No Surrender (2011) - full transcript

Amelia's blog empowering women not to tolerate violent relationships has brought her fame, fortune and now someone is out to kill her. Is it the new man in her life, her now paroled ex who inspired the blog, or a deranged fan? Just as she has put the pieces of her life back together, Amelia must figure out who is behind the bizarre string of attacks and stop them before her own life comes to an ironic and violent end.

"Dear Amelia:

"Reading your column
has assured me I'm not alone.

"It gets me through the day.

"But at night,
when I try to close my eyes,

"the fear consumes me.

"How do I end this?

"Signed, Embarrassed."

- "Dear Embarrassed:

"I admire your courage
and pray for your safety.

"You must find a way to
leave someway, somehow.

"Surviving is the start
of your journey.

"Living is the finish line.
Never back down."

"Dear Amelia:

"Your words continue
to give me strength.

"I need to get out,
but feel trapped.

"Signed, Embarrassed."

- "Dear Embarrassed:
My heart goes out to you.

"I know how hard it is, but
you must go to the police.

"There are support systems
in place to help you.

"Your husband should never
lay a hand on you again."

- "Dear Amelia: Going to
the police is too dangerous.

"What do I do to stop this?"

- "Dear Embarrassed:

"The answer to your question
is both simple and difficult:

"Whatever it takes."

- What are you doing?

I don't believe this.

It doesn't matter
what I do.

You just keep pushing me
and pushing me

to do things that
I don't wanna do.

- You can't do this.
It's not right.

- Don't you
tell me what's right!

- What are you doing?
Threatening me?

- I'm done making threats.

- What's that
supposed to mean?

Put it down, Trevor.

Put it down, Trevor.
Put it down.

- What are you
gonna do about it?

- Sometimes, when we go through
a traumatic experience,

the fears that linger are
undetectable, even to ourselves.

And we need
to take a step back

and remember what
it was like before.

Who we were before.

Before you lost your job,
before the death in the family,

before you caught
him cheating,

before the violence.

I wanna thank
all of you for coming.

It gives me hope knowing
that our shared experiences

can bring strength.

We learn from our past,

we refuse to let it
define our present

and we build
our own future.

Never back down.
Thank you.

- I just wanna
say thank you.

Your column guided
me through the worst.

And you're my touchstone
every morning.

- Thank you.
It works both ways.

Your appreciation
gives me my strength.

- You should write a book.

- Actually,
I just started a blog.

It's called
Never Back Down.

You know, it'd be great

to have some more
strong voices on the site.

- Count me in.

- The link's on the bottom.
What's your name?

- Jenny Reardon.

- It's nice to meet you.

- Hi, nice to meet you.

There's just something else
I need to tell you.

Um, I'm Embarrassed.

- Please don't be.
I'm here to listen.

- No. I'm Embarrassed.

- My God!

- To the cover girl.

- It's no big deal.

- Yes, it is. This is what
you've been working for.

- What we've
been working for.

- I think we need to
capitalize on the attention.

I know you're busy with
your speaking gigs,

but the blog is
your future. Look.

Here is a list
of email addresses

who have created
a member profile.

And here is a list of people
who have actively posted.

It's 92%. That's unheard of
in this industry.

The problem is nobody else
knows it exists.

- I'm not sure
the newspaper

would want me to drive
people away from my column.

- Well, screw

Nobody wants to
get ink on their hands.

I can get you primo placement
on the search engines.

- For a shoestring budget?

- Don't get me wrong.

If you gave me $2 million,
I could spend it.

I could spend it better than any
other search-engine optimizer,

and I'd still get you better
placement on a Web search.

A few structural tweaks
on your site,

maximize keyword density...

OK, bottom line is, if anybody
needs help or advice,

the first site they will
see is
Never Back Down.

All you have to do
is give me the go-ahead.

What do you have to lose?

- All right, let's do it.

- Yes!

- It is pretty cool.

- I'm up for that.

- Thank you.

- Thanks.

- To you.

- Hottie at 9:00
is checking you out.

- I doubt it.

My God!

- I told you.

- You made me look there.

- Well, who says that you
should meet new people

and not shut yourself off
from relationships?

That's right. You.

- OK.

- Meeting guys in a bar,
it's never a good idea.

- And you met Darryl
at a bookstore

in the home-and-
garden section.

- Good point.

- I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to say that.

I shouldn't
have said that.

- Darryl? Forget it.

He's locked up
for 2 more years.

- Ooh, he's coming over.

You'd better
get ready, girl.

- My gosh!

- I'm sorry
to bother you,

but I noticed you
looking my way and laughing.

I couldn't help but
find out what's so funny.

- I don't remember
talking about him, do you?

- We were talking
about gardening.

- I know what you said.
I can read lips.

- You're bluffing.

- Your name is Amelia.

That's a pretty
good trick.

- I've got another one.
All I need is your phone number.

- Nice try,
but I'm not in the habit

of giving
my phone number out

to a guy I've just met
for the first time.

- Do you know what every great
love story has in common?

- No, what?

- At one point, they also
met for the first time.

- Thank you for coming.

I look forward to hearing

from each and every one
of you online.

It gives me hope knowing

that our shared experiences
can bring strength.

We learn from our past,

we refuse to let it
define our present

and we build
our own future.

And as always,
never back down.

Thank you.


Thank you.

- Thank you for coming.

Thank you.

Thank you. Hi!

- Hi.

- Were you here
the whole time?

- And loved every minute
of it. Even the Q & A.

They didn't wanna
let you leave.

- I hope you weren't
charging me by the hour.

- Of course not, kiddo.

I take my 5% off the top.

Speaking of which, I have
something big in the works.

- In the works?
As in Modern Media Works?

- Now, don't
jinx it for us.

Just let me
do my thing.

But when the time
is right,

I'll need you to win over
a tougher crowd.

I have to go, but I'll call
you in the morning, OK?

- OK, thank you.

- Bye.

- Bye.

- Party on
the 15th floor.

They've been
holding it up all day.

We met a while ago
at the bar.

- I remember.

- I've been back there
a couple of times

hoping to see you again.

- I don't have much of
a social life these days.

- I know.
You work too hard.

I found your site.
It posts your event schedule.

- Look, I'm not into
these kinds of games.

- I wanted to see you again,
so here I am. No games.

Listen, probably
not the best idea

showing up here

but that still doesn't
take away from the fact

that I'd like
to take you out.

In case you lost
the first one.

Call me.

- My gosh!
Where have you been?

I've been looking
all over for you.

- I've just been working
the room. Where else?

More importantly, who was
that you were talking to?

- Remember Romeo
from the bar?

- Get out of town!
What happened?

- He wants me
to call him.

- So call him.
Set a date.

Go out.
Take charge!

Come on, isn't that
your motto?

- No, dating is the last thing
on my mind right know.

- OK, so you're gonna check in
with me 3 times a day by phone:

9:00 a.m, 3:00 p.m.
and 9:00 p.m.

My number is at the
bottom of the page.

When you check in with me
at nighttime,

that means you're in for
the night, no exceptions.

You got that?

You're gonna start
to look for a job.

If you need assistance
in finding a job,

we have
a placement program.

That's what
we're there for.

Just basically make sure
you stay out of trouble

and keep your nose clean
at all times.

You understand exactly what
I'm telling you, Mr. Devine?

Is it clear?

- Perfectly.

- There you go.

- Ciao, this is Carlo Rossi.

Please leave me
a message after the tone.

- Hi, this is Amelia from
the bar and the conference.

Um, how about dinner
tomorrow night?

- I know a little place
in Beacon Hill. -00?

Let me know
if that works for you.

My number is 202 555-0152.

- Detective Wilson.

- You keep telling me
to call you Hank

and then you call yourself
Detective Wilson.

- Hey, I never know
who's behind the door.

- This is
a pleasant surprise.

How's the family?

- They're great.

Our youngest one
is off to college

at the end of summer.

I'm hoping to spend a couple of
weeks with him up at the lake,

but you know,
with all the work...

- Still putting in
14-hour days?

- Please give
my regards to Cindy.

- Will do.

- What's the matter, Hank?

- I wish I had
better news for you, Amelia.

Darryl's been released.

- When?

- Last Thursday.

Paperwork just
got on my desk today.

I came straight over.

- I know this isn't your fault,
but how is this possible?

- State's broke.

I've been in domestic abuse
for over 20 years,

and this is the worst
I've ever seen it.

All the cutbacks,

And for some reason,
domestic-abuse offenders

are the first ones to receive
a get-out-of-jail-free card.

- Great, so how am I
supposed to feel safe?

- Look, I made sure the
restraining order was in effect.

- What?

- One slip-up on his part
and he's right back in prison.

- That's if you
can catch him.

You can't protect
me 24/7, Hank.

- I'm gonna be checking in with
his parole officer every day.

Amelia. Amelia!

He's not gonna
hurt you again.

- I have a confession.

I read your blog.
It's fascinating.

So raw and emotional.

- I don't edit my words.
I write what I feel.

And lately, I've been...

- Venting. Sorry,
I didn't mean to...

- No, I'm the one
who should apologize.

It's been a long week, and I'm
not very good company right now.

- You could talk to me.

- My ex-husband Darryl was
just released from prison.

Listen, I know that
I invited you, but....

- No, no, please.
I understand.

No, let me.

- I insist.

- You must promise
me 2 things.

Next time, I pay.

And even though
we both have our cars,

you'll let me
see you home.

- I'd appreciate that.

"False starts. One must take
all the time one needs.

"Healing works on its own
schedule, not yours.

"False starts and setbacks

"are part of the
long hard road to recovery."

- Miss Davis,
Miss Frankel,

a pleasure to
finally meet you both.

Colin Grosslight.
- Hi.

- Please follow me.
The team is eager to meet you.

In this business,
there's a small window

to turn a spark
into a flame.

Your audience is small
but growing.

And if you want this to become
more than a niche blog,

you're gonna need our help.

- A niche blog?

Marginalizing Amelia's
audience is condescending

and frankly not the best way
to start off a new partnership.

- That is not our intent.

We know the numbers
are strong

given the circumstances.

And we love the demo.

We wouldn't be
sitting here otherwise.

And the women who read
your blog trust you,

and that is
invaluable to us.

- And to your advertisers.

- We already have
the majors ready to commit.

Just say the word.

- Slow down.
What about content?

- We don't care
what you write

as long as people
are reading.

- And clicking
every now and then.

- Jody, right?

- Right.

- I'm guessing you haven't
been vocal in the meeting

because you didn't
work on these mock-ups.

- I reviewed them, but no,
I didn't work on them.

- So she's here because you
think another woman in the room

will make me feel
more comfortable?

- I know
all about your blog.

- You have a small window to
impress a prospective client.

That window
is about to close.

What do you think
of the presentation?

- There's a visual flair
that's familiar,

but it's--it's
missing your imprint.

- I think it's
a Carrie Bradshaw rip-off.

I'll be back next week
to hear your pitch.

And by the way,
it's one butterfly.

- Well, there's no sign
of forced entry.

We'll ask the neighbours
if anyone saw something,

but so far,
we've got nothing.

Have you received any
threatening messages lately?

Maybe on your computer?

- This is obviously Darryl.

- Well, Darryl is
the most likely suspect.

If it is him, we know that
he'll slip up eventually.

But the problem is that you've
become a public figure, Amelia.

And we can't ignore
the possibility

that this attack might
be connected to the blog.

- I highly doubt that.

- Well, obsessed fans,
angry husbands.

I just wanna make sure

that we look into
all the possibilities here.

- So you're
basically telling me

that I have to
be afraid of everybody?

- Is your address
listed anywhere?

- No, I don't
ever give it out.

- What about neighbours? Have
you had any disputes recently?

- I pretty much
keep to myself.

- Is there anyone new
in your life?

- We went on one date.

He seems like
a really nice guy.

I just... I can't imagine that
he would do something like this.

- Well, it won't hurt
to check him out.

And if you don't mind,
I'm gonna have the tech guys

from the station
look into your Web site.

See if that
leads to anything.

Hey, we're gonna
catch this guy.

- You know I'm not gonna answer
a thing without my lawyer.

- Yeah well, the problem with
lawyers is they cost money.

And, um, by the look
of this place,

you'd be best off
talking to me yourself.

- You look old, Detective.

- I'd look even older

if you'd spent the whole
5 years in prison.

- I'm not saying
I was a choir boy,

but I didn't deserve
all that time.

And losing Amelia
was enough of a punishment.

- Losing Amelia?

- Yeah.

- And when
exactly was that?

Was that before or after

you threw her down
a flight of stairs?

Or maybe it's the time
you put her in the hospital

with your fists.

It's too bad I don't
hand out the sentences.

- Tough guy with your badge
and your piece.

Truth is you couldn't
protect her then.

And from the looks of things,
you can't protect her now.

- I'm watching you, Devine.

I'm watching
every move you make.

- Are we done here?

- Thanks for having me.

I just couldn't stay there
until the alarm was in.

- Don't mention it.
I could use the company.

This'll make it
more comfortable.

- Thanks.

- How about some tea?

- Yeah, that'd be
great. Thank you.

Do you think
it was Darryl?

- I don't know
who else it could be.

After he hit me
the first time...

I knew when
it was coming.

When he was drinking...

or when we'd argue.

But this is different.

Not knowing when or
where it might happen again.

But it's like that feeling
in the pit of my stomach

is the same.

Does that
make any sense?

- Yeah.

- And what
bothers me most

is how everything I feel
I've worked so hard for

can be taken away
like that.

- No one can take away
what you've achieved

or the progress
you've made.

- How did you do it?
How did you fight back?

- It was a long road.

Martial arts taught me
some self-confidence, but...

it wasn't until
I started writing you

that I realized there's a
possibility of a better life.

One day, I just snapped.

It didn't feel real
until I saw the blood.

That changed everything.

- I'm not sure
I can do it.

- You fought back.

You did it once and
you can do it again.

We don't even know who
it is that's doing this.

But whoever it is, you're strong
enough to do whatever it takes.

- I'm just not sure

that I have that kind
of courage anymore.

- Neither was I.

But you were there for me.
And now I'm there for you.

- Thanks. I needed that.

- Thanks.

Mr. Rossi.
- Yes?

- I have a few questions for
you. This shouldn't take long.

- Is this about my work visa?
I renewed it through the mail.

- No.

- Well then, what can I
help you with, Officer?

- Actually, it's Detective.

- Please come in.

- I need to know
your whereabouts

this past Wednesday evening.

- Why?

- I'll ask the questions,
Mr. Rossi.

- Wednesday.

I was at Dusty's Bar.

I was meeting
someone at 5:00.

It lasted about an hour.
I stayed after he left.

- You stayed until what time?

Not sure. 10:00 maybe.

- Maybe's are no good for me.
I need you to be sure.

Yes, 10:00.

- And who were you with?

- The meeting was with
some potential clients.

I stayed afterwards
for a burger and a beer.

- You stayed by yourself?

- I ate at the bar.
I'm a regular there.

- Can anyone corroborate
your story?

- I'm sure the bartender can.

- You got a name for me?

- I can't remember who
was working that night.

I think it was Meagan.

- Can you at least tell me
what this is all about?

- Amelia Davis. She was
attacked last Wednesday night.

- My God!
Is she all right?

You think it was me.

- Just asking questions,
Mr. Rossi.

I'll be in touch.

Meagan, I gotta ask you
a few questions.

Were you working here
last Wednesday night?

- Wednesday's my night off.

The manager saves me
for the weekends.

- So who was working?

- Dave. He's the manager.

- I'm trying to get some
information on this individual.

- Carlo.

- How well
do you know him?

- Enough to tell you his name.
What's this about?

- I'm conducting
a criminal investigation.

- He's in here
a couple of times a week.

- Does he pay cash,
credit card?

- Credit card.
Every time.

- I'm gonna need to see your
receipts from Wednesday night.

- I only swipe the card.
Dave takes care of the rest.

He's in at 6:00.

- Well then, you get Dave
to give me a call, OK?

- Will do.

- We wanna brand Amelia
as the next Oprah...

uniting and inspiring
women of all kinds.

Your words will comfort them.
Your message will empower them.

They can read the blog
from the workplace...

keep your book
next to their bed,

listen to your podcast
on their iPod and,

if things progress
as we expect,

they'll soon be
watching your TV show.

Never Back Down
be the place women go

when they feel threatened or
feel like they've lost control.

You will help them get back
to who they were.

- Look, I get your personal
interest in this case.

But like I told you
over the phone,

I don't see anything
unusual with...

- Devine.
Darryl Devine.

- Devine.
Thank you.

- Look, Amelia Davis was
attacked in her home,

and Devine is
our prime suspect.

You wouldn't be
breaking any rules.

I just want the same information
you have. That's all.

- What day are
you looking at?

- For starters,
Wednesday the 7th.

Don't you put your log-ins
in the computer?

- To tell you the truth,

I'm a little bit behind here
on my data entry.

So just give me
a second and I'll...

Here, what'd you say?
Wednesday the 7th.

- Devine, check-in time:
9:00 p.m. It's all there.

- In person?

- Why in person? Listen, I have
over 150 open cases here.

The only guys who
need to show their face

are murderers
or serial rapists.

Now, unless Devine
fails a drug test

or even gets into
a little bit of trouble,

all he has to do
is phone it in.

That's the way we
do things around here.

- This guy was one punch away
from making that cut, OK?

Now, he knows how to
manipulate the system.

So if he's as much as
2 minutes late in checking in,

I'd like
to get a call, OK?

- OK.

- Thanks.

- I got them up to $450 a year
for 3 years, guaranteed.

Plus the signing bonus--
$1.3 million.

- The money isn't the issue.

- I thought you liked
the presentation.

- I did.

I did.
They have a vision.

It's not exactly
my vision,

but it's bigger and
it could be better.

- So then what's
holding you back?

- Book tours,
corporate-speaking engagements.

Me on TV. It's just
a lot to think about.

- Look, I know you're worried
about selling yourself out,

but this is an opportunity
of a lifetime, Amelia.

And I don't
mean the money.

You'll have a platform to
reach millions of people

and really
touch their lives.

A bigger audience won't
change who you are.

- I just need
some time to think.

- Sure. But don't
take too long.

These companies have a very
short attention span.

- OK.

- Are you OK about
going home alone?

- Yeah, I need to practise
what I preach, right?

Go back to the life I know.

Excuse me.


- Hey, Amelia. If you have
a moment, can you drop by?

-I'm on my way.

- Thanks.

- Everything OK?

- Yeah, I'll call you later.

- Darryl's been walking
the straight line.

He's been checking in regularly
with his parole officer

and staying out of trouble.

But he still has no alibi
for the night of the attack.

- Can you arrest him?

- No, I need
something concrete.

You know I'd
bring him in if I could.

I also talked
with Carlo Rossi.

He said he was
at Dusty's Bar that night.

Bartender doesn't
remember specifics,

but his card
was run twice:

5:36 p.m.
and 7:04 p.m.

Now, you said the attack
took place at 6:45 p.m.

- Yeah.

- It's 6 miles between
Dusty's Bar and your place,

so I don't think
Carlo's our guy.

- It's Darryl,
I'm telling you.

- Yeah well, if it is, he's
gonna slip up and we'll get him.

- Bernice, make the deal.

- I won't waste any time.

It's with great pride

we welcome Amelia Davis into
the Modern Media Works family

and letting us
be her megaphone.

- I have to confess. I had
my doubts about selling.

I wasn't even sure
it was mine to sell.

And then I remembered why
I wrote my first column.

Because I was
scared and alone.

Well, I'm not
alone anymore.

I look forward to collaborating
with Modern Media Works

and their talented
marketing team.

And together, I hope
we can reach more women,

making sure that they never
have to feel scared

or alone ever again.

Thank you.

- Very nice.

- I guess you don't
need me anymore.

- Yeah, I--I wanted to
talk to you about that.

The blog needs a writer for a
weekly article on self-defence.

I know you're used to
working for free,

but this one's
a paying job.

- Thank you.

- You didn't think I'd
leave you behind, did you?

- I'm worried.

- What are you
doing here?

- The police questioned me
about an attack.

You don't return
my phone calls.

- I've been busy.

- I understand, but I still
deserve to know what's going on.

Do you really think
I could've attacked you?

- I'm sorry.

They asked me who
was new in my life.

I didn't think that you did it,
but I barely know you.

- That's not my fault.

- I'm sorry.
- You're forgiven.

Now, if my memory
serves me right,

you owe me a make-up date.

I said yes
when you asked.

Is that a yes?

- Stop following me.

- You're too fast
for me anyway.

- Coming!

- You look incredible.

- So do you.

- I know you suggested
that place in Beacon Hill,

but I had something
different in mind.

- OK, sounds great.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- Where did you learn
so much about produce?

- My mother.
She loved to cook.

And I was an only child,
so she taught me.

Close your eyes.

Now breathe in.

- What do you smell?

- It's peppery,
a little like black licorice.

- Good.

- Now what?

- Now we take it home.

- Why did you leave Italy?

- My father remarried.
Our family was broken.

I wanted to start over,
be invisible.

- I can relate to that.

- Why did you stay...

after he went to jail?

I'm sorry.

We don't have to talk about it
if you don't want to.

- No, it's OK.

I thought about
moving back to San Francisco.

The ocean.

The fog.

I love it there.

My parents practically
begged me to come back home.

But something just
didn't feel right.

Like my experience here
wasn't finished, you know?

Will you come with me to
this benefit Friday night?

I know that I'm the one
who keeps making the plans.

I hope you're
comfortable with that.

- I have plans
for us, too.

I'd love for you
to see Italy.

The food,
the architecture.


I would love
to take you there.

- I've heard
the summer is nice.

Does this mean you'll
come Friday night?

♪♪Feel the energy ♪

♪ Electricity

♪ Caress my body

♪ Touch me
'cause I want it, baby ♪

♪ I know you want me

♪ I know you want,
I know you want me ♪

♪ I know you want me

♪ I know you want

♪ I know you want me

♪ I know you want me

♪ I know you want,
I know you want me ♪

♪ I know you want me,
I know you want ♪

♪ I know you want me♪♪

Miss Davis!

- Hi.
- Hi.

Not bad?

- Yeah.

- Perfect location
for people watching.

- Thank you.
This one.

Thank you.

- So where's your date?

- He's on his way.

- Good, so you
have time to spill.

- We had a good time.

- You blog endlessly about
your most intimate feelings,

and "we had a good time"
is the best you can do?

Come on, I'm living

through your love life
right now.

- Ask me again after
I've had a few drinks.

That's more like it.


- I'm so sorry. I can't
believe I just did that.

- Don't worry. Just a little
water and it'll come right out.

I'll be right back.

- Wow!

Still a looker.


- What's this
all about, Darryl?

- I'm not here
to hurt you.

I just want my cut.

I know you're making
millions from this deal.

You know what
I got out of it?

That cop of yours
tracking my every move.

Reporters knocking on the door
of my trashy studio hole

to get an exclusive
of the scumbag

who turned you into
a poor wounded puppy.

Calling my work nonstop.

I even got fired.
Did you know that?

- That's not my fault.

I'm not giving
you anything.

- You're gonna listen
to me for once.

I paid my debt to society.

Now it's your turn to pay.

You have no idea
how much I loved you.

- You sure knew
how to show it.

- Never your fault, right?

I hope you reconsider.

- How is it
possible that,

with all of these people here,
nobody saw him?

- We showed his picture to
every single person. No luck.

Hopefully, the
surveillance cameras

caught him
going in and out.

And he'll be where
he belongs: behind bars.

- How long is
that gonna take?

- Once I can put him
at the scene,

he'll be in custody
within the hour.

In the meantime, I suggest
you stay somewhere safe.

- Good morning,

- Good morning.

- How did you
sleep last night?

- Great, thanks.

And thanks for
giving me space.

I haven't had a good night's
sleep since Darryl's been out.

Thank you.

- Have a seat.

Any messages?

- No.

- Whatever you wanna
do today, we do.

- Anywhere
with fresh air.

- Do you have ketchup?

- You do not eat ketchup
with these eggs.

- Is that truffle?

- It is.

Do you still want ketchup?

- I love ketchup.
I'm sorry.

- Americani!

You pollute
your own plate, not mine.

Bernice. Hey, listen,
can I call you back?

I'm in the middle
of something.

- This can't wait.
We're being sued.

- Ladies, Mr. Cross,
I believe both our parties

are here
for the same thing:

a quick and uncomplicated
resolution to this matter.

- This matter got
complicated the moment

your client filed
this frivolous lawsuit.

- My client's character
has been repeatedly attacked

in Ms. Davis' blog.

I thought we were
here to negotiate.

Obviously, I was wrong.

- What are you proposing?

- We believe $3 million
is a fair number.

- That's ridiculous!

- That's our offer.

Considering the circumstances,
I would suggest

your client seriously
think about it.

- Circumstances?
You have to be kidding me.

You barely have a case.

We'll see you in court.

- Suit yourself.

I'm sure a jury will find
Ms. Davis' choice of company...

quite interesting.

This has to be a mistake.

- The mugshot
looks real to me.

I just don't know the specifics
of the crime yet. That's all.

- You said he had
a clean record.

- Well, nothing came up
on my database.

So I put a call in
to my FBI contact,

asked him to
look into Interpol.

And this is
what he found.

- I finally meet
someone I like.

- Have you spoken
to him again yet?

- No. I cancelled
our date for tonight.

- Good. I want you to
stay away from him

until we know exactly
what he's hiding.

- What about Darryl?

- The hotel's sending
tapes in this afternoon.

They had 15 active security
cameras working that day,

so I've assigned 2 guys
to go through them.

As soon as I find something,
Amelia, I'll give you a call.

- OK. Thanks.

- Yeah.

Amelia, what were
you thinking?

- I know it was stupid.

- You're just lucky
they didn't see you.

- Well, at least
I know the truth.

- Yeah, well, there's more.

'Cause while you were out
playing private eye,

I got a call from
my contact in Italy.

Carlo Rossi
has no arrest record.

But under the name
of Carlo Mancini,

he was arrested on 4 accounts of
fraud and extortion 4 years ago.

All charges were dropped.

- How come?

- Well, as it turns out,

Carlo's family owns some
major real estate in Naples.

They have a lot
of influence out there.

The guy I spoke to

didn't even wanna talk
about it on the phone.

So I'm gonna be calling
the investigating officer

later tonight to get
some more information.

I even put a call in
to Homeland Security

to find out the condition
of his work visa.

- God, I feel so stupid!

- It wasn't your fault.

- He and Darryl must've been
planning this the whole time.

- Look, you just
gotta promise me

that you'll stay
far away from this guy, OK?

Until after we sort
this whole thing out.

I have the paperwork for
a restraining order for you.

- You know what works better
than a restraining order? A gun.

- Look, Amelia, you have
to understand that a gun

is not a way of reclaiming
power or striking back.

I mean, a gun's a means
of defending yourself

when there's
no other alternative.

You understand that?

- I don't wanna rely on
some judge to protect me.

Now that I know who it is,
I can protect myself.

It's impossible to feel safe
and protected all the time.

In one way or another,
we are all vulnerable.

Those that we let in know
where we hurt the most,

our worst fears,
our insecurities.

Hi, I'm not here to take
your call right now.

Please leave me a message.

Those who want
to get in but can't

look for cracks
in our armour.

- But is your investigation
on Carlo Mancini...

Is it still ongoing?

Yes. Yes, I would appreciate
receiving a copy of the file.

-But it is how we deal
with our vulnerabilities

that we define our strengths
and our weaknesses.

And while I know
I can't change the past,

I believe that being a victim
is a state of mind.

I am going to change
my state of mind.

"Never back down"
is only the beginning.

The end is when
we are confident,

secure in who we are,
able to defend ourselves.

Defamation of character?

Intentional infliction
of emotional distress?

This is all lies!

- From a legal standpoint,
they're gonna lose.

But I've been up
against Lana Grey before,

and she'll take this
to the end

just to keep seeing
herself on TV.

Pictures of you
with a convict

won't go over well

with your audience or
with the advertisers,

even if this was
all a setup.

- This is
my private life.

I didn't do
anything wrong.

- No, but that doesn't matter
in the court of public opinion.

If you lose your credibility,
you lose everything.

Modern Media Works is willing
to pay all the money

for this
to go away quietly.

It won't cost
you a thing.

- Yes, it will.

I'm tired of being
pushed around.

-My papers are in order.

I still don't know
what you want from me.

- It says here
you're a lying thief

who extorts grieving
women for money.

- This is out of
your jurisdiction.

And all those charges
against me were dismissed.

- Tell me something.

What's your involvement
with Darryl Devine?

- I'm not talking
without my lawyer.

- 'Cause you 2 guys seem
to have a lot in common.

You know what I think?

I think you read about
Ms. Davis' upcoming payday

and you thought to yourself:
"Easy score."

- That's a lie.

- We know all about
your family back in Italy.

Portfolio's not
what it used to be, is it?

So what have
we got so far?

You've got a history of taking
advantage of women for money.

You conveniently
pop up out of nowhere

just when Miss Davis
is about to sell her blog.

You've been seen associating
with her ex-husband

who just so happens to
be suing her right now

and using you
for leverage.

I mean, that's a pretty
tight fit isn't it?

One phone call to immigration

about a potential
extortion on US soil

and neither Carlo Rossi
or Carlo Mancini

will ever set foot in this
country again, you got that?

- Federal crimes,
out of your jurisdiction.

- Jurisdiction.
Yeah, I know.

I know, I know.
You keep reminding me.

For an innocent man, you sure
seem to know an awful lot

about the judicial system.

- I came to this country
to start over again.

That's why
I changed my name.

It has nothing
to do with you.

- And that's
where you're wrong.

Because when it comes
to Miss Davis' security,

it has everything
to do with me.

-I was trying
to protect her!

- How?

By plotting with her abusive
ex-husband to extort her?

-I tried to
pay him off, all right?

So he would
leave her alone.

It's you, Wilson.

You who can't protect her.

She's in danger,

and I'm trying
to keep her safe.

- I'll be keeping
an eye on you, Carlo.

- Isn't that
what you told Darryl?

- It was like I was looking
at a complete stranger.

- You couldn't have known.

- But I should have.

When things went bad
with Darryl,

I was young, naive.

Now I know what people
are capable of

and I still opened
myself up to this.

- So you took
a chance on someone.

- I barely knew him.
I just can't trust anyone.

- If you'd have shut
yourself off after Darryl,

you never would've gotten
your life back on track.

You never would've started the
blog. You never would've met me.

- I know you're right.

I'm just so frustrated that I've
allowed these guys to affect me.

I'm tired of
feeling victimized.

- What about
the lawsuit?

- The thought of them
walking away with one cent

makes me sick.

- Whose decision is it?

- Mine.

But Modern Media Works
can terminate my contract.

- Well, that won't happen.

- At this point, I don't
care about the job

or the blog
or the money.

Darryl and Carlo think
that they can exploit me.

- Is there
anything I can do?

- Can you stay over tonight?

- Of course.

- This is early
for you, Bernice.

- Amelia, turn on the TV.

-What channel?
- 97.

- Look, I paid for my crimes.

But this media pressure,
this hounding

has--has caused extreme
emotional stress on me.

- My God!

-All this because of
Amelia Davis, media darling.

What's excessive is the
vindictive and unjust way

that I've been treated.

It's not about the money.

It's about justice
and doing what's right.

-Please tell me
what happened.

- What the hell
does this mean, Bernice?

- Scare tactics.
But it worked.

Modern Media Works
wants to settle.

- No way.

-Don't worry.
Grosslight has deep pockets.

- I don't care. Let them
try to take this to court.

Let them
release the photos.

But I'm not
agreeing to anything.

- OK. I'll call you
when I know more.

- OK.

- My God! I feel like my life
is completely out of my hands.

Wilson called.

He said that they caught Darryl
on the surveillance tapes.

- That's fantastic!
When can they arrest him?

- The DA needs to
sign off on the warrant.

But it shouldn't be long.

I really need to get out
of the city for a while.

- What about that spa you sent
me to last year for my birthday?

- Yeah, now you're talking.
That's exactly what I need.

- What we need.

- You'll go with me?

- You don't think I'd let you
go anywhere alone, do you?

- Thank you.

I think somebody's
following us.

- Probably just
a coincidence.

- It's Carlo!

- He's coming.

- Pull over!

- Leave me alone!

- Pull over! I need
to talk to you.

- Careful!

- Amelia! Pick up
your cell phone!


- Leave me alone!

- Pick up the phone!

- How is he?

- It doesn't look good.

We had to let him go
after the interrogation.

We didn't have enough
to hold him on.

- I just wanna go home.

- So anyway,
it was pretty interesting.

There she is!

She's coming back.

Get her, get her.

Here she comes.

Ms. Davis, Ms. Davis!

What is your relationship
with Mr. Mancini?

Are you
romantically involved?

Amelia, have the police
laid any charges?

- She has no comment.
Leave her alone.

- Ms. Davis! Can you
make any comment?

- Amelia! Amelia!

one more question!

- I'll take the couch.

- This just came in.
You better take a look at it.

- No wonder they
didn't prosecute.

The whole case
was frivolous.

Seems like the women were the
ones trying to shake him down.

- Based on these bank
statements, I can see why.

- Yeah.

- But his money
won't help him now.

- Thanks.


- Amelia, I have
some news about Carlo.

- No questions,
but I have a statement.

I had a relationship with
Carlo Mancini that ended

because I chose
to believe information

that turned out
to be untrue.

I pray Carlo recovers and
that I will get the chance

to speak with him again,

to apologize
for doubting him.

But I will not apologize
to my ex-husband,

whose allegations
against me

are just another attempt
at intimidation.

Abuse disguises itself
in many forms.

It can be physical
or psychological.

It feeds on our insecurities
and aims to strip us

of our identity
and self-worth.

But I know who I am and
I know who you are, Darryl.

You are a selfish, arrogant,

pathetic excuse
for a human being.

And if you wanna up
your lawsuit for defamation

because I said that,
go right ahead.

Because no matter
what you threaten to do,

I will never back down.

Thank you.

- One question.
What about the lawsuit?

Are you in love
with him? Amelia!

- Amelia!
- Ms. Davis!

- I'm so proud of you.

- Thank you.

- What have you got?

- That warrant you
want for Darryl Devine?

- Yeah.
- DA just signed it.

- I want 4 uniforms at Darryl
Devine's place immediately.

- OK.

- Possible take down.

Police! Open up, Mr. Devine!

Yeah, it's me.
He's gone.

Put out an APB
on him and his truck.

- OK. Thanks, Hank.
I appreciate it.

Darryl's on the loose again.

- It never ends.

- You went out?

- Yeah, there's a horde
of reporters out there.

Your TV appearance
made everything worse.

- My God! This is
getting ridiculous.

- You're coming home with me.
- They're just gonna follow us.

- I'm ahead of you.
I put my car in the back.

- It can be physical
or psychological.

It feeds on our insecurities
and aims to strip us

of our identity
and self-worth.

But I know who I am and
I know who you are, Darryl.

You are a selfish, arrogant...

- ... excuse
for a human being.

- Bitch!

-If you wanna
up your lawsuit

because I said that,
go right ahead.

Because no matter
what you threaten to do,

I will never back down.
Thank you.

- Every time I try to relax...

- Who is it?

- It's Bernice.

- Voice mail.

- Bernice, what's up?

- After your TV performance,

the server went nuts
from all the traffic.

Shut the whole thing down.
It's back up again, though.

- Were the responses
good or bad?

- Your fans are
showering you with love.

- What about Darryl
and the lawsuit?

- Modern Media Works
is backing you 100%.

They don't want to settle.

Darryl is a footnote.

- That's fantastic!

- It gets better.

I've had 50 calls
for interview requests.

And I don't mean affiliates.

I'm talking the ones
that go by one name.

And Random House
wants the book rights.

- This is unbelievable!

- Call me in the morning.
We'll strategize.

- OK, thank you.

- So?

- Darryl is out of luck
on all fronts.

- Modern Media Works took its
settlement offer off the table?

- For good.

- Things are looking up
for you, girl.

- I feel like I wanna write
something on the blog.

Do you mind if I go upstairs?
- Sure.

- OK.

Every instance of abuse
has 2 victims.

The second is trust.

When the person you
trusted more than anyone

turns on you and
destroys that trust,

you think you will never
let anyone in ever again.

I've recently allowed myself
to have faith in someone.

For the first time
in a long time,

I can say...

"I have a friend
and I trust her."

- I need a beer.

- What the hell
do you think you're doing?

- The lawsuit is dead.

- Shhh! One more step
and you're dead.

- Put it down.

- You're not gonna
screw this up for me.

- For you? I thought
we were in this together.

were supposed
to get our sweet Amelia.

- We were. But then the
boyfriend got in the way.

- So what do we do now?

- Like you said,
the lawsuit's dead.

So are you.

"Dear Amelia: Your words
have given me courage.

"She has
pushed me around too long.

"I was embarrassed...

"Because my abuser is my wife.

"But tonight...

"I stand up for myself.

"Tonight, I tell her
that it is over.

"I am leaving
her for good.

"Thanks for guiding me
through the hurt.


- Hey, what are you doing?
I thought you were working.

- It was all
a lie, wasn't it?

You were never
Embarrassed. Trevor was.

- He certainly was
an embarrassment.

- You were
the one abusing him.

- I knew I should've thrown
this away. I just couldn't.

- Everything that you've
ever told me was a lie.

- Talk about the pot
calling the kettle.

Your entire life
is a concoction.

- Wait.

- You're not a hero.

You're a coward who hides behind
her keyboard and a mouse.

- My God!

- You let Darryl
push you around?

done that years ago.

- I'm not a killer.

- No, you're not.
You're a victim.

- I trusted you.

- You are also a very bad
judge of character.

- What did I ever do to you?

- You ruined my life.

So I pushed
Trevor around a little.

It worked for us.
We were happy.

And then he started
reading your garbage.

"Never back down."

What a joke!

Got him all fired up.

- What are you doing?

- So you believe
that garbage?

- Yes.

This is it.

This, this is it.
We're through.

- So this is it.
This is your big stand.

You don't have the balls
to fight back?

- You don't know
what I'm capable of.

- Unfortunately, Trevor,

I know exactly what
you're capable of.

Put it down, Trevor.

I didn't have a choice.

Thanks to you, the police
assumed I was the victim.

I just had to show
them the letters.

Except this one.

So when you
think about it,

it's your fault
Trevor died.

- You're sick!

- Yeah.

The funny part is

Darryl's the one who
cared about the money.

I didn't care
about the money.

I just wanted
to make you suffer.

And then you gave me
the writing job.

And now I'm going to have
everything that you have.

When you think about it,

that is the sweetest
kind of revenge.

- You'll never
get away with this.

- You are
so wrong, sweetheart.

When the world finds out
that I killed Darryl

in an attempt
to protect you,

Modern Media Works is gonna
pass the torch on to me.

And I will continue
to lead the fight

on behalf of our fallen
martyr, Amelia Davis.

- I wish I'd gotten
to you earlier.

Luckily, you called me
when you did.

- I don't feel lucky.

- This isn't your fault.

There was no choice.
It was either you or her.

I've got some good news.

Carlo woke up.
He's gonna be OK.

He was asking about you.

Here comes the press.
We better get you home.

No more vehicles

on the parade route for today.

- You take care
of yourself, Amelia.

- I'm gonna be OK, Hank.

Closed captions:
Vision Globale