Night Trip (1982) - full transcript

12 years old Thomas is on quest for friendship and love. He takes rowing lessons and is really fond of his teacher. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

Come on, keep it up!


This can't go on.

Give me that lollipop.

What did you say?

Give me that lollipop.


This can't go on, you know.

You're going far too slowly.
Thomas and I have been back ages.

- You're in a double.
- That's easy.

Nonsense, we went slowly
on purpose, for you.

Get the boats out and get dressed.
And try harder next time.

- Will you help us?
- Ask Joep for a change.

- Come off it.
- You're also training youth teams.

You help them with the boats.

You were rowing, you get them out.

Give me the lip-salve.

You mustn't ask for everything
that I've got.

Oh don't, you nuisance.

Wouldn't you kids like to go rowing?

Perhaps they should go along
and watch Thomas.

Jesse can't even swim yet.

He can. Only he hasn't got the diploma.

He's not going rowing until
he's got his swimming badge.

Ridiculous... I've seen him swim.

Thomas enjoys it, doesn't he?

Yes, at last it's
something he's good at.

All the things
I've tried him with...

Tennis, hockey... He does it
for a while and then gives up.

But he's been rowing
for some time now.

He likes his trainer, doesn't he?

Yes, but then Frank
is great with children.

In other clubs the trainers
were such bullies.

Thomas can't stand that type.

I know. Like Jesse's swimming
instructor. Terrible.

It's good for Thomas
to be with a man.

His father's disappeared.

Wasn't he at Thomas' birthday?

That was three years ago.

I don't mind, but poor Thomas.

All this talk about spending
weekends with him.

That's why I approve of Frank.

How old is Frank?

I don't know. He's a student,
so what does that make him?

I'd guess twenty-five or six.

That youngster who was here
the other day?

He's twenty at the most.

Not when you hear him talking.

Ask him when he brings Thomas back.

Hi Frank, you know Ben and Yoka?

- We've met.
- Thomas' birthday.

- Campari for you?
- Please.

- Can I have a coke?
- You get rosehip syrup.

- How did the rowing go?
- Fine. Not too fast, not too far.

- But...
- It wasn't easy.

Did you want to ask
Frank something, Yoka?

We were wondering...
Ben thinks you're twenty.

But I think you're more
like twenty-six or seven.

Gosh, do I look that old?

- You see?
- He looks twenty.

But I think you're older.

You're right. I am older.

Not as old as you thought,
but older than I look.

Oil of Olaz.
Or I'm a biological freak.

Don't worry.
Enjoy it while you can.

- He's at University.
- Studying what?

- Psychology.
- Another shrink in the making.

Will you take that up, Thomas?

- Give me some ice.
- We're going away soon.

Give me some ice.

You promised to help Thomas.

He doesn't understand his Latin.

I do, but she asks things
we haven't learnt yet.

An education for life.



Of the doors.

Mensae. Three forms please.

Three forms please.

Of the table. To or for the table.
Tables, nominative.

Let's have a break.

Do you think you know it?

I'll play my new piece for you.

This is rotten.

I liked it.

Shall we go on
with your Latin now?

I don't want to.
Homework is stupid.

- Let go!
- When was this taken?

Give me that photo.

Do you call that doing homework?

- I know it.
- We're having a break.

Listen, we're off now.

Thomas, you should be
in bed by ten...

- Yeah.
- ...if I'm not back then.

Have fun.

Thank you.

Don't forget to practice the piano.

No more homework
in the morning, right?

You must do everything this evening.

We'll carry on in a minute.

Play the Nocturne for Frank.
He'll like that.

Could you close the French
windows when you leave?


- And put the tea-trolley in.
- No.

Come on, in you go.

Put your bike away properly.

I'm off to go rowing.

I've put sandwiches out.
With cheese.

Is two enough?

Yes, and another one
with chocolate vermicelli.

Would you get some potatoes
for me before you go?

Do you hear me?
The greengrocer's?

No time.

You'd better make time then.

Put that book away,
and sit properly at the table.

I've arranged with Frank to be there.

Someone has to go.

All right... money.

Mind your heads.
Low bridge ahead!

Yes, carry on.

I'll treat you all to ice cream.

Quiet a bit, lads.

Stop it, would you?

Stop it now, or I'll get you!

Peace at last.



What do you think of my mother?

In what way?

Do you like her?

She's all right.

Do you think she's pretty?


Oh, I don't know.

She looks quite pretty, yes.

Why do you ask?

Just because.
She likes you a lot.

Oh yes?

How do you know?

She told me the other day.

And she asked me
if you had a girl friend.

I wasn't to tell you
she's told me, of course.

No, she won't like it
that you've told me.

I told her that
you were going steady.

Going steady?

What on earth made you
say that? I'm not.

It's a ridiculous phrase anyway,
going steady. Why did you say it?

It just seemed better.

You little liar.

- Say you're sorry.
- Yes, I'm sorry.

- You know what I was thinking?
- What was it?


If my mother were going to die...

...what would happen to me?

- There's nothing wrong with her?
- No, but if there were.

Say she had an accident.

And say she died.
Where would I go?

I don't know.

To your father perhaps?

They don't know where he's been
for the last two years?


To relatives then?

I don't know who could have me.
Could I come to you?

To me?
No, I don't think so.

If you have relatives,
that's where you should go.

- Or to a children's home.
- But...

...if there were no relatives
and no place in a home...

...couldn't I come to live with you?

I don't know...

Well... Perhaps you could,

if I agreed.
- And would you agree?

Well, I don't know.

Yes, as long as you behaved...

- Hi.
- Hello.

- Coming for us?
- For Thomas.

- We're going to Ben and Yoka's.
- Do I have to?

You said yourself you wanted to go
to Ben's doctoral ceremony.

- I don't want to.
- I bought you a new sweater.

Go and get changed.

No alcohol on an empty stomach.

Are they giving a reception?

Ben wrote a thesis in social medicine.

On human actions at medical
treatments, or something silly.

Do you want to come?

Is it in the University Chapel?

Would you like to come?

No. I'm supposed to be rowing later on.

The real sporting spirit.


Thomas, hurry up.

Why don't you come and
have dinner with us sometime?

Where are you going tomorrow?

- Symposion, darling.
- What is that?

It's where learned men sit down
to talk about a special subject.

Something like that.

What is the subject?

New techniques in child surgery.

They're organising a night trip,
rowing. Can I go as well?

A night trip?

Didn't you know?

- Hadn't I told you?
- No, I didn't know.

They row through the canals.

Isn't it pitch dark then?

The boats are fitted with lights.

Can I go too?

When is it?

Saturday next week.

- Are you going?
- Mm-hm.

Are there any other
children taking part?

Jasper's parents said he can go.

What time does it start and finish?

Well, they set off at ten...

...and it'll take till about three.

It depends how fast you are.
There is a set route, you see.

Well, if Jasper is going as well...

...and I expect Jasper's father
is going, and so are you...

...then I don't mind.

But you'll have to sleep
in the afternoon.

I'll be all on my own all Saturday
evening then.

Can't you come?

Not my scene at all.
Anyone for salad?

I've got...

...for you...

...two new members for the rowing club.
Ben and Yoka's kids.

- The two boys?
- The boys next door.

You'll kill me.
I'm busy enough as it is.

Oh, you'll manage.
They're very nice boys.

Do they want to start Saturday next?

Yoka will be here soon.
You can discuss it then.

How are your studies progressing?
You never talk about yourself.

I don't get the chance,
you chatterbox.

That's not true.
I always ask how you are.

I'm fine.

You see. I think you're really
very reticent.

An introvert.

You pretend not to be, but you are.

I'm not, you know. If there's
anything I am not, it is that.

You pretend to be open and jovial,
but you're not.

You should talk to my friends.
I'm an extrovert.

Extravert, not extrovert.
It's introvert and extravert.

Really? And me a student...

But you don't talk about yourself either.

I suppose it's upbringing.

We weren't encouraged to think
or talk about ourselves.

I try to be different with my child.

I often talk to Yoka about
expressing one's feelings.

It's a problem for her.

There are things she simply cannot
say to her children.

I think people suppress too much.

Yoka and Ben for instance... takes her hours
to come out with something.

Although I know she's wanting to
say it to him.

Some more wine for you?

I'd love some.

Speaking of the devil...

- Talking about me?
- You bet.

How nice, just the two of you.

Would you like some?

Frank will be happy
to teach Jesse and Martin.

I asked him.

Yes, will you?
Don't let them down.

Frank is a darling.
And rowing does children good.

Thomas has become
a lot more sociable.

- He's very fond of you.
- Is that so?

How do you know?

Oh, I just know.

Shall I take them in on Saturday?

Yes, you do it. I'm too stupid
for that kind of thing.

I never catch on in time.

Will they need special clothes?
Shoes and shirts and things?

Ben will have to buy it for them.
I bet it costs the earth.

Yes, the earth.
It's an expensive sport.

What's this?
I thought you were asleep.

I forgot to ask Frank
when I'll see him.

Come to mummy and make
an arrangement to see Frank.

We said Wednesday afternoon.

- What time?
- Three o'clock.

Are you coming to fetch me?

That's what we said.

It seems all fixed now.
Off to bed you go.

Can I have a coke?

Have water instead.
No coke before bedtime.

- Why not?
- Because it's bad for your tummy.

See you Wednesday.

Keep it up.
Remember your technique.

Don't kick down, Martin.

Mind you don't catch a crab.

Come on, keep going.

Step on it, Joep,
or we won't keep up.

Can't you pedal as well?

No, 'cause I'll knock
my own teeth out.

Keep going.
Way back in the water!

Christ, I'm broken.

I went faster than
those snails, didn't I?

Yes, a bit faster.

A bit? Three times as fast.

Jasper can't row at all.

- Frank?
- Yeah?

The night trip is on Saturday.


Shall we go together in one boat?

I don't want us to be in the same
boat as Jasper and his father.

I've got to tell you...
I'm not coming.

Why not?

It's a nuisance.
I'd like to come, you see.

But it's my sister's birthday.

It'll go on till midnight.

Can't you leave at ten?

She invited people to come around nine.

I couldn't leave at ten.

I'm sorry, really.

I was hoping she'd have the party
on the Friday, but no.

But you can go, can't you?

It's no good without you.
Might as well not go.

You're going, you understand?

It's all arranged, I've phoned
Jasper's father about it.

Don't be ridiculous.

You can't expect Frank
to wait on you day and night.

He had promised.

- What did you say?
- He had promised.

Well, it's his sister's birthday.

You can see he's got to go.

I don't have to
if I don't want to, do I?

You'd better go along.

I'll give you a family size
bottle of coke to take.

And a giant pack of nice,
soft, sweet licorice.

You don't have to bribe me, you know.

You go on the trip.

And then you can tell
Frank what he missed.

It started raining.

You'd better get your
rain suit on, both of you.

Let's moor here.
We'll pick it up tomorrow.

- Where are you going?
- Home.

- You're staying with us.
- I want to go home.

Just be careful.

Gee, what a thunderstorm.

Poor Thomas will get wet through.

It's good for him.
It'll make him grow.

Anyway, he's got a rain suit.

I feel very wicked, really.

Deceiving him like this.

Come on, he gets enough
of your company.

I should be jealous,
with all the attention you give him.

Don't say that. I don't like it.

It was only a joke.

I'm glad you spend
so much time with him.

Like a father, in a way.

I'm not his father.

I could have been his brother.

Imagine, two sons.

You should come on holiday with us.

Don't you want to?

Yes, I would.

The three of us?

But what about Thomas?

I mean, I can't always be
so secretive about you.

Shall we tell him?

I don't think that's a good idea.

But I can't go on acting.

We'll have to let him get used to it.

Be nice to each other.

He'll find out for himself.

Doctor van Mierlo speaking.

This is Hank Maas, Jasper's father.

Hello, Hank.

Did Thomas get home all right?

Home? But he was staying
at your place, wasn't he?

Didn't he get home?

I don't know. I was sleeping.

We had trouble with
the boat in the storm.

Thomas insisted on going home.

Are you going rowing?

We're going in a double.
You can't come.

Why do you say that?

He can come along in a skiff,
can't he? Would you like to?

It was late last night.
You should have slept longer.

What time is it?

Jasper's father rang.

Thomas came home in the night.

Ten past eleven. I was supposed
to be teaching at half past ten.

What? Did Thomas come home?

Yes, but he's gone away again.

I wonder if he saw us.

I don't think so.
Does he come into your bedroom?

No. I don't really know.

He'll have gone back to the club.

Why doesn't he stay in bed?

Joep, could you give Martin a hand?

If you wait I'll come along with you.

What on earth is that.

A deadly poison.

Let me smell.

It's ordinary milk.

Frank, a telephone call for you.

I'll be back in a minute.

This is Frank.

Yes, he is here.

With three hundred guilders?

He's just gone off in a skiff.

- Call him.
- He's too far away.

Go fetch him.
I'm coming too.

Joep, you help Martin.
I'm going to get Thomas.

Stay where you are.

Thomas has capsized.

He capsized.
We can't see him.

- Did you see it happen?
- No, we'd lost sight of him.

Then we rowed back.

- Oh Jesus, no...
- Can he swim?

- You didn't see him anywhere?
- No.

Stay here and look for him.
I'll go and look as well.

Get a search party together.

Thomas has capsized and he's gone.

Oh, for God's sake.

Where is Thomas?

I don't know.

He capsized,
and we can't find him.

He's not with the boat anymore?

My God...

You should have gone with him.
It's irresponsible letting him go.

Don't just stand there.
Do something.

Frank, I don't know
what's been going on.

People can go back to their coffee.

You tell him, Joppe.

Thomas is under the shower.

He just capsized, that's all.

Could you go tell his mother?

And ask her not to come down
for a while yet.

I want to talk to him first.

Oh Thomas, where were you?

Me? The boat capsized.

I swam to the bank.
Has anyone got my skiff yet?

Oh my God, Thomas...

I got such a fright.
I thought my heart had stopped.

But why? What was the matter?

What the matter was?
You idiot.

First you tell me
you want to commit suicide.

Then you capsize
and you can't be found.

I thought you'd drowned.

I didn't mean it.

Never say that sort of thing again.

I should really bash you thoroughly,
you know. You bastard.

Why do you sleep with my mother?

So you saw...

I think you're crap.

Just go to bed with her.

Don't pretend to be my friend first.

I'll run away,
so you can move in with her.

I'll make room for you.

You're seeing it all wrong.

I thought you were my friend.

But I am your friend.

Listen to me.

I like you both a lot.


...I feel differently for your mother
than I do for you.

You do understand that, don't you?

Oh, come on...

It isn't all that terrible.

Come on, Thomas...

Stop crying now.

You're interested in my mother,
not in me...

...because I'm only a child.

If I like somebody,
age doesn't matter.

What do you think I felt
when I heard you'd capsized?

I felt ill.
I almost had to be sick.

I like people for what they are.

Not because of their age.

What would you've done
if I'd killed myself?

Would you have cried?

Yes, I would.

I would have cried a lot.

I would have minded so much...

Where is the bottle, anyway?

Give me the bottle.

We weren't going to play
the 'give me' game again.

This is different.
Give it to me.

I don't know where it is.

It's in your pocket.

Get it then.

I'm going to see your mother.

He's on his way.

What had happened?

He'd capsized and then he swam ashore.

So he hadn't actually...

There was nothing wrong, really...

What did he say about us?

He's very upset about it all.

He wouldn't easily get used
to the idea of us together.

I think you should talk to him.

I don't have to ask
my own son for permission to...

Hello, darling.
You really scared us then.

Are you cross about the money?

Cross? What do you mean cross?

You should have heard me
cursing in the kitchen.

No pocket money for you
for a long time to come.

Shall we...

...have some coffee?

I'm hungry,
I didn't have any breakfast.

You'll have to pay now.

I've got some money left.