Nightmare Best Friend (2018) - full transcript

At first Katy is happy to see her old friend Gina. At least until she realizes that Gina and her boyfriend are planning to rob Katy and willing to hold her family hostage to get the job done. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Wish I could.

♪ ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

You're working late tonight?
- Nope.

Darlene got us weekend
passes to Jazz Fest.

- Nice.

- How about you?
Any big plans?

- Let's see.

Yard work, bills,

washing dirty soccer uniforms.

Oh, slow down, Katy.

I'll see you Monday, Bob.
- All right.

- Goodnight.
- Night.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Night, Des.
- Hey, see you, Bob.

♪ ♪


Anyone there?



♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Careful.

- Hey, mom, could we
climb the fire ladder?

Please? Please?

- Absolutely not.
- Dad said we could.

- Oh, no, I didn't,
and just so you know,

you're getting broccoli
in your soccer snack today.

- Just once can we?
We'll never ask again.

- You two are hilarious.

You can't even reach it.
- Sure we can.

It's easy through
the upstairs bathroom.

- Shut up.
- Mm-hmm.

That's not for fun.

It's dangerous.
It's for emergencies.

Back me up here, Judy.
- Your mom's just trying

to keep you out of
a body cast this summer.

- I don't know,
sounds pretty fun to me.

- Not helping.
- Thanks, Judy.

Get ready to go, guys.
Tournament's in an hour.

What was that for?

- No reason.
- Mm.

I swear,
every time I go online,

someone is going on
a safari or whitewater rafting

or jumping out of an airplane.

- I really wish you would
reconsider Costa Rica.

I mean, hang gliding,
scuba diving.

It's all included
in the package.

- You know I don't mind
if you go.

- We talked about this, Katy.

I don't want to go
with the guys.

I want to go with you.

- Oh, someone
tagged me in a photo.

Oh, my God.

- Wow.
- Wild.

- Those dresses, that hair.

Who's the wild child?

- That's Gina, my best friend
back in Lakeridge.

- Oh, you went
to school together?

- Yeah, she's
a couple years older.

He got held back
in middle school.

Great girl, but missed
a lot of school

because of
her crazy home life.

- Huh. See you soon?

- Okay.

Gina Mancetti?

Katy the Greatie.

- I'm so happy to see you.

What are you doing here?
I thought you lived in Austin.

- God, not since years ago.

- I just want
to hear everything.

Oh, God, this is my husband.

- Andy.
- Yes.

- I know. I recognize you
from all the poolside pics

that Katy posts online.

Love the Speedo.

- Wait, what?

- Okay, so I'm guilty
of posting TMI,

but you, you are a mystery.

I want to hear everything.

- Then I met this
smoking hot drummer

and moved to Miami Beach,
but we broke after a year,

so then I ended up
back in Riverside.

- Wow, so in the years since
we left Lakeridge, that's--

- Seven cities, ten jobs.

- Yeah.
- It's a lot.

- One city, one job,
and one man.

- Mm.
- What about you?

Is there someone special
in your life right now?

- Okay, everyone ready?

- I haven't seen Gina in years.

Would it be terrible
if I don't come?

- Honey, I don't think
they're gonna revoke

your soccer mom license
if you miss one tournament.

You girls stay here, catch up.

- Actually, I have
a better idea.

I was thinking we'd take
a road trip back to Lakeridge,

visit Washington High.

Look what I'm driving.

- Ahh!
You still have it?

- Girls' trip, I love it.

- Please? I promise I will
take great care of her,

and I will have her
back before bedtime.

♪ ♪

- ♪ Hey ♪


- Whoo!
- Ready?

- Bye! Love you!
- Bye!

♪ ♪

- Oh, so good.

♪ ♪

- Whoo!

♪ ♪

Ah, look!

♪ ♪

- Oh.

- Oh, my God.
Is it open?

I don't know.

♪ ♪

- Oh!
- Damn it!

- Thank you.

- I literally don't think
I've had fries this good

in 15 years.

Good old.
They're amazing, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- I get them every time
I visit my mom.

- Mm, your mom still lives
in your old house on Hickory?

We should go visit her.

- I don't know. I didn't even
tell her I was in town.

Hey, isn't that where we made
out with those Romero brothers?

- Yeah, the juvie twins.

How could I forget?
You had Jake. I had Jerry.

- Jake had better hair,
but Jerry was a better kisser.

- Wait, you kissed my twin?

- No, they tricked us,

- Oh, right, they switched
T-shirts during that party.

Those tricky bastards.

- Yeah, come on, I would
never betray you like that.

- We've been together all day,

and you still haven't told me
if you're seeing anyone.

- His name's Ray.
- Mm.

- And he's gorgeous and smart
and full of surprises.

- I swear, excitement
follows you everywhere.

I think that's why
I was always drawn to you.

When I was young
and things got tough,

I dreamed of being you, Gina.

Our friendship got me
through high school.

God, you got me out
of the house after my mom died.

My dad was a wreck.
I love him,

but completely unprepared
to raise a preteen girl.

- Well, we didn't
make it easy on him.

Remember when I let you
drive my car at 14?

- The good times we had
in that car.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Do it, baby!

- Hey, watch where
you're going, Neanderthal.

- I'm so sorry.

- What'd you call me? Huh?

- Neanderthal,
like a big, stupid brute.

- Gina, what are you doing?

Gina, he has a knife.

- Oh, caveman make sharp tool.

♪ ♪

- Gina, Gina--

- I told you Ray
was full of surprises.

- That was not funny.

- Come on, back in the day
you would have loved that.

- Don't be mad at her.
It was my idea.

Gina said you guys were nearby.

She wanted to show you
a good time.

I--I couldn't resist
the opportunity. I'm sorry.

- Couldn't resist
pulling a weapon on us?

Who carries a knife like that?

- You know, that's a little
judgmental, don't you think,

for someone that nearly
hit me with a car?

- Well, it nearly gave me
a heart attack.

I think I need a drink.

- Now you're speaking
my language.

Hey, Gina says the best beer
in town's at the Tavern, huh?

I parked over there.
I'll drive.

- Hey, sweetie,
do you think you could

throw this out for me?

- What? What?

- We need more time.

- You've had plenty of time.

- No, you don't unders--
- You need to get ready.

- You don't understand.
We are not there yet.

- So get there.

- I need, like, an hour.

- Good to go?

- Actually,
Ray just remembered

he needs to check in
with his brother on some stuff.

- Yeah, but I'll circle
back around with you guys

in an hour, all right?

One hour.

- So my game was really good.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Parenthood changes

You'll see.

If that's in your cards,
maybe with Ray.

- We've been talking
about settling down,

buying a ranch in Monterey,
getting some horses,

but I'm having a hard time

convincing Ray
he wants to be a dad.

- Ooh, hey, it's work.
I better take this.

- No, Katy, come on.

Isn't the point of today
to let go and have fun?

Hey, look, Webster's.
Come on. Let's go.

Come on.

Oh. Oh, my gosh.

It's exactly the same.

Remember we used
to come here,

like, every day
after high school?

- Yeah, to try on makeup.
- To try on makeup.

- There it is.

- Fruity Fuchsia.

- I can't believe
they still make this crap.

- Oh, the memories.

- Takes me back
to prom night.

- We're sneaking through
my mom's living room

trying not to wake her up.

- Mm, taking shots of that
disgusting--what was it?

Oh, my gosh.

Peach liqueur.

Should we get some?

- Yeah.
It'd be criminal not to.

- Okay, open your bag.

Open your bag.

- Gina, what are you doing?
Gina, stop.

What are you doing?
- Relax. Come on.

- What are you talking about?
Are you crazy?

- Put it in the bag.
- Gina, stop it. Gina.

- No, you stop it.
- What are you doing?

- Hey. What's going on here?
- Hi, Mr. Webster.

It's Gina and Katy.
Do you remember us?

You used to kick us out,
like, once a week.

- Yeah, you're the ones who
locked yourself in my bathroom

for two hours
to dye your hair pink.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- That's right, yes, yes.

- At least
you're talking to me.

These millennial kids.
- Yeah.

- Cell phones.
- Ugh, they are terrible.

- Yeah, well.

- It was so good to see you,
Mr. Webster.

Have a great night.
- Bye.

- Yeah.
- Bye.

- Come on back.

- What's wrong with you?

Do you know what would have
happened if we got caught?

- Oh, come on, we would have
flirted, showed a little skin.

It would have been fine.

- I'm not joking, Gina.
- You know what?

Don't act like we
never did this before.

Remember when your dad
found our loot in eighth grade?

Who covered for you?

Look, I want to help break you
out of soccer mom jail,

but you have to want it too.

- Come on. Come on.

- Ugh.
- Ahh!

- Fly, fly!

♪ ♪

- Ugh.
- Yes.

- Mm, mm-mm.

Oh, every bit as bad
as I remember.


Mmm, compliments the
Fruity Fuchsia nicely though.

- You remember fuchsia was
our secret code word?

- Yeah, oh, my God.
Fuchsia, danger ahead.

- Remember when Coach Nelson
had me call you to see

if you'd admit that
we lied on our PE test?

- Yeah, I knew it was a trap

the second that you mentioned
those fuchsia high tops.

- Katy, if I was in trouble,

would you help?

- What kind
of question is that?

- What if
the situation was...

less than legal?

Come on, just hypothetically.

- You know I'd want to,
but I--

I can't be involved
in anything illegal.

- You know I'd do
anything for you, right?

Remember when you crashed
your car and I covered for you?

- Yeah.

- So what's changed?
You don't still feel that bond?

- You know I do.

I just--

♪ ♪

Gina, we had
some great times.

I mean,
we did some crazy stuff,

but when I had my kids,
I promised

I would never do anything
that would stop me from being

there for them the way that
my mom wasn't there for me.

That's how I live my life.
I don't take risks.

I don't put myself
in harm's way, Gina.

I don't even fly
in airplanes anymore.

Andy and I haven't been
on a vacation in 11 years.

- Good now?

- That's my office again.

Hey, Bob, what's up?

- Hey, Katy, I wanted
to let you know that we had

a robbery after you left.
- What?

- Yeah, Desmond
was shot and killed.

- Last night?
- Yeah, they cleaned out

the electronic storage room,
wiped out everything.

Police are everywhere
right now, it's pretty crazy.

- Are there any
leads or anything?

- I don't really know.
Building's on lockdown today.

We're gonna send you new
access codes in the morning.

- Okay, yeah.
- All right.

- Everything okay?

- Actually, no.

There was a break-in
at my office last night.

One of our security
guards was killed.

Oh, my God.

God, he was a good kid.

♪ ♪

I feel really sick about this.
I'm gonna head home.

- No.
- Nope.

- We got to talk.
- Hey.

- Hold up, hold up.
- What's going on?

- I'm sorry.
This is really serious.

We need your help, Katy.

- Yeah, you know,
my brother Tommy and I,

we got a little tip about
a manufacturer of these

particular parts,
so we decided

to pay them a little visit
last night after they closed.

A lot of people,
they don't know, but these

things got little bits
of gold and platinum in them.

It's not a lot, of course,
but you find the right parts,

right quantity,
it stacks up pretty quick.

Supposed to be an easy job.

Nobody was supposed
to get hurt, Katy,

but that guard,
he surprised Tommy.

I feel awful about this,
but there's a complication.

- A complication?
A man is dead.

- That is not the complication.

- No.
- Hey, all right.

You know what?
Hey, hey, no.

♪ ♪

My brother,
my idiot brother Tommy

leaves his gun in the lockup
cage, and it gets left behind.

Now, his prints,
they're all over that gun.

Now, Tommy
tries to get in there,

but the whole place is a--
it's a crime scene,

security everywhere,
cops everywhere.

They're not letting
anybody past...

except for maybe you.

Now, Tommy's hanging out
on the street after the fact

with a couple bystanders,
overhears the cops planning

a sweep tomorrow at noon.

So once you get your
new passcodes in the morning...

- Yeah.
- You're gonna go get

that gun for me,
you understand?

- Yeah, this whole day was a
setup so that you could get me

to retrieve a murder weapon.

How could you do that?

No, I won't be a part of this.
- Katy--

- Hey, shh, well,
you don't have a choice.

We're taking my truck.

- Come on.
- It's over here.

♪ ♪

- How could you
pull me into this?

- I feel sick about this,
Katy. I had no idea.

- What,
they just coincidentally

chose my office building?

- Ray's brother Tommy's
always causing trouble,

and I guess he was
on my computer,

and some of your work photos
showed up on my social media.

You post a lot of work photos,
Katy, and Tommy can see

an opportunity a mile away.

I guess he saw security codes

and convinced Ray
to scope out the building.

- I've never posted
my building address.

- It doesn't matter.

If your phone has GPS,
then the location's embedded.

♪ ♪

- Put it on speaker.

- No.
- Do it, Katy.

- Ray.

- See, you need
to understand this.

My brother and I
are not going back to jail,

and I'll do whatever I have
to do to make sure of that,

so answer the phone.

Tell your husband what
a great time you're having.

- Okay.

Hi, honey.

- Hey, baby.
I'm glad I caught you.

The kids are saying that
you told them they could

stay up till midnight.


Are you there?

- Yeah, hey, um,

the kids can
stay up until midnight.

- Are you okay?
You sound a little, um--

- Hey, Andy, yeah,
we're just really tired.

We had a really
long day today,

so if you could just
watch the kids a little longer,

I think we're gonna stay
at a hotel tonight.

- Sure thing.
We're having a blast.

Hey, tomorrow we'll just
be here watching the World Cup,

so yeah, get some rest,
and we'll see you then, okay?

- Tell the kids
I love them, A--

♪ ♪

So we're going to a motel?

I only packed for the day.

I'm not gonna make it
through the night

without my allergy medicine.
- Well, you can survive.

- You know, actually, she gets
it really bad in the summer.

One time we had
to take her to the ER.

- Can we please
just go to the drugstore?

There's one up on the right.

♪ ♪

- All right.
You all are going in alone.

The medicine aisle,
checkout, that's it.

Got it?
- Mm-hmm.

♪ ♪

Gina, how could you get caught
up with an animal like this?

You're so much
better than this.

- Look, I know
Ray's not perfect,

but he's doing this
for his brother, okay?

He wants a better life
for them.

- And what, he would--

- I'm telling you, Katy,
he want--he has a good heart.

- And he was
in jail for what?

Tax evasion?
- Yes, he's made some mistakes,

but Tommy has put him
in a really tough spot, okay?

- Gina, you don't
have to live like this.

I can help you right now.

- I'm sorry,
but I can't let you.

You need to take care of this.

I really need your help.

This is the one
you take, right?

- Yeah, fine.
- Come on.

- Is there water in the truck?
- I don't think so.

- Can you grab one
and I'll meet you?

- Okay, but don't go far.

- Just for that.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

- Oh, hey, hi.
- Mr. Webster, I'm in trouble.

I don't have time to explain.

Please, there's
a man outside with a gun.

I need you
to call the police, please.

- Okay.
- Call the police.

- Okay, hold on.

- Let's just get
out of here, I guess.

- Oh, no, Mr. Webster,
I just saw him.

He said he'd be right back.

- I don't care
what Mr. Webster--

- No, come on.

- Hi, Mr. Webster.

- See?

♪ ♪


- This is what happens
when you don't listen.

- Ray, no! No!

You're not hurting him!

- Ray. Ray, stop.

- No one's hurting
anybody, okay?

Here, take her to the car.
- Come on.

- Go ahead, take her back.

I'm gonna have a quick convo
with my new buddy here.

- Ray.
- Take the gun, take the gun.

- Come on.

- I don't--
I don't want any trouble.

I--I didn't see you.
I didn't see them.

- Yeah, but see, I saw you,

and it sure looked like
you were calling the cops.

- N-no, no, but--
but it didn't dial through.

You-you can check it yourself.

I don't want any trouble.

Take--take whatever you want.

- No, I'm good.

You know, on second thought,
I skipped dinner.

So would you mind
maybe grabbing me a couple

of those protein bars?
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

- Yep, you were right,
super sweet guy.

Hey, and look what he gave us.

♪ ♪

- All units,
we're getting reports

of a homicide
at 524 Glen Street,

Webster's Pharmacy.

Customer found the deceased
and is currently on scene.

Patrol units in the vicinity,
please respond

to 524 Glen Street.

♪ ♪

- Wait, what--

- Relax.

- Where are we going?

- Isn't this your
mom's neighborhood?

- We're just gonna spend
the night on Memory Lane.

- Come on, it's late.
We'll wake up my mom.

- Hey, we'll be
quiet little bunnies, hmm?

Just like when you two
used to sneak out

in high school, right?

♪ ♪

Where do you think
you're going?

Where you going?
Where you going?

- To the bathroom
to take my pill.

- I'll tell you when
it's bathroom time, okay?

Go make yourself
comfortable, quietly.

Hey, go watch her.
- Okay.

I'll go talk to him.

Put those away.

- What is it?

- You'll wake up my mom.
Who were you talking to?

- Who do you think?

- We talked about this, Ray.
It wasn't part of the plan.

- Well, then you need to get

your little girlfriend
on board.

- Gina?

- Hey, ma.
Sorry to wake you.

You remember Ray.

- Yes, of course.

Why didn't you call
and tell me you were coming?

I didn't make up
the guest bed.


Katy Schulzman.
Oh, Katy.

Oh, Katy.

Oh, you were always
such a sweet girl.

It has been so long.

You know, why don't I make
some chai tea?

We can all catch up.

- You know what, Ms. Mancetti,
it's awfully late.

- But--

- Yeah, Mom, we can
talk tomorrow.

Go back to bed.

- Well, if you get cold,

there's extra blankets
in the closet.

- That's great, Ms. Mancetti.
Thank you so much.

What a delightful lady.

And I think it's best
if we keep her out of this.

I'm just saying nobody else
needs to be involved.

I mean, as long as
we're on the same page,

we're all on board.

- Wait, someone
from my building

might have sent a message.

If I could
just check my email--

- Yeah, that's very--
that's very considerate of you.

However, see,
back when you were trying

to get your little
pharmacy friend

to call the cops on me, uh,

I took the opportunity
to go through your inbox.

You got some credit card bills
in here, some spam,

and then you got a--
you got a reminder from Donna

at the salon that
you're supposed to get--

supposed to get
some lowlights tomorrow.

I don't think you need them.

Yeah, I'm just gonna cancel.

Come here.
Look at me.

You need to stop
trying to outsmart me, okay?

You're not getting
your phone back,

and you're not going home.

You're not getting anything
until you help us.

Do you understand me?

- You're gonna help us,
Katy, right?

- You gonna help us, Katy?

Hmm, you gonna help us?

- I am so sorry that
you are in this situation,

but you and your brother
got yourselves into this,

and you can
get yourselves out.

I won't turn you in,
I swear to that,

but I am not going
to help you, okay?

What is--
- Does this look familiar?

- No, no.

- Katy, I'd like you to meet
my little brother Tommy.

Tommy, Katy.
- Hello, Katy.

- No. No.
- Remember?

You guys all getting
to know each other?

- Uh, we tried,

but they're not too talkative.

- Dad, what are we gonna do?
Dad, what are we gonna do?

- Please.

- See, I sort of thought

this might change your tune
a little bit,

but the gun,
it's not going anywhere.

I'm sorry.

- They're kids, Ray.

Like, maybe the gun's
not necessary.

- Yeah.

I will do anything, Ray.

- Really? You will?
- I promise.

Whatever you need me to do.
- Oh, you promise?

You promise?
You're gonna do whatever?

- Yes. Yes.
- That's funny.

'Cause your promise
means nothing now.

You already proved to us
we can't trust you, okay?

So the gun now, this gun right
here is my insurance policy.

♪ ♪

Hey, I'm sure
you understand, yeah?

Hey, hey.

Damn, I tried to do this
the easy way, remember?

So my brother,
he's gonna stay there

until you do what
we need you to do, got it?

You scope the house out,
or what?

- Uh, yeah, there's a couple
of security web cameras.

Nothing much, you know?

Oh, hey, I found a Taser.
Mine now.

- Good boy.

I'll check in with you later.

You watch them, all right?

- Okay, boss.
Take care.

- You know what,
I gotta say,

you have such
a beautiful family.

What's your kids' names?

What's your kids' names?

See, mm, see,
you're doing it again.

You're making this way
harder than it has to be.

What's your kids' names?

- It's Carla and Casey.

- Carla and Casey?
It's cute.

That was easy.

That's really cute.
Hey, that's cute.

I'm sure they have real
bright futures ahead of them.

Of course, that's
all up to you now, yeah.

That's all up to you.

♪ ♪

Time's up.

Yo, I wanted to make sure

- Tomorrow's
gonna be a long day.

You should go to sleep soon.
- It's okay.

I don't think
I'll be sleeping much.

- Everything's gonna be okay,
I promise.

- You promise? How can
you make a promise like that?

♪ ♪

- Okay, bye.

♪ ♪

- Seriously?

You don't trust me?

- It's not you
I'm worried about.

So dramatic all the time.

All right, nobody leaves
this room till morning.

Got it?


You know,
Gina's mom's nice enough

to have a security system
that goes crazy

anytime these doors or
windows are opened, all right?

So don't--don't
do anything stupid.

- Yeah.
- Okay?

Just don't.

Lean back a little bit,
all right?

Get some shuteye.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- I promise
I won't tell him, okay?

Now let's go.

♪ ♪


- Jerome.
- Huh? What? What? What?

- Look at this.

- "It's Katy.
Emergency. Need help."

Katy next door?

- I don't know.

Caller ID says Miami.

I'll find out.

♪ ♪

- Looks pretty quiet to me.

- Whoever it was,
they're not writing me back.

Think we should
walk next door and check?

- I'll go.
Take you too long to get ready.

- You want one?

Suit yourself.

- Can I go to the bathroom?

- You just went.

- Maybe try to hold it
a little longer, sweetie.

- Who the hell's that?

- That's my next-door

- Is it normal for him

to come and check up
on you at 4:00 a.m.?

- Maybe he saw the lights
were still on and got nervous.

Yeah, right.

- Something tells me
he's not going away.

- Yeah, something tells me
you need to go say

whatever you need to
to make him go away.

Stay put, okay?

- Hey.
- Hey, Andy.

I, uh--
this might sound strange,

but Judy got a text message

from a strange number
saying it was Katy,

something about you all
having an emergency?

- Well, that's weird.

Katy's not even home tonight.

She's out with a girlfriend.

- Y'all are up awfully late.

Kids okay?

- Oh, yeah, well,
poor Casey had a nightmare,

and of course
that woke up Carla,

so we just figured we'd
come down here--

- I get it,
little midnight snack.

- That's right, a, uh,
a midnight snack.

- All right, well,
long as you can promise me

everything's okay here,
then I promise

I won't tell Katy that
you're feeding the kids

ice cream in the middle
of the night.

- Deal.
- All right.

Ah, son of a--

- You, uh, might need this to
find your way home tonight.

- Thanks. You and the kids
get some sleep.

- You too.

- Good job.

- We should get going
with our engagement.

Katy, you'll ride with me.

We'll drop you at your car.
You can follow.

- Oh, sounds like
you guys have a busy day.

Oh, you two have
to eat something.

Are the waffles too dry?

- No, they're delicious,
Ms. Mancetti.

- Yeah, in fact,
I think we're all set here,

so if you need
to do other things.

- You know, I'm all out
of that Vermont maple syrup

you gals used
to love so much.

You know, you can
only get it at Berman's,

but I could--I could heat up
some strawberry preserves,

or blackberry,
I've got that too.

- We're just
not that hungry, ma.

- Oh, come on.
You've got to eat something.

I could--I could whip up
some eggs Benedict.

- You know what?

I think the girls are just
a little too polite to ask,

but I bet they would
just die for some of that

Vermont maple syrup
from Berman's.

If you don't mind.

♪ ♪

All right, all right,
this is the lockup room.

Look familiar?
- Yeah.

- Good.
As I said before,

Tommy's gun fell in
somewhere around here,

so you're gonna
have to dig between

the security cabinet here
and the shelving behind it.

Should have fallen
right in that area.

- Okay.

- Uh, now, Gina and I,
we have a room

across the street at
the Viewpoint Ridge Hotel, um,

right across the way, so we'll
be able to look out, all right?

Binoculars are in the car.

Keys and ID badges to the--
to your office?

- It's in my purse.
You have it.

- Right, okay, good.

All right, Gina, we have
plenty of gas in the car?

- Hmm?
- Gas!

Do we have gas in the car,
yes or no?

Yes or no, do we have gas?
- Yes. Yeah, no, I'm good.

- All right,
it's time to go.

Yeah, what's up?
We're about to go. What's up?

- I don't know,
apparently the--

well, the neighbor told us--

the neighbor
told us she texted him.

- She did what?

- Katy texted
her next-door neighbor.

He came over,
checked on us last night.

- Oh, she's
gonna regret that.

All right, gather up
dad and the kids.

Line them up against the wall--
- No! No, no, no, no, no, no!

- Everybody get
against the wall!

Get against the wall!

- Please, please,
Ray, no, no!

- No, no, no.

You had your chance.
Back up, back up.


- All right, everybody,
hands up.

- Switch to video.

All right, hey, yeah.

- Come on, Ray.
- Yeah.

- What?

- Ask daddy, Tommy,
if he has any last words?

- You got any final words?

- Ask daddy if he
has any final words.

- No--
- Back off!

What are you doing?
Whose side are you on?

Whose side are you on?
Back off!

♪ ♪

Come on!

- All right, all right,
all right, let me think.

Let me think.
All right, this is what--

All right, all right,
all right, all right.

I'm doing exactly what I said
I would do, aren't I?

Yeah, see,
I'm not the problem here.

It's your friend, ain't it?
Ain't it?

- Ray, please.

♪ ♪

- Tommy, Tommy, Tommy.
- Ray.

♪ ♪

- You grab the zip ties
from your rig,

tie everybody's hands
behind their backs.

♪ ♪

- Okay.

There you go.

- Take the security cameras.
Put one on them.

Put the other one on
the front of the house, okay?

Our friend here,
she's gonna give us the log in

so we can monitor them, right?

Okay, and here's
the key part, Tommy.

If anybody moves an inch,
I want you to shoot.

Don't wait on orders from me.
Shoot, okay?

- You got it, boss.

Did you guys hear that?
- Are we allowed to sit down?

- No, hey, hey,
hey, no, no, no, no.

Know what, nobody sits.
Nobody sits.

Everybody stands
until the job's done.

That should keep mom
moving real quickly, huh?

- Yeah.
- Yeah? Yeah? Good.

- You heard him.

gonna be standing up.

- I love you, babe.

♪ ♪

- Gina, get the cuffs
out of my bag.

Can't trust her.

Come on, do it.
- Okay.

- Come on, do it.

♪ ♪

- I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

♪ ♪

See you at the hotel.

- All right,
so you're gonna--

you're gonna use
the back stairwell.

- No, it'll be
less suspicious

if I enter through
the front lobby.

They're expecting me
for the fire inspection anyway.

- What if they don't buy it?

- They have to.
It's the truth.

- Yo, what's up?

- So, uh,
how close are you, man?

- Yeah, I told you,
sweep's at noon.

We'll be out well before then.

Is there a problem?

- Yeah, yeah,
I've been up for 36 hours.

Yeah, there's a problem.
About--about to fall asleep.

That's the problem, bro.

- Well, then make a damn pot
of coffee or something, huh?

- I'm tired.

I'm about to--
I'm about to crash, man.

This was your idea, okay?

And you got sleep
last night, Ray.

Will you lock up the Taser

before someone
zaps the hell out of you?

- Oh, yeah, you got it.

Now or never.

- We'll check in
at the hotel first.

Gina's already there.

You can get ready and
then walk across the street

to the building.

♪ ♪

Where's your burner?

- It's in the bag.

- Hey.

Why don't you take five,
ten minutes, all right?

Collect yourself a little bit.
Go ahead.

- Okay.

♪ ♪

- How are you feeling?

- Thanks, babe.

Wait, hey.

Now, there's gonna be
a lot of cops in your building.

- I know. Yeah.
- Uh-huh, good, good.

But you're gonna be tempted
to do something stupid,

'cause that's what you do.
Yeah, you are, so look.

I see a cop car come anywhere
near your--your house,

you remember what happens,

- Yeah.
- What happens, Katy?

- You call Tommy.

- I call Tommy.
I call Tommy.

- What are you do--

- Hey, yo, we're
about to get started.

Do me a favor. Triple-check
you're locked and loaded.

All right, cool.

All right, keep your
phone close, all right?

- All right,
you got it, boss.

- Promise me the second
that you have the gun

that you'll call him off.

After today,
I won't breathe a word of this,

and neither will Andy.

We'll just tell the kids
it was all make-believe.

- That's right.
That's right.

Let me tell you something.

One day down the road
you might get this crazy notion

that you want to--you
want to clear your conscience.

But you know what? Hey.
- No.

- We put the word out,
so if Tommy and I go down?

It doesn't even matter

if you're pointing
the finger or not.

You're never gonna stop looking
over your shoulder, got it?

- You're not going down because
I'm gonna take care of this.

- Perfect, then we don't
have a problem, do we?

Gina, how we looking?

- Ray, get over here.

- Damn it!

All right, yo, they're
starting the sweep early.

You got to go now, all right?

So we can stay in touch, okay?


All right, remember, you do
anything stupid, I call Tommy.

You come back without the gun,
I call Tommy.

You don't come back at all,
I call Tommy.

There's one way this
ends well for you, Katy.

Go. Go.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Afraid this
area's closed today.

- Hi, I'm Katy Griggs.

I'm actually
the building manager,

and I just need to
grab something from upstairs.

- Well, it's
a crime scene up there.

No one's allowed to enter.
I'm sorry.

- I know, it's just
our fire code inspection

is in the morning.
I have to grab some reports,

bring them to
the fire department.

If I don't, they could
shut the building down.

- Uh...

- It's been scheduled
for months.

- Okay, here.

The whole second floor
is a crime scene.

Do you understand?
Okay, two minutes.

- Got it. Thank you.

- She made it inside.
So far so good.

- Hey, Katy.

- Hey, Bob.
- What are you doing here?

- What else?
Inspection report.

- Oh.

- It's too bad about Desmond.

- Yeah. Can you believe it?
Poor kid.

- Yeah.
- Hey, um, didn't you hear

that the inspections were
put off till next month

in light of the circumstances
and all?

- Oh, right, um,
that's good news.

- Yeah.
- See you.

♪ ♪

- She's leaving.

Where the hell you going?

- Yeah, plan B.
I had to take the back stairs.

Ray? Ray?

- Lost the damn signal!

♪ ♪

They better
not find my prints.

I swear to God, your
friend better find that gun.

- She will.

♪ ♪

I thought it was Tommy's gun.

- What?

- You said your prints.

Why would your
prints be on Tommy's gun?

- Why does--why does
it matter whose it is, okay?

We just need it back.
It doesn't matter, okay?

♪ ♪

- Nobody move, please.

Oh, no.

- Dad, I think this is
what we should do.

...or us, we'll go up there
and we'll escape.

♪ ♪

- Damn it!

- Oh!

♪ ♪


- What the hell is going on?

- I know,
they're guarding the lockup.

I can't get in.

♪ ♪

- Katy!
- I didn't anticipate this.

The guy's watching
the World Cup on his phone.

He's right in front of
the room I need to get into.

I don't think
he's going anywhere.

Unless he's on our Wi-Fi.

I just need a minute okay?
I promise.

Can't believe how fast

This man is unstoppable--

- No, no, no.

♪ ♪

Hey, what's up
with the Wi-Fi?

- Oh, hey, Chris.
Yeah, we noticed that too.

It's not on our end.
We're gonna look into it.

It just happened.
We're not really sure.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Which way?

- Well, you're gonna
go right through--hey!


- It's okay.
I'm the building manager.

I'm authorized to be here.
- How did you get in here?

- The stairwell. I'm
gonna go get my steps in now.

- Come here, ma'am.

Ma'am, come here.

I'm not gonna ask again.

Doesn't matter how you got in.

You're not supposed to be here.

I'm gonna have to ask
you to keep your hands

where I can see them.

- For your information,
the only reason I am here

is because someone
from your team screwed up.

Those doors that you're
guarding, they're alarmed.

As building manager,
I get a notification

when they're propped open,
and I have to respond by law,

so that's what I did,
and now I'm gonna go.

- So you wouldn't mind
if we take a look in your bag?

- Why would I?

♪ ♪

- We'll keep the doors
locked and guarded.

- I have the gun.
Now call off Tommy.

- All right, sure, just as
soon as you bring us the gun.

All right?

- Told you she'd pull through.

- Yeah, you're right.

- Now we can finally start
to move on from this, right?

- You know we're always gonna
have to watch our backs, right?

As long as there's people out
there that know what happened.

- Don't worry about that.

Let's just focus on
the positives, on our future.

- I don't think
you're hearing me.

I'm saying that if we're
gonna move on with our lives,

you and me and Tommy, us,

we need a clean break.

- A clean break?

- We can't have
any witnesses, Gina.

Hey, if there
was any other way,

any other way.

Hey, I know this is
gonna be hard for you,

but after all this, you know,
we can get that--

that house in the country
you were talking about,

just us together.

- Yeah.

♪ ♪

I should call her.

- What for?
- To see if everything's okay.

- All right.

♪ ♪

- Hey, did you get lost
or something?

- No, I'm right outside.

- No, no, not 643. 634.

- Gina, I know.

- Yeah, 634.

It's right past
the fuchsia flowers.

Remember fuchsia
was our secret code word?

- Fuchsia, danger ahead.

- The fuchsia flowers?

- Uh-huh. Got it?

- Got it.

- What's wrong, kiddo?
- My tummy.

- I knew this would happen.

Did you see how much
ice cream he ate?

Hang in there, buddy.

- Wow, I've never
seen him this bad.

- He needs tummy medicine,
like, now.

- Can I get him something
from the bathroom?

- Nope.

- What if you go get it?

It's in the upstairs bathroom

in the cabinet,
bottom shelf.

- Hmm, let me think about it.


- What if I go?

- All right.

Looks like
we're all going.

Go. March it along.

Moving on.

One foot after the other.
There you go.

- Where the hell is she?

- Hey, get in there.

Yeah, you too.
Get in there.

Don't move.

- Don't try nothing.

Whatever, fine.

- Thank you.

- Don't try anything.

- She should be here by now.
What's the holdup?

Huh, Gina?

What's taking so long, huh?

Don't move.

- Don't!

- Hey.
- No.

- Hey, come on.
We can work something out.

- No.
- Come on.

- Uh-uh.
- What is it?

You want money? Come on,
I'll give you a cut of the job.

- Put your damn hands up!

- Okay.

- Now, you listen to me!

Get Tommy on the phone
this second

and tell him
to leave my home!


- Okay, okay.

- Now!


- Stop.

- What are you doing?

- Get back in the room.

- Get up, get up, get up.
Get in there.

- Go, go.
- Get inside.

Think about
what you're doing, baby.

Come on. Huh?

We are so close
to our dream right now.

- Gina, no.

- You know what, hey.

I've been thinking
about what we talked about,

and I don't know
if I want five or six kids,

but maybe two or three.

- Mm.

- You're gonna
make a great mom.

Yeah, we're gonna
have a beautiful family.

- Gina, don't.

- Just put the gun down,
all right?

- Gina.

- Okay, baby.
- No.

Gina, no, no, no, no, no, no.


- Nice try, Ray.


- When you leave this room,

you're going back
to jail, Ray.

- I swear to God,
I'm gonna take you with me.

Huh? What do you
think's gonna happen?

- I can't believe I
ever fell for your act.

You never loved me.

You don't even
love your own brother.

It was Ray's gun
the whole time.

He killed the security guard,

and he was gonna
blame Tommy for it.

How could I be so blind?

Was I scared of the truth?

Well, I'm not scared
anymore, Ray.

Throw me the handcuffs.
They're in his backpack.

♪ ♪

- Here, Gina.

No, Gina, don't--
Watch out! Watch out!

♪ ♪

Don't move.

It's over, Ray.

- Now, you're
gonna call Tommy,

and you're gonna tell him
to release my family,

or I swear to God I'm gonna
put a bullet in your head.

Handcuff him.

Then we're gonna call Tommy.

- Shh.

Let her go!

- Sure, just put the gun down.

- No.
- Huh? Come on.

Don't make me hurt
your bestie.

- Last chance, Ray.
Let her go.

Don't make me do this.

- I need police,
room 634 now.

Drop the gun!
- No.

- Drop the gun!
- Wait, let me explain.

- Drop the gun.

Don't move.

- Yeah, hey, what's--

- She turned on us, Tommy!
Take them out.

- No, no, no, no!

- Tommy, take them all out!
All three!

- Tommy, no, no!

- All three, Tommy!
All three, Tommy!

- Okay, okay, okay.

Sorry, man.

Hey, what are you doing?
Get over here!

- Ma'am, do not move!

- You can go ahead
and shoot me,

but I am going
to help my family.

- Right behind you.

- Don't.

- Run!

- Gina!


Why'd you have to do that,
baby, hmm?


You made me do this.
You made me do this.

- Put it down!
Let me see your hands!

- That's the guy
you're looking for.

He shot the guard
across the street yesterday.

- Drop it!

Drop your weapon!

Go, go, go, go.

Let me see your hands.

Turn around! Turn around.

♪ ♪

- Yes, there's
an emergency at my home.

I need the police right away.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Hurry.

- Go.
- Oh, boy.

♪ ♪

- What do we do?

- W-we--we run.

Run. Run.


- Hey!

Get against the wall,
you two!


Get against the wall!

- No.
- Nobody move.

Oh, man.

That was real clever.

Brother gives me
one job to do,

I can't even get that right
'cause I got tricked.

I got tricked by
a couple of stupid kids!

- No, no.
- No. No, Dad.

- You want
to protect your family?

I respect that, man.
I do.

I got to take
care of my family too.

Sorry about that.

- Drop the gun!

Drop the gun!

I said drop the gun.

- Sorry, man, I can't.

I gave my brother my word.

♪ ♪

Don't move.

Don't get any closer!

- The hostages are too close.
Hold your fire.

♪ ♪

- Ma'am, we have
a hostage situation.

- Those are my kids.
His brother brainwashed him.

- Mom!
- Please.

- You need to step back.
- We can help.

- We need to stop him.

- Please, sir,
that's my family.

- I know this sounds crazy,
but we're telling the truth.

- We can help, I swear.
We can help.

- Please. Please.
- Listen to me, please.

Let us help.

- You have 30 seconds.
- Thank you.

- Tommy, Tommy.
- Hey, don't move!

Don't get any closer.
Hey, Gina.

- Tommy, I know you
haven't slept in two days.

I know you're on edge.

I know you don't
want to do this.

Please, please, please, Tommy,

don't hurt my kids.

- It's my own fault.

- No, it's not.

- Yeah, it is.
Yeah, it is! Yeah, it is!

- Ray manipulated
you like he always does.

- He wouldn't do that, Gina.

You know--you know
Ray wouldn't do that.

He's my own
flesh and blood.

He stuck up for me
every single time!

You know that!

- You're always cleaning
up after Ray,

after Ray's dirty work.

You don't need
to do this, Tommy!

- Please.

Tommy, Friday night,
the guard that got shot?

Ray's saying that you did it.

Tommy, Ray says you shot him.

- Well, I--
I didn't shoot nobody.

Ray pulled--Ray pulled
the trigger on that one.

- We know.
We know you didn't do it.

We know.
We know.

No one has been hurt here.
- She's right.

We can help you, but you
got to put the gun down.

- I don't want
to go back to--

- I can't help you if you
if you don't put the gun down.

- I--

- Come on, Tommy.

- You know I wouldn't--
I wouldn't hurt nobody, Gina.

You know that.

♪ ♪

I can't do it.

♪ ♪

- Honey, I think
we're all set.

Just got to round up
those kids.

Car is on the way.
You want to pack that up?

- Stop.
- Plane leaves at 3:00.

What's the matter?
- Just take a look.

♪ ♪

- Car's here.

Hey, guys, we're leaving.

- Whoo!
- Come on!

- No, you're not!
- Yes, I am!

- Wow.

- You didn't return my calls.

- I just read the news.

Shouldn't you be, um--

- Yeah, I'm on my way now.

I convinced my probation
officer to make a quick stop.

I'm so sorry, Katy,

for what I put you through.

I actually believed
it was love with him,

and I let him come before
my best friend.

I'm so ashamed,

but someday
I hope you'll let me fix

what I broke between us.

♪ ♪

- Wait.

We have a lot
to work through, Gina,

and I don't know where we're
gonna start, but--

- You always said
you wanted to be me.

But Katy, all I ever wanted
was to be you.

♪ ♪

My lawyer says I'll
be out in six months.

- I'll be here.

Thank you for your patience.

You waited a really long
time for me

to work through my stuff,
and I think I finally have.

And now we get that
romantic vacation together.

Good luck keeping up with me.

- I waited 11 years,

and I think he can
wait a little longer.

♪ ♪