On Top of the Whale (1982) - full transcript

A parody of anthropology, linguistics, and cultural imperialism. The film follows an unlikely team of linguists into the wilds of an ersatz Patagonia to study the last speakers of a dying language. That language apparently consists of a single word, which therefore means everything.


1st May. All the tables
on the beach were booked

By bribery, we got
a table...

...only a kilometer
from the official stand

An excellent position
to view the manoeuvres...

...of the Netherlands
Soviet Republic...

...Democratic Federal

...and the Socialist
United States of Ireland

I saw Narcisso
for the first time

Look, he's got a better
table than us

He must be
an official guest

We're official guests, too

He must be a guest of
Workers' Philips

That doesn't make him
better than us

I expected the worst

I didn't know the day
would be so surprising

He wouldn't come
to our table...

...so I decided
to go to him

Wonderful, isn't it?

- What will you speak?
- French

My favourite language.
A pity no one uses it

I don't speak Dutch



I have a house just like
on this postcard

In Patagonia

Isn't it wonderful?

Just the same house
as my grandparents'

This was a coincidence

That morning Eva had
told me her dream

She had returned to her
grandfather's home...

...with me and a strange
man who was her husband

Even stranger, in fact
we had planned a visit...

...to her grandfather's
house, now a monument...

...after the Democratic
Evangelicals' chairman...

...(the Dutch Communists)
had stayed a night there

Madam says you are
an anthropologist

What is your

Collective telepathy...

...among primitive tribes
in South America...

...and Workers'
Philips staff

- Does it exist?
- Certainly

It's bad?

As a sociologist, I cannot
make value judgments

Sociometry identifies...

...four interlinked

the prophetic dreams
of Indian tribes...

...weekend delirium
of Workers' Philips staff...

...increased drug

...and Leninist literature
as a best-seller

Very interesting

Haven't you had contact
with Indians?

I spent four years with
the Caonize Indians

In my house in Patagonia...

...live the last two
surviving Yachanes Indians

My kid

From then on we were

We met daily in Haarlem
at Hotel Malcolm X...

...or May Heroes Beach,
or in nightclubs...

...named after Bloody
Week in The Hague

...extinct in 1970

The last two?

Are you sure they
are Yachanes?

Yes, I am certain, they
are like family to me

May I kiss him?


We eventually accepted
the invitation...

...of Narcisso Cambos,
communist millionaire

Scenario and direction

Don Narcisso

What a mess here

You should lock up
the house

Look at this mess, bastard

I can't take it any more,
do you hear me?

Don't you understand
what I say?

Your shoes will get filthy
in that shit

Then your mother
will be angry

It's called
The Gobbling Cat

All he does is find
everything amusing

I knew you would say that

I knew you would say
you knew

I know everything that's
going to be said


Don't look

I'm going to stand up

...and look at them

The moment I saw Eva,
I said:

"You're the man for her"

I love her very much

I really love her

Why? Do you fancy her?

You're jealous.
Extremely jealous

Nothing wrong with that.
I am never jealous

My God, not more suffering

You mustn't confuse
appearance with reality

The relationship between
myself and Eva...

...is more complicated
than it appears

I love her dearly...

...but in a completely
negative way

Eva is the opposite...

...of the woman I find
most hateful

So I love her

I know. I envy you

My God, the Virgin again

She saved my life

She saved me from the
abyss I had plunged into

She helps me find
my work again

She saved my life

I have a cassette. Would
you like to hear it?


They are here

Good evening

These friends of mine
have come to visit you

"Good evening".
How do you say that?

What has your boss brought
for you? A present

If he eats that, he'll
get Patagonian colic

What do you say?

Thank you

Very good. You are
very intelligent

It takes intellectual

Sit down

In the name of the Father,
Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

Good idea. Rather late,
but very interesting

Incredible. He doesn't
trust anyone

Ask why Indians
must be beaten

Ask him in English

He's much more interesting
than the Indians

More dangerous

But also more loyal

You have to know him,
then you realise

I hope you know he's
very dangerous

Yes, but very loyal

A pathological case

He hasn't a clue

3rd April. Slept badly.
Fighting in the night

What is this?

And this?

Narcisso, I won't be
a minute

And what's this?

Come on,
it's nice outside

We'll eat, so please
leave that now

To get to know them well,
you mustn't go on too long

But I must question them

But you mustn't tire
them out

All right, never mind


...see the others...

...reincarnation, hunger,
war, rain, summer...

Walk in bad weather,
freighter, dog...

...what others think
of you...

...rock on your head
if you insult an elder

Beating a child to death
on a rock

Eclipse of the sun
and moon, stars

Sea, earth, mother...

...Republic of Chile,
Argentina, canned fruit...

...son, dog, song sung
by others

Fatal conflict between
two tribes, death...

...Puntanela hospital,
river stones...

...light of the moon

Sea of whales...

...woman, fire-water,
sun, deaf...

...artillery fire

Menstruation, walking with
no sense of direction...

...thirst, endless...

...god of the mountain,
raw meat

Evenings alone

Strong emotion at sunset


...question and answer

...explanation of the
meaning of life, violin

Thirty glasses of
fire-water in the morning

A thirty-year hangover

Stop it

Hand me that

My tongue...

Dug, but found no trace
of the many skeletons...

...Narcisso says are
buried around the house

Found many beer bottles,
3 radios, rabbit skulls

The dictionary comprises
sixty words...

...as does the Wilkins

Both are in exactly
the same order

7th April. Mistake; the
skulls are not ritual...

...but rabbit stew has
cannibal cult links

1st May. Workers' Day

Early meditation
on the Chicago martyrs

Afternoon: reading from
"State and Revolution"

Evening: political talk.
We fast until Monday

Please go away

3rd May. Slept badly,
due to an air-raid

Adam and Eden have
buried all our mirrors

Luis lashed them, then
all three of them cried

Thomas Bridge's 300,000
word dictionary...

...is derived from 60
root words; metaphors...

...double and triple

Don't go too close, they
may be dangerous, strange

Are proletarians
always strange?

Too much exploitation
has made them strange

The pain has turned them

Do all proletarians of
the world unite...

...because the pain has
made them insane?

No, that's something else

Quiet, I understand

- What did you do?
- I don't now

- In which language?
- I don't know

5th May. Woken by
whispering at 3 a.m.

I heard a baby cry, then
Adam and Eden laughed

Now I understand

The 60 Yagan words are
an arithmetical system

They add, subtract,
multiply and divide...

...according to rules
which clarify everything

Shut up!

I'll cut that tongue out
now if you don't shut up

7th May. Each month Adam
and Eden exchange names

9th May. Good

They are telepathic,
like Narcisso, I think

So what?

The terrible truth: one
human exploits another

Alphonso Alberquerque's

...made Adam and Eden
laugh incessantly

12th May. They continued
taking photos...

...each having a
different name

Today's rain hasn't the
same name as yesterday's

There is no water,
or fire, no whips...

...only situations,
all different

14th May

Double, triple metaphors
are no coincidence

They mean the intuition
of 2 and 3 as spoken

They are incapable of
more modern thought...

...because conception of
the singular eludes them

They are convinced that
1 is an even number...

...so regression
is infinite

20th May. They bury
the mirrors again

21st May. Naval battle:
Chile versus Argentina

Heavy shelling at night

23rd May

Every word or saying
tacitly contains others

Tacit metaphors speak
between spoken metaphors

Ignorant chatterboxes:
silence means more said

24th May. I opened
my heart to Eden

I spoke German, so he
wouldn't understand

He placed my hand on his
heart, speaking Italian:

"Every heartbeat
has a name"

27th May

Every day they construct
a different language...

...a Gothic cathedral

Dreamt up at night,
forgotten by morning

Proof that too much

...leads to barbarism
and hinders development

2nd June. The world is
contained in 60 words

Each implies the whole
in its own perspective

Denying singularity, two
things are said at once

Each double reflection
of the world...

...implies 59 second
degree reflections

The intelligent become
increasingly silent

25th June. Illusion

The Indians' language
is non-existent

I found the documents

They are recessives,
not pure Indians

Nothing they do or say
has meaning

The whole world
deceives me

I deserve a holiday
in Romania

And Eva has decided
she doesn't love me

I shall not return

Things change sex
in the mirror

All things are divided
into sexes

So are all movements.
This is male

This is female

The bet is over

Not with the kitchen knife

please don't cut out
your tongue

I must tell you something

My life has changed...

...since that
disastrous bet

I discover a friend
in you...

...and myself here

When traveling, I always
wonder: who am I?

Where do I come from?
Where is my fatherland?

I was searching, but you
found a new world for me

I had violent tendencies,
but a child's heart

But now I am determined...

...to give up everything
and write

But not in Spanish

I was always cynical.
I laughed at everyone

But now I feel

...for this country, these
Indians in Patagonia...

...massacred by
our ancestors

In this novel I want to
write about who I am...

...who you are...

...as homage to this
noble race...

...which has seen so much

...that Patagonia
resembled a battlefield

It is delightful to meet
the world's finest people

People of the world

The loneliness
in this hole...

...would be unbearable


Your visit today
is deeply moving

Deeply... visit

Your visit moves my soul

Soul... moves

The daily conversations
made apparent...

A final judgment
of the people will reveal...

Mozart was a genius...

...but it came too easily
to him

His good fortune was
his weakness

Mozart was reactionary

Beethoven revolutionary,
because he showed...

...the desperate
petit bourgeoisie

But his music offered
no way out

But Beethoven sells
more records

Beethoven is played
by musicians...

...closer to the people

I have returned

Eva and Narcisso have
changed drastically

The suicide of Luis must
have shocked them deeply

I forget everything when
I set foot in the house

Hours later I'll return
to my hotel

I can still view,
review, hear, rehearse

...the images and words
I no longer comprehend

Greetings, friends

How are you?


You have traveled widely

You know Spinoza...

...who left Spain
for Holland

He had good ideas.
What happened to them?

You have been to Germany.
You know Hegel

A good man

You have learned much

How did you learn
so many languages?

You have a good memory

What will you do with
what I know...

...and what you said?

What more than all those
others we talked about?

I am leaving