Presence (2022) - full transcript

Two young business partners are invited to a week-long yachting voyage with a potential investor. At night, Jennifer's dreams begin to bleed into reality as the others realize that Jennifer may have unknowingly brought something o... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Hey, you all packed?

I don't want you to
miss your flight.

Hey, hey.

Hey. I don't want to
see you upset, okay?

Jen, look at me, okay?

I don't have to go.

Yes, yes.

Jen, you need to go.

You need to go home.

We need to get help.

This'll be good
for you all right?

Get back on track.

Maybe get on some meds,
this will be good for you.

I promise.

I just really need
my friend right now.

Got something for you.

It reminded me of you.

Thank you for calling Entergy.

Due to a high volume of calls, you
may experience a longer than normal

wait time for a faster
response, go to www.

Entergy dot net to book
an appointment today.

If you would like
to hold for the-


Is someone there?

Jesus Christ, Keaton.

Hey. What the hell
is wrong with you?

Nothing's wrong with me.

Nothing at all.

Your powers out.

Yeah, I know my powers,

You can't just walk in here.

Why not?

Because you don't live here.

Ok, come down.

Don't tell me to calm down.

No, no.

I think it's a good idea for you to
calm down when you have that knife

in your hand.

That I heard something.

Heard something?

What did you hear?

Did you hear from Sam?

That it?

Fuck off.

Yo. I'm really a-

Sorry I mentioned Sam.

I didn't know you
were so sensitive.

Not sensitive.

She's coming back.

It's been, what, since
the 20th of last month?

What are you, a calendar?

The fuck.

I'm just saying that
you got back in the 15

and you're in a good mood
for, like, three or four days.

And then what do you
know about my mood?

That you're much more fun
when you're in a good one.

Yeah, I can say the
same thing about you.

Sorry if my bad moods getting
in the way of your good time.

But my entire future
is riding on Sam. So.

You wanna go out?

It's raining.

So? you like the rain.

I don't know.

C'mon, it'll take
your mind off of her..

You know, we're not in anything

anymore, right Keaton?

I know

what I hurt your feelings?

No. What are you
even doing right now?

I told you I thought
I heard something.

I'm just going to
take a wild guess.

But don't you think it
could have been storm?

Hey Stu!


I just haven't seen

you dance like that
in a long time.

Don't be weird.

Still selling those zippers Jen?

Yeah, I'm still
selling the zippers.

Why you wanna buy some?

Why do you ask me that?

Every time I come in here,
Making fun of me, too now?

No, he's just jealous. Jen.

I don't need you
to stand up for me.

Yeah, I know that

you're just jealous, Stu.

Oh, I'm jealous?

Oh, I'm jealous, too.

She's going to be
a millionaire, Stu.

Keaton stop it. Why?

Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Hey. Hi.

Can I buy you a beer?

Actually, I just.

Just got one.

Ah, get lost, bro. What's up?

I said get lost
for your own sake.

That your boyfriend?

No. No, he's not.

Listen bro, it's not.

It's not an offense or,
personal to you it's just.

She's very peculiar.

About size -Oh my God.

You fucking kidding me?

No I'm not.

Leave me alone.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Listen to me. Hey.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, pal.

I apologize.

Stu beer.

- Yeah Stu. Get the bitch a beer.
- Keaton?!

Why don't you take
a walk, buddy?

You want me to walk away?

Yeah, I want you to walk away.

- Hey, stop it.
- No no no.

I'm gonna walk away

I'm gonna walk away.

I'll take a walk.

Mm mm.

Mm. Wow.

I'm sorry.

For what, Keaton?

For today.

Last year.

I just want things to go
back to normal between us.

I miss you.


Of course it's me!

Who else would it be?

I've been calling you
for the last hour.

Jen, are you listening?

It's early.

Where have you been?

I'm at JFK, Jen Listen up.

I've been trying to get
in touch with you, Sam.

I know, I know. I know.
Things have gotten crazy.

But. Jen. Listen, I got news.


Big, gigantic fucking news.

The fuck?

Hello? Jen?

Are you even
listening right now?


I met this super successful
guy a couple of weeks ago.

Inherited his dad's
business or something.

And Jen, he wants to fund us.

- Wait, for real?
- Yes! Can you believe it?

He wants to help
us with everything.

Have you discussed
strategy or development?

Yeah. We'll get there. We'll get
there. I promise. This is real.

Trust me. He's invited
us out on his yacht.

For the week to talk
ideas and sign contracts.

Wait, when?

Today! You still have
your passport, right?

I need a passport?

I just told you. His yachts
in the Virgin Islands.

A car will pick you up and bring
it to the plane in an hour.


Sam. Sam.

I haven't heard from you in
weeks, and I'm just supposed to-

This, this feels
really fast. Like

out of nowhere.

You are going to have to
trust me on this, all right?

It's like a second
chance for us.

This is it. Are you in?

You have reached the
voicemail box of... Keaton.

At the beep.

Here you are, ma'am.



Oh, my God.

Look, who made it, finally.

Hello hello.

Oh my god, hey girl.

Where the hell have you been?

Around -What are you wearing?

Yachting attire.

What do you think?

There he is.

Been waiting for you. We're
about ready to head out.

Grab your bag.

Lemme get that.

Hi -Jen.

- David Calperson, welcome.
- Nice to meet you.

Thank you.

- Sam's told me a lot about you.
- Really?

It's funny.

- I've heard almost nothing about you.
- Ha!

Well, that's okay,
because I was bluffing.

Honestly, Sam only
talks about herself.

Yeah, that sounds
about right You guys!

- John. shoes off.
- Oh.

Lose the shoes.

John. Hey John
watch the teak man!

C'mon! What have I told
you? Tell the guys.

Jen, hurry up.



I think this room is
pretty self-explanatory.

Crazy, right?

Hey, come on.

I wanna show you the bridge.

It's very cool. Watch your step.

So here we have a state of
the art navigation system.

World class.

Not to mention our
crew is as well.

- How you doing boys?
- Welcome.

Thank you.

Say hello to the boys.

Hey -Over here. We got radar.

As you can see, security cameras
to protect us from pirates.

Safety first.

And, I don't know, buttons
and lights and stuff.

Hey, gentlemen, when you're
ready, go ahead and take us out.

Yes, sir, Captain.

- Did they just call you Captain?
- Huh...


If you follow me down here
I'll show you the bedrooms.

There's three of them. So
you can take your pick.

You can bunk up together.

I don't care. International waters.
No judgment. This is my bedroom.

If you need anything,
it's bigger.

It's nicer.

I'm staying here because
this is a yacht after all.

We'll meet up for dinner.

I have to make a
phone call to Beijing.

But please make
yourselves at home.

The crew, the
contents of the ship.

Everything is completely
at your disposal.

Okay. I'll see you
soon. Don't go in there.

Just kidding. Go
wherever you want.

So what's new back at home?

Give me something juicy.

Keaton came over
there other night.

Fuck him.

I've been having these
dreams about him.

You mean nightmares?

More like memories.

You ever have a dream
that felt totally real?

Yeah, sure.

When I'm drunk or

after I've eaten
too much cheese.

Like a ton of cheese.

I call them cheese dreams


Well, I had one of those
dreams about Keaton.

In the dream I killed him.

Ugh, scary.


I'm sorry I didn't call more

do you have any idea how many hospitals
I called trying to find you, I thought.

I know, I know. I'm sorry.

I really am.

You know, you probably
won't believe me,

but I tell everyone about you.

We wouldn't be here
if it weren't for you.

God, you are so much smarter
than all of David's friends.

All right.

You should still
feel guilty about it.

But I'm gonna work on it.

Where's David?

I don't know

I think I miss him.

- Oh my God.
- What?

Are you listening to yourself?

I'm going to go find him.

If rhat's okay with you.

Let me check my schedule.

Yep. Works for me.

All right.

All right.

Ta ta!


And done.

Yeah. Okay.

So how did you two meet?

Sam picked me up at a bar.

- Yeah, you believe that, right?
- It's true.

She found out that I
was an entrepreneur.

And she just kind
of glommed onto me.

Sam's built quite the reputation
for you, too, in New York.

He's lying.

I'm not.

Anybody else want an Ambien?


The last time that I took
an Ambien, I woke up,

and every single lamp that I own
was on top of my refrigerator.

And had a roast in the oven,
which was seasoned to perfection.

It was a fucking good roast.

And I've never made
roast before or after.

So that's something.

Can we talk business?

Yes, of course.

What are you going
to talk about?

I mean, start.

I'd like to know
where we're going.

I just assumed Sam would've
told you that already.

You haven't?

What kind of business
partner are you?

We're on our way to my
factory in Puerto Rico,

and my lawyers are
waiting for us there

with your contract.



I'm terrible.

I'm a manufacturer.

I have a company that produces
small metal attachments.

We make a lot of buttons mostly.

But I've done zippers
in the past as well.

We do military uniforms, some
hospital accouterments, and

a lot of professional attire.

So my plan

to take the equipment
that I already have,

make a few small tweaks,
just in a few new molds.

I want to start pumping
out your patent.

This is where it gets
really interesting.

I've already got
the deal in place.

It's a licensing contract.

It's gonna make the three of us

about $25 million
How does that sound?

We are about to be on every
piece of clothing in the world.

I want to officially
welcome you to the 1%.

You're an entrepreneur.
Now. Okay.

Your ideas are the ideas
that shape the world.

Our thoughts become
reality. Jen,

I need you to trust me when I
tell you I know how to make money.

And he's got friends
who make missiles.


Actually, that's one friend

I have one friend
that makes things.

It's not that weird.

Somebody has to make tanks.

So why is the boat,
ship, named Vivie Rae?

Oh, God.

She who shall not be named.

His ex-wife.


Actually, was her name.

I guess she thought
Vivie Rae sounded

more exotic, whatever.

Anyway, long story short,
my ex-wife had a lot of

mental and emotional

issues, to say the least,


I want to thank you
all for being here,

for making me a lot of money

and for lifting my spirits.


Hey -Hi.

How far away are you
from Puerto Rico?

About three and a half days.

Do you even speak Spanish?

I speak the international language
of cold, hard cash. Mamacita.

Actually, I'm
going to go to bed.

I'm really tired.

But you guys stay up, okay?

Jen, wait wait wait
wait wait, wait on me.

I'm going to go join her.




Wait up

what's the situation
with you two?

Me and David?

No. The other
billionaire on the ship.

- Yeah.
- Shit.

Were you trying to give
me some room up there?

Do you like him?



Hasn't tried
anything creepy yet.

Do you?

You just kissed him.

Plus, I definitely don't want to
have a threesome with you and him.

Oh, my God.

Jen chill, we were
just having some fun.

This is a business trip.

Honestly, you should have
seen him before I met him.

He was such a wreck.

From the divorce?


She must of done a
real number on him.

He doesn't like
to talk about her.

I think he really loved her.

I need to know you
for the right reasons.

One second.

Hey -Hey.

Are you comfortable?



I just wanted to know if
you get cold at night,

It can get kind of
chilly on the ship.

Um, I'm fine.



I'll see you in the morning.

Goodnight -Goodnight.

Jen, Jen? Jen.

Jesus -Sorry.

My interrupting?



- Are you sleeping okay?
- Yeah.

I'm just a morning person.

Mind if I ask you a question?

What happened in New York

between you and Sam?

What did Sam tell you?


It's just that

if we're going to work together,

which we are.

I want to feel like we
can trust each other too.

If you don't want to talk
about it. That's fine.

I just want you to feel
that you can trust me.

But no pressure.

So, for the last year,
I've been having these

panic attacks.

I don't know.

I think my brain works
differently than other people.

Cause you're an artist?

Because you're a thinker?

I don't know about that.

No it just got
worse, in New York.

Sam was gone a lot,

hanging out with
her new friends.

And her new friends were more

successful -Ah

like me.


I don't know, I mean, this.

This is great. It's

it's just not, really me.

I disagree.

That goes all the way down.

I don't want to think about it.

Well, just don't
think about Jaws.

What's Jaws?



Do sharks actually
attack you here?

Sharks don't come into the
bay this late into the winter.

But the idea is that when you jump in,
make as little a splash as possible.

Because they're
attracted to the motion!

You Jerk.

I can't help but
feel like something,

could just pop
out at any moment.

What the fuck!

David? what about the sharks?

I think there's room enough
I this big blue sea for

all God's creatures.

Come jump in.

It's perfect.

Fuck it.

Wait, seriously?


I told you.

- It's so salty.
- I know it's nice.

Jen! Jen. Jen!

You okay?

Quick, quick, just
get out of the water.

You okay?

Are you okay?

Something's down there.
Somethings down there.

Hey! Hey. Hey.

What was it? You see a fish?

Is it Jaws?


Is this not the
best Indian food?


I don't think we
really like this wine.

I'm going to get a
different bottle.

Excuse me.



I have to go down
to the stockroom.

I'll be right back.

Hey D? Will you grab me a
bottle of white, please?

Sam, I'm sorry about today.

It's like New York
all over again.


That's not fair.


Thank you.

- Sam, Stop, hey.
- Hey.

No, this is a bad idea.

This is a bad idea.

What about Jen?


What do you want?

What do you want?

What do you want?

What do you want?

What do you want?

Why are you here?

Why are you here?

Jen? Wake up Jen.

Wait -Jen wake up!

Drop the knife Jen!

- What is that?
- Drop it!

Jen wake up!

Wake up Jen!

Drop it! Wake up Jen! Wake up!

- Drop the knife. Drop the knife Jen.
- Hey! Hey!

Get off of her!

Hey, hey, hey.

Is she sleep walking?

She probably had a nightmare.

Are you okay? Yeah yeah yeah.

Try to get some rest.

Yeah, You need it.

Sam wait.


Can I talk to you?

You know those dreams
I told you about.

You think they're real?

What are you talking about?

I think they happened.

I think if you
had killed Keaton,

we both would know, don't you?

You don't believe me.

Look, I know that the
past couple of months

have been crazy, but.

I don't think it's safe to say
that you've lost your mind, Jen.

I'm seeing things.

It's a figure.

It's like.

It's like this presence.

Jen, stop.

- It's like a black hole.
- Stop it!

I'm trying.

- You need to keep it together.
- I'm trying.

Please, for me.


We've come this far already.

Don't fuck this up.



- Goodnight. Sleep good alright?
- Sam, wait?

Goodnight. We'll
talk in the morning.

David, I am.

So sorry.

The subconscious is
a powerful thing.

She's home.

She's missing you. She's scared.

She's alone. Now she's here.

Her life is changing a lot
that can affect people.

I know it's strange, but

human beings are
strange creatures.

I think the best thing we could
do right now is get some sleep


Did we ruin everything?

No. One bad dream
can't ruin everything.

Did I make things,
weird between us though?

Come here. nothing's weird.

Get some sleep.

Goodnight -Goodnight...

Girl, you've been so good to me Stayin'
by my side through the bad times.

All my dreams never came true somehow But
things are gonna be different now, baby.

My ship is comin'
in, baby, baby.

My ship is comin' in.

And won't it be fine?

Girl, we're gonna
make it this time

you can throw away

that shabby dress, buy yourself.

The finest things in town, girl.

Dry your eyes We're celebrating.

Oh, there's so many
good times waiting baby.

My ship is comin'
in, baby, baby.

Let me the fuck out of here!


Somebody let me out.

Let me

let me the fuck out of here!


What the fuck?


My door was locked.

Huh? That's weird.

We're gonna have some
breakfast. Come join me.

Found her.



Yep. Jen!

How are you feeling?

Much better.

- Good.
- Yeah.

I think I just
needed some sleep.

Sam told me

that you were having

some sort of bad dream the
night before you came here.


Yeah, it was pretty crazy.

What was that about?

My ex.


He just showed up at my house.

I just had a dream that
something happened.

Something like what?

I don't

I don't remember, actually.

I'm really sorry that
that happened to you.

All I can tell you is that
you're not going to have to worry

about people like that anymore.

You're gonna have so much money.

You can pay somebody to take
care of him if you need to.

Yeah, I don't know.

I think I was stressed and.

I was worried about Sam.

I missed her. felt pretty alone.

I know it's strange, but

human beings are
strange creatures.

All right, I'm
going to go shower.

Still have all this saltwater
in my hair from yesterday.

Excuse me, sir?

- What?
- Could I have a word with you for a moment?


Just take a second.

Excuse me.

Some of the crew
have been talking.

We're a little bit concerned about
the situation from last night.

- Yeah.
- I think it would be a good idea

to start the discussion about
finding a place to dock.

No, that's not going to work.

We need to stay on schedule,
so just do your fucking job.



Hey Jen?

- Sam?!
- Dave! What the fuck?


I thought she was
coming for you.

What? Jen? Are you crazy?

What's happening?

I have no idea.

- Buddy, stay with me.
- No, Joe!

I need, I need a first
aid kit right now.

Any crew member, I
need a first aid kit.

Joe, Joe, Stay with me,
buddy. Stay with me.

C'mon Joe.

- You alright, you alright.
- Keep talking buddy, keep talking

keep on talking buddy,
Keep on talking.

You're going to be all right.

Kiss me -No

Keaton, Keaton no!

Get off!

Hey. Hey.

How long have I been asleep?

Why don't we start
with what you remember.

- What's going on?
- Jen.

- Sam? Sam? Sam?
- Jen, I want you to

Sam, what's happening?

Tell me exactly-

Sam? get these the
fuck off of me!

The best thing you can do right
now is relax and work with me.

Sam what's going on?

Jen, calm down, okay?

She's right, Jen,
you need to relax.

Don't tell me to fucking relax!

Get these the fuck off of me!

Sam. Sam?

Sam, would you give the
two of us a minute, please?

- Sam no.
- Jen, everything's gonna be okay.

Just one minute, Sam.

- No, Sam's don't.
- David she doesn't know anything.

- Sam!
- What happened?

She hasn't remember anything.

What don't I remember?

Watch your hand?

Sam, Sam!

I need to ask you
some questions.


- Do you recognize this woman?
- No.

When did you meet her?

I didn't.

You don't recognize her?

I don't know her.

Where'd you get
that necklace, Jen?

- What?
- Jen.

When did this woman
give you that necklace?

I don't know her, I don't.

I don't know her.

Who gave you the necklace?



What's going on?

Look, I really think that we
should dock at that island.

- You know the one I was telling you about?
- Just give me a second.

I need to think.

David, there is a dead body
on this ship we have to stop!


What are you doing?

Jen told me that you gave
her something in New York.

Where did you get it?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about her necklace.

From some vintage
shop in Green point.

You're lying to me.

Why would you say that?

You said you have Ambien.

Give it to me.

- Why?
- Get me the fucking pills!

When did they get to you?


Who gave you the necklace? Who
told you to give it to Jennifer?

Was it before we met?

Was it a coincidence
we met in that bar?

- Was it a coincidence we met that bar?!
- You are insane!

This is every last dime I
have that isn't in assets.

You can consider
it a signing bonus.

I don't know who you're working
with, but I know for a fact

you won't get more money
than working with. But

David, what,

Hi. I'm so sorry
about all of this.

What the fuck is going on?

I know none of
this is your fault.

Lemme help you. But
here's the deal.


I need you to relax until
you get this contract signed.

So I have a few pills here
that are going to help you.

And just for a little while,
until we can get to the factory.

All right?

I just need you to
take them and relax.

It's very important
for us. Please.

I need you to trust
me. Do you trust me?

You trust me?

Please, please, please.

I don't like this
any more than you do.


I just need you to
take them and relax.

It's very important for us.

I'm not going to-Ow!

I'm not gonna be able to let you
breathe unless you take these pills.

You understand?




When you swallow, I
can let you breathe.

Swallow. And you can breathe.

Swallow. Do you want some
water? I can get you some water.




This is important.

This is going to be
good for you. I promise.

I just need you to relax.

We're going to be there soon.


Sam, shit.


Hey. Hey,

wake up.


Stop fucking around
I'm trying to fix this.

Can I help you?

Can you hear me?

You need to go back upstairs.


What are you doing?


Jen Hey,

what are you doing?

You feeling all right?

Listen, I'm sorry
about the pills. Jen.

Let's talk about this.

Hey, put that down.

Jen. Jen, put that down. Jen,

Jen. Jen, Jen.

Come on.

I know that's not you.

I know that's not you.


Are you listening to me?

It's just us now.

I never meant

any of this.

You know, I love you.

You're the only thing
I've ever really loved.

You know, I'm lying about that.

Please don't do this to me.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I said I'm sorry.


Sam, Sam,

where is everyone?

They're all gone.

They left?


It's so good to see you again.

Samantha's told me
so much about you.

She did?

She said she wouldn't have
anything if it wasn't for you.

That she owes you everything.

I can see you have
a lot of questions.

I'd like to give
you some answers.

I want to show you something.

Come with me.


Where are we?

This is where I grew up.

Do you see?

I chose you.

It's okay.





I'm sorry. Hey.