One More Chance (2007) - full transcript

Longtime couple Basha (Bea Alonzo) and Popoy (John Lloyd Cruz) are practically inseparable, so when they split up, it's not surprising how heartbroken each feels. But Basha, stifled by the relationship, wants to spread her wings, and Popoy loves her too much to stand in her way. Struggling to build their lives anew, the onetime lovers face daily reminders of their happier times together even as they try to chart their own paths.

Your boyfriend's a lucky man.

You're really something.


Because that's not what
my boyfriend would say.

You know me.

I mean what I say.

You're just saying that
because I'm drunk and you're drunk...


How many times do I have to tell you?

You're kind, intelligent, beautiful.

Who wouldn't fall for you?

You're just being nice.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you for listening.

What the-!

What do you think you're doing?!



This is so embarrassing.


I'm sorry Helen.

You know I love Basha.

I know-
that's why I knew you wouldn't do it.

But I thought you wanted to-

I have a boyfriend- Popoy!

But you said you are no longer
happy with him.

What I said was I wanted
to change my life!

Yes! That's why we're here!

- That's why I got us a room.
- What?!

I never said I wanted
to have sex with you!

I said I need to take a dump
and throw up!

You said you had a room here
we could use!

But to have sex with you?!


Go home! Go!

We're still friends, right?

Of course!

Besides you did way
more embarrassing stuff in high school.

Shh... could we not go there?


Can you not tell Basha about this?

Of course!

You know Poy,
I think Basha's good for you.

Poy, please. Pick up please...

How dare you!

Basha wait...

Basha! Your jacket!

Nothing happened!

Nothing happened believe me.


Sorry! I was at work.


Chinno, code red. Basha and Popoy!

Just let them break up.

Why? What is it this time?

Hi hon!



Hon, can you please call Popoy.

What happened this time?

Hello Ken! I need a drink.

Poy are you okay?

Where are you?




I'll just get beer.

Dude, want us to beat him up?

Already did.

Let's beat him up again.

We'll do it 'til you ain't pissed anymore.

He's the guilty one
and he has the nerve to get mad!

Maybe he didn't do anything wrong.

What if he did?

But I didn't!

Dude, are you blind?

It's Helen!

She's hot!

If I had a best friend like her-

You'd go for her?

Why not?

Isn't that why
you brought her to the hotel?

Jackass! That's where she's staying.

The three of us were supposed
to have dinner...

but Basha had to be a drama queen.

For five years I was either
the welcoming committee...

or planner of Helen's farewell parties.

Did I ever complain about it?



I just asked him to be there
for me this one time...

because I'm so mad at my boss
but did he go with me?


Then he cheats on me!

Bash, it's Popoy.

He can't stand the thought of hurting you.

Maybe it was all friendly.

It's Basha, after all!

Maybe she just needed someone to talk to.

- In a hotel?!?
- In a hotel?

Sorry dude, go ahead.

If they needed to talk...

they didn't have to get
a hotel room for it.

Poy, do you honestly believe that?

I don't know.

Then just stop acting
so jealous of Helen.

Why don't you just explain to Popoy
how you ended up at in the hotel room?

But he never listens to me.


Whenever we have a problem...

he always has to be right
and I'm always wrong.

Because you let him get away with it.

Because I love him.

If that's the case...

then just apologize to each other
so we can go on with the wedding.

Are you okay?

Why should I say sorry
when I didn't do anything wrong?

Right! Basha betrayed him!

Knowing you...

Poy, you can't stand
being away from her too long.

Just forgive her.

This way man...

It's her fault! She should say sorry.


Poy! Poy!

This is why they always fight.

How can she get married
to someone so possessive?




He never listens!


He just loves her very much.

It's suffocating.



- Popoy's on his way down.
- More beer? I'll get it!

Don't let him come down.
We have a call of nature.

Dude this is your night!
Let me do it. Let's just talk about it.

And most of all controlling!

Who's controlling?


Basha, you're the stubborn one!

I told you to come with me!

But you refused!

Because you had a date with Francis?!?

Popoy, Francis and I
didn't do anything wrong!

- We didn't do what you think we did!
- And what were you doing there?

Thumb wrestling?!

Wait, wait. Let's talk about this.

He just accompanied Basha
when you chose to go with Helen.

And because it was Francis' birthday,
he treated her out for dinner.

But she ate too much steamed crab
and she so badly needed to take a dump.

Luckily, Francis had a free room
in the hotel...

and he let Basha use his bathroom.

Basha, if you're going to lie,
might as well be good at it.

Poy, can you listen to Basha first?
Why don't you try to understand her?

And who understands you? Francis?!?

You know what Poy, this is pointless...


Come on Basha! Just say it.

Want to break up? Fine!

Let's break up!


I'm sure we can still fix this Poy.

Now do you believe her?

Where are you going?

What are you doing?


You can't take this.

It's my favorite.

I want it as a souvenir.

That toothbrush is mine. I bought it.


And these? These are mine, right?

I had those developed.

Fine! Take it.

Wait, wait, wait!

This is mine.

That's mine.

You gave it to me as an anniversary
gift which makes it mine.

Fine! It's all yours!

We're already breaking up
and you still want to be in control.

Bash, that's enough.

Love you.

Love you too.

I heard that.

- Popoy.
- Come on, that's enough.

Let me go.

Please put that down, and the ones
you took from the bedroom.

I'm sorry.

I believe you now.

I had to fart and be humiliated
just so you'd believe me.

That's why I'm asking
for your forgiveness.

- Please?
- Poy!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

Nothing happened between me
and Francis, really.

- I know Bash, I know.
- Poy!



- We haven't made up yet!
- Basha, it's getting hot in here!

Hot you say?

Don't come near me!

- Popoy...
- Basha...


I'm coming!



Popoy, you can do that later...

Popoy, you can do that later...

- I still need to fix the costings...
- Do it tomorrow, please?


Yes sir, still awake sir.

Bash, wait.

There's a problem at the site.

Okay, I'll go there myself.

No problem sir.


Bash, I need to go to the site.
They're having problems.


Okay, let's do it...

but only for 15 minutes.

Go ahead.

They might be waiting for you already.

I'm okay, just go.

Bash, baby.

You know that I'm doing this
for our wedding, right?

Kiss me now.

I love you!

Come on!
Get dressed and I'll take you home.

Bash, I don't want us
to say goodbye like this.

I already said 15 minutes
but you didn't want to...

It's not about that.

This about the hotel?


Then what?

I'm exhausted.

Bash, we all get tired.

I get tired from working too.

But we have to focus.

You have to keep your eyes on the goal.

Poy, you don't understand.

That's not my problem.

It's just...

Wait, it's my boss calling.

Sir, yes I'm on my way.

Yes sir, really on the way.

Yes sir.

Bash, I love you, you love me.

What's the problem?
Nothing, right?

Go on, go inside.

I love you!

Wake up sleepy head.

It's going to be a busy day.
You can't be late.

It's train day today.

We'll pass by at Helen's too.

Don't forget to buy Helen a "sorry gift."

We have an inspection at site later.

You too have to be
in the office by 8:30am.

Come on,
wake up or you'll be late again.

Can I not go to work today?

Why? Are you sick?


It's just that...
about last night... I was saying...

Basha, you can't miss work today.

Your presentation is today, right?

You know how temperamental your boss is.

Do you want to get fired or something?

Okay, I'm going to work.

Okay, good girl.

Come on, get up.

I love you.

Love you too.

Hmm... smells good.

Thanks Bash.

- You really didn't have to.
- You're welcome.

Isn't my baby just the sweetest?

That's why I keep telling you
to buy her a ring already...

before she realizes that she doesn't want
to marry you next year or ever.

Do you still need one, Bash?

Do you?

She doesn't need one
because I'm too perfect!

You're so sure of yourself, aren't you?

He's not going to buy me a ring
because it's too expensive.

I know!

That's why you should have taken
that job in Qatar...

so you can buy Basha
a proper engagement ring.

Time to go.

Let's go, Bash.

Sorry Helen, we really have to go.

Take care of yourself, okay?

And call me when you can.

Why didn't you take the train?

Because if I took the train,
I won't be able to follow your schedule.

I shouldn't have brought my truck then.

We're wasting gas.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Why didn't you tell me
about this offer from Qatar?

Because I have no plans of working there.

Do I really have to go abroad
to earn money?

Besides, we both have jobs here anyway...

What if I resign?

There you go again.

What are you going to do?

You're just going to waste
your college degree making t-shirts?

At least they're my own designs!

Bash, we're getting married next year.

You think raising a family is easy?

We need to be practical.

You can't resign.

So I can't make decisions for your job
but you can make decisions for mine?

Come on!

Hi Bash!

Bash, boss has been looking for you.

He's fuming mad already.

What's that about?

How many times do I have to tell you
you're not supposed to think!

That's my job!

I'm the boss - you're not!

All you needed to do was copy the plan
but you couldn't even do that.

Don't think you're smarter than me!

I told you...

I don't want the gazebo to appear in the
middle of the pool in the model scale.

Here! Tell me you revised the scale model
we're going to present later already.

Tell me!

Please tell me!

Yes, sir.

If I get humiliated later,
this will be the end of your career!

- Poy, let's go.
- Straighten out your plan Basha!

If you want to stay in this business,
learn to respect me and my rules!

He wants to fire me?! Fine!

I'll be more than glad!

This job is fit for a stupid moron anyway!

Can't he see why I keep
changing his plans?

Has he even heard
of the word "aesthetics?"

Why don't you just resign then?

Then she'll get in trouble with Popoy.

That's Popoy calling.

Bash, have you changed the plans yet?

Poy I don't want to...

Basha... stop being so stubborn.

Aww, poor kid. She has two bosses.

Everything okay now?

I don't think she wants to change it.

Jethro, man, sorry to disturb you.

Have you talked to Basha yet?

The model needs to be reset
to the original plan.

Jethro, thank you very much.

Okay sir.

Good afternoon...

I'm presenting now the
scale model for our new project-

- This looks good.
- Thank you, sir.

I'm glad you like my idea.

As you can see we decided
not to extend the pool...

...S0 our visitors
can enjoy the viewing deck better.

Makes sense! I like it!

I'm glad you like it sir.

- This is a good design.
- Thank you sir!

- Congratulations Ms. Eugenio.
- We always try our best.

It's a good thing we got that model fixed
or we would both be in trouble.

I would be in trouble.

You think I'll ever let that happen?
Basha, remember, we're a team.

Don't let your emotions rule you.
You'll end up hurt that way.

Then you'll complain
that you're tired of it.

Don't forget your 7 PM deadline.

We don't want to be late
for dinner at Kenneth's...


Just this once.

You know that's bad for you.
That's cholesterol.

Poy, just this once.

- What's your problem?
- I want space.


There. Space.

Lover's quarrel.

Anj, stop messing with the food!
It'll taste like instant noodles again.

Then don't eat it!

Poy, I thought everything's okay.
Where's Basha?

At work, still finishing something.

Hello Bash?


Okay, okay. I'm on my way.

Basha's car broke down.

She asked me to pick her up.

Why didn't she call you?

Maybe she's with another dude
and doesn't want to get caught.

Shut up!

Are you okay?

Why are you here?

Because I'm your boyfriend.

What did I tell you?
If you didn't bring your car...

...then we wouldn't be here-

Poy I can do this.

Why did you call Anj anyway?

- Poy let it go. Poy I can do it.
- I can do this.



I give up, Poy.

I don't even know
if what I'm doing is right.

All I know is that we have to end this.

Bash, if this is about your job again,
I understand.

I just don't want everything so studied
and worked so hard for to go to waste.

Popoy, it's easy for you to say
that because you're not in my shoes.

You don't know what it's like to see...

...all that effort go into something
you can't even call your own.

I know it's hard but we both know...

...this is the only way for us
to reach your dreams-our dreams...

Poy what if?

What if this isn't what I want?

What if I don't want
to be an architect anymore?

What if I pursued this because
I fell in love with you?

What if we're not
growing together anymore?

What if we could be happier
but we stick to this... what's safe, what's okay?

Do you really believe that?

I don't know...

...but I know something's wrong
if I'm asking these questions.

It's almost as if there wouldn't be
a Basha without a Popoy.

I want to find a life and a job
where I know my worth.

I want things for myself... just because
you think it's what's best for us.

But I can't do that when you've got
everything planned out.

I can't even solve my own problems
because you solve them for me.

It feels as if I'm surrendering
everything to you...

It's suffocating me. It's exhausting.

I want to stop wondering "what if."
I want to know "what is."

I'm so sorry, Poy.

Let me.

Poy, just let Basha be.

She's okay, we're getting the car fixed.
Krizzy and I will bring her home, okay?

Okay, bye!

Was I wrong?

- Am I a horrible person?
- Of course not.

Go! Make up with him!
Then break up again...

...then get back together again,
then break up again...

Anj, shouldn't we help them fix this?
Popoy's our friend too.

Krizzy, they can't fix this
if Basha is not okay.

And Basha will never be fine
as long as they are together...

...right Basha?

What happens tomorrow?

Bash, you know me.

I'd usually tell you
to try and fix things.

But if this is really
what both of you need...

...then just be strong.

It's going to be painful
and difficult but hopefully...

...all the pain will be worth it.

Bash, what are you doing?

Bash, talk to me.

Bash, wait up!

Do you really want to get away from me
that you have to do this?

Not everything is about you.

Then why the hell are you doing this?

- Bash!
- Because this is what I want.

What about us?

What about our plans?

The wedding?

I thought you said nothing would change.

Basha, what about us?

There's no more "us", Popoy.

That's it?

Five years, Bash.
You're just to throw that all away?

You're not even going to give me
another chance to fix this?

I already gave 5 years
of my life to this relationship.

It's about time you give me what I want.

But Basha you're asking for too much.

You want to disappear from my life.


Even if it's hard, let's fix this.

If this is about me being
too controlling and boring... know I'm trying right?

Bash wait, just wait.

You know it's easy to give up
but you're not a quitter.

Poy, I need this.

You need it too.

But I need you.

Basha please...


Wait wait...
Is that so? Here it comes!

Hi baby!

Bad day?

- Happy anniversary!
- Happy anniversary!

- Oh no!
- Quick!

You're already wet!

Ten years from now
do you think we'll still be like this?

-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, forever and ever!
- Promise?


Maybe it's Basha at the door.

Basha sent this.

Sorry, wrong girl.

Message from Baby: Wake up now.
I love you very much :~(

- Dude let's go!
- Let's go out!

Time to get back in the dating game!

- 1 don't want to.
- Let's go man!

Hey, Babe!

Poy, this is my good friend Babe.

Babe, this is Popoy.

T-shirt text:
I'm no longer tense

Mommy look at this!

T-shirt text:
'Coz it's already past tense

Turn around, sis.
Is it okay? What do you think?

T-shirt text:
I'm no longer tense

Poy wear these.

Don't bother.
My feet are already wet anyway.

Mom, we need to buy sealant
to stop the leak.

Alright! Panying!

Mommy, is the plumber here?
I'm already late for my meeting!

Mom, let's not force the issue please.

- Popoy is an engineer.
- You're an engineer?

Just ten seconds, promise.

1...2...3... 4... 5...



Just one look please...


Bash, where are you?

You broke up with Popoy,
but not with us.


Sorry Krizzy, I have to pass.

Okay, but we haven't seen you
in two months.

We miss you.

- Tell Popoy Basha's not coming.
- 1 figured...

Poy, she's not coming.

You think she'll talk to me
if I get sick?

That's stupid, man. Let's go.


What do you think, Chi?

If I get sick and end up in the hospital,
she'll talk to me.

She'll take me back if I get sick.

She's not coming back.
Let's goin. It's just a girl.


Stop it! Let him be!

One message from her mom
and I'm there.

One text message!

The rain's over! Take care! Bye!

Are you okay?

Come on, stand up!


Why are you so kind?

At least you're concerned about me.

Can I help you?

- You're lost, right?
- Huh?

That's what it says on your shirt.

So what are you doing here?

I'm just looking at the house.


This one is owned by a man
without any plan to start a family.

Why do you say that?

The house is not kid-friendly.

It has too many edges and the materials
are too masculine, too tough.

If I were the architect,
I would suggest that...

...I'd lessen the edges
and put more curves to balance it out.

Maybe that's why my ex-girlfriend left me.

That's what she said
when I designed this house.

That I have no plans settling down.

This is your house?

Mark Yaneza.

The man who has no plan
to start a family.

Umm, I have to go.

Nice house.

You're an architect?

Used to be.

I'd actually like to hear
your creative input.

Here's my card.

We have an opening at the firm.

There's just a few of us here
so you might have to work longer hours.

Is that okay with you?

Sure ma'am.

The upside is... will have more
hands-on experience.

I can promise you
your own design project soon.

So? Mark will take of you now.

You're her welcoming committee.

Why don't you show her to her desk?

Thank you very much Ma'am.

You are very much welcome.

Welcome to the office!

Good luck!

They say it's bad luck to display
your boyfriend's picture in the office.

You'll break up.

It's empty.

But there was a picture before?


- Maybe that's why you and...
- Beng!

...Beng broke up because
you put her picture on your table.

If only that were the case,
then I can easily fix it easily.

The problem is,
I suddenly became unsure.

I'm way over budget!
I'm not going to make my opening!

Does he even have plans of finishing this?
Where is Engineer Gonzales?


I really love this office now.

Even the long hours?


That's why thank you,
for this opportunity.

You know that feeling
of everything being new?

New office, new friends, hew me.

Everything feels new.

Just don't forget that I'm
your first new friend in your new life.

Of course!
You're my first new friend, promise!

You know, you sound like me
three months ago.


It's a very exciting time Basha...

...but at the end of the day,
though some things change...

...some things still remain the same.

So you don't ever forget the old you.

Of course!

Bash come on! I'll give you a ride home.

It's okay.
I still have to go somewhere else.

Come on, no big deal.

White car? Is this you?

- Bash!
- Krizzy I've missed you so much!


This is Mark, my new officemate.

- Mark this is Krizzy, my friend.
- Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

- Come on, let's go in.
- Actually I'm just dropping her off.

I insist. Come on, let's go.

Come on! So you can meet
the people in my old life.

Come on, you'll enjoy the food.

Chinno, she isn't the girl I saw
you with the other day.

Funny, dude!

Basha Belinda Eugenio!

How are you?

- Behave!
- This is Mark.

- Bash, how are you?
- I'm okay.


Bash, my date Cathy.

This is Mark, my new officemate.
Kenneth, Cathy, Chinno...

Popoy's here!

Bash I'm so sorry, I didn't know.

It's okay.

Mark please, take a seat first.

He's going to make a scene, for sure.

Popoy's not like that.

I know him.

Just relax.




I hope I'm not late!

Of course not.


Popoy, this is Mark my new officemate.

Mark, Popoy...

Mark, bro...

Guys, sorry I'm late!

Happy anniversary!

- Let's eat!
- Come on.

Thanks Poy!


Chinno, lighter!


Seat here, Poy.

Hon, are you ready?

It's hot.

Okay blow!

Yehey! You've been blind five years!

You're the first person I met
who celebrates his blindness anniversary.

For Kenneth, he gained more than
what he lost when he became blind.

- That's deep!
- Very funny!

- Bash.
- Thanks Poy.

Hon, let's just open gifts.



- The cake's my gift!
- Of course, thank you Anj.

Hon, Basha has a gift! Let's open it.

Wow it's a shirt!

What does it say?
Love is blind... so am I.

Thanks Basha.
No wonder your shirts are big hits.

If they're such big hits...

...then why did she go back
to being an architect?

Is there some rule against that?


Nothing wrong with that.

I just thought this wasn't
your dream anymore.

You wanted something else, right?

Is this your new boyfriend?

Guess what guys! Krizzy's pregnant!


I'll be a godfather!

Godfather? You?

We should congratulate Basha too!

Congratulations Basha!
Finally... found someone to replace me!


Chinno, Kenneth, let's toast to that!

Not so nice to meet you, man.

That's enough, dude.

Wait Chi.

You don't want to?

Let's talk about this outside.

Don't you know the 3-month rule?!

Everyone who has ever fallen in love
and broken up knows that!

You have to let three months pass first
before you find another boyfriend...

Don't you know that?!

I'm not done Chinno!

I still have 2 weeks left!

Why are you in such a hurry
to replace me huh?!?!

Poy, that's enough.

Let's go outside.

Poy, that's enough.

Man, I don't want trouble.

You may be bigger than me
but you can't put me down!

Popoy! Just go home!

I did everything!


What else do you want me to do?!

Fuck this!

Are you really that heartless?!


Tell me! For God's sake tell me!

Tell me!

Popoy, that's enough!

I love you so much, Basha.

And it hurts too much.

What are You waiting for?
Take me!

Take me now!

Hello, where are you?

I've been going around in circles,
where are you?

I'm coming.

You keep saying that
but you're still not here.

I am coming.

Yeah right.

Where are you?

Big bro!

I thought you were going ahead.


Sorry sorry sorry!

Are you going home with us?

No mom, you guys go ahead.

He has a date with his baby.


Just make sure you go home later.
I have a surprise for you.

Wow. Okay, we'll see.

I'll go ahead. Bye! Take care!

Bye! Take care!

Mwah mwah!!!

Take care!!!

Mwah mwah!!!


- Sorry sorry!
- Excuses!

- You're late again.
- I'll make it up to you.

I have surprise.


You're invited to my...

You're finally marrying Beng!

- Congratulations!!!
- Thanks!

I'm so happy for you!

And you wonder why the office gossip
is always about you two.

Architect, so many people ask me
who built my palace.

I don't know if they want one
for themselves...

or if they just want to be
set up on a date.

The house is as beautiful
as its architect.

And already people are lining up
to work with our Basha.

You must be proud of your girlfriend.

She's single. And very available.

Single but happy.


Dude, how are you?

JP, how are you?

How's Anj?

What about Ken and Krizzy?
Are they still pissed off?

They were never mad at you Poy.

You look good man!

If I knew getting fired could make you
look this good I'd have tried it-

You look good.

So what are you doing now?
Where do you work?

Nothing permanent.

Mom's still making me consider Qatar
but I'm still thinking about it.

Now that we've found you,
you can't miss dinner on Thursday.

I have a special announcement to make.

- Wait, what's your new number?
- Your number?

- Baby!

My gosh!

She has the same haircut as Basha!

What did we tell you? They look alike.

She looks like a mini-Basha.

Can I see?

- Is she sexy?
- Hon!

- Hot dude!
- What's that?

What are you looking at?

Hi Bash!

Porn! It's Chinno's.

Why did you give it to Kenneth...

Popoy looks good.

Who's the girl in the picture?

Oh well, there's no point in lying.

That's Popoy's new baby.

Bash, are you okay?

Of course.

I'm happy for him.

I'm glad he's moved on.

There! You heard that!

So Popoy can come on Thursday.

Everybody should be there.

- Basha, you have to be there.
- Sure!


- Popoy!
- Auntie Edith!

My nephew is really so handsome!!!

Why didn't you say you were coming?

They wanted to surprise you.

- Poy!
- Uncle Willie!

How are you?

- You okay? Do you have a headache?
- Slight.

Bernice, I have Biogesic tablet
inside my bag.

Can you get one please?

Have a seat first.

Don't worry about it. It'll disappear.

Babs, what's wrong?

I think I have jetlag, Babs.

My poor Babsy.

Willie, why don't you rest first?

The room's ready.

Why not?

Uncle, drink this.

Come on, I have so many gifts for you!

Uncle let's talk later.

I'll come back for you. Later.

Bernice, those are yours.

And these are for Basha.

Why? What's wrong?

I thought you'd get married first.

When's the wedding?

When the house is done.

Wow! You have a house now? Where?

We don't have one yet.

And it looks like
it's going to take longer.

Didn't you and Basha promise
you'll make our house?

Popoy can still make the house
but you'll have to find a new architect.

Elvie, a promise is a promise.

And besides...

... Willie and I don't have the budget
for a new architect.

That's how it is Babs.
Let's just look for someone else.

No! If I have to talk to Basha, I will.

Babs, think of Popoy.


I'm okay with it.

It won't be a problem.


This calls for a celebration.

I will eat.

Congratulations. You're on fire!


Where do you want to eat?

My treat.

Watch it! See!

Beng and I have a date.

I have to get on her friends'
good graces again.

They keep saying she's committing
emotional suicide by accepting me back.

Isn't it true?



Good luck winning over Beng's friends!

- Bye!
- Bye!



- Bashing!
- Auntie Edith!

You've grown more beautiful!

Such a shame my nephew let you go!

How did you find me?


He's not here.

So, why did you come home?

Because of the wedding.

Whose wedding?

Mine and your Uncle Willie's!

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.

Thank you!

I'm here for your promise.

Our dream house!

Of course! I'll design it?

You'll design it and Popoy
will be the engineer.

No problem with me...
as long as he agrees.

It's okay with him. No problem.

Then I guess we'll do it.

Thank you so much!

I knew you loved me that much!



I thought we'd see each other later.
Don't you have dinner with Chinno?

I feel like being with you.

It's a Thursday.

And what is Thursday for?

Music day.

But can't it be another Popoy day?

Baby, I also have to give time
for my music.

But I want you to be there.

- I want to introduce you to them.
- Poy, you can do it.

Sooner or later you'll have to face them.

And you better do it now. You can do it.

But since you're here already...

I wrote that for you.

I love you and I will tell you everyday...

everyday until you forget
the things that hurt

I hate the things that make you hurt

And how I wish I could take them away

If only it could be done,
I'd do it for sure...

Those are just the lyrics.

I'm saving the music
for our second monthsary.

Happy monthsary!

You forgot, didn't you?


Looks like you don't need it.

Happy Monthsary!

I love you, baby.

Love you too.

Go now, before I change my mind.

Love you!

Cathy, come here look at my baby.

My, aren't we excited!

Is that my baby you're fussing about?

Do I look like him?

Hon, is Popoy coming?

Are you okay?

Sorry. They slipped from my fingers...

Did you all miss me?





What's up blind man?

Chi, what's your big announcement?

Is it on? Is it ok?

I'm not sure what life could bring you.

I'm not sure If dreams do come true.


I'm not sure what love can do.

But I'm sure about one thing:
we're cute together.

What's that? A text quote?

It's an original! My original!

Wait, who could forget this?

- Love is blind...
- Hon, they're making fun of you.

...s0 love me.

Wait, listen!

- Will you marry me?
- Oh my gosh!

That's my little something something!

Chinno, are you sure
you didn't just rush Cathy into this?

Anj, it's not about the length of time.

There are some people
who've been together for so long...

...but they end up
getting separated, right Poy?

But I'm not talking about you Poy.

Or Basha.

So stop overreacting.

It's okay.


Cathy, good luck.

Don't listen to him.

Bye! Take care! Krizzy come on!

Wait, help Kenneth
‘cause I still have to lock the door.

I'll do it.





See you!



At the site.

You'll be okay?

I'll be fine. Are you gonna be okay?



Hello Bash?

Sorry for disturbing you,
I'm just so confused.

I need your expert opinion.

It's Popoy.


When did I become an expert on him?

You're a guy!

Mark, we saw each other at Kenneth's.

He didn't shout at me.

That's good.

And he was so nice and friendly.

He even kissed me before we left.

Why did he do that?

What does that mean?

What's wrong with that?

Mark, you were there
when he screamed at me.

He nearly killed me with his rage.
You saw that.

What happened?

Maybe he's okay now.

Okay as in he's not mad at me anymore?

Okay as in he's accepted that you're
not getting back together ever.

Maybe he's moved on.

You think?

Auntie! Uncle! Sorry I'm late.

It took the shuttle so long to leave.

Where's your car?

I left it at the shop.


Basha, what can you say
about our love nest?

It's full of weeds?

So we should cut it?

Look for the marker there!

What are you doing?


You'll get rashes.

Then I'll scratch them.

On heels?

I can do it.

Ready to quit?

I'm fine.


Bash? What's wrong? Did I hurt you?


Okay, let's go.

Nice view, huh?

She's going to be excited
when she sees you!

Elvie your ex-future
daughter-in-law is here!

Ate Basha! Is that you?

How are you? You look so beautiful!

You too!

Basha, my child!

- You look really good! How are you?
- I'm fine.

Why didn't you tell me Basha
was with you?

I'd have bought her favourite rice cake
if I knew she was coming.

Oh no it's okay. I have to go now.

- I still have to go home.
- What?

You're commuting this late?

I won't allow it.

Popoy, you have to drive her home.

Oh no it's okay!
I don't want to hassle Popoy.

He's going to get gas, then pay for toll.

It's going to cost a lot.

- No need. I'm okay.
- No, I insist. You have to drive her.

It's really okay.

Poy, you don't have to.

Come on, Bash.

You heard him.


Bye Ate Bash!

Good thing we took this route.
The traffic in the highway is horrible.



New car.

You must have lots of money.


Just had a lot of leftover savings from-


That's Tricia's.

Is she an engineer?



Does she know...


In fact she's excited to see the house...


How long have you been together?

One month last Thursday.

I was supposed to pick her up
after our dinner but she had another gig.

She likes it when I pick her up,
like I'm still courting her.

And whenever I'm late...

But you're never late...

Well, I am now.

When I'm late, it's war.

And it's so hard to make peace with her.

I have to give her everything
she asks for.

But that's it. She's the boss.

How about you and Mark?

How long have you been together?

He was never my boyfriend.

Oh... ifonly...

How I wish I could turn back time

If only you were still mine

I'd never break your heart

Baby, I'm buying this one. Looks ok?

I got this. It's ok.

No, here...

It's okay.

How are you two?


You and Basha?

Have you done the plans?

Not yet.

But we know what to do
because we know what Auntie wants.

It's gonna be easy.

That's good.

That means you'll finish soon.

I love you.

I love you.

Why did you throw this away?
It's pretty.

There's something missing.

This one too. It's really good.

It doesn't suit the lot.

Look at the lot.

It doesn't fit the lot.

Who's your client anyway?

Popoy's aunt.

And Popoy is the engineer?


Bash, that's how I was when I saw Beng
for the first time after the break up.

I was trying too hard to impress her.

I'm not trying hard to impress him.

If you say so.

Am I that obvious?

Guys, who wants orange cake?

Anj, Basha and Mark never got together.


That's what happens when you don't ask.

Are you sure?

I feel like something's missing.

This is where Aunt Edith commented.

Looks like it lacks something.

Poy, what if we lessen
the walkway to maximize the space.

What do you think?

Could we do that?

Of course!

That's what we did with our house before
so let's just do it to this one.

What else?

I like that.

Me too.

Bash, Auntie Edith called.

She's asking when we can make
the presentation of the final plans.

Not now please.


Not now please.

Bash, am I calling at a bad time?

No! No! My car is breaking down...

Where are you?

I'm here at Visayas Ave.

Sorry! Sorry!


Why did you get out?

The towing service is coming. Wait.

Bash, this way.



Here's the tissue.

You know what,
you're lucky we're on the way...

...otherwise you'd be stuck there.

Baby, your shirt is wet.

Are you going to tell me about it
or do I have to guess?

I know he's found someone new.

But it only became real tonight.

And it hurts so much.

You have to elevate this.

And the walkway is too wide.

Why didn't you tell me that
the last time we saw each other...

...instead of complaining about it now?

The materials you chose
are all too expensive.

Why did you change the costings...

...without consulting me
or Auntie Edith first?

Because it's my job to meet
the budget of the clients.

But you can't change the materials
just because you want to cut costs.

I think you're too pressured
by the timetable.

Don't rush it so you won't argue.

Let's just relax okay?

You're going to ruin
the overall aesthetics of the design.

- Aesthetics is pointless-
- Pointless?!

Popoy, I thought about those details
so don't tell me they're pointless simply...

...because you find them expensive.

You make it sound as if I don't care.

I only want to make sure we can build
this very impossible house you want.


Hello baby?

I'm with Uncle Willie and Auntie Edith.

I have to go back to the office.

My battery's running low...

...wait. I'll call you later.

I love you!

Basha wait!

Let's talk about the revisions.

You left your plans.

I'll take care of it. I'll just text you.

Basha, let's try to be professional
about this, okay?

I am being professional!

Yes, I can see that.

Why are you being like this?

Because I'm commenting on your plans?

I'm not sourgraping. I'm fine.

- There you go again.
- There I go what again?!


Saying that there's no problem
when there is!

Because there isn't any.

How can I fix the problem
if you're not going to tell me what it is?

If I don't know what it is?

Popoy, you can't solve every problem.

And believe me,
you don't want to know what my problem is.

Just tell me what's wrong!

You really want to know?

It's me Popoy.

I'm the problem.

Because I'm hurting
even though I know I shouldn't be.

How I wish I can just pretend I'm okay
and that this isn't painful.

After all, I wanted this...

How I wish I can say I'm happy for you,
for both of you.

How I wish I can...

But I can't.

And I feel so horrible...

...because the truth is,
I'm still hoping that you'll tell me...

...that it's me...

...that it's always been me...

that it's still me you love.

I love Tricia.

I know.

I know.

She loved me at my worst.

You had me at my best.

And you threw it all away.

Is that what you really think?

Popoy, I just had to make a choice.

You chose to break my heart.

I give up!

Let me go, I'll kill you all!

- Damn love!
- Chi, that's enough. It's just a girl.

What happened?

Cathy left him.

Tried to kill himself with 3 bottles of...

Damn that shampoo!
I should be dead by now!

Take me Lord!!!

Chinno, it's not the end of the world!

You say that because you
don't know how I feel!

Chi, we're here for you, we understand...

You don't understand me!

Only Popoy understands me!

Where's Popoy?


Popoy, man.

I don't know.

I give up.

I didn't know it could hurt this much.

I give up!

- Take me Lord.
- Chinno, you can do it.

If I got through it,
you can get through it.

Remember, when it was me
in that hellhole?

You said maybe the ones
we love leave us...

...because someone else is supposed
to come into our lives...

...and they'll love us more.

They won't hurt us or leave us.

She'll be the one to right
all the wrongs in our lives.

I thought you were at the hospital...

JP's there.

Here are the plans.

They're all done.

If you want to change something,
you don't have to consult with me.

You know what to do.

You always have.


I'm sorry...

I'm really really sorry.

I'm sorry because I hurt you.

I didn't mean to.

I'm sorry.

I just got married
and you stopped talking to me.

How I wish I could turn back time
so I can fix all my mistakes...

Bash, don't ever think it was a mistake
that you chose to find yourself...

...that you chose to love yourself
a little bit more.

I know Popoy got hurt but you said sorry
for that already, right?

Besides the break up
did both of you good.

Bash, sometimes it's better
for two people to break up...

...for them to grow up.

It takes two grown-ups
to make relationships work.

You think I'm a grown-up?

Bash, you can now face anything
that will come your way.

My song for you is done.

Will you read it for me.

I love you
and I will tell you everyday...

Everyday until you forget
the things that hurt...

And how I wish I could take them away

If only it could be done...

But it can't be done.

I can't do it, Popoy.

Because you won't let me.

Popoy just say it.


There's no easy way to do this...

...because it already hurt too much.

So just please tell me the truth.


Do you love me?

Trish, you know I love you.

Do you love her?

I can't stand seeing you hurt.

So if you hurt me, you won't see.

Do you love her?

I'm sorry.

Do you want us to end this?

Can you still forgive me?

You're not the only one who got hurt.

Basha was hurting too and we saw that.

She went through hell...

...because she was the only one
brave enough to face the truth...

...that there was something wrong
with your relationship.

She never wanted to hurt you.

You got hurt only
because you wouldn't freely...

...give her what she was asking of you.

Don't you see?

If she didn't choose herself
and she let you take control everything...

her heart would have been broken
every moment she was with you...

...until nothing would have been left
of the Basha you loved.

Is that what you really want Poy?

The question is, do you still love her?

That never changed.

I'm just not sure if love is enough.

Your mom said you were here.

I'm leaving for Qatar.

My contract is for two years.

How about Tricia?

We're through.

She broke up with me.

I'm sorry Poy, I'm so...


I'm sorry.

Sorry for not saying sorry
before when I hurt you.

When we broke up
I only thought of myself... feelings, what I wanted.

Sorry if I became selfish.

I couldn't understand that you needed
to find the Basha...

...who got lost when you loved me.

The Basha who still loves you.

You don't know how much I want...

...for it to be us again...

...for it to still be us.

But every time I feel
how much I love you...

I can't help but feel
the pain all over again.

And I'm sorry for that.

What should I do?

It's me Bash.

I'm the one who needs time to think
so I can forget all the pain.

So I can remember
all that was beautiful about us.

So that the Popoy who got lost
when we broke up can find his way back.

Bash, I want my heart to stop breaking.

So that if we ever get back together...

...I can love you again
with my whole heart...

...without fear
that we might get hurt again.

Have I approved the lay out
of these wall settings?

Where are the approved plans?

Let's double check.

Then, can you mark the reference
elevation for the floor finish?

We're good with the 8th floor.

Can you check the other floors
if the lay-out was followed?

Just report them to me after the break.

Beautiful building.

You know the architect?


Um, would you know
if she's free for coffee?

I want to tell her
about the buildings I saw in Qatar.



Right now.

You think she's free?

Yeah, I think so.

You think she's free for dinner?

I've been gone two years.

I missed her.

There's so much I want to say.

I think she'd love
to have dinner tonight...

...then tomorrow night...

...then the night after that...

Are you sure?

Because I'm in this for the long haul.

You're not leaving anymore?

Never again.