Our Big Time (2012) - full transcript

Good luck!

Herta will tell you!

Yes, what was that?

They are on the list.


Stop! Stop! Stop!

Why is this all messed up again?

When on earth should we practice?

We had two major operations yesterday!

I told you, 20min practice
a day is the minimum!

Don't be so strict!

We've been trying this Kyrie for months!
And your cue is always wrong!

Can I ask you to rejoin us?

Are you still up for it?

Come on! Stop fooling around!

Cue after the solo...

Oh for Christ's sake!

Let's get out of here!

How are we supposed to practice?

Come on!

Come! Come! Come!

Move it!

I bet it's Flying Fortresses!
- I bet it's Wellingtons!

- I bet my best shrapnel!
- I bet my beautiful marbles!

Can't you bet your postcard
with the hot French girl?

Hang on, I've got it!

If I win, I get to go under Rosa's blanket!

Fine by me...

It's the Wellingtons!

It's the Wellingtons.

Kisses for dearest Rosa!

Damn it, what are you idiots doing?
Get in there, you rascals!

Can you open your fly?

But make sure nobody notices!

Stay calm!

There's room back there.

You're too loud, you idiot!

Alex Wolff, what's wrong?
Should I...

- Everything's ok!
- I'm fine.

- Are you sure?
- Yes...

It's easy for you to talk...
I thought I'd pass out.

How am I supposed to control my groaning?

You have to. If those NSV women catch us,
they'll call the Hitler Youth!

Oh come on!
Rosa makes you forget everything!

I was on a high!
- Yeah.

Hey! Check it out, that one looks great!

Dear god, we were on our knees,
Begged you to save our houses please,

We know that everyone has their cares,
Just save our houses - and not theirs.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Ferdl, there you are!
I'm so relieved!

I couldn't find you in shelter three!

I was in number five. Stop worrying,
you know I've got a guardian angel.

Yes, but don't overwork it!

Ferry and I have a great idea...

Alex, where did you get that?

I helped repair Rosa's mum's market stall.
It nearly collapsed.

I passed it this morning
and didn't notice anything.

No, it was last week!
We only got the reward today.

I made an important decision today.

What's that?

I put your name
on the children's evacuation list.

But you can't do that...

Of course I can.

You have to ask me first. You can't just...
- Ferdl, what are you talking about?

There's a bomb alert every day now.

It's not only on war industry.

They bomb everything.
I can't get out of KDV service.

I can't protect you,
and your father is far away.

Someone came into the store
offering me this first edition today.

Seen it before?

Dad, I can explain!

Before you explain, be aware you will be
working in my store for the next few weeks.

I'm not like Janos, mum.
I only do serious business.

Alex and I know how to deal with the
bombs. We'll be flying ourselves soon.

Apart from that,
we always run to the shelters.

Talking about bomb shelters...
Guess who paid me a visit today?

Mrs Ritter from the NSV...
- So what?

She saw you.

You, Alex and that Rosa girl...
She thinks you three are pigs.


Stop pretending, Ferdl!

Alright then, so you want to get rid of me?

You don't want me to see that bloke
bringing you home every evening!

That's enough, Ferdl!

Here's more work so you don't get bored.
I'm popping into the depot.

Come! I need to tell you something!

I'm coming...

Yes, and you know what?
It's your fault.

If you hadn't groaned, idiot!
- What are you talking about?

That daft NSV woman saw us
and told my mum everything.

But you're not going, right?

Any idea what happens
to listed children who don't turn up?

The Hitler Youth treats them like deserters!
- Well, then we go together!

- You'd have to meet a few requirements.
- Like what?

You have to be sane, which you're not.
You need to be able to swim - you can't.

And your parents need to sign the form.

That's a job for Janos.
He's an expert in that field!

Till when...?
- By tomorrow...

Impossible, the day after...

But our train leaves at 9am that day!
- He'll have his papers in time!

But what if you're late!?
- Tough luck...

On a different note...
This'll cost 500 Reichsmark - you got that?

Complicated forgery is expensive!

Well, you could just keep our share
from the duct tape business.

How are you going to sell
if you're not even here?

Rosa could sell for us!

So, there's a supervisor
for every ten children.

That's even better
than a school outing!

Exactly, and the locations
are all peaceful!

Just imagine,
we'd be far away from the bombs.

And he's got me, his best friend, too!
I'll make sure he's on his best behaviour.

And it would take strain off you!

Mum, you wouldn't have to worry anymore.
-It's enough, Alex. We're not doing it.


We believe it might be for the best
to separate you two for a while.

Here, there you go!
It always hits my windows.

I know.

Thank you kindly.
See you, Rosa!

Come on, get in!

Damn, that's that then.

Someone grassed on him.

You can have all my fighter pilot photos.

Nice of you...

You and Rosa can flog the duct tape
and split my share.

That sounds better.

And I'll ask Rosa to do everything
she did with me with you too.

Not hungry at all today then?

Can I spend the night at Ferry's?

He leaves tomorrow.

Come on, let him go!

Oh well, ok.

I'm glad you came.
- It is your last evening after all.

I think I know who that is.
- Not your mother I hope!

- No, I'm sure it isn't my mother.
- I managed to persuade my parents.

Can I stay at yours?
- Well, right now it's a little...

- Hi Rosa!
- Hello.

It's a bit inconvenient right now.
Rosa and I have things to talk about!

Rosa, I have a present for you!

A present for me...?
What is it?

It's for the most beautiful woman in Hallein...

It's my favourite perfume!

He got my favourite perfume!
How did you know?

I have a nose for such things!

Off to bed. It's an early start tomorrow!
You don't want to oversleep, do you?

So what are you two doing?
Can I stay a little longer?

No, you can't!

Come on, Ferdl. He deserves
the same farewell present as you!

Right you two,

I'll show you something really nice!

I'm staying!
- Me too!

What about me?
- You're staying with us!

We'll look after you!
- We are your guardian angels!

Ha, very funny!

Gerhard and Herta Wolff, is that correct?
- Yes.

I have a few questions. May I?

Please do. What's it about?

It's about your son, Alexander.

The address is in the wallet.
- Yes, mother.

Alex, got everything?
Your parents aren't coming?

No, they left really early today.

Drop me a line if you need anything,
like underwear or shirts!

Mum, you'll be late for work!

Take care!

His real name is Daniel Rosenkranz.

He is the son of Hannah and Eli Rosenkranz.

They were killed while on the run
from the Gestapo in 1933.

They weren't on the run. They were on
the way to a publisher in Hamburg when...

And we were looking after their son.

We took him into the hospital
suspecting pneumonia that same night.

They were on the run from the Gestapo.
And for a good reason too!

They were writing for Communist papers.

They were part of a
Jewish smear campaign in 1932.

And they were put on
the political blacklist in March '33.

I'm really sorry, but we didn't...

So the Wolffs move to Hallein.

They give the child a new name,

and get a new birth certificate,
to continue living here happily.

Damn it, where is she?

Maybe you told her the wrong time!
- No I didn't!

Or you planned it this way!

Don't tell me you planned it this way!
- Oh shut up, you hysterical monster!

Well, I'm not getting off again!

Stop plucking me!

Ah, there she is!

Thank god!

I'm sorry! The doctor's seal
took longer than expected!

You're a darling, Rosa!

There's 100 Reichsmark in there too,
your duct tape share!

Buy me a silk scarf with that
and send it to me. Don't forget!

Thank you again!

We'll write to you!


But you write us too!
- I will!

So what was that drama good for?
- Which drama?

Oh man, I could slap you all day!

- Wanker!

By securing an Arian identity for the boy...

you have violated the Nuremberg
race laws.

But due to the immaculate repute
of Herta and Gerhard Wolff,

the Gauleiter has decided,
to refrain from punishment.

We are content with taking the boy.

Please wake him
and pack his basic necessities.

"Dear mother, dear father!
I went with Ferry.

Please don't be angry, but I think
it's for the best. Yours truly, Alex"

I think we will meet again after all.

No better place is there to be,
Than attached to Rosa's lips,

And they're clear for all to see,
Those beautifully rounded hips.

One, two. And one, two ...


Pull yourself together!

What's the matter now?

I can't go on!

What the hell are you doing?

Alex has a graze, he can't swim.

Just wait and see,
I have something better for you dirty brats!

Cheers for that! Great job!

You ungrateful rat!
I just helped you avoid swimming!

And you got me this bloody wound too...

You really should have stayed at home!
Mummy's little darling...


I still like you though.

I like you too.

I'll show you the most amazing cafée!
- Ben, not as late as yesterday!

He can piss right off!
I feel generous today!

Right, come on, swallow it!

And now go upstairs!

Good evening, Helga.

Good evening, Mr Hofmann!
How was the concert?

Thank you. It was quite good.

Especially the Bruckner piece...

Here is the list of candidates.
Nine boys will come at 10am.

Two of them could be interesting!
- Yes?

Thank you.

Good. Please sit down.

Next up is Ferdinand Geyer.

Have you sung in a church choir?

Yes, maybe a second soprano. Let's see!
Please be seated.

Right, Alexander Wolff now...

You've also song in a church choir?
- Yes.

I've heard you have a beautiful high voice.

Let's see, let's start with a higher pitch.

This is the pitch. And...

Very nice, can you read music?
- Yes.

From the sheet? Do you know
"The Crow" by Franz Schubert?

Yes, I know it.

Very good, let's try that then.
From the start...

I'll definitely pick you. Please sit down.

Anything else?

I'll only sing for you if you pick Ferry too!

Aha, who is that?

The blonde boy there...

Is that so? Come here please.

Are you related - brothers perhaps?
- Blood brothers!

Aha, how does one recognise blood brothers?

By picking the one, and the other!

Aha, you two are special!

Well, I'll only take you both
because I lack alto voices.

You'll have to practice a lot,

Right, left, right, left,
right, left, right, left,...

The TKC members
don't have to do that anymore.

Why "anymore"?

Mr Stieglitz ensured we don't have to do
stupid drills three months ago.

Caused quite a stir...
The Hitler Youth lads wanted to kill him!

Who is Stieglitz?

Our choir leader. We have nicknames. I'm
Spindly Hannes because I'm underweight.

That's quite a smart uniform!
- Does everyone get one?

Of course, otherwise
we wouldn't be a proper choir!

This is Benedict, your room eldest!
He will explain the house rules to you.

After that, come to lunch immediately!

- Hello!

My friends call me Duce.
If you want to be my friend...

Then just do as I say.

Why are you called Duce?
- Yeah, I wanted to ask too.

These are you bunks.

If you snore at night,
we'll put an end to that.

Sleepwalkers, asthmatics and
bed-wetting are not tolerated either.

We're none of those.
- No need to worry!

Everyone has a nickname -

You're Goldilocks!

And you look like a sweet little fawn,
so you're Bambi now!

Actually my name is Ferdinand.
- Yeah, and I'm Alexander!

And I'll see you at lunch.

Duce - that's not even a nickname!

You know what we'll call him?

An entire hotel for one choir,
that's quite something!

If you hadn't sung so beautifully, we'd still
be stuck doing push-ups in the mud.

Yeah, what would you do without me?

Hang on, where's the cognac
and the cigarettes?

My jam is also gone!
- Who did this?

Ben christened them Goldilocks and Bambi!

Bambi is well funny!

Where will they sit? We don't have room!
Who are they and where from?

Come over here!

- Hello, I am Ferdinand.

- I am Alice.
- Alexander.

You're allowed to sit at this table,
but only today.

Come up to my room later
to try on the uniforms, ok?

Thank you!
- I hear you have a beautiful voice.

My voice is great too. You should here
our duets, they're unbeatable!

Slip into this one.

We have smaller ones if it doesn't fit.
For you too...

Very smart...


This is exciting!

I can't even recognise myself!

The girls will love this!
- They sure will!

If Rosa could see you like this,
you might have a chance.

If she sees me like this,
you can go packing!

Yeah sure, dream on!

Stand still!

What's up?
- Nothing...

Kublicek is in charge. And tell him
I don't want any butter stains on my desk!


Good day, gentlemen!

So, what are you up to?
Are you off for a little walk?

I dutifully report, the Gestapo HQ in Vienna
wants me to take a Jewish child

from the evacuation camp
to collective point III in Prague.

Isn't he cute?

He's taking a Jew to Prague.
While his compatriots are working hard!

Two weeks ago
there was an explosion in the Skoda plant,

three days ago a supply train
for the front in the East is derailed.

And this morning the phone lines
from Prague to Hotel Europe are cut.

So our constable says
"Well done, compatriots", does he?

We're investigating the train derailing, but...

Save your voice!

By 3pm I want a list of the entire Nüurnburg
hotel staff and a written search warrant.

And I need you and your German speakers
as interpreters, understood?

If this campaign is successful
and I'm sure we'll find something

then you can go and pick up your
little Jew and have a little break in Prague.

Until then, you stay!

Spindly told me that the choir
is owned by Ben's dad.


He finances the whole thing.

Good day!

For all who don't know already,
these are our new boys Alex and Ferry.

Here is your sheet music, boys.

Ferry, you stand next to Spindly Hannes,
in the 2nd soprano section.

And Alex, you're good enough
to stand with our best singers.

Ben, make a little room please!

So remember, this is not Bach or Schüutz,
but Franz Schubert!

Sing deep from the heart!

Concentrate please!

Very good!

Mr Hofmann?

What's up, Ben?

Mr Hofmann, could the new boy
stand somewhere else?

Why, is he out of tune?

No, he smells!

Then I suggest you move, Ben!

Right, let's start with the forte again.

Concentrate please!

Go on!


Go on!


Psst, it's the janitor!

That's enough!
Over here!

Wake up everyone!
Get out of bed!

Come on!

Oh, what have we here?

A bed-wetter!

I... I really don't understand this!

Comrades, what do you think?

Off with him to the pisser camp!
- I never do this, Ferry can confirm that!

How can Ferry confirm that?

Does he normally sleep in your bed?

Are you mad?
Who do you think you are?

Get out of my way!

Listen, we have a camp for pissers.

And the LAMA
will send you there if he sees this.

I promise it won't happen again!

And Stieglitz will throw you out of the choir.

Alex isn't a bed-wetter, that's a fact!
Who says that's his piss anyway?

Maybe one of you pissed on him!

Watch your mouth!
Don't risk your neck!

If you want to make sure
the LAMA doesn't hear about this,

then take the cleaning things
and make this room sparkle!

Go on, start now!

I'm not here!

TKC office, Hotel Hirscher,
this is Helga speaking.

Good day, is Hofmann available?

Yes, Mr Gauleiter, he is here!

Thank you.


Hello, my friend!
What's your TKC up to this evening?

Are you available?

What can we do for you, Mr Gauleiter?

There's an important guest in Hotel Europe.

This evening?


When should we be there?


Alright, we'll come.
Thank you, good bye.

Good evening, Mr Hawlicek.
- Good evening.

Good evening!

Aha, you two are new!
- Yes.

Where are you from?
- Salzburg.

A beautiful city...

I was there during the big war.
You have beautiful girls.

Go on in now!

You have to sing "Muss sie denn".
Ben just lost his voice.

That was beautiful!

Could we have an autograph?
- Not now, clear off!

It's alright, come here boys!

What are your names?

I am Alex.
- I am Ferry.

What do want to be when you grow up?
- Stuka pilots!

No, I mean after the war.

After the war I want to be an opera singer!

I want to be a conductor!
Yes, a conductor!

But the war will still go on for a while.

No, it'll be over pretty soon.

So, a singer and a conductor...
Yes, I can see that!

- Thank you.

Thank you.

If I were you,
I'd start broadening the repertoire.

Do you have suggestions?

Dvorak, Smetana or Bartok!
He had the most beautiful folk songs.

But none of us want to hear them!
- Why "none of us"?

If you want your choir to survive,
you should practice Russian songs!

Don't say that out loud!

What are you looking at?
Is something wrong?

Excuse us, but may we know your name?

My name is Helenka.

And who are you?

I am Ferry.


You have a nice voice.

Boys, your schnitzels are getting cold.

That woman is a dream!

She's amazing!

The woman of the year!
- The beauty of the East!

Alex, I'm telling you...

Yeah, this evening will change your life.

I know the story!

This evening will change my life.

It will change it completely!

Get out of beds, you sleepyheads!

That applies to you too, room eldest!

What is this?!?

Did the choir star infect you too?

I'm so sorry, it won't happen again!

I should bloody well hope so!

There's room for you
in the pisser camp too!


Hahaha, what a laugh!
Bigmouth pissed himself!

Due to the phenomenal victory
over old Bigmouth,

I shall treat us to
cream pastries in Cafée Jadran.

As you command, Mr Fuehrer!

How did it go with Rommel?

Well, we only had three hours to prepare.

So it went quite well, really.

I have a new soprano voice now.
I'll have him do all the pieces soon!

Dearest Hofmann,
I'd like to ask you a favour.

The war situation is messed up, isn't it?

And who knows how long
our choirs will be singing?

Nevertheless, I'm planning
a 12 year celebration

for the Hitler Youth movement,
either in Vienna or Prague.

Seeing that the Vienna Boys Choir is too
snobby and decadent these days,

I thought...

your choir should sing.

If you put that much faith in us,
that would be excellent!

War situation permitting,
we might even fly in the Fuehrer.

Why not?

It would be fitting if you showcased
one of your own compositions.

Where are they?
- They're getting changed.

Have they got news about Vladek?

That was close!
I didn't know anything about this raid!

You're not the only one!

The group expects you
in Waldenburg at BK 16 at 6pm.

Thank you, Gruschenka!
We'll repay the favour one day.

And Helenka, we'll come Friday evening.

You have to find a new hiding place
for the weapons. They nearly caught us!

Here you go.

Thank you.

I'll take you back to
Hotel Europe, of course.

I'll go and get the car.
- Good.

Wait here, I'll be right back!

Excuse me, but...
may I bother you for a moment?

What's up? I need to leave soon!

Do you remember a few says ago
in Hotel Europe?

Of course. The cold schnitzels.

Piss off!
- You piss off!

I can't get you out of my head.
- Is that so?

Me too!

Oh, that's not good.

I've written five letters to you,
but I tore them up straight away!

And I've dreamed about you three times!

And what did I do?

You kissed me on the mouth!


I'm afraid I'm hopelessly in love with you!

Listen closely, boys!
I have a tip for you.

Do you see the Grand Park Hotel over there?

It houses 180 girls.
I'm sure you'll find something pretty there!

I'll cover the boys' bill.
- Yes.

Have you gone mad?
- You don't own that woman!

- Didn't I tell you to stay back there, idiot?
- You're not my boss!

- You scared her away, arsehole!
- You did with your stupid chit-chat!

Why are you meddling in my affairs?
Count yourself lucky you're the choir star.

You should remember we're blood brothers!
They share everything!

Aha, so now you want me to remember?
You couldn't care less a few days ago!

You cock!

What's happened?
- Please go inside!

Anyone caught by the military police
within this timeframe

without a permit will face the death penalty.

We saw the partisans!
All of them, with their machine guns!

Not all of them, just the leaders, idiot!

Yes, but I also have some good news.

We are the choir selected for celebration
of the Hitler Youth movement.

We will work hard and
practice every day from now on.

And I managed to persuade
the headmaster...

to exempt you from all classes
until that date!


Ferry, are you asleep?

I've had enough of you!

But I ...

But I ... But I ...
You only think of yourself, you egoistic git!


Right, exhale once more.

Great, before we start
on the Bruckner Psalm

I need to inform you that Benedict
our choir stare until now,

has now lost his voice completely.

It could just be a cold of some sort.

But it could also be the first sign
of a change of voice, we'll see.

Alex Wolff proved in Hotel Europe
that he can be a worthy successor.

He will sing the solo today.
Come to me, Alex.

You pick me up here at 4pm, understood?

Bonjour, Monsieur Fiala.

150 yesterday, 79 today ...
- Call Helenka!

I need to talk to her!

I shall call her immediately. Take a seat.

See you tomorrow, Obersturmfuehrer.

All respect, dear madam.

Commander, Helenka is ready for you!
- I'm coming!

Here's to you!

So, what can I do for you?

How's your brother?

Why do you ask?

The attack on the trucks
bears his handwriting.

Vladek died two years ago.

And even before that I was not in contact.

Even the Germans know that!

We only know one thing for sure:
You're brother vanished two years ago.

We do still consider all possibilities
now and then, you know?

Well, make sure your imagination
doesn't get the better of you.

It would be rather stupid of me
to work here and help partisans...

My imagination has often helped me of late.
Beware of my imagination!

Hannes has just been informed that
his parents were killed in a bomb attack.

We've decided to send him
to relatives for a couple of weeks.

He will leave today.


Good day!

Good day, Mr Fiala!

Helga, take a break for an hour.
- But I thought that...


Yes, of course.

I am here to pick up the boy.

I was thinking.

Nobody has to know
about his real background.

Maybe you could send him home on sick
leave? That would be best for all, no?

The entire choir is out
in the field with the Hitler Youth.

We expect them back at roughly 2pm.

Let's do it like this:

Come back at 4pm and the boy will be ready.

That rat Fiala just paid me a visit
and wanted to take Alex Wolff.

Apparently the boy's Jewish.

They're all still out, but grab the boy
when they return and hide him up here.

I'm driving to Trebon to see the Gauleiter.
I need his help.

Choose your words wisely!

What's the matter?

Please excuse my intrusion, Mr Gauleiter.

But the GESTAPO wants
to take away my best singer!

Come on, don't fall asleep!

Come on!


Come with me,
you have a special practice session.

So do you want tea, or not?

That's the order!

Yes, I understand that.

But this boy is now
a real pillar for the choir, you see?

And a number of performances
are scheduled for the next months.

The most important is the anniversary
of the Hitler Youth in Prague.

The boy even sings the solo part, you see?


You'd do the choir a massive favour if you
could wait until after that performance.

Alright, I will pass this on
to Standartenfuehrer Haller.

I think he will be willing to help.

That is good news.
Thank you and goodbye!

I will never forget this favour,
thank you so much!

Yes, yes. No worries.
- We practice every...

But you can't come to me
with such requests regularly, alright?

And make sure nobody hears about this.
We could both be in trouble!

Here's an order
from Standartenfuehrer Haller.

Leave the boy where he is for now,
the plan is on hold.


What does this mean?

Did we do something wrong?
Are you taking care of it now?

The plan is on hold.
We'll be in touch.

What was this special
practice session without Stieglitz?

I didn't hear you sing!

Well, it wasn't a practice session.
- What was it then?

It was my first date with Alice.

You liar!

I'm not lying!
- You're a nasty liar!

It was a treat!

We kissed...

she stroked me.

And when I left, she whispered into my ear:

"If you want, you can come to me tonight..."

You nasty little rat!
-I've had enough of you!

You nasty little insect!

I'll show you what happens
when you provoke me!

You can't tell me what to do anymore!
Boss around the Duce's lackeys!

No clue, but still
playing the big Casanova, eh?

He was our choir star for three years.

He taught many of you how to read music.

Some of you experienced his dark side too.

But we always valued him as a leader.

I won't even mention
his father's financial support here...

But time flies.

And now his changing
voice forces him to leave.

So three cheers for Benedict, our Duce!

Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Thank you.
- Thank you.

Thank you. Have a nice day!
- Goodbye!

I need to give this letter to Helenka!
How can I do that?

Give it to me.

No, I need to deliver it personally.

Why am I not surprised?

Get in here!
I don't have much time.

Come in here!

Not you again!?

Hand over your stuff and bugger off!
- You don't own this woman!

I do tonight!

Don't tell me you're taking her out?
- Yes.

May I ask where to?
- No!



You know what?

Our quarrels are pissing me off!

You're right, of course.

Listen, I have a plan.

The crates for Tomas and Pavlek
are in the wine cellar, right by the door.

They'll be here around 9pm.
- Today?

Why didn't you tell me?

I'm fed up with this.
I want these bloody crates out!

I've been saying that for ages!
- Yes mother, I know.

I've got five minutes.
Make it quick, please.

Helenka! You know,
Alex and I have been best friends for years.

We are even blood brothers!

But our love for you...

...has ruined it!
- Has ruined what?

Our love for you
has ruined our friendship!

Why didn't you listen to my advice? Why
didn't you look in the Grand Park Hotel?

Why so silent?

That's not the point!

We don't want any girl!

You should look for girls your age!

But Helenka,
we have fallen in love with you!

I hope you know
your feelings are very one-sided.

So you don't feel anything for us?

I'm definitely not in love.

But I do think you boys are brave.

You are honest, which is good.

Very good, even!

Men don't often show their true feelings.

If you were my age,
I think I could fall in love with you.

But know you need to leave.

If your supervisors find out where you are,
they'll chase you through town with a whip!

What about your presents?

Oh, and I have another important tip:

I am not worth ruining your friendship.

Go now!

This information comes from Helenka.
I hope it helps you!

You can be sure of that!


Oberscharfuehrer Seeber, please.

One moment, hold the line.

What are you gawping at?

You were brilliant, commander!

Of course I was brilliant!

This is Oberscharfuehrer Seeber.

Good day, Oberscharfuehrer.

This is Fiala.

I have important news.

Numerous partisans
were spotted near Prusanky.

I can infiltrate the group, if you want.

Yes. You do just that, Fiala.

Alex, please!

What do you want?

- I must announce the afternoon schedule!
- Make it quick!

This afternoon we will play
the field game "Red v White".

The opponents are the boys from
"Villa Sonnblick". We leave at 2pm.

The white team can now go and hide!

The red team will
start searching in 10min!

Come on!

Come quickly, I know a hiding place.
We'll be safe there, for sure!

This is a trap!

Go on, grab them!

Those pigs...

Hello, Bambi!
- Leave me alone!

We never got a chance to say goodbye!
- You arsehole!


Right, so...

Leave me alone!

Max, I think somebody needs to cool down!
- Leave me!

You bloody traitor!

He's putting up a fight!



Shut up now!

If you continue to shout like that,
you won't be able to sing so nicely.

You fucking rat!

Arshole! Let me go!

Your screaming won't help!



Help, Ferry!

So, feeling better now?


Are you crazy!? He can't swim!
- What?



Where are you?

The field game is over!

And swimming is cancelled!

We're all marching back to camp!

Here's a letter from your parents.
-Thank you.

Would you like some orange tea?

Have you got some?

I don't, but the kitchen does.

Dearest Alex!
We would have loved to come and hug you.

But we are in the field hospital
after the last bomb attack.

Please forgive us that
we bring up this story from the past now.

We wanted to tell
you after you've returned,

but your choirmaster asked us
to confront you with it now.

So many bad things have happened lately,

so we thought it would be best
if you didn't know.

We hope you believe that
we just wanted to protect you.

They should've told him five years ago!

Or four or three years ago!

You can't imagine the feelings of parents.

Don't be unfair.
- They made a huge mistake!

Don't defend them!

Maybe they thought he was
too young to understand.

You don't know anything!

If anyone asks, you deny everything!

I read you're not circumcised,
that helps us.

You don't leave the house,
only for practice sessions. Understood?

We don't have to worry
until the Hitler Youth anniversary.

After that, we'll find a solution, right?

Do you know how much I miss you?

I actually wanted to take you home?

But there is no home anymore.

I've been in the emergency barracks
with twenty others for weeks.

I hope I can move to
Aunt Mitzi in Kapfenberg soon.

She might have two rooms for us!

Mum, I told you already
- you don't have to worry about me.

What are you staring at?

You don't look like a Jew at all.

You have no dark eyes,

no crooked nose.

And you've always been terrible with money.

Maybe I'm not a Jew?

Maybe you're not!

Maybe you're half a Jew!
- Maybe I'm quarter Jewish!

- Maybe you're an eighth of a Jew!
- Or maybe they mixed things up!

Or I was abandoned like that Moses!

You think

you might be

a lost prince?

Yes, why not?

A bastard, more likely...

A prince...

A bastard...
- A prince...

I don't care whose son you are.

You are my blood brother.

That's all that counts.

Did you hear the news
about the Oberscharfuehrer...

There he is!

Fiala, our little dwarf!

Have you received a medal yet?

I don't understand.
Give me a cue please!

You need a cue?
Ok then:

Your partisans were Ukrainian militias
hired by us to fight against the partisans!

That's impossible! My source...

My men nearly flattened them!

Can you imagine which kind of
promotion we two would've received?

I'll look into it, Oberscharfuehrer.
I'll sort this out, I promise!

Then be quick about it!
I'll skin you alive if you don't!

If you sing this beautifully this evening,
we'll beat the Vienna Boys Choir!

Lads, I'm really proud of you!

Right, so go to your rooms and check
your summer uniforms one last time.

And don't eat from now on!

It helps your voice if
you're hungry during the concert.

Will we get something to eat there?

The food at the Trebon Palace
is always exquisite!

Right, so we meet in front
of the hotel in three hours.

Off you go!

You are Alexander Wolff.

You're the son of Gerhard and Herta Wolff.

You're Ferry Geyer's blood brother.

You're the choir star.

And you'll be it for a while.

At least until the end of the war...

And after that...

Do you need something?
I'm going shopping.

Do you need a new shampoo?

Or a few nude pictures...?

You're not going shopping.

You're going to Hotel Europe.

Alright, yes. I'm visiting Helenka.

Pity you can't come along!

They'll never let you in!

We'll see about that!

You're not seeing that woman alone,
that's out of the question!

As you wish, Monsieur!

I want to speak to Helenka. Now!

I'm very sorry, commander.

Helenka has a VIP customer
who has extended his booking.

But she can get
back to you later, if you wish.

I hope this is satisfactory?


We can't wait until Thursday!

We're going on tour today,

and we have something
important to give her!

Yes, I heard about that.
You're off to Prague!

We're off to Trebon.

The Hitler Youth anniversary
is at Trebon Palace.

Is that so?

The Fuehrer might even fly in!

You don't say!

But why do you need to see Helenka?

We have to give her something!
- If that is all, I can do that for you.

We have to do it in person.

In her suite ...

I beg your pardon?

I suggest my sister brings the boy to your
vehicle as soon as the hymn is finished.

I want his suitcase
beforehand, understood?

Sure, that can be arranged.

I need a break too sometimes!

Can we come in?
Excuse us, it won't take long!

We've got something for you!
We'll be gone in a minute!

How on earth did you get in here?

Here's an invitation to
Palace Trebon, for tonight.

It was really hard to get!

We didn't know where it would be, and then
they reduced the number of tickets too.

I told them my parents are coming all the
way from Hallein and really need tickets!

See, we made an effort.
So please come!

Thank you, that's very sweet.

But I can't say if I will make it.

My car is still in the repair shop.

Well, you could come with us in the bus!
Stieglitz would be thrilled!

I'll organise something.

What do you want for these?

Umm ... What?

We were thinking...

Maybe you could

give us a kiss?

You're our true love, you see?


Beware! Fiala's dogs are on their way!

Be quick!

Is a new guest on the way?


Get in here!

Stay silent!

Helenka, open the door!

What's the matter?

Commander Fiala wants to see you!

Gentlemen, I am entertaining an officer.
I will certainly not throw him out!

Fine, we'll wait here.

No overtime though!
Do you understand me, Helenka?

Mr Obersturmfuehrer, fancy another glass?


She's mocking us!

She's playing games, I'm sure!

Listen silently, ok?
See the door back there?

Where is my shoe?
- There!

I can't hear anything!

Something's wrong!


Helenka, where are you?

This can't be true. Damn!
- Where is she?


This is your fault, you idiot!

You march straight home.

But don't go down the main road.
Use the side alleys!

If anyone asks,
you weren't in Hotel Europe!

Ok? Say you were in Cafée Jadran!

Ad you never saw me!

Take care, you rascals!

Hello Vladek!

Listen, they're not driving to Prague.

They'll be at Trebon Palace!

It's your turn. I'm already exhausted!
- Alright...

- So where are our two fugitives?
- What do you want me to do?

This is intolerable!

There they are!

I'm really sorry!

- Sorry!

Get in, quickly now!
- This cannot be true!

Then run across the meadow
as fast as you can.

Run towards a small blue house.
Mrs Cielove will be waiting for you there.

Yes, ok.
- Understood?


We won't tell Ferry about this, ok?

If something goes wrong,
it's better he doesn't know anything.


Listen up! You all march into the foyer.
Then turn left into the corridor.

Go into the second room on the right.
That's our practice room.

We drive via Ostrava, understood?
The other route is too dangerous.

What do you think?

Good evening, Mrs Hofmann!

Good evening!

Don't you want to hear the concert?
We reserved a seat for you.

We can hear all we need to hear from here.

As you wish. See you later.

Honoured guests...

The war situation prevents our
Fuehrer from being among us today.

But he sent a telegram

that reads as follows:

"My best wishes to the Hitler

Youth in honour of its twelfth anniversary.

May it always utilise its drive

and power to strengthen
our millennial empire.

May it reap a thousand-fold what we seeded.

Adolf Hitler."

I am now pleased to announce
the Theodor-Conrad-Choir,

which will sing the so-called "Schiffmann
Hymn" led by Franz Peter Hofmann.

Hofmann himself composed
this piece especially for this occasion

and has dedicated it to the Fuehrer!

Commence please!

Don't worry, everything's ok. We just
had to change the plan a little. Come!

But where is Mrs Hofmann?
I need to go that way!

Come with me!

Come, we'll take you to the car!

Everybody into the house! Now!


But where is Mrs Hofmann?

Is Alex with you?
I couldn't find him. He wasn't there!

Stay with me now!
- All are here, apart from Ferry and Alex!

Oh god! They're out there!
I'll look...

Don't be stupid now!

Come! We need to get out of here!

- I'm not going out there!

Come on now, you coward!
- I'm never going out there! Never!

Come quickly!

Stop! Who are you?
From where are you?

- Who are they?
- What do they want?

- Come, let's go!
- Stay here!

That one is injured.
Let's take them with us!

Wait here. I'll go and ask.

Is that Helenka?

I don't know!

I know those two, they're no danger.

Take them to the field hospital.

It is her!

Come, we'll take you to the doctor.
You'll be safe there. Come on!

Off you go now! Good luck!

Would you like an apple tea?

I'll get one for you.

Oh, I'll let the nurses know.

Put this on. We've got a performance soon!
- What?

Listen, we sing for the injured twice a day

and get 10 Reichsmark per performance.

I arranged it with the boss here!
- How did you manage to do that?

Stop gawping so stupidly.
It's time for work!

Do you know those two?

They're ours.

We've come to pick them up.