff when everything
always goes your way.

You think that
everything goes my way?

That I have no problems
in my life because
my dad didn't leave?

You think sometimes
I don't wanna just
forget everything,

get on my motorcycle
all angry and misunderstood
and go beat some people up?

I have to work my butt off
just to try to get things
to go my way.

Everybody does.


I bet you could
beat some people up.

Yeah, I could.

[exhales] OK.
Let's go dress shopping.


[♪ Oh Darling!:
"Prettiest Thing"]

So, how come you don't
have a date?

[Nova] He bailed on me.

Well, there must be
somebody else
you could go with.

Like the class president
or something?

I am the class president.

Come on. There must be
some honor student
out there who you could go...


That looks fantastic
with our garnet
pendant necklace.

Necklace? With the price
of this dress,

the only necklace
I'll be able to afford'll
be made out of candy.

That guy who ditched you
made a big mistake.


[sighs] This is awful.
You've been dissed, trampled,
humiliated, stomped on.

Your heart's just been,
like, torn out
and ground up in...

I get it! OK?

What's that?

Hey, Simone. You didn't
happen to see anybody put
this in my locker, did you?

Why? What is it?

To see Mechanical Sandwich?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
They had
an interesting single,

but then
they changed bass players
on the second album

and totally
ended up sucking.

Yeah. Their second album
was pretty lame.

I don't even know
why Stick Hippo's
opening for them.

[both] What?!

Hold on. How do you
know about this?

I mean, I'm a certified
Stick Hippo webmaster, and
even I didn't know about this.

Well, it's kind of
a secret gig.
I got the last two tickets.

Oh, I like your site,
by the way.

You're the one hit.
Dude, she's the one hit!

Wait. That means
my mom's been lying to me.

I bet they're great live.

Are you kidding?
They're the best!

Where are our seats?

Oh. This is like
a "you guys" thing. OK.

Just get me a T-shirt
or something.


Ugh. Do all assigned books
have to be
so torturously boring?

Oh, yeah.
This is rough.
Ethan Frome?

The worst!
The guy falls in love
with his wife's cousin,

goes sledding with her,
she winds up
paralyzed. Snore.

That is an incredibly
accurate plot summary.

[bell rings]

Hey, listen.
You don't happen to have
a date to prom, do you?


I mean, I know
it's a crazy thing
to just ask...

Uh, no. It's sweet.
I don't think we've ever
talked before, have we?

Maybe not. I'm Lloyd.


Short for Elizabeth?

That's right.



So, what do you say, Bets?
Uh, prom?

[Betsy sighs]
Well, it could be fun.
You seem nice.

But I have a date already.

I mean, we're just friends,
we're going as friends,
but, uh, prom's Saturday.

I can't cancel now.

Yeah, no, I underst...

It's too bad.
If only we'd met sooner,
you know?

[exhales] Yeah.

Isn't it funny
how you can go to school
with somebody for so long

and not even meet them
till now?

Yeah. Funny.

Like sledding
and getting paralyzed.

[♪ The Weepies:
"Please Speak Well of Me"]

[doorbell rings]

What are you doing?

Can't a guy ask a girl
to prom?

I thought
you were taking Jordan.

It's over.

I ended it for real.


I mean, if you want
to think about it,

you can just bring
your answer
to school tomorrow.

Oh, and, um...

I got this for you, too.

I'd love to hear
you play sometime.

[door chimes]

Rolo. Wow.

That's a good look
for you.

How do I know
which one to pick?

Well, do you know
what Athena's wearing?

Yeah. Oh, uh, this.

[laughs] Nice try.

[stammers] What do you mean?

You'd have to be
a Victoria's Secret model
to pull this off.

Well, that's what
she's wearing.

What magazine
did you rip this out of?

Oh, no, no, no.
She sent it to me.

In the mail, of course.

her e-mail privileges,

they were revoked
when she
stayed out clubbing.



All right, Rolo. I guess
I'll see you guys at prom.


[door chimes]

[♪ Smith Westerns: "Weekend"]

Wonder if they'll be
too high?

I don't want to be
taller than him.

Taller than who?

You got a prom date,
and this is the first
we're hearing about it?

He hasn't
asked me yet, but...

...tomorrow's our last day
working together,
and I think he's going to.

Is she talking about
Jesse Richter? Are you
talking about Jesse Richter?

Oh, wow!
Nova likes bad boys.

Who knew?

You rebel!

It's more than that.
I've never
felt like this before.

[both] Ohh!

[Mei] You and Jesse Richter.
I don't believe it.

Yeah, no one will.

[Nova scoffs]
Why not?

Um, because you're you,
and he's...

And he's not exactly Brandon.

He's kind of
on the other side of
the planet from Brandon.


Well, maybe that stuff
isn't as important
as I thought it was.

Maybe there's more to a person
than being valedictorian
or class president.

[Mei and Ali laugh] Aww!

It's so sweet!


Hey, Jesse.


I'm here about Nova.

Is she all right?

Yeah, she's fine.

In fact, she's, uh,
she's better than fine.

Top of her class,
full scholarship
next year.

Big plans.

I know.

OK. You know.

But maybe you don't know
how much work she's done
to get where she is.

She's in
the home stretch now.

And that's where
you came in.

Right at the end.

You don't even know me.

No, I... I do know you.

Come on.
I was just like you.

Struggling to get by,
angry at the world.

You know,
no plans for the future.

And you might even
figure it out.

But it's not fair to drag
Nova down while you do.

So, if you care about her
as much as I think you do... won't be the thing
that holds her back.

[truck door closes,
engine starts]

[school bell rings]

OK, so the President
of the United States
comes to you,

says that we need
a new national anthem,
any band, any era, right?

Oh, there's, there's Simone.
I'll catch you later.

Hey, Simone.
[girl] All right.

Hey, Lucas.

So, on Saturday,
what do you think?
Pick you up at six?

Actually, I've been
looking for you.

Because Saturday's prom,

and do you remember
that guy
I told you about

who wasn't available?
Well, he asked me.

And we're going.


I didn't mean
to mess up your plans.
It all happened so fast.

No. I'm happy for you.

[boys laughing]

I'm really sorry, Lucas.

Let's go.
I'm starving. Huh?


You guys
are going for pizza?

You're the man, Luke!


[moped approaching]



So, I was thinking
we should check
the speed of the disco ball,

make sure it's
not too fast or...

OK. Great.

Oh, that looks good. Right?

Or is that too slow?
Is it too slow?

Nova, just tell me
how you want it.

Oh, well,
don't you have an opinion?

My opinion is
I wanna set this thing
and be done with it.

Oh. That's fine, then.

I can't wait until you
turn on that fountain under
these lights tomorrow night.


Well, who else?

I won't be here. You didn't
think I was actually gonna go
to this thing, did you?



I've wasted enough
of my time on prom.

I don't think it was
a waste of time. For us.

What "us"?

You expect me to believe
that this hasn't meant
anything to you?

That you don't feel
any different?

How I feel or how you feel
doesn't mean anything.


Your world
may be all disco balls
and celestial fountains,

but that's not
where I live.

Where I live,
I'm a bad guy
who's going nowhere,

and that's
the only reason
I'm here.

None of that stuff matters.

As long as you feel
the same way about me as...

...I feel about you.

I don't.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[attempts to start engine]

[engine starts]

OK. So, just to be clear,
that is a "no."


I know the feeling.

What's her name?


[exhales] Simone.

I didn't ask her.

What happened?

She's going to prom.

Huh. Shoulda known. Prom.

That soul-crushing

Yeah, well, she's going
and now she'll never know
how I feel.

You gotta tell her.

You don't
even know me.

Oh, don't I?

Shy, nice guy, always
waiting for the right time
to make his move,

and the right time
never comes?

Before you know it, you're
a senior, couple weeks from
graduating, and... you saw.

You can't keep waiting
for the right moment
to happen.

Make it happen.
What do you have to lose?

[doorbell rings]



I have to
tell you something.

I got accepted
to Parsons.

For design.

In New York.

New York.

I didn't even know
you applied.

I didn't think
I'd get in.

And I was wait-listed
and I thought "no way."

And then I got in.

Justin... I'm gonna go.

Say something.

How could you think
I wouldn't be proud of you?


This is why
you've been acting
so crazy about prom.

Prom is supposed to
be this "forever" night.

And we're supposed to be
this... "forever" couple.


You know,
nobody knows the future.

But I do know
how I feel about you.

[♪ M83: "Too Late"]

And what if
that's not enough?

Mei, look at me.
It's enough.

Do you think, um...


Anyone would notice
if I wore
my homecoming dress?

Who cares?

[laughs] Dude, get off me!
Shut up. Idiot.

Hey. See me now?

[both grunt]

Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Get outta here! Stop it!

Break it up!
Get off of him!

[Jesse spits]
[man] Move it!

Let me see you. You OK?
Are you all right?

Oh, God, look at you.

Look at you.

Come on. Come get inside.

[♪ Shout Out Louds:

OK, ready? OK.

Do we really have to do the
whole picture-by-the-fireplace

Aw, come on.
It's gonna be great.


Because the balloons are right
and the tablecloths
match the napkins?

Lots of people go to prom
without dates.

This is about someone
in particular, isn't it?

I know it didn't make sense.
It just...

...just felt right.

Why can't I have that?

What did I do wrong?

I had a talk with him.

You did what?

I was protecting
what we always
talked about for you.

You've worked so hard.
I didn't want him to...

...ruin all the great things
you had ahead of you.


I know you think
you were doing
what's best for me...

...but tonight could've been
one of those great things.

And he's not the one
who ruined it.



[Lucas] Ah!


What are you doing?

I meant to hit the window.

[sighs] Why are you
in the tree?

I have to
tell you something.

Lucas, my date's
gonna be...

Don't go to prom.

You're not seriously
asking me that.

I love you... more than a friend.

Love implies
more than a friend.

Yes. It does,
and I've missed every chance
to tell you until now

because I was stupid
and scared.

But now I'm in this tree,

and you're so beautiful.

And if you walk out that door,
I might as well
stay up here forever.

Don't go.

[car approaches]

[car door opens]

Tyler? You're going
to prom with Tyler?

I didn't know
how to tell you.

[doorbell rings]

I'm sorry, Lucas.
I have to go.


[♪ Taio Cruz Featuring
Ludacris: "Break Your Heart
Ft Ludacris"]

Yo, Tyler!
How's it goin', man?

What's up, baby?

Chillin'. Chillin'.
Lookin' fresh,
lookin' fresh.

Hey, let's get together.
Let's do this picture thing
real quick. Come on.

[group] Whoo!

Nova! Hi.

What are you doing here?

Well, I made it back early.
You did it, Nova Prescott.

Starry Night.
I mean, it's all that
you said it would be.


Everything's OK, right?

No. It's not.

[boy] She came by herself.

[boy 2] Jordan?

[girl] Wow.

[boy 3]
I can't believe it.

You know, the first time
I met him,
he'd just been in a fight.

Yeah, like father like son.

What are you
talking about?

Come on, Mom.

You married a fighter
and look where it got us.
Look where it's got me.

I did not marry a fighter.

I married an idiot
that got into fights.
There's a difference.

You are a fighter.

You've been through a lot
and you're still here
taking care of this family.

I'd bet on you every time.

Not everybody
feels that way.

She does.

You know your dad never knew
what the hell was important.

What was worth
fighting for.

If he did,
he'd be here... see how great
you turned out.

Even if it fits,
you're still the bigger man.

[doorbell rings]



I was a jerk, Corey.

And I'm sorry.

The band...
is back together.

Hold on. Mom! Let's go!

Hippos forever!

Oh, yeah!

All right. Top five
tragic band breakups
of all time. Go.

Ah... Oasis. The Kinks.

[♪ Katy Perry: "Firework"]

This is awesome!

Go. Have fun.

Really? You sure?

Yes. Go.
Enjoy your youth.

Whoo! Come on!

[♪ Allstar Weekend:
"Not Your Birthday"]

I can't believe
she dumped Tyler
and came alone.

I know.
It's awesome.

Hey. Where you been?

They're about to announce
king and queen.

You didn't
break up with Jordan
to be with me.

She dumped you.

Well, yeah.
Technically. But...

You know, Tyler,
all you had to do
was tell the truth.

Was that really
so difficult... tell the truth
about how you felt?

[sighs] I mean...

Attention, attention!
We're about to crown
the king and queen.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we have tallied the votes

and are proud to announce
new prom king is...

[drum roll]

Tyler Barso!


Yeah! Ha, ha! Whoo!

Thank you.

And what's a king
without a queen?

In a landslide win...

[drum roll]

Jordan Lundley!

[audience cheers]

Please make room
for the king and queen's
official dance.

Oh, no. I'm not
gonna dance with him.

One second.
Are you sure?

Um, OK.

At the request of the queen,
she will be sitting
this dance out.

So, it'll just be
the king's dance.
By order of the queen.

Oh. OK.

Shall we?

Actually, Tyler, there...

there's somewhere else
I have to be.

[audience gasps]

[♪ Neon Trees:
"Your Surrender"]

Oh. My. God.


Nice dress.

You brought
your sister to prom?

Yeah, uh... it's...
I can explain.

I think that rocks.

Where have you been?


Oh-ho! Amazing.
I mean, that version
of "War Craving"?

The best!

[♪ Passion Pit: "Dreams"]

Hendrix. Woodstock.

Come on. Let's dance.

Uh, I think
I'm prommed out.


The fountain
stopped working.

You guys can figure it out
or just leave it off.

[water running]

You're here.

Will you go to prom with me?




I thought you'd never wear
that sweaty symbol
of conformity.

I thought about that,

but then I realized...

...I kinda rock it.

[♪ Band Of Horses:
"No One's Gonna Love You"]

It's so romantic.

[Nova] Prom,
a night when nice guys
might not finish last.

When friends
might completely
surprise you.

When the person you were
throughout high school

could change in an instant.

Maybe you find
what you're looking for.

Or maybe you just
find yourself.

It's true,

one night
can bring us all together.

But it's more than that,

'cause when it ends...'s really
just the beginning.

You're about to kiss me.

[♪ Travie McCoy:
"We'll Be Alright"]

[Nolan Sotillo:
"We Could Be Anything"]

[♪ Stick Hippo: "Stick Hippo"]