Night Train (1959) - full transcript

Jerzy enters a train set for the Baltic coast. He seems to be on the run from something - as does the strange woman with whom he must share a sleeping compartment. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
KADR Film Studio presents



Screenplay by

Director of Photography

Directed by

The passenger train to Koluszki
is departing from platform 1.

The train stops at every station.
Please hurry, while changing trains.

- Watch where you're going!
- I'm sorry.

The ladies are only seeing us off.

- Places 7 and 8.
- Thank you.

Excuse me. I forgot my reservation
for a sleeper berth.

Number 12.

Thank you.

Numbers 13 and 14.

What are you waiting for?

Madam, I'm very tired.

- I can't let you on without a ticket.
- I'll buy another one.

- I have to travel today.
- Here...

Number 20.

- What was the number of your berth?
- First class. I can't remember the number.

Get on, maybe someone
will be late.

I certainly will be.

"Express News", "Literary News", water!

"Express", please.

And one for me.

"Express News".
Buy "Express News"!

Thank you.

It'll be great.

Buy "Express News"!

All aboard!

It's your lucky day.

Here's my ticket.

Berth no. 15 or 16.

You can choose.

The whole compartment is free?

I'll give the other berth
to another passenger.

Is it possible not to?
I'd rather be alone.

- The train is overcrowded.
- I'll pay for both berths.

As you wish.

I'll issue the tickets later.

Thank you.
I won't need them.

Where should I wake you?

Before we reach Hel.
Excuse me.

Pardon me, sir.

Excuse me...

You are
in the wrong compartment.

Am I?

I have a feeling
that you are.

This is my bag
and I have a ticket for this berth.

The one on the top, in fact,
but that changes nothing.

I don't care.
We'll see.

Excuse me.

- That's interesting.
- What is?

Forgive me for reading your paper
but that's fascinating.

It was just a brief mention yesterday
but today it's an entire column.

- You're a journalist?
- No. But once I hoped I would be.

I read a lot.
Here. See that?

More details of yesterday's murder.

Yesterday they thought
an intruder had done it.

But now they're certain
the husband was the killer.

Is that why people get married?

It's odd that he ran away.

My experience shows
that such murderers...

...either commit suicide
or hand themselves in to the police.

The pressure, you see.

But this one ran away...

Excuse me.

Your ticket, please.

Your ticket.

Oh, my ticket...

How did you get on the train?

- I don't quite follow...
- How did you get past me?

It was crowded, you were busy
so I simply...

There's nothing simple about it.

That's not your ticket.
See the letter "M"?

And? The berth number is correct.

True but this compartment is for men only.
You can't stay here.

I didn't know. A man
sold me the ticket.

Those are the regulations.
You can't stay here.

You have to change compartments.
Passengers are waiting.

No, madam.

I paid for this place, it's mine
and I'm not leaving.

- My pillow's missing.
- Just a second.

For the last time, please
leave the compartment!

Should I wait until this lady
makes up her mind?

I'm coming. And you, madam,
please pack your things.

What a nerve!

What happened?

A young lady is traveling
in a men's compartment.

In your compartment, sir?

Yes. And the conductor is
also a woman so...

- ...congratulations.
- Excuse me?

Birds of a feather.

You're either joking,
or you know nothing about women.

- And all the happier for it.
- So, what now?

Nothing. She'll have to leave.

Where to?

You can always let
her have your berth.

But one berth is empty
so what's the problem?

Well, if there's an empty berth...

Excuse me, sir...

So you've decided to cause trouble?

As you wish.
I'll fetch the inspector.

Maybe we don't need
to make a big deal of it.

- I can't leave it...
- I want to. I've had enough.

Could you go now, please?

As you wish...

If you're such a stickler for rules,
I can move.

Strictly speaking,
the top berth is mine.

Thank you.

Thank you.

- I'll return the paper.
- No rush, I've already read it.


Can I help?

Thank you, I'll manage.

- What a pity.
- Excuse me, sir.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Are you going far?

- Quite far.
- To the seaside?

- Yes.
- So am I.

Where are the sandwiches, darling?

In the suitcase.

Which one?

The grey one.

I can't find them.

Excuse me.

So if a murderer confesses
his sins on his deathbed

- ...he goes straight to heaven?
- You're over-simplifying everything.

But I'm not!
Let's suppose I was dying...

...and confessed to you
that I had committed adultery.

- While a criminal...
- What criminal?

Let's say the one from today's paper...

...admits he killed his wife.

So we both meet in paradise?

No, you both meet at the Last Judgment.


The Lord judgeth human sins.

The shedding of blood
is the severest of crimes.

It's a crime against
God's supreme law.

And as such requires
the hardest of penance.

If looks could kill,
I'd be already dead.


What is it?
It's forbidden.

It's forbidden.

Let me get the key.

Thank you.
That's for the young lady...

Which one? the low-back sweater.

Oh, I know which one.

Can I come in?

No, you can't.

"Come out at once...

...or I'll derail the train. I love you."

Come in.

That's for you.

Excuse me.

May I help?

No, I'll be fine.

- Maybe I should?
- No, thank you.


Head up.

Tears will wash the rest out.

Are you crying?

Not anymore.

Please, forgive me
for being so rude earlier.

But I wanted to be alone.

So did I.

We both failed in that.

We did.

Shall we smoke a peace pipe?

I forgot my cigarettes as well.

I have some.

4, 8, 12 plus 5 makes 17.
Not good. An odd number.


No. An addiction.

Everyone catches it sooner or later.

After they've failed once.

If the number is even
things may change for the better.

And then it becomes a reflex action.

I'm sorry...

No use talking about it.

We're going on holiday
and that's all that matters.

Isn't it?

I'm not going on holiday.

A new job?

You might say so.

At the seaside?


You're not a fisherwoman, are you?

No, I wouldn't say so.

Now we're chatting away like
typical passengers on a train.

I could be a meteorologist, for example.

You disapprove of this line of work?

Not really.
But it's hardly a serious profession.


Because you can't really predict anything.

Uncover your legs!

Uncover them!

I'm going crazy...
Completely crazy...

Have you ever been to the morgue?


What was I talking about?

You're very upset with something.

Actually, you should be afraid of me.

Are you?

I don't think so.

- I'll buy you biscuits.
- Stay here.

- There isn't enough time.
- But you wanted biscuits.

Have you made up your mind?

Have you?

You want to start this
conversation again?

No, I want to finish it.

Please, don't go.

Get off the train with me.

I already said no.

Why not? Why not?

- What was in that letter?
- Please, stop talking about it.

You weren't planning on leaving.

You told me you didn't
have anyone.

Who sent you that letter?

Why are you this way?

I've already told you why.

Could you lend me some change?
They don't have any.

Here is your chocolate.

- Here you are.
- Thank you.

There is no need to hurry.
I'll have a packet of biscuits.

Hurry up, please,
the train is about to leave.

You want some apples?

How much?

I'll pay you back when we
get back on the train.

- Would you like some too?
- No, thank you.

Nice old woman.

Your companion is flirting.

The boy is not that bad-looking.

Long legs, slightly bent.
Probably a good dancer.

But he's not my type.
Do you like dancing?

I don't know.

I'll be coming at every station.
Until you agree.

I don't want you following me.
Leave me alone.

After all we had?

We had nothing.

Nothing?!? You really mean that?

So those two weeks we spent together
meant nothing?

We were so happy! So happy!

Let go!

Why did you come to the bloody lakes!

- Let go! People are staring.
- Damn it!

You're hurting me.

You couldn't have
made your mind up earlier?

At the last moment...
You want to pay a fine?

Leave me alone!
I'm not a child.

I've seen hotshots like you
with their legs cut off.

- Will this place be free?
- Yes, yes.

- Hello.
- Hello.

What happened?

I've dropped my bracelet.

Here it is. You bent it.

I hit my wrist
while closing the window.

Show me your hand.

- I'm fine.
- It must hurt.

A little...

You loved so much.


The one you cut your wrists for.

You have a romantic imagination.

She was 18, he was much older.

He wouldn't, or couldn't, leave
his wife and family.

- And she wouldn't understand that.
- Why are you telling me this?

- It's just a banal story.
- What do you want from me?

You're still in love with him.

No, I'm not! I love no one!
I don't want to...

Come in...

I'm sorry, but I just
wanted to pay you back.

No need to.

Thank you again.

I think that funny lady selling apples
took us for a couple.

We must look like one.
Funny, isn't it?

Come here.

Come here!

Go back to your compartment.

Don't push it!
You know I'm unpredictable.

If you don't come here, I'll jump.


Why are you like this?
Why can't we be together?

If you want, I'll go all the way with you.
There's nothing keeping me here.

Leave me alone!

How could you do it?!

For the last time, come here!

You hear me?

You're a slut! A slut!

A whore!

A whore!

That was the best holiday I ever had.

You will excuse me.

We're chatting just to kill time.
As people do on a train.

Turn around, please.

You'll get something in your eye again.

I don't know what to do.

I'm meeting him tomorrow.

I want him to pay
for all the pain I suffered.

I don't even know your name.

- Come in...
- May I?

I'm terribly sorry,
but you forgot your money.

Thank you.

Someone might have taken it.
I'm sorry I disturbed you.

That's great. Really moving.

Now they'll be imagining
a romantic fling.

A sleeper car... At night...

The train thundering into the unknown...

A man and a woman...

A fling.

You see, that's just my bad luck.

Aren't you coming to bed?

In a minute. I'm not sleepy yet.

You always mistake night for day.
I can't sleep if you're not in bed.

You're not at home now.

When will you come?
In five minutes? Ten?


All right. But close the door, please.

Tickets please.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Your ticket, sir.

And you, sir? Your ticket?

I don't have a ticket.

So you jump on a moving train
without a ticket?

What's your destination?

I don't know.

I don't have time for jokes.
Where to?

I don't know.

What you mean, you don't know?

I mean exactly that.

Can you deal with it outside?

People are trying to sleep.

Come with me.

So? What do I write on the ticket?

Whatever you like. I don't care.

There's no such station.

But I really don't care.

Give it a thought, then.

I'll be right back.

Any free seats there?

Tonight? No way!
It's the holidays!

Good evening.

Can I get a beer?

Just a second.

You can lie down now.
Your bed is ready. And a beer for you.

Good night.

They've finally settled down.

How much? A hundred?
You're doing well.

Is it very crowded at your end?

You've had your hair done...

Here. Sit comfortably.
You've been on your feet all night.

It's my varicose veins
That bother me the most.

I should go on vacation
but it won't be before the fall.

Women like them always
vacation in the right season.

You look really pretty today.

Are you admiring the view?
It's a beautiful night.

A starry sky.

No rings around the moon.
That guarantees fine weather.

Really? That's very
good news.

What beautiful sparks...

Pure poetry.

They're like fireflies...

Nicely put.

It's wrong to dine alone,

keep watch alone,
or travel alone.

Or to take only your own counsel.

Even the plainest
travel companion is a blessing.

Once, a small crab saved his companion,
a Brahmin, from a viper.

That's nice.
What made you think of it?

You forced me to think about you.

And I remembered an old Indian tale.

How strange...
With my absent-mindedness.

I forget everything very quickly.

That's good.
You won't remember all this.

You're a meteorologist.
What exactly do you do?

I predict the future.

Are you a good or a bad fairy?

Do you want to tell your future?

I'd be afraid.
You'd know too much about me.

That's why there's no point
in fortune-telling.

Why don't you finish your Indian tale...

...of the little crab
that saved the Brahmin.

- At the end of the corridor, on the right.
- On the right...

You're not going to bed?

I can't, father.

Those berths one above the other
are just like bunks.

And I spent four years in Buchenwald.

No, thank you.

- The reverend father is an old man.
- He's 83.

He himself said this would be his last...

...pilgrimage to Our Lady at Częstochowa.

Your honor, the prosecution
called my client a murderer.

But I can't accept that classification,
neither as a man nor as a lawyer.

Article 225, clause 1, talks of
a premeditated act;

planned in advance and
with the intention of financial gain.

Does this describe

my client's crime?

Most definitely not!
The evidence showed conclusively

that the defendant acted
in a state of agitation,

which means he committed
a crime of passion

described in clause 2 of Article 225.

And that makes him guilty

of manslaughter, not murder.

Let's now examine the murder.

Let's look at it
like human beings

who know what passion is
and who understand it...


Wisely chosen arguments would
have the jury in tears by this point.

Emotions are in fashion today.
Everyone's mad about them somehow.

I often read about trials

that would be perfect for me.

Instead, I have to dabble
with mortgage registers.

A trial like that...
Do you understand?

I don't.

It's impossible to talk to you.
Put out the light.

You're crying again, aren't you?

Are you asleep?

Should I switch off the light?


You want to talk?

That's good.

You smoke a lot.

I have been for the last few hours.

Would you like a cigarette?

No. Not now.

You'll relax at the seaside.

I hope so.

You don't know how to smile.

Don't I?
Do you like to laugh?

Very much.

I think I do, too.
But I don't always know how.

I don't always know how, either.

It's not true that you still love him.

I just don't know.

Where are you hiding now?


You were miles away for a while.

You really are a clairvoyant.

We've never stopped here before.

They're heading towards us.

Get up quickly.
There's an inspection.

- This is the sleeping-car.
- Good.

What happened?

- Let me look at the list.
- The list? Here you are.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, sir.

Who is it?

The conductor.
Please open the door.

Move back.
Are you in berth no. 16?

That's right. What is it?

Hold your hands out.

What's it about?

Your suitcase?

Over there.
Can you tell me what's it all about?

Quiet, people are sleeping.
You should know best. Your ID!

I forgot to bring it.

All right.

Go outside, please.

Get dressed!

But why?

Don't argue. And hurry up.

Do you know who you
were traveling with?

He's a murderer.

He murdered his wife.
You ask them.

You were lucky.
You never know with a man like that.

What happened?

What are you doing here?
Go back to bed.

I suffer from insomnia.

Insomnia is not an excuse.
Please leave.




What happened?

- They caught the murderer.
- Who?

That guy in shades.
He was in there with the girl.

Come with us, please.

Did they take him away?

They've arrested the murderer.

- They've arrested the murderer.
- Who was it?

The man in the dark glasses.

- Did he resist?
- No, he went quietly.

- And we thought we were safe here.
- You never are safe.

How did they catch him?

How did they know he
was on the train?

- They must have been on his trail.
- Who'd have thought...

You think so, father?
So why the dark glasses?

And the argument about the compartment?

He wanted to be alone.

He was odd.
Didn't look you in the eye.

And what happened to the girl?

She went back to the compartment.

- Perhaps she fainted?
- Not in this day and age.

But it was a shock.
We should make sure.

Let me through.

I don't know what it's all about.
It's a misunderstanding.

I was in a hurry and
left my ID at the hospital.

You may be innocent,
but we have our orders.

Who's the lady traveling with you?

I don't know.

- Did the corporal check?
- Corporal!

Did you check the lady's papers?

Which one?

The one traveling with the detainee.

I received no such orders.

What do you want?

Have you been standing here long?

The police got on at the last station.

And you came to tell me that?

Do you have a cigarette?

You need one badly?

Excuse me, you asked about
berth no.16, didn't you?

Where have you been?

Number 16 was mine.
The gentleman kindly agreed to switch.

I bought that ticket from a man,
who's traveling in the next car.

What man?

The one who sold me
the ticket for berth no. 16.

It was mine, ask the conductor.

That's right.
This lady had no. 16.

I only remembered when I saw him...

- And why did you leave the sleeping-car?
- Does it matter?

The man you want is in the next car.

Go and check.

Let's go.

He's in there.

Where's the man who was sitting here?

He left.

Where did he go?

How would I know?

What's the matter?

Excuse me.

Fetch the sergeant.

You know what he looks like.
Please come with me.

- We don't know anything...
- Excuse me.

Sergeant, he's gone.

- Didn't I say so?
- Where was he?

You stay here, corporal.

Lead the way.

Where are you going?

To have a look.

Everything's taken.

Excuse me.

Can't you be quiet?

We're full, can't you see?
Why did you turn on the light?

We're on a pilgrimage.
Switch off the light.

Don't uncover it. It's a sculpture.

What's all that noise?

A real murderer?

What's going on?

There's a murderer on the train.

Let me pass.

- Andrzej, don't go.
- Leave me alone.

Be careful.
He might have a gun.

Irena, where are you?

Did a man pass this way?

He did, a moment ago.

What are you doing!
You'll get killed!


Here, in the corridor!

Hania! What happened?

I'll get water.
Who has water?

- Have some water.
- What's going on?

Someone hit her.

He's running away. Stop him!
Stop him!

What are you doing?! Madam?

Madam?! Madam?!

You won't get me! No!
You won't get me! You won't! NO!

You won't get me! No!
You won't get me!

You want to murder us? Do you?

Get up!

He fainted.

Sir, take me closer.

How far to Lisince?

- About 2 kilometers.
- I have to see it.

He's covered in blood.

Are they taking him away?

You see? He's handcuffed.

- Let's go.
- Not yet.

Take him away!

Get up.

What should I do now?

You can go.
We'll deal with him ourselves.

Please get back on the train.
We're already late.

It was the first time
I saw a real murderer.

Who caught him? You did?

You were the first who ran after him.

How muddy you are.
And I lost a shoe.

Do you think they'll hang him?

So you ran after him too?
Who caught him first?

Only one guy beat me to it.
By a split second.

Let's go.

Did they take him away?

I didn't even see you leave the train.

I had to stay and guard the carriage.

Can you see her?

She can't sit still.
She goes to all the boxing matches.

Where are you going?

I must have a word with a friend.

Impossible. I'm responsible for those
unlocked compartments.

- I won't be a minute.
- You can call her through the window.




- I saw the murderer, you know.
- Just look at yourself!

I'm fine. What an experience!

What a sight you are.
You're quite unbearable.

Are you even listening?

- Where's your shoe?
- I lost it.

A new pair and you've already lost one.

Here goes the other.
All he cares about are shoes.

Just like children.

Excuse me, I think
I found the other shoe.

Thank you.

Wait for me.

I could have left you behind.
You all ran out so fast, I lost count.

All aboard!

Close the door!

Get in! You seem quite determined
to end up in hospital.

You can't behave like a normal person.
What a man!

Over there, on the hill.

They're taking him away.

It's a pity you didn't catch him.

It would have been
a symbolic rehabilitation.

The innocent suspect
catches the real criminal.

For a moment,
you were the murderer.

Excuse me...

Don't go yet.
You're the hero of tonight's events.

You won't get me!

You won't get me!
You won't get me!

A patient of mine died on
the operating table today.

An eighteen year old girl.
She jumped out of a window.

I did all I could,
but it was hopeless.

I finished operating fifteen minutes
before the train left.

I'm not a machine...

I had three serious operations today.
That was the last.


Tomorrow at five?

If you insist...

After all, it's the holidays.

Maybe you're right. Good night.

Good night!

Good night.

I won't sleep.
Not after all this.

Some will stay up tonight,
others tomorrow night.

- Yes?
- Have you got a compress or something?

I only have peroxide.

It should do.

It'll heal up in no time.

Not need to worry about

seeing it on the wedding photos.

You're a bachelor?

It's better that way.

Thank you.

You can return it in the morning.

- Thank you. Good night.
- Good night.

Good morning.
Did you sleep well?

Time to start waking up.

We're almost there.

We're almost there.

Sir... Sir!

- What's going on?
- The sun's shining.

That's impossible.

Would you believe it? I fell asleep.

I received his letter and just
got on the first train.

I have no idea why I'm
going all this way.

I thought of revenge, of killing him.

He's not much older than me
and has neither a wife nor children.

We could have been happy but
it's not that simple.

Things turned out differently.

He's madly ambitious.

Always looking for something,
afraid of anonymity...

He called it the disease of our age.

He only needed my feelings
to see his own reflected.

He only wanted to find
confirmation of his own self-esteem.

Perhaps he was right.

Nobody wants to love.
Everybody wants to be loved.

Will he be at the station?

I don't know. Probably.
But it no longer matters.

I'm quite alone now,
but really happy.

Very happy.

Is that the station?

My wife is waiting
on the platform.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, sir.


You won't forget?


Hurry up!
What's taking so long?

- Goodbye, doctor.
- Come on already!

- Thank you. Goodbye.
- Thank you. Have a good holiday.

Does it still hurt?

Do either of you happen
to have yesterday's paper?

- Here.
- Thank you. I slept through the night...


I've lost my bracelet.

Let me help you.

Your pajamas.

What a night!
We won't soon forget it!

You want to get off onto the beach?
I'll open the door.

Have a good holiday!

Open the door!

- We've arrived.
- Arrived?

Everyone else got off.

Janusz! We overslept.
Get dressed.