People on Sunday (1930) - full transcript

Edwin, a taxi driver, lives with Annie, a neurasthenic model. They plan to spend Sunday at the Nikolassee beach with Wolfgang, an officer, gentleman, antiquarian, gigolo, at the moment a wine salesman. After an argument, Annie stays at home while Edwin joins Wolf. Wolf has brought along a new girlfriend, Christl. Brigitte, Christl's best friend, joins the group. Brigitte is the manager of a record shop. At the beach Wolf tries to kiss Christl but she rejects him and he turns his attentions toward Brigitte, who is more receptive. Wolf and Brigitte go off together and he seduces her. Back on the beach, Wolf and Erwin, now tired of their dates, flirt with two other women as Brigitte and Christl look on, appalled. They have small satisfaction when the men have to borrow money from them to pay for the paddle-boat they were renting. As they part at the end of the day, Brigitte hopes Wolf will see her next Sunday, but he and Erwin have other plans. The bond between the two men is the one that counts. They have really spent the Sunday with each other. Edwin returns to his flat to find Annie still in bed. The next day he is driving his cab. Wolf is selling wine, and Brigitte is selling records, all waiting for next Sunday.

PEOPLE ON SUNDAY was premiered in
February, 1930, in Berlin

It was then 2,014 metres long

The original negative has been lost;
no complete copy exists

This version is derived from a copy
from the Netherlands Film Museum

The Dutch version is shorter, 1,615 m.
Missing scenes have been reinserted

Copies from the Swiss Cin?mat?que,
the Royal Belgian Cin?mat?que...

...and the ltalian Fondazione
Cineteca supplied missing scenes

New German intertitles based on
Censor's records were made

The film is now 1,829 metres long

Film Studio 1929 presents
its first experiment

A film without actors

Produced by Moriz Seeler

Screenplay by Billie Wilder from
a reportage by Kurt Siodmak

Photography by Eugen Sch?fftan

Directed by Robert Siodmak,
Edgar G. Ulmer

These five people...

...appeared before a camera
for the first time in their lives

Today they are all back
in their own jobs

Erwin Splettst?sser drives
Taxi 1A 10088

Last month, Brigitte Borchert...

...sold 150 copies of the record
In a small pastry shop

Wolfgang von Waltershausen...

...officer, farmer, antique dealer,
gigolo, wine trader

Christl Ehlers wears out her shoes
running after roles as a film extra

Annie Schreyer, a model

One Saturday

"Embarrassing, being stood up,
isn't it? Is he fair or dark?"

"Neither! No one stands me up!"

"Annie's on the phone. Do you want
to go to the cinema tonight?"

"Why's she making such a fuss?
Greta Garbo is on until Tuesday!"

"Well, what about tomorrow?"

"Fine, tomorrow... Sunday!"

"Done. At ten. Nikolassee"

"Leave the brim down, or..."

"If I were you, I'd make
a bit of a scene!"


Come at 10 to Nikolassee

"My best friend"

"You go on. I must make a phone call"

"Could you see if Annie's
still there, please?"

"How about that? She's still in bed!"

"Smile, please"

"Thank you"

"Where are the others?"

"We almost got lost"

"Let's go, kids - let's move on"

"Kids, can anyone lend me a Mark?"

"Wolf, how about next Sunday?"

"But we wanted to go to a
football match next Sunday"

"I'll just get dressed.
We have a date"

Then on Monday

Back to work

Back to everyday life

The week again

Four million people



