No Date, No Signature (2017) - full transcript

Kaveh Nariman is a coroner in the medical examiner's office. One day at his work he meets a corpse which is very familiar to him.


Subpack subtitle by:

Are you blind, man?

The car crashed in my rearview mirror.
I went to divert.

Why do you drive
If you do not control the car?

He hit me!
Is the child well?

She is fine?
See if you did not hit the head.

It was nothing, daughter.

Let me see your arm.

-It was nothing. Is it hurting?
-My head.

-At where? Let me see.
-Call the police.

I am a doctor.
Are you nauseated?

"Are you in the mood to vomit?"

- No, it just hurts here.
-At where?

"How many fingers are there?"

-Call the police. I do not have cellphone.
"I'm going to examine it first."

You drive very badly, man.

Pick it up on your lap,
She's crying.

What are you waiting for?
Give me your cell phone.

-It is without battery.
- You do not have to call the police.

I pay for the repair
and I'll take you to the hospital.

No hospital!
Call the police!

You want me to get a tow truck?

It's destroyed.
And it's not even mine.

Turn on the light on your car.

- Are you fixed?
-How should I know?

Ma'am, sit in the car.
until you fix it.

I'm right here.

Sit in the car, boy.

-It's all right?
"Get in the car, son.

"Tell your wife to come in, too."
- You do not have to.


Bad luck?

Go to the window.
Are you listening to me?

Does the husband know she's there?

She can leave the photos,

But I will not do it.

I'm busy now, Azar.

We'll talk later. Goodbye.

-Are you okay?
-I am.

-What's your name?
- Miss Ali.

Amir Ali.

Roll up the sleeve.

And your last name?


-Are you cold?
-A little.

Bend your arm like that.

"Which series are you in?"
I'm going to the third.

So you're big people already.

Now do so.

-Get a little.
"Is your head hurting too?"

A little here.

- Want to take a nap?
-Not. What is it?

Air conditioning,

heater and defroster.

Five gears?

Put your hand here.

First, back.
You're strong, man.


Third, back.

Is it hurting?


And he's going back.

"Is this the horn?"
-Is not here.

Here is to throw water in the glass.

I'll be back.

Fixed it?

Broke the windshield and the lighthouse.

-How much will it cost?
-I do not know.

You can tell me.
-I do not know yet.

Get in the car. I'll take you to the hospital.
and paid the repair.

I can take them.

- I can give a ride.
- You do not have to.

Get out of there!

It's ok.
Take as much as you want.

- I do not want compensation.

Go with your mother.

Take it.

Thank you.

-Okay for you?
-Sure, no problem.

There's a tunnel near here.
The hospital is next door.

I know where it is.

Let's go.

-Goodbye. A handshake?


Let's go.

- Change the position every two hours.

- Even if it shows no reflection.

The cab is down there.
I can go?


- When did you change the catheter?
"An hour or two ago.

-Did you have a discharge today?

You do not have to.
I have money.


Sayeh brought the boxes.
- Yeah, it's clothes.

She said she would fix it.

What do I say to my sister?
She left the photos.

It's not complicated.

She should go to the specialist.
determine the claim.

She wanted you to see,
because it's been a while.

I did not say not to talk.
of my job?

She's not a stranger.

It's all right.

Ask her to go to IML.


Tomorrow morning,
about eight hours.

I can go?

"Close the door carefully.
-Clear. Goodbye.


You love keeping me waiting.

It's been a month they know.
I'm not a syndic anymore.

But they always complain
when they find me.

"The elevator is broken!
They do not pay the rent! "

- You do not have another syndic?
-Yes, but the guy's a dump.


Would you use another term?

We've been more educated.
I'd say he's ignorant.

No manners.

-Just have bread in it.
"Put the belt on."

Good morning Doctor!
Only a moment.

Sayeh? Honey?
We arrived.

-Good morning Doctor.
-Good Morning.

A woman wants to talk.
with you.

Tell to come here.

It's all right.

-Hey, doctor.

-I do not want to bother.
"Take off your glasses."

-When happened?
"About ten days ago.

And why did not you come here before?

"I felt sorry for him when he cried.
- Was he wearing a ring?

I do not remember, I think so.

-Was it just in the face?
- No, on the back, too.

I have the photos on my cell phone.

Do you know where the forensic laboratory is?
- I can look.

Talk to Mr. Garoosi.

I'll call him.

Can not you be you?

Do not.
The exams are done there.

Take these printed photos.

They will accept the photos.
ten days ago?

Yeah, I think so.

According to your state
ten days ago.

"Do I bring the result to you?"
- No, they take care of it.


Can you sign it, doctor?
It's from yesterday.

-Which is?
-The young man from the accident.

Is written
"car accident" again.

Dr. Moshiri said that the cuts
They're from the windshield and the parapet.

The cut behind the ear is deep.

-What are you doing?
- Sorry, doctor.

Collect the pieces.

- Did you hit the hand?

I'm not signing.

Send the commission.
Or give Dr. Salehi sign.

-Maybe Dr. Salehi will not come today.
-The Farrokh, then. I will not sign.

Eat a little.

I'm not hungry.

Thank you.

You will regret it.
It's organic.

You can not eat egg every day.
He has fatty liver.

You can take care of him at home.

I do not have a house for now.

- Are not you going to get your things?
-I will.

Why so many people?

It must be the last semester.

They repent
two days later.

What do I do with it?

What is the problem?

The family does not want to complain.
nor do an autopsy.

"Did Dr. Salehi come?"
-Not yet.

"What did the judge order?"

Then why are you asking?

Explain the situation
to the family.


What does he want to see?

Where is he?

Speak to take a DNA test.

If he is the father,
I'll inform myself.

No problem.


- Can not you get it?
-My hands are dirty.

Give it to Farrokh.
- Did you mix it?

You can arrange to see.

Man, 30 years old,
severe burn


The family did not say anything,
but it probably is.

Man, 67 years ...


-It's better?
-I'm, Professor.

The stitches hurt and he vomited
yesterday again.


67 years, pulmonary fibrosis.

Man, 23 years old, AVC.

Farrokh, delivered the document
To the doctor?

He sent it to the commission.

Sign up before you give trouble.


He says you're in charge.
All his autopsies to the commission.

He needs
do the job of it right.

-You are impossible.

Man, 31, intoxication.

-No, aluminum phosphide.

Man, 49 years old,
history of heart problems.

The hospital confirmed
cardiac arrest,

but the family says
which was a street fight.

-DIC already investigated?
-Not yet.

Amir Khanroodi, eight years old,
cause of death: unknown.

He died before being hospitalized.

-Homem, 52, died at home.

-The last?
-No, before him.


Amir Ali Khanroodi, eight years old,
cause of death: unknown.

He died before being hospitalized.

When did you get here?


-It's in the room?

Do you know him?

Did you see Dr. Nariman?

It was in the courtyard.

"Behind the morgue?"

- You want me to come with you?

Farrokh said
who was very upset.

Is nothing.
Will pass.

Did you know the boy?

Whose son?

Son of a colleague.

Colleague next?

Not much.
I knew his father.

What does it say on the record?

Cause of death: unknown.

She had strong nausea
and died on the way to the hospital.

Did he have history?

I do not know.

-You want to visit the family?

-Do they know you work here?
-I do not know.

Do not.

-I'll do the autopsy.

What's the matter with you?


Is Farrokh with the chip?

Take the boy
to the autopsy room.

Need to talk to you.

-You need to be now!

Why do you talk like that?
I'm not your servant.

Why do you send my autopsies?
for the commission?

Only when I find it necessary.

Are we stupid?
Only you know everything?

Learn to speak right!

-Already said forever to check everything!
- How do you know I did not check?

The family is waiting
Get your report out there!

I did a complete autopsy!

- He has knife marks on his ear!

And you wrote that it was
a car accident

-I will talk to him.
"As if he were listening!"

"Bring the boy's file."
- I'll bring it.

What is going on?

-He annoys me.
-I know.

What is your problem?
I said I'll do the autopsy.

-It's all right. Bring the plug.
- You do not have to.

I'll pass the case
to Dr. Salehi.

Need to work.

Can you work like this?
Listen to me at least once.

-Sayeh, do not insist.
-Go away.

Will be all right.

I call you
when you finish the autopsy.

Go away.


Look at me.

Do not stay there.
Go away.

-Which is?
- I do not know, they only know how to scream.

We're working.

The guard can not do anything.

We asked to close this door,
but they do not close.

They just scream and scream all the time!

What is going on?

Do not let them in.

Call Dr. Behbahani.

-She left.

To talk to the boy's family.

-For what?
-I do not know.

- They did the autopsy?
-It's been a while.

And sent it to the lab.

"Why did you send for it?"
Excuse me, I need to get in.

- They're just swearing.
-It's all right. Come in, please.

Why all these questions?

Why should we respond?

So what's your job?

What did you do to my son?
the whole morning?

Why do not you talk
in a clearer way?

Calm down.
I'm doing my job.

I know it's sad.

The exam result is gone.
Come get it.


Stay here, please.

Why did you come?
I said I'd call.

-L want to know what happened.
-I did the autopsy.

Prepare him for identification.

"When did you see him last?"
-I do not remember.

-Last week?
-I think so.

- You did not have ptosis?
- I do not remember.

Was your breathing normal?
No weakness?

He was weak.

"Speak right, Sayeh!"

No more questions.

I'm speaking!

I only saw the boy for five minutes,
How will I know these answers?

It's ok.

He was throwing up
a week ago.

I was already weak
when you arrive at the hospital.

He took serum and was released.

What does that mean?

acute intoxication.

Are you sure?

Do not.
That's why I did a test.

"Why was that man screaming?"
-What man?

Your Friend?

I said it was just an acquaintance.

Need to tell me
anything else?

Do not.

As well?


Is it a special case?

Do not. Dr. Nariman knows the family.
They are here.

They need to do exams.

They may have the same thing.

Only if it's botulism.

The boy had botulism.
for sure.

They must have eaten the same thing.
It only had a different effect.

Just food poisoning?

May have been intoxicated
the blood too.

It's rare, but it happens.

"Could he have survived?"
- I can not say.

If you're not diagnosed,
can kill in ten days.

How many days ago?
was he like this?

About six or seven days.

Do not you hear me?


Hello my sister.

I lost my son.

He's gone.

I'm in mourning.

I do not know.

He had diarrhea ...

and vomiting.

He was shaking, he could not eat.

I could not even speak

Last night.

I woke up the Moosa
to take him to the hospital.

He was all frozen.

I need to hang up.

Usually, we do not report
the cause of death for the family.

We send
to the legal authorities.

But this is a special case.

"Do you have another daughter?"

"Did they all eat the same thing?"
-As well?

Did she eat the same as you did?

No, she's breastfed.

Does anyone else live with you?

Do not.

He had food poisoning,
of a bacterium

called C. botulinum .

"Stay outside."

No, you can come in.

I was explaining.

Your son had botulism.
It's a rare disease.

one kind
of food poisoning.

Did you eat canned tuna?

Do not.

And your son?

He did not like fish.

Any other canned food?

Something defeated or spoiled meat?

Do not.

You need to get tested.

They did not feel weakness.
This past week?

Difficulty swallowing?

Same symptoms as your child.

What do you mean "spoiled meat"?

Meat produces bacteria

if you stay indoors.

If you enter the body,
can kill in ten days.

-Moose ...

-What else?
-It is.

Do not you remember anything?

I am asking
for your sake.

Do not.


They need to take the exams.

If you have symptoms,
seek medical advice immediately.

He is ready
to be identified.

The exit permit.
has already been issued.

My feelings.

I want to stay here for a while.

It's all right.

But do not be late,
because the ambulance is about to leave.

What did she say, Moosa?

Do not say anything now.

- She said "rotten meat."
-Wait just a minute.

-Moose ...
- Shut up.

Do you know them well?


The boy's parents.

Why do not you forget that?
Do I ask you to explain everything?

Do not.

The father is hiding something.

As well?

The mother wanted to talk,
but he stopped her.

-Are you sure?
-I felt.

Put in report
if you think it's important.

-What is it?

"Superficial swelling
behind the head ".

It's nothing important.

- There was no bleeding?

"Any break?"

Asked the family
about swelling?

No, why?

It was not necessary.

Thank you.

You do not come?

No, I have to finish.
some chips from yesterday.

It's all right.

Khanroodi, Amir Ali!

This way.

This way.

It's him?

-It's him?

Rest in peace.

You can not stay there.

May God comfort you.

You can take the documents
down there.

Hello, Mrs. Sahragard.
It's Nariman.

I have a question.

It was you
the person responsible for the autopsy

of the boy today?

That, eight years.

Dr. Behbahani
You mentioned a swelling, right?

There was no fracture?

No bleeding?

Checked the vertebrae?
No break?

Did you open it?

That can not be a reason.

I heard about the intoxication.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

In between.
They're asking about you.

I'm going in.

It's already 10:00.
I do not think they're leaving.

Why did they stay?

To visit the tomb tomorrow.

For what?

To do what everyone else does.

Where were they
when he was alive?

Is that you?

"Worried about us?"
"See how you speak ..."

When they came, you were leaving.

Leila, where is the garbage?

Behind the curtain.

Find something for dinner.
They're hungry.

I only needed this.

"They came to help us."
-I have no money.

"Why are you being thick?"
- I'm not, I just do not have the money.

There is that gororoba
that you brought.

Do I offer that?

Are you being sarcastic now?
-I can not?

- God, I do not ...
Why did you bring that?

- Hold it. They'll hear you.
"Shall I shut up?"

-You should be ashamed.
-The guy said it was good.

- Then why did he sell so cheaply?
- I swear to God I did not know!

I hate it when you swear to God.



Why are you sitting there?

You saw him?


Amir Ali.


Why did not you leave it?
open the coffin?

Lets go in.

Come on, let's go inside.
-I do not want.

You can enter.

I'm leaving after the seventh day.

-Where you go?
-I do not know.

I think I'm going back
to Garmsar.

I'm taking Raheleh with me.

This decision is not yours.

Yes it is.

I do not want to be here.

I said nothing,
And you're very bold.

Want to hit me?
Go ahead.

Did not you hear?
I said I did not know.

You did not know what?

I swear to god.

Thought they were
sorry for you?

They'll listen.

Did not think it was weird.
to be so cheap?

He just said
who were not slaughtered.

Why not?
Why, were they good?

They'll listen.

He thought they would sell
Good meat at this price?

-What's it? Do you think I'm stupid?

You took my son from me.
- Hold it.

They'll listen.


You think nobody understands?

Listen to me...

You think he's a real man?

Do you even care?

Look at me.

Look at me now.

I do not want.

I can not look at you.

You killed my son.

My Amir Ali.

My God.

My God.

My Amir Ali.

God is a witness. I...

My God.


Can go.

I'm going.

Some problem?

When he did the autopsy yesterday,

You did not notice any displacement.
of the cervical vertebrae?

You asked Sahragard.
Why ask me?

-Excuse me.

I'm not asking anything,
because you asked me.

I will not ask who he is.
nor what happened.

I will not ask,
and you will not say anything.

But do not think I'm an idiot.


I got involved
in an accident with them the day before yesterday.

At where?

Can we go up?

- Why did not you call the ambulance?
"My insurance was over.

If I called the police,
It was going to be a problem.

But the card said
that they took him to the hospital.

They took him at dawn,
and he died on the way.

What do you think it was?

I checked the skull.

There was no fracture.
nor bleeding.

Sahragard said
You did not check the neck.

I checked.

-But it did not open.
- No need.

I read your report.
during the night.

What you write indicates
displacement of the cervical vertebrae.

He had nausea,
weakness and ptosis a week ago.

The laboratory confirmed
the botulism.

But it does not mean
which was the cause of death.

What if he fractured his neck
no accident

How was the beat?

I do not remember very well.
He was dizzy as he sat down.

"The exam would show.

If it is in the first vertebrae,
there is only difficulty to move.

Why did not you tell me yesterday?

I would have checked better.

I do not want to blame you.

Everyone who causes an accident
Do you seek the body to speak what you have done?

I did what I always do.

We do not check these things.
in a general autopsy.

"It was an accident."
"And how would I know?"

You never talk when you need it.

Never had a hard time
to tell something



It's me.

For what?

MS. Bad luck,
I already talked to your sister.

I did what I could to help.

I'm not busy.
I have no time.

You're welcome.


He sat in the car.

He ran his hand over his head,
but I did not even call.

You are not sure.

Keep blaming yourself
It will not change anything.

He may have died.
because of the accident

I know.

But what can you do now?

He was not going to spend ten days.

I would live only three more days.

"I wish I had spoken to them yesterday."
-About what?

It's just a possibility.

And he would not let you go.

I do not want to justify anything,
but now it's over.

Get up.
Let's be late.

I can not go.
Go you.

The key is there.

Would you like something to eat?

Can not go.

-May I help?
-I want to talk to Habib.

-May I help?
- Where's Habib?

-In the courtyard.
-I looked, he was not there.

Look in the locker room.

May I help?

What is it?

What are you doing?

Come on!

-I'll kill you!
-What is it?

Leave me!
I'll kill you, bastard.

What is your problem, you animal?

Where's the junk you sell?

- Watch how you talk!

How many people have you killed?

Where's the junk you sell?


Come on!
I'm going to kill this son of a bitch!

Stop it, you bastard!

Do not do this, stop!

Son of a bitch.

Shut up!

Stop it now!

Do you consider yourself a person?

Do you know what honor is?

-What you mean?
-You do not understand!

Nobody understand!

My son died!

Motherfucker! My son died.

What is he talking about?

Ask the boss to come here!


Is it a lie?

Leave me.

You bastard!

Where the fuck?

Answer or I'll kill you!

-I do not know him.

Do'nt know?

Do not you know me?

What is going on?

What is he talking about?

He's cursing me for no reason.

Call the police.

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

They're going to work.
Get out!

Come on, everyone!

It is?

You're not human!

-Are animals!
-What you mean?

Are they Muslim?

Are they people?

They do not give a damn about the others!

What is he talking about?

Of the dead chickens.

Why are you here?

We throw away
or we give the dogs.

For the dogs?

A dog is better than you!

My son was a dog?

I am a dog

Why did I take this?
for my family!

I am a dog
because I'm alive!

Shut up! Call the police.

Why are you holding me?

I buried my life yesterday.

Take it.

Take this to your family.

It's cheap.
I'm doing you a favor.

What is he talking about?
What did you sell it to him?

It's a lie.
I do not know him.

Do not know me?

You said
that everyone bought.

Do not know me?

Do not just stand there.

Let's go!

I'm not leaving here without seeing him dead.

Can stop.
You can file a report.

Get him out of here.

Do not just stand there!

I will kill you!

Do not stay there.
I told you to go back to work.

Let's go!

Do not hit him!


What did you do?

-He is lying.
-You're lying?

"Did you sell the chicken carcass?"
-Is not true.

Shut up!

Get out of here.

Get out.

For the love of God...

Shut up. You must thank
because I did not call the police.

As if I had sold the carcass
And bought a truck ...

Skirt! Get out!

I curse you and
your family.

Take it.

You must sue.

For what?
He says he does not know me.

Where did he sell it?

At the door.

When did this happen
with your son?

May God condemn you.

Process Stop Pulling
Good luck

-The boss wants to talk to you.

Get up.

May God comfort you.
They'll pay for it.

This door is closed.
Use the other one.

I do not know how you will respond to God.

Are you going to call someone?


The police.

They're throwing away the carcasses.

Pretend I did not tell you anything.


Mr. Oladi!

You asked?

He says that only the name of the disease
is mentioned.

I told you.

The forensic laboratory
it only tells the cause of death.

"And is it good to mention it?"
- Depends on the judge.

Crime has to be proven.

He sold it to my husband.

No use, you need evidence.

What can I do?

Do you have a witness?
Did anyone see you selling it?

I do not know.

If you prove, the sentence of your husband
can change.

I've been living with him for fifteen years.
He would not hurt a fly.

I know,
but it's a criminal process now.

What would do
if she went with her son?

What are you saying?

-Wait. Need to talk to you!

What are you talking about?

You can not do what you want.
because it was wronged.

And what can I do?
I come here all the time,

I have a small child.

Talk to a lawyer.

See if you can find a way out.

-How much will it cost?
-It's free.

Go to the consulting office.

-Where is?

Is anyone there now?

How will I know?



-What she wanted?
- Did you see her at the gate?


I wanted us to change
the report.


Just a minute.

No, I'm in my office.

I'll go there. It's all right.

As well?

I wanted us to write
the cause of death clearly.


Tell Sahragard to bring it.

Did not quite understand.

Tell me
which she said exactly.

I'm speaking.

She wants us to mention
that the spoiled meat was chicken.

Chicken meat?

Looks like Dad bought it.
spoiled chicken meat.

They were selling very cheap,
and he bought it.

- He bought chicken carcass?
-I think so.

Put it there.

Why does she want this?
On the report?

The judge advised.

They'll bring more chips today.

-These files are temporary.
-Yes, I'll put it upside down.

And then?

She was very annoyed.
I did not get it.

There's not enough room.
I'll put it on the shelf.

Give me the chips.

You can go, please.

Dr. Salehi said ...
-Please, leave.

You can come back when we're done.

- It does not have to be that thick!
"Tell me what she said."

"You're letting it go too far.
-Answer. What she said?

That her husband went after
of the chicken salesman.


Hit him and now he's in a coma.

Who's in a coma?

The seller.

And the father is where?

Is arrested.

Kaveh! Kaveh!


Kaveh Nariman.

From where?


Judge Ahmadi
authorized the visit.

Just a minute.

Your cell phone or gun.


Were you at IML that day?


Why did not you tell me?

I still did not know.

Still do not know.
I have doubts.

If I had doubts,
I would not be here.

Is not true.


He had botulism.

But the symptoms seem
of neck fracture.

He broke his neck.
and walked out normally?

No, it's a medical term.

When the trauma is severe,

a slight displacement of the vertebra

can cause death.

Do not understand.

You write whatever you want.

The blood test
confirmed botulism.

Then why are you here?

Because the cause of death
may be another.

And you just say now?

Wrote that my son died

because of the meat I bought.

You're done with my life.

My wife
You can not look at me.

Do you know what this is?

It's just a possibility.

Then why did not you say it before?

I did not do the autopsy.
It was a colleague.

Why did not you do anything?
When did you find out?


I do not know.

I thought a lot.

I wrote an exhumation request,
but I did not deliver.

I was afraid?

- I was not sure.
"Did you think they were going to fire you?"

It's too late.

It's too late, doctor.

Why did not you take him?
to the hospital that night?

I buzzed, signaled,
But you went straight.

Want your money back?

It's not about the money.

If he had taken the boy,
he could have

Why did not you stop?


He was fine.

We went out for dinner,
after years.

If I had taken
My son to the hospital,

would he have survived?

I do not know.

I really do not know.

Do you want me to continue later?

No, make yourself comfortable.

No longer need me?

No thank you.

Cut his nails tomorrow.

Leave it to me.


Take care.

-What's Dr. Salehi talking about?

-Get out of the car.


What's it?

- He said you asked for an exhumation.
- Yeah, I asked.

What are you doing?

In such cases,
an autopsy must be performed.

What will this change?

Suppose he died
because of the accident

-Is not true.
"How do you know that?"

You did not check the neck.

It was your fault, not mine.

Everybody confesses
when does it cause an accident?

You only know how to repeat that.

He had no accident wounds.
And the signs of intoxication were clear.

You should have said,
but you did not say anything!

-I will, dammit!
-You do not need to exalt yourself.

I messed up
and I'm paying for it.

He would have died

Dad's going crazy!

He thinks he killed his own son.

that he did not have botulism ...

Why did not he take him?
to the doctor?

Not a reason
for a false report.

Did I make a fake report?

Are you sure
that he died of botulism?

-He had botulism.
"Was that the cause of death?"

-Many people...
-Are you sure?

I killed him!

The son died, he is imprisoned,
and the other is in a coma!

If I had spoken before,
He would not have hit his face!

"And I'm to blame for everything?"
-Why do not you understand?

I would understand
if it made any difference.

He is ignorant.

But we wrote on paper
that he killed his own son.

If you do not work here,
Would you go after him?

I made an accident,
and he showed up here the next day.

What does that mean?

Are you a doctor.
Does not make sense.

This is the only center.
All bodies come here.

-Listen to me.
-No, listen to me.

All right, do the exhumation.

But if the result is the same,
it will only have caused more suffering.

I'm from IML.

Park here.

He came from there.
I was here and I called him.

Did you go talk to Habib?

He ran away, and I followed him.


Come here, soldier!

Can go.
Stop right there.

I got it over here.
and I pressed his forehead.

Forehead or tem- poral?

I hit it right here, like this.

- Where's the guard?
-I'm here.

-Where were you?
- At the kiosk.

I heard and I saw them fighting.

He screamed
for me to call the police.

What happened next?

His shirt was torn.

And then he hit me with his head.


He pushed me

to the wall

and took my neck.

You see?

Yes, I've seen it all.
while calling the police.

And then?

He grabbed my throat.
Grab it!

With both hands, strangling me.

He was strangling me,

I had a hand here.

Let me lift them up.

I wanted to take his hand off him,

I turned him around,

and he fell here.

It was so.

Did you push or did he fall?

I just wanted to let go.

-What you saw?
- I was leaving, I did not see it right.

Who was the other witness?

-Sr. Hesari.
-It's me.

What you saw?

I was going to the warehouse
and I saw the two fighting.

Where is?

At that big gate over there.

And then?

They were fighting,
and he threw it in there.

Did he play, or did the other one fall?

I saw him playing.

Why are you lying?
How did you see it so far?

- Silence, ma'am.
-Is not fair!

-He is lying!

- Calm down.
-You can only speak when I ask.

How did he get to see?

Take her away.

Listen. They are friends.

-You should not be here.
-Why not?

The law will not allow it.
I told you not to say anything.

-It's all right. I'll be quiet.
-Do not leave!

Just listen to me for a minute!

Do not say anything. Just leave.

You will be punished for it!

Quiet! Skirt!

You're gonna pay for it.

You'll pay for all this.


-Get closer.
-Yes sir.

Did he fall or was he thrown?

I swear it was played.
I think you played!

Habib is not my friend.

Is that what he said?

This what?

He says you threw him.

I already said and I will repeat:
he was hanging me.

I pushed him, and he fell.

"What else do you want to hear?"

"Is this door always open?"

We left open
to get the smell of diesel.

Where did it fall exactly?

I have not seen.

-Speak louder.
-I have not seen.

- How could you not?
-What do you want me to say?

I held him
Until the police arrive.

"Answer what I asked.
-I am not going to answer.

Do not complicate matters.

"Why were you so rude to my wife?"
- I was not thick, she could not be here.

Everything I said
does not make sense?

Answer my question!

I am not going to answer.

I brought so many people here
for what?

What do you want to do?

"Hang me?"
- Enough!

If I leave, I'll kill myself.

If I were a man,

I would not bury my son.
that way.

Get him!

To argue with so many people,
answer you.

What are you looking for?
I've said it several times ...


He was going to kill me.

Faster, soldier!

Did not you hear me?
He was strangling me.

I wanted to take his hands off him.

I've said it countless times.
what happened.

Someone comes over and says ...

I swear he was strangling me.

Come with me.

Where exactly was he?

Near the tank.

I think his head
hit the tip.

He was bleeding.


Write their testimony.

You two, come here.

-You are you ...
-Parvi Hesari.


Back to work.

Close the gate.

Come on, let's go, everybody back.

I'm going.
I'm on my way.

I'll go and talk.

I can not talk now.

It's all right.


She said that he would only live

a few more days.

Did she tell the truth?

Do not.

We can not be sure.

When will you do it?

Exhumation will be on Tuesday.

Does your husband know?

You know.

I wanted to tell you something.

I would not do that
if there were another way.

I just ask you to tell
to your husband when ...

I'm not going to visit him any more.

I went a few times,
but he did not show up.

His colleague said
that he was ashamed.

Was it the mother?

-What she said?

I wanted to know the result.

Did you give her your number?


Spoke with the inspector
at the crime scene?

Yes, why?

What did he say?

Probably manslaughter.

I wanted to tell you before.
But since you were not well this morning,

I did not say anything.

The boy's mother called me.
Last night.

The victim died.

The chicken seller?

I should not
I told you now.

You come?

I'm going.


It's Nariman.

Who's on duty today?


Pass the call.



Has Dr. Rafe'i gone yet?

It's changing.
He said that you would replace him.

They're bringing a body.

"Ask to be careful.

- Leave him at the morgue.


They arrived.

I'm going.

The report states that he asked
several times for you to call the police.


Why did not you call?

I wanted,
but my insurance was over.

They would have taken my car.

When did your insurance expire?

A few months ago.

Why did not you take him to the hospital?

There were no apparent injuries,
and they refused.

You did not see the family of the deceased.
in IML?


Did they see you, too?

- We did not know he worked there.

You already gave your testimony.

Did not you tell the family?

No sir.

Who did the second autopsy?

I made.

I have nothing here.

Dr. Salehi delivered the copy

to the judge twenty days ago ...

She is writing.

"Did you manage to follow?"

Was not he sick?

The lab confirmed that it was.

But the main cause of death ...

It was the trauma
caused by the accident.

That could not be determined.
on the first day?

He does not appear in the general autopsy,

but I had doubts
because he knew about the accident.

When did you begin to suspect?

After they delivered
the body ŕ family.

And when did you ask for the exhumation?

Ten or twelve days later.

Thirteen days later, right?

He realized that day, but only asked
the exhumation thirteen days later?



I do not know.

You are a member
of the judicial system.

Your testimony
It's considered confession.


Anything else to declare?

I do not think so.

Right. Will be free
until it is tried.

Sign your testimony.

You too.

On here.

Take it.

On here.

Can you give me the key?

Do you have my cell phone?


Why did not I tell you?
who gave them money?


The money you gave
at that night.

It was not necessary.

It was not necessary
or did not want to talk?

I did not even remember.

He did not remember either.
which they passed straight from the hospital.

The judge did not ask anything.

What's it?

Stop the car.

Why did you come back that night?
and did the autopsy?

You asked me a thousand times.

I was worried
and wanted to know the result.

I've been doing this for eleven years.

Do not understand.

Stop the car.

Stop the car!

Look at me.

The cause of death
was it really the accident?